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"-revenue" - 124 õppematerjali



Monopoly Market Power In pure competition sellers are "price takers." ­ No seller (or buyer) has the ability to influence the market price. In most markets, at least one or more of the conditions required for pure competition are violated. This gives sellers or buyers the ability to influence the market price and allocation of resources Pure competition results in an optimal allocation or resources given the objective of an economic system to allocate resources to their highest valued uses or to allocate relative scarce resource to maximize the satisfaction of (unlimited) wants in a cultural context. Pure competition is the ideal that is be benchmark to evaluate the performance markets. The economic theory of · monopolistic competitive markets, · oligopoly and · monopoly is used to suggest the nature of problems that may exist wh...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

Pure Competition

Pure Competition Competition The word "competition" may be used in two ways: ­ rivalry ­ (synonym; opposition, antagonism) ­ structural competition or "pure competition" The main characteristics of competition: 1. Number of firms 2. Type of product 3. Control over price 4. Conditions of entry 5. Nonprice competition 6. Information flow Pure Competition · Involves very large numbers of sellers and buyers. · Firms producing identical or homogeneous products. · Standardized product (a product identical to that of other producers). (ex. corn or cucumbers). · Free Entry and Exit: no significant legal, technological, financial, or other obstacles prohibiting new firms from selling their output in any competitive market N...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse kodutöö.

P9-2A 1. Hinnanguline kulu arvestus (Allowance Method) VARAD OMAKAPITAL Ebatõenäoline Ebatõenäolise laekumine (Allowance laekumise kulu Business transactions / Ostjate maksmata arved for Uncollectib...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
83 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse kodutööd.

VARAD (assets) Käibevarad (Short-Term Assets) Põhivarad (L Ostjate maksmata arved (Accounts Kontoritarbed Seadmed kuupäev Majandustehingute kirjeldus Raha (Cash) receivable) (Office Supplies) (Equipment) + (D) - (K) + (D) - (K) + (D) - (K) + (D) 01.12.2006 ...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
167 allalaadimist

Presentatisoon Apple - inglise keeles

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Timo Kask and i’m going to give you an overview of apple inc. I’ve divided my talk into ??? parts. In the first part im going to talk about their history secondly i’ll talk about companys profile. finally i’ll talk about their subsidiaries, revenue and so on. My talk will take about five minutes and if u have any questions leave them to the end of my presentation. INTRODUCTIONApple Inc. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, online services, and personal computers. Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s Its best-known hardware products are the Mac line of computers, the iPod media player, the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Its online services include iCloud, the iTunes Store, and the App Store. HISTORYApple's consumer so...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy is that policy which is made by government for controlling the government expenditure, supply of money and taxes. Fiscal policy is great equipment in the hand of any country's government to make better tax system and to manage the public loan and expenditures. Types of Fiscal Policy The three possible types of fiscal policy: neutral, expansionary and contractionary. The definitions of these types are as follows: - A neutral stance of fiscal policy implies a balanced economy. This results in a large tax revenue. Government spending is fully funded by tax revenue and overall the budget outcome has a neutral effect on the level of economic activity. - An expansionary stance of fiscal policy involves government spending exceeding tax revenue. - A contractionary fiscal policy occurs when government spending is ...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist


СОКРАЩЕНИЯ И СИМВОЛЫ В ЭКОНОМИКЕ LÜHENDID JA SÜMBOLID A Technological progress Технологический Tehniline progress прогресс AD Aggregate demand Совокупный спрос Kogunõudlus AE Aggregate expenses Совокупные затраты Kogukulutused AFC Average fix cost Средние постоянные Keskmine püsikulu затраты AP Average product Средний продукт Keskmine produkt, toodang APC Average propensity to Средняя склонность к Keskmine tarbimiskalduvus consume потреблению APS Average propensity to Средняя склонность к Keskmine säästmise save сбережению kalduvus AR Average revenue Средний доход ...

Keeled → Vene keel
7 allalaadimist

Tootmine ja kulud

Tootmine ja kulud TP (total product, koguprodukt) on teatud perioodi jooksul valmistatud toodang (Q). TP=Q TC(total cost, kogukulud) on kõikide antud hüviste valmimiseks vajalike tootmistegurite ostmiseks tehtud kulutuste summa. Kogukulu on firma püsi- ja muutuvkulude summa antud tootmistasemel. TC=FC+VC VC(variable cost, muutuvkulud) on kulud, mille suurus muutub, kui firma tootmismaht muutub. FC(fixed cost, püsikulud) on kulud, mille suurus lühiperioodil ei muutu, sest ka püsiressursside suuurus ei muutu, kui firma muudab oma tootmismahtu. TR(total revenue, kogutulu) on tulu, mida firma saab oma toodangu müügist. Võrdub müügikoguse ja ühiku hinna korrutisega. TR=p*TP AP (average product, keskmine produkt) - on koguprodukti hulk muutuvressursi ühiku kohta. Keskmine produkt on koguprodukti ja selle toomiseks kasutatud ressursihulka jagatis. APL=TP/L või APK=TP/K ATC (average total cost, keskm...

Majandus → Majandus
7 allalaadimist

One-pager doc Fors Rent

Fors Rent OÜ - autorent General information: Founded: 01.01.2019 URL: Contact: Loo alevik, Lepa tee 4 Elevator pitch: Phone: +372 5500010 Email: [email protected] Fors Rent OÜ missiooniks on absoluutne klientide rahulolu. Kliendi raha säilitamiseks võtab ettevõtte kõik kõrvalkulud enda peale. Mugav äpp - kiirbroneering. Funding: Tegevuse käivitamiseks on vaja ettevõtte alustamiseks rahalisi Problem: Autorenditeenus on suunatud inimesele, kellel ei ole soovi võtta auto liisingusse,kes tahab sissemased summas 30 000 eur. raha säästa, kellele on vaja auto ärireisiks, perepuhkuseks, asenduautoks, igapäevatoimetuste jaoks. Eripära on võimalus kasutada äppi, mis on suur klientide ...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
2 allalaadimist

Lennutransport KT 2

1. Mis tähendab lühend MTOW? Maximum takeoff weigt ehk õhusõidukile määratud maksimaalne lubatud stardimass. 2. Millised on lennuliiklusteeninduse peamised tuluallikad? Marsruudi navigatsioonitasu N = p x d x w, kus N ­ Marsruudi navigatsioonitasu kahe kohaga peale koma (EUR); p ­ marsruudi navigeerimisteenuse tasumäär ühiku kohta (p=xx,xx EUR); d ­ teekonnategur, mis on 1/100 ortodroomsest teekonnast kilomeetrites (ortodroomne teekond on kõige lühem teekond kahe punkti vahel mõõda WGS- 84 suurringjoont); w ­ õhusõiduki massi arvestav tegur: w=( MTOW /50) Terminali navigatsioonitasu T = p x w, kus T ­ terminali navigatsioonitasu kahe kohaga peale koma (EUR); p ­ terminali navigatsiooniteenuse tasumäär ühiku kohta alljärgnevalt; w ­ õhusõiduki massi arvestav tegur, kus MTOW on suurim stardikaal tonnides; w=(MTOW / 50)n n ­ astmenäitaja, Eestis: 0,5 ja 0,7. 3. Millised on...

Logistika → Lennutransport
7 allalaadimist

Repco production process model

A B C D E F G H I J K L 1 Chandler blending model 2 3 Monetary inputs Gasoline Heating oil 4 Selling price/barrel $25,00 $20,00 As we have formulated fuel blending model, a barrel of any 5 6 input results in a barrel of output. However, in a real blending Quality level per barrel of crudes 7 Crude oil 1 10 problem, there can be losses. Suppose a barrel of input 8 Crude oil 2 5 results in only a fraction of a barrel of output. Specifically, 9 10 Required quality level per barrel of product ...

Majandus → Informaatika II
2 allalaadimist

Apple Inc.

APPLE INC. PRODUCTS HISTORY  Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne  April 1, 1976  January 3, 1977  January 9, 2007  Arthur D. Levinson (Chairman)  Tim Cook (CEO) PROFILE  Largest publicly traded corporation  700$ Billion  72 800 employees  437 Retail stores SUBSIDIARIES  FileMaker Inc.  Anobit  Braeburn Capital  Beats Electronics ANNUAL REVENUE  2011 – 108$ Billion  2012 – 156$ Billion  2013 – 170$ Billion  2014 – 182$ Billion Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid

Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid Eesti keeles English На русском Majanduse alusmõisted. Fundamentals of Economics. Фундаментальные понятия ökonoomika economics экономика Ceteris paribus „Other –things-equal” assumption, «при прочих равных условиях» „Muude tingimuste samaks Ceteris paribus jäädes” põhimõtted Principles принципы Teaduslik meetod Scientific method Научный метод seos tradeoffs связь piiranalüüs Marginal analysis Предельный анализ kompositsiooniviga Fallacy of composition Композиционные ошибки Positiivne tõus Positive slope Положительный наклон Verikaalne ja horiso...

Majandus → Majandus
24 allalaadimist

Price & Place (Company)

Price and place Joosep Lahi 10a Price is the one, which creates THE PRICE sales revenue. Researching consumers' opinions about pricing is important. An organisation's pricing policy will vary according to time and circumstances. Pricing Cost-plus pricing methods. Value-based pricing Psychological pricing Target return pricing The place . 'Place' is concerned with various methods of transporting and storing goods, and then making them available for the customer. The choice of distribution method will depend on a variety of circumstances. Distribution Channel ---- all aspects related to how a Product is `moved' from the manufacturer to the customer. Direct . Indirect. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Hotelli vastuvõtt ja konverentsikorraldus

KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED Millised on teenuste põhiomadused?  Teenus on mittemateriaalne  Teenuseid ei ole võimalik säilitada ega ladustada  Teenused on sõltuvuses välisteguritest, nad on varieeruvad  Teenust ei saa eraldada selle osutajast ja tarbijast Millistest osakondadest koosneb Rooms Division?  Front Office  Housekeeping  Night Audit  Reservations Milliseid erinevaid ametikohti võib olla vastuvõtu osakonnas?  Vastuvõtujuht  Vahetuse vanem  Vastuvõtu admistraator  Telefonioperaator  Concierge  Portjeeteenindus  Night audit Millistest etappidest koosneb klienditsükkel?  Saabumiseelne etapp(klient valib hotelli)  Saabumisetapp(sisseregamine ja majutamine, tellimusega ja walk-in kliendid, registreerimiskaardi täitmine, toa määramine, hinna kinnitamine, lahkumise täpsustamine, maksmisviis, võtme andmin...

Turism → Hotellimajandus
10 allalaadimist

Metsanduse sõnad inglise keeles

Participants osalejad Shrine pühamu Joint holding kaasvaldus Habitual harilik Hence seepärast Restoration taastamine Parcel maatükk Assessment uurimine Constitute moodustama Scarcely napilt Salient väljapaistev Agriculture põllumajandus Artificial kunstlik Reforesting taasmetsastamine Seedling võrse Coniferous okas- Timber puit Utilizing kasutades Subsidized riigitoetust saav Afforestation metsastamine Subsidy toetus Affiliated tütar- Prevailing ülekaalus Deteriorate halveneb Labour tööjõud Confront vastu seisma Monetary rahaline Accompanying kaasasolev Silviculture metsakasvatus Revenue tulu Incentive stiimul Entrust usaldama Steep järsk Labour-intensive tööjõumahukas Decline langus Virgin forest põlismets Secondary forest taastunud mets Overstate ülehindama Subsequently järgnevalt Tendency kalduvus Incremental kasvav Pulpwood pabripuit Stumpage puidu langetamise hind Rapidly kiiresti Resemble sarnanema Consistent järjepidev...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

The United States economy

The United States and its economy are known to be one of the thriving and strongest in the  world. It represents 16.6% of the world’s total GDP. The estimated worth of USA's GDP is  estimated to be around 17.5 trillion dollars and dollar being the third currency in the world  and the official currency of the US. They also manage a 5% growth every quarter. So how do they manage it? There are three main sectors that contribute to the USA's GDP.  First is services that is 80% of the total GDP. The output of services in 2014 was 13,8 billion  dollars witch was the nr.1 in front of European Union’s output witch was 13,4. The second  contributing sector is the industry sector which provides 19% of the country’s GDP. In this  area USA has fallen behind and has to accept the third position in the world’s total industry's  output. First in industry’s output last year was European Union who had 4,6 billion dollar  output, not far was China who ha...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Fast and the furiouse - film Review

Film Review Film name: Scarface (1983 film) Directed by Brian De Palma Produced by Martin Bregman Written by Oliver Stone Ben Hecht Howard Hawks Starring Al Pacino Steven Bauer Michelle Pfeiffer Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Robert Loggia F. Murray Abraham Harris Yulin Music by Giorgio Moroder Cinematography John A. Alonzo Editing by Gerald B. Greenberg David Ray Distributed by Universal Pictures Release date(s) December 9, 1983 Running time 170 min. Country United States Language English Spanish Gross revenue $25,000,000 The film begins with a description of how, in 1980, Cuban President Fidel Castro let the gates open on Mariel Harbor in Cuba a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Inglise keele väljendid

Paradise lost Find English equivalents from the text 1. kiindumus affection 2. õitseng boom 3. ebaõiglaselt sisse kasseerima cashing in on 4. kinnisvara property 5. elutähtis panus vital contribution 6. sissetulek inimese kohta per capita income 7. normeerima, mõõdetud rationed portsjonites andma 8. majast välja tõstma evict from their house 9. lammutama demolish 10.äriettevõte business venture 11.täis kohalikku sarmi full of local charm 12.millegagi toime tulema struggle to cope 13.järeleandmatu/lõppematu relentless waves of tourists turistidelaine 14.kuivaks imema suck dry 15.tarbima consume 16.iga-aastane k...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

McDonald's presentation


Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Summry - Apple Inc.

Summary This is a summary of the presentation “Apple Inc.” by xxx. In the presentation, I talked briefly about Apple – it’s history, founders, the Apple’s park, logo and Apple’s devices. Firstly, Apple is a technology company that is the world’s largest information technology company by revenue. It was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. In the article „Apple Park opens to employees in April“ the author described the park and mentioned that to honor Steve Jobs memory and his enduring influence on Apple and the world, the theater at Apple Park will be named the Steve Jobs Theater. He then continued to talk about what does the Apple Park include. For example, it includes a 100 000-square-foot fitness center for Apple employees and an Apple store. In the next article „History of Apple, 1976-2016“ , the author mentioned the foundation of Apple, how it all started, when was the first comput...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
1 allalaadimist


The primary function of taxation is to raise revenue to finance government expenditure. Different countries have different tax systems. Income taxes in most countries are progressive. Estonia has had so far a flat tax rate which is quite unique in the world. The problem with progressive taxes is that the marginal rate- the tax people pay on any additional income - is always high, which is generally a disincentive to both working and investing. The higher the tax rates, more people are tempted to cheat. Some employers give highly paid employees lots of perquisites such as company cars, free health insurance, and subsidized lunches. Taxation Act in Estonia was passed in 2002. Taxes are divided into direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are income taxes, gambling tax, land tax, social tax and heavy goods vehicle tax. The income tax rate in Estonia is 21% and social tax rate is 33%. In 2000 a corporate tax reform took place in Estonia. T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Mikroökonoomika eksamiks vajalik materjal

ALTERNATIIVKULUD alati olemas MÕÕTÜHIK (5 relva), arvestatakse alati ÜHE mõõtühiku kohta A B C D E F Punktis D kapitali alt.kulu (C-D) Kapital 300 290 250 190 110 0 Kapital +60 ühikut = -15 ühikut tarbekaupa Tarbekaup 0 55 75 90 100 105 1 ühik K= 15/60 = 0,25 ühikut kapitalikaupa 1 relva tootmise alt 1 ühiku või alt kulu relvad või kulu (tootmata (tootmata relvi) võid) A 0 10 1,0 Relvad: Või: 10--9 = 1 1/3,8 = 0,263 B 1 9 ...

Majandus → Mikroökonoomika
555 allalaadimist

Turismi sõnad

Types of holiday: Career in Tourism Trends in tourism Alandatud hind-Discount price Alaline,püsiv-permanent Ajavahe-jet lag Ekstreemturism-Hardship holiday Autasu-Reward Edasi-tagasi pilet-Return ticket Eripakkumine(soodushinnag)-Special rate Avatud inimene-Outgoing personality Jõukas-Affluent Eripakkumine-Special offer Hariduskäik-Educational history Jõukus-Prosperity Hobi-või huvialaturism-Special interest holiday Honorar-Fee Kaasmaalane-Compatriot Järsku alandatud-rock-bottom price Juhi töökoht-Management job Kasum,tulu-Revenue Kallis-expensive Kaaskiri-Covering letter Koopia-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch Rupert Murdoch... Was born: March 11, 1931; Melbourne Victoria, Australia In 1937: moved to Britain where he was raised and attended Oxford University. Occupation: Chairman and CEO, News Corporation Full name: William-Rupert Murdoch Lives: New York, United States of America Famous for: media empire with interests in television, film, pay TV, the Internet, newspapers, and publishing. Family & personal life Parents: Keith and Elisabeth Murdoch has been married three times second son of K.Murdoch ; has three sisters and one brother Spouse: Patricia Booker (1956 - 1967), one daughter Prudence; Anna Tõrv (1967 - 1999), one daughter Elisabeth and two sons Lachlan and James; Wendi Deng (1999 - present); two daughters Grace and Chloe Companies The News Corporation - Media & Entertainment Company Filmed Entertainment(20th Century Fox, Fox Studios LA, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Pivot diagrammi moodustamine

Pivot diagrammi moodustamine Diagramm - /diagram, chart/ - arvjoonis, millel arvusid kujutatakse nendega võrdelise pindalaga kujundite, nagu sektorite, tulpade vms. abil. Inglise keeles nimetatakse neid ka "graph", Vahendit, mis diagramme Excelis moodustab nimetatakse "Microsoft Graph". Mõnikord on kasulik enne diagrammi tegemist andmed tabelis summeerida. Üks võimalus selleks on moodustada tabelis uus veerg, kuhu saab sisestada soovitud valemi. Edasi moodustada selle veeru alusel diagramm. Teine võimalus on kasutada niisugustel juhtudel Pivot' diagrammi. Pivot' diagramm on spetsiaalne diagrammitüüp, mis võimaldab summeerida andmeid. Pivot' diagramm on seotud Pivot' tabeliga. P. tabel võimaldab olemasolevaid andmeid esitada kokkuvõtvalt. P. diagramm sobib kõige paremini siis, kui on olemas palju üksikandmeid, mida soovid grupeerida ja summeerida. P diagrammi ei ole mõtet asutada, kui andmed on juba summeeritud või koondatud. Näide Pi...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
8 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

Cost Accounting. Chapter 1 Management accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. Financial accounting focuses on reporting to external parties such as investors, government agencies, banks and suppliers. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on GAAP. Cost accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information relating to cost of acquiring or using resources in an organization. Value-chain analysis: sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products and services. 1. Research and development 2. Design of products, services, or processes 3. Production 4. Marketing 5. Distribution 6. Customer service. Supply chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and servic...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

TEST on accounting and bookkeeping

TEST on accounting and bookkeeping Translate: 1. raamatupidaja-assistent teeb kandeid päevaraamatusse (3 pts)- bookkeeper records purchase and sale in journals 2. kandma edasi pearaamatusse (2 pts) ­ transfer to ledger 3. raamatupidamisperioodi lõpus (2 pts) ­ at the end of an accounting period 4. vastavad lõppsummad (2 pts) ­ relevant totals 5. 2-kordne kirjendamine (2 pts) ­ double-entry 6. tegema proovibilanssi (2 pts) ­ do a trial balance 7. tõendab kannet/kirjet kontol (3 pts) ­ support or prove an item in an account 8. saatma arvet (2 pts) ­ send invoice 9. säilitama algdokumente (2 pts) ­ retain the documents 10. kviitung kinnitab makset (3 pts) ­ receipt acknowledging payment 11. tegema neid kättesaadavaks (2 pts) ­ make them available? 12. sooritatud ja saadud makse (3 pts) ­ payment made and received 13. analüüsivad finantsk...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

GLOSSARY Bankruptcy ­ pankrot Erialasõnastik Benefits in kind ­ keskmine hind Break even point ­ tasuvuslävi A Budget ­ eelarve Account ­ aruanne Accounting equation ­ aruande C võrdsustamine Capital ­ kapital Accounting period ­ aruandeperiood Capital allowances ­ rahalised annetused Accounting policies ­ majanduspoliitika Capital budgeting ­ rahalise eelarve Accounting standards ­ raamatupidamise koostamine standardid ...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Case Google

Case Google 1. What were the key factors behind Google's early success? There were 4 main key factors behind Google's early success: · Perfecting an innovative search engine- clearly the most important factor for Google's success. Google stopped counting keywords like old search engines and started using famous Page Rank algorithm. A reliable searches through the number of websites that link to a page to weight search result relevance. · Google focusing on the user- Focus on the user and all else will follow. Attraction for users were the no-nonsense simple white search pages and distractive colorful logo with no ads or editorial content on the page lead to easy and fast search that Yahoo couldn't imitate. · Google delivered search results people really wanted- trustworthy for users. The promised not to sell placement in search results to advertisers and instead ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Imperial War Museum

Imperial War Museum Aire Albri Imperial War Museum in London. · Imperial War Museum is a British national museum organisation with branches at five locations in England, three of which are in London. · The museum was founded during the First World War in 1917 and intended as a record of the war effort and sacrifice of Britain and her Empire. · Today the museum gives its mission as "to enable people to have an informed understanding of modern war and its impact on individuals and society" · Originally housed in the Crystal Palace at Sydenham Hill, the museum opened to the public in 1920. · In 1924 the museum moved to space in the Imperial Institute in South Kensington, and finally in 1936 the museum acquired a permanent home which was previously the Bethlem Royal Hospital in Southwark. · The outbreak of the Second World War saw the museum expand both its collections and its terms of reference, but th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Les contes

Les contes Récit 1 Il était une fois une sirène est allée dans la rive. Elle était très triste parce que la rive était si loin de chez elle. Soudainement, elle a vu un homme qui s'est approché. L'homme a réalisé que la sirène était triste et il lui a donné un pain magique. La sirene a mangé ce pain et a tout a coup elle a devenu heureuse. Maintenant, ils sont mariés et ils sont très heureuses parce qu'il s mangent ce pain magique tous les jours. Récit 2 Je suis la mer. Il était une fois je n'étais pas de bonne humeur. Toutes mes vagues étaient orageux. Soudainement , j'ai vu comment une vague s'est échappée. La vague a pris une sirène avec elle et a jeté la sirene sur la rive. Pourquoi elle a volé la sirène? Je ne pouvais pas les voir plus. Un jour, la vague était revenue. J'étais si heureuse! Maintenant, elle me dit ce qui était passé. Il me raconte d'homme, du paine magique et de l'a...

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
1 allalaadimist

Unit 1 -15

Shareholders ­ aktsionärid Management ­ juhtkond workforce ­ tööjõud organisation chart ­ organisatsiooniskeem Board of Directors ­ juhatus/nõukogu Chairperson or President ­ esimees Managing Director ­ majandusjuhataja Chief Executive Officer ­ tegevdirektor Senior managers ­ tippjuht Company officers ­ aktsiaseltsi personal Marketing ­ turundus Public relations ­ avalikud suhted Information technology IT ­ infotehnoloogia Personnel or Human Resources ­ inimressursid Finance ­ rahandus Production ­ tootmine Research and Development ­ uuringu- ja arendustegevus recruit ­ värbama tööjõudud position ­ ametikoht apply for ­ kandideerima letter of application ­ avaldus covering letter ­ avaldus curriculum vitae ­ elulookirjeldus application form ­ avalduse blanket short list/candidates/applicants ­ taotlejad interview ­ intervjuu hire ­ palkama recruitment agency/search firm ­ värbamisfirma retailing ­ jaemüük retailers ­ jaemüüjad shops/...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse kodutöö EBS

Varad/Assets = KOHUSTISED / LIABILITIES + OMAKAPITAL/OWNER'S EQUITY Pikaajalised Põhivara / kohustised / Kuupäev / ...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
46 allalaadimist

Spordist ettekanne inglise keeles

Sports Silver Alex Kelder 10 D Tennis *Tennis is a game played on a rectangular court . *Tennis is becoming a very popular around the world. *The modern game of tennis originated in Birmingham, England, in the late 19th century. og/have-your-child-enjoy- competitive-tennis.html Athletics *Athletics is an exclusive collection of sporting events that involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking. *Organised athletics are traced back to the Ancient Olympic Games from 776 BC. *The most common types of athletics competitions are track and field, road running, cross country running and race walking. Volleyball *Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. *A volleyball court is 18 m long and 9 m wide, divided into 9 m × 9 m halves *Each team tries to score points by grounding a ba...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Should smoking be banned?

Should smoking be banned? What is a cigarette? It is a small roll of finely cut tobacco for smoking, enclosed in a wrapper of thin paper. A cigarette contains tar; this is the harmful substance that caused 4.84 million people to die from smoking worldwide out of which 2.41 million are in developing countries like Bangladesh. Smoking is called the brown plague and not only does it harm the smoker, but also the environment and the people around us. Smoking is an expensive habit. People who smoke cigarettes can spend as much as $2,500 a year on them. Some people think that smoking is a helpful measure to reduce the stress. Banning smoking is actually a financial loss for the government as it collects a lot of revenue through the taxes on cigarette sales. Another argument is that it is human tendency to do exactly those things which are forbidden. So, if smoking is banned in public places, adults and teens are...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Kodune lugemine - 150 sõna

1. Latter – Tagumine, viimane 2. Revealing - Paljastav 3. Encounter - Põrkama 4. Imperative - Kõneviis 5. Give rise to - Põhjustama 6. Denote - Tegema 7. Oblique - Kaudne, viltune 8. Average - Keskmine 9. Transmitter - Andur 10. Sales figures – Müügi näitaja, müügi hind 11. Lagged for behind – Selja taha jääma 12. Aggregate - Ühendama, kogum 13. Aptly - Võimekalt, asjakohaselt 14. Highlighted – Esile tõstma 15. Leverage - Mõjujõud 16. Proliferate - Vohama 17. Concurrent – Kaasnev tegur 18. Overall - Üldine 19. Stages - Staadium 20. Flagging - Nõrgenev 21. Alliance - Liit 22. Pinpoint – Täpselt ära näitama 23. Dozen - Tosin 24. Interdependent - Olev 25. Bidirectional - Kahesuunaline 26. Handsome - Nägus 27. Dissociate - Lahku lööma 28. Bias - Kalduvus, eelarvamus 29. Entity - Isik, olemus 30. AiAplification - Võimendus 31. Gazillion - Mustmiljon 32. Equipped - Varustatud 33. Sifting - Sõelumine 34. Failure - Luhtumine 35. Holesaler - Hul...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

YouTube Referaat

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Majandusteduskond Mikk Murel Youtube Referaat Juhendaja:Teele Heller Tallinn 2013 1 Table of Contents Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................................................................3 Firma ajalugu........................................................................................................................................4 Video tehnoloogia.................................................................................................................................5 Levik.....................................................................................................................................................6 Muusika industrioon..............................................................................................................

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
12 allalaadimist

150 uut sõna logistikutele

1. Distribution Levik, levitamine, jaotus Tõsiseltvõetavus, 2. Credibility usaldusväärsus Kohtuma, kokku 3. Encounter põrkama Kohustus, käsk, käskiv 4. Imperative kõneviis 5. Give rise to Põhjustama Märkima, teatavaks 6. Denote tegema 7. Oblique Kaudne, viltune 8. Utilization Kasutamine, kasutus 9. Transmitter Andur 10. Subsequent Järgnev 11. Unobstruced Avatud 12. Aggregate Ühendama, kogum 13. Aptly Võimekalt, asjakohaselt 14. Semantic agreement Sisuline ühildumine 15. Leverage Mõjujõud 16. Proliferate ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kodulugemise sõnad

Home reading Google+ vs Facebook: The Comparison Kevin Curran*, Scott Morrison, Stephen Mc Cauley Faculty of Computing & Engineering, University of Ulster, Derry, Northern Ireland e-mail: [email protected]* 1. search-engine ­ otsingumootor 2. flop ­ läbikukkumine 3. scene ­ stseen 4. consent ­ nõusolek 5. inconvenience ­ ebamugavus 6. stack up ­ kestma 7. perennially ­ aastaringselt 8. concise ­ kokkuvõtlik 9. simultaneously ­ üheaegselt 10. depreciate ­ alahindama 11. restrict ­ piirama 12. interface ­ liides 13. refinement ­ täpsustus 14. overlay ­ ülekate 15. bullying ­ kiusamine 16. nurture ­ hoolitsus 17. novelty ­ uudsus 18. clutter ­ korralagedus 19. monetize ­ raha ringlusse laskma 20. thriving product ­ edukas toode 21. flank ­ tiib 22. slick ­ õlilaik 23. hassle ­ nägelus 24. skew ­ viltune 25. devote ­ pühe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The cost of production

The costs of production Production Decisions about production require individual agents to make decisions about the allocation and use of physical inputs. · Objectives of agents, technology, availability and quality of inputs determine the nature of these decisions. Since the objectives are often pecuniary, it is often necessary to relate the decisions about the physical units of inputs and outputs to the costs of production. · If the prices of the inputs and the production relationships are known (or understood), it is possible to calculate or estimate all the cost relationships for each level of output. In ...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

Strateegiline juhtimine: Strateegiate hierarhia: 1. Omanikkonna strateegia 2. Üldstrateegia ehk organisatsiooniline strateegia 3. Äristrateegia ehk konkurentsi strateegia 4. Operatiivstrateegia ehk funktsionaalne ÜLDINE: STRATEEGILISE ANALÜÜSI ÜLDMUDEL: 1. KESKKONNASEIRE a. Väliskeskkond ­ võimalused, ohud i. Looduskeskkond ii. Sotsiaalne keskkond iii. Task environment b. Sisekeskkonna analüüs ­ tugevused, nõrkused i. Struktuur ii. Kultuur iii. Ressursid 2. STRATEEGIA FORMULEERIMINE (SÕNASTAMINE) a. Missioon b. Eesmärgid c. Strateegiad d. Poliitikad 3. STRATEEGIA ELLUVIIMINE a. Programs, tegevused, mis on vajalikud plaanide täitmiseks b. Eelarved c. Procedures ­ tööde tegemiseks 4. HINDAMINE JA KONTROLL a. Performance ­ ...

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist

Product Presentation

Product Presentation Lasnamäe prisma, My company has a first class hairdryer called the BaByliss 5568U Salon Light 2100w AC that we believe you might be interested in purchasing to stock at your store. Our hairdryer is lightweight and has a 3 metre long power cord, which is 1.2 metres longer than the power cord of hairdryers such as the Remington Luxe AC. We believe this improves customer satisfaction with the hairdryer, as customer reviews show that they rate hairdryers with longer cords more highly than those with shorter cords. Our product also has a removeable filter, therefore the customer can clean it easily and efficiently, thus freeing up their time so that they can do other things. The long-life AC motor of the hairdryer gives the customer a high-power airflow for a faster drying time. It has three heat and two speed settings and also a cold shot button, which is superior to a similar hairdryer such as the TRESemmé 5542DU...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Laiendatud ärimudel

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool ÄRIMUDEL aines „Ettevõtluse alused“ Teemal URBAN SMARTLOCK Üliõpilased: Õppejõud: Martin Toding Tallinn 2017 SISUKORD 1.Customer Segments................................................................................................................. 2 2.Value Proposition...................................................................................................................... 3 3.Channels................................................................................................................................... 5 4.Customer Relationships............................................................................................................6 5.Revenue Streams.........................................................................................................

Majandus → Majandus
96 allalaadimist

Makroökonoomika I 2. teema konspekt

2. SKP ja rahvatulu Antud teemas keskendutakse neljale SKP ja rahvatulu allikate ja kasutamisega seotud põhiküsimusele. 1. Makromajandusliku kogutoodangu determinandid: tootmistegurid ja tootmisfunktsioon. Suletud majanduse korral on vaatluse all: · majandusagentidena kodumajapidamised (KMP), · firmad ja · valitsus (avalik sektor) ning millede vastastikused seosed avalduvad · toodanguturgudel, tootmisteguriturgudel ning finantsturgudel. Kodumajapidamised KMP olles tootmistegurite omanikud, teenivad tulusid tootmisteguriturgudel (markets for factors of production, mida kasutavad selleks, et tasuda avalikule sektorile makse, osta toodanguturgudelt tarbimiseks vajaminevaid tooteid ja teenuseid ning finantsturgude abil paigutada oma tulude ülejäägid säästudena näiteks pankadesse või osta väärtpabereid. Firmad seevastu saavad tulu valmistatavate toodete, teenuste müügist ning nende kulutused o...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
11 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society Coca-Cola Company's role in IPE Final paper Tallinn 2018 Brief overview The Coca-Cola Company is an American corporation founded in 1892 and today engaged primarily in the manufacture and sale of syrup and concentrate for Coca-Cola, a sweetened carbonated beverage that is a cultural institution in the United States and a global symbol of American tastes, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia (Encyclopædia Britannica). Coca-Cola is the world's largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands and nearly 3,900 beverage choices. Led by Coca-Cola, one of the world's most valuable and recognizable brands, their company's portfolio features 21 billion- dollar brands, 19 of which are available in reduced-,...

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist

Scott Pilgrim vs the world

10b Janeli Rohtla & Elin Palumäe Directed by Edgar Wright Produced by Edgar Wright,Marc Platt, Eric Gitter,Nira Park Screenplay by Edgar Wright, Michael Bacall Based on Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O'Malley Narrated by Bill Hader Budget $85­90 million $60 million after tax rebates Gross revenue $47,566,905 Michael Cera ­ Scott Anna Kendrick ­ Pilgram Stacey Pilgrim Alison Pill ­ Kim Pine Aubrey Plaza ­ Johnny Simmons Julie Power "Young" Neil Nordegraf Mary Elisabeth Mark Webber Winstead ­ Ramona Steven Still Flower Ellen Wong ­ Knives Chau Brie Larson ­ Envy Erik Knudsen ­ Kieran Culkin ­ Crash Wallace Wells ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Lõuna-Aafrika, Saksamaa ja Mehhiko demokraatiate võrdlus inglise keelne

what are `territorial politics' ­ The multi-level politics of federal, regionalised, devolved states Distribution of power between central and regional government ­ Party competition across levels of government ­ `Regions' as spheres for autonomous action South Africa Mexico Germany · 9 provinces · 31 states plus federal district · Developed democracy · `Cooperative' federalism · Predominant role for federal 16 Laender ­ German influence, ANC government · Cooperative federalism pref...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Majutuse eksam

Eksamiküsimused : 1. Mis on majutustoode? Majutustooteks on kogu elamus. Ei saa ladustada, hoiustada, kindla hetkevõimalusega ( abstraktne), mittemateriaalne sõltub inimesest endast. Müüa tuleb kogemuste kvaliteeti, mitte hotelli toa kvaliteeti. 2. Mida räägib turismiseadus majutusettevõtlusest Turismiseaduse $2 loetletud turismiteenustest on olulisem majutusteenuse osutamine. Majutusteenus saab ka küllaltki täpset seaduslikku regulatsiooni. Turismiseaduse 3. peatükis defineeritakse majutuseettevõtte mõiste- majutusettevõte on majandusüksus, mille kaudu ettevõtja pakub tasu eest majutusteenust ja sellega kaasnevaid teenuseid. Samas $ tuuakse ära teenused teenused, mida ei loeta majutusteenusteks. Turismiseaduses on toodud majutusettevõtte liigid-hotell, motell, külalistemaja, hostel, puhkemaja, laager, puhkeküla, külaliskorter, kodumajutus. Muid majutusettevõtte liike ei nähta. Majutusettevõtte ei tohi ilma...

Turism → Majutus
72 allalaadimist

Inglise keele majandussõnastik

1. A branded product ­ ............................................firmatoode 2. A cash dispenser ­ ...............................................sularahaautomaat 3. A commission charge ­ .......................................komisjoni tasu 4. A deadline ­ ........................................................(lõpp)tähtaeg 5. A defined goal ­ ..................................................püstitatud eesmärk 6. A detailed benefit analysis segmentation ­ .........läbi viia detailne kasumianalüüs 7. A genuine product ­ ............................................ehtne toode 8. A goal ­ ...............................................................eesmärk 9. A group leader ­ ..................................................kaadriülem 10. A liability ­ .........................................................kohustus 11. A matter-of-fact selling relationship ­ ................asjalik müügi suhe 12. A payment order ­ ...........

Keeled → Inglise keel
69 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun