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"-science" - 775 õppematerjali


Science reigns people

Science reigns people Biochemist Isaac Asimov has once said: “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”. The more one thinks about his words, the more they have to be accepted. It is true that science affects people, but the most influential is the part that directly concerns them and their lives. That is why this essay will take a closer look at some of the pros and cons of medical development. I will begin with the positive aspects of medical evolution. Firstly, thanks to advanced medicine, doctors are able to detect diseases at an early stage, or even before they arise, which gives people a longer life. Secondly, knowing how diseases spread and behave is possible with the help of medicines to avoid huge outbreaks that could kill thousands of people. Thirdly, studies will be helping to make the medicaments less harmful. Fourthly, ma...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A century ago communication across any distance was dependent upon the telegraph or letters. No jets crossed the ocean, no television pictures enabled us instantly to see events in any part of the world, there were no worldwide telephone networks and no computers. It is just a short lifetime since humanity first travelled into space and discovered how fragile our planet looks. FROM FIREWORKS TO THE MOON At first glance you might think that there couldn't possibly be anything common between a 13 th century festival in China and the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. However, there is a link and that is that they both relied on the use of rockets. The Chinese first developed rockets by filling bamboo tubes with an explosive made from saltpetre, charcoal, and sulphur. The sealed tubes would be thrown onto fires during celebrations because it was thought ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Infootsing viiteandmebaasidest Web of Science ja Scopus.

Iseseisev töö nr. 4 1. Leia, mitu artiklit on Lawler, Andrew avaldanud ajakirjas Science viimase 5 aasta jooksul. a) 24 artiklit (kui arvestada ka 2011. aastat, siis 35). b) Author: Lawler, Andrew. Lisasin otsivälja „Publication name“, kuhu kirjutasin Science ning valisin aastad 2012-2016. c) The battle over violence d) Sort by: Times Cited – highest to lowest e) 6 f) Selle artikli täistekst ei ole üheski andmebaasis avatud. 2. Leia andmebaasist Web of Science artikleid oma kursusetöö teemal ja tee viiteanalüüs. a) Current Organic Chemistry b) 3 c) Otsisin „synthesis of bioactive compounds“, siis valisin Result Analysis1, kust sain valida tulemuste järjestuse Source Titles järgi. c) Panda, Siva S.; Khanna, Pankaj; Khanna, Leena. 29 viidet. d) Panin linnukese ajakirja nime ette ning valisin View Records. 3. Otsing referaatandmebaasis Scopus. a) ((bioreactors) and (wastewater) and (treatment)) and doctype (ar) b) Liu...

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
7 allalaadimist

A science of electrical drives


Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Science Centre AHHAA in Tartu

Science Centre AHHAA in Tartu Elina Kaldarova MJ212 About AHHAA The aim of AHHAA is to introduce science to everyone AHHAA welcomes visitors of all ages and offers a great opportunity to spend a fun day filled with science! AHHAA It is the biggest science centre in Baltic States! It's located in Tartu, Sadama 1, next to Aura water park In Science Centre AHHAA, you can: try fascinating "hands-on" exhibits on 3000 square meters of exhibition area visit a new temporary exhibition twice a year see exhilarating science theatre shows test your skills and knowledge in various workshops enjoy the breathtaking planetarium shows visit the biggest science shop in Estonia Planetarium In this room you can see over 5 millions stars and take a breathtaking journey through space. Workshop...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Andmebaaside Compendex Engineering Village, ProQuest Science Journals, Science Direct, EBSCOhostWeb analüüs

2. HARJUTUSÜLESANNE 2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil. Avalehel vali andmebaas Compendex - jäta linnuke kastikesse Compendex , teiste andmebaaside eest võta linnuke ära ja vaata, kuidas muutuvad otsiväljad otsivormingu paremas aknas. Tutvu andmebaasi ülesehituse ja otsivõimalustega: lihtotsing: Easy Search; kompleksotsing: Quick Search; tesaurus, indeksid:Thesaurus, Browse Indexes. Kui sisenesin andmebaasi, oli linnuke ees lisaks Compendex'ile Referex'il. Sellel juhul sai otsiprofiiliks olla ainult märksõnad (keyword), täpsustada sai ka autorit (author), pealkirja (title) ja publitseerijat (publisher). Samuti puudus võimalus täpsustada dokumenditüüpi (type of document), keelt (language) ja käsitluse tüüpi (type of treatment). Kui võtsin Referex'ilt linnukese eest, avanes otsiprofiilide sisestamiseks järgmine vaatepilt: Täpsustuse koha pealt selline vaatepilt: 2...

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
14 allalaadimist


Julie Des Jardins ,,The Madame Curie Complex. The Hidden History of Women in Science" Pean 20. sajandi alguse naisteadlaste raskusteks enesetõestamisel teaduses alljärgnevaid punkte: 1. Naisterahvastel oli piiratud juurdepääs kutsealasele koolitusele, erialasele (spetsialiseerunud) haridusele. Pahatihti oli põhjuseks raha või ühiskonna (perekonna) suhtumine ­ naine on kodus ja kasvatab lapsi, ta ei vaja haridust (võib-olla vaid kirjutamis-, lugemis- ning elementaarset arvutamisoskust). Heal juhul töötab pesunaisena, teenijana, kokana vms naiselikul töökohal. 2. Töötamine ülikoolide/teadusasutuste juures teaduritena oli raskendatud. Ja kui nad sinna saidki, siis olid nad ületöötanud ning alamakstud. Et olla edukad meeste pärusmaal teaduses, ei saa naised raamatu autori sõnutsi olla nemad ise, vaid nad peavad olema ilmtingimata paremad kui mehed. 3. Puudusid vahendid oma teadust...

Filosoofia → Teadusfilosoofia alused
63 allalaadimist

Which is more important-sport or science?

This is something that has had me in two minds for a very long time, why does humanity waste so much time and money on sport and the pursuit of sport when realistically it is just a sideshow, a morale booster for the masses? The sheer volume of money spent each year on sports are actually absolutely ridiculous. Sports have become a monster that is beyond our control. This happens as legitimate scientific research struggles to find funding or a struggle along with tiny handouts from patronising governments around the world. Space exploration is probably the prime example in that it is now, at this stage of human development, more important than ever before that we find ways to make space inhabitable. But instead NASA has become a bit of a joke to the public and space exploration the stuff of B- grade horror movies. The question we have to ask ourselves is this, do sports stars really deserve to be paid five times the salary of a scientis...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

QUIZ 1 A science of electrical drives


Mehhatroonika → General Course of Electrical...
3 allalaadimist

"Kes kontrollib ilma, kontrollib ka maailma"

Kes kontrollib ilma kontrollib ka maailma. See oli juba kolmas USA teadlaste poolt esile kutsutud torm peale Kolmanda Maailmasõja algust. See torm ründas kohutavate tsunaamide ja keeristormidena Venemaa idarannikul asuvaid linnu. Ühendriigid kavatsesid seda strateegiaat jätkata kuni Venemaa täielikult alistub. Samamoodi ähvardasid nad ka Hiinat ilma jätta nende mussoonvihmadest ­ ka seda kavatsesid nad teha oma uue leiutise abil, mis oli algselt mõeldudpäästmaks tuhandeid inimelusi, suunates eemale ka kõige tugevamad keeristormid. Ilma vihmata, põuas ja toidupuuduses alistuks Hiina ilmselt kiiresti. Kõik see algas pärast seda, kui see hull vabariiklane Ammerika Ühendriikides võimule sai ja Vene ning Hiina riigipäid solvama kukkus. Venemaa, kes muidugi selliseid provokatsioone ei talunud, saatis pärast aastat solvangute talumist oma kõige osavamad palgamõrtsukad USA riigipea kallal. Kolm...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
8 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 4: Web of Science; e-raamatud; teatmikud

1.1 Leia andmebaasist Web of Science artikleid oma rühma teemal a) Kasutasin liitotsingut: biocatalytic AND stereochemical AND synthesis sain 25 tulemust b) Klikides GREAT CITATION REPORT: leidsin artiklite avaldamise arvu aastate lõikes, tsitaatide arvu aastate lõikes ning vastava artikli tsitaatide arvu aastate lõikes c) kõige enam tsiteeritud artikli pealkiri: Efficient enantioselective reduction of ketones with Daucus carota root kokku 77 tsitaati d) 2010. aastal tsiteeriti seda artiklit 11 korda 1.2. Kasutades otsivõimalust "Cited Reference Search" leia TTÜ professori Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Web Of Science. a) Milliseid andmebaasi poolt pakutud nimekujusid kasutasid: kasutasin Krunks M b) Artiklite arv: 84 c) Kõige suurema viitamiste arvuga artikli viitamiste arv ja kaasautorid: viidati 132 korda, kaasautorid puudusid 2.1. Leia e-raamatute andmebaasi CHEMnetBASE käsiraamatust "CRC Ha...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
18 allalaadimist


Canada A Mari Usque Ad Mare Official language(s) English, French Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, Cree, Recognised regional languages Dëne Sliné, Gwich'in, Inuvialuktun, Slavey, Tlch Yatiì Languages in Canada North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean spanning over 9.9 million square kilometers, Canada is the world's second largest country by total area its common border with the United States is the longest land border in the world. Some facts The land that is now Canada was inhabited for millennia by various groups of Aboriginal peoples beginning in the late 15th century, British and French France ceded ...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
13 allalaadimist

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

What is the real meaning of life? Why prefer one thing to another? Can we trust observation? It’s raining outside - how do you know it is? I can see it’s raining. How to convince yourself its raining? A good reason to doubt - 49 other peaople have the same opinion. Falsifia​ble​ ​→ possible​; ​not falsifi​ed World disappeared in 2012 and got recreated 3 secs later → ​unfalsifiable​ - cannot prove it’s true/wrong, cannot provide any tests to prove it. Or​ - one or another but not both → ​exclusive - one or another (both) → ​inclusive​ (Invited those who are managers or specialists - both) Arguments valid or not - logic is a science where to decide it Different arguments lead to different methods. 1 - Recognizing arguments What is an argument? An ​argument​ is a group of statements, so that one or more of them (called the ​premises​) is said to provide support for one of the others (called the ​conclusion​). When the course sta...

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

Poliitika keskkond ja sotsialiseerimine

Poliitika keskkond ja sotsialiseerimine Politoloogia – Political Science Poliitikateaduse teema on poliitika, kuid poliitika piire õppevormina defineerida ei ole sugugi lihtne, kuna ta hõlmab väga suurt ala. Poliitiline teadus on katse rakendada teaduslikke meetodeid, et saada paremini aru poliitilises maalimas toimuvast läbi süstemaatilise ja analüüsiva mõtlemise. Poliitikateadus aitab meil luua paremaid kontseptsioone, meetodeid ja üldistusi poliitilise maailma kohta. Poliitikateadus on teadus, mis uurib poliitilisi institutsioone. Lisaks uurib ta inimeste ja sotsiaalsete gruppide poliitilist käitumist. Poliitikateadus tegeleb poliitilise võimu analüüsiga. Veel aitab ta vähendada vastuolusid erinevate väärtushinnangute vahel. Oma poliitikaalaste teadmiste suurendamine aitab meil paremini poliitikamaailmas käituda. Politoloogia jaguneb klassikaliselt järgmiselt – poliitiline teooria, võrdlev poliitika, rahvusvahelised suhted, ava...

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
19 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

TEKST 2. Durbin, Paul T. (1984). A Guide to The Culture of Science, Technology, 3. Broad Synthetic vs. Narrow Analytic. Third, one may approach science and Medicine. ­ The Free Press. pp. 217-222. (Katkendid) from a narrow analytic or a broad synthetic point of view. That is, one could see one's task as primarily dissecting various features of science to see how they look or work, or C. Frameworks for Philosophy of Science as primarily locating science within a broader framework of human activities and artifacts. Questions about, for example, the form and function of scientific explanations In this section our aim is to examine alternative approaches to t...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu interditsiplinaarsetest andmebaasidest.

Iseseisev töö nr. 3 1. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. b) ("tools for all jobs") AND (jim brown OR brown jim) c) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. He also serves as the product lifecycle management specialist for the PLM Evaluation Center at Technology Evaluation Centers in Montreal. d) Laiemad märksõnad:  environment Kitsamad märksõnad:  aquatic ecosystems  oceans  arid zones  peatlands  coastal plains  prairies  coral reefs  rainforests  deserts  taiga & tundra  forests  terrestrial ecosystems  grasslands  wetlands  f) 202 tk  SU.EX...

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
2 allalaadimist

Fast Development of modern technology- a blessing or a curse?

Fast Development of modern technology- a blessing or a curse? Science and technology have brought about tremendous changes in people's lives. Scientific research continues to explore the fields that people previously undreamed of. Fifty years ago, few people could even imagine things like computers, lasers and space-scuttles. Now all these newly invented technologies are benefiting people all over the world. In a word, advanced science and technology has made man master of the globe. As is known to all, each coin has two sides. When we are enjoying the remarkable wonders which science and technology has brought us, we are suffering at the same time from a lot of troubles. For example, environmental pollution, noise, green-house effect and nuclear weapons are the things we did not need to bother about in the past. But these problems nowadays are not only making our life inconvenient, but even dangerous. In my opin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

Teaduslik revolutsioon 15431600 I One of the most important developments in the western intellectual tradition was the Scientific Revolution. The Scientific Revolution was nothing less than a revolution in the way the individual perceives [ tajub ] the world. As such, this revolution was primarily an epistemological revolution it changed man's thought process. It was an intellectual revolution a revolution in human knowledge. Even more than Renaissance scholars who discovered man and Nature, the scientific revolutionaries attempted to understand and explain man and the natural world. Thinkers such as the Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus(14731543), the French philosopher René Descartes(15961650) and the British mathematician Isaac Newton(16421727) overturned the...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia esitlus

Education in Croatia Educational system in Croatia divided into: 1.Early childhood education 2.Primary education 3.Secondary education 4.Higher education Early childhood education There are three stages of early childhood education: · from when the child is 6 months old to when they're one · from the ages of one to three · from the age of three until the child stars attending primary school Even though these three stages are not compulsory, every child must attend kindergarten for a year prior to primary school. Primary education (Children begin school at the age of 6 or 7.) There are two stages: · 1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class that teaches every subject with the exception of foreign languages and Religion. The students stay in one classroom for the 4 years. · 5th through 8th grades, where different teachers teach different subj...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The truth pushes our world forward

The truth pushes our world forward 1. Truth has helped us to study and learn more about our world, not like religion and bible have done. Religion did not let science to evolve, but thanks to the sciences like Galileo Galilei science evolved because he was brave enough to say that earth is not the centre of the world. 2. Truth always comes out, Crusade wars began because of Turks conquered the holy lands and mistreated the Christians not because Christians wanted to increase their religion that happened later after the Crusade wars. 3. The Bible put humans to believe that we all are Childs of Adam and Eve but in fact humans evolved from apes and the truth helped the science to find the real origin of people. 4. Many people say that they have seen UFO-s but most of us do not believe them and the truth of alien existence may hid...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Motivation Letter

Motivation Letter I have always known that I want to engage oneself with science. I am interested in how different things react with each other, their influence on human and realised that I can find all these in food science and nutrition. Nowadays people try to improve their food excesses, however, they do this incorrectly. People restrict themselves in food, but in such a manner they are depriving themselves of the important components necessary for the efficiency of the body. Personally, I faced with such diseases and it was hard enough to deal with this by myself. In order to return a healthy appetite, I read a lot of literature but was not sure that I would find the correct way to restore health. That`s why, I want to study Nutrition and Food Science course. I desire to help people cope with eating diseases and find out more about healthy eating, explore the foundations of human nutritio...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


TÖÖLEHT ANDMEBAASID EBSCOhost JA SCIENCEDIRECT Nimi: Eriala ja kursus: ANDMEBAAS EBSCOhost Harjutus 1. Sisene EBSCOhost andmebaasi (NB! Ole tähelepanelik, et sisened EBSCOhost andmebaasidesse, mitte EBSCO Discovery vms). Andmebaasi sisenedes vali „EBSCOhost Web“ ning järgmisel lehel „Choose Databases/Select another EBSCO service“ on automaatselt linnukesed ees kõikidel andmebaasidel – nii sooritatakse otsingut kõigis EMÜ raamatukogule avatud EBSCO platvormil olevates andmebaasides. Loo andmebaasi EBSCOhost oma isiklik kasutajakonto. Peale konto loomist tee lehekülje ülaservast ekraanipilt, mis näitab, et oled oma kasutajakontoga andmebaasi sisse loginud. Harjutus 2. Loo oma kasutajakonto kausta (Folder) alakaust „Infootsingud“. Harjutus 3. Lihtotsing Teosta lihtotsing (Basic Search) sõnaga estonia. a) Mitu vastet väljastas andmebaas selle...

Infoteadus → Andmebaasid ja infootsingud
6 allalaadimist

Education in Croatia

2 Educational system in Croatia divided into: 1. Early childhood education 2. Primary education 3. Secondary education 4. Higher education 3 Early childhood education There are three stages of early childhood education: • from when the child is 6 months old to when they're one • from the ages of one to three • from the age of three until the child stars attending primary school Even though these three stages are not compulsory, every child must attend kindergarten for a year prior to primary school. 4 Primary education (Children begin school at the age of 6 or 7.) There are two stages: • 1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Ülesanne 2 Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest 2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil 2.1.1.Leia kompleksotsinguga Quick Search artikleid teemal Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene a) otsivälju "All Fields" - leidsin 176 kirjet b) otsivälju "Ei controlled terms"- leidsin 4 kirjet 2.1.2. Leia Tehnikaülikooli teaduri Malle Krunksi artiklid andmebaasis Compendex a) mitu artiklit leidsid? Leidsin 59 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals 2.2.1.Leia Jim Browni artikkel Tools for all jobs. a) Ava artikli täistekst ja leia, millist firmat Jim Brown juhatab - Tech-Clarity Inc b) Kirjelda otsistrateegiat: otsiprofiil: au(Jim Browni) AND (Tools for all jobs) 2.2.2. Ava andmebaasi ProQuest tesaurus: Advanced Search/Thesaurus a) esita kitsamad ja laiemad märksõnad, mida võib kasutada ökosüsteemide (ecosystems) kohta kirjanduse leidmisel. - laiemad (broader) märksõnad: env...

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
16 allalaadimist

Artiklite otsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Iseseisev töö nr. 6 Andmebaas ScienceDirect Web of Science You searched for: TOPIC: ("synthesis of bioactive compounds") AND DOCUMENT TYPES: (Article) AND LANGUAGE: (English) Otsiprofiilid Timespan: 2014-2016. Indexes: SCI- EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI- S, CPCI-SSH, BKCI-S, BKCI-SSH, ESCI. Relevantsete täistekstartiklite 122 22 ...

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
4 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Patendiotsing. Open Access eajakirjad

Ülesanne 6 Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Patendiotsing. Open Access e- ajakirjad 6.1 Teemaotsing internetist a) Otsimootorite nimetused ja veebiaadressid: b) Otsistrateegia, piirangud: c) Leitud /relevantsete internetiallikate arv d) Väljavalitud veebilehekülgede hinnang autorluse, täiendamise, objektiivsuse ja sisu seisukohalt. 1) Kasutasin Google Scholar otsingumootorit, otsingukeeleks inglise keel. Biocatalytic stereochemical synthesis q=biocatalytic+stereochemical+synthesis&hl=en&btnG=Search&as_sdt=1%2 C5&as_sdtp=on 7440 tulemust Kuna tulemusi on nii palju , leidub nendes ka väga palju kasulikke artikleid, kuid nende leidmine nii paljude hulgast on raske. Nende hulgas oli palju artikleid, mille täistekstid on TTÜ raamatukogus saadaval. 2) Kasutasin ANVANCED SCHOLAR SEARCH: biocatalytic and stereochemical and synthesis ajapiirangu...

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
15 allalaadimist

James Hiller

James Hiller James Hillier (Born August 22, 1915 in Brantford, Ontario and died January 15, 2007 in Princeton, New Jersey) was a Canadian scientist and inventor who designed and built the first electron microscope in North America in 1938. As a boy, James Hillier thought he would like to be a commercial artist. Instead, he turned out to have a talent for mathematics and physics, and won a science scholarship to the University of Toronto. There, he and fellow student Albert Prebus invented the world's first practical electron microscope. Their first device magnified objects to 7,000 times their original size. Electron microscopes work by focussing a beam of electrons, rather than a beam of light. Hillier spent many years refining the electron microscope and marketing it to research laboratories and universities, receiving a total of 41 patents for devices and processes. After retiring from work in 1977, D...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kitsede söötmisalased uuringud

Kitsede söötmisalased uuringud Sissejuhatus · Kits on väikemäletsejaline loom ja tema põhisöötadeks on rohusöödad. · Karjamaal eelistavad kitsed süüa karjamaarohu ülemist fronti, samas ei meeldi neil süüa rohu varsi · Kõik kitsetõud ,sõltumata soost ja vanusest vajavad samu toitaineid [] Kitsede söötmine Ida- Aafrikas · Halva kvaliteediga karjamaad · Suurt rolli mängivad ilmastikuolud- kuiv periood · Banaani, puuvilla kook, maisi jäätmed Vesi · On üks kõige olulisem komponent söötmisel. · Vee kvaliteet peab olema hea, vesi ei tohi olla roiskunud · Paigutades joogivee ümbrusesse kive ja kruusa ­ vähendab see haigusi, nt sõramädanik · Söötes rohelist karjamaa rohtu, on veetarbimine väiksem, kui kuiva heina söötes....

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Filosoofid, kes räägivad teadusest

Philosophy Aristotle - four causes or better "becauses" because they are the 4 ways in which we use the word "because" or answer the question "why?" 1. Material cause: - what it is made of - why is the bridge strong? because made of steel 2. Formal cause: - what form, definition or property it has - why is this salt? because made of sodium and chloride 3. Efficient cause: - what initiated the change or movement - why did the baseball move? because someone hit it 4. Final cause: - what end or goal does it have? - why does he walk? because he wants to be healthy - also nature operates in terms of final causes - things don't happen spontaneously, every action that nature takes is for the sake of something, everything has a p...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
10 allalaadimist

H. G. Wells

Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) a Brief Biography Sometimes called the father of modern science fiction, H.G. Wells was born on September 21, 1866 in Bromley, Kent, England. His father, a professional cricket player and shopkeeper, and his mother, a former lady's maid, raised Wells with the idea that he would find a place in the work world that they were accustomed. He aspired to a different place in society. When he was thirteen, he left school to become a draper's apprentice, a job his family expected would be proper for a boy of his station. The work repelled him, however. He worked briefly in a drugstore, returned for a stint as a draper's assistant, then finally found a job as a teacher's assistant in a grammar school. Education and academia suited him well. In 1884 he entered college with a scholarship to study biology. He was able to study under one of the great biology teachers of the time, Thomas Henry Huxley, and Wells gradu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Impulsi jäävuse uurimine

PASCO scientific 1 P16: Impulsi jäävuse uurimine I Science Workshop Katse P16: Impulsi jäävuse uurimine I SW lnterfeis: 700 Windows® fail: c:sciwkshplibraryphysicsp16_con1.sws Töövahendid Science WorkshopTM interfeis, kaks statiivi, kaks liikumissensorit (Motion Sensor), kaks vankrikest, 2,2 m pikkune relss, kaal ja kaaluvihid. Eesmärk Laboratoorse töö eesmärgiks on uurida impulsi jäävuse seadust kahe vankrikese abil. (lmpulsi jäävuse seaduse eksperimentaalne kontroll.) TEOORIA Keha impulss on keha massi ja kiiruse korrutis. Kuivörd kiirus on vektoriaalne suurus (tal on alati suund), siis on ka impulss vektoriaalne suurus. Suletud süsteemi kuuluvate kehade süsteemi impulss on jääv suurus -- süsteemi kuuluvate kehade impulsside vektoriaalne summa on kehadevahelise kokkupörke käigus konstantne. See kehtib vaid juhul, kui süsteemile ei möju höördejöud vöi (öhu...

Füüsika → Füüsika
33 allalaadimist

Philosophy today

Philosophy Today The Great Divide Most contemporary philosophers follow one of two approaches ­ "Continental" philosophy ­ "Analytic" philosophy Continental philosophy is more influential on the European continent Analytic philosophy is predominant in the major research universities in the English-speaking world Analytic Philosophy Analytic philosophy developed from attempts in the early 20th century to make our concepts precise. The model of this procedure was science. Emphasis in contemporary analytic philosophy is on language and meaning, and meaning is understood as a relation between language and objective reality. Thus, understanding the structure of language is what reveals the structure of reality. Continental Philosophy At the same time that analytic philosophy was emerging, E. Husserl was developing his "phenomenological" approach...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 6: Erialainfo otsing; patendiotsing

1. Teemaotsing internetist 1. Google Scholar Advanced Scholar Search Find articles with all of the words ­ biocatalytic stereochemical synthesis Collections ­ Articles & patents ­ Search only articles in the following subject areas: Biology, Life Sciences and Enviromental Science; Chemistry and Materials Science; Medicine, Pharmacology and Veterinary Science Leidsin 6 310 tulemust Leheküljed tundusid head, leidsin mitmeid online raamatukogusid. Artiklid tundusid sisukad. Biocatalytic synthesis of polymers. Synthesis of an optically active, epoxy- substituted polyester by lipase-catalyzed polymerization. (1989). [WWW] (03.04.2012) 2. Yahoo! Advanced Web Search Show results with all of these words: biocat...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
20 allalaadimist

Rühmatöö Open Access

1. andmebaasi loomise aeg; Open Access ( Open Access ehk avatud juurdepääs on andmebaas, mis tagab piiranguteta ja tasuta juurdepääsu teadusinformatsioonile internetis. Avatud juurdepääsu oluline külg on selle kiire levik üle kogu maailma. ( Andmebaasi loomise alguseks loetakse 1990-ndaid aastaid. ( Aastal 2003 oli loodud ajakirjade register. (https://moodle.e-, Projekti eesmärgiks oli koguda elektrooniliste teadusajakirjade ja tagada vaba juurdepääsu tasuta teadlaskonna liikmetele. ( Idee luua kataloog avatud juurdepääsuga kiideti heaks ainult aastal 2002 Esimese Põhjamaade konverentsil Lundis (Rootsi) ja Kopenhaagenis (Taani). ( Tuginedes proovivõtu tu...

Elektroonika → Elektroonika ja it
7 allalaadimist

Marika Almar LochNess

Loch Ness Monster Nyo Science School Class 10B Supervisor: Meeli Lepisk Author: Marika Almar Loch Ness Status of a classic phenomenon Popularity endures Best known cryptozoological creature Most-sighted monsters 1000 feet deep 24 miles long 6th century The Picts - the main inhabitants Strange beast in the Scottish highlands The first references 1930-1933 1930s ­ new road 1933 - a couple reported an enormous animal Observations Footprints 1934 Robert Wilson's photo First photo of a "head and neck" Snapped 5 photos 1975 ­ photo was fake 1975 An American-based expedition Possibly an ancient reptile 2011 George Edwards' photograph The most convincing Nessie photograph ever 2013 David Elder - amateur photographer References http://ww...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

Infoteadus, infoteaduse protsessid, teadusliku informatsioonikäsitlus, infokriis al 19 sajandil.

Esimese teema kokkuvõte küsimused Töö tulemus (küsimused koos vastustega) ,,Esimese teema kokkuvõte ­ küsimused" all. 1. Mis eristab 20.sajandi II poole ja kaasaja teadust varasema perioodi teadustegevusest? Milliseid probleeme see võib tekitada konkreetsetest teadusaladest rääkimisel? Informatsiooni mõiste sisu hakkas 20.sajandi keskpaigast alates avarduma. Tõuke selleks andis teaduse ja tehnika areng. Varasema perioodil olid esikohal üksikuurijad ning kogu teadustöö problemaatika oli seotud tihedalt inimese ja tema käitumisega(intelluktaalse uudishimuga)Tehnika poolelt sai määravaks infotöötluse vahendite ehk arvutite kasutuselevõtt 20 sajandi II poolel. Teaduse poolelt mõjutasid eelkõige 19461948 ilmunud tööd küberneetikas ja matemaatilises infoteoorias. See oli periood, mil hakati rääkima informatsioonist kui teadusliku uurimise objektist. 2. Milline võiks olla parim infoteaduse praktilist/rakenduslikku olemust a...

Informaatika → Infoteadus- ja...
101 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of television

Advantages and disadvantages of television Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set. TV has changed much since the time of its invention and so has its role. There have been numerous debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of television. When TV first appeared its main purpose was to give official information to people. It was supported by the government. Now television plays a big role in every civilised society. Today television gives people a possibility to be well informed and enjoy "civilised pleasures." The programmes are various and people have a chance to select what they want to see. Television provides great opportunities for education. There are programmes devoted to specialised subjects. With the help of TV it is possible to learn foreign languages, to know a lot of wonderful th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
66 allalaadimist

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei Rauno Tapner 10M 2017 Basic information Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy, on 15 February 1564. He was an Italian polymath: astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, mathematician He has been called the: father of observational astronomy father of modern physics father of scientific method father of science Education At the age of 4, Galileo told his father that he wanted to be a monk. This was not exactly what father had in mind, so Galileo withdrew from the monastery. In 1581, at the age of 17, he gave into his father´s wishes entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, as his father wished. By 1585 he gave up his courses in medicine and left without completing a degree to become a mathematics teacher. What he did? Galileo discovered how the earth moves. Galileo also worked in applied science and technology, inv...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimise kodutöö, mitmekesisus organisatsioonis inglise keeles

Diversity in organization: the case of Office of Naval Research Human Resources Management and Organization Behaviour homework Darja Kristina Vester My work is mostly based on a book "Building a Diverse Work Force: Scientists and Engineers in the Office of Naval Research, which was written by Committee to Study Diversity in the Scientific and Engineering Work Force of the Office of Naval Research, National Research Council in 1997. The Office of Naval Research has for 50 years been in the forefront of research and development in the USA, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. Predating the National Science Foundation, ONR is one of the oldest federal agencies whose mission is to fund external research and development in support of national security needs. It continues today to be viewed as a premier R&D organization where the best science and engineering is ident...

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

USA Cinema

Film History  The first important successful public exhibition in the United States  The early films (The most influential early film artist was Edwin S. Porter)  Thomas Edison - The Vitascope  Henry Heyl - Pharmatrope  Eadweard Muybridge's Zoopraxis  W. K. L. Dickson - celluloid roll film and Kinetograph USA Film Festival  What is it? - The USA Film Festival is a Dallas-based, non-profit organization  What does it provide? - The USA Film Festival provides an opportunity for the public to discover films.  KidFilm festival - The oldest and largest-attended international children's film festival in the United States Oscar History  Oscar Statuette- (Margaret Herrick )  The first ceremony  The second year  The Los Angeles Times in 1940  25th Academy Awards- (the first televised broadcast in 1952 ) ...

Filmikunst → Film
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

Adventure-seiklus Crime-kuritegu Detective-detektiiv* Ghost-kummitus* Historical-ajalooline* Horror-õudus* Science fiction-ulmekirjandus Spy-spioon Travel-reisimine* Boring-igav* Complicated-keeruline Educational-haridus Exciting-põnev Fantastic-fantastiline* Fascinating-paeluv Funny-naljakas* Hilarious-lõbus Imaginative-kujutlusvõime Interesting-huvitav* Outstanding-väljapaistev Romantic-romantiline* Scary-õudne/hirmutav* Case- tagaajamine Violently- vägivaldselt Cab-takso Slippers- sussid Test tube- katseklaas Astonished-üllatunud Whisper-sosistama Convinced-veendunud Mutter-podisema Destroy-hävitama Rather nervous-üpris närvis Watch-käekell* Rush-kiirustama Horrid-kohutav Eccentric-ekstsentrik Passing cab-mööduv takso Gentelman-härrasmees* Incredibly excited-uskumatult põnevil Anarchist-anarhist Forging-võltsima Contents of the tube-tuubi sisu Water supply-veevarustus Drops of liquid-vedeliku tilguad Remaining drops-ülejäänud (tilgad...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Report for Frankenstein

Report Title: ,,Frankenstein'' Author: Mary Shelley Genre: Novel Setting (time): 19th century Setting (place): North Pole, Europe (Switzerland, Scotland, England) Tone: magical, dark, mysterious, ghostly Themes: love, loneliness, science, human tendency Introduction Frankenstein was first published in March, 1818. This book is also known as The Modern Prometheus. Frankenstein is one of the most popular works of gothic horror and science fiction literature and it is considered to be one of the best known novels of English Romanticism. Characters Robert Walton: Walton is a well-educated sea captain who wants to explore the North Pole. He meets Victor there and then he writes Victor's story to his sister. Victor Frankenstein: A young man who is interested in science, chemistry and nature and he is the creator of the monster. Elizabeth Frankenstein: The wife of Victor and who is later ki...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Kantserogeenid põhjavees

KANTSEROGEENID PÕHJAVEES Ilona Juhanson, Martin Tamm, Agnes Suurväli, Regiina Lopetaite, Oliver Simpson TEEMAST  Kantserogeensed ained  Nende sattumine põhjavette  Kuidas nad põhjavette satuvad  Nende mõju elusorganismidele TUNTUD KANTSEROGEENID  Radoon, asbest, benseen, arseen  Tubakas  Raskemetallid (Sb, Pb jt)  Dioksiinid  Tuumajaamade jäätmed, radioaktiivsed ained  Halogeenid ÜLDISED MÄRKSÕNAD  Kantserogeenid (carcinogens)  Põhjavesi (groundwater)  Terviseriskid (health risk)  Kartsinoom, vähk (carcinoma, cancer)  Reostus, reostamine (pollution) OTSIPROFIILID  carcinogens AND groundwater  Carcinogens AND groundwater AND pollution  health risks AND groundwater AND pollution  groundwater AND pollution AND problems  groundwater AND health risks AND (carcinogen OR cancer)  groundwater AND cancer AND (organisms OR health)  groundw...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
3 allalaadimist


DORIS LESSING Before her name was Tayler, Iran, then known as Persia; Alfred Tayler-father-lost a leg durin WW I, in hospital met his future wife Maude Tayler- nurse, Later they moved to Kermanshah(iran) After drois was born they moved with british colony to southern rhodesia ( now zimbabwe) She left home at 15 and worked as a nursemaid Started reading material on politics and sociology, then started writing Then moved to Salisbury and to work as a telphone operator-got married Both these marriages failed, she has not been married since... She moved to london with her youngest son. Other two sons she left with his father to south africa Published two novels under pseudonym- JANE SOMERS She have many awards- most important is the nobel prize, She was 87 then. Making the oldest winner of the literatur prize at the time of the award The communist theme- was writing radically on social issues ( the good terrorist- 1985) And when she left he...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What makes a good leader?

What makes a good leader? Almost every employee has a leader who leads and co-ordinates his workers. Furthermore, we all lead our lives with minor exceptions. Every person is unique and each leaders has different leading techniques. First of all, leadership is an art. It is because it continually evolves, changes form, and requires creativity. It is a science because there are certain principles and techniques required. A good leader knows when it is time to change shape. A great leader allows creativity to be unleashed and takes risks. Person like that can transform his or her organization for major developement. A good leader needs to be able to laugh but a great leader should be abel to laugh at oneself. Secondly, a good leader is considering with his employees. Of course he or she has to have skills and knowledge on how to motivate workers and pave the way for company's success, but one cannot forge...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest 2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil. 2.1.1. a) Thermal treatment and physical properties and polyethylene b) ((((thermal treatment) WN All fields) AND ((physical properties) WN All fields)) AND ((polyethylene) WN All fields)) c) 200 artiklit d) Thermal treatment and physical properties and polyethylene e) (((((thermal treatment) WN CV) ) AND ((physical properties) WN CV) ) AND ((polyethylene) WN CV) ) f) 4 artiklit 2.1.2 a) 69 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. 2.2.1 a) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. b) Valisin advanced search. Sealt sisestasin otsiprofiili "Tools for all jobs" in Document title. Tegin linnukese full texti ette, autoriks kirjutasin "Jim Brown". Dokumendi tüübiks valisin Article. 2.2.2 a) · laiemad märksõnad: environment · kitsamad märksõnad: aquatic...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
5 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Handbook of Meat Processing Handbook of Meat Processing Fidel Toldrá EDITOR A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication Edition first published 2010 © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Editorial Office 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book, please see our website at wiley-blackwell. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that the base fee is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Cent...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

Ülesanne 2 Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest 2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil. 2.1.1 b) ((Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene.) WN All fields) c) 189 artiklit e) (((((thermal treatment) WN CV) ) AND ((physical properties) WN CV) ) AND ((polyethylene) WN CV) ) f) 4 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. 2.1.2 a) 68 articles found in Compendex for 1969-2014: ((({KRUNKS MALLE}) WN AU) OR (({KRUNKS M.}) WN AU)) 2.2.1 a) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. b) Otsistrateegia : Kõige pealt kirjutasin otsingulahtrisse Tools for all jobs seejärel panin Advanced Search ja sealt kirjutasin teise otsingukasti Jim Brown ja panin in Autors- AU , kahe otsingufraasi vahel oli AND 2.2.2 a) o laiemad märksõnad: environment o kitsamad märksõnad: aquatic ec...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
3 allalaadimist

Filosoofia küsimused

1. What does the word “philosophy” mean? The study of proper behaviour and the search for wisdom, in greek means love for wisdom 2. Is philosophy a science? Why? What kind of science it is? Yes it is. It tries to understand the meaning of reality. It’s the science of truth. Science, as it exists today, happens within the framework of philosophy. Philosophy, however, is bigger than science. It is also a form of art and discipline…... 3. Name three characteristics of Classical philosophy? deeply rooted in religious traditions ; believes that inferior was created by superior ; more positive ; seeks the real truth ; about intelligence ; reaalsuse üle mõtisklus ; believes that god is truth 4. Name three characteristics of Modern philosophy. believes that superior was created by inferior (!) ; more negative ; about will ; power ; domain of reality ; believes that knowledge is truth ; man is god 5. What was the problem that the first philo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


MAASTIKU LOODUSTEADLIKUD KÄSITLUSED 2016 Maastik on looduslikult ühtlase ilmega maa-ala, kus korduvad teatud pinnavormid, taimkatteüksused, inimtegevuse avaldused jms. Igapäevasemas tarvituses: teatud maa-ala välisilme, värvide ja vormide laad vaatevälja ulatuses. Ometi käsitletakse maastikku väga erinevalt. Seda juba eri teadusharude juures erinevalt. Esimeses artiklis käsitleb autor maastikku rohkem vaimses võtmes. Ta rõhutab rohkem iga inimese enda tunnetamist maastikku ja seda, kuidas maastik ajas muutub, ning kas ka seda muutust tajutakse. Mainiti ka, kuidas maastik aastaaegade vahetumisega mitmeks erinevaks kohaks muutub. Autor arvab, et maastik on kõik, mida ta väljaspool siseruume näeb. „Tänavad, parklad, laoplatsid, maanteed, bensiinijaamad, kõrgepingeliinid, ..., ka linnud, loomad, taimed ja kivid, ..., pilved, aasta- ja kellaajad, tähed ja planeedid. Arvan seda sellepärast, et ma nii näen.“ (Luik 2001) ...

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
26 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun