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"-population-international" - 233 õppematerjali


Madagaskar riigiiseloomustus

Madagaskari iseloomustus 1. a) Selles riigis elab 2015. aasta juuli andmetel 23,812,681 inimest. b/c) Madagaskar on rahvaarvult maailmas 52. kohal. Peaaegu sama palju inimesi elab ka Cameroonis, Põhja-Koreas ja Taiwanis. d) Antud riik on võrreldes teiste riikidega pigem väikeriik. 2. Rahvaarv on jõudsalt kasvamas. Keskmiselt 21. sajandil iga viie aasta tagant on rahvaarv kasvanud üle 3 miljoni võrra. Prognoositakse rahvastiku tõusu ka edaspidisteks aastateks. Rahvaarv 35000000 30000000 25000000 20000000 15000000 10000000 5000000 0 Graafik 1. Madagaskari rahvaarvu muutumise graafik 3. Sündimus 2015. aastal 1000 inimese kohta: 32,6. Suremus 2015. aastal 1000 inimese kohta: 6,8. Loomulik iive: 32,6 - 6,8 = 25,8. Rändesaldo: 0. Rahva...

Geograafia → Geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Maailma rahvaarvu muutus

Maa rahvaarvu kasv Õp.ptk.2.1 Gümnaasium Kui palju inimesi elab maailmas? Rahvastikuarvestuse andmetel elab praegu 8.09.2013 maailmas 7 110 030 350 inimest, jooksvat rahvaarvu võib vaadata rahvastikukellalt: 2011.a 26.10. täitus 7 miljardit 18.09.2012 7 040 182 905 Mitmes inimene sina oled? Kui mitu veel? 15449959 Kuidas on maailma rahvaarv kasvanud? 9 arenenud riigid arengumaad 8 9 7 6 8 5 ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia rahvastiku iseloomustus pt. 1-6

Suurbritannia rahvastik Anna Mari Tamm/11a Tänapäeval on inimkapital muutunud väga oluliseks riigi arengu indikaatoriks. Kas riigi rahvastik kasvab või kahaneb, milline on vanuseline koosseis, inimeste haridustase, tervislik seisund jne. Mida paremini teatakse riigi rahvastikusituatsiooni, seda täpsemalt saab välja töötada riigi jaoks olulisi majandus- ja sotsiaalse arengu stsenaariume. 1. Riigi rahvaarv. a) Suurbritannias elab 2011.aasta juuli seisuga 62 698 362 inimest. b) Rahvaarvult on Ühendkuningriik 22.kohal maailmas. Seega on Suurbritannia puhul tegu keskmise riigiga. c) Enam-vähem sama palju inimesi elab ka Prantsusmaal (65 312 249), Tais (66 720 153) ning Itaalias (61 018 804). ( 2. Rahvastiku paiknemine Suurbritannias a) Rahvastiku keskmine tihedus Suurbritannias on 252,96. Sarnane rahvastiku keskmine tihedus on Jamaika...

Geograafia → Geograafia
20 allalaadimist

India riigi rahvastik

Riigi rahvastik Indias on oma 1,2 miljardi elanikuga riikide reastuses rahvaarvu alusel teisel kohal. Ainult Hiinas elab natuke rohkem inimesi. Kolmas koht jääb juba oma rahvaarvult kaugele maha. Tegemist on rahvaarvult väga suure riigiga. (India) India rahvastiku muutus miljardites 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Joonis 1 India rahvaarv on 1950 ja 2050 aasta vahel palju tõusnud (vaata ka Joonis1). 1950 ja tänapäeva vahel on kasvutempo olnud nagu mujalgi arengumaades väga kiire. Tulevikus hakkab see juba pisut langema, kuna sündide arv on juba langemas. India iive on positiivne. See on 1.51%. Enamuse iibest moodustavad sünnid. Rändesaldo on suhteliselt 0 lähedane. Paljud rändavad Indiast arenenumatesse maadesse, kuid samuti rännatakse palju ka vähemarenenud maadest Indiasse. Samuti paljud, kes kord on välja rännanud lähevad Indiasse tagasi. (International Data Base) Sündimuse üldkordaja o...

Geograafia → Globaliseeruv maailm
6 allalaadimist


Liibüa 1. Liibüa rahvaarvu iseloomustus Liibüas elab 6 244 174 inimest. Rahvaarvult lähimad riigid on El Salvador (6 125 512), Eritrea (6 380 803) ja Papua Uus Guinea (6 552 730). Liibüa on keskmise rahvaarvuga riik, kuna 240 riigist koosnevas pingereas on ta 108 kohal. 2.Liibüa rahvaarvu muutumine aastatel 1950-2025 8000000 7374566 7000000 6942544 6411776 6110364 6000000 5570030 5000000 5024753 4583908 4000000 4098435 ...

Geograafia → Rahvastik ja majandus
7 allalaadimist

Tallinn, general overview

Tallinn, general overview Prepared: Hanna Bergmann 16.04.2011 Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Tallinn is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world. Tallinn is a European Capital of Culture for 2011, along with Turku, Finland. Location Tallinn is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the banks of the Gulf of Finland, 80 km south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm and west of Saint Petersburg. Tallinn is situated on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, in north-western Estonia. Tallinn Population The registered population of Tallinn is 412,341 (as of 1 Dec 2010). According to Eurostat, in 2004 Tallinn had the largest number of non-EU nationals of all EU member states' capital cities.As of 2009 around 22% of its population are not EU citizens. In addit...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Bangladeshi rahvastik

Bangladeshi rahvastik ARVUTITUND Tänapäeval on inimkapital muutunud väga oluliseks riigi arengu indikaatoriks. Kas riigi rahvastik kasvab või kahaneb, milline on vanuseline koosseis, inimeste haridustase, tervislik seisund jne. Mida paremini teatakse riigi rahvastikusituatsiooni, seda täpsemalt saab välja töötada riigi jaoks olulisi majandus- ja sotsiaalse arengu stsenaariume. Rahvastiku andmeid on erinevatel kodulehekülgedel ja sageli tulebki andmeid leida erinevatest allikatest, mida võibki kasutada. Soovituslikud allikad: The World Factbook The Wolrd Bank United Nations (ÜRO andmed) Coutries of te World U.S. Census Bureau

Geograafia → Geograafia
11 allalaadimist

Uruguay rahvastiku ja majanduse analüüs

Uruguay rahvastiku ja majanduse analüüs Miniuurimus 1. Rahvaarvu muutumine Uruguays elab 3,3 miljonit inimest, see riik on väikeriik. Kui võrrelda rahvaarvu muutust 1990-2012 aasta jooksul siis selle ajaga on rahvaarv kasvand umbes 0,3 miljoni võrra, järsemalt on tõusnud rahvaarv aastatel 1990-2000, sest siis ei osatud veel pere planeerida. Igal aastal on loomulik iive olnud positiivne, millest järeldame, et suremus on olnud sündimusest väiksem. Suremus on sündimusest väiksem, sest meditsiin on olnud heal tasemel. Ning tulevikus kasvab rahvaarv aina edasi ja edasi. 2. Rahvastiku paiknemine Uruguays on rahvastiku tihedus 19,4 in/km² x-Countries_by_population_density.svg.png Võrreldes Argetiinaga, mis asub Uruguay-st lääne pool on selle rahvastiku tihedus väiksem, kui Uruguays, aga võrreldes Brasiiliaga, mis asub...

Geograafia → Geograafia
41 allalaadimist

Wales - Powerpoint esitlus

Wales Overview Capital: Cardiff, population 341,054 Other major towns: Swansea, Newport, Wrexham Official Languages: Welsh, English Population: 3,006,430 (StatsWales 2010) Patron Saint: St David Climate similar to the rest of the UK changes quite quickly Rain - autumn and early winter months (October ­ January) the summer months are the hottest Language All speak English Welsh language is spoken fluently by over half a million - 20% of the population It's called Cymraeg Myths King Arthur & his soldiers Mabinogion - a collection of their medieval tales Lady of the Lake Beddgelert Castles Over 600 castles Caerphilly castle ­ one of the largest Castell coch ­ red castle Cardiff Castle ­ tourist attraction St David Celebrat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Maailmausundite statistika 3 - prognoos APRIL 2, 2015 The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050 Why Muslims Are Rising Fastest and the Unaffiliated Are Shrinking as a Share of the World’s Population The religious profile of the world is rapidly changing, driven primarily by differences in fertility rates and the size of youth populations among the world’s major religions, as well as by people switching faiths. Over the next four decades, Christians will remain the largest religious group, but Islam will grow faster than any other major religion. If current trends continue, by 2050 …  The number of Muslims will nearly equal the number of Christians around the world.  Atheists, agnostics and other people who do not affiliate with any religion – though increasing in countries such as the United States and Fra...

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Maroko rahvastiku ja majanduse analüüs.

Tartu Descartes'i Lütseum Maroko rahvastiku ja majanduse analüüs Miniuurimus Aveli Vatt Juhendaja: Elle Reisenbuk Tartu 2012 Rahvaarvu muutumine Maroko põlisrahvaks on iidsetest aegadest pärit heledanahalised berberid ­ kõrberändurid, kaubitsejad ja kunagised sõdalased. Berberid elavad mägi-ja poolkõrbealadel. Kõrbes rändleb beduiine. Prantslaste ja hispaanlaste hulk on Maroko iseseisvumisest peale kahanenud. Marokos elab 2007. aasta seisuga 33 757 000 inimest. Riigi rahvastik on pidevalt kasvanud ning 2025. aasta oodatav rahvaarv on 42 000 000 inimest. Maroko rahvastik on demograafilise ülemineku esimeses etapis, kuna sündimus on suur ning suremus väike. Rahvastiku tihedus on keskmiselt 75,6 in/km2. Aastast 2000 on Maroko rahvaarv tõusunud, kuid aa...

Geograafia → Demograafia
3 allalaadimist

New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND Geography: New Zealand is situated midway between the Equator and the South pole in the southern Pacific Ocean. It consists of two large islands, North Island and South Island, plus several smaller ones of which Stewart Island is the largest. North and South Islands are separated by the 32km wide Cook Strait. The total land area is 270,535 sq Km, about the size of Italy, the United Kingdom or the US state of Colorado. North Island is volcanically active with three active volcanoes. South Island has the high snow covered mountain peaks and glaciers of the Southern Alps, a range running almost 500Km along the Island. The longest river is the Waikato on North Island (425 Km), the largest inland stretch of water is Lake Taupo also on North Island (607 sq Km) and the highest point is Mount Cook on South Island (3754 m). Over 75% of New Zealand is above 200m. Land use is broken down to about: forested 30% - meadows and pastures...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Geograafia - Rahvastik ja majandus, kokkuvõte

TÖÖLEHT ARVUTITUNNIKS TEEMA: RAHVASTIK. Valitud riigi rahvastiku analüüs. Ülesanne. Vali vabalt üks endale huvipakkuv riik ja analüüsi selle rahvastikku. Täida tööleht, kasutades veebilehti aadressidel (paremalt äärest: Population Basics ­ saate andmed rahvastiku kohta, Select a region or country ­ valite vastava riigi) leiate rahvastikupüramiidi vajaliku riigi). _______________________________________________________________________________ Riik: Sloveenia Rahvaarv 2017. a: 1.972000 Rahvaarv aastaks 2025: 1.908000 Rahvaarv aastaks 2050: 1.597000 Ra...

Geograafia → Rahvastik ja majandus
24 allalaadimist

Itaalia rahvastiku iseloomustuse tööleht

1. a) Itaalias elab 61,680 122 inimest. b) Itaalia on oma rahvaarvuga maailmas 24. kohal. c) Enam-vähem sama palju inimesi elab Prantsusmaal, Suurbritannias ja Tansaanias. d) Võrreldes Itaalia rahvaarvu teiste riikide rahvaarvuga, on Itaalia keskmise rahvaarvuga riik. 2. 3. Sündimuse üldkordaja Itaalias 2013. aastal oli 8.9. Suremuse üldkordaja Itaalias 2013. aastal oli 10. Loomulik iive -0.11% Rändesaldo 4.5% Itaalias kahaneb rahvaarv pidevalt, sest suremus kaalub igal aastal sündimuse üle ning loomulik iive on negatiivne. 4. Sündimus a) Sündimuse üldkordaja on jäänud samaks (9). Prognoos aastaks 2030 on see, et sündimuse üldkordaja langeb 1 võrra. b) Keskmiselt sünnib naise kohta lapsi 1.4. Viimase paarikümne aasta jooksul on see näitaja tõusnud 0,2 võrra. c) Antud regiooni riikidega võrreldes on need näitajad üsna madalad. Prantsusmaa sündimuse üldkordaja on 12, Šveitsis ja Sloveenias 10 ja Austrias sama, mis Itaali...

Geograafia → Rahvastik ja majandus
5 allalaadimist

Image of Brazil

Brazil, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil, is a country in South America. It is the fifth largest country by geographical area, occupying nearly half of South America. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7,491 kilometers. It is bordered on the north by Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and the overseas department of French Guiana; on the northwest by Colombia; on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay and on the south by Uruguay. Population of Brazil is made up of many racial and ethnic groups. The last National Research for Sample of Domiciles (PNAD) census revealed the following: 49.4% of the population are White, about 93 million; 42.3% are Pardo (brown), about 80 million; 7.4% are Black, about 13 million; 0.5% are Asian, about 1 million; and 0.4% are Amerindian, about 519,000. Most native peoples who live and lived within Brazil's cu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Mongoolia rahvastiku iseloomustus

Mongoolia rahvastiku iseloomustus 1. Riigi rahvaarv Mongoolias elab pea 3 miljonit inimest, rahvaarv 2014. aasta juuli seisuga on 2,953,190. Sarnase rahvaarvuga riigid on näiteks Albaania(3,020,209) , Armeenia(3,060,631) , Jamaica(2,930,050) ja Leedu(3,505,738) . Mongoolia on rahvaarvult maailma riikide seas 139. kohal. Mongoolia puhul on tegemist väikeriigiga, tema rahavastik osatähtsus maailma lõikes on peaaegu olematu, kolm miljonit võrreldes maailmas elava 7 miljardiga on väga väike. Samas kui vaadata üldse riikide arvu kokku, jääb Mongoolia kusalegi keskele, olles 139. kohal 240. riigist. 2. Rahvastiku paiknemine Mongoolia rahvastiku tihedus on äärmiselt hõre, 1,96 in/km2, sellise näitajaga jääb Mongoolia 229. kohale. Sarnane rahvastiku tihedus on veel näiteks Austraalias(2,79), Namiibias (2,55) ja Lääne-Saharas(1,52). Joonis 1. Mongoolia rahvastiku paiknemine. Allikas: Encyclopedia Britannica Kids Mongoolia ...

Geograafia → Inimgeograafia
19 allalaadimist

The Republic of Cameroon

The Republic of Cameroon Cameroon · A unitary republic of central and western Africa · Bordered by Nigeria to the west; Chad to the northeast; the Central African Republic to the east; and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo to the south. · Cameroon's coastline lies on the Bight of Bonny, part of the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean. · The country is called "Africa in miniature" for its geological and cultural diversity. History · The territory of present day Cameroon was first settled during the Neolithic · Portuguese sailors reached the coast in 1472 · The German Empire claimed the territory as the colony of Kamerun in 1884 and began a steady push inland. · An economic crisis took effect in the mid-1980s to late 1990s as a result of international economic conditions, drought, falling petroleum prices, and years of corruption, mismanagement, and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Londoni Referaat

London is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom, and the largest metropolitan area in the European Union. An important settlement for two millennia, London's history goes back to its founding by the Romans. Since its foundation, London has been part of many movements and phenomena throughout history, including the English Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the Gothic Revival.The city's core, the ancient City of London, still retains its limited medieval boundaries; but since at least the 19th century, the name "London" has also referred to the whole metropolis that has developed around it. Today the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region of England and the Greater London administrative area, with its own elected mayor and assembly. London is one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts contri...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

UK Test

UK Conservation & Environment 1. What does AONB stand for? 2. What type of environment does the Ramsar Convention protect? 3. Which country has the greatest proportion of its land devoted to National Parks and other countryside conversation areas: England, Scotland, Wales or Northen Ireland? 4. Which is the main contributing gas to the greenhouse effect? 5. Which fortification in Britain dates from the Roman era and is listed in the World Heritage List? 1. Area of outstanding natural beauty 2. Wetlands 3. Northen Ireland 4. Carbon dioxide 5. Hadrian's Wall, in the north of England Physical geography 1. Which of the following countries is the nearest continental neighbour to Great Britain: Denmark, Portugal, France or Greece? 2. Which of these cities are close to the same line of latitude as London: Berlin, Moscow, New Yo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Prefixes with definitions

1. co-pilot - a pilot who helps the main pilot on an aircraft 2. disable - to cause someone to have an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for them to do the things that other people do 3. repopluate - to provide a new population for an area in which the population has declined 4. recalculate - to calculate again, especially in order to eliminate errors or to incorporate additional factors or data 5. impossible - describes a situation that is extremely difficult to deal with or solve 6. international - describes a situation that is extremely difficult to deal with or solve 7. irregular - not according to usual rules or what is expected 8. misunderstood - incorrectly understood or interpreted 9. miscalculate - to count or estimate incorrectly 10. overpaid - paid too much or more than usual 11. overbooked - to sell more tickets or places for an aircraft, holiday, etc. than are available 12. pos...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
7 allalaadimist

Demograafiline üleminek

Demograafiline üleminek Koostaja: Ülle Liiber Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi „Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)“ alusel, vt Miks maailma rahvaarv kiiresti kasvab? • Maailma rahvastiku kasvutempo on langenud 2,1%-lt 1960. aastal 1,2%-le 2010 aastal. • Siiski jätkub rahvaarvu kiire kasv, peamiselt arengumaade arvel. miljardit Arengumaade rahvastik Arenenud riikide rahvastik • Et mõista, miks maailma rahvastik nii kiiresti kasvab on vaja selgitada, kuidas toimub demograafiline üleminek. United Nations Population Division, World Population Pr...

Geograafia → Demograafia
39 allalaadimist

Cook Islands

Cook Islands Kendra Location Capital: Avarua South Pacific Ocean 15 islands, 9 main islands Rarotonga Area: 240 square km Time zone: 12h behind Associated: New Zealand Geography Capital: Avarua Divided into two Coastline: 120km Natural resources: coconuts Climate: Tropical Mountainous, volcanoes, palms, soils, caves, People European, Chineese, African settlers Polynesian roots 2 polynesian languages: Pukapuka and other islands Official language Cook Islands Maori, English Population: 14,974 Villages, farms Politics Left: Henry Puna, right: John Key Self-governing state In international treaties Head of state: British monarch Parliamentary elections: 4 years Independence: 4th August 1965 Political parties: Cook islands party, the Democratic Economy Few natural resources: cobalt, phosphate Inadequate infrastructure Main industries: Tourism, fishing, banking, mining Export: citrus & tropical fruits, handicraft...

Keeled → Country Study
1 allalaadimist


Wales Wales · Area: ½ Estonia · Population: 2x Estonia · Capital: Cardiff · Languages: English & Welsh (Cymry) · Highest peak: Snowdon (1085m) National symbols · Daffodil & Leek · Flag Music · Traditional music · International Eisteddfod · Pop, rock & dance - Tom Jones, Bonnie Tyler, Bullet For My Valentine, Funeral For A Friend, Duffy, DJ High Contrast Sport · Rugby · Football - Ryan Giggs · Rally - Co-Drivers: Nicky Grist (Colin McRae), Phil Mills (Petter Solberg)

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist


Misso Keskkool New Zealand Precis Compiler: Maiki Joakit Instructor: Mailis Teppo Misso 2011 New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island), and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. The indigenous Mori language name for New Zealand is Aotearoa, commonly translated as land of the long white cloud. Population (1998): 3,801,000.New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation; it is situated about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) southeast of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and its closest neighbours to th...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Saksamaa rahvastik

Saksamaa rahvastik 1. Iseloomustage riigi rahvaarvu. Saksamaal elab 81 305 856 inimest juuli 2012.aasta andmete põhjal. Teiste riikidega võrreldes on Saksamaal sarnane rahvaarv Egiptuse (83 milj), Türgis (79 milj). Iraan (78 milj) Saksamaa on rahvaarvult keskmise suurusega riik. Ta asub 16.kohal rahvaarvu poolest ning erineb suurte riikidega mitmesaja miljoni poolest. Nt Hiina ja Saksamaa rahvaaru vahe on ligi 1.3 miljonit. Kuigi jälle Venemaaga on rahvaarv erinev 60 miljoniga. 2. Iseloomusta ja analüüsi rahvastiku paiknemist oma riigis. Saksamaal rahvastikutihedus on 235.75 inimest/ km² kohta. Saksamaal on sarnane rahvastiku tihedus Hollandiga (236 inimest/ km²) ja Pakistaniga (226 inimest/ km²). Saksamaaga võrreldes on Hollandil väiksem pindala ning selletõttu on seal tihedamini asustatud. Pakistan on suurema rahvaarvuga kui Saksamaa, kuigi pindala on Saksamaal veidi suurem. Joonis 1: Saksamaa rahvastiku tihedus 2000.aastal. A...

Geograafia → Geograafia
37 allalaadimist

Jamaica - inglisekeelne esitlus

Jamaica Capital : Kingston Area : 10,991sq km Population : 2.6 million Language : English People Tourism Growing: Bananas Sugar cane Cocunats Oranges Coffe Kingston (town) Capital and the largest city Locaiton :Southeastern coast of island natural harbour Port Royal / N. M. International Airport English-speaking city Big city Culture Christian faith Most loved music: Reggae (Bob Marley) Dance to reggae music Writers (Dereck Walcott,Mikey Smith Films (Shottas,The Harder They Come) Sports (football,dominos,gymnastics) Thank You for watching By Manfred-M. Tikenberg

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Rauno Leppik Why I choos it Good climate Beautiful city arapidly developing country Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi is a capital of the UAE Second largest city of the UAE Offical name is Abu Dhabi emirate Largest country of the UAE 67,340 km2 (26,000 sq mi) Independence from 2 December 1971 Flag Location History the city began to develop in 1958 The first road was built was 1961 Independence 1971 Government Constitutional monarchy The current ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Climate Abu Dhabi has a hot aird climate maximum temperatures averaging above 35 °C Low rainfall the sun shines on average 3400 hours per year Architecture In the dense areas, most of the concentration is achieved with medium- and high-rise buildings the tallest building is 382 meter...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

Tallinna Mustamäe Humanitargümnaasium Valeria Jefremenkova ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE INGLISE KEEL KUI ÜLEMAAILMNE KEEL Research work Supervisor: Jevgenija Kozlova Tallinn 2016 1 Table of Contents СONTENT…………………………………………………………………………………...2 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………...3 CHAPTER I……………………………………………………………………………….....5 1.1. A Brief History of the English Language…………………………………………...…..5 1.2. Origins of English as the Global Language……………………………………..……....6 1.3. Necessity of a Global Language...……………………………………………………....8 1.4. Criticism of a Global Language………………………………………………………....9 1.5. The Role of English Today……………………………………………………………..10 1.6. English Speaking Countries…………………………………………………………….11 1.7. Perspectives of English………………………………………………………………....13 CHAPTER I...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Ottawa Ottawa is the capital of Canada and a municipality within the Province of Ontario. Located in the Ottawa Valley in the eastern portion of Southern Ontario, the city lies on the southern banks of the Ottawa River, a major waterway forming the local boundary between the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. The 2006 Census recorded the population at 812,129, making it the fourth largest municipality in the country and second largest in Ontario. Connected by several bridges to its Quebec neighbour , the City of Gatineau on the northern shores of the Ottawa River, the two cities had a combined 2006 population of over 1,130,000, making it the country's fourth largest metropolitan area. On December 31, 1857, Queen Victoria was asked to choose a common capital for the Province of Canada (modern day Ontario and Quebec) and chose Ottawa. While Ottawa is now a major metropolis and Canada's fourth largest ci...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Women's Learning Partnership

Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace. Liis Kivirand Backround Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization. Dedicated to women's leadership and empowerment. Cooperation with 18 autonomous partner organizations in the Global South, particularly in Muslim-majority societies. WLP works to empower women to transform their families, communities, and societies. Primary objective is to increase the number of women taking on leadership and decision-making roles at family, community, and national levels, and to improve the effectiveness of feminist social movements in Muslim-majority societies and globally by strengthening the capacity of our partner organizations. Since its founding WLP has established a partnership model that allows for a geometric increase i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Brasiilia rahvastiku iseloomustus

Riigi rahvastiku iseloomustus ARVUTITUND 1. Iseloomusta riigi rahvaarvu. a) Brasiilias elab 202,656,788 inimest. b) Riik on rahvaarvu alusel maailmas 6. kohal. c) Enam-vähem sama palju inimesi elab ka:  Indoneesias 253,609,643  Pakistanis 196,174,380  Nigeerias 177,155,754  Bangladeshis 166,280,712 d) Riik on kindlasti rahvaarvult suur. 2. Iseloomusta ja analüüsi rahvastiku paiknemist oma riigis. a) Brasiilia rahvastiku keskmine tihedus on 23,50 in/km2 Sarnane rahvastiku keskmine tihedus on ka:  Peruus 23,08 in/km2  Tšiilis 22,17 in/km2  Rootsis 22,05 in/km2 b) Joonis 1. Brasiilia rahvastiku tihedus Allikas: Britannica c) 50% Brasiilia rahvastikust elab riigi ida- ja lõunaosas, umbes 500 km laiusel alal rannikust sisemaa suunas. Seal on soe ja niiske kliima, mis on elamiseks sobiv. Head sadamakohad on soodustanud kaub...

Geograafia → Rahvastik ja majandus
11 allalaadimist

Nigeria population

181 383 962 Current population 91 848 775 Current male population (50.6%) 89 535 186 Current female population (49.4%) 4 659 042 Births this year 11 325 Births today 2 107 131 Deaths this year 5 122 Deaths today -9 184 Net migration this year -22 Net migration today 2 542 727 Population growth this year 6 181 Population growth today Population of Nigeria 2014 As of 1 January 2015, the population of Nigeria was estimated to be 178 841 235 people. This is an increase of 1.94 % (3 400 050 people) compared to population of 175 441 185 the year before. In 2014 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 3 412 331. Due to external migration, the population declined by 12 281. The sex ratio of the total population was 1.026 (1 026 males per 1 000 females) which is higher than global sex ratio. The global sex ratio in the world was approximately 1 016 males to 1 000 females as...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Jõhvi Gümnaasium 10.a Toomas Tint Nigeeria referaat Juhendaja: Ene Sokman Jõhvi 2011 1. Nigeerias elab 155,215,573 inimest 2011 a andmete järgi. Nigeeria on keskmise suurusega riik. Umbes sama palju inimesi elab: Bangladeshis ,Venemaal ja Pakistan 2. Nigeerias on rahvastiku keskmine tihedus ruutkilomeetri kohta 163,85 inimest, umbes samasuguse arvuga rigid on: Tongo, Kosova, Uganda Nigeeria on Aafrika suhtes väga tihedalt asustatud.Kõige tihedamini on asustatud ookeani äärsed alad ja Põhja-Nigeeria. 50 % rahvastiku elab linnades. 3. Nigeeria rahvaarv kasvab koguaeg alates 1980-2050 . 4. Tabel...

Geograafia → Geograafia
18 allalaadimist

Stages of democratization

Stages of democratization The old regime breaks down. New democratic structures are built. Initial fragility These new structures become embedded; their removal is unthinkable: `consolidation'. Structural factors : ­ Factors that are `unchangeable' or change slowly; `preconditions' · Historical · Economic · Political W. Germany 1950s: educated, literate population, but residue of authoritarian attitudes, poor experience of Weimar democracy? E. Germany 1990s: educated, literate, good knowledge of West German system ­ (relatively) easy adaptation once East German state collapsed Mexico: as economy developed did potential for democratic structures increase? South Africa: little apparent scope for change? Transitions theory 1. liberalization of authoritarian rule 2. civil society pushes the boundari...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Hispaania rahvastiku iseloomustus

Hispaania Rahvastik 1. Riigi rahvaarvu iseloomustus. Hispaanias elab 2011 aasta Juuli seisuga 46 754 784 inimest. Maailma arvestuses asub see riik rahvaarvult 27. kohal. Riigid, mis jäävad Hispaania rahvaarvule lähedale on Näiteks Lõuna-Aafrika, mis asub rahvaarvu suuruselt 25. Seal elab 49 004 031 inimest. Maailmas 26. Kohal asub Põhja-Aafrika 48 754 657 inimesega. Peale Hispaaniat asub Ukraina 45 134 707 inimesega. Ning peale seda riiki on Sudaan, kus elab 45 047 502 . Need eelnevad andmed on pärit 2011 aasta Juuli kuust. Hispaaniat saab lugeda rahvaarvu järgi keskmise suurusega riigiks. Suurte riikide hulka kuuluvad need, kus inimesi on üle mitmesaja miljoni, väikeriigid on sellised, kus inimesi paarkümmend miljonit ja vähem. Hispaanias jääb aga rahvaarv alla 100 millioni ning üle paarikümne millioni. (CIA, 2011) 2. Riigi rahvaarvu muutumine ajavahemikul 1950-2025 ning muutumise te...

Geograafia → Geograafia
33 allalaadimist


IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MEDIA ECONOMY AND TECHNOLOGY, HOW VALID IS THE CRITIQUE OF THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL OF MEDIA DECEIVING AND PACIFYING THE POPULATION? Essay Tallinn 2013 The rapid development of computer technologies and internet has been one of the main factors affecting our everyday life over the last decades. They have made our life more efficient, comfortable and also changed the way we communicate and consume media. Digitalization has also brought us many new platforms and more possibilities for media to reach even more people. The internet is allowing anyone to share information instantly to all over the world. It might be thought that with all these new developments, problems like controlling of the media and deceiving people are gone, but it seems that things are not that clear. When the first newspapers a...

Meedia → Meediateooriad
3 allalaadimist

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA Overview ◦Capital: Pyongyang ◦Population: 25.37 million ◦Supreme leader: Kim Jong-un ◦Eternal leaders: Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong- il Kim Il-sung's rule ◦Korea split in half ◦Free elections Kim Il-sung's rule ◦The Korean War (1950-1953) ◦Juche Kim Jong-il's rule ◦Songun ◦Arduous March ◦Kim Jong-un List of used sources ◦ rea%20night%20photo_0.jpg ◦ ea/ ◦ ◦ unjeom3.jpg ◦ ◦ ◦ ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Riigi andmeanalüüs Ghana, Geograafia

Ghana 1.Riigi asukoht: 2.Riigi demograafilise situatsiooni ülevaate koostamine: Demograafilise ülemineku etapp: Traditsiooniline põlvkondade vaheldumine. Sündimus(kordaja): 26,99/1000inimese kohta. Suremus(kordaja): 8,57/1000inimese kohta. Loomulik iive: 1,787% Eeldatav keskmine eluiga: 61,45 sünni hetkel. Keskmine vanus: 21,4% Laste arv naise kohta: 3,39% Haridustase Kirjaoskuse tase: 15 aastased ja vanemad oskavad lugeda ja kirjutada. 57.9% rahvastikust. Keskmine kooliskäimise aeg:10-11aastat. 3.Riigi või regiooni asustuse analüüs Asustuse ja/või rahvastiku kaart Rahvaarv: 25,241,998 (2012 Juuli) Asustustihedus: 107,2in/km2 Linnastumise tase: 3,4% 3 suuremat linna: Accra, Kumasi, Tamale. 4. Majandus: Leiduvad maavarad: kuld, teemandid, boksiid ja mangaan. Kliima:Troopiline, riigis on jahedaim periood novembrist jaanuari esimese pooleni (temperatuuri langedes öösiti 20° C). Troo...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
8 allalaadimist


ESTONIA ·Republic of Estonia is a country in Norhern Europe. Our president is Toomas Hendrik Ilves ·Territory of Estonia is 45,227 ( square kilometer) km² ·Population is 1.4 million. Estonia is one of the least-populous members of the European Union. ·The capital and largest city is Tallinn wich is in North-Estonia ·We are special because we have own language ­ estonian ·Estonia is bordered to the north by the Gulf on Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by Russian Federation ·Estonia is divided into 15 counties (maakond) ·In Estonia are 33 cities and several town-parish towns in the country. More than 70% of the population lives in towns. ·Estonia has summer capital ­ it's Pärnu, autum capital ­ it's Türi, winter capital ­ it's Otepää ·The Estonia Theatre is an opera house and concert hall in Tallinn . It was built on 1913 ·The oldest records of...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Lühikirjand teemal "Los Angeles"

Los Angeles The city of Los Angeles also known as the "City of Angels" or simply L.A. -- is the largest city in California. Located on a broad basin in Southern California, it is surrounded by vast mountain ranges, deep valleys, forests, desert, and the Pacific Ocean. Los Angeles is the second most populous city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of California and the western United States, with a population of 3.83 million. Los Angeles is home to people from more than 140 countries speaking 224 different languages . Los Angeles is also the seat of Los Angeles County, the most populated and one of the most multicultural counties in the United States. The city's inhabitants are referred to as "Angelenos". The city is divided into many neighborhoods, many of which were incorporated places or communities that were annexed by the city. Generally, the city is divided into t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Itaalia referaat

Itaalia Vabariik Referaat Erik Salm Paide Ühisgümnaasium 2007 Itaalia Vabariik ISO 2-täheline kood: IT ISO 3-täheline kood: ITA Lipp: Vapp: Kaart: Geograafiline asend Itaalia Vabariik on riik Lõuna-Euroopas. Itaalia asub 800 km Vahemerre ulatuval saapakujulisel Apenniini poolsaarel. Põhjapoolne piirkond on mägine. Loodusliku piiri moodustavad Alpid. Maastik on suurte mägede ja sügavate orgude rohke. Itaaliale kuuluvad kaks Vahemere suurimat saart ­ Sitsiilia ja Sardiinia - ning hulk väiksemaid saari. Põhjas on Itaalial maismaapiir Austria (430 km), Prantsusmaa (488 km), Sloveenia (232 km) ja Sveitsiga (740 km). Rannajoone pikkus on 7600 km. Enklaavina asuvad Itaalia territooriumil iseseisvad San Marino ja Vatikani riigid. Satelliitfoto Itaaliast Faktid: Pealinn: ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
145 allalaadimist

Terrorism and fighting against it

Terrorism and fighting against it Terrorism is not new and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define. Terrorism has been described differently as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an unforgivable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view it is being represented. Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. Terrorism is most common in nations with the average political freedom, and is least common in the most democratic nations. In some cases, terrorism has been a means to carry on a conflict without the antagonist realizing the nature of the threat, mistaking terrorism for criminal activity. Because of these characteristics, terrorism has become increasingly common among those extreme goals throughout the world. But despite its popularity, terrorism can...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

SOOME riigi rahvastik

SOOME Riigi rahvastik Rasamus Pertel 10.A Riigi rahvaarvu iseloomustus Riigis elab 5 476 922 inimest Rahvaarvult on Soome maailmas 119. kohal Umbes sama palju inimesi elab Norras, iirimaal ja Slovakkias Võrreldes teiste riikidega on Soome rahvaarvult suhteliselt keskmises positsioonis. Riigi rahvaarvu muutumise analüüs Vaadeldud aja jooksuksul on riigi rahvaarv ainult tõusnud ja kui uskuda graafikut siis tõuseb ka edasi Kasvutempo on suhteliselt ühtlane, aga käesolevast aastast kuni aastani 2025 pidi tempo langema. Riigi rahvaarvu muutumi...

Geograafia → Rahvastik ja majandus
7 allalaadimist

Los Angeles

Los Angeles The city of Los Angeles also known as the "City of Angels" or simply L.A. -- is the largest city in California. Located on a broad basin in Southern California, it is surrounded by vast mountain ranges, deep valleys, forests, desert, and the Pacific Ocean. Los Angeles is the second most populous city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of California and the western United States, with a population of 3.83 million. Los Angeles is home to people from more than 140 countries speaking 224 different languages. The city is divided into over 80 districts and neighborhoods, many of which were incorporated places or communities that were annexed by the city. Generally, the city is divided into the following areas: Downtown Los Angeles, The Eastside and Northeast Los Angeles, South Los Angeles , the Harbor Area, Greater Hollywood, Wilshire, the Westside and the Sa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Dominikaani Vabariik

RANNU KESKKOOL X KLASS TAAVI TÄKKER Dominikaani Vabariik UURIMUSLIK REFERAAT GEOGRAAFIAS JUHENDAJA: VAIKE ROOTSMAA RANNU 2007 Sisukord Üldandmed 3 Üldiseloomustus 3-4 Geograafiline asukoht 3-4 Kliima 4 Taimestik 4 Loomastik 4 Koloniaalminevik 4-5 Riikide võrdlus 5 Majandusorganisatsioonid 4-5 Rahvastik ja asustus 6-7 Linnastumine 7 Pealinn Santo Domingo 8 Energia majandus 8 Elektrienergia tootmine 9 Esmasektor 9-10 Põllumajandus 9 Kalandus 10 Metsamajandus 10 Tööstus 11 Eksport ja Import 11-12 Transport 12-13 Turism ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
29 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

1. UN as a world organization The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the UN Charter had been ratified by a majority of the original 51 Member States. The day is now celebrated each year around the world as United Nations Day. The purpose of the United Nations is to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development, based on the principles of justice, human dignity and the well-being of all people. It affords the opportunity for countries to balance global interdependence and national interests when addressing international problems. There are currently 192 Members of the United Nations. The Aims of the United Nations: -To keep peace throughout the world. -To develop friendly relations between nations. -To work together to help people live better lives, to eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy in the world, to stop environmental destruction and to encourage respect for ea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Jamaika referaat

Jamaica report FORM: 10A 2009 Contents 1.Introduction........................................................ ....3 2.History................................................................ .....4 3.Geography......................................................... ......6 4.Economy............................................................ .....7 5.Crime................................................................. ......8 6.Sport.................................................................. ......9 7.Language........................................................... ....10 8.Conclusion......................................................... ....11 9.New words............................................................12 10.References...................................................... .....13 Introduction Jamaica is an island nation of the Great...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Liibanoni vabariigi ülevaade

Jõhvi Gümnaasium LIIBANON Referaat Koostaja: Klass: Juhendaja: Jõhvi 2011 · Liibanonis on 4 143 101 elanikku. Maailma mastaabis on Liibanon väikeriik. Sarnased riigid, kus elab enam-vähem sama palju inimesi on Uus-Meremaa, Moldova, Horvaatia ja Kongo Vabariik. · Rahvastiku keskmine tihedus riigis on 392,68 inimest/km². Riigid, kus on Liibanonile sarnane rahvastiku keskmine tihedus on India ja Rwanda. · Rahvastik paikneb enamasti veekogude ligiduses, sest seal on soodsad tingimused vilja- ja karjakasvatuseks. Sisemaal on rahvastiku paiknemine hõredam, sest seal on kuiv kliima. · Rahvaarv ajavahemikul 1980-2010 on aina kasvanud. Prognoosi järgi suureneb see arv aastaks 2050 veelgi, selleks ajaks prognoositakse umbes 4 155 elanikku riigis. ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
12 allalaadimist

Poverty in World

Third World countries are often described as "developing" while the First World, industrialized nations are often "developed". A lack of material wealth does not necessarily mean that one is deprived. A strong economy in a developed nation doesn't mean much when a significant percentage (even a majority) of the population is struggling to survive. Politics have led to dire conditions in many poorer nations. In many cases, international political interests have led to a diversion of available resources from domestic needs to western markets. This has resulted in a lack of basic access to food, water, health, education and other important social services. This is a major obstacle to equitable development. Poverty has also been described as the number one health problem for many poor nations as they do not have the resources to meet the growing needs. But poverty is not restricted just to developing countries. Industrialized nations are...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Austraalia - slideshow

Australia Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Australia flag Australia coat of arms. Australia is a cloudless dark blue sky, the bright sun, multikilometer beaches with snowwhite sand and ocean up to horizon. Australia's landmass of 7,617,930 square kilometers is on the IndoAustralian Plate. Surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans, it is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas. It the sixth largest country in area after Russia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil. It is the flattest and (after Antarctica) the driest of continents, yet it has extremes of There are r...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun