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"-systems" - 572 õppematerjali


Peregrine systems Inc

KOOSTAS: TALLINN 2016 ÜLEVAADE Tarkvarafirma (IT juhtimis tarkvara) Asutati 1981.aastal San Diego, California, USA Asutajad ja esialgsed töötajad:  Chris Cole  Gary Story  Ed Beck  Kevin Keyes  Richard Diederich 1989.aastal sai juhatuse esimeheks John Moores (1989-2000, 2002) Astus tagasi 2003.aastal, mil kuulutati välja pankrott Kontorid: Ameerikas, Euroops ja Aasias PETTUS • 2000-2002 • Mitme miljardi suurune väärtpaberite pettus (rohkem kui 4 miljardit) Eesmärk: Tõsta firma tulusid ning suurendada väärstust turul  Juhtumit uurisid: Federal Bureau of Investigation ja the Securities and Exchange Commission LAHENDUS 2004. aastal mõisteti süüdi 8 endist tegevjuhti, 1 endine audiitor (väljast) ja 2 äripartnerit. Lisaks veel firma töötajaid, kes olid mingil määral seotud  Stephen Gardner  Douglas Powanda  Matthew Gless  Jeremy Crook  Andrew V. Cahill, Jr.  Berd J Rassam  Larry Rodda ...

Majandus → Majandus
3 allalaadimist


PÄRNUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS ARVUTID JA ARVUTIVÕRGUD Kaur- Joosep Laur OSI KIHID Juhendaja: Mihkel Pärna Pärnu 2012 OSI (OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION) ARCHITECTURE Avatud süsteemide sidumise arhitektuur OSI on ISO ja ITU-T koostöös 1977.a. valminud andmesideprotokollide kontseptuaalne mudel. OSI 7-kihilise arhitektuuriga baasmudel annab loogilise struktuuri konkreetsetele andmesidevõrkude standarditele. Tegelikus elus on andmesidevõrkudes kasutusel terve rida erinevaid protokollistikke (TCP/IP, NetWare, AppleTalk, DECnet, ATM, SNA ja SS7 jne.), mis ei vasta täpselt OSI mudelile (näit. on paar OSI kihti ühendatud üheks kihiks vms), kuid põhimõtteliselt täidavad need kõik ühtesid ja samu funktsioone ning OSI mudel on heaks õppevahendiks ka teiste protokollistike tundmaõppimisel. 1982.a. said ISO ja ITU-T valmis ka OSI protokollistandardid, kuid esiteks oleks nende k...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
32 allalaadimist

The Anaerobic Energy Systems 7

Exercise Physiology Anaerobic Energy Systems Anaerobic Pathways · Anaerobic Glycolysis (lactate system) ­ 10 s to 2 minutes. · ATP-PCr (phosphate system) ­ Less than 10 s · 200 m Sprint (50-100 m Sprint swimming) ­ Men's WR:19.32 s - Michael Johnson (37.3 km/h) ­ Women's WR: 21.34s - Flo Griffith-Joyner (34 km/h · Energy system: The lactate system · Fuel: Carbohydrate only Anaerobic Glycolysis · Breakdown of glucose or glycogen via special glycolytic enzymes. · First glucose or glycogen must be converted to Glucose 6-phosphate. ­ Glucose to glucose 6-phosphate costs 1 ATP · Glycolysis produces pyruvic acid, without oxygen pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid. · Net gain 3 moles of ATP (glucose = 2 ATP) Anaerobic Glycolysis · Reserve fuel activated when a person accelerates during race, during the last 200 m of a mile run, or performs a 400 m run or 100 m s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

VTS systems (Vessel Traffic Services System)

Laevaliikluse teenindamise süsteemid ­ VTS systems (Vessel Traffic Services System) 1. Sissejuhatus Erinevates eluvaldkondades on palju selliseid osasid, mis tavainimestele märkamatuks jäävad, kuid mis on olulised selle valdkonna edukaks ja efektiivseks toimimiseks. Merenduses on üheks selliseks valdkonnaks laevaliikluse juhtimine. Käesoleva referaadi eesmärk on anda ettekujutus laevaliikluse teenindamise süsteemist ­ mis ta on, tema eesmärgid, eesmärkide ja ülesannete täitmise erinevatest võimalustest, võrdlus lennuliikluse juhtimise/kontrolliga. Ära on ka toodud olulisemad rahvusvahelised organisatsioonid ja konventsioonid, mida peab arvestama laevaliikluse juhtimise väljatöötamisel 2. Miks ? Alljärgnevalt on ära toodud mõningad põhjused, miks on VTS-süsteemid ja sellega seonduvad muutunud merenduses aktuaalseks....

Merendus → Laevandus
33 allalaadimist

Transhumant Grazing systems in Temperate Asia

TRANSHUMANT GRAZING SYSTEMS IN TEMPERATE ASIA Merlin-Hans Hiiekivi Authors:J.M.Suttie S.G Reynolds Intro • Temperate Asia has vast areas of grazing lands • Both transhumant and agropastoral systems are common Cold semi-arid Asia • Over most of area thee is little interaction between herding and croping • A major herding skill is getting stock fat summer and autumn to survive the winter • In 20th the livestock industry was collectivized for a period • Most of the countries of th region report serious degradation of their grazing lands. By the least affected is Mongolia Mongolia Case Study • Topographic features , weather andfeed availability influence the itineraries chosen for immigration • All movements are west-east to make better use of pasture recources and climatic differences • Distance travelled annually is between 90 and 180 km • No herders stay at higher altitudes in winter • Since decollectivi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Konspekt õppematerjal ISO OSI-Open Systems Interconnection

Kokkuvõte ISO OSI kihtidest.

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
2 allalaadimist

Turismiettevõtte personalitöö

Turismiettevõtte personalitöö Seminari tööleht 2 Kasutatav kirjandus: Effects of staff bonus systems on safety behaviors. 1. Mõningate uurimuste tulemuste põhjal (nt Cooper, 2001) võib väita, et töötajate premeerimisel vigastusteta töötamise eest võivad olla negatiivsed tagajärjed? Millised? Töötajate premeerimisel vigastusteta töötamise eest võivad olla negatiivsed tagajärjed, sest töötajad hakkavad tehtud vigu/õnnetus/haigusi varjama ning ei teata nendest. Seeläbi muutuvad probleemid „nähtamatuks“ ning neid ei parandata. Pigem peaks premeerima töötajaid ohutusalastest koolitustest osa võtmise eest, vigadest teatamise eest jms. 2. Milliste ülesannete puhul võivad boonused mõjuda töösooritusele eriti pärssivalt? kvalitatiivsete ülesannete puhul, mis nõuavad paindlikku mõtlemist ja probleemide lahendamist 3. Milliste faktorite poolest võivad erineda tulemustasu maksmise süsteemid? a) kuidas töösooritust mõõdetakse b) tulemusta...

Turism → Turismiettevõtte juhtimine ja...
18 allalaadimist

United States and Estonian education systems Essee inka.

Essay United States and Estonian education systems USA and Estonian school systems are very similar. But still there are some differences. How children attend school and when? How chlidren are divided by age in USA and Estonia? The American school year traditionally begins in August or September, after the traditional summer recess, which is three months long. As well in Estonia. School year usually ends in may or june. First difference between Estonian school system and USA's is that children attend school at the age of 5-6, but in Estonia children go to school at the age of 7-8. Before going to school american children attend preschool (selectively). Years 5-6 american children attend kindergarden, which is a preparation for the first grade. Most children enter the public education system around ages five or six. Children are assigned into year groups known as grades, beg...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Ökosüsteemi teenused

Ökosüsteemi teenused ­ inim- keskkonnasüsteemide jätkusuutliku arengu vahend. Lapimaa metsa juhtumiuuring Soomes Sissejuhatus Ökosüsteemi teenuste(ecosystem services)(ÖT) kontseptsioon on teaduslikus metoodikas suhteliselt uus, pakkudes võimalikku lähenemist inimtegevuse tagajärjel toimunud ökoloogilistele probleemidele ning lahenduseks maakasutusega seotud probleemidele. Kuigi ÖT vastu on huvi nii teaduslikul, majanduslikul kui poliitilisel tasandil, on siiani avaldatud vaid mõned juhtumiuuringud. Antud töös uuritakse Lapimaa metsa häireid ÖTde ning maastikuplaneerimise vahel. Inimese ning keskkonna vahelised süsteemid on alati keerukad. ÜRO poolt toetatud Milleniumi Ökosüsteemi Hinnangu (2005)(Millenium Ecosystem Assessment) kohaselt on praeguseks 60% maailma ÖTdest kahjustunud. ÖTde lähenemine ühendab erinevad paradigmad ning uurimistraditsioonid sotsiaal-, majandus- ning keskkonnateadustest. Ökosüsteemide ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
15 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

1. UN as a world organization The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the UN Charter had been ratified by a majority of the original 51 Member States. The day is now celebrated each year around the world as United Nations Day. The purpose of the United Nations is to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development, based on the principles of justice, human dignity and the well-being of all people. It affords the opportunity for countries to balance global interdependence and national interests when addressing international problems. There are currently 192 Members of the United Nations. The Aims of the United Nations: -To keep peace throughout the world. -To develop friendly relations between nations. -To work together to help people live better lives, to eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy in the world, to stop environmental destruction and to encourage respect for ea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Firma esitlus

Juhiabi III 2010 Overview Values Services Market Corporate structure Products Our mission Main competitors About ... Designs products and sales access and security systems. Offers solutions for large and sophisticated systems, as well as for smaller and simpler ones; History of company OÜ ...started its activities in the field of manufacturing and installing of access and security systems in the year 1994. By now ... has developed into a company that is able to offer most different solutions for access and security systems, starting from preparing the initial task to the installation of the equipment. Values Customer Focus Flexible Technical support Quality Profesional emloyees Skills Innovation Services Technical support 24H Security system installation Security system sales Security system production Security system design Market Estonia Latvia Lithuania Russia Main competitors A...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Spetsiifilised isiksushäired

1 SPETSIIFILINE ISIKSUSHÄIRE on iseloomu ja käitumise raske häire, mis hõlmab tavaliselt isiksuse mitut valdkonda ja on seotud oluliste isiklike ja sotsiaalsete raskustega. Selle definitsiooni kehtestas diagnoosimise aluseks Maailma Tervishoiuorganisatsioon. Lisatakse veel, et ebanormaalsed on nii hoiakuid kui käitumine, mis võivad ilmneda näiteks emotsioonides, erutuvuses, impulsikontrollis, mõtlemis- ja tajumisviisis, suhtlemisstiilis. (Allik, Konstabel, Realo 2003: 110). Spetsiifiliste isiksushäirete üldised diagnostilised juhised on järgmised (Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum 04.04.2007): - inimene omab märkimisväärselt disharmoonilisi hoiakuid ja käitumist, mis üldjuhul hõlmavad mitut valdkonda, näiteks emotsioone, erutuvust, impulsikontrolli, mõtlemis-...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
305 allalaadimist

Environmental problems

Environmental problems Many environment problems are caused by human actions. 1. Air pollution. Use public transportation instead of your own when going to work. Air pollution is also drastically reduced by conserving energy. It is the little things, like switching off fans and lights when you are not at home. Electricity causes the burning of large amounts of fossil fuels, which in turn pollute the air. Solar power is a fantastic solution. Now that solar radiation is at a climactic peak, we can reap power from the sun using solar panel systems. These range from home systems to larger scale systems powering entire communities and cities. 2. Deforestation. While individuals can rarely have a personal impact on the deforestation rate, there are other things you can do. Discourage deforestation ­ and thus environmental degradation ­ by reusing plastic a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Young hacker Jonathan Joseph James paber

Young hacker Jonathan Joseph James Lets move on to Jonathan Joseph James was born on the 12 December, 1983. He was an American hacker who was the first juvenile incarcerated for cybercrime in the United States. He was a passionate computer geek, who started playing with family computer at the age of 6 and he switched his own computer from Windows to linux in middel school. He really liked computers and he said that the hard part isnt getting into the systems but its learning to know what it is that your doing. So he studid all these books therefore he knew Unix system and C programming like the back of his hand. James committed a series of intrusions into various systems, like BellSouth and the Miami- Dade school system. What brought him to the attention of federal authorities, however, was his intrusion into the computers of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. As hacking into these systems he was allowed to intercept over three thousa...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
3 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon Microsoft corporation

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft corporation history · Microsoft was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. · The company's core business is based on developing, manufacturing, and licensing software products, including operating systems,software development tools etc. · Led by Bill Gates, the world's wealthiest individual and most famous businessman. Microsoft`s aims and objectives ·Aim is to launch new tech operating systems. ·Sell windows operating systems to customers and beating Apple. ·Developing new ideas of products and to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. For example: Xbox(360),Micrsoft windows, Microsoft office... Windows Vista software XBOX 360 Corporation structure ·The company is run by a Board of Directors consisting of ten people, made up of mostly company outsiders. ·There are five committees within the board which oversee more...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Esp lühendid eri marki sõidukitel

Stability control systems are offered under the following names: * Acura: Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) * Alfa Romeo: Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) * Audi: ESP - Electronic Stabilization Program * Buick: StabiliTrak * BMW: Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including Dynamic Traction Control * Cadillac: All-Speed Traction Control & StabiliTrak * Chevrolet: StabiliTrak (except Corvette - Active Handling) * Chrysler: Electronic Stability Program (ESP) * Dodge: Electronic Stability Program (ESP) * DaimlerChrysler: Electronic Stability Program (ESP) * Fiat: Electronic Stability Program (ESP) and Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) * Ferrari: Controllo Stabilita (CST) * Ford: AdvanceTrac and Interactive Vehicle Dynamics (IVD) * GM: StabiliTrak * Hyundai: Electronic Stability Program * Honda: Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) and Electronic Stability Program (ESP) * Holden: Electronic Stability Program (ESP) * In...

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
16 allalaadimist

Linux ja Unix sõnaraamat

Linux/ BSD OS sõnaraamat A Apache – Apache is a freely available Web server that is distributed under an "open source" license. Version 2.0 runs on most UNIX-based operating systems. - Tasuta kõigile kättesaadav veebiserver, 2.0 versioon jookseb enamustel UNIX'i põhistel OS'idel. Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) – Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) is a relational database management system ( RDBMS ) from Sybase, Inc. that runs on Linux and other Unix -based operating systems, Windows NT and Windows 2000 , and Mac OS. - Andmebaasi haldamissüsteem, mille lõi Sybase ettevõte. See jookseb kõigil Unixi põhistel- , Windows NT-, Windows 2000- ja Mac operatsioonisüsteemidel. B Bourne Again Shell (bash) – Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is the free version of the Bourne shell distributed with Linux and GNU operating systems. - Bourne shelli tasuta versioon Linuxile ja GNU-ga operatsioonisüsteemidele. Bash Cheat Sheets – Webpage...

Infoteadus → Linux OS
3 allalaadimist


+ VisiLean Bhargav Dave, Stefan Construction management with Lean and BIM Boddy Presentation to Balfour Beatty Salford University 13/01/2010 + Background Broad research areas within the work-package: Collaborative design and construction Visual management Building information modelling Project management Lean construction Promise based management Web services and Service oriented architecture (SOA) Growing interest in identifying synergies between BIM and lean construction principles + Concept A production management system that: Uses BIM as the visual platform and lean construction principles as the process enabler Integrates project related information using web services. To be used by construction team including ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


BARRIERS TO DISTRICT HEATING DEVELOPMENT IN SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Abstract District heating (DH) offers low primary energy demand, high security of supply and small CO 2 emissions. Barriers to DH in the UK, Ireland, France, Romania and the Czech Republic have been compiled through publications and interviews. DH systems require large investments, have negative initial cash flow and long payback time, which obstructs financing. One actor should control DH from source to consumption. If the value chain is fragmented, contracts are required between the links. It increases risks and financing costs, like in the UK and Ireland, where DH is not established. There are few multi- family houses with central heating and it is expensive to build DH networks in built areas. Most French DH systems are operated according to long-term concessions by companies that sell electricity and gas. No strong actor provid...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Essee Eesti ja Usa haridussüsteedide võrdlus

TALLINN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING INGLISE KEEL Essee Differences between Estonian and USA school and education systems. Juhendaja: Koostanud: 2009 Differences between Estonian and USA school and education systems. Question is, how different are our own and this big country they call United States of America's education. Or maybe there is no difference at all, and our systems about school and education are more similar than they appear at first sight. After reading all the materials and all sorts of notes about USA's education systems and their school household. All at once I realized, that they are not so different at all. Like for example USA's kids have to go to school exactly the same amount of time as our Estonian children. And basically learn same amount of same things. Like everywhere there are always ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
87 allalaadimist

Coplementary and alternative medicine

Coplementary and alternative medicine Paula Johanna Rõuk Basics CAM Nearly 40% of cancer patients use some form The most common CAM therapies used in the US prayer (45.2%) herbal medicine (18.9%) breathing meditation 11.6%) meditation (7.6%) Classification Whole medical systems Mind-body medicine Biologically based practices Manipulative and body-based practices Energy medicine Wholemedicalsystems Presence of energy in your body Ancient healing systems Ayuverda Traditional Chinese medicine Homeopathy Naturopathy Mind-body medicine Harmony of mind and body Meditation Prayer Yoga Tai chi Biologically baced practices Special diets Vitamins Teas Oils capsules Body manipulation Human touch Chiropractic Osteophaty Energy medicine Reblocking energy force Magnet therapy Reiki Acupuncture

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

Preparing for exam. Focus areas Defining innovation ● “An innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption.” (Rogers 1952) ● CIS survey: “Product innovations must be new to your enterprise, but they do not need to be new to your market”. ● “Companies achieve competitive advantage through acts of innovation. They approach innovation in its broadest sense, including both new technologies and new ways of doing things” – (Porter 1990) ● “An innovative business is one which lives and breathes “outside the box”. It is not just good ideas, it is a combination of good ideas, motivated staff and an instinctive understanding of what your customer wants” – (Branson 1998) ● “...novel implementation of an invention, discovery, new or existing knowledge in economic process” (Joseph A. Schumpeter) ● An innovation is the implementation of a new or si...

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

Managment of IT

A2. Sisukord A.2 Infotehnoloogia juhtimine ­ Management of IT..........................................................................................................2 A.2.1 Infotehnoloogia strateegia ­ IT strategy .............................................................................................................. 2 A.2.1.1 Mõista infotehnoloogia strateegia vajadust. ­ Evaluate the need for an IT strategy. ....................................2 A.2.1.2 Kirjeldada infotehnoloogia strateegia ja äristrateegia integreerimist. ­ Describe how integrate the IT strategy with the business ..........................................................................................................................................2 A.2.1.3 Seostada infotehnoloogia strateegia äriplaaniga. ­ Relate IT strategy with business processes. ..................2 A.2.2 Erinevate organisatsiooniliste struktuuride infotehno...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
61 allalaadimist


TALLINNA POLÜTEHNIKUM Panasonic REFERAAT Lauri Piisang TALLINN 2011 Panasonic Corporation on segmenteeritud firma, millel on väga palju tegevusalasid ­ tegelikult jagunebki Ta tervelt 17'ks alafirmaks. Siin siis Panasonicu firmad ja mõned märksõnad nende tegevuse kohta: · AVC Networks Company - Audio/Video, TV, DVD, Blu-Ray · Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. - Valvesüsteemid, võrgukaamerad, VoIP, PLC · Panasonic Mobile Communications Co., Ltd. - Mobiiltelefonide mugavamaks tegemine ja lisavõimaluste loomine (andmevahetus teleka,arvuti või printeriga microSD kaudu) · Automotive Systems Company ­ Navigatsioonisüsteemid,ECU,akud,mootorid,kompressorid · Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. ­ Haiglasüsteemid, Medical Imaging (röntgen ja sondid vist?) · Home Appliances Company ­ kodutarbed (pesumasinad,mikrolaineahjud jne) · Lighting Company ­ Va...

Masinaehitus → Automaatika alused
10 allalaadimist

XEN (esitlus)

Jekaterina Misuna Hypervisor, the powerful open source industry standard for virtualization offers a powerful, efficient, and secure feature set for virtualization of CPU architectures. What is Xen? It supports a wide range of guest operating systems including Windows® Linux® Solaris® BSD operating systems Support With Xen virtualization, a thin software layer known as the Xen hypervisor is inserted between the server's hardware and the operating system. Server Virtualization This provides an abstraction layer that allows each physical server to run one or more "virtual servers" Effectively decoupling the operating system Its applications from the underlying physical server. Server Virtualization The Xen hypervisor is a unique open source technology developed collaboratively by the Xen community and engineers at over 50 of the most innovative data center solution vendors, inclu...

Informaatika → Informaatika
9 allalaadimist


CAR Hallo,my name is ... .I speek the car. Motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods. The term motorcar has also been used in the context of electrified rail systems to denote a car which functions as a small locomotive but also provides space for passengers and baggage. These locomotive cars were often used on suburban routes by both interurban and intercity railroad systems. There are approximately 600 million passenger cars worldwide (roughly one car per eleven people). Around the world, there were about 806 million cars and light trucks on the road in Two thousand sev...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Cover letter ja Europass CV

Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Katherin Mayfair Address Manni tee 8 EE-11213 Tallinn (Estonia) Telephone(s) +3726667882 Mobile +37255573210 E-mail(s) [email protected] Nationality Estonian Date of birth 23 July 1972 Gender Female Desired employment / Computer systems designer Occupational field Work experience Dates 01/06/2005 - 25/04/2009 Occupation or position held Computer systems designer and analyst Main activities and Designing computer systems and engineering. responsibilities Name and address of employer ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist

Report - how to make buildings more crime-proof

To: The Crime Prevention Officer From: - Date: 28 October 2010 Subject: Increase in crimes Introduction The purpose of this report is to suggest reasons why criminals target the area and give some advice on how to make buildings more crime-proof. 1 Inveiglement Firstly, people keep their valuable items in the visible places like on the window sill and that entices the criminals. Recommendation: Valuable items should be put away, where it is impossible to see them from the window. 2 Security systems Another thing to mention is that people do not give much attention to the security of their houses. That decreases dread of being caught and criminals are getting more and more impudent. Recommendation: Security systems and security cameras should be installed in the buildings. That increases the chance that the criminals will be caught or they dare not to commit the crime. 3 Dogs Finally, burglars can easily hide themselves behind the ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

Water resources

Sustainable water resources systems are those designed and managed to best serve people living today and in the future. Säästev veevarude süsteemid on kavandatud ja juhitud, selleks et kõige parem teenindada inimestele, kes elavad praegu ja tulevikus. The actions that we as a society take now to satisfy our own needs and desires should depend not only on what those actions will do for us but also on how they will affect our descendants. Meetmeid, et me nagu ühiskond võtame ette praegu selleks, et rahuldada oma vajadusi ja soove peaks sõltuma mitte ainult sellest, millised need meetmed teevad meie jaoks, vaid ka kuidas need mõjutavad meie järeltulijad. This consideration of the longterm impacts on future generations of actions taken now is the essence of sustainable development. Seda arvesse pikaajalise mõju tulevaste põlvkondade võetud meetmed on praegu sisuliselt säästvat arengut. While the word `sustainability' can mean differen...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


VÕRDLEVA ÕIGUSTEADUSE ALUSED SEMINARID SEMINARIDE LÄBIMINE ON KOHUSTUSLIK EKSAMILE PÄÄSEMISE EELDUS 2013/2014 õa kevadsemester (Avatud ülikool) I SEMINAR 21. märts 2014 kl 8.30-10.00 1. Kontinentaal-Euroopa õiguse ajalooline kujunemine. a. Euroopa ülikoolide ühtne õigus ja ülikoolide töö eesmärgid. b. Rooma õiguse retseptsioon. c. Kodifikatsioonid. d. Loomuõiguskoolkond vs ajalooline koolkond. 2. Kontinentaal-Euroopa õiguse struktuur. a. Eesti õigusperekondliku kuuluvuse analüüs ajaloolises läbilõikes. 3. Kontinentaal-Euroopa õiguse süsteem. a. Eesti õiguse süsteemi diakrooniline käsitlus (seadusandluse ja kohtusüsteemi näitel) 4. Ius commune allikad: a. Õiguse allika mõiste. b. nende ajalooline kujunem...

Õigus → Õigusteadus
30 allalaadimist


REPORT PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to compare the opinions of Estonian and British students about education. The report is based on 2 surveys carried out in Estonia and the United Kingdom. THE AIM OF CHILDREN’S EDUCATION As predicted all the Estonian children questioned, think that the main aim of children’s education is to prepare them for everyday life. Surprisingly 73% of the questioned British children think that the aim of children’s education is to prepare them for a career. Only 23% of the questioned British think that school prepares them for everyday life. The result surprised me because it showed that British kids and Estonian kids think very differently. THE SCHOOL UNIFORM Surprisingly, 17% of the questioned Estonian students approved the school uniform, for me it was surprising that so many approved the school uniform. Predictably, 74% of the questioned British students approved school uniform, which was expec...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Solar power - presentation2

Solar Energy Presentation Introduction Solar energy Solar power Ø applications Ø energy storage method and solar power plants Solar energy Radiant light and heat from the sun Solar energy technologies include: Ø solar heating, Ø solar photovoltaics, Ø solar thermal electricity , Ø solar architecture Solar power Conversion of sunlight into electricity Using: Ø Photovoltaics (PV) Ø concentrated solar power (CSP). Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level CSP systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. PV convert light into electric current using the photoelectric effect. Applications CSP - normally focuses the sun's energy to boil water ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

„Agroecological Economics“ by Paul Wojtkow

Estonian University of Life Sciences Annotation Bibliography of ,,Agroecological Economics" by Paul Wojtkowski Author: Janno Ott Tutor: Tiia Krass Tartu 2011 Introduction I'm writing my book review about Agroecological Economics. Which is written by Paul Wojtkowski, who is very famous as leading proponent and analyst. This book presents a wide range of new and diverse techniques for sustainable agriculture for the purpose of enhancing economic interest. Since agriculture is growing really convivially, the emphasis is on changing from conventional agriculture to more efficient systems and practise. This book is very educational because it explains how is the best way to analyze the experimental results from intercropping and multiple cropping trials....

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Viitamise näiteid

Raamat Tekstisisene viide Viide loetelus “Kasutatud kirjandus” Üks autor (Pihlau, 2003) või (Pihlau, Pihlau, J. (2003). Edukas otsing Internetis ehk 2003, lk 24) kuidas leida nõela heinakuhjast. Tallinn : Külim 2 autorit (Cargill & Webb, 1988) või Cargill, J., & Webb, G.M. (1988). Managing (Cargill & Webb, 1988, lk libraries intransition. Phoenix; New York: Oryx 54) Press. 3 ja enam autorit (Guerin et al, 2005) või Guerin, W. L., Labor, E., Morgan, L., Reesman, J. (Guerin et al, 2005, lk 67) C., & Willingham, J. R. (2005). A handbook of critical approaches to literature. New York : Oxford University Press. Ilma autorita (Intelligent Inf...

Õigus → Õigus
3 allalaadimist

Homework 2 Week 4

Week 4 homework. Question 1: 1. SNR – Ratio of root mean square signal to root mean square. 2. SINAD – Ratio of the RMS signal amplitude to the mean of value of the root sum square. 3. ENOB – The effective number of bits and relates to SINAD. 4. THD – Ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of RSS of its harmonics. 5. SFDR – Ratio of the RMS value of the signal to the RMS value of the worst spurious signal. 6. Channels – multiple analog signal inputs to the ADC that can be individually selected or selected through a multiplexor. 7. Linearity – Describes how an ADC conveter follows a linear function. 8. Operating temperature – A temperature at which the ADC functions optimally, usually given by the manufacturer. 9. Power dissipation – The proportion of power dissipated (through heat) when the ADC is working. Question 2: An 8 bit ADC has a reference voltage of 5V. What is the digital output code ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Art and Aesthetics in Early Childhood Education

Art and Aesthetics in Early Childhood Education TÕLGE Irving B. Weiner . Handbook of Psychology, Educational Psychology. 2003 lk 288-290 The very concept of artistic development and some long-standing models developed to describe it (e.g., Gaitskell, Hurwitz, & Day, 1982; Lowenfeld & Brittaind, 1964; Luquet, 1977) have in fact become a subject of criticism in recent years. Four particular issues have been identified in this collective body of criticism. First, questions have been raised about the appropriateness of unilinear conceptions of development in explaining a wide range of pictorial imagery produced by children. adolescents, and adults. Second, a disparity has been noted between the breadth of the world of art and the narrowness of the focus on visual realism that has served as the endpoint in these developmental models. Third, cultural biases that mark these models have been identified theoretically and empirically. Fourth, i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Windows Operating System

Rakvere Ametikool Vitautas Galinkevitsus AV12 Windows Operating System Rakvere 2014 Windows early history Windows history dates back to 1981. Windows 1.0 was released 1985, it had such programs as Calculator, Calendar, Cardfile, Clipboard viewer, Clock, Control Panel, Notepad, Paint, Reversi, Terminal and Write. Second version Windows was released in 1987, it included sophisticated keyboard shortcuts. Did not have a chance to use it…. Windows 3.0 and 3.1 Windows 3.0, which included several UI improvements, was released in 1990. Later on Windows 3.1 was released.Windows 3.1 included better support for multimedia, TrueType and workgroup networking. For me Windows 3.1 was really primitive. Windows 9x Windows 95 – ME were the best operating systems around that time. They were still MS-DOS based. Windows 95 added support for 32-bit applications, plug and play, preemptive multitasking and more. Biggest th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Comparison of Estonian and British State system

Comparison of Estonian and British State system Iam here to talk about Estonian and British state system, which have some similarities and differences. First of all the regime: Estonia is a democratic republic when the United Kingdom is constitutional monarchy. The head of state in Estonia is president who currently is Toomas-Hendrik Ilves and the head of state in United Kingdom is queen Elizabeth the second. Estonian president has a serving time of 5 years then in United Kingdom monarch rules the country till he or she dies, of course there are special occasions for that too. Second of all I want to talk about parliaments: Estonian parliament is unicameral and has 101 members and is elected for four years, when the British parliament is bicameral and has 1455 members currently and is elected for five years. Bicameral parliament means that there are two separate assemblies. There are quite a few minor difference...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

An overview of integrated care in the NHS What is integrated care? Research report Sara Shaw, Rebecca Rosen and Benedict Rumbold June 2011 Nuffield Trust work on integrated care This report is part of the Nuffield Trust's extensive programme of work on integrated care, which is examining the potential of new forms of care that are intended to benefit patients and taxpayers. Other related projects include: ·Integration in action: four international case studies. A study of four international organisations that have attempted to improve integration between health and care services. Interviews, documentary analysis and literature review are used to identify the main stimuli for integration and the issues that help or hinder progress; drawing out lessons for the NHS. ·Towards integrated care in Trafford. A project that looks at the process of change and lessons learned to date in Trafford, where NHS organisations have been worki...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Kanjimärkide morfoloogilisi seletusi. Võrdlev analüüs märgisõnastike kanji etümoloogiatest.

Kanji m¨arkide morfoloogilisi seletusi. V~ordlev analu ¨u¨s m¨argis~onastike kanji etu ¨moloogiatest. Indrek Pehk 2000 m¨arts ¨o diplomito ¨ ¨ Helsingi Ulikooli Humanitaarteaduskond Aasia ja Aafrika keelte ja kultuuride osakond Sisukord Eess~ ona 7 I P~ohim~ oisteid 9 1.1 Kanji m¨arkide makrostruktuur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.1.1 Kanji erinevad kujud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.1.2 M¨arkide ajalugu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriajalugu
3 allalaadimist

The space age in the next 50 years

The space age in the next 50 years The space age began about 50 years ago with the launch of sputnik, the first man-made object in space. Since then, spaceflight technologies have grown up. Within the 50 years we have achieved much in the spacelife, such as landing on the moon etc. Things what were impossible 50 years ago are nowdays reality. But what will happen in the next 50 years? In the first place people will be able to take trips into the space. And that`s predicted to be happening in short time through the Virgin Galactic, which plans to provide sub-orbital spaceflights to the paying public. Currently about several hundred people have already booked a seat on that plane, which costs $200 000 per person. What is more that by 50 years time I think that we will have found life on other planets. As there are proofs that there once were a water on Mars so it`s likely thath life has existed there. In the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


MAIN POINTS History About the Company GrabCAD HISTORY Stratasys was founded in 1989, by S. Scott Crump and his wife Lisa Crump in Minnesota. IDEA ­ He decided to make a toy frog for his daughter using a glue gun loaded with mixture of polyethylene and candle wax. The shape was created layer by layer and he tought the way to automate the process. In April 1992 Stratasys sold its first product, the 3D Modeler. In January 1995, Stratasys employed 16 former IBM engineers. By the year 2007, Stratasys was the unit market leader for the sixth consecutive year. In January 2010, Stratasys signed an agreement with HP to manufacture HPbranded 3D printers. In August 2012, the agreement was discontinued. In December 2012, Stratasys merged with Objet. (Stratasys 55%, Objet 45%) In 2012, a project to produce a working firearm by 3D printing. Stratasys refused and withdrew their license for use of the printer. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Internet ( slaidid )

Internet Andra Oja What is Internet? The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. History of the Internet 1957:The United States Department of Defense formed a small agency called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to develop military science and technology. 1961-1965:The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) started to research sharing information in small, phone-linked networks. ARPA is one of their main sponsors. 1966: The first ARPANET plan is unveiled by ...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Autodes kasutatavad pneuma-ja hüdrosüsteemid

Viljandi Ühendatud Kutsekeskkool. Autommaaler. Marius Lepik Autodes kasutatavad pneuma-ja hüdrosüsteemid Referaat Juhendaja: Jaanus Kaido Viljandi 2009 Compressed Air Brake System A "Compressed Air Brake System" is a different air brake used for trucks, consisting of a standard disc or drum brake arrangement using compressed air in place of hydraulic fluid. Most types of truck air brakes are drum units, though there is an increasing trend towards the use of disc brakes in this application. The compressed air brakes system works by drawing filtered air from the atmosphere, compressing it, and holding it in high-pressure reservoirs at around 120 PSI. When needed for braking, this high pressure air is routed to the operating cylinders on the brakes, which ...

Auto → Auto õpetus
139 allalaadimist

Microcontroller homework 2

Microcontroller homework for week 04 1. SNR - Ratio of RMS signal to RMS SINAD - Ratio of the RMS signal amplitude to the mean value of the root-sum-square (RSS) ENOB - The effective number-of-bits and relates to SINAD THD - Ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of the RSS of its harmonics. SFDR - Ratio of the RMS value of the signal to the RMS value of the worst spurious signal. Channels related to the inputs of the ADC can either be multiplexed or individually selected. Linearity relates to how a ADC follows a linear function. All ADCs are to a certain extend non-linearity. Temperature is measurement, which in optimal state for ADC-s, lets them function correctly. Power dissipation refers to the amount power dissipated when the ADC is operating. 2. The output code is 001111012 and the voltage of the LSB is 0,0195V ...

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
46 allalaadimist

Indian Sports

INDIAN SPORTS ANDRES MÄLLO 9.A INDIAN SPORTS • Kabaddi • Kho kho • Pehlwani • Gilli-danda • Contact sport KABADDI • Originated in ancient India • It is known by its regional names in different parts of the subcontinent, such as kabadi in Tamil Nadu, Kabaddi in Karnataka, hadudu in Bengal, bhavatik in Maldives, kauddi in the Punjab region and chedugudu in Andhra Pradesh KHO KHO • Tag sport • Indian subcontinent • Played by teams of twelve players • Nine enter the field • Who try to avoid being touched by members of the opposing team • One of the two most popular traditional tag games of the South Asia • Form of wrestling PEHLWANI • Developed in the Mughal Empire • The words pehlwani and kushti derive from the Persian terms pahlavani and koshti respectively • Many southern Indian practitioners of traditional malla-y...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Indian Sports

INDIAN SPORTS ANDRES MÄLLO 9.A INDIAN SPORTS · Kabaddi · Kho kho · Pehlwani · Gilli-danda · Contact sport KABADDI · Originated in ancient India · It is known by its regional names in different parts of the subcontinent, such as kabadi in Tamil Nadu, Kabaddi in Karnataka, hadudu in Bengal, bhavatik in Maldives, kauddi in the Punjab region and chedugudu in Andhra Pradesh KHO KHO · Tag sport · Indian subcontinent · Played by teams of twelve players · Nine enter the field · Who try to avoid being touched by members of the opposing team · One of the two most popular traditional tag games of the South Asia · Form of wrestling PEHLWANI · Developed in the Mughal Empire · The words pehlwani and kushti derive from the Persian terms pahlavani and koshti respectively · Many southern Indian practitioners of traditional malla-y...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

A... AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS Advanced Access Control System AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanc...

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika homework 2

Question 1 Define the following ADC terms: 1. SNR – (Signal to Noise Ratio) SNR is a calculated value that represents the ratio of RMS signal to RMS noise. 2. SINAD - (signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio) Ratio of the RMS signal amplitude to the mean value of the root-sum-square (RSS) 3. ENOB – (effective number of bits) The effective number-of-bits and relates to SINAD 4. THD - (total harmonic distortion) Ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of the RSS of its harmonics. 5. SFDR - (spurious free dynamic range) Ratio of the RMS value of the signal to the RMS value of the worst spurious signal. 6. Channels - related to the inputs of the ADC can either be multiplexed or individually selected. 7. Linearity - relates to how a ADC follows a linear function. All ADCs are to a certain extend nonlinearity. 8...

Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
10 allalaadimist

Värvitud Petri võrgud CPN eksami konspekt

1 System development • Modelling in early system development stage corrects design errors before construction. • Beneficial modelling reasons (– Insight: in the design and operation of a system – Completeness: detection of missing parts for simulation and a better understanding of the system requirements – Correctness: errors and flaws are usually detected, problematic scenarios can be reproduced, systematic error investigation) 2 Introduction CPN • CPN is a graphical language for concurrent system design and analysis and also general-purpose modelling environment and also applicable for industrial projects and high level programming. • Petri nets provide(– graphical notation– modelling concurrency, communication, synchronisation) • CPN application domains that are typical(– communication protocols, data networks, distributed algorithms) • ...

Informaatika → Värvitud Petri võrgud
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun