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"-leadership" - 174 õppematerjali


Flow Experience in Teams: The Role of Shared Leadership

Flow Experience in Teams: The Role of Shared Leadership Dajana Ellervee Voolu kogemus Vool on määratud nagu riigi sügav imendumise tegevus, mis on oma olemuselt mõnus. Meeskonnad pidavad keskkonnas eriti juhtiva voolu. Eriti, see psüühiline seisund võib olla soositud sotsiaalse suhtluse, näiteks arutelud selle üle, ideid ja probleemilahendused. Arvestades erinevate positiivse tööga seotud tagajärgi, mis on seotud vooluga, selleks on oluline määrata kindlaks tingimused, mis soodustavad selle riigi, organisatsiooni seaded. Nagu märkis Walker, "mõned kõige mõnusad voolu kogemused tekivad sotsiaalse suhtluse läbi". Selleks, et edendada voolu sotsiaalsed koostoimed peaksid olema stimuleerivad, aidates samal ajal saavutada ühiseid ülesandeid. Jagatud juhtimine Jagatud juhtimine on kollektiivne ambitsioon, mis motiveerib liikmeid konstruktiivselt koos töötada, saavutades ühiseid eesmärke, millega tegeleb juht.  Selline in...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Muudatuste juhtimine

MAINORI KÕRGKOOL Juhtimise Instituut Personalijuhtimise eriala TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ­ MUUDATUSTE JUHTIMINE Kodutöö Juhendaja: Eneken Titov Tartu 2010 21.sajandi üks tähtsamaid väljakutseid organisatsioonidele konkurentsis püsimiseks on keskkonnas toimuvaid muudatusi ennetavate muutuste läbiviimine organisatsioonide seas. [1] Muudatuste juhtimine toimub siis, kui üks inimene algatab asendamas uuega vana tegevuse, teiste inimeste abil, eemärkide täitmise nimel. [10] 2000.a lõpus olid EBS tudengid teinud Eesti ettevõtetes organisatsiooniliste muudatuste kohta uuringu. Juhtidega tehtud intrevjuudest selgus, et kõige suuremaks takistuseks osutus muudatuste elluviimisel mõtteviisi inertsus. Inimesed kardavat teadmatust uue olukorra ees. Paljud arvavad, et praegune olukord ...

Majandus → Arendustegevus
78 allalaadimist


Tartu ÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Majandusteaduse instituut EESTVEDAMINE Referaat Juhendaja: Kurmet Kivipõld Tartu 2014 1 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS..............................................................................................................3 1. EESTVEDAMISE MÕISTE ANALÜÜS.....................................................................4 1.1. Autorite vaatenurkade sarnasused ja erinevused....................................................4 1.2. Domineerivad ja varieeruvad seisukohad...............................................................5 1.3. Väheuuritud seisukohad..........................................................................................7 ...........................................................................................................................................8 2. KIRJANDUSALLIKATE UURIMISMEETODID.............

Majandus → Juhtimis alused ja...
15 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte: "What makes a good leader?"

What makes a good leader? There are many different leadership theories and opinions about characteristics and skills that leader should have. The Great Man Theory declares that the leaders are born not made, but the another theory claims that some people just have more leadership gifts than others. It's good to know leadership theories because the better you know them, the better you are likely to lead. If you want to succeed in your career or business, it is important to be the leader in your field. Leaders need clear sense of their calling and they need to be curios about it to notice new things. Nevertheless good leaders have to remember that they don't know everything. There are general characteristics that good leader should have. Bill George thinks also that leadership is not about skills, but about leaders character. He said that it is important to have sense of purpose, passion and mission. Daisy Wa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eetiline juhtimine

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Ärikorralduse Instituut Organisatsiooni ja juhtimise õppetool EETILINE JUHTIMINE Referaat õppeaines Juhtimine (TMO0010) SISSEJUHATUS Viimase kümne aasta jooksul on ettevõtete eetilisusele pööratud järjest rohkem tähelepanu. Elu näitab, et majanduslikult edukamad on ettevõtted, kes on eetilisemad. Nendega koostöö tegemiseks peame ka ise eetilised olema. Ka ülikoolides pööratakse järjest rohkem tähelepanu juhtimise eetilisusele. Samas teadus eetilise juhtimise kohta on veel väga noor. Antud teema tundus aktuaalne ja huvitav. Valisime sellise teema kuna soovisime välja selgitada, kuidas ettevõttes eetilisuse taset tõsta. Samuti soovisime me teada mis mõjutab eetilist juhtimist ja mis kasu e...

Majandus → Juhtimine
109 allalaadimist

Women's Learning Partnership

Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace. Liis Kivirand Backround Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization. Dedicated to women's leadership and empowerment. Cooperation with 18 autonomous partner organizations in the Global South, particularly in Muslim-majority societies. WLP works to empower women to transform their families, communities, and societies. Primary objective is to increase the number of women taking on leadership and decision-making roles at family, community, and national levels, and to improve the effectiveness of feminist social movements in Muslim-majority societies and globally by strengthening the capacity of our partner organizations. Since its founding WLP has established a partnership model that allows for a geometric increase i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Tallinn Ülikool KULTUURI ARUSAAMAD INIMLOOMUSEST, -TEGEVUSEST JA –SUHETEST Referaat Koostaja: Katriin Mangus Juhendaja: R.Palmaru Tallinn 2014 1 KULTUURI ARUSAAMAD INIMLOOMUSEST, -TEGEVUSEST JA -SUHETEST 1) Arusaamad inimloomusest Mida tähendab olla inimene? Millised on kultuuri arusaamad õigetest ja korrektsetest inimsuhete mudeleist? Igal kultuuril on omad arusaamad sellest, mida tähendab olla inimene, millised on meie põhiinstinktid ja millist käitumist peetakse ebainimlikuks (mis võib põhjustada isegi grupist väljasaatmist). Inimeseks olemine ei ole ainult füüsiline vaid ka kultuuriline süsteem, mida on näidanud meile ka ajalugu. Näiteks õigustati orjandust ühiskonnas selle kaudu, et orje ei peetudki inimeseks. Etnilistes ja relig...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurikeskkond ja selle mõju...
9 allalaadimist

What makes a good leader?

What makes a good leader? Almost every employee has a leader who leads and co-ordinates his workers. Furthermore, we all lead our lives with minor exceptions. Every person is unique and each leaders has different leading techniques. First of all, leadership is an art. It is because it continually evolves, changes form, and requires creativity. It is a science because there are certain principles and techniques required. A good leader knows when it is time to change shape. A great leader allows creativity to be unleashed and takes risks. Person like that can transform his or her organization for major developement. A good leader needs to be able to laugh but a great leader should be abel to laugh at oneself. Secondly, a good leader is considering with his employees. Of course he or she has to have skills and knowledge on how to motivate workers and pave the way for company's success, but one cannot forge...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Are men better directors than women ?

Name: Chlen Zhopov Subject: Essay Are men better directors than women ? It is common that top executives in big companies are mostly men. But does that necessarily mean that women are not suitable for such responsible, effort and leadership demanding jobs? I do not think so. First of all, I would like to say that this tradition is coming not only from history, but from evolution. In nature, masculine representatives of most species are stronger, more agile and aggressive than feminine representatives, because their biological function is to be the main breadwinners and defenders of their families, while females' main functions are to distribute that bread within the family, raise, feed and look after the progeny. Of course there are exceptions like lions (lionesses do hunting which ensures food for their families), seahorses (males bear the eggs) and some others, but in general law of nature is such. So i...

Filosoofia → Ärieetika
17 allalaadimist

What Business Really Wants From IT

What Business Really Wants From IT Terry White IT rolli muutus tänapäeva maailmas • Tehnoloogiline areng: Tehnoloogiad ei tegele enam ainult funktsionaalsete protesesside automatiseerimisega Informatsioonil on oma väärtus • Piirid IT ja äri vahel kustuvad • IT ja äri peavad töötama nüüd koos (ning IT peavad muutuma aktiivseteks) Mida äri tahab tänapäeval IT-st Et IT: • Ilma askelduseta pakkuksid IT-teenuseid • Tooksid nähtavaid tulemusi proportsionaalselt sellele, kui palju raha nende peale kulutakse • Võtaksid enda peale juhtiva rolli ettevõtes IT funktsioonid peavad muutuma! • IT peab fokuseerima mitte IT-produktidele, vaid IT- tulemustele • IT peavad võtma enda peale juhtiva rolli ettevõtes, olema rohkem algatusvõimelised • IT peavad tooma enda unikaalse (tehnoloogilise) nägemuse ettevõtesse Kolm põhilist IT funktsiooni • Äri impulssi ülalhoidmine (Maintain business momentum) • Äri tulemuste paranemine (Improv...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Kokku lepitud töörühma koosolekul 21.09.2011. UURIMISTÖÖ KOOSTAMISE JA VORMISTAMISE juhend Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasiumis TÖÖ STRUKTUUR · Tiitelleht · Sisukord · Sissejuhatus · Sisu (peatükid) · Kokkuvõte · Kasutatud kirjandus · Lisad Töö oodatav pikkus tiitellehe, sisukorra, kasutatud kirjanduse ja lisadeta vähemalt 12 lehekülge. Uurimistöö peab vastama enamikule alljärgnevatest nõuetest On sisult · Uudne ja aktuaalne · Objektiivne · Tõestatav, argumenteeritud · Kontrollitav · Täpne · Kriitiline · Seletav · Kirjeldav, analüüsiv · Ennustav Plagiaat (loomevargus) Plagiaati kaitsmisele ei lubata ja tööd ei arvestata. Töö ei tohi olla varastatud ega maha kirjutatud. Vormilised nõuded uurimusele · Tekst on umbisikulises tegumoes (n: töös käsitletakse) või kindla kõneviisi ainsuse kolmandas isikus (n: töö autor käsitleb...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
12 allalaadimist


The McDonald's Success Story Mac and Dick McDonald 1940 didn't achieve real success until eight years later 1960 earned only $159,000 examining the company's history, there are three elements that stand out: their franchising model, their leadership in cost and time efficiency and their ability to convey those benefits into the minds of customers Over 50 years 32,000 restaurants 100 countries 1 million employees 20 of top 50 executives started working in the restaurants, including CEO Jim Skinner 67,000 McDonald's Managers & Assistant Managers Started as Crew

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Personalijuhtimise kontekst ja personalitöö korraldamine

I Personalijuhtimise kontekst ja personalitöö korraldamine Maria Kütt 20. veebruar 2014, TLÜ definitsioonidest Personalijuhtimine (Human Resource Management) on inimressursi rakendamine organisatsiooni eesmärkide saavutamise huvides (Mondy, 1999) Personalijuhtimine (HRM) on strateegiline ja järjepidev lähenemine organisatsiooni kõige väärtuslikuma vara ­ inimeste, kes annavad oma individuaalse ja kollektiivse panuse organisatsiooni eesmärkide saavutamisesse ­ juhtimisele (Armstrong, 2006) Ressurss või personal või... inimvara (peopleware) ­ täiendus tark- ja riistvarale (software ja hardware); teatud tüüpi varandus, mida tuleb võimalikult tootlikkult rakendada inimressurss (human resource) ­ üks organisatsiooni tegevuseks vajalikest ressurssidest (inimesed, tehnoloogia, aeg, raha) inimkapital (human capital) ­ vastand füüsilisele kapitalile personal (personnel) ­ vi...

Ühiskond → T??keskkonna ohutus
31 allalaadimist

Power Destroys Ideals

Power Destroys Ideals Throughout the centuries people have fought for power. Leadership has been a reason for many wars and fights. For some people one of the most important things in life is to have power over everybody else. Very often those who become leaders destroy or forget about the ideals they had before and about the promises they made. G. Orwell's book "Animal Farm" is an excellent example of how easy it is to forget about the ideals. In his novel George Orwell pictures a human society through the animal farm. He uses exagerations which help to feel the atmosphere of spoiled society. Society ruined by dictators, false ideas and corruption. In the novel the animals are shown as the exagerated copies of human beings with all their characters, habits and feelings. The story took place on the farm where the animals led a rebellion against the human beings. The revolution was started by the pigs wh...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Juht kui eestvedaja

Juht kui eestvedaja Eestvedamine tuleb inglise keelsest sõnast leadership, seega saab eestvedajat eesti keeles nimetada ka liidriks. Eestvedamise definatsiooniks võib nimetada käitumuslikku protsessi, mille abil saab mõjutada teatud indiviidi või gruppi seatud eesmärke täitma. See on omamoodi positiivne mõju nendele, keda juhitakse, ning samal ajal ollakse kooskõlas neile seatud eesmärkidega. On oluline, et juht kui liider mõistab seatud eesmärke töötajatega üheselt ning teeb nendega tihedat koostööd saavutamaks organisatsioonis püstitatud eesmärke. On küllaltki selge, et autoritaarse stiiliga juhi puhul on töötajate kaasatus olulisemate taktikaliste otsuste vastuvõtmisel väiksem kui demokraatlikku eestvedamise stiili kasutavatel juhtidel. Demokraatlikud juhid kasutavad sagedamini töötajaid plaanide väljatöötamisel ning arvestavad otsuste vastuvõtmisel enam oma töötajate arvamusega. Eestvedamine on teatud isiksuseomaduse kombinatsio...

Majandus → Juhtimine
18 allalaadimist


ABRAHAM LINCOLN Janeli Uuesoo 12 B Personal life  Born 12 February 1809, Kentucky  Poor farmers  Tall, Thin, Black hair, dark skin  Cutting wood, ploughing, growing wood  1842 married Mary Todd  4 sons, 1 survived Politics  Successful lawyer  November 6 1860 – 16th president of the US  Time of crisis • Slavery • 1861 the American Civil War  January 1 1863 – abolition of slavery Assasination  April 14 1865 – Death of Lincoln  Ford’s Theatre  John Wilkes Booth  Abraham Lincoln was shot, died several hours later Legacy   Preserved the US as one nation  Ended slavery in The US  Example of strong character, leadership, and honesty  Quotes Lincoln Memorial THANK YOU!

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Pharmacy management

Lecture 1: The mountebank pharmacy. Price: 60% of average turnover on last 2 years + 10% of profits per year during next 2 years (võib olla kasumit ei tule, kuna on vaja investeerida). Quack bank present buiseness plan by 8 november, presentation 9 november long term loan (10 years), at 4,8% interest rate. Conclusion ­ I need this sum of money from bank. Business plann: 1. management summary 2. organisational profile 3. internal analysis 4. external analysis 5. strategy 6. financial prognosis Group feedback 7/11. Leadership and management A good manager is competent in all different management styles, and knows when to apply which style. 1. Autocratic 2. Democratic 3. Free reign (vabad käed, dellegeerimine) 4. Patriarchal (he knows best what is good for his children, "family" structur...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Paul Petzoldt

Paul Petzoldt Robin Hendrik Siim Margus Lapsepõlv USAst Vaesest talu perekonnast Suurest perest 13 aastaselt läks tööle, et ära elada 16 tuli huvi mägironimise vastu Grand Teton ilma varustuseta Peale õpet hakkas juhendama amatööre Sai palju tutvusi ja sai võimaluse minna EUsse Saavutused K2 (23a) Esimeses Ameerika meeskonnas Ei kasutanud lisahapnikku Sattus meeskonda asendusena Saavutused Rajas koole: National Outdoor Leadership School (70a), American School of Mountaineering (lastele) Lõi organisatsiooni: Wilderness Education Association (WEA) Huvitavaid fakte Õppis india kultuuri ja töötas meditsiini kliinikus Lõi haigla arsti ja arst suri 87 a sai audoktori kraadi Kirjutas kolm edukat raamatut oma kogemustest Huvitavaid fakte Kokku oli 4 naist 79 a abiellus 4. korda Oli 76 a kui vallutas viimast korda Grand Tetoni (4,2 km) Mitu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Job application

Job application Living place location EST Tel: asd Email: aasd date Mr. Mike Wood Woody's Truckin' LLC Island Empire, CA 92507 Dear Mr. Wood I am writing to apply for the position of Regional Class A driver which was advertised last week in The Career Builder website. Please find my CV enclosed. I am a professional truck driver with nearly 5 years' experience to offer you. My most r...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

The Inuksuk

The Inuksuk Marit & Mari- Liis 9b symbol in the Arctic built from the stones "likeness of a person"( inimese sarnane) Used in many different ways. the way home warn of dangerous places showed where food was stored help hunt caribou herds (karjad) work of humans many Inuit lived on the sea ice stars in the night sky were important. Some Inuksuit were built to point toward the North Star Today much more than just a stone marker( kivid) symbol of the North and of leadership Traditional to mark their presence both in the Arctic and across this country. q=inutshuk&hl=et&biw=1680&bih=949&tbm=isch&tbnid= 5WUEz5RgVmQirM:&imgrefurl=http://aygues-vives- OM&imgurl=http://aygu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Covering Letter

25 Narva Street Flexa Eesti AS EST Tel: +318 94 7660 Email: [email protected] 30 October 2010 Mr Jack Johnson The Company Director OCC Computer Personnel 30 Buena Road UK Dear Mr. Johnson CNC Operator I am writing to apply for the position of CNC Operator which was advertised last week in The CV Centre. Please find my CV enclosed. I have finished a Kadrina Secondary School and The Technical Unifersity of Tallinn. I have got postgraduate degree. My first ecperience, when I was working in Aru Grupp for 5 years....

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
23 allalaadimist


Architect Annika Palmi What does this person do? ● work in the construction industry ● are involved with designing new buildings, extensions or alterations to existing buildings, or advising on the restoration and conservation of old properties. Are there any career prospects? ● working in both large and small Table architectural bureaus and local governments and state agencies ● Experienced architects also set up their own offices ● also good opportunities to work abroad and international projects Is it well-paid or not? ● Architects are highly valued and paid fairly ● A common type of account depends on the remuneration of the parties to the agreement. Cost of the project will depend on the total cost of construction . ● Local governments are the architect firm monthly salary What skills and personal qualities are needed to do the job? ● goo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Portfoolio Rolliteooriast

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Ühiskonnateaduste instituut Sotsiaaltöö Laura-Roberta Ründva ROLLITEOORIA Portfoolio Õppejõud: Reeli Sirotkina Tallinn 2016 Laura-Roberta Ründva Sisukord Rolliteooria ajalugu.....................................................................................................................3 Rollikogum..............................................................................................................................4 Rolliteooriaga seotud probleemid...........................................................................................4 Rolli identsus...........................................................................................................................5 Rolli ettekujutus...........

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö
47 allalaadimist

Learning confidence and skill

Learning confidence and skill In physical education (PE), pupils develop confidence and skills in a range of activities, such as dance, games, gymnastics, swimming, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities. They work as individuals, in groups and in teams. Discovering what they like to do, Physical education (PE) is much more than success on the sports field. It develops competent, confident young people who understand the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle. It also calls for teamwork, leadership and creative thinking. These skills enrich learning and life. bring people together through physical activity; break down barriers between groups; PE class is a place to learn that their bodies are inadequate; bodies that are already subject to bullying and merciless ridicule in and out of school. But this is more than about simply anecdotes and haunting childhood memories. There is evidence deserving of attention of why PE...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Estonian Drama theatre

Estonian Drama Theatre 1) Estonian Drama Theatre is city theatre in Tallinn. 2) It is the largest non-musical theatre in Estonia. 3) Estonian Drama Theatre is situated right in the heart of Tallinn. The theatre has two halls, cosy bars and elegant foyers. 4) It´s was founded in 1920 under the leadership of Paul Sepp. 5) The Drama Theatre rent the contemporary building which in these days was owned by German Theatre Society. 6) In 1939 Drama studio Theatre finally bought it. 7) At the beginning the theatre was called the Dramastudio but in 1937 theatre was renamed - the new title was Estonian Drama Theatre. 8) Estonian drama theatre has a big auditorium with 426-seats. Then a small stage with 159-seats and it was was opened in 1967. 9) And finally 70-seat Paintshop stage which was opened in 2004. 10) The Estonian Drama Theatre mainly plays classics. 11) The performances are given in Eston...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Should the monarchy be abolished

Should The Monarchy Be Abolished Monarchy is one of the oldest forms of government, which echoes in the leadership of tribal chiefs. It is a form of government in which an individual has the actual or nominal supreme power, who is the head of state, often for life or until abdication. Since 1800, most of the world's monarchies have been abolished, and most of the nations that retain monarchs are constitutional monarchies. The most recent nation to abolish its monarchy was Nepal, which became a republic in this year, on May 28. Currently 44 nations in the world have monarchs as heads of state, 16 of which are Commonwealth realms that recognize Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom as head of state. After commonwealth realm there are some more types of monarchy: constitutional, semi- constitutional, absolute and subnational monarchies. Many nations formerly with absolute monarchies, such as Morocco, have moved to...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Autonomy Corporation

Autonomy Corporation Autonomy Corporation • 1996. a, Cambridge, UK • Mike Lynch • David Tabizel • Richard Gaunt • Arvuti tarkvara arendus • Konsentreeritud ettevõtetele • 2010. a UK turuliider • Üle 10 000 töötaja • Cambridge ja Sunnyvale, California HP Autonomy • 2011. okt ostis HP 87,3% aktsiatest • HP Autonomy • Varasem huvi (Mike Hurd) • 2012. a maiks oli lahkunud kogu Autonomy juhtkond ning 20% töötajatest • Erinevused tarkvara ja riistvara tööstuse vahel • 20. nov 2012 kanti maha 8,8 miljardi dollari väärtuses varasid Mis juhtus? • HP väidab, et Autonomy moonutas 2 aasta jooksul oma kasumeid • Tehingud oleksid justkui toimunud, kuid reaalne ostja puudus • Riistvara ei installeeritud arvutitesse • Jagati tasuta riistvara • Autonomy juhtkond eitab HP süüdistusi Võtmeisikud • Mike Lynch • Tegevdirektor Autonomys • Leo Apotheker • Tegevdirektor HPs Tagajärjed • 1 kuu peale tehingut ...

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting Koostaja: In Wikipedia there are listed 34 animal rights organizations [8], so in this report author has picked out some of these organizations and will introduce their views on game management and hunting. First hypothesis before deeper research is that all such organizations are against all sort of hunting. When mentioned animal rights people usually think about people fighting against wearing furs and keeping animals in cages, but when delving deeper into this there are many problems that animal rights organizations/ movements are addressing. There are also those organizations that have not made any statements about hunting, some of those concentrate only on pets (mostly cats and dogs) but some just don’t mention hunting in any way. These types of organizations have been left out from this report. Below are listed some organizations, their goals and views on hunting. People f...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledž Ettevõtlusosakond Agnes Talalaev EP2 PROJEKTIJUHI OSKUS MEESKONDA JUHTIDA Referaat Juhendaja: dotsent Arvi Kuura Pärnu 2016 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus ....................................................................................................................... 3 1. Projektijuhi omadused ................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Kuidas olla hea juht ................................................................................................ 4 1.2. Juhi roll meeskonnas .............................................................................................. 7 2.1. Koostöö meeskonnas ................................................................................................

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
12 allalaadimist

Motivatsiooni isesesev töö

VAJADUSTE JA TÕUKEJÕUDUDE PROTSESSITEOORIAD TEOORIAD McClleland Skinner Maslow Vroom Herzberg Adams McGregor 1. Milles väljendub motivatsioon? Motivatsioon väljendub inimese tegevuses ja suhtumises mingisse ülesandesse või töösse. Motivatsioon mõjutab seda milliseid valikuid inimesed langetavad, mida teevad ning kui hästi ja halvasti ning kui pikaajaliselt mõnda asja tehakse. 2. Kuidas saab inimese motivatsiooni mõõta või hinnata? Inimese motivatsiooni saab hinnata tema töötulemuse ja innukuse järgi. Kui inimene on motiveeritud teeb ta oma tööd kiirelt ja korralikult. 3. Kas uuritud teooriatel on olemas sarnasusi? Jah, uuritud teooriatel on sarnasusi. Kõik teoreetikud on välj...

Psühholoogia → Motivatsioon ja tööga...
83 allalaadimist

Saksamaa: poliitiline jaotus

1 Basic law, constitutional engineering · The Basic Law (= constitution) drawn up by West German politicians under Allied supervision 48-9 · Key Themes of Constitutional Engineering: Protecting the constitution Preventing abuse of human rights Ensuring stable government Effective leadership ­ but no over-concentration of power · Compare turbulence of German politics 1918-45, and stability since In part about design of constitution, in part about Germans becoming democrats Solutions Concept of the Rechtstaat, a state based on the rule of law ­...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Europass CV

Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Kairi Teder Lume 1, Röa village, 72806 Paide (Estonia) +37256617850 [email protected] Skype Kairi Teder Sex Naine | Date of birth 04 March 1995 | Nationality Estonian JOB APPLIED FOR WORK EXPERIENCE 16 June 2013­22 August 2013 Cook Tõru Hotel, Paide (Estonia) accommodation cooking customer service trade reception harvesting Chatting with people on the phone. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01 Septembe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Majanduse alused. Tootmine ja Turundus

Sissejuhatus majandusse IX Tootmine ja turundus 10ml 2018 Tootmise klipid Tootmine · Tootmise peamine küsimus tootlikkus: · Efektiivsus (efficiency) ­ mida toota · Tõhusus (effectiveness) ­ kuidas toota · Tootlikkust mõõdetakse ajaühikus toodetud väärtuste hulgaga · Tunnis toodetud pudelid · Päevas toodetud autod · Sekundis saadetud infohulk Tootmine · Tootmist mõjutavad tegurid: · Töötajate teadmised ja oskused ­ kvalifitseeritud tööjõud · Tootmisvahendite kvaliteet ja hulk ­ investeeringud · Tehnoloogia ­ ajakohasus, innovatiivsus · Juhtimine ­ kaasaegsed juhtimisvõtted, management vs leadership · Keskkond ­ ressursside saadavus, keskkonnakaitse · Poliitika ­ seadused, kulud Tootmine Tootlikkus ja kulud · Kulud jagunevad suures piires kaheks: · Püsikulud ­ masinad, seadmed, hooned ·...

Majandus → Majandus alused
2 allalaadimist

Men and women in politics

Men and women in politics Women have become a force to be reckoned with in the world of politics. Over the past decade, women have resolved into leadership positions, encouraging the same sex to voice their opinions in voting booths, political debates, and society. Not only in America, but nationwide. Women comprise over 35 percent of the lower house in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Demark; 15 percent or less are seen in parliaments within ten countries . Over the years, women had to protest and fight for this right so that young women today can vote and have a say so in who represents the people of our city, state, and country. A woman's influence in politics has yet to be recognized as a true political voice of women that actually yields power. Perceptions of women and politics from the media, society, men, and even women themselves have shaped women's ability everywhere to participate politically and soc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Estinian Drama Theatre

Estonian Drama Theatre Address: Tallinn, 10148, Parnu mnt. 5 Estonian Drama Theatre is city theatre in Tallinn. The Estonian Drama Theatre is the largest non- musical theatre in Estonia. Estonian Drama Theatre was born in 1920 under the leadership of Paul Sepp. The Drama Theatre rent the contemporary building which in these days was owned by German Theatre Society. In 1939 Drama studio Theatre finally bought it. In 1937 the Dramastudio Theatre was renamed - the new title was Estonian Drama Theatre. In Soviet times its name was The Tallinn Drama Theatre, which was changed back in 1989. The beautiful Art Nouveau building of the Estonian Drama Theatre, built in 1910, is situated right in the heart of Tallinn. The theatre has two halls, cosy bars and elegant foyers. In addition to its 426-seat big auditorium a 159-seat small stage was opened in 1967. In 2004 70-seat Paintshop stage was opened. Estonian...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

PP esitlus FBI

The Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity." 1 Birgit Majas Overview established in 1908 current director, Robert S. Mueller, III On July 31, 2009, had a total of 32,709 employees. Headquarters in Washington, D.C. FBI budget $6.4 billion Legal personality: Governmental: Government agency 2 Director appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate term of each FBI Director is limited to ten years current Director, Robert S. Mueller, III confirmed as Director of the FBI by the Senate on August 2, 2001 took the oath of office on September 4, 2001 3 Jurisdictional structure Fe...

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist


The Estonia Theatre The location  Estoniatheatre is situated in the centre of Tallinn. Theatre Estonia winter garden The history  The Estonia Theatre is an opera house and concert hall in Tallinn, Estonia. The Jugendstil building was designed by Finnish architects Armas Lindgren and Wivi Lönn. It was built as a national effort with the leadership of Estonia society in 1913 and was opened to the public on 24 August. At the time, it was the largest building in Tallinn.  The opera house was heavily damaged in the Soviet air raid on Tallinn on 9 March 1944. It was reconstructed in a classical and Stalinist style, and reopened in 1947.  Thebuilding has two large auditoriums in two separate wings. It now houses the Estonian National Opera and the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. A chamber hall was opened in 2006. Speciality  In2003 a new multipurpose chamber hal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


LÄÄNE-VIRUMAA KUTSEKÕRGKOOL Ärijuhtimise osakond Karmen Käärid LIIDRISTIILI SOBIVUSE UURING SAAREMAA TARBIJATE ÜHISTUS Lõputöö Juhendaja : Virve Transtok Mõdriku 2003 1 SUMMARY This paperwork is written in Estonian on subject "Leadership study in Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühistu." This work includes 45 pages and 2 tables. Directing and leading style defines as leaders way of act, when being on leaders roll realizing goals and communicating with employees. This paperwork purpose was to study the leadership style being used in Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühistu and analyze its appropriateness and influence on the workers and hole organization. For that, author of this paperwork carried out questionnaire among Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühist...

Majandus → Juhtimine
55 allalaadimist


, . : , ,.. . , . : 1. - 2. 3. - 4. 5. : 1. 2. 3. 4. : () ( ) : , . . , ., . (1992,1995, 2002): . (2000, 2002, 2004) : ­ , , , , ( c , : , ) c ­ , , , - , , - ( ), ( ) - , - , , ( )- . , , . , . : ( , ) ( «» ) ( ) ( , ) ­ . (, , ) . , . , ( ) , , . ­ , , ( ) ­ , ( ,1967, . .,1998 (1999) ­ , ( . , , 1999(2002) ­ , - : ( , , ) ( , , ) ( , ) ( ) : ....

Majandus → Juhtimine
30 allalaadimist

Gender equality in higher positions of companies

Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women. To what extent do you agree? In the 21st century it is all about gender equality and every individual wants to achieve high level position in their work place. In the past, women, in many societies, had less rights and privileges than men. The statement says that companies should give a certain number of higher positions to women. However, I do not agree with this requirement completely. Giving a certain percent of higher positions to women certainly is an easy solution but in my opinion it will bring even more sexism. It shows that women are somehow weaker, fragile and need help for everything. And this on the other hand, will cause a situation where females will receive less credit for their jobs, eve...

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
3 allalaadimist

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 ­ January 6, 1919;) was the 26th President of the United States. He is well remembered for his energetic personality, range of interests and achievements, leadership of the Progressive Movement, model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" image. He was a leader of the Republican Party and founder of the short-lived Progressive ("Bull Moose") Party of 1912. Before becoming President (1901­1909) he held offices at the municipal, state, and federal level of government. Roosevelt's achievements as a naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and soldier are as much a part of his fame as any office he held as a politician. Born to a wealthy family, Roosevelt was an unhealthy child suffering from asthma who stayed at home studying natural history. In response to his physical weakness, he embraced a strenuous life. He attended Harvard, where he boxed and developed an interest in naval aff...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Juhtimise kordamisküsimused ( vene keel )

TMO0010 (Juhtimine) 1. , . : , ,.. . , . : : 1. - 1. 2. 2. 3. - 3. 4. 4. 5. : () ( : ) , . ­ . , ., . (1992,1995, 2002): , , , , ( c , : , ) . (2007) : 2. ( ) , . : · ( , ) · ( «» ) · ( ) · ( ...

Majandus → Juhtimine
16 allalaadimist

Mart Helme - poliitilise rolli täitmine

Mart Helmel on Eesti poliitikas olnud suur roll, seda eriti välispoliitilisel tasandil. Viimastel aastatel on Mart Helme rohkem hakanud tegutsema ka sisepoliitikas, näiteks juhtides Eesti Konservatiivset Rahvaerakonda (EKRE). Pärast seda, kui EKRE 2015. aasta valimistel seitse kohta Riigikokku sai, nähakse Mart Helme rolli Eesti poliitikas eelkõige erakonnajuhina. Kui vaadelda, kuidas täidetakse üldjuhul erakonnajuhi rolli, siis võib väita, et seda tehakse väga erinevalt. Näiteks eristab juhte juhtimisviis ­ kas juhitakse autokraatlikult, paternalistlikult, konsulteerivalt või demokraatlikult (Foley 2013, 41). Ajaloos leidub näiteid kõikide viiside kohta, tänapäeval on demokraatlikus ühiskonnas valdavalt konsulteerivad ja demokraatlikud juhid. Ka Mart Helme juhtimisstiil paigutuks konsulteeriva ja demokraatliku viisi vahepeale. Erakonnasiseselt on võim jagatud ja liikmetel on võimalus kaasa rääkida, Helme üksi ei otsusta, ei dikteeri e...

Politoloogia → Riigiteadused
8 allalaadimist

Äri ja eetika

Äri ja eetikat ei ole võimalik pikalt lahus hoida. Inimesed (ükskõik millisel tasandil) seisavad vältimatult silmitsi ka eetiliste otsustega oma igapäevases töös ja tegevuses. Eetilised / eetika küsimused kerkivad üles seoses nii juhtimise, turunduse, tootmise, uurimistöö, inimkapitali, finantsjuhtimise, äritegevuse strateegia kui ka ettevõtte valitsemisega. Eetiline / vastutustundlik tegevus aitab luua uusi kompetentse kuna ta hõlmab organisatsiooni liikmeid terve organisatsiooni ulatuses, kutsub üles tulevikku-vaatavale / tervikut nägevale juhtimisstiilile ja valmistab ettevõtte paremini ette nii välisteks kui sisemisteks muutusteks, rahutusteks, kriisideks. See loob usalduse, parandab mainet, aitab kaasa heade suhete loomisele ja hoidmisele erinevate huvigruppidega, sh organisatsiooni liikmete, klientide, partnerite, omanike, investorite, pankade ja meediaga. Eetiline / vastutustundlik tegevus aitab muuta ettevõtte atraktiivseks hea...

Filosoofia → Etikett
42 allalaadimist

Crusades and Richard Lionheart

Made by: Siim Reimand Crusades Holy wars. The purpose -to retake the Holy Land. Christ -would come when the Christians control Jerusalem. For almost 200 years. Nine crusades! 1 Crusade st 2 Crusade nd (1096-1099) (1145-1149) Urban II called a Launched in 1147. council Was a complete Thousands of warriors failure. attacked Muslims and Christians took no Jews to gain the land new territory. for Christians. 3rd Crusade (1189-1192) o Richard I, Philip II, Frederick Barbarossa set out. o Along the way Frederick drowned. o Phillip went back home. o Richard won several victories but couldn't retake Jerusalem. o The English had to give up and head home. o Richard was taken prisoner ....

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Stages of democratization

Stages of democratization The old regime breaks down. New democratic structures are built. Initial fragility These new structures become embedded; their removal is unthinkable: `consolidation'. Structural factors : ­ Factors that are `unchangeable' or change slowly; `preconditions' · Historical · Economic · Political W. Germany 1950s: educated, literate population, but residue of authoritarian attitudes, poor experience of Weimar democracy? E. Germany 1990s: educated, literate, good knowledge of West German system ­ (relatively) easy adaptation once East German state collapsed Mexico: as economy developed did potential for democratic structures increase? South Africa: little apparent scope for change? Transitions theory 1. liberalization of authoritarian rule 2. civil society pushes the boundari...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Juhtimine Eesti notaribüroodes

Kristina Piilik Juhtimine Eesti notaribüroodes Pea kõik inimesed puutuvad ametikohast hoolimata vähemal või rohkemal määral kokku kohustustega, mis on seotud juhtimisega. Ka siis, kui see ei ole nende peamine tööülesanne. See kehtib ka erialaspetsialistide puhul. Aga kahjuks – nagu rõhutavad ka T. van Rensburg ja G. Prideaux*1 – asetavad spetsialistid suurema rõhu oma tööga seotud tehnilistele oskustele ning juhtimise ja eestvedamisega seotud pädevused ei pälvi nii suurt tähelepanu, kui tegelikult vaja oleks. Seega kõrgharitud spetsialistid, nagu näiteks arst, kes peab erakliinikut, või kohtutäitur ja notar, kellel on oma büroo, peavad põhikohustuste kõrvalt tegelema ka üles- annetega, mis on seotud büroo majandamise ning töötajate juhendamisega. See kõik eeldab aga häid tead- misi juhtimisest ja eestvedamisest. Spetsialistide keskendumine ametiga seotud teadmistele ni...

Õigus → Ev õiguskaitsesüsteem
4 allalaadimist

Juhtimine Eesti notaribüroodes

Kristina Piilik Juhtimine Eesti notaribüroodes Pea kõik inimesed puutuvad ametikohast hoolimata vähemal või rohkemal määral kokku kohustustega, mis on seotud juhtimisega. Ka siis, kui see ei ole nende peamine tööülesanne. See kehtib ka erialaspetsialistide puhul. Aga kahjuks – nagu rõhutavad ka T. van Rensburg ja G. Prideaux*1 – asetavad spetsialistid suurema rõhu oma tööga seotud tehnilistele oskustele ning juhtimise ja eestvedamisega seotud pädevused ei pälvi nii suurt tähelepanu, kui tegelikult vaja oleks. Seega kõrgharitud spetsialistid, nagu näiteks arst, kes peab erakliinikut, või kohtutäitur ja notar, kellel on oma büroo, peavad põhikohustuste kõrvalt tegelema ka üles- annetega, mis on seotud büroo majandamise ning töötajate juhendamisega. See kõik eeldab aga häid tead- misi juhtimisest ja eestvedamisest. Spetsialistide keskendumine ametiga seotud teadmistele ni...

Õigus → Ev õiguskaitsesüsteem
3 allalaadimist

Cover letter ja Europass CV

Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Katherin Mayfair Address Manni tee 8 EE-11213 Tallinn (Estonia) Telephone(s) +3726667882 Mobile +37255573210 E-mail(s) [email protected] Nationality Estonian Date of birth 23 July 1972 Gender Female Desired employment / Computer systems designer Occupational field Work experience Dates 01/06/2005 - 25/04/2009 Occupation or position held Computer systems designer and analyst Main activities and Designing computer systems and engineering. responsibilities Name and address of employer ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist

Upstream Proficiency Unit 3 part 2 key

Upstream Proficiency Unit 3 part 2 key EX 30 1 When Steve made the local soccer team, he was spotted by a local talent scout, and before he knew it, he was asked by the owner of a major team to sign a contract. He is said to be the best soccer player England has ever produced. 2 It is (widely) felt that more dustbins should be supplied by the Council to alleviate the refuse situation. The paths in the local park are covered with litter and rubbish overflows from the few dustbins that have been provided by the Council. 3 When Bess was promoted to CEO of the company, she was given the authority to hire or fire anybody she wanted to. She replaced two of the lazier secretaries and it is said she will hire an extra person for Saturdays. 4 We regret to inform you that your luggage has been misplaced. It appears to have been put on a plane to Italy. You will be contacted as soon as its exact whereabouts has been ...

Infoteadus → Tekstianalüüs
7 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun