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"-material" - 503 õppematerjali


2 arvestuse material

LEOPOLD 1. Millisest vajadusest saab Leopoldi arvates alguse eetika? Ökoloogiliselt on eetika tegevusvabaduse piiramine olelusvõitluses. Filosoofiliselt on see sotsiaalse käitumise eristamine mitte-sotsiaalsest. See saab alguse vastastikuses sõltuvuses olevate indiviidide või gruppide kalduvusest arendada koostööviise. Inimesele on kasulik käituda sotsiaalselt ning tähtis on koostöö, sest selleta ei eksisteeriks gruppi ega ühiskonda. Ökoloogid nimetavad seda sümbioosiks. 2. Milliseid suhteid (kelle ja mille vahel) reguleerib traditsiooniline eetika? Traditsiooniline eetika reguleerib inimene-inimene ja inimene-ühiskond suhteid. Inimene-inimene suhted kehtivad juba vanast ajast (Moosese 10 käsku), kus suhteid püüti käskude abil reguleerida. Inimene-ühiskond suhetes on tähtsad valitsemisvormid, suhted perekonnas, suhted valitsuse ja riigiga, koostöövormid ühiskonnas jne. Eetika kuldreegel : ära tee teistele seda, mida sa ei taha, et sulle...

Filosoofia → Keskkonna filosoofia
47 allalaadimist

Plastmass kui material


Keemia → Keemia
10 allalaadimist

Keemia 10. klassi material

Keemia 1.*Oksiid: O , hapniku ja mingi teise keemilise elemendi ühend metall hapnik Fe2O3 raud(III)oksiid mittemetall hapnik P2O5 difosforpentaoksiid ·metallioksiid-koosneb metallist ja hapnikust. Metall asub IA,IIA,IIIA rühmas. nt. Na2O – naatriumoksiid BaO – baariumoksiid Al2O3 – alumiiniumoksiid Metall asub B-rühmas, IVA, VA rühmas nt. Fe2O3 – raud(III)oksiid SnO2 – tina(IV)oksiid ·mittemetallioksiid-koosneb mittemetallist ja hapnikust. Indeksite asemel kasutatakse eesliiteid 2-di; 3-tri; 4-tetra; 5-penta; 6-heksa; 7-hepta; 8-oksa; 9-nona; 10-deka nt. CO2 – süsinikdioksiid P4O10 – tetrafosfordekaoksiid ·happelised oksiidid-mittemetallioksiid Happeline oksiid+vesi=hapnikhape nt. SO2 vääveldioksiid SO2+H2O=H2SO3 ·aluselised oksiidid-tavaliselt metallioksiidid nt. Al2O3 alumiiniumoksiid Alumiiniumhüdroksiid= 2Al+3(OH-)3=Al2O3+3H2O Tugevalt aluselised: aluselised (IA, IIA, Ca, Sr, Ba, Fe) reageerivad veega. ...

Keemia → Keemia
7 allalaadimist

Elu savannis

Elu savannis Marianna Golovina 8.c · Üks põhjuseks, miks minnakse savannidesse on sealne loomaküllus. Kui oled turistina sinna sattunud, pole ei mingit probleemi minna vaatama ükskõik millist looma. Selleks tuleb ainult teejuhile teatada, millist looma sa tahaksid näha ning üldiselt saab teejuht viia sind just sinna, kus sinunimetatud loom on. Ainuke loom, kelle otsimisega võib kuluda pikemalt aega on lõvi. Need turistid, kellest artiklis juttu on, leiavadki lõvisid- üks emalõvi üksi ja teine koos oma kahe lõvipojaga. Emalõvi, kes on koos poegadega, lakub neid (peseb), kuid see ei meeldi neile. Üldiselt paistab kasside nurrumine samasugusena kui lõvide oma, ainult et lõvide hääl tundub paari oktavi võrra madalamana. Teejuhi juttu järgi murdis emalõvi, kel on pojad, öösel antiloobi, ning nüüd peaks seda alles seedima. Lõvi, kes ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

Ajaloo kordamisküsimused

1)Milles seisnes Novgorodi eripära võrreldes teiste vürstiriikidega? Erinevalt teistest vene vürstiriikidest, kus võim koondus vürsti kätte, paistis Novgorod silma üsna demokraatliku valitsemiskorraga. Novgorodi elu juhtis rahvakoosolek e veetse, millel osalesid mõjukamad linnakodanikud. Veetsel arutati läbi tähtsamad küsimused võeti, vastu olulisemad otsused ja valiti igapäevase tegevuse juhtimiseks vajalikud ametimehed. Veetse valis ka vürsti, kelle võim oli piiratud. Vürstiga sõlmiti leping ja tal tuli anda veetse ees vanne. Novgorodi elus etendasid tähtsat osa käsitöölised ja kaupmehed. Linnas asusid Gooti ja Saksa kaubahoov omalaadsed hansakaupmeeste esindused. 2. Selgita Moskva esiletõusu Ivan I ja Ivan III ajal lk. 144145 Ivan I oli kaval poliitik, kes oskas rahvalt makse nõuda ning Moskva piire nihutada. Ivan I tegi koostööd tatarlastega, tema väljapaistvad teod toimusid venelaste arvel. Ivan III seadis oma põhiees...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Raymond Chandler

Raymond Chandler Raymond Chandler · Raymond Thornton Chandler was an American- British novelist and screenwriter. In 1932, at the age of forty-four, Chandler became a detective fiction writer after losing his job as an oil company executive during the Great Depression. Foto Biography · Chandler was born in 1888 in Chicago. In 1959, Raymond Chandler contracted pneumonia and died in hospital. Buried in San Diego cemetery. History · His first short story, "Blackmailers Don't Shoot", was published in 1933 in Black Mask, a popular pulp magazine. His first novel, The Big Sleep, was published in 1939. In addition to his short stories, Chandler published just seven full novels during his lifetime. All but Playback have been realized into motion pictures, some several times. In the year before he died, he was elected president of the Mystery Writers of America. ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Harjumaa lühitutvustus slaididega

Harjumaa Sisukord Geograafiline asukoht ja üldandmed Maavalitsuse kohta informatsioon Ajalugu Loodus Looduspargid Asukoht Asub Eesti põhjaosas Harjumaa piirneb edelas Lääne, lõunas Rapla, kagus Järva ning idas Lääne-Viru maakonnaga. Vapp ja lipp Üldandmed Pindala: 4333,13 km² Harju maakonnas on arvestuslikult 524 938 elanikku 59,77% elanikest on eestlased ja 32,29% venelased Omavalitsused Harju maakonnas on 24 omavalitsusüksus ­ 6 linna (Tallinn - Maardu - Keila - Saue - Paldiski ­ Loksa) ­ 18 valda (Aegviidu - Anija vald - Harku vald - Jõelähtme vald - Keila vald - Kernu vald - Kiili vald - Kose vald - Kuusalu vald - Kõue vald - Nissi vald - Padise vald - Raasiku vald - Rae vald - Saku vald - Saue vald - Vasalemma vald - Viimsi vald ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Kloostrid keskaja inimeste jaoks

Mida pakkusid kloostrid keskaegsele inimesele? Sõna klooster tuleb ladina keelsest sõnast claustrum, mis tähendab"'suletud paika". See on kiriku, söögisaali, raamatukogu, elukambrite ja mõnikord ka muude hoonete kompleks, kus inimesed elavad rütmilises elutsüklis. Kloostrites elatakse kindlate seaduste järgi ülema abti juhatusel. Kloostri moodustavad Jumalakartlikud isikud, kes on ennast pühendanud Jumala teenimisele ja palvetamisele ning on andnud selleks vastava tõotuse. Munaga tõotus tähen das, et elama peab vaesuses, vallalisena ja tuleb alistuda oma ülemale. Naiskloostrite elanikke kutsuti nunnadeks, mehi munkadeks. Mungad pidid oma elu mööda saatma palves ja töös, sest töö ei lase hinge hukka minna. juba kella 2 paiku helisesid kloostri kellad, kutsudes munki palvetama. Mõnes kloostris palvetasid mungad päeva jooksul 7 korda. Juhul, kui munk palvetunnil oli näiteks põllul, siis jättis ta töö seisma, l...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
41 allalaadimist

Teine maailmasõda ning külm sõda- Isikud ja seosed

J. Stalin NKP peasekretär 1922-1952. Suri 5. märts 1953 W. Churchill Suurbritannia peaminister II MS ajal. Ametiajad 1940-1945 ja 1951-1955. USA president II MS lõpuaastatal. Ametiaeg 1945-1953. Andis käsu heita jaapanile tuumapommid. Trumani H. Truman doktriini looja. USA sõjaväelane ja ka riigisekretär(1947-1949). Marshalli plaani looja(1947. aastal algatatud abiprogramm G. Marshall sõjas laastatud euroopa riikide aitamiseks.) J. McCarthy USA Senaator, Makartismi alusepanija Hiina KP juht 1945-1976. Oli rahva hulgas populaarne. Tema saavutusteks loetakse tasuta haridus, arstiabi ja M. Zedong tagatud töö (mitmekümne miljoni inimelu hinnaga). USA president 1961-1963. Tema presidendiksoleku ajal toimus kuuba kriis(1962). Kennedy mõrvati 1963 J.F. Kennedy Dallases. D. Eisenhower USA president 1953-1961. Esimene NATO ülemkomandör aastal 1951. Ameerika ak...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
11 allalaadimist

9. klassi ühiskonnaõpetuse mõisted

POLIITIKA ­ riigi juhtimist ja toimimist korraldav tegevus. MAJANDUS ­ tootmine ja kauplemine. KULTUUR ­ mitme inimpõlve poolt loodud materiaalsed ja vaimsed väärtused, teadmised ja tavad. ÕIGUS ­ riigivõimu poolt kehtestatud kohustuslike käitumisnormide ja suhete kogum. MORAAL ­ moraalinormide kogum, sisaldades üldtunnustatud põhimõtteid, käitumisnorme. KODANIKUÜHISKOND ­ ühiskonna osa, mis hõlmab mittepoliitilisi kodanikuorganisatsioone ja ­ühendusi; kodanikuühiskond edendab ühiskonnas vabameelsust, omaalgatust ja rahva järelvalvet võimude tegevuse üle. ERAELU ­ indiviidi isiklik erukorraldus (perekond ja kodu, vabadus pidada kinni oma usukommetest ja valida sõpruskonda, elukohta ja vaba aja veetmise viisi. Õigus teenida raha, koguda vara. IIVE ­ sündide, surmade ja sisse-, väljarände vahe. NEG. IIVE ­ rahvaarvu vähenemine. RAHVUS ­ inimeste ajalooliselt kujunenud ühtekuuluvusvorm, mis põhineb ühtsel territooriumil, ajaool, tavadel ja...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
82 allalaadimist


IMPRESSIONISM 1) MILLE JÄRGI SAI IMPRESSIONISM OMA NIME? V: Impressionism oli 19. sajandi maalikunsti vool, mis sai alguse 1860. aastatel oma kunstinäitusi korraldama hakanud Pariisi kunstnike vabast ühendusest. Vool sai nime Claude Monet' maali "Impression, soleil levant" ("Impressioon. Tõusev päike") järgi. 2) MIDA TÄHENDAB SÕNA IMPRESSIOON? V: See tähendab muljet. 3) MILLINE OLI IMPRESSIONISMI MAALITEMAATIKA? V: Kujutati avaraid ja valgusküllaseid maastikke rahulikes poosides figuuridega. Omane äärmiselt suur heledus ja skitseeriv maalitehnika. 4) MILLINE OLI IMPRESSIONISMI MAALILAAD? V: Impressionistlikule maalikunstile on iseloomulikud muuhulgas nähtavad pintslitõmbed, heledad värvid, avatud kompositsioon, rõhuasetus valgusele ja selle muutumisele, igapäevased teemad ja ebatavalised rakursid. 5) KUIDAS VÄRVISID IMPRESSIONISTID VARJE? V: Varjudemäng. Ka varjudele anti oma värv - nt vabas ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
35 allalaadimist

Tiimivarustus jalgpallis

2 CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT 3 CONTENT GOALKEEPER TECHNOLOGIES ONORE 77 MATCHWEAR PRECIO 81 CAMPEON 15 9 CONDIVO 14 14 REFEREE 87 TIRO 15 17 TOQUE 13 21 STRIPED 15 27 TRAININGWEAR SQUADRA 13 33 TABELA 14 39 TIRO 15 93 ESTRO 15 45 CONDIVO 14 121 VOLZO 15 51 SERENO 14 147 ENTRADA 14 55 CORE FIFTEEN 161 TECHFIT 175 SHORTS 61 SOCKS 73 ACCESSORIES 183 HARDWARE 191 4 TECHNOLOGIES Light, breathable fabrics worn close to the skin, conduct heat climacool® is a combination of performance fabrics. Open mesh and and sweat away from the body to keep you cool and dry in warm ventilat...

Sport → Sport
2 allalaadimist

Raamatu ajalugu - kokkuvõte

BOOKS (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other various material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a page. A book produced in electronic format is known as an electronic book (e-book). Books may also refer to works of literature, or a main division of such a work. In library and information science, a book is called a monograph, to distinguish it from serial periodicals such as magazines, journals or newspaper. The body of all written works including books is literature. In novels and sometimes other types of books (e.g. biographies), a book may be divided into several large sections, also called books (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, etc.). A lover of books is usually referred to as a bibliophile, or, more informally, a bookworm. A st...

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
22 allalaadimist

Understanding Psychology

Summary UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY Fourth Edition Robert S. Feldman CHAPTER 7. MEMORY p. 218 – 230 KELA-I University of Tartu Narva College 2014 Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval of Memory. Encoding refers to the process by which information is initially recorded in a form usable to memory. Memory specialists speak of storage, the maintenance of material saved in the memory system. If the material is not stored adequately, it can not be recalled later. Memory also depends on one last process: retrieval. In retrieval, material in memory storage is located, brought into awareness, and utilized. In sum, psychologists consider memory as the process by which we encode, store, and retrieve information. Each of three parts of this definition – encoding, storage, an...

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
4 allalaadimist

Metallide tehnoloogia 1 kodutöö

1 Materjalide struktuur ja omadused Tahkkesendatud kuupvõre Kompaktne heksagonaalvõre 2 Metallide margivastavus 1. EN ­ 1)Euronorm S185 ­ 0 (). Kasutusvaldkond: Tavaehitusterased Harilikult kasutatakse ehitusteraseid mitmesuguse ristlõikega profiilmetallina ( nurkteras, talad, latid, armatuur jt). Mehaanilised põhiomadused, T=20 C Material Voolavuspiir Tugevuspiir Katkevenivus y (REH), MPa u (Rm ), MPa , EN10025-2: S185 290-5101 175-185 18 : C 0 240 370 32 Keemiliste elementide sisaldus, %: 0 () ( >0.23, S>0.06, P>0.07 ) S185(EN10025-2) (P>0.005, S>0.005, V>0.002) Hinnete võrdlus, leht tonnides: 0 () = 32500 2 466 S185(EN10025-...

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
28 allalaadimist

Vastused kordamisküsimustele bioloogias (õp lk 25)

VASTAN KÜSIMUSTELE ÕP LK 25 1) NIMETAGE ORGANISMIDE PEAMISI KEEMILISI ELEMENTE? V: Organismide peamised keemilised ühendid on hapnik (O), süsinik (C), vesinik (H) ja lämmastik. 2) MILLISED KEEMILISED ELEMENDID KUULUVAD MAKROELEMENTIDE HULKA? V: Makroelementide hulka kuuluvad fosfor (F), väävel (S), kaalium (K), naatrium (Na), Magneesium (Mg), kaltsium (Ca) ja kloor (Cl). 3) MIKS VAJAB ORGANISM MAKROELEMENTE SUHTELISELT SUURTES KOGUSTES? V: Organism vajab mikroelemente suhteliselt suurtes kogustes seetõttu, et need moodustavad suure osa organismi koostisest. 4) MILLISED KEEMILISED ELEMENDID ESINEVAD KÕIGI ORGAANILISTE AINETE KOOSTISES? V: Kõigi orgaaniliste ainete koostises esinevad hapnik (O), süsinik (C), vesinik (H) ja lämmastik (N). 5) MIKS ORGANISM EI SAA LÄBI MIKROELEMENTIDETA? V: Organism ei saa läbi mikroelementideta seetõttu, et mikroelemendid on paljude bioak...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
5 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Invocation summary notes MRdd

Bhakti Sastri Online Modul 1, lesson 2 Student: Madhuri Radhika dd (Almviks Gard, Sweden) 11th of January 2014 VIDEO: Bhakti Shastri (002) - Sri Isopanisad Invocation Isopanishad written originally as series of articles by Srila Prabhupada in his "Back to Godhead" magasine published by 1944. There is most mystical address of the Absolute Truth in Isopanishad. Style of Isopanishads isthat they are enigmatic, because it is meant for intellectuals and intellectuals don't like whne things are too simple, they like to speculate and stretch their minds. This is catering this need and at the same time leading them to Ultimate Truth. Concept of infinity ­ if you take something out from infinity infinity still remains the same. Even if you take many infinities out of one infinity, still it remains the same. INVOCATION OVERVIEW Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Complete Absolute Truth Absolute Truth has many manifestations ­ Br...

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist


Packaging General characteristics of the packaging q Packaging ­ tool or set of tools that protect goods from damage and loss. q Packaging is really important, as all kinds of damage may be caused to shipments : moisture, corrosion, dropping, evaporation, chemical reactions, and pilferage. Its essential to arrange for safe packing. Packing elements Ø Packing elements are containers, packaging or dressings material. Ø Package means the container for storage of goods or for their transportation. Ø Packaging materials mean any material used especially to protect something. qualification of packing Number of signs: Ø place Ø purpoce Ø the applied materials Ø form Ø frequency rate of use in a place of packing distinguish v Production - technological operation carries a manufacturer. v Trading - holding seller. This trading service can be free or paid. types of packaging ...

Logistika → Laonduse alused
6 allalaadimist

Pinnakareduse standardid

Surface TextureContour Measuring Instruments Explanation of Surface CharacteristicsStandards Definition of Surface texture and Stylus instrument Profile by Stylus and phase correct filter ISO4287: '97 and ISO3274: '96 Total profile Primary profile P Measure perpendicular to lay X axis Z axis Stylus method ...

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Introduction summary notes MRdd

Bhakti Sastri Online Modul 1, lesson 1 Student: Madhuri Radhika dd (Almviks Gard, Sweden) 8th of January 2014 VIDEO: Bhakti Shastri (001) - Sri Isopanisad Introduction Four books are enough: for Bhakti Sastri - Sri Isopanishad, Nectar of Instruction, Bhagavad Gita, Nectar of Devotion ­ devotees should have clear understanding of these 4 books. They belong to Vedic canon. For Life ­ Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrita, Nectar of Devotion ­ devotees should study those repeatedly and deeply to be able to relish Gaudiya Vaishnava siddhanta to it's fullness. *** Indian thought is broadly divided as: ASTIKA (has faith into Vedas) & NASTIK (Has no faith into Vedas) ASTIKA has 6 systems of philosophy: simultaneously) sankhya, vaiseshika, mimamsa, yoga, nyaya, vedanta. NASTIK: Buddhism, Jainism,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Plakat mäesuuskadest

Making mountain skis · Although Estonia is geographically not best suited for mountain skiing, · The most common materials for the outer part of the skis are it is still quite popular. The largest market is perhaps in the United States, but also in mountainous parts of Europe. fiberglass, carbon fibers, or a type of epoxy. Polyethylene is the most · Throughout history, alpine skis have been made out of light wood, popular material used in the bottom part of modern skis. One of the usually hickory or ash, steel edges were introduced on the bottom for drawbacks of the polyethylene base is its softness, and with time the ski can smoother glide, but the depletion of inexpensive wood meant a need for become scratched by small stones and ice...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
49 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

A Course In the Design of ABS Piping Our Objectives Presented by Geoffrey D Stone FIMechE C.Eng Provide an insight into what piping designers need & expect Define the role of the supplier & designer Learn some fundamentals of piping design Discover failure analysis techniques Share experiences of problems A Course In the Design of ABS Piping What We Shall Look at This Week ABS Material Properties Thermoplastic Pipe Design Waterhammer Analysis Typical Applications of ABS Pressure Pipe Some Anticipated Events Stages of the Design Process Representation-Drawings & Specification Calculation-Engineering & Assumptions Visualisation-Presentation of Information Validation-Testing & Commissioning Role of the ABS Pipe Supplier What the Customer Expects Avoid the following: Material Properties Accept design risk for a sale Design Criteria Accept MTO risk Design Guid...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

National Parks of USA

National Parks of USA A Project REPORT Greta-Maria Kivi Otepää Gümnaasium 2015 Aim of Report (esitluse eesmärk) • to teach English to  myself/ourselves  my/our classmates • to develop public speaking skills 15.2.15 Form 8, Greta-Maria Kivi, 2 National Parks of USA Sources used (What did I read? Where did I take the material from?)  History: d_States  Information about Yellowstone park:  All pictures are taken from Google pictures and Wikipedia  Video about Yellowstone:  Information about Great Smoky Mountains:

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Chiltern Hills

The Chiltern Hills Ursula 11. kl · The Chiltern Hills are known locally as just The Chilterns and are a chalk escarpment in the south-east of England, lying a few miles north-west of London. · They cover four counties and combine beautiful scenery with interesting history. · The Chilterns begin in Oxfordshire in the Thames Valley and stretch north-east through Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire to Hitchin in Hertfordshire. They comprise of chalk hills covered with beautiful beech woods, wild flowers, and a variety of wildlife. History · In pre-Roman times, the Chiltern ridge provided a relatively safe and easily negotiable route across southern Iron Age England, thus the Icknield Way (one of England's ancient trackways) follows the line of the hills. · The name "Chiltern" comes from the Cilternsæte, a tribe that occupied the area in the early...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Furniture making

Furniture making The beautiful wood OAK English oak • English Oak, or European Oak, is a wonderful material to work with. It is heavy, but it is also one of the most graceful woods that only gets better as it ages and the colour matures. English Oak has been a solid staple material of the British furniture making tradition for hundreds of years. Our oak pieces come in a variety of colours, from Light to Blackened oak (not to be confused with Black Oak - which is typically a medium to light wood). Furniture Furniture Furniture Furniture ASH European ash • Fraxinus excelsior A slightly confusing name, as it is also called peppermint ash and giant gum ash. In Europe it is known as olive ash, generally occurring after 30 years' growth when the white heart has turned to streaky olive. Goods, for sports goods, wheelwright's work and wherever springiness is required. Furniture Furniture The End  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Anna-Maria THE VALUE OF THINGS VS THE PRICE OF THINGS The price and value of things has changed a lot of over the times. Every person value things variously. It depends on people, what they think is important for them, some people value expensive things like diamonds or highly rated technology, some people on the other value things that are not financially valuable, like family, love or friends. The value of things is quite different from the price of things. A good example to prove it, is Apple. The price of Apple products are simply overrated. Iphone is like any other phone, but people buy it just to be popular and because everyone else are buying them. For Apple it is good of course, because they are serving benefits. Other example are designer clothes. The value of these clothing items are like clothes from basics s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

What qualities should, should not a teacher have

What qualities should/should not a teacher have The quality of the education of young people depends on the work of the teacher, who is largely responsible for the exchange of knowledge and skills for young people from an early age up to adulthood. What characteristics must a teacher have in order to do their job as well as possible, so that young adults become enough to start their own life? The teacher must have an advanced level of knowledge in their field. The more qualified the teacher is the better and more clearly he knows how to convey his material for students. From that depends how well young people acquire the knowledge and benefit from skills they have obtained in their later life. Teaching skills are very important. Every teacher should know how to be youthful and attractive enough in its subject, so that the students would give it an interest and they would like to acquire knowledge in this matter. If the subject seems at...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Post Office scheduling model

A B C D E F G H I 1 SureStep aggregate planning model 2 Suppose the company could begin 3 Input data training program to increase its wor 4 Initial inventory of shoes 500 5 Initial number of workers 100 program would result in the followin 6 Regular hours/worker/month 160 per pair of shoes over the next 4 m 7 Maximum overtime hours/worker/month 20 8 Hiring cost/worker $1 600 ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad mantra 1 summary notes MRdd

Bhakti Sastri Online Modul 1, lesson 3 Student: Madhuri Radhika dd (Almviks Gard, Sweden) 18th of January 2014 VIDEO: Bhakti Shastri (003) - Sri Isopanisad Mantra 1 ISOPANISAD BRIEF OVERVIEW Invocation ­ mantra 3: Live in harmony with Ishvara Mantra 4.-8. The Ishvara can be understood by spiritual vision Mantra 9.-11. Right & wrong vidya (knowledge) - for understanding Ishvara Mantra 12.-14. Right & wrong upasana (disposition of the heart) ­ for worshiping Ishvara Mantra 15.-18. Prayers to Ishvara to reveal Himself If I want to obey someone, I should know this person. We can know the Ishvara by the spiritual vision. Developing the spiritual vision has two parts: · cultivating the proper knowledge & then · developing the right disposition of the heart Yet to understand the Supreme Lord is not just an intellectual exercise, we have to offer both ­ the head...

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist

Internet piracy

Erkko Liiv 11.a Internet piracy In recent years, internet piracy or "file sharing" of copyrighted material has gained much popularity. It is a topic that has incessantly sparked debate and has even received global attention. Although on the surface the act of file sharing may seem harmless, it is far from it. Each year, film and record production companies as well as software and video game companies suffer from billions of dollars in lost profits. This loss comes as a direct result of internet piracy. Many agree that file sharing is unethical and consider it to be no different than downright theft. On the other hand, there are those that support file sharing and claim that their actions are easily justified and ethical. File sharing simply is the process of making available and distrib...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist


1. What is the object of philosophical study? The object of philosophical study is being itself on an abstract level. Everything and nothing can be or exist. Things like colour, nature, material things like a table just are, but the meaning of being in be-ing in itself is unclear. Non Material things can also be or exist. If something is, then it is a being. But what exactly is this IS that we can see or on the opposite can not see? Therefore this is one of the fundamental questions of philosophy. 2. Can you reject solipsism? Solipsism (solus ipse) means nothing exists, therefore everything is an illusion outside of our own minds. I think that it is true that we know WE as in myself exists. But i can not for certain say that the person reading this exists although it might seems like it to me. I think that you really can’t reject solipsism on the whole because you do know that you exists, but can you for certain say t...

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
0 allalaadimist

Famous person Russell Brand (Describing people) - Essee

Describing people He was born in 04.06.1975 and is an English comedian, actor, radio host, author, and activist. He has received media coverage for controversies such as his dismissal from MTV, his behaviour as a presenter at various award ceremonies, and his drug use. In 2008, he resigned from the BBC following prank calls he made to actor Andrew Sachs on his tv show (which is named after him). He has incorporated his drug use, alcoholism, and promiscuity into his comedic material. Which at times can be illogical, inappropriate, cruel, hilarious and dark just like him. He was also married to an American actress Katy Perry, but the marriage only lasted for 14 months. Katy herself has talked about the subject and said that at first he was generous, funny, caring, considering and very lovable. It was after they had been married for 6 months or so when he got distant, reserved, in...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

For many people, money is the most important thing in the world

For many people, money is the most important thing in the world What is the meaning of life? What is happiness? Surely everyone has asked these questions from himself and has thought about that. It can not be answered the same, because people have different personalities and value judgements. It looks like for some people happiness depends on that how much money they can earn. Money is for them the most important thing in the world. Somehow money is important for all of us. We need it for everything: to buy food, clothes and other bare necessities. Also we buy other things and services that are less necessity, but we just want to buy them. Money is resource for buying things, is it also a purpose? Why are we studying? Because we want to get a good job, it means for one thing that we want to get big salary. We attempt to make career to get even bigger salary, even more money. We spend huge part of our life for earning money....

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Premium B2 - Unit 6 vocabulary

Unit 6: vocabulary ­ School and work (v.) ­ verb (n.) ­ noun (adj.) ­ adjective (adv.) ­ adverb 1. to retire (from) (v.) - to stop working due to age 2. toddler (n.) ­ young child at the age of learning to walk, age 1-2 3. aspiration (n.) ­ strong desire to achieve something 4. exasperated (adj.) ­ extremely annoyed 5. to be fed up with (v.) ­ sick and tired of 6. rarely (adv.) ­ seldom; not often; infrequently 7. to queue (v.) ­ to stand in a line 8. to be ashamed of (v.) ­ to be embarrassed of something 9. to be depressed about (v.) ­ to feel down/sad 10. to be responsible for (v.) ­ to be in charge of something and take either credit if it succeeds or blame if it fails 11. to be famous for (v.) ­ to be known for 12. to be interested in (v.) ­ to be curious 13. to be proud of (v.) ­ to take pride in 14. to complain about (v.) ­ to whine about 15. to su...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Clay Bricks

Introduction (slide 2) In this presentation I'd like to give a brief overview of clay bricks. I'll speak about 15min to allow time for questions at the end. Firstly clay bricks are known for centuries as one of the most solid and reliable structural elements is set to play a role in reducing global warming. Apart form the many benefits obtained from using clay bricks in construction, such as their durability, insulation properties and aesthetic qualities, recent findings show that they also produce less carbon emissions than any other masonry material. History (slide 3) In more detail the earliest bricks were dried bricks, meaning they were formed from clay- bearing earth or mud and dried usually in the sun until they were strong enough for use. The oldest discovered bricks, originally made from shaped mud and dating before 10000 BC, were found in Mesopotamia related to the first known cities. Ceramic or fired bricks were first introd...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Millised on peamised veebilehtede trendid?

Millised on peamised veebilehtede trendid? Veebidisain on kiiresti liikuv ja muutuv tööstus, kus trendid tulevad ja lähevad. Samas kasutavad disainerid ka trende, mis ulatuvad mitmete aastate taha. Alati ei ole vajalik hakata leiutama jalgratast uuesti. Üheks näiteks võiks siinkohal tuua login mudeli. Login mudel jääb login mudeliks ning siin jääb innovatsioonile vähe ruumi. UI mustrid peaksid läbi sujuva kogemuse kasutajaid suunama, mistõttu on veel palju, millega disainerid peavad vaeva nägema, et saavutada täiuslik kasutajakogemus. Kasutajakogemused ongi määravaks, kuhu poole edasi minna, seda enam, et praegusel ajal kasutatakse veebi palju ka läbi nutiseadmete. Järgnevalt toon ma välja oma uurimuse tänapäeva veebilehtede trendidest. Toon välja mõned huvitavamad veebilehed, kus uusi ja trendikaid mustreid on kasutatud ja lisan juurde enda poolsed kommentaarid. Ikka veel käib eksperimenteerimi...

Muu → Graafiline disain
9 allalaadimist

Investment Plan For Valentino Chocolates Marketing

Investment Plan For Valentino Chocolates Marketing Essay Today, Valentino's chocolatiers are making over 60 different quality chocolates, with respect for tradition and a passion for taste. Thousands of people are enjoying more than 300,000kg of Valentino chocolates, bars and figures every year. In addition to the all time favorites, Valentino specializes in new creations which have been recognized and prized all over the world. Each month, Valentino presents a new chocolate, based on an exclusive design or an original taste, using origin covertures from Ecuador, Togo or Sao Thomé. The assortment is completed by a wide variety of chocolate specialties such as mendicants, truffles, orangettes, cerisettes, chocolate bars, sugar free pralines, liquor pralines, easter eggs and figurines. Valentino has become one of Europe's leading manufacturers of luxury chocolates and has won many international awards. For the past ten years, Vale...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Durability of concrete In this presentation I'm focusing on the durability of concrete. First I'll give a brief overview of concrete, we have to know what does it actually means and where is it used? (slide) Basically concrete is a construction material composed of cement, aggregate (generally gravel, limestone, or granite, plus a fine aggregate such as sand) also water, and chemical admixtures.(slide) Concrete is used to make pavements, architectural structures, foundations, roads, bridges, marine- and parking structures, brick/block walls and footings for gates, fences and so forth. Mainly it is used because of its high durability and availability, but also because it is cheaper than to use wood for example. Concrete is used more than any other man-made material in the world.(slide) Moving on, the durability of concrete can be defined as the ability to remain serviceable for at least the require...

Ehitus → Betooniõpetus
27 allalaadimist

Haapsalu powerpoint

HAAPSALU By Marika Form 7 HAAPSALU Seaside resort town located on the west coast of Estonia Administrative centre of Lääne County Population - 11,618 Tallinn 100 km away White Lady Western Region Administrative Centre Area - 10,59 km2 HISTORY The German Knights of the Sword conquered this region in 1224, and Haapsalu became the bishop's residence, with a fortress and cathedral built soon afterwards. The Danes took control during the Livonian War then the Swedish had their turn in the 17th century, but they lost it to the Russians during SYMBOLS Flag-blue and white, the flag is confirmed on 27 September 1994 Coat of arms- of the 27th confirmed September 1994 NATURE A few rivers and lakes A lot of deciduous trees and coniferous trees Lakes- Vaikeviik lake Rivers- Asuküla Main Ditch Haapsalu Bay FAMOUS PEOPLE Kaia Kanepi - tennis player Eda-Ines Etti - singer Eia Uus - writer ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Questions for the First Philosophy Test

Questions for the First Philosophy Test a. Introduction 1. How would you characterize Modern philosophy? Commanding outlook, power, will, Man is God. 2. How would you characterize Classical philosophy? Contemplative outlook, truth, intelligence, God is truth. b. Descartes 3. What is the main question that Descartes is trying to answer? How can I be certain [sure] that I am in the truth? 4. Which are precepts of Descartes' method? Only accept what is self-evident. Analysis. Synthesis. Enumeration. 5. Descartes will only accept one specific kind of ideas: which and why? He will only accept clear and distinct ideas that are indubitable. Because the complex ideas could then be constructed using the simple ideas. 6. How does Descartes call his method and why is it not skeptical? Methodic doubt. Because the goal of this doubt is not to be skeptical but to prove that some things can not be doubted. 7. “...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars Republished from the pages of National Geographic magazine Written by Ron Cowen March 2007 Ever since he was a teenager, Stan Woosley has had a love for chemical elements and a fondness for blowing things up. Growing up in the late 1950s in Texas, "I did everything you could do with potassium nitrate, perchlorate, and permanganate, mixed with a lot of other things," he says. "If you mixed potassium nitrate with sulfur and charcoal, you got gunpowder. If you mixed it with sugar, you got a lot of smoke and a nice pink fire." He tested his explosive concoctions on a Fort Worth golf course: "I screwed the jar down tight and ran like hell." "kaboomWoosley", now an astronomer at the University of California at Santa Cruz, has graduated to bigger explosions--much bigger. Woosley studies some of the most powerful explosions since the birth of the universe: supernovae, the violent deaths of stars. The universe twi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Chicago Kerli Heilu 8.Klass Virtsu Kool The Skydeck Ticket - 44$ Height ­ 412m Floors ­ 103 View - 50 miles and 4 states 4 class boxes The Field Museum Many different exhibitions (basically dinosaurs) Ticket~7$ Shedd Aquarium Ticket- 10-30$ Fishes and marine animals Reference material - Google

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Weather forecast

Weather forecast. Millions of people tune into the weather forecast each evening on television. Most of them imagine that the presenter does little more than arrive at the studio a few minutes before the broadcast, read the weather, and then go home. In fact, this image is far from the truth. The two-minute bulletin which we all rely on when we need to know tomorrow's weather is the result of a hard day's work by the presenter, who is actually a highly-qualified meteorologist. Every morning after arriving at the TV studios, the first task of the day is to collect the latest data from the National Meteorological Office. This office provides up-to-the-minute information about weather conditions throughout the day, both in Britain and around the world. The information is very detailed and includes predictions, satellite and radar pictures, as well as more technical data. After gathering all the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kafka's Hunger Artist

Kafka's Hunger Artist Kafka, in his masterpiece "The Hunger Artist," suggests that humans can never satisfy their desires. This is illustrated through the metaphorical hunger artist for whom nourishment is not being nourished at all. The viewing public's interest is derived from their desire to see the hunger artist cheating, but to view this would put an end to that desire. Finally, Kafka presents this idea while the artist is at the circus and describing when people wish to view the starved man. The hunger artist's nourishment is spiritual. The man only wishes to be honored by the public. As he continuously spirals downward in his health, he looses all forms of material nourishment. As the days go on, there is conflict between the artist and the audience, as they do not believe him honest in claiming not to have eaten. By searching for the audience's approval, a symbol for spiritual nourishment, he loses both material and spirit...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö "Kohustusliku kirjanduse populaarsus 11.klassides"

VALGA GÜMNAASIUM 12.b klass KOHUSTUSLIKU KIRJANDUSE POPULAARSUS 11.KLASSIDES Uurimistöö Juhendaja õpetaja Valga 2013 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS Raamatute lugemine on noorte seas kaotanud osa oma ligitõmbamisvõimest. Palju rohkem pühendatakse aega filmide vaatamisele ning sõpradega väljas käimisele. Vaadates tänapäeva noori, tekib arvamus, et lugemishuvi kaob peagi täielikult. Tihti on selline tunne, et kohustuslik kirjandus on ainuke, mis ajendab õpilasi raamatut kätte võtma. Sellistest mõtetest on ajendatud ka käesolev uurimustöö. Töö eesmärgiks on uurida kohustusliku kirjanduse lugemist 11. klassides. Töö esimeses osas uurisime, mida tähendab kohustuslik kirjanduse olemus ning kuidas seda määratakse. Teises osas uurisime, kuivõrd on muutunud kohustuslik kirjandus 11.klassis, võrreldes 2002.aastaga, mi...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
22 allalaadimist

Referencing style, kuidas kirjandites autoritele viidata

REFERENCING STYLE The following recommendations have been taken from The Standing Committee on Publications of the British Psychological Society, Suggestions to Contributors, Leicester: BPS, 1979. You should always follow these recommendations in your written work. The BPS journals use the author-date method of citation, that is the surname of the author and the year of publication are inserted in the text at the appropriate point, for example: Rabbitt (1970) compared reaction times... Or In a recent study of reaction times, Rabbitt (1970) found... Or In 1970, Rabbitt compared.. These methods enable the reader to locate easily the citation in the reference list given at the end of the report. If a work has two authors, cite both names in the text every time, e.g. Smith & Jones (1974). If a work has three or more authors, give names in full...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1010 allalaadimist

Bioloogia uurib elu

Bioloogia uurib elu BIOLOOGIA - Teadus, mis uurib elu. Elu määratlemine on võimalik vaid mitme tunnuse koosesinemise kaudu. MILLES VÄLJENDUB ELU ORGANISATOORNE KEERUKUS? BIOMOLEKUL - Orgaanilise aine molekul, mille moodustumine on seotud organismide elutegevusega (nt sahhariidid, lipiidid, valgud, nukleiinhapped, vitamiinid jt). Elu iseloomustav organisatoorne keerukus väljendub ehituslikul, talituslikul ja regulatoorsel tasandil. MILLINE ON KÕIGE VÄIKSEM ÜKSUS, MILLEL ON KÕIK ELU TUNNUSED? Biomolekulide esinemist võib lugeda üheks elu tunnuseks. Kõik organismid on rakulise ehitusega. Seetõttu ei saagi viirusi pidada elusorganismideks. RAKK - Kõige lihtsam ehituslik ja talituslik üksus, millel on kõik elu omadused. Organismid jagunevad kahte suurde rühma: 1) ÜHERAKULISED - Organism, mis on moodustunud ainult ühest rakust (nt bakterid, protistid ja seened). 2) HULKRAKSED - Organism, mis on mo...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
12 allalaadimist

Cernobyl Disaster

Chernobyl disaster Outline • What happened? • Elimination of the consequences • The Exclusion Zone • Conclusion • Quiz • Reference list What happened? • The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (then officially the Ukrainian SSR). An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe. • The Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of cost and casualties, and is one of only two classified as a level 7 event (the maximum classification) on the International Nuclear Event Scale (the other being the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011). • The battle to contain the contamination and avert a greater catastrophe ultimately involved over...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise lauljad ja ansamblid

ABSTRACT FAMOUS SINGERS AND BANDS IN THE ENGLISH 2010 Contents: page The Bands · The Beatles 3 · The Who 4 · Placebo 5 · The Kooks 6 · Coldplay 7 The Singers · Sir Elton Hercules John 8 · Andrew Abraham 9 · Robert Peter "Robbie" Williams 10 · Christopher Anthony John "Chris" Martin 11 The Bands The Beatles were an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960 and one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music. From 1962 the group consisted of John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals). Rooted in skiffle and 1950s rock and roll, the group later worked in many genres ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ametlik kiri

Dear Sir, I am writing to response to your letter. I understand your concern about the security of your valuables, but I assure you, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Firstly, we have the latest available security system, which includes double steel doors, bulletproof windows, audio/video communication system and other very effective facilities. Also, the safe is made of specific material and is inaccessible without the special code, which has only two of our workers ­ me and the financial manager. In case of a robbery, the FBI will response immediately. I hope this information will satisfy you and encourage you to use our secure bank in future. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have got any further questions. Yours Faithfully, chief security officer Mark Edwars

Keeled → Inglise keel
166 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun