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"-maximum" - 311 õppematerjali


Tervisepsühholoogia eksam

Alustatud laupäev, 27 august 2011, 12:27 Lõpetatud laupäev, 27 august 2011, 12:42 Aega kulus 15 sekundit Hinne 8 out of a maximum of 11 (73%) Küsimus 1 Õige 1 punkti 1-st 0 qaid=495956&qub 0 Question text 3 Tervisekäitumise muutmise tõenäosust suurendab see kui inimene: Select one: a. kui inimene hindab oma konkreetset käitumist tervisele ohtlikuks b. inimene usub, et konkreetse käitumise muutmine vähendab ohtu tervisele c. inimene usub, et suudab enda käitumist muuta ja seda väärtustavad ka tema jaoks olulised inimesed d. kõik vastusevariandid on õiged Feedback The correct answer is: kõik vastusevariandid on õiged. Küsimus 2 Väär 0 punkti 1-st 0 qaid=495954&qub 0 Question text 3 Täida lünk õige vastusega. Lazaruse stressi transatksiooniline mudel rõhutab.... olulisust. Select one: a. subjektiivse hinnangu...

Psühholoogia → Tervisepsühholoogia
218 allalaadimist

Tõenäosusteooria ja Rakendusstatistika MHT0031

0, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25, 25, 27, 33, 38, 38, 39, 39, 40, 43, 44, 44, 46, 52, 62, 62, 69, 69, 71, 71, 74, 74, 75, 75, 78, 78, 79, 79, 80, 82, 82, 85, 86, 87, 91, 91, 96, 96, 96, 98 Dixon-test Rlow=(x3-x1)/(xn-2-x1), n=60 -> Rlow=(1-0)/(96-0)=1/96=0,01 -> x1 ­ ekse, sest et Rlow =0,01> Dkr=0,35 Osa A. Hinnangud, usaldusvahemikud, statilised h üpoteesid ja jaotused Tabel 1. Valim xi-juhuslik arv, ni ­ xi kordumiste arv xmin=0, xmax=98 xi ni ni*xi ni*xi² ni(xi-x)² 0 1 0 0 2254.35 4320.78 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 4 16 1890.51 3609.10 5 2 10 50 1 6 1 6 36 1720.59 7 1 7 49 1638.63 ...

Matemaatika → Rakendusstatistika
171 allalaadimist

Tootmistehnika II moodle test

Started on Wednesday, 20 March 2013, 6:52 PM State Finished Completed on Wednesday, 20 March 2013, 7:00 PM Time taken 8 mins 11 secs Grade 28.50 out of a maximum of 30.00 (95%) Question 1 Correct Mark 3.00 out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Mis on töötlemisvaru? Select one: a. Töötlusvaru on vaid puhastöötlemist kindlustav materjali kiht b. Töötlemisvaru on toorikult eemaldatav materjali osa, mis on tingitud tooriku valmistamise tehnoloogiast (valu- ja stantsimiskalded, hammaste vahed, mittevalatavad avad jm) c. Töötlusvaru on toorikult eemaldatav materjali osa, mis on vajalik detaili täpsuse ja pinna kvaliteedi tagamiseks Feedback The correct answer is: Töötlusvaru on toorikult eemaldatav materjali osa, mis on vajalik detaili täpsuse ja pinna kvaliteedi tagamiseks Question...

Tehnika → Tehnikaajalugu
36 allalaadimist

Maximum likelihood ehk suurima tõepära meetodi kasutamine fülogeneesipuude tegemisel

Tartu Ülikool Maximum likelihood ehk suurima tõepära meetodi kasutamine fülogeneesipuude tegemisel Referaat Koostaja: Einar Kärgenberg Õppejõud: Urmas Saarma Tartu 2007 Suurima tõepära meetod (ingl.k: maximum likelihood, likelihood või lihtsalt ML) kuulub mitmete teiste fülogeneetiliste meetodite hulka, mis püüavad välja selgitada, kuidas on toimunud mingite organismirühmade põlvnemine ning kui suur on nendevaheline sugulus. Enamasti on selleks opereerimisühikuks liik ja andmestik on DNA järjestuste kujul (kuid võib olla ka valkudel põhinev analüüs). Nii nagu teistel meetoditel, on ka eelnimetatul omad eelised ja puudused. Miinustele vaatamata on ML üsna laialt kasutatav ning tihti hea alternatiiv teistele meetoditele (näiteks parsimooniale). Suurima tõepära meetod põhineb optimaalsusprin...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
20 allalaadimist

Midterm Exam solutions and answers in Microcontroller and practical robotics

Midterm Exam Microcontrollers and Practical Robotics Question 1 Convert the decimal number 43.982 to (a) binary and (b) hex. Show all your calculations. a.) 101011.111110 b.) 2B.FB6 Question 2 Perform the calculation of 58 – 42 by first converting each decimal value to binary and then using the twos complement method. Show all your calculations 5810=001110102 4210=001010102 Converse to twos complement 4210=001010102=110101012+1=110101102 Then 58+(42) 001110102 +110101102 = 000100002 =1610 Question 3 Given the following bridge circuit for a strain gauge, determine the value of the strain gauge resistance {RS}. Let: VIN = 5V R3 = 100 Ω R2 = 50 Ω R1 = 100 Ω 2 Midterm Exam - Solutions a) Under no strain (VOUT = 0 V) b) When VOUT = 0,5 V {under strain}. Solution: a) Under no strain:  R1 R3   R1R4  R2 R3  VOUT   ...

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
25 allalaadimist

Pinnakareduse standardid

Surface TextureContour Measuring Instruments Explanation of Surface CharacteristicsStandards Definition of Surface texture and Stylus instrument Profile by Stylus and phase correct filter ISO4287: '97 and ISO3274: '96 Total profile Primary profile P Measure perpendicular to lay X axis Z axis Stylus method ...

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Companys export readiness assessment

Company's export readiness assessment Factors 0-10 Export Experience 9 Financial Status 7 Production Facilities - volume, capacity, technology 6 Transportation 7 Logistics - the product, production, information 5 Localization 4 Image 6 The success on the home market 8 Foreign Language 9 Total : 61 - 68% Interpretation of evaluation results · General grade 0-25% of the maximum - very poor to poor export readiness · General grade 26-50% of the maximum - the poor to satisfactory completion of export · General grade 51-75% of max - fair to good export readiness · General grade 76-100% of max - good to excellent export readiness Conclusions The company has good knowledge about export busi...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
3 allalaadimist

Repco production process model

A B C D E F G H I J K L 1 Chandler blending model 2 3 Monetary inputs Gasoline Heating oil 4 Selling price/barrel $25,00 $20,00 As we have formulated fuel blending model, a barrel of any 5 6 input results in a barrel of output. However, in a real blending Quality level per barrel of crudes 7 Crude oil 1 10 problem, there can be losses. Suppose a barrel of input 8 Crude oil 2 5 results in only a fraction of a barrel of output. Specifically, 9 10 Required quality level per barrel of product ...

Majandus → Informaatika II
2 allalaadimist

Tugevusõpetus I kodutöö 1 / Stength of materials I HW 1

Homework nr 1 in STRENGTH of MATERIALS I (MHE0011) Variant Title A B Strength Analysis of a Bar Structure 8 9 Student Student Code Delivery Date Teacher' Name Karina Korell 164498 MVEB 16.12.2017 Priit Põdra The structure consists of 2 members: steel wire rope 7x7 and a circular bar made of Aluminum alloy Al Mg4.5Mn0.7. The structure is loaded by the vertical force F that is acting at the joint, connecting these components. Calculate the minimum allowed diameter d of the aluminum bar and the maximum allowed value of the load F, assuming the relative position and mechanical properties of components (manufacturing tolerances, compone...

Mehaanika → Tugevusõpetus i
123 allalaadimist

Faktoranalüüsi ülesanne

Faktoranalüüsi ülesanne Andmefailis smartphone_addiction.sav on inimeste vastused 18-le nutitelefonide kasutamist puudutavale küsimusele. 1) Uurige kõigepealt, milliseid väiteid on inimestele esitatud. 2) Tehke faktoranalüüs 18 kõigi muutujatega. (Määrake maksimaalseks faktorite arvuks kõigepealt 6). 3) Millist faktorite eraldamise meetodit kasutasite? Maximum likehood meetodit. 4) Milline on esimese faktori omaväärtus ja seletusprotsent? Faktori omaväärtus 6,4 Seletusprotsent 33% 5) Kui suur on kõigi faktorite kumulatiivne seletusprotsent? 56% 6) Pöörake faktortelgi. Mis meetodit kasutasite? Varimax meetodit 7) Kas esimese faktori omaväärtus ja seletusprotsent muutusid? Jah, 3.26 ja 18.1% 8) Milline oleks õige faktorite arv Kaiseri kriteeriumi (omaväärtus > 1) järgi? 5 9) Cattelli kriteeriumi järgi? (Vaadake omaväärtuste graafikut /Scree plot/. N-nda faktori järel on graafikul küllalt suur langus, kuid pärast seda vä...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
29 allalaadimist

Faktoranalüüsi ülesanne

Faktoranalüüsi ülesanne Andmefailis smartphone_addiction.sav on inimeste vastused 18-le nutitelefonide kasutamist puudutavale küsimusele. 1) Uurige kõigepealt, milliseid väiteid on inimestele esitatud. 2) Tehke faktoranalüüs 18 kõigi muutujatega. (Määrake maksimaalseks faktorite arvuks kõigepealt 6). 3) Millist faktorite eraldamise meetodit kasutasite? Maximum likehood meetodit. 4) Milline on esimese faktori omaväärtus ja seletusprotsent? Faktori omaväärtus 6,4 Seletusprotsent 33% 5) Kui suur on kõigi faktorite kumulatiivne seletusprotsent? 56% 6) Pöörake faktortelgi. Mis meetodit kasutasite? Varimax meetodit 7) Kas esimese faktori omaväärtus ja seletusprotsent muutusid? Jah, 3.26 ja 18.1% 8) Milline oleks õige faktorite arv Kaiseri kriteeriumi (omaväärtus > 1) järgi? 5 9) Cattelli kriteeriumi järgi? (Vaadake omaväärtuste graafikut /Scree plot/. N-nda faktori järel on graafikul küllalt suur langus, kuid pärast seda vä...

Geograafia → Geodeesia
5 allalaadimist

Post Office scheduling model

A B C D E F G H I 1 SureStep aggregate planning model 2 Suppose the company could begin 3 Input data training program to increase its wor 4 Initial inventory of shoes 500 5 Initial number of workers 100 program would result in the followin 6 Regular hours/worker/month 160 per pair of shoes over the next 4 m 7 Maximum overtime hours/worker/month 20 8 Hiring cost/worker $1 600 ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Paleotseeni-Eotseeni termaalne maksimum

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Paleotseeni-Eotseeni termaalne maksimum (PETM) Jekaterina Nezdoli Mai, 2014 Sisukord Sisukord................................................................................................................................1 1. Sissejuhatus.....................................................................................................................2 2. Keskkonnamuutused .......................................................................................................3 3. Põhjused..........................................................................................................................5 4. Hiljutised uuringud..........................................................................................................6 5. PETM ja selle seos tänapäeva kliimaga ...........................................................................7 ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Rooli masin

EESTI MEREAKADEEMIA Laevamehaanika õppetool Kursusetöö Õppeaines Laeva abimehhanismid Rooli masin Kadett: Sergei Dombrovski Õppegrupp: MM42 Õppejõud: Jaan Läheb Kursusetöö: Laeva abimehhanismid 2 Sergei Dombrovski MM42 Tallinn 2013.a. Sisukord SISUKORD............................................................................................................................. 2 KURSUSETÖÖ ÜLESANNE................................................................................................ 3 1.SELGITAV OSA...................................................................................................

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
13 allalaadimist

Informaatika II kodutöö 2 TTÜ

-56 17 -27 76 first last nr of values -4 -100 100 20 -62 37 Antud nr 50 70 23 57 -68 62 -60 92 -87 -88 59 -24 -7 -76 UML SumOfBiggerThanGivenNum maximum miinimum Positsioon 92 17 1 SumOfBiggerThanGivenNum 168 BiggerThanGivenNum SmallestPosNum

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
6 allalaadimist

Test 5 (4 varjanti)

Jump to Navigation Frame Your location: Home Page > Tudengi vahendid > Testid > Test nr 5 Polümeermaterjalid > Assessments > View All Submissions > View Attempt View Attempt 1 of 1 Title: Test nr 5 Polümeermaterjalid Started: Tuesday 12 May 2009 17:49 Submitted: Tuesday 12 May 2009 17:56 Time spent: 00:06:48 Total score: 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Plastid on polümeeride baasil valmistatud tehismaterjalid, mille põhikomponendiks on Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback 1. molekulid 0% 2. polümeer 100% 3. monomeer 0% 4. aatomid0% Score: 10/10 2. Kuidas liigitatakse polümeere ahela väliskuju järgi? Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback 1. kahemõõtmeline, kolmemõõtmeline, viiemõõtmeline 0% 2. lühike, pikk 0% 3. lineaarne, hargnenud või ristsillatud ahelaga 100% Scor...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
280 allalaadimist

RMS Titanic

RMS Titanic Kaspar Kitsnik VLE-11 Why was Titanic built? Although Titanic is best known for carrying the rich and famous between Europe and the United States, the Ship actually had several purposes: 1. To carry British and US mail--hence the full name of the ship is Royal Mail Ship (RMS) Titanic. 2. To carry general cargo and frozen meat since at that time Europe could not produce enough livestock to meet its own needs. 3. To carry first-class passengers in great luxury, second-class passengers in great comfort and third-class passengers with great economy. 4. To fly the flag of Great Britain and uphold national honor. Even though Titanic was ultimately owned by American business interests, the Ship was built in a British yard, operated by British subjects, manned by British crews and perceived by the pu...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Linear Circuits - Harjutus 1

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics Report on Exercises 1 on Electronics and Semiconductor Engineering Linear Circuits Student AAVB-41 Tallinn 2008 Exercise 1.1. RL circuit Quantity Calculated Experimental value value Umax, V 14,14 14,14 I, mA 983 983 UR, V 9,82 9,81 UL, V 1,85 1,85 -10,7 -10,6 -2,0 -1,7 -0,15 -0,15 Comparative data table Conclusion Calculated and experimental results...

Tehnika → Elektroonika jõupooljuht...
104 allalaadimist

Test 6 (5varjanti)

Jump to Navigation Frame 0100090000036103000000007e02000000007e02000026060f00f204574d464301000000000001 0092180000000001000000d004000000000000d0040000010000006c000000000000000000000 00f0000000f0000000000000000000000df010000df01000020454d4600000100d00400000f00000 001000000000000000000000000000000000500002003000080010000f00000000000000000000 0000000000000dc050080a90300460000002c00000020000000454d462b014001001c000000100 000000210c0db010000006000000060000000460000007c01000070010000454d462b22400400 0c000000000000001e4009000c00000000000000244001000c0000000000000030400200100000 00040000000000803f214007000c0000000000000008400005d4000000c80000000210c0db0100 0000000000000000000000000000000000000100000089504e470d0a1a0a0000000d494844520 0000010000000100203000000629d17f20000000c504c5445cccccc696969ffffff00000078981d770 000000374524e53ffff00d7ca0d4100000001624b47440088051d480000000c636d50504a436d703 0373132000000074f6db7a5000000264944415418d363580504...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
268 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö Sloth

Sloth Sloths live in Central and South America. Sloths are mostly about the size of the small dog. They are about 50- 60 cm long. Sloths have short, flat heads , big eyes , a short snout, long legs and tiny ears , and they also have stubby tails. Sloths move only when necessary and even then very slowly : they can move at a marginally higher speed if they are in immediate danger from a predator (4.5 m or 15 feet per minute), but they burn large amounts of energy doing so. They may eat insects, small lizards, and carrion, but their diet consists mostly of buds, tender shoots, and leaves, mainly of Cecropia trees. It lives about 30 years long. Sloth moves very slow , thats why they are called a lazy animal. On the ground their maximum speed is 0.54 meters per second (1.2 mph).

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Mõõtmistulemuste asendi- ja hajuvuskarakteristikute arvutamine. Histogrammi koostamine.

Iseseisev töö nr 1. Mõõtmistulemuste asendi- ja hajuvuskarakteristikute arvutamine. Histogrammi koostamine. Ülesanne 1. Arvutada ühele suunale tehtud 50 lugemi sekundiosade põhjal mõõtmistulemuste asendi- ja hajuvuskarakteristikud. Koosta mõõtmistulemuste kohta histogramm. Vastavalt tööjuhendile koostame ette antud andmetest variatsioonirea kasutades selleks Excel’is olevat Sort funktsiooni. Järgnevalt leiame valimi aritmeetilise keskmise Average käsuga. Lisaks tuleb leida valimi mood, mediaan, dispersioon ja standardhälve kasutades selleks Excel’i funktsioone. Järgnevalt antud valimile vastavad mainitud suurused: 1. Aritmeetiline keskmine- 37,8 2. Valimi mood- 32,1 3. Valimi mediaan- 37,9 4. Valimi dispersioon- 9,7 5. Valimi standardhälve- 3,1 Lisaks tuleb leida valimile vastavad asendi-ja hajuvuskarakteristikud Excel’i ...

Geograafia → Geodeesia
8 allalaadimist

VBA e-kontrolltöö, KT

Average temperature: 9.3333333333 Host cities - Statistics comparison Violence Low City Population Indicators Temperature ºC Belo Horizonte 2385639 34.9 13 Brasilia 2609997 34.2 13 Cuiaba 556299 40.1 17 Curitiba 1764540 55.9 8 Fortaleza 2476589 45.9 22 Manaus 1832423 46.7 23 Natal 81078 32.3 21 Porto Alegre 1413094 36.8 10 Recife ...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
6 allalaadimist

Saudi-arabia deserts

MIINA HÄRMA GYMNASIUM Deserts Saudi-Arabia Tartu 2007 Deserts In geography, a desert is a landscape form or region that receives very little precipitation. Generally, deserts are defined as areas that receive an average annual precipitation of less than 250 mm (10 inches). Deserts cover at least one-fourth of the Earth's land surface. Desert biomes can be classified according to several characteristics. There are four major types of deserts: · Hot and dry · Semiarid · Coastal · Cold Location The four major North American deserts of hot and dry deserts are the Chihuahuan, Sonoran, Mojave and Great Basin. Others outside the U.S. include the Southern Asian realm, Neotropical (South and Central America), Ethiopian (Africa) and Australian. The major deserts of semiarid deserts include the sagebrush of Utah, Montana...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

USB presentation

USB (Universal Serial Bus) Martin Appo Tanel Sokman Contents 1. History 2. System design 3. Devices 4. Physical appearance 5. Comparisons History Developed in the mid-1990s Designed to standardize the connection of computer peripherals Compaq, DEC, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC and Nortel. USB 1.0 USB 2.0 USB 3.0 USB1.0 USB 1.0: Released in January 1996 USB 1.1: Released in August 1998 1.5 Mbit/s - "Low Speed" 12 Mbit/s - "Full Speed" USB 2.0 Released in April 2000 Higher maximum bandwidth of 480 Mbit/s (60 MB/s) Other modifications Mini connectors On-the-go Battery charging Micro usb USB 3.0 transfer speed more bandwidth power management improved bus utilization System design Asymmetrical in its topology Hubs Sub devices Pipes (stream, message) First connect c l ass e s De v i c e Various US B devices regular USB fla...

Informaatika → Arvuti ehitus
4 allalaadimist

Bioinformaatika arvestus ül

Kristina Raud YAGB-41 060290 10.04.07 Bioinformaatika ülesanded Fülogeneetilised puud. 1. DNA järjestuste fülogeneetiliste puude käsitsi koostamine kasutades kaugusmeetodeid (UPGMA, NJ). a. Moodustada antud 5 järjestuse kaugusmaatriks ning joonistada kvantitatiivne juurtega fülogeneetiline puu kasutades UPGMA meetodit. 1 ACAAACAGTT CGATCGATTT GCAGTCTGGG 2 ACAAACAGTT TCTAGCGATT GCAGTCAGGG 3 ACAGACAGTT CGATCGATTT GCAGTCTCGG 4 ACTGACAGTT CGATCGATTT GCAGTCAGAG 5 ATTGACAGTT CGATCGATTT GCAGTCAGGA Vastus: A B C D B 9 C 2 11 ...

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
38 allalaadimist


2008.a. Küttimiste arv 2009.a. Küttimiste arv Mean 623.6333333333 Mean Standard Error 72.6617811813 Standard Er Median 470.5 Median Mode Err:512 Mode Standard Deviation 397.9849662152 Standard D Sample Variance 158392.033333333 Sample Var Kurtosis -0.7414717599 Kurtosis Skewness 0.6579241972 Skewness Range 1446 Range Minimum 71 Minimum Maximum 1517 Maximum Sum 18709 Sum Count 30 Count Statistika toob ära mõlemal aastal enim...

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
9 allalaadimist


Located in Arctic Ocean Also known as Grønland Kalaallit Nunaat Population 60,324 (2000 Estimate) Total area 2,175,600 square kilometres Greenland, a selfgoverning dependency of Denmark, is the largest island in the world. Greenland consists of an interior icecovered plateau surrounded by a mountainous, generally icefree rim. The interior ice cap is thickest near the centre of the island, where the maximum depth is estimated to be about 3,353 metres (11,000 feet). Underneath the ice cover are the ancient rocks of the Greenland Shield, which is geologically related to the Canadian Shield. Drainage is afforded mainly by the so called ice fjords, in which glaciers from the ice caps pass through valleys to the sea, where they form thousands of icebergs each year. The climate is extremely cold, although the south experiences a short summer. The mammals of Greenland are more American than European and include muskox, wolves, lemmings...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Tugevusõpetus I kodutöö 4 / Stength of materials I HW 4

Homework nr 4 in STRENGTH of MATERIALS I (MHE0011) Variant Title A B Strength Analysis of a Beam 8 9 Student Student Code Delivery Date Teacher 18.12.2017 Priit Põdra Hot-rolled INP section, manufactured of steel S235 must be used for a beam. The beam will be loaded by the concentrated load F and line distributed load p. Beam dimensions obey the relationship: b = a/2. The value of concentrated load is F = 10 kN and the line distributed load is uniform with the intensity: p = F/b. The value of design factor is: [S] = 4. The bea...

Mehaanika → Tugevusõpetus i
84 allalaadimist

Firma esitlus

Juhiabi III 2010 Overview Values Services Market Corporate structure Products Our mission Main competitors About ... Designs products and sales access and security systems. Offers solutions for large and sophisticated systems, as well as for smaller and simpler ones; History of company OÜ ...started its activities in the field of manufacturing and installing of access and security systems in the year 1994. By now ... has developed into a company that is able to offer most different solutions for access and security systems, starting from preparing the initial task to the installation of the equipment. Values Customer Focus Flexible Technical support Quality Profesional emloyees Skills Innovation Services Technical support 24H Security system installation Security system sales Security system production Security system design Market Estonia Latvia Lithuania Russia Main competitors A...

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

WorldCupBrazil1 VBA kodutöö

Host cities - Statistics comparison Violence Low City Population Indicators Temperature ºC Belo Horizonte 2385639 34.9 13 Brasilia 2609997 34.2 13 Cuiaba 556299 40.1 17 Curitiba 1764540 55.9 8 Fortaleza 2476589 45.9 22 Manaus 1832423 46.7 23 Natal 81078 32.3 21 Porto Alegre 1413094 36.8 10 Recife 1546516 57.9 21 Rio de Janeiro 6355949 24.3 18 Salvador 2693605 55.5 22 Sao Paulo 11316149 13 12 omparison Observa...

Informaatika → Visuaalprogrammeerimine
4 allalaadimist

Pure Competition

Pure Competition Competition The word "competition" may be used in two ways: ­ rivalry ­ (synonym; opposition, antagonism) ­ structural competition or "pure competition" The main characteristics of competition: 1. Number of firms 2. Type of product 3. Control over price 4. Conditions of entry 5. Nonprice competition 6. Information flow Pure Competition · Involves very large numbers of sellers and buyers. · Firms producing identical or homogeneous products. · Standardized product (a product identical to that of other producers). (ex. corn or cucumbers). · Free Entry and Exit: no significant legal, technological, financial, or other obstacles prohibiting new firms from selling their output in any competitive market N...

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Keemiainformaatika, infootsioskused IT4

Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB 2.1 a) panin otsingusse Cobalt ja märksõnaks boiling, chemical structure OR properties b) sulamistemperatuur tm/1495⁰C c) keemistemperatuur tb/2927⁰C 2.2 a) Advanced search: Search in – text and key words; and in – subject : environment AND global AND changes AND europe (43296 tulemust) -> b) muutsin profiili natuke laiemaks, kuna muul juhul Climatic Changes lisamine tulemusi ei andnud: c) docID=10159425&p00=environment%20changes%20europe d) Wright, H. E., Jr. Kutzbach, John E. Webb; Thompson, III. 1994. Global Climates: Since the Last Glacial Maximum : climatic changes, paleoclimatology. Minneapolis, MN, USA : University of Minnesota Press. 2.3 Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB b) Viies köide ja 14. peatükk . c) David B. Vance, James A. Jacobs. Grou...

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
1 allalaadimist

Panga Pank (Inglise keeles)

PANGA CLIFF The Panga cliff is located on the northern shore of Saaremaa, at the end of the Kuressaare - Võhma road, close to Panga village. It is the highest of the Saaremaa and Muhu cliffs, reaching to a maximum of 21.3 meters. The entire cliff is approximately 2.5 kilometers long. Standing at the tip of the cliff, one can clearly see another half-circular cliff under water. This is especially noticeable during storms, when the waves break against the underwater rocks, while the inside of the half-circle is calm. During bird migrations in the spring and fall, this half-circular lagoon is a favorite stopover point for storks on their long trip to and from Egypt, where most of them spend the winter. Sometimes there are well over a hundred storks, as well as other waterbirds, resting in the calm waters of the lagoon. Folk tradition ties Panga cliff as a place of worship and sacrifice for the ancient Saarlanders. It is known that unti...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


TRANSLATION Hea käitumise musternäidis- model of good behaviour Lastetoetus- child benefit Töötu abiraha- unemployment benefit Maksimaalselt kasu saama- maximum benefit Valikuid piirama- restrict choices Kaalutletud valik- deliberate choice Ettenägematud asjaolud- unforeseen circumstances Meist sõltumatud asjaolud- circumstances beyond our control Halvustatud märkused- nasty/derogatory comments Pöörane/absurdne kaebus- preposterous comment Halvad ilmastikuolud- adverse weather conditions Ta seisukord halvenes- His condition deteriorated Vältimatu tagajärg- inevitable consequence Nende kontrolli alt väljas- beyond their control Rasestumisvastased vahendid- birth control Ekspluatatsioonikulud- running costs Omast käest teadma- know to one's cost Terav kriitika- harsh criticism Täismaja (nt. teatris)- capacity crowd WORD FORMATION 1. Explain-explanation 2. Shake-unshakeable 3. Deep-depth 4. Lie-underlying 5. Success-unsuccessful 6. Go-u...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Füüsika KT kordamine - elektromagnetvõnkumised

1)Mis on elektromagnetvõnkumised(EMV)?- ...elektri või magnetvälja perioodilised muutused (st laengu, voolutugevuse või pinge perioodilised muutused). 2)Mille poolest erineb vabad ja sunnitud elektromagnetvõnkumised?- Vabad EMV tekivad kondensaatori tühjenemisel läbi pooli, kui kondensaator on eelnevalt laetud;sunnitud EMV tekivad välise perioodilise EMJ abil (näiteks vaheldub vool, mille suud ja suurus perioodiliselt muutub). 3)VÕNKERING-kondensaatorist ja poolist koosnev süsteem. 1 - (induktiiv)pool; 2 - kondensaator 4)Mis on vahelduvvoolu tugevuse ja pinge effektiivväärtus?- Vahelduvvool- I= Pinge: U= I0, U0 - amplituut(maximum)väärtus 5)Thomsoni valemI- T=2 |()2 => T2=4 ; T= T-periood (s) L- induktiivsus (H) C-mahtuvus (F-farad) 6)Induktiivtakistus (RL võib ka XL)- takistus, mida vahelduvvoolu ahel omab induktiivsuse olemasolu tõttu. RL=L=2fL (omega) -ringisagedus ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
35 allalaadimist

Easter Island

The Easter Island Made by: Käty Kivirand Studygroup: MY08 Supervisor: Lugina Olga Easter Island(Rapa Nui, Spanish: Isla de Pascua) is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeastern most point of the Polynesian triangle. Easter Island is one of the most remote islands on Earth. Easter Island is only 15 miles long and 10 miles wide. The Polynesian Triangle is a region of the Pacific Ocean anchored by three island groups: Hawaii, Easter Island and New Zealand, often used as a simple way to define what constitutes Polynesia. The island has an area of 163.6 km2. Population is about 3791 (3304 people living in the capital of Hanga Roa). On July 11, 2010 at 18:15:15 a total solar eclipse occurred for the first time in Easter Island in over 1,300 years. Lan Chile flies to Easter Island, with flights operating between Santiago, Chile and Papeete,Tahiti. Airfa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Computers are an essential part of our daily lives

Computers are an essential part of our daily lives One of the most important thing nowadays is absolutly computer.This is part of technology which helps you in each area. Computers today are one of the essential things what we are using. They have helped a lot in compiling a lot data which used to be in hard records. One of the uses or benefits of computers is that they are able to provide and retrieve information so quickly so they have increased the pace of our work. The increase in the speed of work has helped us to do many things with less resources like in past a lot of manpower was used for record keeping and files and other things were made to keep the records saved. This is one use of computers in our lives other than that computers has helped us to work with machines which have the ability to produce the best quality of products with maximum speed and efficiency. In today's world it is necessary that to...

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Laboritöö nr8 Polümeermaterjalid

Title: Laboritöö nr. 8 Polümeermaterjalid Started: Saturday 12 December 2009 18:15 Submitted: Saturday 12 December 2009 18:21 Time spent: 00:05:51 Total score: 90/100 = 90% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 1. Millisesse plastide gruppi kuulub polümetüülmetakrülaat? Student Response A. plastkomposiitide B. termoreaktiivplastide + C. termoplastide D. elastomeeride Score: 10/10 2. Milline on valentssidemete arv monomeeri süsiniku aatomis? Student Response + A. neli B. kuus C. kaks D. üks Score: 10/10 3. Kuidas muutub polümeeri teimiku pikkus tõmbeteimil? ...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
85 allalaadimist

Mitteraua sulamite mikrostruktuur ja omadused

Total 90/100 = 90% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 score: 1. Mis on tinapronksi keemiline koostis? Student Respo A. 10% Sn ja ülejä B. 10% Cu ja ülejä C. 90% Zn ja ülejä D. 10% Zn ja ülejä Score: 10/10 2. Millised on duralumiiniumi põhikomponendid? Student Respo ...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
62 allalaadimist

Floorball/ saalihoki

Floorball Edvin Tuvik 9b Introduction Floorball is a type of floor hockey which was developed in the 1970s in Sweden. The game is played indoors on a gym floor. Each team can field six players at a time on the court, one player being a goalkeeper. A floorball game is officially played over three periods lasting 20 minutes each (15 minutes for juniors). It is similar to ice hockey but not that rough. History The sport began as something that was played for fun as a pastime at schools. After ten years or so the floorball developed into sport in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Formal rules soon were developed, and clubs began to form. Measurements Floorball is played indoors on a rink whose size can officially vary from 18­22 meters wide to 36­44 meters long. The rink is surrounded by 50 cm high enclosed boards with rounded corners. The goals are 160 cm wide...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
5 allalaadimist

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Rauno Leppik Why I choos it Good climate Beautiful city arapidly developing country Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi is a capital of the UAE Second largest city of the UAE Offical name is Abu Dhabi emirate Largest country of the UAE 67,340 km2 (26,000 sq mi) Independence from 2 December 1971 Flag Location History the city began to develop in 1958 The first road was built was 1961 Independence 1971 Government Constitutional monarchy The current ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Climate Abu Dhabi has a hot aird climate maximum temperatures averaging above 35 °C Low rainfall the sun shines on average 3400 hours per year Architecture In the dense areas, most of the concentration is achieved with medium- and high-rise buildings the tallest building is 382 meter...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Motivation essay

If I were a manager in a large production company I would motivate people by ... To motivate somebody, I usually think before doing something. The main question would be: What are the thing that will motivate myself at job? What are the aspects that makes me to do the work? What could be better? What are the benefits and drawbacks ? If I were a manager in a large production company I would motivate people at first by job security. But there are a lot of other aspects to motivate a workforce. I think that giving a secutity at work is the main aspect that will motivate workforce. Saying job security I mean healthy environment, good labuor relations and confidence which means that worker do not have to worry about losing the job. A good healthy environment is the main motivator, because when you work somewhere you do not feel yourself comfortable, you aint do work with maximum input. Good labour relati...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Tehnokeraamika tehnoloogia ja omadused

Total 99,92/100 = 99,92% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 100 score: 1. Mis iseloomustab normaalelastsusmoodulit? Student Respo A. Elastsel deform B. Plastsel deform C. Tõmbe- ja surv D. Tõmbe- ja surv Score: 8/8 2. Milliseid meetodeid kasutatakse keraamika kõvaduse mõõtmiseks? Student Respo ...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
120 allalaadimist

Eesti NSV

EESTI NSV 1.)NSV struktuur : Kõrgeim seadusandlikvõim ­ Eesti NSV Ülemnõukogu. Kõrgeim Täidesaatev organ- Eesti NSV Ministrite Nõukogu. Tegelt kuulus võim EKP-le. Esimees N.Karotamm. 2.) Territoorium: Tartu rahus saadud alad (Petserimaa, Narva tagused) võeti ära venelaste poolt. 3.) Metsavendus: kuni 30000. Ründasid nõukogude aktiviste, miilitsaid. Purustasid raudteid. Võitlesid sinimustvalge lipu all. Aktiivne sõda oli 1944-1953. Siis suri Stalin. Viimane Metsavend tabati 1978 A. Sabbe. 4.)Repressioonid: *arreteeriti (mehed), metsavennad, noored, jõukad talupojad. 25.03.1949 toimus Eestis massiküüditamine. 5.)Sund industraliseerimine: töötlus likvideeriti. Selle asmeel loodi suur ettevõtteid. Laiendati põlevkivitööstust, kus raisati. Selle saadustega varustati Leningrad ja siis Tallinn. Kergetööstuse toodang läks üleliidulisele turule. Eestisse jäi vähe. 6.)Põllumajanduses toimus maareform: Maximum talu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
11 allalaadimist

Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria Gran Canaria is the second most populous island of the Canary Islands after Tenerife, and the third largest in area after Tenerife and Fuerteventura. Gran Canaria is located southeast of Tenerife and west of Fuerteventura. The island is of volcanic origin, mostly made of fissure vents. Gran Canaria is the second most populous island of the Canary Islands after Tenerife. Gran Canaria's surface area is 1,560 km² and its maximum altitude is 1,949 meters (Pico de Las Nieves). It has a round shape, with a diameter of approximately 50 km. About 80% of the volume of the island was formed during the Miocene period, between 14 and 9 million years ago. This is called the "Old Cycle" and is estimated to have lasted some 200,000 years and have emitted about 1000 km3, mostly of fissural alkali basalt. This cycle continued with the emission oftrachytes, phonolites and peralkaline rocks. This period was...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Andmeanalüüs kodutöö

KODUNE ÜLESANNE NR. 5 IFI7041 Mart Rosin Euroopa Sotsiaaluuringu raames 2008 aastal läbiviidud uuringu andmestiku faili nr 5. Eesti andmete põhjal. 1. a) Kõrgeim omandatud haridustase b) Sektordiagramm c) d) Järeldus: Veerand uuringus osalenutest on põhiharidusega või alla selle. Ja liialt palju on kõrghariduse omandamise pooleli jätnud võrreldes lõpetanutega. 2. a) Tervislik seisund ja vanus, tulpades toodud välja vastanute vanusegrupi keskmine vanus. b) Tulpdiagramm c) d) Järeldus: Kui pensioniiga kätte jõuab on Eesti inimeste tervislik seisund juba väga halb, seega ei ole mõtet koguda raha pensionifondi. 50+ inimeste enese terviseseisundi hinnang on ülehinnatud, kuna võrreldes arenenud riikide sama vanusegrupi inimestega on Eesti elanikel selles vanusegrupis pigem juba halb tervis, mitte rahuldav. 3. a) Uuringus osalenud vastajate arv vanu...

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
69 allalaadimist

Mitteraua sulamite mikrostruktuur ja omadused

Praktikum nr 6. Mitteraua sulamite Title: mikrostruktuur ja omadused Started: Wednesday 27 October 2010 10:31 Submitted: Wednesday 27 October 2010 10:35 Time spent: 00:04:46 100/100 = 100% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Total score: Maximum possible score: 100 1. Mis on tinapronksi keemiline koostis? Student Response A. 10% Sn ja ülejäänud Cu B. 10% Cu ja ülejäänud Sn C. 90% Zn ja ülejäänud Sn ja Cu D. 10% Zn ja ülejäänud Sn ja Cu Score: 10/10 2. Millised on duralumiiniumi põhikomponendid? Student Response A. Cu ja Sn B. Al, Cu C. Al, Mn D. Al ja Si ...

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
31 allalaadimist

KT Excel K1 tehtud

Variant 1 Sisestage valemid sinistesse lahtritesse, teistesse kopeerige. Maksetega lahtritele kehtestage raha formaat. Elektritariifid päev öö 0,11 0,07 Elektri tarbimise näidud ja maksed näidud Kuupäev päev öö tarbimine kokku keskmine tarbimine maksta kokku 12.09.2011 19824 6552 päevi päev öö 1 päev 1 öö päev öö kokku 6.10.2011 20098 6651 24 274 99 11,417 4,125 30,14 6,93 37,07 10.10.2011 20300 7000 4 202 349 50,500 87,250 22,22 24,43 46,65 7.12.2011 21025 7642 58 725 642 12,500 11,069 79,75 44,94 124,69 23.01.2012 22153 8870 47 1128 1228 24,000 26,128 124,08 85,96 210,04 4.02.2012 22679 9309 12 526 439 43,833 36,583 57,86 30,73 88,59 10.03.2012 23515 10324 35 836 1...

Informaatika → Informaatika
38 allalaadimist

Kuidas ja millega on tagatud hool eesti keeles

Kuidas kantakse eesti keele eest hoolt? ??!! Mis on keelenormid? • … ehk normid on on mingil ajal mingis keelekollektiivis objektiivselt eksisteerivad sõnade häälikehitus ja tähendused, sõnamoodustus- ja sõnamuutmismallid, süntaktiliste üksuste (sõnaühendite, lausete) mallid. • Keelenormi, mis on fikseeritud keelekorraldusallikais, nimetatakse keelenorminguks. Keelenormidest eristatakse Kirjakeele Ajakirjandus- normid normid Ilukirjandusnormid Kirjakeele normid • Kirjakeeles normitakse: sõnade õigekirjutust, hääldust (rõhk, välde), vormimoodustust (käänamine, pööramine, võrdlusastmed), sõnamoodustust (tuletised, liitsõnad), sõnade stiiliväärtust, lauseehitust ja soovitatavaid tähendusi. • Näited: ajameelne- hajameelne, sokk- sokkki, kapp- kapi- kappi, kodu + tu = kodutu, kodu + loom = koduloom, varas pani ehted pihta ja tegi vehkat j...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
1 allalaadimist


Riik Populatsioon Immigratsioon Sünnid Hiina 1 336 450 000 3852000 181 340 000 India 1 178 436 000 5700000 26913000 Ameerika Ühendriigid 308 898 000 38355000 4399000 Indoneesia 231 369 500 160000 4220000 Brasiilia 192 651 000 641000 3105000 Pakistan 169 010 500 3254000 5337000 Bangladesh 162 221 000 1032000 3430000 Nigeeria 154 729 000 971000 6028000 Venemaa 141 927 297 12080000 1545000 Jaapan 127 430 000 2048000 1473000 Mehhiko 107 550 697 644000 2049000 Filipiinid 92 226 600 374000 2236000 Vietnam 85 789 573 21000 1267000 Saksamaa 81 757 600 10144000 ...

Matemaatika → Statistika
233 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun