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"-logical" - 159 õppematerjali


Logical argument

8. If________, then_______. 8. LOGICAL ARGUMENT 8.1 Questions or conclusions based on conditions with "if". If farmers really need to kill foxes, why don't they just shoot them? What if there isn't enough work to go round? What if the employers decide to introduce new working practices? And what happens if the two sides can't agree? What would happen then if state benefits were cut completely? If this also makes Britain more attractive for overseas visitors, so well and good. You'd only use capital punishment if you were absolutely sure that you'd convicted the right person. It'd be O.K. if they recognised the quality of the songs their grandmother had taught them and went on to sing them to their own grandchildren. 8.2 Questions based on conditions with sentence adverbials " then" and "so" We punish murderers and rapists on Ea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


PÄRNUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS ARVUTID JA ARVUTIVÕRGUD Kaur- Joosep Laur OSI KIHID Juhendaja: Mihkel Pärna Pärnu 2012 OSI (OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION) ARCHITECTURE Avatud süsteemide sidumise arhitektuur OSI on ISO ja ITU-T koostöös 1977.a. valminud andmesideprotokollide kontseptuaalne mudel. OSI 7-kihilise arhitektuuriga baasmudel annab loogilise struktuuri konkreetsetele andmesidevõrkude standarditele. Tegelikus elus on andmesidevõrkudes kasutusel terve rida erinevaid protokollistikke (TCP/IP, NetWare, AppleTalk, DECnet, ATM, SNA ja SS7 jne.), mis ei vasta täpselt OSI mudelile (näit. on paar OSI kihti ühendatud üheks kihiks vms), kuid põhimõtteliselt täidavad need kõik ühtesid ja samu funktsioone ning OSI mudel on heaks õppevahendiks ka teiste protokollistike tundmaõppimisel. 1982.a. said ISO ja ITU-T valmis ka OSI protokollistandardid, kuid esiteks oleks nende k...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
32 allalaadimist

Pääsuõigused ja kettaruumi haldamine

Pääsuõigused ja kettaruumi haldamine Ühenduse loomine student@desktop:~$ ssh server.lab ... Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes ... [email protected]'s password: student Ülesanne 1. Pääsuõigused Paigalda veebiserver apache2. Uuendame apt-get nimistut ja installeerime veebiserveri apache2. student@server:~$ sudo apt-get update student@server:~$ sudo apt-get install apache2 Töö autor vastas toimingu käigus tekkinud küsimustele jaatavalt ( Y ). Loo kataloog /var/www/html/leiutised . /var/www/html/ on vaikimisi veebiserveri juurkataloog Ubuntul. Loome kataloogi /var/www/html/leiutised käsklusega mkdir (make directory). student@server:~$ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/leiutised /var/www/html/leiutised peab kuuluma grupile leidurid . Määrame loodud kataloogi grupiks leidurid käsuga chown (change owner). Käsu nimele järgneb uus omaniku ja grupi ...

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemide ja...
6 allalaadimist

Philosophy today

Philosophy Today The Great Divide Most contemporary philosophers follow one of two approaches ­ "Continental" philosophy ­ "Analytic" philosophy Continental philosophy is more influential on the European continent Analytic philosophy is predominant in the major research universities in the English-speaking world Analytic Philosophy Analytic philosophy developed from attempts in the early 20th century to make our concepts precise. The model of this procedure was science. Emphasis in contemporary analytic philosophy is on language and meaning, and meaning is understood as a relation between language and objective reality. Thus, understanding the structure of language is what reveals the structure of reality. Continental Philosophy At the same time that analytic philosophy was emerging, E. Husserl was developing his "phenomenological" approach...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

C# Progammeerimise keel

C# - PROGRAMMERIMISE KEEL Programm on eeskirjade (käskude) kogum, mis määrab, milliseid operatsioone ja tegevusi peab arvuti täitma andmetega antud klassi kuuluvate ülesannete lahendamiseks. Andmed on informatsiooni formaliseeritud esitus kujul, mis võimaldab informatsiooni salvestamist ja töötlemist arvutis. Eristatakse mitut liiki andmeid: arve, tekste, graafikakujundeid, heli jm. Programmide koostamiseks on loodud spetsiaalsed programmeerimiskeeled. Taolisi keeli on palju, kuid enamiku ülesehitus ja käsutamise põhimõtted on analoogilised. Kasutamisvaldkonna järgi jagatakse keeled kahte rühma: universaalsed ehk üldkeeled ja spetsialiseeritud keeled. Üldisi programmeerimiskeeli käsutatakse suvaliste rakendus- ja süsteemi-programmide loomiseks, mis töötavad autonoomselt või koos teiste programmidega. Praegusel ajal on levinud järgmised üldised programmeerimiskeeled C, ++, Visual ++, Visual Basic, Java, Pascal, Fortran, Co...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia valikut

TEKST 2. Durbin, Paul T. (1984). A Guide to The Culture of Science, Technology, 3. Broad Synthetic vs. Narrow Analytic. Third, one may approach science and Medicine. ­ The Free Press. pp. 217-222. (Katkendid) from a narrow analytic or a broad synthetic point of view. That is, one could see one's task as primarily dissecting various features of science to see how they look or work, or C. Frameworks for Philosophy of Science as primarily locating science within a broader framework of human activities and artifacts. Questions about, for example, the form and function of scientific explanations In this section our aim is to examine alternative approaches to t...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
27 allalaadimist

Lexical and syntactic stylistic devices

LEXICAL STYLISTIC DEVICES Based on: interaction of lexical and interaction of denotational interaction of primary circumlocution other cases contextual meaning and emotional meaning and secondary meaning 1. EPITHET 1. METAPHOR ­ indicates individual 1. ZEUGMA 1. PERIPHRASIS 1. BATHOS ­ based on similarity of 2 evaluation of sth. Logical ­ "to join" ­ w-d is ­ use of longer ­ spoiling the lofty effect. Function notions, hidden comparison at...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keele modaalid (modals)

Ability Lack of ability Obligation/duty Necessity can can't must need to could couldn't have (got) to have to was able to wasn't able to absence: needn't Prohibition Suggestion Probability Possibility mustn't ought to ought to can can't should should could must may might Asking for permission Giving/Refusing Talking about Making requests can permission permission can could can/can't can will may may/may not are allowed to could might ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Word ja Excel märksõnad-seletused

WORD Lehekülje häälestus (vasakult 3,5cm) : Page layout- margins-custom margins.. CTRL+A- teeb kogu teksti siniseks Üleliigsete tühjade ridade eemaldamine: Replace-more-special-paragraph mark-Otsi: ^p^p Asenda: ^p Nurksulgude eemaldamine: replace- [any character] Viide lõigu lõppu: year accessed-millal külastasid. Sõna tähtede vahe: font-spacing CTRL+D-dubleerib CTRL+c-copy CTRL+V ­paste EXCEL Tabeli andmete muutmine: Select data-edit Countif-(kogus palju mida on)-nt mehi kokku Mode-kõige sagedamini esinev hinne Ceiling-...=CEILING(B4*1,2;0,05) Averageif-keskmine (sugu,kriteerium, tunnus) IF-logical test (C1=D1) True,False Teksti ühendamine: =A1&" on sündinud "&C1&". Aastal ja ta on tähtkujult "&F1&" Sumif- nt hind kriteeriumite järgi (NIMI;KRIT,HIND) Suur täht =proper() Esitäht =left(A1) Format cels-custom- #" sorti"

Informaatika → Arvuti töövahendina
9 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne report kiri

To: The Aru Secondary Scool library From: Johannes Smith Subject: Schoolmates reading interests Date: 6.10.2015 The purpose of this report is to analyse the results of a recent survey into schoolmates reading habits. In this survey students were asked witch genre of books they like to read. This report is based on a diagram showing the percentage witch genres students like to read. This report will describe the reading habits of The Aru Secondary School. The most popular genre for girls was romantic novels and for boys thrillers. This is shown by fact that girls like more romantic and boys like more suspense. In the survey can read that only 17% girls like to read poetry and only 9% of boys like to read poetry. In conclusion I will say that these results are quite logical outcome. It is been always that girls like more romantic novels and boys thrillers. For summing- up I will say that it is nice that students lik...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Ettevalmistamata monoloog

Unprepared monologue 1.INTRODUCTION: · Presentation of the topic (Think about the topic, what have other people said about it?) · Presentation of the theme (What is the message you want to convey?) · Preview of the body (In my presentation today I`m going to explain...;The topic of this presentation...) · Transition (Use linking devices,think of coheison..) 2.THE BODY: · Point one (Firstly, I`d like to..; My first point is...; To start with, I`d...; The first option is...;) · Point two (Secondly we can...; Another aspect is...; My next point is...; On the other hand...;) · Point three (Thirdly..; Let me move on to...; The third point is about...;) · Transition (Move to conclusion. Dont forget linking devices and coheison) 3.CONCLUSION: · Review and summary (Give an account of points...

Keeled → Inglise keel
250 allalaadimist


Education: Some people say that students should study only those subjects they are interested in Im going to discuss if students should study only those subjects they are interested in or not. Nowadays students are quite lazy and do not want to study or go to school. They think it is boring and parents work really hard to make them study. Also, a lot of students think that the majority of the subjects they are learning are pointless. But actually none of those are pointless and every thing has a reason. In addition to that, if students could choose the subjects themselves, then some classes would be really empty. For example, a lot of students do not like maths or reading. Math develops logic and then we could imagine how many people would be without logical thinking. And reading books enriches vocabulary, so if people do not read books at all, their vocabulary would be quite small. On the ot...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

The Coca-Cola presentation

The Coca-cola Company The History of Coca Cola In May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton a pharmacist from Atlanta. Fank Robinson ­ the bookkeeper of John Pemerton recommended to have Coca Cola for the name of the soft drink invented by Pemberton. Robinson also scripited the flowing Logo oF Coca ­ Cola. The soft drink was first sold to the in Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886. About nine servings of the soft drink were sold each day. The first year of the sales were a big loss which is quite logical i think. Until 1905, the soft drink, marketed as a tonic, contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut ­ sales went up strictly. On April 23, 1985, the trade secret "New Coke" formula was released. Mission · To refresh the world... · To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... · To create value and make a difference. 2009 annual review : In 2009, our Com...

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist


Exeli funktsioonid jagunevad rühmadesse: 1) Maatemaatilised(Math ja Tig) 2)Kuupäeva- ja kellaaja funktsioonid(Date ja Time) 3) Otsimise ja viitamise funktsioonid(Lookup ja Reference) 4)Loogikafunktsioonid (Logical) 5) Finantsfunktsioonid (Financial) 6)Tekstifunktsioonid(Text) 7)Statistikafunktsioonid (Statistical) Matemaatilised funktsioonid 1)Liitmisfunktsioon SUM(Liidetav1;Liidetav2) 5 SUM(piirkond) - liidab kokku piirkonnas olevad arvud 5 7 9 40 12 3 4 9 18 2)Aritmeetiline keskmine AVERAGE(piirkond) - see on tegelikult statistiliine funktsioon - annab piirkonnas olevate arvude aritmeetilise keskmine 3 9 10 7.333333 3)Ruutjuur arvust SQRT(arv) ...

Informaatika → Funktsionaalne...
2 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja praktiline robootika

Read Chapter_5_Output_Control_Methods.pdf Question 1 (10 marks) Draw a PID control scheme and write down an equation to describe the PID control. Compare the differences between the “bang-bang“ control and proportional control. What are the functions of Integral and Derivative terms in the PID equation. Solution: Draw a PID control system: (Figure 5.5, page 111) Write down an equation to describe the PID control: (page 111) Compare the differences and the advantages between the “bang-bang“ control and Proportional control: (page 105) “Bang-Bang“ control or ON-OFF control is the simplest control system. It turns ON when the system needs more INPUT and tuns OFF if the system doesn’t need INPUT any more. The INPUT is similar to the PWM square wave (running ON and OFF during the length of the needed INPUT). Bang-Bang control is similar to the PWM input signal Proportional control: Bang-Bang con...

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist

What is expected of a graduate of the 21st century

What is expected of a graduate of the 21st century and how does the university play a role in contributing to a succesful outcome? Kaisa Kamenik In Mike Nichols 1967 cult film „The Graduate“, Dustin Hoffman character Benjamin Braddock, who has just graduated from college, is facing basically same questions as posed in the title of this essay. Everyone is asking what is he going to do with his life now, but he is very uncomfortable aswering them and at that point he doesn’t care as well. Being a third year history student in University of Tartu, I am wondering over the same questions and find myself often thinking what is expected of me after graduating and how has university played a role in my development for almost three years now. When asked what is the main purpose of university, most people would say that it is preparing students for different proffessions, which would...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

You are what you think you are

You are what you think you are In my oppinion, you have to work hard to achive greater things in life. I do not agree with people who say that karma decides your life, or that everything is decided before you were born. I know, that if you work hard and put a lot of effort in your life, you will be succesful. Of course there are a lot of people, who would disagree with me, and a lot of them have great and logical explanations and theories, but in my opinion it just is not true. For example, every politican or person on a high paying job, who i have ever seen, has worked his way up the career ladder. Usualy they have studied very hard in school, to get to where they want to be. Most of them have gotten to where they want to be. Of course there are people who have gotten to important positions in life thanks to luck and many of them have had a lot of good ideas or have the imprtant knowledge, but major...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Shutter island review

Shutter island review Shutter island is a movie written by Martin Scorsese. It is a very psychological film in my opinion and you can not take your eyes of the screen for a minute, because then you will lose track. I think Leonardo is very good in this role and these kinds of movies suit him. I did not like the movie so much because there is a lot of talking and little action in my opinion. Some of the parts were very well executed, for example the part where Teddy realises he is a patient in the hospital. The movie was good becasue you could not tell what was going to happen and the ending was unexpected, that is what is diffrent from other movies. I have once seen this film before and then iI thought it was much more boring because I was younger and could not understand the point of the film. It still is confusing and I think the film gets more logical with time or when you watch it over and over again. I would suggest is to people ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What is levels of formality

What is levels of formality? Search on the Internet leads to such subjects as "Levels of Formality in Language", "Formality levels of communication" , "Levels of formality in writing". Proceeding from it, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that levels of formality are almost everywhere. For a start it is worth understanding formality levels in Spoken language. Because the spoken language is used much more often. The first level of Spoken language is informal. Its use for routine messages delivered face-to-face with friends. Informal language is relaxed language with slang, contractions and humor. The second level is Semiformal. Its use for important messages to strangers(for example, Phone call). It is language with some contractions and personal pronouns. And the last one is Formal. Its use for serious messages and in other formal contexts. It is correct, serious language using complete sentences without slang. In a written languag...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Electrical engineering

Electrical engineering What is electrical engineering? Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism Info about electrical engineering This field first became an identifiable occupation in the later half of the 19th century after commercialization of the electric telegraph, the telephone, and electric power distribution and use Subsequently, broadcasting and recording media made electronics part of daily life. The invention of the transistor, and later the integrated circuit, brought down the cost of electronics to the point they can be used in almost any household object. Famous people with big impact are Nikola Tesla, Alexander Graham Bell, john Logie Baird and many more How to become an electrical engineer Electrical engineers typically hold a degree in electrical engineering or electronic engineering. Getting into engineer...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

UNIT 6 Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively The aim of the section is to assist you to produce an effective topic outline: a skeleton of your document. If this stage of the production process is done properly all you really need are the language control techniques to connect your ideas logically and effectively. If you have a well documented list of techniques to connect your ideas effectively the writing process is less formidable. You will want to know how to join similarities, compare and contrast certain facts, introduce the next topic, offer a supporting idea, or refer to previously presented facts. You will also need to know how to present different shades of argument to produce logically a recommendation you wish to make. This requires an ability to emphasise certain facts and 'bury' others. However, all facts need to be linked to give a logical flow. This unit will give you language practice in...

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Future Tenses

Future Tenses Will-future and going to-future Andrea Terasväli Future forms Will-future Going to- Simple Present Future Future future presen progressi progressi perfect t ve ve • • Planned Future Planned Action Sth. Will Prediction, action in action action in will already assumptio the future is fixed the near definitely have n (assur future happen happene • logical ed/de (it d before • conseque ffinite) usually a certain spontaneo nce (sth. happens) time in us action Is goint to the happen) future Form Will-future Goi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Computer games

VIDEO GAMES Video games, nowadays, are a new form of entertainment that has replaced traditional games. As everything in life, it has advantages, if they are used with coherence, but also disadvantages. On the one hand, you can have a good time alone. Besides, there are many logical games where it is possible to learn. Apart from being entertaining, they test your logic and skills. Video games can also improve your reflex actions and develop your imagination. On the other hand, video games can cause addiction and make you lose communication with your family and friends. People sometimes spend too much time in front of the screen, so they are not in the street with their friends. Furthermore, some video games are very aggressive and can influence our behaviour negatively. I believe that if video games are used properly and in the correct measure, they can be fun, but, in my opinion, it is much more interesting to be out with friends ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Noun/Adjective, Verb/Noun

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective Noun Adjective liberty liberal grammar grammatical possibility possible dark dark honesty honest fun funny energy energetic magic magical optimist optimistic jealousy jealous royalty royal biology biological globe global basis basic music musical ancestor ancient silence silent occupation occupational sensation sensational science scientific environment ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


Bilingualism The two most important languages on planet Earth these days are English ­ the language of international commerce and of the media ­ and Chinese, which is spoken by one of every six humans. The second tier of importance includes Spanish and Arabic and French ­ for their wide use ­ and Japanese, from Japan's economic influence. The third tier of importance covers Portuguese (for Brasil), German, and Russian. The remaining languages are essentially regional or minor. Success in business in the global economy requires fluency in one or more of the languages in Tier One or Tier Two, no matter where you live.Business operations ­ reception, customer service, sales, websites, advertising ­ that entail use of one or more languages provide access to major additional segments of the global economy. Likewise, the executive or office worker or retail clerk with multi-fluency has...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia ajalugu

Funktsionalism - Under the influence of Darwin, the school of functionalism stressed the role of conciousness and behavoior in adapting to the enviroment. Pragmatism ­ tõe kriteerium on tegevuse/idee kasulikkus. Inimene ise saab enda elu/iseloomu/tuju muuta, vaba tahe, kuidas soovib käituda. Igasugused uskumused on kasulikud ja väärt, kui need on efektiivsed William James - oli pragmaatik kes... uskumine vabasse tahtesse teadvuse voog / stream of consciousness - teadvust ei saa elementideks jagada vaid on pidevalt muutuv ja personaalne - peegeldab indiviidi kogemusi, eesmärk on tagada kohanemine keskkonnaga. Teadvus on personaalne, ei saa jaotada, pidevalt muutuv, valiv, kohaneb keskkonnaga Rakenduspsy kujunemine. Uurimistehnikate laiendamine (kasuliku teabe leidmine inimese kohta). Learnes patterns of behaviour are habits. Habit makes society possible. Act in ways that are compatible wi...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia ajalugu
16 allalaadimist

Might the Welsh language face a bright future?

Might the Welsh language face a bright future? Welsh belongs to a branch of Celtic, an Indo-European language. The language is being used about half a million people in Wales and possibly another few hundred thousand people within England and even Australia and United States of America. The normal language of every day life is still English but in some regions such as Gwynedd and Dyfed, the use of Welsh is very wide and well spread. The tendency nowadays is towards the development and introduction of Welsh. This could not have been said at the first part of the 20th century. Welsh have been under the reign or a part of Great Britain for a long time. During the 16 th century, particularly at the time of Henry the VIII, they tried to force the Welsh language out by an Act which declared that the language to be used in courts and administrative offices would have to be English. And of course the most natural process ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Chinatown review

Chinatown Review Chinatown is an American movie which was realeased in 1974, starring Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway and John Huston. Director Roman Polanski was recognized for this amazing movie. The film has categorized as mystery and psychological drama and for multiple times it has been listed among the greatest films in world cinema. 1 In 1975 the film was nominated for eleven Academy Award, which were Best writing-Original screenplay, Best actor in Leading Role, Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Art Director-Set Decoration, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Director, Best Film Editing, Best Music-Original Dramatic Score, Best Picture and Best Sound. An Oscar went to Robert Towne for Best Writing-Original Screenplay. It also has won three BAFTA Film Awards for Best Actor, Best Director and Best Screenplay, Edgar Allan Poe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks- Monologue

MONOLOGUE: preparation time 3 minutes, uninterrupted monologue time 2 minutes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDUCATION AND JOBS A5 MONOLOGUE Topic A5.2 Read the topic below and prepare to speak about it. Use the questions given to help to plan your monologue. Some people think that all school-children should wear school uniforms. Why do you think they say that? Do you agree? Give reasons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are expected to structure your monologue and present it speaking fluently with appropriate pronunciation and intonation and only natural pauses. You are expected to express yourself confidently, clearly and politely. Interact naturally with appropriate openings, fillers and amplifications. Be logical and clear, paraphrase successfully. Your vocabulary...

Keeled → Inglise keel
163 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

1.The Conceptual Architecture identifies the high-level components of the system, and the relationships among them. Its purpose is to direct attention at an appropriate decomposition other system without delving into details. Moreover, it provides a useful vehicle for communicating the architecture to non-technical audiences, such as management, marketing, and users. Logical Architecture In Logical Architecture, the externally visible properties of the components are made precise and unambiguous through well-defined interfaces and component specifications, and key architectural mechanisms are detailed. The Logical Architecture provides a detailed "blueprint" from which component developers and component users can work in relative independence. Logical Architecture. Model System Behavior Execution Architecture An Execution Architecture is created for distributed or concurrent systems. The process view shows the mapping of components on...

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Reporti kirjutamine

REPORT What´s the purpose of the report? A report is usually written to give information to somebody who needs it. This means that the writer knows more about the subject than the reader. You may be asked to give information, evaluate something, or make suggestions and recommendations. MAKE YOUR REPORT CLEAR AND SIMPLE. What style should I use? A report is based on facts and/ or data. Think carefully about the best way to present the facts. Be clear and avoid unnecessary detail. Give essential information and recommendations. A report is a formal piece of writing and it is impersonal (avoid using the pronoun " I "). Say what you have to say in as few words as possible. How should I structure a report? Every report, like an essay, should have the following parts: A. INTRODUCTION- state what you are going to write about. If the report is based on a survey, state when and by whom the survey...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1027 allalaadimist

Iluuisutaja Jevgeni Pljustsenko

...... 'Õpilase nimi' . 10 'Koht' 2006 . 39 . 1014 . 15 . 1516 2 . - - - . , - . - . - 3 1982 , . , "" - 2900 57 . . , " ". . . , . . , , . - . . , "" . - . . . , . , . , . , . . , , . - , . . . . 1985 . , . , . , , . . . - "". - 25 1987 . , " , ". , ( ). , , , - . , . " , ". ( 4 2 ). . , . . - - , - " , , , !". . . - 3 . . , , , . . - . , . " 2 , : " ?". ". - . " , , ". ...

Keeled → Vene keel
14 allalaadimist


Viitamine. Psühholoogia Instituut. Ajakirja artikkel Viidatakse põhimõttel: Autor (aasta). Pealkiri. Ajakirja nimetus, köide, lk. · Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45, 10- 36. Viide tekstis. Kui artiklil on rohkem kui 3 autorit, siis esimesel viitamisel tuleb märkida kõik autorid, järgnevate viidete puhul märgitakse ainult esimene autor ja lisatakse "et al.". Ülaltoodud näite puhul esimene viitamine: Klimoski, Palmer, Johnson ja Smith (1993) leidsid, et ... Järgmised viited samale tööle: Klimoski ja tema kolleegid (1993) leidsid, et ... Publitseerimisel olev artikkel · Zuckerman, M., & Kieffer, S. C. (in press). Race differences in face-ism: Does facial prominence imply dominance? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Artikkel populaarteaduslikus a...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
8 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

1. STYLE The term "style" is polysemantic (has many meanings): a Latin word "stilus" originally meant a writing instrument used by ancient people. Already in classical Latin the meaning was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. Jonathan Swift defined style as "proper words in proper places". In present day English the word "style" is used in about a dozen of principle meanings: 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his/her ideas (e.g. style of Byron) 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period 3. the use of language typical of a literary genre (e.g. the style of a comedy, drama, novel). 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres / areas of human activity (e.g. style of fiction, scientific prose, newspapers, business correspondence, etc.). STYLISTICS Stylistics ­ is the study of s...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Hoe to write an argumentative essay?

HOW TO WRITE AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY An argumentative essay is a formal, impersonal piece of writing in which the writer is either expected to give a balanced consideration of a particular topic, or to state their own opinion clearly and then support it by giving reasons. An essay should begin with an introduction in which some background information is given about the problem that is going to be discussed. The angle from which the problem is going to be looked upon in the essay is also stated. In longer essays these are in different paragraphs, in shorter ones they can be in one paragraph. The body of the essay usually consists of several paragraphs, the number of which depends on the length of the essay. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence. The following sentences should enlarge on the theme, give examples, etc. If it is an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of something, the advantages should...

Keeled → Inglise keel
140 allalaadimist

Entry ticket week 39 - Ave Nurmeots

Entry Ticket Week 39 – Ave Nurmeots (62-130) 1. Why is it important to move beyond product innovation?  To be able to compete within the today’s marketplace (continued success and differentiation).  It is not enough anymore just to come up with an innovative product or its features. To achieve a bigger and more sustainable competitive advantage different types of innovations should be combined together. 2. Name an example of a company from the book, which has gone beyond product innovation –explain which of the 9 other types they have used?  I really liked the example of Microsoft reinventing integrated office tools. When I think about it in today’s context, it seems very logical – a lot of companies do that. But that must have been an amazing innovation for that time. They used: o Profit model – instead of paying for the different applications separately, they...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


BABA IS YOU Game REVIEW Baba is You, developed by Hempuli Oy, is a sokoban-pushing puzzle game with a twist of rules manipulation. In this 2D game, the internal rules are presented as pushable blocks and you main goal is to push these blocks around and then combine these words to form new rules to solve puzzles. Unlike other puzzle games that require you to follow rules to complete levels, Baba is You encourages you to break rules and also gives you enough freedom to create new rules to level up. I know, the idea sounds really interesting and smart! The game doesn’t have too many instructions and it only has characters and corresponding objects on each stage. Players may be confused about how to play the game at first, but once you get deeper into the game and learn the game in practice, you will find the game has a lot of charm. We can see the little bunny Baba, three rocks, a yellow flag and four rules i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Report A report is based on facts/data etc. The writer knows more than the reader. The reader needs the information. A report should be clear and easy to follow. The person who reads it should find the information quickly. THINK: why you are writing the report, why the reader needs your report and what she might be interested in. Think about the best way to present the facts. If it’s a report of events (e.g. a traffic accident), describe them in chronological order. It should NOT be written like a letter! NO salutation/sign-off. Impersonal style (PASSIVE!), unless you make suggestions or give personal opinion – then you can use “I”. Formal language –no contractions, slang, etc. You can use the following format at the beginning of the report: To: From: (DO NOT write your own name. A member of the student committee etc. is fine) Subject: Basic structure 200 (+/- 10%)  Introduction: Aim of the report Status of the writer (who ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Why I came to study English essay

Why I came to study English Why I came to study English? Seems like a simple question, but it certainly made me think about it. Some of my friends have even said that majoring in English seems so boring and they constantly bombard me with questions about my future. That made me think about how exactly did I end up studying English? First of all, as a kid, I was so sure I would be a hairdresser or a teacher or a cook in the future. I am sure that almost every kid thinks the same, when all they have for inspiration are cartoons and toys to play with. When I started school, I was very interested in mathematics and other subjects that required logical thinking, because apparently I was smart in that area at the time. Up until 6th grade I was the best student in our class, winning mathematic competitions left and right and not only that. By that time I had also found out that I loved to write, specially po...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Veebiteenuste kontrolltöö kordamisküsimuste vastused

Testi teemad: SOA ­ Service oriented architecture. Teenus on peamine komponent. Arhitektuur, mis kasutab 1) teenuseid organisatsiooni integratsiooni ehitusklotsidena, 2) komponentide taaskasutust läbi nõrga seotuse. Sõnumivahetuses kasutab XML-i. SOA raamistik võiks ideaalis olla 1) laiendatav, 2) taaskasutatav ja 3) asendatav. Veebiteenus o Programmide omavaheline suhtlemine ja andmevahetus üle hariliku veebi o Eelised: Erinevate platvormide rakenduste koostöö võimaldamine Tekstipõhised ja avatud standardid on arendajale arusaadavad Annavad võimaluse eri teenuseid integreerida üheks uueks teenuseks Taaskasutamise võimalus o Puudused Suur keerukus Väiksem jõudlus o Kasutusvõimalused Eri teenuste/programmide omavaheli...

Informaatika → Veebiteenused
32 allalaadimist

OSI mudel

PKHK OSI mudel Referaat Kristiina Veelaid IT-14 Pärnu 2015 Sisukord 1 OSI mudel ........................................................................................................................... ........................ 3 Füüsiline kiht ........................................................................................................................... ................... 4 Andmelülikiht ........................................................................................................................... .................. 5 Võrgukiht ............................................................................

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist


7. That may be true, but _____ 7.0 COUNTERING 7.1 Countering directly (through antithesis) But fox-hunting is part of country life. It's one of our traditions. But public transport is expensive and inconvenient. But English has borrowed from the Romans, the Vikings, the Saxons and the French But freight trains can't deliver goods from door to door But who can say that we will develop into civilized beings? Surely, God has the right to cut his losses! But why play the gold medalists' national anthems and why wear stars and stripes on your swimming costumes? But if you worked on a farm and your chickens were killed by foxes, you'd think differently. But if you detect more crimes, you'll still need prisons. But if you followed that line to its logical conclusion, you'd pardon all criminals. But surely, you can see wha...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Exceli exami materjal

Exceli exami materjal Exceli töövihik - Exceli faile nimetakse töövihikuteks. Exceli tööleht - Tööleheks nimetataksegi seda suurt tabelit, mis "laiutab" suuremal osal ekraanil. Aktiivne lahter ­ Lahter, mis on aktiivseks tehtud. Lahter või pesa ­ rea ja veeru ristumiskoht. Igal lahtril on aadress, mille moodustavad veerutäht ja reanumber (A1, C5 jne.). Lahtri aadress ­ A1 jne Lahtriplokk ­ Märgistatud lahtrid Aktiivne lahter ­ kus sa praegu asetsed Valem - on Exceli eriline moodus teha arvutusi, kasutades seejuures teistes lahtrites asuvaid andmeid. Funktsioon ­ Funktsioon on lühidalt öeldes eeldefineeritud valem teatud kindlat tüüpi tegevuse (enamasti arvutuste) sooritamiseks. Liigendtabel ­ risttabel. Risttabelite abil saad teha algandmete alusel mitmesuguseid koondeid, analüüse ja aruandeid Makro - makro on käskude järjend, makro käivitamisel täidetakse ükshaaval makrosse kitjutatud käsud Iseloomusta ...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
138 allalaadimist

Key words for fluency D-E

DANGER DIFFERENCE Ex1. 1. Realise 2. Exposed to 3. Reduce 4. Flirt Ex1. 1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. A with 5. Passed 6. Face Ex2 . 1. Subtle 2. Irreconcilable 3. Real 4. Striking Ex2. 1.e 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 5. No 6. Fundamental Ex3. 1. To 2. Of 3. To 4. Of Ex3. 1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. D Ex4. 1. Reminder 2. Whiff 3. Element 4. Face 5. Ex4. 1. Between 2. In 3. To 4. With Aware 6. Possibility DIFFICULTY Ex5. 1. The world's rainforests are in danger of Ex1. 1. Get into 2. Overcome 3. Isin/has got into being cut down 2. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in 4. Caused 5. Present 6. Foresee danger of falling down 3. The Polar Ice Cap is in Ex2. 1. Technical 2. Marital 3. Main 4. Financial danger of melting 4. Venice is in danger of 5. Learning 6. Curre...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

A... AA Auto Answer AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AAB All-to-All Broadcast AAC Advanced Audio Coding AACS Advanced Access Control System AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer AAM Automatic Acoustic Management AAP Applications Access Point [DEC] AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AAS All-to-All Scatter AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package AAT Average Access Time AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft] .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm] ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP] ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes) ABEND Abnormal End ABI Application Binary Interface ABIOS Advanced BIOS ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM] ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM] ABM Asynchronous Balanc...

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

OSI mudel

OSI mudel Aastal 1984 defineeris ISO standardi või reeglite kogumi võrguseadmete tootjatele, mis võimaldaks nende toodetel erinevates keskkondades suhelda.See standard on tuntud nime all OSI (OpenSystemsInterconnect) mudel ja koosneb see seitsmest kihist.Iga kiht teostab kitsalt määratletud funktsiooni või ülesannet, mis on vajalikud võrguühenduse erinevates etappides. Alates kõige alumisest kihist ning liikudes ülespoole on kihid järgmised:füüsiline (Physical), andmelüli (Data link), võrk (Network), transport (Transport), seanss (Session), esitus (Presentation) ja rakendus (Application).Iga kiht suhtleb omakorda endast allpool või üleval oleva kihiga.Võrguühendus saab alguse rakenduse kihist ja läbib teekonna kuni füüsilise kihini, kust kantakse info edasi vastuvõtvasse arvutisse. Kus toimub kihtide OST kihtide läbimine vastupidises suunas ehk alumiselt kihilt kuni rakenduskihini. ● iga kiht käsitleb iga temast kõrgemal olev...

Informaatika → Informaatika
8 allalaadimist

Social network

Facebook is a social networking service, which was launched in February 2004. It is owned and operated by Facebook Inc. In September 2012 Facebook had over billion active users and more than half of them were also using Facebook on a mobile device. Facebook's latest research shows that the most popular mobile device used for visiting is iOS and by the popularity the second most used device is Android. Using Facebook on your mobile device raises the potential of your account getting stealed. It is so because most of the users don't use safe connection so all your data is available to other users on the same network. So the very first thing you should do is to use safe connection by adding to the end of this word ,,http://" (which you can find in the beginning of every webpage) an ,,s" so the address should be like ,,https://". The second thing you can do is that if you own the Wi-Fi access point then you should definately...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika

Style The term style is a polysemantic one. The latin word ,,stilus" meant a writing instrument used by the ancients for writing on waxed tablets. Already, in classical latin the meaning of style was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. One of the abts/the best was given by Jonathan Swift: ,,Proper words in proper places." In present- day english, the world style is used in about half a dozen basic meanings. 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his ideas. Some speak about the style of Hemingway, Dickens etc. 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period. Style of symbolism, romanticism 3. the use of language to pick a literary genre-comedy, novel, drama, O.D (poetic form) etc. 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres of human activity ­fiction, scientific prose, newspape...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

FGI 1081 Stilistika (Irina Ladusseva) Kab. 420 2 AP Ends with an exam; lasts only for 1 semester. At the exam you get 2 questions and an exercise (50 sentences: establish the device used, recognize it, and name it). Care about the pronunciation of the terms. Books: - I. Galperin "Stylistics" - I. Ladusseva "Rhythm and Text" - I. Ladusseva "Vocabulary and Style" - I. Ladusseva "Stylistic practice: Book I, Book II" - I. Ladusseva "A Guide to Punctuation" EXAMINATION TOPICS: 1. Style, stylistics, a survey of stylistic studies ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

Philosophy of Language Philosophy of Language: a Contemporary Introduction introduces the student to the main issues and theories in twentieth and twenty-first-century phi- losophy of language, focusing specifically on linguistic phenomena. Topics are structured in four parts in the book. Part I, Reference and Referring, includes topics such as Russell's Theory of Descriptions, Donnellan's distinction, problems of anaphora, the description theory of proper names, Searle's cluster theory, and the causal­historical theory. Part II, Theories of Meaning, surveys the competing theories of linguistic mean- ing and compares their various advantages and liabilities. Part III, Pragmatics and Speech Acts, introduces the basic concepts of linguistic pragmatics, includes a detailed discussion of the problem of indirect force and surveys approaches to metaphor. Part IV, new to this edition, examines the four theories of metaphor. Features...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun