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"-mass-tourism" - 21 õppematerjali


Mass tourism

Mass tourism - a threat or blessing for local communities? Nowadays, it is not a problem to travel from one location to another. Hundreds of tourists visits the most famous and beautiful places all over the world every single day but mass tourism has many disadvantages and fortunately some advantages too. The most important advantages of mass tourism are the financial profits. Thanks to tourism local people are employed in various kind of companies which are connected with tourists and their attractions. Local people also get more options how to be more successful in making money because in popular tourist areas they can start their own business, such as, shops, cafes, pubs, hotels, tent camps and so on. In addition, thanks to the money spent by tourists, local authorities have funds to maintain different buildings and places like, for example, libraries or parks and to restore monuments and other objects of histoic...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Mass Tourism

Mass Tourism As the population grows, technology advances and because of that, tourism is growing very fast. Nowadays, travelling long distances is not a problem and that causes mass tourism. Still, mass tourism has both good and bad sides. On the onehand, there are some advantages with broading mass tourism. In the first place, mass tourism is great because it increases country's income. Moreover, authorities are forced to clean up polluted areas. For example, tourists prefer clean area against dirty and polluted place. Finally mass tourism can increase population of country. In fact, sometimes tourist can go back and start his life there. On the otherhand, unfortunately there are some negative aspects aswell. Firstly, with mass tourism comes pollution. For example, tourist throws carbage on the ground because there are no garbage cans around. Another bad aspect is that to...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Massiturism ja sihtkoht

Massiturism ja sihtkoht Turistide arv kasvab iga aastaga aina suuremaks. Uued maailmaavastajad reisivad alguses tüüpilistesse kuurortlinnadesse, kus on odav ja lihtne liigelda ning reisi nautida. Massiturism on lõbu- ja puhkamisreis, huvitutakse kohalikust kultuurist ning sihtkohaks on tavaliselt troopilised ja rannaäärsed alad. Massiturismi nimi ütleb ka seda, et turistide arv teatud riiki või linna on meeletult suur ning valitud sihtpunkt sõltub tavaliselt hooajast. Antud turismiliik annab juurde töökohti, reklaamib enda riiki, kultuuri, traditsioone ning toob üldjuhul majandusliku kasu. Samas on massiturismil ka palju negatiivseid aspekte nagu näiteks: rikkumine ja looduse reostamine. Tänapäeval peaksime rohkem keskenduma just negatiivsetele aspektidele, et neid vähendada ja turismi aina paremaks muuta. Kui inimesed ei hakka sellest praegu mõtlema, siis ei pruugi 20. aasta pärast teatuid loomal...

Turism → Turismimajanduse alused
7 allalaadimist

There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism

Adventure Tourism Project Management Madli Tuvike There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism (Swarbrooke, 1999). Tourism as one of the leading industries in the world is contributing to sustainable development (Mintel, 2005). Tourism needs to cope with changing world and world order, also trends that are occurring. Sustainable tourism is one rising industry in tourism market. Swarbroke (1999) and David (2011) are suggesting that sustainable tourism and sustainability is taking wider part in tourism industry. Moreover, Mintel (2005) states that tourism contribution to sustainable development is being recognised increasingly by governments and international organisations. In addition, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, a.i.) states that tourism nowadays takes full responsibility of impacts that it is making, such as current and future economic, social and environmental. Therefore, this essay will i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike Anthropology and Tourism Female Adventure Tourism This essay will explain what significance culture has in adventure tourism. There are five paragraphs in this essay, where definitions of adventure travel and human culture are given. First, paragraph will look and define what culture, anthropology and adventure tourism are. Second paragraph will examine how different cultures impact female adventure travel. Third paragraph will point out the problems in adventure tourism. The forth paragraph will give recommendations for the future and some of the possible future problems in female adventure tourism will be looked at. The last paragraph will be a summary of the key findings and recommendations. Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries (Tisdell, 2000, Swarbrooke et al. 2003, Buckley, 2003). According to UNWTO, i...

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

This is a post-refereeing final draft. When citing, please refer to the published version: Cohen, S.A. (2011). Lifestyle travellers: Backpacking as a way of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1535-1555. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2011.02.002 LIFESTYLE TRAVELLERS: Backpacking as a way of life Scott A. Cohena Bournemouth University, United Kingdom a corresponding author: School of Tourism, Dorset House, Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1202 961261 Fax: +44 1202 515707 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Scholarship on backpackers speculates some individuals may extend backpacking to a way of life. This article empirically explores this proposition using lifestyle consumption as its framing concept and conceptualises individuals who style their lives around the enduring practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ja USA geograafia

1.Which five areas does Highland Britain include? 1)Scotland 2)Wales 3)The Cornwall Peninsula 4)The Lake District 5)The Pennines 2.What is the highest top in Wales ­ Snowdon 1,085m Scotland ­ Ben Nevis 1,343m England ­ Scafell Pike 978m How high is the highest mountain in the UK? Ben Nevis, 1,343m 3.Describe the relief of Scotland. Scotland is quite mountainous and there is also situated the highest peak in the UK, Ben Nevis. The Scottish Highlands cover the northern part of the country. Here The Northwest Highlands have rocky lunar landscape. South of Scotland is mostly covered with the Grampian Mountains which forms with some other mountains a huge mountain mass. The Central Lowland lie south of the Scottish Highlands. This region is a gently rolling plain. It has best farmland, and richest coal deposits. The Southern Uplands rise gently south of the Central Lowlands. This is a region of rounded, rolling hills. 4.What are the possibil...

Ajalugu → Suurbritannia ja usa maalugu
6 allalaadimist

Meteoriidikraatrid Eestis

Kosmosetekkelised pinnavormid Eestis Eesti territooriumil on tänaseks tuvastatud kokku seitse paika, kus leidub kosmiliste kehade plahvatusjälgi (kaheksanda võimaliku ­ Vaida kraatri uurimist on alles alustatud). Neist nelja puhul (Kaali, Ilumetsa, Kärdla, Neugrund) on vaieldamatult tegemist hiidmeteoriitide jälgedega. Kogu maailmas on teaduslikult kindlaks tehtud ligi 200 hiidmeteoriidi kraatrit või muud jälge. Niisiis, arvesse võttes meie territooriumi väiksust, on Eesti kõige tihedama meteoriidikraatrite hulgaga riik maailmas! Kas on selle põhjuseks kodumaa pinnase ehituse omapära, mis kosmilisi jälgi eriti hästi säilitanud? Või hoopis Eesti geoloogide erakordne agarus sääraste jälgede otsingul? Või arvata seletuseks mingi kolmas päris ootamatu või imeline põhjus? Jäägu vastuse otsimine lugejale edasimõtlemiseks. Selle asemel heitkem suuruse järjekorras põgus pilk teadaolevatele kosmiliste keha...

Geograafia → Geograafia
11 allalaadimist


Kraatrisüvendi kuju Kraatrisüvend on enamasti isomeetriliselt kooniline selgepiiriline sulglohk maapinnal. Väiksematel löögikraatritel võib olla ka väljavenitatud ovaalne kuju. Kraatri sügavus oleneb kraatri diameetrist ja aluspõhjakivimite tugevusest.. Omavahel võib kraatreid võrrelda kraatriindeksi, sügavuse ja läbimõõdu suhtarvu abil. Kraatrivalli kuju Kraatrivall, mis süvendit ümbritseb, võib olla nii katkematu kui ka ühest või mitmest kohast katkev maapinna ülakihtide üleskergitatud osa. Kõige laialivalguvamad on vallikontuurid väikekraatritel, mis asuvad haritaval põllumaal või on otsese inimtegevuse mõjul märkimisväärselt rikutud. Mõnikord ühtib kraatri madalaim valliosa meteoriidi langemise suunaga, kõrgeim valliosa on aga langemissuuna pikendusel. See asjaolu ahvatleb taastama meteoriidikeha langemissuunda valliehituse kuju põhjal. Valli jäänused kraatrite ümbruses on suhteliselt vastupidavad ka hilisematele kulutusprotsessi...

Loodus → Loodusõpetus
9 allalaadimist

Data Mining Hotel Data Analysis

TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Institute of Informatics Department of Informatics Chair of Foundations of Informatics Analysis of Hotel Data 2nd Task for Data Mining Course IDN0100 Student: Matriculation ID: E-mail: Supervisor: Innar Liiv TALLINN 2011 Findings: The hotel is business oriented, which is supported by the high percentage of business occupants, and the multitude of conventions held within the hotel. The statement is further supported by the fact that occupancy drops with the decrease of influx of business people. The occupancy drops significantly in the July and August which is probably due to the fact ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaat inglise keeles

Tallinna Inglise Kolledz Australia Topic Alice Tärk, 8b. Tallinn 2007 Table of contents: Factfile............................................................................................. ................................. Symbols.......................................................................................... ....................................Head of State................................................................................................ ................... Government....................................................................................... ............................... History............................................................................................. .................................. Relief..................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
94 allalaadimist

Report Of Canada

Tallinn English College Report of Canada 8a Teacher: Merike Sisask Composer: Kärt Kalvet 2010 Canada, Kärt Kalvet 8a Canada General Information Canada is in North America. It's area is 9220970 sq km. Canada's population is 313.612.000 people. Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Canada has constitutional monarchy. The head of state in Canada's government is the Queen of England. There are two main languages in Canada: English and French. Canada's curreny is Canadian dollar (1 dollar=100 cents[Can$]). The highest peak of Canada is Mount Logan, 5959 metres. The lowest point is sea level. The longest river is the Mackenzie. The climate and geography of Canada vary greatly from temperate in the south to arctic in the north and from islands and plains in the east to mountains in the west. Location...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
15 allalaadimist

Ireland report

Ireland is the third largest island in Europe. It lies in between the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Politically it is divided into a sovereign state, the Republic of Ireland, that covers about five-sixths of the island (south, east, west and north-west), and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, covering the northeastern sixth of the island.[1] The name 'Ireland' derives from the name Ériu (in modern Irish, Éire) with the addition of the Germanic word 'land'. The population of the island is just under 6 million (2006); just over 4.2 million in the Republic of Ireland[2] (1.6 million in Greater Dublin[3]) and just over 1.7 million in Northern Ireland[4] (0.6 million in Greater Belfast[5])). Politics Politically, Ireland is divided into: · The Republic of Ireland, with its capital Dublin. · Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, Geography A ring of coastal mountains surrounds low central plains. Th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
48 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia üldkokkuvõte

1) General facts The UK: * the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was formed in 1801 * it covers 243,610 sq km * everybody from the UK is called British * the capital city is London * is made up of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland which in turn are divided into counties * the flag is called the Union Jack which is a combination of the flags of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland * the population is about 60,000,000 people, the population density is 242 people/sq km * its coasts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, Saint George's Channel, and the Irish Sea. It is linked to France by the Channel Tunnel * the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II, who is also the Queen and Head of State of fifteen other Commonwealth Realms, such as Can...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Elamusel põhineva teemapargi arendamine lastega peredele

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz Turismiosakond Liivi Hiienurm ELAMUSEL PÕHINEVA TEEMAPARGI ARENDAMINE LASTEGA PEREDELE HÕBEVALGE MÜSTEERIUM OÜ NÄITEL Diplomitöö Juhendaja: Karin Maandi Pärnu 2012 SISUKORD Sisukord.............................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................................3 1. Teoreetilised käsitlused..................................................................................................5 1.2. Elamuse mõiste.......................................................................................................9 1.3. Elamusliku toote disainimine......................................

Turism → Turism
10 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

I. Portugal ABOUT Photo Location of Portugal (dark green) Portugal (Portuguese: Portugal, IPA: [putua]; officially the Portuguese Republic, Portuguese: República Portuguesa) is a country located in Southwestern Europe, on the Iberian Peninsula. It is the westernmost country of mainland Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east. The Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira are Portuguese territory as well. The country is named after its second largest city, Porto, whose Latin name wa...

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist

Revision Questions

1. What is known about the earliest settlers from Estonia to the territory of the present-day US? *The first immigrants from Estonia in the US = 1627 ­ no trace of the "Estonians and Livonians" who left their homeland to settle at the mouth of the Delaware River (a Swedish colony) · 1654 ­ at least one Estonian in the settlement of New Sweden on the Delaware River ­ Johan Schalbrick, a drummer from Tallinn (Reval) · New Sweden ­ Swedish colony on the Delaware River from 1638­1655 · 1657 ­ Martinus Hoffman, born in Tallinn (Reval), came to New York (New Amsterdam), started to work as a saddlemaker. · His great-granddaughter Cornelia Hoffmann (b. 1734) married Isaac Roosevelt, which makes her the great-great-grandmother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the US from 1933­45. · Hans Rebane = 1897 ­ founded the first Estonian-language newspaper in the US ­ Eesti Ameerika Po...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Majandussotsialoogia eksami materjal

Majandus ühiskonnas Sotsiaalteadused – moderniseeruva ühiskonna “leiutis” (mõiste “sotsioloogia” – Auguste Comte, ca 1840) 18.-19.saj -> distsipliinide-vaheliste piiride hägusus 20. saj -> süvenev spetsialiseerumine 21. saj -> vajadus suurema integreerituse järele (interdistsiplinaarsus) ÜHISKOND - sotsiaalsete suhete ja interaktsioonide süsteem (struktuur), mis seob indiviide, kellele on omane ühine kultuur ja kes end selle ühiskonnaga samastavad (identiteet)  piirid ja territoorium  institutsioonid  reproduktsioon  poliitiline ja majanduslik organiseeritus  võimusuhted ja -hierarhiad SOTSIAALNE STRUKTUUR - sotsiaalset tervikut moodustavate elementide vahelised püsivad seosed ja interaktsioon; võimaldab määratleda indiviidi/grupi positsiooni ja staatust sotsiaalses süsteemis (nt ühiskond, organisatsioon, perekond jm sotsiaalsed kooslused) ...

Majandus → Majandussotsioloogia
1 allalaadimist

Public International Law is a system of law

Public International Law is a system of law, different from domestic law. Why is this system unique? Usually law regulates relations between people, people and the state etc, PIL regulates relations between states. Thats why PIL is important for international relation students. PIL influences the life of everybody, it doesn't regulate people directly but indirectly (through the decisions of the states), because it's everywhere. It's like air. E.g. when you want to send a letter to Brazil, you put a stamp from your own country and send it from your post office and the letter gets delivered. Why is this so easy, because there are certain international conventions that regulate postal services. E.g. traffic signs are almost the same everywhere, why? Because of certain int conventions that require the states to have more or less unified traffic signs. States apply international regulations to national regulations and they ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

1. (a) (i) gene length of DNA; codes for a (specific), polypeptide / protein / RNA; max 1 allele alternative form of a gene; found at a, locus / particular position on, a chromosome; max 1 (ii) assume allele refers to coat colour allele (coat colour) gene / alleles, only on X chromosome; A no (coat colour), gene / allele, on Y chromosome male cats, XY / only have one X chromosome; males have only one (coat colour) allele / cannot have two (coat colour) alleles; need black and orange alleles for tortoiseshell colour; 2 r r w w (b) parental genotypes C C × C C ; r w ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun