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"-land" - 899 õppematerjali


Land Art

LAND ART Maastikukunsti mõistest Land art ehk maastikukunst on 1960-te lõpus ja 1970-te alguses esile kerkinud kunstivorm, mille algne tegevusala hõlmas peamiselt (loodus) keskkonda. Kunstiteoste loomiseks kasutatakse tihti kive, puitu, pinnast, taimi ja muid looduslike materjale. Loodud kunstiteosed on enamasti ajutised, sest nad rajatakse välialadele ja nad kestavad kuni loomuliku lagunemiseni. Maastikukunst põhineb installatsioonidel ja on tihti tihedalt seotud keskkonnaga, kuhu nad rajatakse. Kuigi oluline on teose füüsiline tajumine, näeb enamus publikust (ajalikke) töid ikkagi vaid (ajatute) fotode vahendusel. Taiesed on tihtipeale olnud suuremõõtkavalised, mis on üks kunstivoolu suhteliselt suure populaarsuse põhjuseks kunstnike seas ­ antud kunstivorm on andnud kunstnikele võimaluse teostada suuremaid töid, kui kui üheski galeriis mugavalt eksponeerida saaks ( Wikipedia , Land art). Kättes...

Geograafia → Geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Farm land rationalisation and land management

Põllumajandusmaa ratsionaliseerimine ja ­korraldus: Edasijõudnud maakorraldusstrateegiad Ida- ja Kesk- Euroopas Võtmesõnad: Maa killustatus, maapiirkondade tuluallikad, kaastegevus Valitud artikkel käsitles põllumajandusmaaga seonduvaid maakorralduslikke probleeme ja arenguid Teisest maailmasõjast kuni artikli koostamiseni 2002. Aastal Ida- ja Kesk- Euroopas. Artiklis tutvustati nimetatud valdkonnas toimunud arenguid ja nende tingitud vajalikke muudatusi maakorralduse vallas. Valisin selle artikli kuna olen küllaltki ajaloohuviline ja samas tundus ka teema lühida ülevaatuse põhjal mulle piisavalt huvitav, et seda põhjalikumalt uurida. Artiklit läbi töötades selgus, et minu ootused artikli ja ka selle teema kohta olid õigustatud ja tegemist oli väga asjaliku kirjutisega mis vaatamata kümne aasta möödumisele avaldamisest on minu hinnangul suures osas päevakohane ka täna. (Ridell, Rembold 2002) Artiklis tutvustatakse lühidalt maakorra...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Land Art ehk MAAKUNST

Land Art ehk MAAKUNST Maakunst Looduslikke materjale (näiteks liiv ja kivid) kasutav ning loodust (peamiselt maastiku pinnavorme) ümberkujundav kunst Kujunemine • Kujunes välja 60ndate lõpus ja 70ndate alguses • Tavaliselt on kunstil alati majanduslik, sõjaline religioosne või ilu loomise eesmärk. Maakunstil selliseid eesmärke püstitatud polnud • Maakunsti tekkel võivad olla peale kunstisiseste põhjuste arvesse tulla ka tärkav ökoloogiline teadlikkus ja moes olnud huvi salapäraste monumentide või siis “tulnukate” jälgede vastu Maakunsti olemus • Teosed on enamasti rajatud kõrvalistesse ja metsikutesse ja inimtühjadesse paikadesse • Rajati kummalisi ja ebatavalisi ehitisi • Maakunst kujundas ümber loodust ja kasutas ka loodusnähtusi • Publikule näidati töid peamiselt fotode ja filmide kaudu • Teos loodi galeriidest või avalikust ruumist väljaspool Inspiratsiooni and...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
36 allalaadimist

Maakunst e land art esitlus

Maakunst Aleksandra Mussajeva 11klass. • Maakunst (inglise keeles land art) on 1960. aastate lõpus tekkinud kunstivorm, milles kunstilise kujundamise materjaliks on maastik. • Maakunst võib seisneda nii vaid väikeste muudatuste tegemises loodusobjektidele ja maastikele, kui käsitleda endas suuri maa-alasid ümberkujundavaid projekte. Maakunsti vormideks on näiteks pinnase ümberpaigutamine, kraavide kaevamine ja kivide kuhjamine. Mitmed maakunsti viljelejad on saanud loomingulist inspiratsiooni eelajalooliste tsivilisatsioonide maapinnajoonistustest. vaata siin Tuntuimad esindajad • Michael Heizer • Richard Long • Robert Morris • Dennis Oppenheim • Inspiratsiooni andsid Stonehenge, hiiglaslikud Nazca kõrbemaalinud, kiviringid ja muud iidsed kultusobjektid. Teos loodi galeriidest või avalikust ruumist väljaspool ja sageli nii suures möötkavas, et seda oli korralikult võimal...

Kultuur-Kunst → Joonestamine
22 allalaadimist

Tugevate rühm

Ibiza Independed work Enelin Paistu LM08 Ibiza Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean Sea 79km off the coast of the city of Valencia in Iberian Peninsula Spain. It is the third largest of the Balearic Islands, an autonomous community of Spain. With Formentera, it is one of the two Pine Islands or Pityuses. Its largest cities are Ibiza Town (Catalan:Vila d'Eivissa or simply Vila), Santa Eulària des Riu and Sant Antoni de Portmany. Eivissa is the official Catalan name (Catalan pronunciation:, locally. The name in Spanish is Ibiza . In British English, the name is usually pronounced in an approximation of the Spanish while in American English the pronunciation is more anglicized The island is well-known for its summer club parties which attract large numbers of tourists, but the island and the Spanish Tourist Office...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Riigid saksa keeles

Land Bewohner Nationalität Sprache B Belgien Belgier, belgierin belgisch Französisch,Niederländisch, Deutsch DK Dänemark Däne, Dänin dänisch Dänisch D Deutschland Deutscher, Deutschere deutsch Deutsch FI Finland Finne, finnin finnisch Finnisch, Schwedisch N F Frankreich Franzose, französin französisch Französisch GR Griechenland Grieche, griechin griechisch Griechisch GB Großbritannie Rite, brittin brittisch Englisch n IR Ireland Ire, irin irisch Englisch, Irisch L I Italien Italiener, italienerin italienisch Italienisch L Luxembrug Luxemburger, luxemburgisch Luxemburgisch, De...

Keeled → Saksa keel
4 allalaadimist

Åland, Färöarna, Grönland

Åland Flagga- en blå flagga med ett guld och röd kors Huvudstad- Mariehamn Statsskick- Självstyre - inom republiken Namnet på parlamentet- Lagtinget (30 platser) President/monark- Sauli Niinisto Statsminister- Katrin Sjögren Nationaldag- självstyrelsedagen den 9 juni 1922 Invånare- u 29 000 Officiella språk- svenska Andra språk- finska Storlek- 1 580 km² Natur: , Längstaflod- lummiga lövängar, lövträd, bördig jord, cirka 6700 öar Landskapet Släta berghällar, röd granit l.p.- Torbjörn Engman, Johanna Grüssner Idrott- Janne Holmen (löpare) Mat- ålandspannkaka med sviskonkräm och vispgrädde, svartbröd, fisk Traditioner-Demilitariseringsdag, självstyrelsedagen, Midsommarafton, Lillajul, Julafton Färöarna Flagga - En vit flagga med ett blå och röd kors. Huvudstad- Torshamn (17K) Statsskick-en konstitutionell monarki med den danska drottningen Margrethe II som statschef. Namnet på parlamentet- Lagtinget President/monark-drottning marg...

Kultuur-Kunst → Põhjamaade kultuur
18 allalaadimist

Das Leben in der Stadt und auf dem Land

Das Leben in der Stadt und auf dem Land Einige Berichte die Menschen gerne auf dem Land leben, mit einigen Berichten der Stadt. Wo es besser ist, zu leben, auf dem land oder in der Stadt? In der folgenden Stellungnahme werden verschiedene Aspekte dieser Thematik diskutiert. Erster Blick auf ländliche Pro- und Contra- Argumente. Viele Menschen sagen, dass es leben auf dem Land ist viele besser, als in der Grostadt. Einerseits Die Luft ist sauberer, es gibt weniger Lärm. Vielleicht deutet dies derauf hin, das nur wenige Menschen leben auf dem Land. Jedoch sollte nicht vergessen werde, dass ist es hier einfach einem parkplatz zu finden. Hieraus könnte man schlieen, das wenige Menschen bewegen. Es gibt bei uns viele Geschäfte mit groer Warenauswahl. Andererseits alle Leute sind so neugierig. Hier kennen mich fast alle und alle diskutieren gleich über mein Verhalten. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass leben auf dem Lande ist l...

Keeled → Saksa keel
83 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

United Kingdom AT115 Martin Pillai Early history • In 1066, the Normans invaded England from France • In 1603, the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland were united in a personal union when James VI, King of Scots, inherited the crowns of England and Ireland and moved his court from Edinburgh to London • In the mid-17th century, all three kingdoms were involved in a series of connected wars, which led to the temporary overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the short-lived unitary republic of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. Acts of Union • On 1 May 1707, the united Kingdom of Great Britain came into being, the result of Acts of Union being passed by the parliaments of England and Scotland to ratify the 1706 Treaty of Union and so unite the two kingdoms • The term "United Kingdom" became officia...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Estonia. Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia is a country in Northern Europe. It is the smallest of the three Baltic countries. Estonia has land borders with Latvia (339 km) to the south and Russia (229 km) to the east. It is separated from Finland in the north by the narrow Gulf of Finland and from Sweden in the west by the Baltic Sea. Estonia has been a member of the European Union since May 1, 2004 and of the NATO since March 29, 2004. The area of Estonia is about 45000 square kilometres and the population is about 1.4 million people. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn and the official language is Estonian. The currency is Eesti kroon. The main religion is Lutheran. Anniversary of the republic is celebrated on February 20. The national flower is cornflower, national bird is barn swallow and national stone is limestone. It is a land of great natural beaut...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Estonia's nature

Estonia is a small country in Northern Europe with an area of about 45 000 sq km. The country's climate is determined by the proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The summer temperatures are a little lower than the average of that latitude, but the winters are considerably warmer. As a part of the East-European Plain, the country has a rather flat surface. The highest and most topographically variagated region in Estonia is in the south-eastern part of the country. The Sakala Upland plains offer contrast to the hills of Ottepää, Karula and Haanja. At 318 metres, Suur Munamägi ('Great Egg Hill') is not only the highest point in Estonia, but of all the Baltic countries. The country has 3974 km of coastline, while the land border, in comparison, is only a mere 633 km. The coast varies from limestone cliff in the north to sandy beaches in the west. Most of Estonia's many islands belong to the West Estonian archipelago. The largest islands are Sa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Anglo-Saksi Inglismaa

STUDY QUESTIONS ON CHAPTER 3 · Battle of Stamford Bridge 1066- Battle, that took place on Stamford Bridge between Norwegians who were led by Harald and England (king Harold Godwinson). During the battle many Norwegian leaders were killed. Norwegians lost the battle, and it is very often taken to mark the end of the Viking Age. · Battle of Hastings 1066- Occurred on 14th October 1066 during the Norman conquest of England, between the Norman-French army of William the Conqueror and the English army under king Harold II. During the battle Harold was killed and the Normans won. It was the end of Anglo-Saxon era. · Bayeux Tapestry- Embroidered cloth nearly 70m long, which depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England concerning William, Duke of Normandy and Harold, Earl of Wessex, later king of England and culminating in the battle of Hastings. · Debate poem- ...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Põllumajanduse esitlus

Põllumajandus Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi „Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Koostaja: Ülle Liiber Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)“ alusel, vt Avaldatud Creative Commons litsensi „Autorile viitamine+ jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0) alusel vt Põllud Hispaanias Ü. Liiberi Kas teate, et ... • põllumajanduses on hõivatud ligi 42% maailma tööealisest elanikkonnast, kuid põllumajandus annab vähem kui 5% maailma SKP-st; • 31% maakera maismaast on kasutatav põllumajanduses, põllumaad on siiski vaid 10%; • Põhja riikides elab veerand maailma rahvastikust, kuid nad tarbivad poole maailmas toodetud toidust; • Maailmas on ligi miljonit nälgivat või alatoidetud inimest, ületoitunud in...

Geograafia → Geograafia
28 allalaadimist

The Ellis Island

The Ellis Island The ellis island is located in upper new york bay. Ellis island was a gateway for a millions of immigrants to the US from 1892 to 1954. The original island was quite small , but it was expanded with land reclamation between 1892 adn 1934. the name ellis island came from samuel ellis who brought the island in 1775. Ellis dies in 1794, and in 1808 New York State buys the island from his family for $10,000. The U.S. War Department pays the state for the right to use Ellis Island to build military fortifications and store ammunition The first Ellis Island Immigration Station officially opens on January 1, 1892, as three large ships wait to land. Seven hundred immigrants passed through Ellis Island that day, and nearly 450,000 passed throught Ellis Island first year. Over the next five years, more than 12 million people will pass through the island on their way into the United States. The Elli...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

US History: Native Americans and the first settlements

Notions for The New World Native Americans Origin of Native Americans Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome. Native peoples of North and South America descended from ancestors who arrived via land bridges from East Asia, possibly in a single migration. Different tribes and their way of life The men were hunters, warriors, and protectors, while the women tended to the children, their homes, and farmed. It depended on the tribe when it came to artwork. In some tribes, the men would actually weave baskets and blankets. Natural foods were consumed and hunted. Deer, buffalo, fish, and various birds were the game of choice. Corn, beans, squash, berries, nuts, and melons were the fruits and vege...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


TSUNAMI Kristjan Sillaots G1R2 WHAT IS TSUNAMI? A tsunami is a series of ocean waves that sends surges of water, sometimes reaching heights of over 100 feet (30.5 meters), onto land. These walls of water can cause widespread destruction when they crash ashore. WHAT CAUSES A TSUNAMI? These awe-inspiring waves are typically caused by large, undersea earthquakes at tectonic plate boundaries. When the ocean floor at a plate boundary rises or falls suddenly, it displaces the water above it and launches the rolling waves that will become a tsunami. WHAT CAUSES A TSUNAMI? Tsunamis may also be caused by underwater landslides or volcanic eruptions. They may even be launched, as they frequently were in Earth’s ancient past, by the impact of a large meteorite plunging into an ocean. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

A GIS-based analysis and prediction of land-use change in a coastal tourism destination area

Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut A GIS-based analysis and prediction of land-use change in a coastal tourism destination area Artikli analüüs Tartu 2014 Sisukord Sissejuhatus ................................................................................................................................ 3 Artikli eesmärk ........................................................................................................................... 3 Andmed ja metoodika................................................................................................................. 3 Tulemused ja järeldused ............................................................................................................. 4 Seos Maastikuökoloogia ja – analüüsi praktikumidega ............................................................. 6 Oman...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkond
11 allalaadimist

The Irish Problem

The Irish Problem "The curse of Cromwell on you" Oliver Cromwell... Detested Roman Catholicism Believed that the Irish could never be trusted Used Irish land as a way to pay 1652 "Cromwellian Settlement" in Munster and and Leinster Was a cruel man: claimed to be acting on God's behalf and expelled about 1000 Catholic priests from Ireland The main reason for this was Cromwell's belief in fundamental Protestantism and hatred of Catholicism A church ­ place for religious people to meet each other Oliver Cromwell Attempts to 'solve' the Irish problem New Model Army Coerce the Irish into obedience export children from Ireland to the sugar plantations in the West Indies, so that Ireland would suffer from a long term population loss Extreme poverty Dissolving of the problem In 1660, Cromwell died and was buried in state in Westminster Abbey Parliament reinstated the monarchy with Charles 2nd Charles relaxed the anti-Catholic ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Legoland Billund From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Location Billund, Denmark, Website Merlin Entertainments, 70% Owner Lego Group, 30% Opened 1968 Operating season March - October Rides total Legoland parts: Worlds Duplo Land Imagination Zone Legoredo Town Adventure Land Miniland Pirate Land Lego City Knights' Kingdom Accident On April 29, 2007, a 21-year old female Legoland Billund employee, was killed by a roller coaster. Legoland in Billund, Denmark, is the largest and the oldest. It is divided in 8 different worlds: Duplo Land, ImaginationZone, LEGOREDO Town, Adventure Land, Miniland, Pirate Land, Lego City, Knights Kingdom and Viking land. The park opened in 1968 and has 1.6 million visitors annually, making it the largest tourist attraction in Denmark outside C...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

All studied biomes

1. Key features for all studied biomes. Tundra The main seasons are winter and summer. The tundra is the world's coldest and driest biomes. The average annual temperature is -28° C. Nights can last for weeks when the sun barely rises during some months in the winter, and the temperature can drop to -70° C. During the summer the sun shines almost 24 hours a day. Summer are usually warm. Average summer temperatures range from 3° to 16°C. TaigaTaiga is the Russian word for forest and is the largest biome in the world. It stretches over Eurasia and North America. The taiga is located near the top of the world, just below the tundra biome. The winters in the taiga are very cold with only snowfall. The summers are warm, rainy, and humid. Some of the animals in the taiga hibernate in the winter, some fly south if they can, while some just cooperate with the environment. GrasslandsGrassland biomes can be found in the middle latitudes. They can...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Real estate broker

Real estate broker Typical day: Brokers run generally estate companies while the agents take care of real estate sells. Both are important part of real estate industry. Real estate agents assist people through the process of buying, selling and renting land, homes and other properties. In addition to staying current with real estate laws and trends, real estate agents are tasked with a multitude of daily duties and responsibilities. One of the appealing aspects of working as a real estate agent is that each day is different. Qualifications for the job: It isn’t required that you have a collage degree.There are different courses, that you can take to become a real estate broker. It takes time, like you must take prelicence course, that takes about 2 weeks to complete and then following that course there is an exam. After exam, when you get broker licence, you still have to go some classes sometimes. Also if you ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

Margit Tepner k0848752 Sustainability aspects of biofuels 1. Introduction The literature review will discuss the sustainability aspects of biofuels. Food production will be the main concern as it is the most debated issue, but other aspects, such as land use change and water consumption will be also considered as they are essential aspects in the biofuels sustainability criteria. The review will discuss the viability of biofuels based on the current technologies. Second-generation biofuels are not yet commercially viable and therefore will not be discussed; although they could significantly improve the sustainability of biofuels when they break through to the industrial scale. 2. The scale of biofuels production 2.1. Drivers of biofuels production Lal (2010) stated that "three inter-connected challenges face humankind in the 21st century": food security, climate change, and energy security. The world...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

European Environmental Databases 2018

European Environmental Databases 2018 Homework deadline: Friday, Nov 30th 13:00pm Send to: [email protected] NB! Homework delivered after the deadline will NOT be considered for evaluation and will be marked as ,,not passed". 1. According to the Land Accounts data viewer (Corine Land Cover), has the total area of non-irrigated arable land (code 211) increased or decreased in Estonia between 1990 and 2006? By how many hectares? Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) was in Estonia between 1990-2006 638 979 he Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) was in Estonia between 1990-2000 639 341 he It means that code 211 decreased by the 362 he 2. And in Europe? Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) in Europe between 1990-2006 was 113 653 392 he Non-irrigated arable land (code 211) in Europe between 1990-2000 115 822 405 he It means that code 211 decreased by the 2 169 013 he 3. What about Peat bogs (code 412) in Estonia? Increased or decrease...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Varakeskaeg Inglismaal

The early middle ages The Norman Conquest Since William was crowned king, there were many rebellions against the Normans. A small Norman army marched from village to village and destroyed the ones it couldn't control. The Normans took away the Saxon lords' land. Only a few Saxons who supported William could keep their land. Feudalism William gave parts of his conquered land to his captains around the country to avoid rebellions and uprisings. He also kept some land to himself to make sure his was much stronger than his nobles. Of all the farmland half went to his nobles, quarter to church and fifth he kept to himself. William organised the English kingdom according to feudal system. The main purpose of using that system was economic. King gave the land to "vassals" in return of army services and goods. When a noble dies, his son took over the estate. When there was no family, the land went back to king who could give it to another n...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Crusades and Richard Lionheart

Made by: Siim Reimand Crusades Holy wars. The purpose -to retake the Holy Land. Christ -would come when the Christians control Jerusalem. For almost 200 years. Nine crusades! 1 Crusade st 2 Crusade nd (1096-1099) (1145-1149) Urban II called a Launched in 1147. council Was a complete Thousands of warriors failure. attacked Muslims and Christians took no Jews to gain the land new territory. for Christians. 3rd Crusade (1189-1192) o Richard I, Philip II, Frederick Barbarossa set out. o Along the way Frederick drowned. o Phillip went back home. o Richard won several victories but couldn't retake Jerusalem. o The English had to give up and head home. o Richard was taken prisoner ....

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Austraalia ajalugu

The history of Australia Romet Tagobert The Australians have lived through many wars, revolutions and governmental problems, leaders, but they've only yet to break down. The Aborigines arrived in Australia at about 40,000BC, from which Tasmania was cut off by rising water levels at around 8,000BC. Convicts started being transported to Australia in 1770 which was a disaster for the Aborigines. Captain cook arrived in Botany Bay and claimed Australia for Britain. The 18th century life was hard and even small crimes were severe in Britain. Sometimes prisoners would be sentenced to transportation. After the American War of Independence (17751783) transportation wasn't possible anymore and the government began looking for another place for the transportees which was selected to be Botany Bay. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Sachsen Der Freistaat Sachsen ist ein Land im östlichen Teil Mitteldeutschlands. Die geografische Gliederung als das östlichste deutsche Land kann mit einer Vielzahl von Ansätzen erfolgen. Nach topografischen Gesichtspunkten eignet sich vor allem eine Einteilung in Flachland, Hügelland und Mittelgebirge. Das 1990 neu gegründete Land führt, wie schon von 1919 bis 1933 als Gliedstaat des Deutschen Reichs, die Bezeichnung Freistaat als historisches Analogon zum Begriff Republik. Benachbarte Länder sind Brandenburg im Norden,Sachsen-Anhalt im Nordwesten,Thüringen im Westen undBayern im Südwesten. Im Süden grenzt das Land an Tschechien und im Osten an Polen. Landeshauptstadt ist Dresden.Im Sachsen sprache Deutsch und Obersorbisch.Die Landeshauptstadt ist Dresden.Sachsen hat eine Fläche von 18.415,51 Quadratkilometern und fast 4.205.131 Millionen Einwohner.Die Staatsform ist Parlamentariche Republ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
7 allalaadimist

The Saxons & Vikings

The Saxons & Vikings Fragmentary knowledge of England in the 5th & 6th centuries comes from the British writer Gildas, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, saints' lives, poetry, archaelogical findings and place- name studies. British landlords ruled small, unstable kingdoms and continued some Roman traditions of governance. In the mid-5th cent, Vertigern, a British leader, hired Germanic mercenaries to help defend against peoples of the north (Picts & Scots). In the end they revolted & the process of invasion and settlement began. The first Saxon ,,kings" were Hengist & Horsa in Kent, Aelle in Sussex, Cerdic / Cynric in Wessex. So the first ,,English" became mainly from Northern Germany & Denmark. The resistance of the Celts was long. They were free at the time, not like other Roman provinces on the Continent. Around 500, the Britons seem to have won several victories. One of their leaders was Ambrosius Aurelianus and one of...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
16 allalaadimist


Sommerferien Ich finde Sommerferien toll, weil müssen Sie nicht in die Schule gehen und es ist warm und die Sonne scheint jeden Tag. Ich denke, dass jeder liebt es. Sommerferien können land und langweilig sein, wenn mann nicht weiß, was mann tun soll. Du kannst ging zu der Großmutter auf dem Land gehen oder verbringe deine Zeit mit dein Freunden. Sie können zum Strand Gehen, am Strand ist ständig was los. Sie kann eine Woche land Kajaktouren mit dein Freunden mache, es wäre schön.

Keeled → Saksa keel
8 allalaadimist

Aborigeenid (Inglise keeles)

Miina Härma Gümnaasium “The aborigines of Australia Student:Kärt Erikson Teacher:Tiia Timma Tartu 2010 contents  Introduction – page 3  History – page 3-4  Religion – page 4-7  Society - page 7-9  The British – page 9-10  Conclusion – page 10-11  Resources – page 11  Appendix – page 11-14 2 Introduction I selected this theme because it was the most interesting one for me. Aborigines have interested me for a long time now so doing this essay is really fun for me. Australian Aboriginal culture is one of the world's longest surviving cultures. Australian Aborigines, also known as Indigenous Australians , are the native people of Australia . Many of them suffered when white people from Britain arrived in Austra...

Keeled → Geograafia inglise keeles
5 allalaadimist


Hessen. Hessen ist ein Land in und südwestlich der Mitte Deutschlands und gehört vor allem mit seinen südlichen Landesteilen zu den am dichtesten besiedelten und wirtschaftsstärksten Regionen Deutschlands. Die Landeshauptstadt ist Wiesbaden, die größte Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Das heutige Land Hessen wurde am 19. September 1945 unter dem Namen Groß-Hessen gegründet und hatte als erstes noch heute bestehendes Land der Bundesrepublik eine neue demokratische Verfassung. Seine unmittelbaren Vorgängerstaaten waren der Volksstaat Hessen und die preußischen Provinzen Kurhessen und Nassau, die der Freistaat Preußen am 1. April 1944 durch Teilung der Provinz Hessen-Nassau schuf. Näheres zum Wappen Näheres zum Flaggen Hessen on Saksamaa liidumaa. Hesseni liidumaa jaguneb halduslikult 21 kreisiks ja 5 kreisivabaks linnaks. Kreisivabad linnad · Darmstadt · Frankfurt (Maini ää...

Keeled → Saksa keel
7 allalaadimist

The Galapagos islands

Introduction... I read a book abput the Galapagos islands writen by Paul D. Steward. I have devided my presentation in 3 paragraphs: Firstly i will tal about the origins of the islands and the history, secondly about life on the land and in the sea, finaly about conserving the Galapagos. The Galapagos Islands are situated on junctions between several shifting tectonic plates on the equator and about 1000 km off the Pacific coast of Ecuador. They are the product of one of the most volcanically active regions on our planet, a hot spot is situated directly beneath the islands and also It is the point where major ocean currents meet. These circumstances combine to make an area that truly is like no other place on earth. Galapagos is comprised of 13 major islands, more than 120 smaller islets and rocks, and the surrounding ocean. The total land mass is almost 8,000 sq. km. Highest peak is Wolf Volcano reaching 1707m. The present islands ar...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

TEXT The Irish Problem

The Irish Problem ~the Irish can not be trusted~ In 1641, just prior to the Civil War, the Irish of Ulster had begun an uprising and attacked the planters who had been settled 30 years before. Between 10,000 and 15,000 Protestant planters were murdered by the Irish at places such as Portadown. Due to the war, the English did nothing about this and the death-toll became heavily exaggerated over time. In 1649, after the Civil War had ended, Cromwell landed at ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Meine sommerferien

Meine sommerferien Sommer an mir vorbei auf dem Land.Sommer an mir vorbei Land einen Rasentraktor mit Rasenmähen.Ich war in der Schule der Anfang vom Ende der Schule Land.Ich konnte Bäume auf der Erde Traktor Schuppen.Dann ging ich zu der Großmutter auf dem Land und in Narva war dort mit seinem Freund.Es gibt eine alte Scheune und zog die Bäume jeden Tag gingen wir an einen Traktor.Als wir losfuhren, gingen wir nach Tallinn Narva.Wir gingen in den frühen Morgenstunden der Fähre von Tallinn nach Finnland und wir gingen in einen Vergnügungspark gibt.Es gab vier oder fünf Stunden.Dann fingen wir an den Hafen gehen.Dann gingen wir mit dem Boot aus dem Hafen begonnen, wieder nach Hause kommen.Am nächsten Tag gibt es noch Zeit war, und ging zurück zu dem Land zur Schule.Das war mein Sommer dieses Jahres.

Keeled → Saksa keel
9 allalaadimist

Erinevad vahekastid autodel

ERINEVAD VAHEKASTID AUTODEL Valgamaa Kutseõppekeskus AT-14 Andri Põldsepp Vahekast IRD Freelander I  Vahekast (Intermediate Reduction Drive Assembly) Land Rover  Freelander 1 autodele  Vahekast Borg Warner-NV225 RR P38  Vahekast Land Rover  Range Rover P38 autodele  R380 , ZF4HP24 või  ZFH4HP22 käigukaste. Vahekast LT230  Vahekast Land Rover Defender, Discovery I, Discovery II, Range Rover Classic autodele, mis kasutvad LT77, LT85, R380, GFT MT 82 ,  ZFH4HP22 või ZF4HP24 käigukaste.  Vahekastid on erinevate ülekandervudega!  Sõltuval autot mudelist koos  või ilma keskdiferentsiaali ...

Auto → Auto õpetus
9 allalaadimist

"Kakskümmend tuhat ljööd vee all" sisukokkuvõte

,,Kakskümmend tuhat ljööd vee all" On aasta 1866 ning igalpool üle maailma räägitakse suurest koletisest ookeanis, keda nimetatakse narvaliks. Ta on hiigelsuur ning suudab tekitada suuri purustusi. Ta on vee alla tirinud palju laevu ning sellele otsustatakse lõpp teha. Kutsutakse kokku seltskond, kuhu kuuluvad harpuunija Ned Land, minategelasest loodushuviline Pierre Aronnax, tema teener Conseil, kapten Farragut ning mitukümmend meeskonnaliiget. Nad on sõitnud juba päris pikka aega ning meeskond hakkab tüdinema, sest selle pika aja jooksul pole nad ühtegi narvali näinud. Kapten Farragut seab kuupäeva, kui nad hakkavad tagasi USA-sse sõitma. Kuid samal päeval näeb Ned Land seda koletist ning nad hakkavad narvalit taga ajama. Kuid see elukas pöörab otsa ringi ning otsustab rammida ,,Abraham Lincolnit". Toimub kokkupõrge ning hr Land, hr Aronnax ning Conseil kukuvad üle parda. Nad ujuvad selle koletise peale n...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
164 allalaadimist

Loan offer essay

Xxxxx xxxxx RxxKÕ U. 10 Dear Mr. Wall, I am writing in regards to the loan papers you asked me to review. I recommend that you don`t take this loan offer. Let me explain why. First, the interest rate is very high, although the interest is tax deductible. I belive that other banks could offer lower interest rate. Second, the origination fee is not also so reasonable and there are penalties if you want to pay off earlier your loan. I see also that this is leverage, it meens that you must have a collateral for the loan. And I know that you have only your forest land for that, but I think it is not very good idea to use the land for that, because if you default, the lender will have a...

Keeled → Business english
3 allalaadimist


Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Koostas:Kätlin Laas Juhendaja:Reet Orgusaar Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ist ein Land im Nordosten Deutschlands. Es ist als Teil des norddeutschen Tieflands überwiegend flach mit nur wenigen Erhebungen und grenzt im Norden an die Ostsee, im Westen an Schleswig-Holstein und Niedersachsen, im Süden an Brandenburg sowie im Osten an Polen. Hinsichtlich der Verwaltungsstrukturen gliedert es sich gegenwärtig in zwölf Landkreise und sechs kreisfreie Städte, die Landeshauptstadt ist Schwerin. Das Land entstand 1945 als Zusammenschluss des historischen Landes Mecklenburg mit Vorpommern, dem nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bei Deutschland verbliebenen Teil der historischen preußischen Provinz Pommern. Nachdem es in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1952 in drei Bezirke aufgeteilt worden war, trat es nach der Neugründung im Jahr 1990 im Zuge...

Keeled → Saksa keel
6 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö vormistamine MS Wordi vahenditega

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Metsandus- ja maaehitusinstituut Õpilase nimi UURIMISTÖÖ VORMISTAMINE MS WORDI VAHENDITEGA Kodune töö Metsandus Juhendaja: Tartu 2015 Sisukord 1TÄHED................................................................................................................... 3 1.1Katustähed..................................................................................................... 3 1.2Vene tähed..................................................................................................... 3 2INDEKSID.............................................................................................................. 3 2.1Indeksid ja astendajad.................................................................................... 3 3VAL...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
9 allalaadimist


BRANDENBURG Sten Lepamaa TTG 12A Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level BRANDENBURG FLAG Brandenburg ist ein Land im Nordosten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Landeshauptstadt ist Potsdam. Geschichte I * Als Gründungsdatum der historischen Mark Brandenburg gilt der 11. Juni 1157 * 1945 zum Land Brandenburg (ohne die Neumark östlich der Oder). In der DDR wurde die Region in drei Bezirke geteilt. 1990 wurde das Land Brandenburg als Land der Bundesrepublik Deutschland neu g...

Keeled → Saksa keel
6 allalaadimist

Australian traditions

Traditions Australia doesn't have many traditions. Attempts to get Halloween off the ground have stalled due to one too many homeowners telling little kids to get off their property or they will see a scary sight. Australia celebrates many of the same holidays as do people of the Western world, such as Easter and Christmas. However, Australians also celebrate some holidays unique to their country and culture. Australia Day Australia Day, 26 January, is the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 convict ships from Great Britain, and the raising of the Union Jack at Sydney Cove by its commander Captain Arthur Phillip, in 1788. On Australia Day, over half of the nation's population of 21 million attend either an organised community event, or get together with family and friends with the intention of celebrating our national day. It is celebrated with parties, picnics, and f...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Central Park

Central Park Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York City. The park initially opened in 1857, on 843 acres (341 ha) of city-owned land. Central Park, which has been a National Historic Landmark since 1962, was designed by landscape designer and writer Frederick Law Olmsted and the English architect Calvert Vauxin 1858 after winning a design competition. They also designed Brooklyn's Prospect Park. The park, which receives approximately thirty-five million visitors annually, is the most visited urban park in the United States. It was opened on 770 acres (3.1 km2) of city-owned land and was expanded to 843 acres. The park is maintained by the Central Park Conservancy, a private, not-for-profit organization that manages the park under a contract with the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. While planting and land form in much o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Enivornment in Estonia - Problems and solutions

Environment in Estonia Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international problem. But what are the biggest problems in Estonia,why and how people could solve it? Air, water, and land pollution rank among Estonia's most significant environmental challenges. The combination of 300,000 tons of dust from the burning of oil shale by power plants in the northeast part of the country and airborne pollutants from industrial centers in Poland and Germany poses a significant hazard to Estonia's air quality. Estonia's water resources have been affected by agricultural and industrial pollutants, including petroleum products, which have also contaminated the nation's soil. Some rivers and lakes within the country have been found to contain toxic sediments in excess of 10 times the accepted level for safety...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
19 allalaadimist


Luxemburg Maarjo Põder 10a 2014 Wappen · Das Großherzogtum Luxemburg Liegt in Westeuropa. · Seine Nachbarstaaten sind Deutschland im Osten, Frankreich im Süden und Belgien im Westen und Norden. · Das Land nimmt eine Fläche von 2586 km(2) ein und zählt etwa 379 000 Einwohner. Landesname Der Name Luxemburg leitet sich vermutlich von Lucilinburhuc ab, später Lützelburg, einer kleinen Burg, um die sich die (Haupt-) Stadt Luxemburg gründete. Das Land ist als Grafschaft im damaligen Heiligen Römischen Reich entstanden. Heute ist das Land das letzte Großherzogtum der Welt. Staatsoberhaupt Der Vertrag vom 30. Juni 1783 ist der Nassauische Erbverein, durch den das Großherzogtum Luxemburg bis heute jeweils innerhalb der Familie Nassau vererbt wird. Staatsoberhaupt und Großherzog von Luxemburg ist seit Oktober 2000 Henri von Nassau. Staatsoberhaupt und...

Keeled → Saksa keel
2 allalaadimist

Essay about NewZealand and Australia

In my essay I will describe the most characteristic features of the Maori people and the aborigines. I will divide the essay in 3 parts ­ the Maori people, the aborigines and their comparison. Maori are the host people of New Zealand. Their name is derived from Ma-Uri which means the children of heaven. The arrival of the Maori people to New Zealand is considered to be somewhat of a mystery. It is known that first Polynesians arrived to New Zealand about 1000 years ago, when navigator Kupe discovered the land in 950 AD. He named it Aotearoa ­ The Land of the Long White Cloud. Although these facts can be debatable, I will focus my attention on this interpretation of Maori history. After the Maori arrived to New Zealand, they started to develop into tribes and sub tribes, this tribal system is still in use. Their culture had almost no influence from the rest of the world. They evolved a culture endorsed by agriculture and hunting. Of cour...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Polar Bear Kristjan Paal 6.c The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a bear native largely within the Arctic Circle encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is the world's largest land carnivore and also the largest bear, together with the omnivorous Kodiak bear, which is approximately the same size. A boar (adult male) weighs around 350­ 700 kg (770­1,500 l while a sow (adult female) is about half that size. Although it is closely related to the brown bear, it has evolved to occupy a narrower ecological niche, with many body characteristics adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice, and open water, and for hunting the seals which make up most of its diet. Although most polar bears are born on land, they spend most of their time at sea. Their scientific name means "maritime bear, and derives from this fact. Polar bears can h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Agriculture About 77 per cent of the land area of Britain is under agricultural use of some sort. However, the sector's role in the economy is much smaller than in most other major industrial countries, in terms of employment and contribution to GDP, reflecting Britain's early industrialization. Agriculture employs less than 2 per cent of the population and contributes 2 per cent of GDP. However, it achieves high levels of efficiency and productivity. Britain is self-sufficient in 58 per cent of all types of food and animal feed. Large parts of Britain, notably in Scotland and Wales, are suitable only for grazing. Overall, in the first half of the 1990s about 39 per cent of agricultural land was under pasture, another 27 per cent under rough grazing, and the remainder under crops or lying fallow. Over half of all full-time farms are devoted to dairy or beef farming, or sheep. Cattle and sheep con...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist

Jules Verne "20 000 ljööd vee all"

,,20 000 ljööd vee all" Jules Verne Nimi Perekonnanimi 6.Klass Saku Gümnaasium 2013 Kokkuvõte On aasta 1866 ning igalpool maailmas räägitakse suurest koletisest ookeanis, keda nimetatakse Narvaliks. Ta on hiigelsuur ning suudab tekitada suuri purustusi. Kutsutakse kokku seltskond, kuhu kuuluvad Ned Land, Pierre Aronnax, Conseil, kapten ja mõned meeskonnaliikmed. Nad on sõitnud juba päris pikka aega ning meeskond hakkab tüdinema, sest selle pika aja jooksul pole nad ühtegi narvali näinud. Kapten seab kuupäeva, kui nad hakkavad tagasi koju sõitma. Kuid siis nähti Narvalit ja hakati taga ajama. Järsku rammis Narval laeva ja pärast kukkumist vette ujusid kõik peale tööliste Narvali peale. Tuli välja, et see polnudki mingi loom vaid hoopis allveelaev, mida tollel ajal ei tuntud. Nad saavad tuttavaks ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
21 allalaadimist

"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne

o Jules Verne was a French novelist o He was born on February 8, 1828 at Nantes, France o Studied Law in Paris o Took up writing in his early twenties o His first major success was in 1864 ­ Voyage to the Centre of the Earth o Died on March 24, 1905 at Amiens o Considered to be the `father' of science fiction o Professor Pierre Aronnax ­ the main character, narrator, a professor in the museum in Paris of Natural History; gruff, unrefined and a classic pedant. o Conseil ­ Aronnax's domestic servant, 30 years old, knowledgeable of science, never complains o Ned Land - a Canadian and the king of harpooners, a large and quiet man, easily angered when contradicted. o Captain Nemo- the antagonist of the novel, creator of the Nautilus. o takes place in 1866. o rumors spreading about a large sea monster that inhabiting the ocean waters and destroying surface vessels o The US government commissions the Abraham Lincoln to...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Food economics

About food economics Tartu 2016 About the author Henning Otte Hansen Senior Advisor in the Institute of Food and Resource Economics. Denmark. Specific, many charts, explanations. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 2 Introduction Food is a physical need. Consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. The right to food is a human right. E. Roosaar 4/10/19 3 Research question What makes the food market unique? What are the specific conditions for food economics? E. Roosaar 4/10/19 4 Uniqueness of food markets Natural conditions. Food sector's special conditions (distinctive conditions). Several special conditons are becoming less distinctive. One special condition can affect the other. Supply and demand. E. Roosaar ...

Majandus → Inglise keel I
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun