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"-impression" - 201 õppematerjali


First impression of people are often wrong. Do you agree?

First impression of people are often wrong. Do you agree? We all live in diffrents places, we speak diffrent people and perceive around us new people everywhere we go. This new places and people may cause oftenly wrong impression when immediately we see someone new. Why is it so, why we do such conclusions, even tho we do not now person we just met. For example, in school, obviously we see who is popular and who is not. We see shy and confident persons. But after that we analyse that person and make ourself some knowledge about every person we see or met. Sometimes it is bad, sometimes it is not. What to talk about and what not, how do we act in their company and how we not should act. Some people you see them and know they have a bad time in their life. Some people you just have to communicate and go deeper, to see who he or she really are. So I agree. How should we know person we ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Impressionismi kokkuvõttev esitlus

19. sajandi maalikunsti vool Impressionism Stiven Danilov 12a Mis on impressionism? Impressionism oli 19. sajandi maalikunsti vool, mis sai alguse 1860. aastatel oma kunstinäitusi korraldama hakanud Pariisikunstnike vabast ühendusest. Vool sai nime Claude Monet' maali " Impression, soleil levant" ("Impressioon. Tõusev päike") järgi. Sõna "impressionism" laskis kogemata käibele kunstikriitik Louis Leroy, kes kasutas seda ühes satiirilises retsensioonis väljaandes Le Charivari. Claude Monet - Impressioon. Tõusev päike ( 1872) Kuidas tunda ära impressionismi? Impressionistlikule maalikunstile on iseloomulikud muuhulgas nähtavad pintslitõmbed, heledad värvid, avatud kompositsioon, rõhuasetus valgusele ja selle muutumisele, igapäevased teemad ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
21 allalaadimist


BAROKK. Nimetus BAROKK tähendab poilümmargust korrapäratu päre , sammuti ka eriskummaline. Kujunes Itaalias , baroco – portugaali keelest. Iseloomustus: Stiil rõhutas , et elu on liikumine ja dünaamika. Iseloomulik on dekaratiivne toredus. Kaunistuste puhjamine ja ebasümeetria. Näided: ARHITEKTUUR : B. Rastrelli. Talvepolle Peterburis. B. Rastrelli. Smolnõi Kloostri kirik Peterburis. LOVIS XIV STIIL Tekkis Prantsusmaal 17 saj. Püüti jäljendada antiikkunsti ei tohi , et oleks barokk. Kõik peaks olema ideaalne. Maalidel tegelased oli võtnud Püblist. Näided: Claude Lovrain – cheresadam udes. Claude Lovrain – cheresadam päikese loojudes. ROKOKOO Kujunes 18 saj. Prantsusmaal. Selle stiili on veel kaks nimetust : 1. Louis XV 2.Panpidar stiil. Sõna tuleb pr.k. “rocaille“ tähendab kiviklibu. Kuningas oli 15a. , vabameelne. Tema arvates pidi kunst rõhutama elu mõnusid , olema meelelahutaja. Ja aitama unistada argipäeva. Näided: ARHITEKTUUR El...

Kultuur-Kunst → Eesti kunstiajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Impressionismi mõju Eesti kunstile

Impressionismi mõju eesti kunstlie Impressionism on 19. sajandi maalikunsti vool, mis sai alguse 1860. aastatel oma kunstinäitusi korraldama hakanud Pariisi kunstnike vabast ühendusest. Nimetus on tulnud prantsuse keelest, kõik sai alguse Claude Monet tööst "Impression, soleil levant" ehk "Impressioon. Tõusev päike". Mulje ­ impression, on selle stiili olulisim märksõna. Kunstnkud andsid edasi oma muljeid kasutades heledaid värve, nähtavaid pinstslitõmbeid, avatud kompositsiooni, rõhuasetust valgusele ja selle muutumisele. Maaliti enamasti välioludes igapäevaseid teemasid otsides neile aga huvitvamaid vaatenurki. 1880-ndaid hakkas see mõjutama ka teiste maade kunstnikke. Eesti kunstis avaldusid impressionismi mõjud ANTS LAIKMAA (1866-1942) ja eriti PAUL BURMANi (1888-1934) loomingus.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
20 allalaadimist


CLAUDE MONET Claude Monet, né le 14 novembre 1840 à Paris et mort le 5 décembre 1926 à Giverny. Il est un peintre français, l'un des fondateurs de l'impressionnisme, peintre de paysage et de portrais. À 6 ans, il se déplace à une famille dans le nord de la France Talent artistique manifeste dans le jeune Il étudie à Paris dans l'Académie Suisse En 1862, il est en grande difficulté et tente de se suicider Environ 2.500 peintures au cours de sa durée de vie Décédé d'un cancer du poumon Impressionnisme Ce mouvement pictural est notamment caractérisé: - des tableaux de petit format - des traits de pinceau visibles - la composition ouverte - la mobilité des phénomènes climatiques et lumineux - plutôt que l'aspect stable et conceptuel des choses "Le déjeunes sur l'herbe" ­ Musée d'Orsay, Paris "Champs de tulipes en Hollande" "Impression soleil levant" ­ Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris "La promenade" ­...

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
3 allalaadimist

Character Reference

Character Reference. I have known Alice for 11 years, both as a friend and as classmates. We first met at elementary school. Since then, I have got to know her very well and have come to appreciate her many talents. Her studies are going brilliantly, she is an excellent student. She knows Russian, Estonian, English and German as well. Alice is very helpful and nice person. She always gives the impression of educated and sensible person at any situation, what she has been ever got. She always finds the right way out of the situation. In fact, I would go as far as to say that she is so energetic person, that your company will need no more workers. Sometimes it seems, that is capable to do thousands doings at the same time. The one her drawback is `hurry sickness`. She is always in a great hurry, even if it is not necessary. Even at school we had such cases, when she was like `in hurry`. She was alw...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice Table of contents Introduction Pride and prejudice The main characters The Bennets family The beginning of the film A turn in the life of the young Greaf in the Bennets family The film end Conclusion Pictures References Introduction I have chosen this film because I like it very much. Pride and Prejudice tells us about a big family in England from the town called Meriton. In the film we can perfectly see the life in England at the end of the 18th century. Pride and prejudice This movie was made after Jane Austen novel Directed by Simon Langton Composer: Care Davis Producer: Sue Birtwistle Country of origin: United Kingdom Genre: drama Tear of release: 1995 Duration of a film: 3 hours The main characters Jennifer Ehle ­ Elizabeth Bennet Colin Firth ­ Mr. Darcy Susannah Harker ­ Jane Bennet Crispin Bonham-Ca...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Rules are to be followed-disagree or agree?

Rules are to be followed-disagree or agree? To start with,Rules are to be followed,but another question is if all the people will do it.Rude behaviour and swearing are not tolerated in Britain unlike in Estonia.The people of Britain are more polite than Estonians.The manners,greetings and small talks have to be considerable if you want to leave a British person a good impression. When the question is ­small talk,big deal?Then in my opinion,there are certain rules,which kind of topics are allowed or not allowed.For the small talks you can`t talk about politics or money.Also bragging isn`t polite.Safe topics are for example asking about pets or about the life of some celebrates.For British,this kind of small talks are very important.One wrong word can ruine the whole impression of you. Bad manners are the biggest problems facing Britain.Spitting and swearing are the most popular ones, along with not saying ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Claude Monet

Claude Monet Claude Monet´i maalimisstiil Claude Monet oli prantsuse maalikunstnik. Tema maalimisstiiliks oli impressionism, mille rajajaks ta oma maali "Impression, soleil levant" ´ga on. Sellele kunstistiilile on iseloomulikud muuhulgas ka nähtavad pintslitõmbed, heledad värvid, avatud kompositsioon, rõhuasetus valgusele ja selle muutumisele. Claude Monet on loonud ligikaudu 2500 maali. Ta armastas maalida valguse peegeldamist vee pealt, tihtipeale maalides sama objekti mitmeid kordi erinevatel kellaaegadel, et saavutada erinevaid valgusefekte. “Impression, soleil levant” ("Impressioon. Tõusev päike")- 1872 Õpingud Claude Monet sündis 14. november 1840 aastal Pariisis. 1845. aastal kolis ta oma perega Põhja-Prantsusmaale, Le Havre'isse Tema kunstianne avaldus väga noorelt, alguses küll karikaturistina. Kuid hiljem hakkas ta huvi tundma maalikunsti vastu ning 1858. aastal võeti üks tema maalidest vastu kohalikule...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Kunst 18-19 sajand.

Kristjan Kipper 10b Jacques Louis David " Marat' surm " 1793. Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres "Mademoiselle Riviére" 1805 Francisco José de Goya " Saturnus sööb oma lapse" 1819-1823 Pariisi Tähe triumfikaar Eugene Delacroix´ Vabadus viib rahva barrikaadidele" Théodore Géricault´ "" Meduse'i" parv" Jean Franscois Millet " Viljapeade korjajad" Ilja Repin " Burlakid Volgal" Claude Monet " Päikesetõus. Mulje" Impression - mulje Vincent Van Gogh " Vincenti tool piibuga" Post ­ pärast, järel Paul Gauguin " Autoportree Kollase Kristusega" Edvard Munch " Karje" Norra Alesundi nukumajad

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
19 allalaadimist

Claude Monet referaat

Järva-Jaani Gumnaasium Mittestatsionaarne õpe Mari-Liis Reinholdy Claude Monet Referaat Koeru 2010 Sisukord Sissejuhatus..........................................1 Claude Monet.......................................2 Elulugu..................................................3 Havre`i aastad.......................................4 Camille Doncieux..................................4 Viimased eluaastad...............................5 Looming................................................6 ,,Impressioon .Tõusev päike"................7 Teose analüüs.......................................8 Kokkuvõte.............................................9 Kasutatud kirjandus..............................9 Sissejuhatus Minu referaat räägib teemal Claude Monet elu ja looming. Selle teema valisin kuna Monet on oma aja üks suurimaid ja põhimõttekindlamaid kunstnike. Monet on üks kuulsamaid prantsuse maalikunstnike moodsa ku...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
20 allalaadimist

10. klassi formal letter

Letter I write to you to inform about bad quality video game and rude shop assistent. I bought game in 19. October 2009. When I got home I realized that game is with bad quality and it was impossible to play. Next day I went back to shop, to complain about product. Shop assistant started to blame me and told that game is fine and the problem is about my computer. I asked her to check the game but she didn't listen and asked me to leave. I was suprised and offended. I had a very bad impression of your shop and I hope that it will not repeat.

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Claude Monet

CLAUDE MONET Daniil Petrov 14. november 1840 – 5. detsember 1926 oli prantsuse maalikunstnik, impressionismi rajaja ja peaesindaja impressionismi vool sai nime tema maali "Impression, soleil levant" ("Impressioon. Tõusev päike") järgi monet'lt pärineb umbes 2500 maali tema kunstianne avaldus väga noorelt, alguses küll karikaturistina. varsti hakkas ta aga huvi tundma maalikunsti vastu ning 1858. aastal võeti üks tema maalidest vastu kohalikule näitusel tuntuimateks teoseks peetakse maale "Eine vabas looduses", mille ta maalis 1866. aastal, "Impressioon. Tõusev päike" 1872. aastal, "Moonipõld" umbes aastal 1880 ja "Udu Londonis" 1903. aastal "IMPRESSIOON. TÕUSEV PÄIKE„ "Naine rohelises kleidis„ "Naine päevavarjuga" "Eine roheluse’’ "Saint Lazare Jaam’’

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Impressionismi kokkuvõttev esitlus

Impressionism J*** T***** 17.02.2012 Sissejuhatuseks... · ,,Impression ­ le solei levant" · Nimetuse pani kunstikriitik Louis Leroy. Impressionismi teke · Vabas õhus maalimine · Natüürmort (nature mort pr. keelest) · Omapärane ja värske nägemus · Lihtne ja uus kompositsioon · Impressionism oli teerajaja teistele ­ismidele. Algus aastad · Kujunes välja 19. sajandi keskel · Kunstiakadeemia tõjumine · Rahvale ootamatu suund · Tehnika, kujutus, kompositsioon ei sobinud Kunstiakadeemia reeglitesse. · Impressionistide 12 nurjunud näitust Kuidas impressionismi maale ära tunda? · Pintslitõmbed · Värvide eraldamatus · Valgusega mängimine · Vabas õhus maalitud · Värve ei segatud · Paksud värvikihid · Värve hakati tumendama sinise värviga. Claude Monet · Impressionistide eeskuju, kuid ise ta ennast impressionistiks ei lugenud. Camille Pissarro · Maalis enamasti linnavaateid Claude Manet · ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Impressionism - Erinevused maailmakunstist

Impressionism Erinevused maailmakunstist 1.Impressionismil puudub otsene manifest ning ühtne stiil. 2.Nad leidsid inspiratsiooni Jaapani puudelõikuskunstist ning fotograafiast. 3.Impressionism sai tähelepanu alles peale selle tipphetki kuna tol ajal ei saanud kunstnikud eriti üldse mingit tunnustust ja see oli osa nende mõtteviisist ning loomingust. Kunstnikud: 1. Claude Monet’ teosed: Impression, Sunrise Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son The Water Lily Pond Talle meelids kujutada päiksetõuse, lilli, inimesi kuid samuti sildu. Ta kasutas väga harva rõõmsaid toone. 2. Auguste Renoir teosed: Luncheon of the Boating Party Bal du moulin de la Galette Dance at Bougival Ta käsitles peaaegu ainult inimesi ja kuidas nad midagi teevad. 3. Alfred Sisley teoesed: Snow at Louveciennes The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne Flooding at Port-Marly Tema temaatikaks olid ilusad vaated erinev...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Character reference (soovituskiri)

To Whom It May Concern, I am very pleased to write a character reference for (name) I have known (name) since (date). I clearly remember the first time I met her. She was very friendly towards everyone and that really gave me a good impression of her. And even now I think she is a very joyful and lovely person, who cares for others as much as for herself. During these two and a half months I have known (name), she has always been very hard-working and extremely passionate about everything she does. She is strong-willed and if she somehow doesn't succeed in something, she tries again and again until she does. (name) is also very committed to her education and very industrious. Her favourite subjects are math and Estonian. I would certainly recommend (name) for any position where hard-working, passionate and co- operative people are valued. Sincerely, (signature, name)

Keeled → Inglise keel
91 allalaadimist

Impressionsim maalikunstist, kirjanduses ja muusikas

Impressionism Johanna Nõupuu Ana Laura Kaasik 12SST Juhendaja:Karin Lükk-Raudsepp Impressionism " Impression, soleil levant " (Mulje, tõusev päike). Impressionism - mulje Lõpetati standardite järgimine Isiklikud muljed,emotsioonid Stiili teke ja üldiseloomustus Tekkis maalikunstis Prantsusmaal(19.saj.) Pariisi kunstnike vaba ühendus, näitus 1874.aasta Vastureaktsioon Emotsiooni, tunnete edasi andmine Looduse teema Impressionism kunstis nähtavad pintslitõmbed heledad värvid avatud kompositsioon igapäevased teemad vabas õhus Claude Monet-viljakaim impressionist "Naine päevavarjuga" Impressionism kirjanduses Tunde- ja mõttemaailma varjundid teemad- armastus ja loodus hingeelu, hetkemeeleolu, detaili rohkus luuletus, novell, lühiromaan Marie Under- "Sonetid" "Eelõitseng" Villem Ridala ''Talvine õhtu'' Üle hämara, varjudest tume, on unesse vajund. õrna ja sinava lume ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunsti ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Impressionism kunstis

Impressionism kunstis Nimi Impressionism • Impressionism oli uus kunstivool, mis sai alguse 1860. – 1870. Aastatel. See avaldus peamiselt maalikunstis. Voolu nimetus tuleb prantsusekeelsest sõnast impressioon (mulje). Põhitunnused • Taheti jäädvustada hetkemuljet ja valgusefekte. • Maaliti väikeste kiirete pintslilöökidega • Varjutamisel ei kasutata musta värvi • Värvide segamisel kasutati valget – pildid olid heledamad • Detailid olid hägused, kaugelt vaadates tundus visandina Ajalugu • Alguse sai 1860. aastal Pariisis kunstnike vabast ühendusest • Peamiseks tekkepõhjuseks oli see, et ei oldud rahul akademistliku kunstiga – see oli liiga kuiv • 1874 aastal korraldas kunstikriitik Louis Leroy esimese impressionismi näituse • Leroy oli ka esimene, kes võttis kasutusele sõna impressioon Miks ? • Sellel ajal domineeris Prantsusmaal kunstiakadeemia, ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
7 allalaadimist

Supermarket vs cornershop

Supermarket vs Corner shop Most people are under the impression that they like supermarkets. However, there are big vairety of those, who love to shop in corner shops. Both shops have their pros and cons. So which shop should we perfer to? Firstly, supermarket's main advantage is big vairety of all kinds of products. There are all kinds of different sorts and you can be sure to find different discounts too. Many discounts are with shopping carts, so it is important to have one. On the other hand, there are bigger queues than corner shops and can be more difficulties to find products, because area is much bigger. Secondly, corner shops main advantage is location. They are closer to home and there are short queues too. Also there are some products that you won't find in supermarkets and also fresh bakery products. On the other hand, there can be expensive products and they might be open only few hours. All in all, it is every people's dec...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

A letter of application

Peter Gordon Hiring Manager Dayjob Suur-Ameerika 120 Tallinn, Harjumaa 10th June 2013 Dear Mr Gordon I am interested in applying for the position of cahier/shopkeeper which I saw advertisted on the website. I enclose a copy of my CV. I would like to work for you because I honor the brands your company is selling and I am very interested in fashion. I would also like to learn more about your company and partners as I feel that it is extremely important to give customers the best impression and quality. I think I am an open person. I like to talk with people descriptively and persuasively while remaining friendly and calm. I'm also honest with money and loyal to my work. I think I would be a good advisor due to my fashion knowledge. In addition, I can speak Estonian, Finnish, English and a little Russian, which might be a big plus. I look forward to hearing form you soon. Yours sincerely Triibulised Püksid LAI 1234 Tal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Speech about money

Speech about money ! ! Hi, I am … and I am going to talk about the importance of money. In such a costly and competitive society and world, no one of us can live without money. We need money for basic things such as food, clothes and shelter. People in the society who are rich are looked as honourable and respectful people of the society however a poor person is disliked without any good impression. All of us want to be rich by earning more money through good job or business. Everyone wants to get good study with higher education from the popular college and university to get good job in order to earn more money. We want to be on the safe side. Without money we feel helpless and alone in this world where no one is ready to help and assist. In the current materialistic world, money is very important and powerful thing without we cannot live and survive. Money in our world is impor...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Nimetus "impression" ­ mulje on tinglik. Suunale andis nime Claude Monet maal "Impressioon. Tõusev päike.", mis eksponeeriti 1874 a. impressionistide esimesel näitusel. Nimetuse võttis esimesena kasutusele kunstikriitik Louis Leray oma artiklis, kus püüdis Monet´tööd naeruvääristada. Esialgu kasutati seda halvustavas tähenduses kunstnike kohta, kelle julgeid töid ei võetud vastu ametlikele näitustele. impressionistid võtsid selle nimetuse omaks ja nii hakkasidki nad endid kutsuma impressionistideks ja oma loomingut impressionismiks. Impressionistid püüdsid jäädvustada hetkelisi muljeid, mida nad said ümbritsevast elust või loodusest. Nad väitsid, et enne neid ei kujutanud veel keegi loodust päris õigesti, kuna ei kasutatud õhuperspektiivi. Impressionistid loobusid oma maalidel teravatest piirjoontest, mustadest värvidest. Nad töötasid otse looduses, kasutasid heledaid puhtaid värvitoone ning vaba pintslitehnikat. Impressionistid püü...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
25 allalaadimist

Customer Service in Hospitality

Customer Service in Hospitality Why is it important to provide good service? – Customer is the lifeblood for any business – Good service is about keeping loyal customers – Affects businesses reviews – Nowadays , before buying a businesses products or services-people search for online reviews What represents good and bad service? Service is the extent to which a service meets the customers needs and expectations GOOD SERVICE: BAD SERVICE: ― Long wait and response times – Helping customers in manner that ― Poor attention to detail exceeds their expectaition ― Poor knowledge of product,what you – Fast and convenient support are selling/presenting – Your interest in customers problem Important Things in Customer Service – Create a great first impression – Listen to customers carefull...

Majandus → Inglise keel I
1 allalaadimist

The Book I Advice to Read and Why

The Book I Advice to Read and Why. I've recently read a book which has made a very deep impression on me. It is called The Fifth Mountain and it gets really unforgettable reading. The author of the book is Paulo Coelho. He is my favourite writer, so I can recommend almost all his books I read. His plots always mislead the reader and keep him in suspense. 61 The Fifth Mountain is a work inspired by a biblical passage which seeks to reconcile all contradictions of the soul, and which intends to be an excellent advisor in times of confusion and reflection. 95 The story of the prophet Elijah is an invaluable lesson of hope for the contemporary man. To what point can we predict our own destiny? This is the question that hangs in the air over The Fifth Mountain. Paulo Coelho brings out the universal themes of how faith and love can ultimately triumph over. The author lets the reader draw his own conclusions after having experienced the hero'...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kõne "Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character"

Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character When I was choosing a topic what I'm going to talk about, I read: Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character, and I momentarily knew that this is a topic what I really like. First of all: What I think, which one is more important ? To be smart or individual ? And I have to say that I am absolutely sure that there is nothing better to be clever and intelligent. Like our headmaster said on September 1st, that when you are smart, you will be rich and powerful also. Education and knowledge are foundations of our life. Some people think, that it doesn't matter how educated you are. Important is how unique you are, how good impression you left, how beautiful or original you are. I don't want to say that it's a bad thing, but what they gonna do when their personality doesn't help them anymore ? When they need real skills an...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist


Impressionism-Pr. Keelsest sõnast impression e. Mulje.Kunstivool,mis tuleneb realismist-edasi arendus.Kujunes Pr.maal 19. Saj lõpul. Impressionistid said oma nimetuse"Impressionism, tõusev päike" teose järgi(C. Monett). Teoseid iseloomustab õhulisus,suht hele koloriit- pastellsed, varjud on värvilised.Lühikeste pintslitõmmetega kantakse lõuendile palju väikeseid värvilaike,mis eemalt vaadatuna liituvad ühtseks pildiks.Eesmärgiks on maailida seda,mida maalija näeb, mitte seda mis hetkel on. K: A.RENOIR;E.DEGAS(,,Baleriinid");linnavaadetemeister C.PICASSO. K postimpressionistid: V. Van GOGH-hollandlane,"päevalilled""viljapõld küpressidega", teoseid isel. Jõulise ja hoogsad pintslitõmbed,värvid ergsad.;PAUL GAUGUIN-vaimustunud looduslähedasest elust.Inspiratsiooni sai metsukust loodusest, Lõunamere saartelt." Kaks naist Tahitilt", ,,Autoportee paletiga". PAUL CEZANNE-tema looming moodustasid natüürmordid, maastikud ja portreed.Otsis ümbrit...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
44 allalaadimist


Impressionism oli 19. sajandi maalikunsti vool, mis sai alguse 1860. aastatel oma kunstinäitusi korraldama hakanud Pariisi kunstnike vabast ühendusest. Vool sai nime Claude Monet' maali "Impression, soleil levant" ("Impressioon. Tõusev päike") järgi. Sõna "impressionism" laskis kogemata käibele kunstikriitik Louis Leroy, kes kasutas seda ühes satiirilises retsensioonis Impressionistlikule maalikunstile on iseloomulikud nähtavad pintslitõmbed, heledad värvid, avatud kompositsioon, rõhuasetus valgusele ja selle muutumisele, igapäevased teemad ja ebatavalised vaatenurgad. Impressionistid väitsid, et nad näevad asju uutmoodi. Nad ei maalinud mitte ateljees, nagu varem tavaks oli, vaid vabas õhus ja kasutasid ära kaunist päikesevalgust Impressionistid nägid ilu loomulikes poosides ja kompositsioonides, valguse mängus ning eredates ja mitmekesistes värvides. Impressionism rajas tee mitmetele uutele maalikunstivooludele, sealhulgas postimpr...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
1 allalaadimist

"Babel" My favourite film

"Babel" I have got a number of favorite films, but the last one that I have recently seen and really enjoyed is called the "Babel". In the scenes are playing Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett and others. "Babel" is a Golden Globe-winning and Academy Award-winning 2006 film, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu and written by Guillermo Arriaga. The action of the film takes place in 3 different countries and all the events that happen during the film are interrelated. At the beginning of the film two Moroccan boys shot from rifle and this influenced a chain of events that link on American tourist couple struggle to survive, two Moroccan boys involved in an accidental crime, nanny illegally crossing into Mexico with two American children and a Japanese teen girl rebel, whose father is caught by the police in Tokyo. Every branch of the story has it s very own distinct style that complements the plot of ea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Monet - "Tõusev päike"

MAALI ANALÜÜS 11. klassile Claude Monet, "Impression, soleil levant" ("Impressioon. Tõusev päike"). Maal on dateeritud 1872. aastaga, kuid tõenäoliselt valmis 1873. Tegemist on õlimaaliga, mis on maalitud lõuendile. Maali mõõtmed on 48×63 cm. See on impressionism, mis saigi oma maalikuntsiliigi nimetuse Moneti taiese tõttu. Tõusev päike on maastikumaal. Maalil on kujutatud Le Havre'i sadamat. Kuna maalil on kujutatud sadamat, siis põhiline toon on sinine, segatud kohati rohelise ja kollasega. On näha sadamat ja ühte väikest paadikest, mis asja kas lahkus sadamast või suundub sinna. Värvide kooskõla on täiuslik. Kunstnik on superhästi ära tabanud värvikasutusega hommikuse päikesetõusu vaate ja ka meeleolu. Siiski kuna on tegu impressionismiga, siis on kõik nn. piirjooned segased ning asju tuleb kohati aimata, aga see ongi maali võlu. Kasutatud on väga vabu pintslitõmbeid, nii et maal laseb sadamat pigem aimata kui kujutab seda. Valisin...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
51 allalaadimist

Visaul Image

The Visual Image Person on the picture A is not important to the visual image, as well he should be able to play music. The model on picture B is definitely a visual image so important because it relates to his work. An artist in picture C visual image is not important for him,as the ability to draw or paint. Cook in picture D is not visual image important as well he should be able to make food. The official in picture E is visual image important because he must be creadible that he could give advise. It is hard to say which job is the most difficult to do well. I do not judge people on how they look, because the first impression may be wrong decision. In my opinion I think the fashion and art is influenced people's perception of beauty and ability, because people have been accompanied by the current fashion and it will become more beautiful by following it. Someone is attractive, if he/she is able to properly express yourself and and ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Leaflet - Making New Friends

Making New Friends Hey, all the students! Feeling kind of lost and lonely in the new school and city? Let's come together! Now, when the school year has started, there's a lot more of us circulating around the campus. Since there have been coming in students from other countries, I'd like to point out some good places where all young people could meet and greet. The usual locations are of course concerts, sport and any other clubs but in case you have some kind of a hobby, you should dig out where you could meet people with the same interests. Our school has always had many interesting events through the year and here are some of the near future ones: A lot alikes banding together ­ doesn't matter weather you're an athlete, a cheerleader, a musician or a writer, you are not the only one, so school is supporting different activity clubs. New cafeteria's opening ­ we do need p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


AVANGARDISM Hanna-Liis Karp 12.a MÕISTE ü Prantsuse keelest. Avant-eel; Garde-vägi ü 1950-1970 aastatel ilmnenud mõtteviis, mis taotleb kirjanduses, kunstis ja muusikas tavaks olnud väljendusvahendite eiramist ja eelkõige nö arengu eelväes olemist ü Seda iseloomustab piiride rikkumine, riskimine, nö tungimine tundmatule territooriumile, vastu astumine ühiskondlikule arvamusele ja hukutav kodanlusevastane protest, ü Lähtub romantismi esteetikast ü Teket seostatakse 1945. aastaga, kui suri helilooja ja dirigent Anton Webern ü AVANGARDISM KIRJANDUSES ü Avangardismiks loetakse futurismi, kubismi, varast ekspressionismi, imaži(ni)smi, akmeismi. ü Franz Kafka „Protsess“, „Metamorfoosis“, „Ameerika“ ü Vladimir Majakovski „Kõrvakiil ühiskondliku maitsele“, „Pilv pükstes“, „Istungite palavik“ ü Samuel Beckett „Keskpäraste naiste unistus“, „Murphy“, „Malone sureb“ Franz...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Kuidas eristada neoimpressionismi, impressionismi ja postimpressionismi?

IMPRESSIONISM 1874-1886 8 näitust Claude Monet (1840-1926) ,,Impression. Tõusev päike’’ 1873 Edouard Manet (1832-1883) ,,Eine murul’' 1863 E. Manet ,,Olympia’’ 1863 Aktimaal (Kurtisan), Veenuse poos Alfred Sisley (1839-1899) ,,Suurvesi’’ 1876 Pariis, Louvre Auguste Renoir ,,Kiik’’ 1876 Pariis, Louvre Auguste Renoir "Tants Le Moulin de la Galette'is" 1876 Orsay muuseum, Pariis Auguste Renoir ,,Terassil’’ 1881 Chicago Kunstiinsituut Edgar Degas (1834-1917) ,,Tantsutund’’ ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
1 allalaadimist


Impressionism AnneMai Runtal Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasium 12R Impressionism kunstis ● Teaduslikult mitte emotsionaalselt ● Valguse ja varju mõju maalil ● Hakkasid harrastama vabaõhumaali ● Maal ei pidanud jutustama mingit lugu ● Iseloomulikud jooned: a. Nähtavad pintslitõmbed b. Heledad värvid c. Avatud kompsitsioon d. Rõhuasetus valgusele ja sellele muutumisele e. Igapäevased teemad f. Ebatavalised rakursid Claude Monet ● Prantsuse maalikunstnik ● Impressionismi rajaja ning peaesindaja ● Impressionism sai tema maali järgi nime ● Monet’lt pärineb 2500 maali Maalide nimed 1. “Women in the garden” Claude Monet 2. “Bal du moulin de la Galette” Pierre-Auguste Renoir 3. “A bar at the Folles-Bergère” Èdouard Monet 4. “Impression, soleil levant” Claude Monet 5. “Paris street; Rainy day” Gustave Gaillebotte 6. “L’Absinthe” Edgar Degas 7. “The floor scrapers”...

Muusika → Muusikaajastud
6 allalaadimist

Eclipse book presentation

,,Eclipse" Stephenie Meyer INTRODUCTION v Book name: ,,Eclipse"(Twilight saga 3 book) v Type of book: novel, love story v Author: Stephenie Meyer v My overall impression: It's a great love story. The book is a little fancy. v Brief summary of the setting and plot: It continues the story of 18yearold Bella Swan and her vampire love, Edward Cullen. Bella wants to become a vampire, but Edward does not like this idea. Bella falls steadily hazards and from there the adventure starts. SUMMARY OF THE PLOT Main characters: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black , Charlie Swan, Victoria, Alice Cullen Plot: Edward and Bella apply to colleges, before that Bella wants to meet her werewolf friend, Jacob Black but Edward thinks it unacceptable because Bella could be in danger. Edward fears for Bella's safety. Alice Cullen, vampire and Edwards sister, has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella for re...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Impressionism H versioon

IMPRESSIONISM Tutvustus ◦Sai alguse 1860. aastatel ◦Nimi Claude Monet' maali „Impressioon. Tõusev päike“ („Impression, soleil levant“) järgi. ◦1874 aasta kevadel korraldasid impressionistid esimese oma näituse. ◦Sõna "impressionism" laskis käibele kunstikriitik Louis Leroy ◦1880-ndaist aastaist hakkas impressionism mõjutama teiste maade kunstnikke. Tunnused ◦Kasutasid ettesegatud värve. ◦Püüdsid nimelt jäädvustada hetkelisi muljeid ◦Töötasid vabas õhus ◦Maalisid ka inimeste argielust – kujutasid oma piltidel esimesena kaasaegset suurlinna ◦Maalide teemaks valiti vähetähtsad sündmused (loodus, kaasaja linna olustik).  ◦Impressionistide tehnikad ja standardid olid erinevad (kunstivoolu hoidis koos mässu- ja sõltumatuse vaim). ◦Ühte objekti võidi maalida päevas mitu korda. Tunnused ◦Ei lasknud värvikihtidel kuivada, vaid katsid märja pinna uue värviga.  ◦Pehmete paste...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Film review

Film review The Shawshank Redemption was filmed by Frank Darabont in 1994. A film based on a story by Stephen King. Film was not a best-seller, but but managed to earn recognition both critics and audiences. Budget was $ 25 million and fees movie was $ 60 million. The picture tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a former vice president of the bank, went to prison Shawshank, from which no one has yet managed to escape. For the murder of his wife and her lover, Dyufreyna sentenced to life imprisonment, as all witnesses and evidence against him, but he pleaded not guilty. Almost all the events of the film take place in Shawshank - the place where people who have committed certain crimes, serving sentences of imprisonment. Here person gets one, and leaves totally different. For many prisoners, the prison is already they home, because, after spending many years, when you go out, there may be nothing left that you so dearly: no home, no fam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


IMPERSSIONISM Diana Korka MTT2 MIS ON IMPRESSIONISM? * Impressionism oli 19. sajandi maalikunsti vool, mis sai alguse 1860. aastatel oma kunstinäitusi korraldama hakanud Pariisi kunstnike vabast ühendusest. Vool sai nime Claude Monet ' maali “ Impression , Tõusev päike” järgi. * Impressionism tähendab muljet -impressionistid nimelt püüdsid jäädvustada hetkelisi muljeid. * Mõjutas selles suunas teisi kujutava kunsti liike – kirjandust, muusikat ja lavakunsti. TUNNUSJOONED * Peamine oli maalida ümbritsevat nii, nagu seda oli näha, mitte nagu seda teatakse olevat. * Tunnused:   Töö kiire valminime  Tähtis kujutamine muutuva valguse kaudu  Väiksed pintslilöögid Värvusõpetuse teooria Värvilised varjud PEAMISED ESINDAJAD *  Peamised esindajad:  Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Camille Pissarro, Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, Édouard Manet ja skulptor Auguste Rodin. * Eesti kunstis on impressionism...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Teater NO99

Theatre NO99 I chose to write about this theatre because I like it the most. It is the most modern theatre I think and the plays are also most startling and astonishing, compare to other theatres in Estonia. It began to operate in February 2005, so it is one of the youngest theatres in Estonia. Probably that's why it is very different from the others and its repertoire is more contemporary then classical. Their first play what "Sometimes you feel that life will end and there hasn't been any love". The theatre also organizes so called one-time "actions", in which you can't be certain if it's going to be a success of failure, because the ideas are somewhat crazy. It has two theatre halls, but their plays have been staged in the open air as well. For example one time in an old swimming pool and also in three abandoned airplane hangars. Their imagination has no boundaries. The theatre'...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Looks - how important

Looks ­ how important? Look is quality, which guarantees us first impression of everything. If we can see a repulsive object, then we would not like to know more about it. Conversely looking object makes us feel different. Is look really so important? Why can´t we be ourselves although our look might be different from the view from the streets? I personally love to be myself. I love to feel comfort, that I create with clothes, that I wear. I get my hair cut if it limits my view. Although my thoughts I am pushed by my comrades. If I dressed in public as I dress at home, I would definitely be stared! I am not the one, who makes the rules, I follow them! My friends might still know who I really am, but making new friends is difficult or even impossible because of my own "freestyle". Taking care of look belongs to grown-up behavior! Luckily of unfortunately is look the base of communication, servicing and relat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

English in my mind

English in my mind LE 10 Joosep Kaur Martin Klaus Andry Haava My dream home should look nice and clean It should be big with a huge yard and a swimming pool. The house has 4 floors . The first floor should have a sauna . The second floor should have a living room and a bathroom. The third floor should have 4 bedrooms and each of the bedrooms should be with a shower . And the fourth floor should have massage rooms and a little spa for me and my family . There should be a basement in the house , in the basement we should have game rooms like bowling and a pool room , and one room with a big tv and with very comfortable sofas and chairs . The following housework: v Washing ­up v Trees traction v Furnaces heating v Cooking v Tidying up v Domestic animals care Summer and autumn: q Lawn mowing q Greenhouse digging q Gardening Muutke teksti laade Teine tase ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Old Tallinn

Old Tallinn The history of Tallinn has been long and dignified and up to the end of the medieval times connected with the area forming the foundation of current Old Town.The frist settlements on the coast of Northern Estonia appeared at the end of the 10th century,when the Estonians established a stronghold in the neighborhood of a favorable port- on the hill of Toompea. The dominants of that time are preserved in their medieval from : churches, public buildings,the Town Hall with the square in of it and the order castle on the hill of Toompea. The O ld Town is the spiritual centre of Estonia with the most important shrines,museums and its historical heritage. The Old Town has surprise for the one-day tourist as well as for its own citizens who have walked the streets of the medieval city for decates. Ten face of the Old Town  Vibrant old town The Old Town Has Never become a museum exhibit of frozen time or ...

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1 allalaadimist

Claude Oscar Monet

Tatjana Kareva 11A klass Tallinna Pae Gümnaasium 2009/2010 aasta 14. november 1840 ­ 5. detsember 1926 prantsuse maalikunstnik impressionismi rajaja ja peaesindaja impressionismi vool sai nime tema maali "Impression, soleil levant" ("Impressioon. Tõusev päike") järgi sündis Pariisis vanemad: vürtspoodnik Adolphe ja Louise Justine Monet ristiti NotreDamedeLorette'i kirikus Oscar Claude'iks kuueaastasena kolis Monet oma perega PõhjaPrantsusmaale, Le Havre'isse, mis on ka paljude tema maalide teemaks kunstianne avaldus väga noorelt, alguses küll karikaturistina 1858. aastal võeti üks tema maalidest vastu kohalikule näitusele, millest tal tekkis plaan saada elukutseliseks kunstnikuks ta asus õppima Pariisi vabameelse õhkkonnaga kunstikooli Académie Suisse'i, kus tutvus ka mitmete kuulsate kunstnikega 1861­1...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
10 allalaadimist


Sightseeing *Haanja Nature Park Haanja Nature Park (area about 17,000 ha) is situated on the Upland of Haanja and was established for the protection of the highest region of Estonia and the Baltic States In addition to the beautiful domed hills, deep valleys and picturesque small lakes old villages, customs and cultural traditions have been preserved * Timmas Nature Reserve Timmas Nature Reserve(the Reserve) is taken under the protection of natural forest and meadow colonies of protected species Reserve land and water protection regime is divided into the character and the degree of economic control of two special management zones and limited. *Suur Munamägi The highest point of the Baltic States Suur Munamägi (318 m, from foot to summit 62m) is situated in the Southern part of the Village of Haanja, 18km South from Võru There is...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Küsimused ja vastused epistemoloogia loengu kohta

Küsimused epistemoloogia loengu kohta 1. Milliste filosoofilste küsimustega tegelevad epistemoloogia, tunnetusteooria ja gnoseoloogia? Epistemoloogia, tunnetusteooria ja gnoseoloogia: On filosoofia üks põhivaldkond, kus küsitakse... · Teadmise võimalikkuse ja selle objektiivsuse kohta · Tunnetusemehhanismide kohta · Tõe olemuse kohta 2. Epistemoloogias on sageli oluline tegelikkuse ja näiluse eristamine. Tooge tegelikkuse ja näiluse eristamise vajaduse kohta üks näide. A: Peeter on hea sõber B: Peeter käitub hea sõbra kombel 3. Kirjeldage Platoni koopa allegooriat ja selgitage, mida selle mõistujutu elemendid sümboliseerivad. Koopa mõistujutt Mida need asjad sümboliseerivad Päike Hüve idee Looduslikud asjad Ideed Looduslike asjade varjud Matemaatilised objektid Lõke koopas ...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
98 allalaadimist

Claude Monet - referaat

KOOL Oscar-Claude Monet Referaat NIMI KLASS KOHT JA AEG 2 3 Sisukord: Sisukord:..................................................................................................................................... 4 Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................................5 Elulugu........................................................................................................................................5 Impressionism ja Argentuil.....................................................................................................5 Camille Doncieux................................................................................................................... 6 Viimased eluaastad........................................................................................

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
50 allalaadimist


Summary: When Bella gets up to go to school she discovers that the temperature has dropped overnight, and now the rain slicked environment has turned into an ice covered one. She's grateful and touched that Charlie thought to plan ahead. He put chains on her tires so she could drive to school safely. She muses that she's not used to people taking care of her like that. No sooner than Bella parks her truck next to a tan car in the school parking lot she notices two things: 1) the all the Cullen and Hale students are standing across the parking lot, in particular Edward is staring at her in dismay, 2) Tyler Crowley has lost control of his van and it is careening toward her faster than she can get away. The next thing Bella knows, Edward knocks her to the ground, out of the way of the Tyler's van. She is under the impression that he physically pushed the van off her not once, but twice. At the hospital Tyler can't stop apologizing to bo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Kunsti sõnavara inglise-eesti

ART 1. visuaalne(nägemise kaudu tajutav) kunst-visual arts 2. arhitektuur- architecture 3. esitus(ettekandev)kunst-performing arts 4. skulptuur-sculpture 5. skulptor-sculptor 6. tarbekunst(rakenduskunst)- applied arts 7. vitraaz-stained glass 8. pastell- pastel 9. maastikumaal-landscape 10. portree-portrait 11. portretist(portreekunstnik)- portrait 12. portreemaal-portrait painting 13. viirutamine, viirutamistehnika-streaking 14. emailimine, emailivärviga katmine-enameling ? 15. graveerimine-engraving 16. papp-cardboard 17. elevandiluu-ivory 18. papüürus-papyrus 19. miniatuurkunst, miniatuurmaal-miniature painting 20. lõuend-canvas 21. õlivärvid-oil paints, oil colours 22. meremaal-seascape, marine painting ? 23. värvigamma, koloriit-colour, coulouring ? 24. (joonistamis)süsi-charcoal 25. käsitöö-handicraft 26. keraamika ja pottsepatöö-pottery 27. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Catcher in the Rye - kokkuvõte

The Catcher in the Rye Despite being written in the beginning of the 1950s, for me “The Catcher in the Rye” is a novel that many youngsters to this day can relate to. The book tells the story of a troubled teenager Holden Caulfield, who sets off on a short trip to New York, after being expelled from yet another private school, to avoid facing his parents. His dark and at times depressive thoughts and emotions have been mixed with humour and brutal reality, making this book stirring to read. The novel is a fantastic example of the coming of age genre, thanks to its various themes of rebellion, emotional and mental growth and indifferent, “I couldn’t care less” attitude. The themes are apparent throughout the novel, giving the reader a clear view of what it’s like to be a teenager, who has no idea what to do with their life. The rebellious tone of the novel and its characters shines out right from the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keele tähtsamad ajavormid

PRESENT SIMPLE – lihtolevik – PIKAAJALINE SEISUND VÕI TEGEVUS I like Chinese food. Mulle meeldib hiina toit. You like classical music. Sulle meeldib klassikaline muusika He likes riding. Talle meeldib ratsutada. She likes cooking. Talle meeldib süüa teha. We like living in a flat. Meile meeldib korteris elada. They like eating out on Fridays. Neile meeldib reedeti väljas söömas käia. Do I work efficiently? Kas ma töötan efektiivselt? Do you work for Statoil? Kas sa töötad ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun