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"-shapes" - 79 õppematerjali


VBA shapes

Shape-objektide omadused ja meetodid Ülesanne Kirjutage programm, mis asetab lumememme pea ja keha jalgade peale nii, et lumememm oleks originaali sarnane. Keha katab jalgade osa umbes 1/7 võrra, pea nihkub keha peale samuti 1/7. Valmis lumememme pea ja keha koordinaadid peab programm kirjutama tabeli lahtritesse. Kasutage omadusi Left, Top, Width ja Height ning meetodit zOrder Programm ei tohi sõltuda lumememme keha asukohast. klass Range Keha Pea Vasak serv 256,12496948 231,3749542 Ülemine serv 206,67849731 176,5284271 m oleks originaali sarnane. klass Range klass shape pane kokku Shape-objektide omadused ja meetodid Ülesanne 1. Kirjutage programm, mis teeb kindlaks, kas nool on kasti sees, ja väljastab vastava teate. Kujundite koordinaadid väljastab programm tabeli lahtritesse. 2. Kirjutage fu...

Informaatika → Informaatika
34 allalaadimist

Majandussotsioloogia 4. seminari kodutöö: The Price and Value of Children

ERLE MAIDO 155635TAAB11 21.09.2015 Laste hind ja väärtus 1. Milliste muutustega ühiskonnas on seotud lastele omistatud väärtuse teisenemine ajaloolises perspektiivis? Tooge vähemalt 3 näidet loetud tekstist. 18. sajandil tervitati vastsündinud last “talupoeglikus” Ameerikas kui tulevase töö tegijat, kes oli oma vanematele tuleviku kindlustuseks. 19. sajandi keskpaigaks muutus laps “linna” keskklassis ökonoomselt mõttetuks. Rahaliste hüvitiste asemel muutus tähtsaks laste haridus. Töölisklassi laste väärtus kasvas edasi. Järsk industrialiseerimine tutvustas lastele uusi tegevusalasid ja 1870. aastaks oli iga kaheksas l...

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
26 allalaadimist

Graafika VBAs

Graafika VBAs Kõiki töölehe pinnal asuvaid objekte käsitletakse kujunditena (põhiklassid Shape ja Shapes) Kujundite tüübid Graafikaobjektid - MS Drawing abil tehtud kujundid Diagrammid (ChartObjects) 60 23 56 50 40 29 32 30 27 13 Pildid (Picture) - imporditud pildid kask 20 45 35 kuusk 10 12 ...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
17 allalaadimist

Informaatika II VBA mäng

Anna treening Nimi Rühm Kood Juhendaja Kersti Antoi Nupud: Algseis- mesilane, Anna lähevad algpositsioonidele ning päike hakkab pöörlema Kohale- Anna liigub maa pealt starti ning mesilane lendab taevas START!- Anna alustab on treeningut jooksurajal Muutuja: Kiirus-kkk Kasutamine: Mängu eesmärgiks on mängu peategelase Anna jooksukiirust arendada enne suur võistlust. Mängu alguseks tul Seejärle vajutades nupule Kohale, liigub Anna jooksuraja kõrval oleval maa pealt starijoonele.Enne treeningu alu Mäng lõppeb, kui Anna on ületanud finisi. Algseis Set anna = Shapes("anna") Set mesilane = Shapes("mesilane") Set päike = Shapes("päike") Set maa = Shapes("maa") Set taevas = Shapes("taevas") anna.Rotation = 0 anna.Left = 0 mesilane.Rotation = 2 mesilane.Left = 2 ...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
151 allalaadimist

VBA (sisse lahendatud algus)

Harjutus Jalgpall. Ülesande püstitus Kasutajaliides VBA projekt. Moodulid Objektid ja klassid. Klassimudelid Omadused ja meetodid Graafikaobjektid. Klass Shape Lahtriplokk. Klass Range Valikud. If-lause Kordused. Do ... Loop-lause Muutujad ja Omistamine Makrode käivitamine ja täitmine Parameetrid For-lause Funktsioonid Sissejuhatus VBAsse J Makrod ja Sub-protseduurid Laused VBA-projekt. Moodulid Objektid ja klassid Omadused ja meetodid Klasside Shape ja Range objektid Juhtimislaused: If-lause ja Do ... Loop Muutujad bjektid Do ... Loop-lause Harjutus Jalka. Ülesande püstitus Koostada programm, mis imiteerib jalgpallimängu mõningaid elemente Juku teeb etteantud arvu lööke. Programm loeb kokku mööda ja sisse löödud löökide arvu ja tabamusprotsendi. loe n Kasutajaliides. Teha l...

Informaatika → Informaatika
109 allalaadimist

Graafika lahendatud lõpp

Graafika 1 Tuginedes harjutustele ning kaustas Harjutused (Graafika_Näited.x Demod toodud näidetele valida ja realiseeridaise omapoolne üles used (Graafika_Näited.xls) ja daise omapoolne ülesanne Graafikaobjektid Shape-objektide põhiomadused Shape-objekti mõned meetodid Objekti liigutamine Veski. Liikumine. Lõpmatu kordus Auto testimine Pall & Must auk Vettehüpped Protseduurid Liigu_1 ja Liigu_2 ning funktsioon P_nrk Jälitamine Auto ringliiklus Lennuk Seosed kasutaja ja ekraani koordinaatide vahel Liikumine trajektori järgi Graafikaobjektid. Klass Shape ja sellega seotud põhiklassid Chart Worksheet Graafikaobjektide klassiks on Shape. Kõik lehel asuvad Shape-objektid kuuluvad kollektsiooni (objekti) Shapes. 0..1 Viitamine Shape-objektile...

Informaatika → Informaatika
55 allalaadimist

Exc Joonestamine

Graafika MS Office joonestusvahendid J usvahendid Kujude lisamine Võrgu määramine Põhitegevused kujunditega Grupeerimine ja degrupeerimine Kujundite paljundamine Jooned Vabakäejoon Baaskujundid Kihid Pööramine Peegeldamine Joondamine Jaotamine Tekstikastid Tekstikasti sidumine lahtriga Harjutus. Kujundite skeemid Joonistamine VBA abil Ülesanne omal valikul Konnektorid Inimene Harjutus. Word'i dokument Harjutus. Pangaautomat. PIN-koodi kontroll Tegevusskeemide näited. Ruutvõrrand, arvu arvamine Objektide lisamine, redigeerimine ja vormindamine Jooniste ja skeemide tegemiseks on peamisteks vahenditeks süsteemis olevad erinevate graafiliste kujundite (Shapes) malllid: sirgjoone lõik, kõverjoon, nooled, ristkülik, kaar, ovaal, hulknurk jm. ning failidest imporditavad pildid (Pictures) png, gif, jpeg jm vormingutes. Nendega saab täita mitmesuguseid tegevusi: mõõtmete muutmine, teisaldamine, kopeerimine, pööramine, grupeeri...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
11 allalaadimist

VBA Juhtimine

Protsesside juhtim a b a_1 b_1 15 8 8 10 Igale Jukule personaalne p Igale Krapsule oma kom esside juhtimine kule personaalne planeet! J Krapsule oma komeet! Protsesside modelleerimisest If-laused Kujud. Iseseisvalt Select Case-lause Lõputu kordus Harjutus "Veski" Lõputu kordus katkestusega Harjutus "Auto_1" ja "Auto_2" Arvu arvamine. Iseseisvalt Funktsiooni nullkohad Järelkontrolliga kordus Eelkontrolliga kordus Harjutused "Auto_3" ja "Autod_4". Iseseisvalt Fuktsioonide nullkohad. Iseseisvalt Do...Loop- kordused. Demod For ... Next-lause Funktsiooni värtuste keskmise ja maksimumi leidmine Lahtrite värvid. Demo For...Each-lause Harjutus "Ufod" Rakendus "Ufod". Iseseisvalt Lahtriploki keskmised Protsesside modelleerimisest algoritmid protsesside juhtimine Programme...

Informaatika → Informaatika
37 allalaadimist

VBA juhtimine

Läks Aitab Protsesside juhtim a b a_1 b_1 15 8 8 10 Igale Jukule personaalne J Igale Krapsule oma esside juhtimine ukule personaalne planeet! J gale Krapsule oma komeet! Protsesside modelleerimisest If-laused Kujud. Iseseisvalt Select Case-lause Lõputu kordus Harjutus "Veski" Lõputu kordus katkestusega Harjutus "Auto_1" ja "Auto_2" Arvu arvamine. Iseseisvalt Funktsiooni nullkohad Järelkontrolliga kordus Eelkontrolliga kordus Harjutused "Auto_3" ja "Autod_4". Iseseisvalt Fuktsioonide nullkohad. Iseseisvalt Do…Loop- kordused. Demod For ... Next-lause Funktsiooni värtuste keskmise ja maksimumi leidmine Lahtrite värvid. Demo For…Each-lause Harjutus "Ufod" Rakendus "Ufod". Iseseisvalt Lahtriploki keskmised Protsesside modelleerimise...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
21 allalaadimist

VBA juhtimine informaatika 2

Läks Aitab Protsesside juhtim a b a_1 b_1 15 8 8 10 Igale Jukule personaalne J Igale Krapsule oma esside juhtimine ukule personaalne planeet! J gale Krapsule oma komeet! Protsesside modelleerimisest If-laused Kujud. Iseseisvalt Select Case-lause Lõputu kordus Harjutus "Veski" Lõputu kordus katkestusega Harjutus "Auto_1" ja "Auto_2" Arvu arvamine. Iseseisvalt Funktsiooni nullkohad Järelkontrolliga kordus Eelkontrolliga kordus Harjutused "Auto_3" ja "Autod_4". Iseseisvalt Fuktsioonide nullkohad. Iseseisvalt Do...Loop- kordused. Demod For ... Next-lause Funktsiooni värtuste keskmise ja maksimumi leidmine Lahtrite värvid. Demo For...Each-lause Harjutus "Ufod" Rakendus "Ufod". Iseseisvalt Lahtriploki keskmised Prots...

Informaatika → Informaatika
2 allalaadimist

VBA - graafika

Aeg max_aeg Putukaid püütud Kiirus 0,00 15 0 6 Putukate püüdmine Mängu alustamiseks tuleb vajutada nuppu "Start". Mängu alguses hakkab püüdja liikuma suvalises suunas vabalt valitud kiirusega. Maksimaalset aega saab samuti ise valida. Aja täitumisel mäng peatub. Mängu eesmärk on võimalikult palju putukaid püüda. Kui püüdja puutub putukat (või on selle peal), siis tuleb vajutada "Püüa" nuppu. Kõik püütud putukad lähevad kasti. Mängu lõppedes ütleb programm, mitu putukat püüdsite. Et mängu uuesti alustada, tuleb kõik putukad laiali uuesti ajada. Selleks tuleb kasutada nuppu "Laiali". See nupp töötab ainult siis, kui mäng on peatatud. Mängu saab peatada ka keset mängu nupuga "Peata", kuid samast kohast edasi mängida seda ei saa. Maksimaalset aega saab valida 15 kuni 60 sekundi vahel. Püüdja kiirus on vahemikus 4 kuni 10. Mida suurem on number püüdja kiirusel, seda kiiremini ta liigub. Putukai...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
67 allalaadimist

Shape of distribution

SHAPE OF DISTRIBUTION Shapes What terms are used to describe shapes of • people? • buildings? • countries? Examples of distribution 3 Shape of distribution Use the term “skew” • no skew • right skew • left skew No skew ~ xx Right skew (or positive skew) ~ xx Left skew (or negative skew) ~ x x Remember Mean moves in the direction of the skewness Example Number of burglaries reported in 1996 for nine universities. 61, 11, 1, 3, 2, 30, 18, 3, 7 (a) Find the mean and median (b)Determine the type of skewness of the distribution Skewness of distributions What is the skewness of the following distributions? Income Easy test Hard test 10 Coefficient of Skewness...

Matemaatika → Statistika
1 allalaadimist

VBA - Graafika

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Informaatikainstituut Töö: Graafika Üliõpilane: Õppemärkmik: Õppejõud: Õpperühm: Töö nr: 1 Kuupäev: 6.042012 Päikese keerlemise pikkus e keerlemise pikkus Mitu korda tahad va 20 Mitu korda tahad vaadata? 2 Objektid Protseduurid *Juku Protseduurid olid jaotatud üheks suure *Päike väiksemateks. Väiksemad olid põhilise *Suits (2 tükki - üks liikumisprotseduurid nt. erinevad mõlema korstna juures) sammupikkused. *Aken (pime ja hele) *Auto(mõlemat pidi) Kasutaja võimalused *(jutumullid - 6 tükki) Kasutajal on võimalus valida kui pikk o Objektid programmis sisseminemisperioon ehk kui kaua kee *Viitamiseks erinevatele alguses, enne kui animatsioon pea...

Informaatika → Informaatika 2
79 allalaadimist

Creating objects with the Shape Tools

Creating objects with the Shape Tools Often when you’re creating images in illustraator it’s easy to start off by using primitiive shapes. I want you to select the Elipse tool first. We’ll select the Elipse tool and we’re going to draw a circle. Now if I place the cursor over the center here and start to draw you’ll see that the elipse comes out from the center diagonally and I can make it long and slim, or short and fat, or the opposite. And if I hold down SHIFT as I’m drawing it will constrain it to create a perfect circle. Now if I hold down ALT while I’m drawing it will start to draw from the center and thats a keyboard shortcut that I like to use just to draw from the center of my Document. Now while I’m drawig I can also hold down Space Bar and that allows me to move it slightly into position. Now I’m going to fill it with black. You have to select the object first. Now we’re going to to select black from our color panel ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Popsicle and lollipop

POPSICLE AND LOLLIPOP About popsicle ● a water-based frozen snack ● ice lolly, ice poles, freeze pops, popsicle ● made by freezing flavored liquid around a stick (fruit juice) History ● Frank Epperson at the age of 11 ● 1905 ● he left a glass of powdered soda and water with a mixing stick in it outside during a cold night How to make ● ● take the popsicle containers ● put whatever you like in it-juice, yoghurt, fruits, or everything together) ● place a stick in it and put it in a freezer ● after a few hours take it out and enjoy About lollipop ● a type of sweet candy consisting mainly of hardened, flavored sucrose with corn syrup on a stick ● intended for licking History ● George Smith is claimed to be the first to invent the modern lollipop in 1908 ● related to the Rome tradition of selling toffee apples on a stick ● the invention is still something of a mysery Types ●...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Living in the countryside is boring

Living in the countryside is boring A lot of people say that living in the countryside is boring, I think it depends on how creative people can be. In addition there are many young people, who live in the countryside and they are really pleased with their lives, because they know how to make living there interesting, in spite of the difficulties they are creating a children centre, where all the young people can come together. Nevertheless there are a lot of children who won't even bother to do something to change their lives, although they will probably just be whining to their parents how boring it is in the countryside. In my opinion, living in the countryside is awesome. I think that people, who live outside of big cities are more tolerant and friendly. To sum up I have lived in countryside all my life and I am not complaining. I have friends here and I can deal with my hobbies. On the other hand I am not denyin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

The elements of Japanese Garden

The elements of Japanese Garden Water. It is found in many forms. It accumulates in the ponds, runs in the streams or tumbles in the cascades. It contributes to the expression of nature and symbolizes renewal, calm, wonder and continuity in the hereafter. Stones. They are laid out in accordance with strict rules, depending on their shapes and sizes; they often are twinned by pairs. The type of stone to use is one of the most important element, in the design of a Japanese garden. Lantern. Originally intended to guide the visitors during nocturnal celebrations, its light was also considered as the light of knowledge clearing away the clouds of ignorance. Placed near water it provides an architectural element which contrasts with the natural components of the garden. Bridges. They may be built of wood, bamboo, earth or stone. Whether they are rounded, arc-shaped or in zigzags, they always remain in harmony with the surrounding nature. Carp...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
1 allalaadimist

London presentatsioon

London Your name! Some facts In 1870 there were more Irish living in London than there were in Dublin. (At the time, there were also more Catholics living in London than there were in Rome.) The Great Fire of London in 1666 created substantial damage across the city and raged for days, causing parts of London to be rebuilt. However, only around eight lives were lost in the catastrophe About 25% of people today living in London were born in another country. Her Majesty the Queen is not allowed to go into the House of Commons because she is not a commoner. London's underground system, commonly called "the tube", was the first to be built anywhere, and it is one of the largest. Now, however, it is one of the most unreliable ­and costliest There are over 100 theatres in London Parks and gardens Royal Parks of Hyde Park Kensington Gardens ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Harjutus PowerPointis

Harjutus PowerPointis Gert Kaasik Tekst Muuda kõikidel slaididel pealkirja suurus 46-ks, pane vari ja muuda teksti värvi ja fonti Tavateksti suurus muuda 34-ks, muuda ka fonti ja värvi Gert Kaasik Muuda täpploetelu täpid Muuda lõiguvahe 10 puntiliseks 2 Taust Esimesele slaidile pane taustaks vabalt valitud pilt, aga arvesta, et tekst paistaks välja Ülejäänud slaididele loo oma taust, ära kasuta valmiskujundusi. Jälgi, et tekst Gert Kaasik oleks nähtav 3 Päis jalus Klõpsa Insert Header&Footer , pane linnukesed ka...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
1 allalaadimist

VBA kodutöö

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Informaatikainstituut Töö VBA Kodutöö Üliõpilane Õppemärkmik Õppejõud Kristina Murtazin Õpperühm kaülikool nstituut A Kodutöö Õppemärkmik Õpperühm ringe aeg_1 aeg_2 aeg_3 paku võitja võitja 2 9,140625 9,296875 9,2539063 loom_1 loom_1 START PEATU MÄNGU PÕHIMÕTE U PÕHIMÕTE Objektid Protseduurid *Loomad (loom_1, loom_2, loom_3) * Peaprotseduur jookse ja alamprots *Päike jookse- seob objektid (loomad) muut *Tüdruk muutujad, kustutab lahtrid, fikseerib *Pilv kontrollib loomade jooksmist, kasuta *Piksenool protseduuri Tee_samm. *Lahtrid (loom_1,loom_2, loom_3, *Tee_samm- selle igal täitmisel fikse ringe, paku_võitja, võitja) muu...

Informaatika → Informaatika 2
149 allalaadimist

VBA laused

Visual Basic for Application Protseduur koosneb lausetest: Protseduuri alguslause Laused koosnevad: Kirjelduslaused o võtmesõnad Iga VB lihtlause peaks olema eraldi real. Tegevuslaused o konstandid (arv, tekst jm.) Järjestiktegevused Kaht lauset ühel real peab eraldama : (koolon). o nimed (muutujad, alamprotseduurid) Valikulaused Pikema lause ...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
16 allalaadimist

My Ideal House - Kirjand

My Ideal House My ideal house would be a modern detached or semi-detached one. I don't know which of them yet because both points have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, detached house is great for privacy, but could become a little lonely on your own, whereas semi-detached house will offer you an opportunity to be friends with your neighbor. However, you never know who they might be ­ they might throw dance parties in their house or be annoying in some other way. For the location, I would prefer residential area ­ it would be nice and peaceful there. In addition to this, civilization and neighbors are close in case I needed them. My ideal house would be a spacious one. I would like three or four bedrooms, if that would be possible. One of them would be master bedroom, another one would be for guests and the remaining one or two would be nurseries. I would also want my house to have...

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Tööohutus väljendid

Olema võimeline nägema kujutisi selgesti ­ To be able to see images cleary Eksperiment kinnitas seda ­ Experiment confirmed it Kokku ühendama ­ To connect together Tootma suurtes kogustes ­ To produce in large quantities Juhtiv tootja ­ Leading manufacturer Hea kvaliteediga prillid ­ Good-quality spectacles Nõudlus prillide järele kasvab ­ Demand of spectacles rises Suhteliselt lühike eluiga ­ Relatively short life span Jäigad küljetükid ­ Stiff side pieces Kahe läätse vahe ­ Distance between two leanses Muutuma tavaliseks ­ To become common Kujutise suurendamine ­ Image magification Suurendama ­ Magnify Endale lubama ­ Afford Vastupidav ­ Durable Kumerad läätsed ­ Convex lenses Sang ­ Handle Neet ­ Rivet Avalduma, ilmnema ­ Reveal Presbüoop e. kaugenägelik ­ Presbyope Nõguslääts ­ Concave lens Müoop e. lühinägelik ­ Myope Nägemisteravus ­ Visual acuity Järk järgult vähenema/ halvenema ­ Decline gradually Kaugnägia ­ Hyperope Retsepti a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Styles in interior design

kool Research work Styles in interior design nimi TALLINN2010 Interior design is a multi­faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis, and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce an interior space that fulfills the project goals. Baroque Baroque (pronounced /brok/ b-ROHK in American English or /brk/ in British English) is an artistic style prevalent from the late 16th century to the early 18th century in Europe.[1] It is most o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Geography South Africa, on the continent's southern tip, is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west and by the Indian Ocean on the south and east. Its neighbors are Namibia in the northwest, Zimbabwe and Botswana in the north, and Mozambique and Swaziland in the northeast. Eleven languages are spoken in South Africa : english, xhosa, zulu, afrikaans, venda, swazi, ndebele, tswana, tsonga,sepedi and soutj. There are black people, white people and different Asians living in South Africa. South Africa was a British colony and Indians were used there as slaves. South Africa has three capitals: an administrative capital Pretoria, a legislative capital Cape Town and a judicial capital Bloemfontein. South Africa's total area is 1,219,912 sq km and its population is 43,997,828. Economy Its agriculture is corn, wheat, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables; beef, poultry, mutton and wool. Most industries are mining, automobile assembly, metalworkin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


Thailand The place of my dreams is very far-away from my homeland Estonia. It's the Kingdom of Thailand located in Southeast Asia. To reach there you have first to survive very long and exhausting flight which lasts about 12 hours. But don't worry ­ walking out from the airport makes you easily to forget this, because tropical weather and sunshine never leaves you in Thailand. I have been in Thailand twice, but I haven't visited the capital and also the largest city of Thailand - Bangkok. I have been in the largest island of Thailand - Phuket - which is popular tourists destination because of its beautiful white sandy beaches and palm- trees. The Kingdom of Thailand in general draws more visitors than any other country in Southeast Asia. The population of Thailand is 64 million. The Ssymbols of Thailand are: · The Thailand Flag (which contains of three colours-red, white and blue); · St...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


AUSTRALIA Kristjan Must 7.Class Mõniste School AUSTRALIA • Capital city of Australia is Canberra. • The largest city is Sydney. • There is no official language, but the national la nguage is english with an accent. • Australia area is 7,617,930 km2. MORE • Australia is the smallest continent in the world but the sixth larg est country in the world. • The kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia. • The kangaroo is important to both Australian culture and the national image. • Population in Australia is 22,760,245. • They have almost 10,700 beaches in all shapes, sizes and colours. FLAG OF AUSTRALIA CULTURE • Since 1788, the basis of Australian culture has been strongly influenced by Anglo-Celtic Western culture. • Distinctive cultural features have also arisen from Australia's natural environment and Indigenous cultures. SPORT • ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


AUSTRALIA { · Capital city of Australia is Canberra. · The largest city is Sydney. · There is no official language, but the national language is english with an accent. · Australia area is 7,617,930 km2 · Australia is the smallest continent in the world but the sixth largest country in the world. · The kangaroo is a national symbol of Australia. The kangaroo is important to both Australian culture and the national image. · Population in Australia is 22,760,245. They have almost 10,700 beaches in all shapes, sizes and colours. I NTERESTI NG FACTS Ø There are 1500 species of Australian spiders. Ø The Sydney Opera House roof weighs more than 161,000 tons. Ø Australia is considered to have one of the highest degrees of urban concentration in the world. Ø Koalas are furry animals that live only in Australia they live only in certain types of trees, called eucalyptu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

American Art Revision Materials Colonial Period Portraiture. The first typically American paintings were illustrated maps but painting remained scarce during C17. There were 4 reasons: settlers came from backgrounds where art was unusual, Protestant attitudes was averse to imagery and painting, the English were not yet distinguished in visual arts and religious art was non-existent. The colonial period is almost entirely limited to portraiture (deemed as `useful' by settlers). These first paintings were made by limners and artisans without formal training and were based on what was popular in England during the Tudors. The paintings are technically unskilled, strongly patterned, flat and linear. Spanish painting in America was mostly religious. In C18, painting was a luxury and necessitated wealth that had by then become available. Portraitures remained at the forefront because the rich could thusly display their status and becaus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

American Art Revision Materials Colonial Period Portraiture. The first typically American paintings were illustrated maps but painting remained scarce during C17. There were 4 reasons: settlers came from backgrounds where art was unusual, Protestant attitudes was averse to imagery and painting, the English were not yet distinguished in visual arts and religious art was non-existent. The colonial period is almost entirely limited to portraiture (deemed as `useful' by settlers). These first paintings were made by limners and artisans without formal training and were based on what was popular in England during the Tudors. The paintings are technically unskilled, strongly patterned, flat and linear. Spanish painting in America was mostly religious. In C18, painting was a luxury and necessitated wealth that had by then become available. Portraitures remained at the forefront because the rich could thusly display their status and becaus...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tööleht: vastastikmõju jõudude liigid

JÕUD JA VASTASTIKMÕJU Klass: 8. 1. Mida nimetatakse jõuks? Jõud on füüsikaline suurus, mis iseloomustab ühe keha mõju teisele kehale.2p Jõud: tähis- F, mõõtühik- 1 N, mõõteriist: dünamomeeter.3p. 2. Lõpeta laused. Iga sisuliselt õige ja lause mõttega sobiv vastus annab punkti. 18p A) Gravitatsiooniks nimetatakse kehade vastastikuse tõmbumise nähtust. Arvuliselt iseloomustatakse gravitatsioonilist vastastikmõju gravitatsioonijõu abil. Gravitatsioonijõud on seda suurem, mida suurem on keha mass ja seda väiksem, mida suurem on kehade vaheline kaugus. Raskusjõuks nimetatakse Maa või mõne teise taevakeha lähedal olevale kehale mõjuvat gravitatsioonijõudu. B) Deformatsiooniks nimetatakse keha kuju muutumist jõu mõjul. Deformatsiooni on peamiselt kaks liiki. Mõnede materjalide puhul räägitakse ka haprast deformatsioonist. Need materjalid painduvad veidi ja purunevad kergesti. Selline on näiteks paber. Elastse deformatsiooni ...

Füüsika → Dünaamika
4 allalaadimist

Word 2003 konspekt

Word 2003 Lehekülje seaded: Page layout vahelehele ­ page setup ­ margins (veerised) Orientation (lehekülje asetuse valik) Size (lehekülje suurus) Sisukord: Reference vahelehel ­ table of contents (teeb automaatselt sisukorra). Sisukorra uuendamine: hiirega aktiviseeritud kogu sisukord, selle kohal parem hiireklikk ­ uptate field. Vormistusnõuded: Ülevalt 2.54cm Alt 2.54 cm Vasak 3 cm Parem 2.54 cm Hüperlingi tegemine: · vali välja teksti sees olev sõna, millele soovid viidet lisada · insert (lisa) · sektoris Links (või kohe Hüperlink) · vajutada ikooni · Saab valida lingi, mis suunab kasutaja mõnda konkreetsesse kohta selles dokumendis; saab luua lingi mõnele teisele olemasolevale dokumendile; veebiaadressile. Kui soov viidata mõnele peatükile: · Pace In This Dokument · peatüki nimetus ära valida · OK Kui soov viidata mõnele olemaso...

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
36 allalaadimist

Navajo Artwork

Ursula 10. klass Navajo Artwork Navajo Artwork The Navajo are well-known for their many crafts including weaving of blankets and rugs, silversmithing, basketry and sandpainting. Authentic Navajo art or handcraft consists of handmade items produced by a Native American craftsperson, using high-quality, natural materials that are not machine stamped. The Navajo people are regarded as being the pioneers of Native American art. They are particularly renowned for their rugs and unique silversmithing techniques. They were also pioneers when it came to basketry and are recognized the world over for their basket weaving skills. Rug Weaving Commercial production of handwoven blankets and rugs has been an important element of the Navajo economy. Rug weaving is another traditional Navajo art form. Navajo women believe the art of weaving was taught by Spider Woman, who constructed a loom...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

India country

INDIA COUNTRY · India is a country in South Asia. · It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area. · The most populous democracy in the world. · Country with over 1.18 billion people. · The capital of India is New Delhi. · India has a coastline of 7,517 kilometres. Mainland India is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the west, and the Bay of Bengal on the east; and it is bordered by Pakistan to the west Bhutan, the People's Republic of China and Nepal to the north; and Bangladesh and Burma to the east. In the Indian Ocean, mainland India and the Lakshadweep Islands are in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives. India has a coastline of 7,517 kilometres. THE SYMBOLS OF INDIA The National Flag is orange withe and green. The Tiger is the national animal of India. Tiger is also called the lord of Jungles. The national animal of India, is a rich-colored well-striped ani...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Arvutiõpetuse konspekt

Loeng 1: · crtl ja - annavad kokku laheda "pehme" poolitamise · crtl, shift (see nooleke) ja tühik => pikk tühik st. · sõna aktiveerimiseks topeltklõps tema pääl. · mitu sõna korraga => hoia crtl klahvi all. · teatud osa aktiveerimine : aktiveerid esimese, hoiad shifti all ja lähed viimase juurde. · lõigu aktiveerimine : kolm klõpsu ühe sõna peal. · lõigu ees topeltklõps aktiveerib kogu lõigu. · ... · kui sõnaga palju formatit tehtud ja tahad teise sõna samasuguseks teha siis => sõna aktiivseks , home ribalt "format painter", kursor muutub pintsliks ja vajuta soovitud sõnale ja see muutub esimesega identse formatingiga. · kiirelt teksti lõppu saab - Crtl ja end · uus dokument => Crtl ja n · Crtl ja home saab algusesse · laad- nagu munder mis ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist


Terminid · SNARE, soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor adaptor protein; · Receptors TMD, Trans-membrane domain; · PR, Pathogenesis-related; · qRT-PCR, quantitative Real Time PCR; · CDD, Conserved Domain Database; · HMM, Hidden Markov Model; · MSA, Multiple sequence alignment; · PDB, Protein Data Bank; · DOPE, Discrete Optimized Protein Energy; · MOF, MODELLER Objective Function; · NILs, Near-isogenic lines · Leaf rust; · Ustilago maydis, maisinõe seen · bread wheat, Triticum suvitrühvel L · tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum · oder, Hordeum vulgare · riis O. riis indica · nr: mitte ülearune; · S-PI, susceptible patogeen nakatunud, · S-M, susceptible negative control; · GAPDH Glütseraaldehüüd-3-Fosfaat Dehüdrogenaas 3.5. SNARE geenide up-regulation leherooste nakkuse ajal nisus · Paremaks arusaamiseks SNARE geenide funktsioonist mRNA tasemel, ruumilised ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Jää-ajast Inglise keeles!

ICE AGE The earth is very old. During its long history there have been many changes in climate. Between one and two million years ago one of these changes took place ­ the great Ice Age began. It grew colder in the Far North. More snow fell in the winter than could melt away in the summer. The snow grew deeper and deeper. It changed to solid ice. As more snow fell, the ice grew thicker. It began to move. Great sheets of moving ice, or glaciers, were formed. The edges of the sheets were pushed outward. At last the ice covered most of what is now Canada. And it spread southward into what is now the United States. The ice was probably a mile deep in places. It moved over hills and valleys, rivers and forests. It moved slowly ­ perhaps only a foot a day. Millions of plants were buried by the ice. Many animals moved south. Among the animals able to stand the cold near th...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist


SWEDISH FOOD 8 things to know about Sweden's food culture Koostas: Martin Aulik introduction It’s safe to say Sweden’s food culture is much more than iconic meatballs and chewy fish- shaped candy. Here are eight things you should know about food traditions essential to Sweden everyday dining. Lingonberry — Sweden’s favorite sauce Just like ketchup and mustard, lingonberry sauce is widely used to accompany a variety of dishes, from meatballs and pancakes to porridge and blood pudding. But despite its sweetness, it is rarely used on bread. Thanks to the Right of Public Access (Allemansrätten), which gives everyone the freedom to roam and enjoy nature, many Swedes grow up picking lingonberries in the forest, and using these tiny tart red fruits to make the jam-like preserve. Open sandwiches When you order a sandwic...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MEDIA ECONOMY AND TECHNOLOGY, HOW VALID IS THE CRITIQUE OF THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL OF MEDIA DECEIVING AND PACIFYING THE POPULATION? Essay Tallinn 2013 The rapid development of computer technologies and internet has been one of the main factors affecting our everyday life over the last decades. They have made our life more efficient, comfortable and also changed the way we communicate and consume media. Digitalization has also brought us many new platforms and more possibilities for media to reach even more people. The internet is allowing anyone to share information instantly to all over the world. It might be thought that with all these new developments, problems like controlling of the media and deceiving people are gone, but it seems that things are not that clear. When the first newspapers a...

Meedia → Meediateooriad
3 allalaadimist

Legends of Tallinn

koolinimi Report Legends of Tallinn Student: nimi Supervisor: nimi Tallinn 2010 Table Of Contents Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................2 Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 Legend of St. Olav's Church.......................................................................................................4 True story of St. Olav's Church..............................................................................................5 Legend of Old Thomas.....................................................................................................6 True story of Old Thomas.....................................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
55 allalaadimist

Microsoft Word 2007 kõikide nuppude ja valikute kirjeldused.

KOOL NIMI KLASS MS Wordi kasutamine Referaat Juhendaja: AASTA Sisukord Sissejuhatus Microsoft Word on Microsofti loodud teksti redigeerimise programm. Esimene Word toodi avalikuse ette 1983. Aastal Xenixi platvormil. Tänu rakenduse Microsoft Office Word 2007 dokumentide loomist ja vormindamist hõlbustavatele mitmekülgsetele tööriistadele ning uuele kasutajaliidesele Microsoft Office Fluent saate luua professionaalse ilmega dokumente. Läbivaatuse, kommenteerimise ja võrdlemise täiustatud võimalused aitavad töökaaslastelt kiiresti tagasisidet saada ja seda hallata. Andmete parem integreerimine tagab dokumentide ühendatuse olulise äriteabega. Microsoft Word 2007 sisaldab mitmeid muudatusi. Uus XML- põhine failivorming, ümberkujundatud kasutajaliide, integreeritud võrrandi toimetaja ja bibliograafiline juhtimine. Lisaks XML-andmetekogu on kasutusele võetud kättesaada...

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
69 allalaadimist

Denotative and connotative meanings in motion graphics text

DENOTATIVE AND CONNOTATIVE MEANINGS IN MOTION GRAPHICS TEXT For Multimedia Semiotics To begin with, what is motion graphics? Motion Graphics is a piece of video which is created digitally in a computer and as the name refers ­ bases on moving graphical elements. These elements can be images, text, graphical designs or a multidimensional imagery. But this term should not be confused with another term ,,animation". Line between these two is a bit blurred. Animation often is only giving life to the characters and scenery. Also, it can be done in real world with physically created sets. Motion graphics on the other hand can be only created in digital world and could include animation. But also there are more two very important aspects ­ desing and cinematohraphy. Therefore when talking about motion graphics it means moving graphycally created elements in a beatiful way. Motion graphics is pretty rece...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Aborigeenid (Inglise keeles)

Miina Härma Gümnaasium “The aborigines of Australia Student:Kärt Erikson Teacher:Tiia Timma Tartu 2010 contents  Introduction – page 3  History – page 3-4  Religion – page 4-7  Society - page 7-9  The British – page 9-10  Conclusion – page 10-11  Resources – page 11  Appendix – page 11-14 2 Introduction I selected this theme because it was the most interesting one for me. Aborigines have interested me for a long time now so doing this essay is really fun for me. Australian Aboriginal culture is one of the world's longest surviving cultures. Australian Aborigines, also known as Indigenous Australians , are the native people of Australia . Many of them suffered when white people from Britain arrived in Austra...

Keeled → Geograafia inglise keeles
5 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (andmete korrastamine)

Inimkannatanuga liiklusõnnetuste andmed seisuga 01.02.2018 [1] Tabel 5 Inimkannatanuga LÕ Põhjus 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Sõiduauto osalusel 1106 1166 1125 1187 1100 Jalgratturi osalusel 161 184 182 167 183 Mootorratturi ja mopeedi osa 139 142 143 158 137 Veoauto osalusel 89 84 89 108 97 Bussi osalusel 72 79 91 109 78 1. Koosta 2017 a toimunud liiklusõnnetuste põhjal sektordiagramm. Diagramm peab olema võimalikult sarnane näidisega. Vii kursor 2017. a vabalt valitud väärtusele, klõpsa hiire paremat klahvi ja vali Sort-Sort Larges to Smallest. Märgista andmed A veerus...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
3 allalaadimist

Capillary electrophoresis i.k.

Tallinn University  Natural and exact sciences  Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology                  Maria Gnidenko     Capillary electrophoresis     Essay                   Supervisor: Kert Martma                 Tallinn  2015    Table of contents Acronyms and symbols used  Introduction  History and development  Physical basis and principle of separation  Elektrophoresis  Electroosmotic flow  Separation process  Electrodispersion  Various methods of separation  Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)  ...

Keemia → Instrumentaalanalüüs
6 allalaadimist

Drugs and how they affect your health.

Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. You've probably heard that drugs are bad for you, but what does that mean and why are they bad? Medicines Are Legal Drugs If you've ever been sick and had to take medicine, you already know about one kind of drugs. Medicines are legal drugs, meaning doctors are allowed to prescribe them for patients, stores can sell them, and people are allowed to buy them. But it's not legal, or safe, for people to use these medicines any way they want. Cigarettes and Alcohol Cigarettes and alcohol are two other kinds of legal drugs. (In Estonia, adults 18 can buy cigarettes and alcohol.) But smoking and excessive drinking are not healthy for adults and off limits for kids. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco leaves. Whether someone smokes, chews, or sniffs tobacco, he or she is delivering nicotine to the brain. Each cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of nicotine. Nicotine is what keeps peo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Christmas in different countrys(jõulud erinevates maades)

Christmas in Australia Christmas in Australia is often very hot. Whereas the northern hemisphere is in the middle of winter, Australians are baking in summer heat. It is not unusual to have Christmas Day well into the mid 30 degrees Celsius, or near 100 degrees Fahrenheit. A traditional meal includes a turkey dinner, with ham, and pork. A flaming Christmas plum pudding is added for dessert. In the Australian gold rushes, Christmas puddings often contained a gold nugget. Today a small favor is baked inside. Whoever finds this knows s/he will enjoy good luck. Another treat is Mince Pies. Some Australians and particularly tourists often have their Christmas dinner at midday on a local beach, Bondi Beach in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs attracts thousands of people on Christmas Day. Other families enjoy their day by having a picnic. If they are at home, the day is punctuated by swimming in a pool, playing Crick...

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Kingade stiile läbi aegade

Põlva Ühisgümnaasium Helena Lattik 11.b klass KINGADE STIILE LÄBI AEGADE Uurimistöö Juhendaja: õp. Vesta Naruski Põlva 2014 SISSEJUHATUS Uurimistöö autor valis just sellise teema, sest see huvitas teda ennast kõige rohkem. Kuna talle meeldivad kingad, siis oli see hea võimalus nendest rohkem teada saada ja teha neist uurimistöö. Kingad on naiste üks tähtsamaid aksessuaare ja need tõmbavad endale inimese tähelepanu, vahel isegi rohkem kui rõivastus ise. Töö eesmärgiks on uurida kingade ajalugu, millised on stiilid ja kuidas on need arenenud. Samas tahab autor inimestele näidata, et kingad on olnud inimeste elus juba väga pikalt ja on olulisel kohal. Kontsaga kingi ei kannud ainult naised, sest alguses olid mehed suured kontsakinga kandjad. Kui vaadata kuulsate kingabrändide loojaid, siis on nii mitmeski kohas näha, et firma loojaks on olnud mees...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

1 The Medium Is the Message In a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact,, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium-that is, of any extension of ourselves-result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology. Thus, with automation, for example, the new patterns of human association tend to eliminate jobs, it is true. That is the negative result. Positively, automation creates roles for people, which is to say depth of involvement in their work and human association that our preceding mechanical technology had destroyed. Many people would be disposed to say that it was not the machine, but what one did with the machine, that was its meaning or message. In terms of the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

Psychology ­ Gleitman Blood flow in the brain during different activities: the rate of blood flow is measured by special radiation counters that are placed at various points of the skull and that monitor radiation from mildly radioactive gas injected into the bloodstream. Blood flow pattern depends on what the patient does ( different pattern is found when person is reading aloud, yet another when he watches a moving light and so on). Ambiguous sights and sounds: The way ambiguous figures are perceived often depends on what we have seen just before. For example, if we are first shown an unambiguous figure of a rat, the ambiguous picture will be seen as a rat. If we are first exposed to an unambiguous face, we see the ambiguous figure as a face. What holds for visual patterns also holds for language. Many utterances are ambiguous. If presented out of context, they can be undestrood in several different ways. For exam...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun