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"-gender" - 152 õppematerjali


Gender equality in higher positions of companies

Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women. To what extent do you agree? In the 21st century it is all about gender equality and every individual wants to achieve high level position in their work place. In the past, women, in many societies, had less rights and privileges than men. The statement says that companies should give a certain number of higher positions to women. However, I do not agree with this requirement completely. Giving a certain percent of higher positions to women certainly is an easy solution but in my opinion it will bring even more sexism. It shows that women are somehow weaker, fragile and need help for everything. And this on the other hand, will cause a situation where females will receive less credit for their jobs, eve...

Keeled → Inglise ärikeel
3 allalaadimist

Teaduslikust artiklist

Jayanti Owens „Early Childhood Behavior Problems and the Gender Gap in Educational Attainment in the United States“ Sotsiology of Education, 2016, 89, 236-258 Artiklis tegeletakse varajase lapsepõlve probleemse käitumisega ja soolise ebavõrdsusega Ameerika Ühendriikide hariduses. Uuritakse kas ja kuidas on need omavahel seotud; millest tuleneb naissoost isikute suurem osakaal hariduses. Autor on uurinud probleemse käitumise pikaajalist mõju. Uurimuses on välja toodud 1980ndatel sündinud lapsed. Lapsi on võrreldud sünnist kuni kahekümnendate eluaastate keskpaigani. Artikli autor Jayanti Owens on kasutanud kirjutises teaduslikke artikleid, mitmeid raamatuid ja uurimusi ning analüüsinud neid. Samuti on ta ise kogunud uusi andmeid artiklis esitatud küsimuste tarbeks. Artiklis on kasutatud empiirilist uurimusmeetodit. Uurimuseks on esitatud kolm küsimust: 1. mil määral on omav...

Sotsioloogia → Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse
3 allalaadimist

Sooline defineerimine

Sooline defineerimine Arutelu Sarah Raichmann Inglise keeles on ilmekalt kaks sõna kirjeldamaks kellegi sugu – sex ja gender. Sex, nagu arvamusliider Marina Watanabe kirjeldab, on bioloogiline. See ei tähenda, et see ei oleks binaarne või vaid üheti mõistetav, kuid et see on seotud otseselt inimese füüsisega. Gender on aga sotsiaalselt kujundatud arusaam kellegi soost. Hea näide sellest on näiteks arusaamad mehisusest ning naiselikkusest erinevates kultuurides. See tähendab, et miski mida meie arvame olevat mees või naine spetsiifiline ei pruugi olla samamoodi mõitetav mõnes teises kultuuriruumis.1 Siinkohal tasub täpsustada, et ei sex ega gender ei ole kuidagi seotud kellegi seksuaalsusega või nende seksuaalse orientatsiooniga – mis siin all on mõeldud on vaid nende sugu ning enesedefineeringut kas mehe või naisena. Essentsialism on lähtumine eeldusest et sugu (või üldse mingisugune olemus) on iseloomustatav olemuslike omadustega, s...

Filosoofia → Sotsiaal ja poliitiline...
1 allalaadimist

Women's Learning Partnership

Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace. Liis Kivirand Backround Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization. Dedicated to women's leadership and empowerment. Cooperation with 18 autonomous partner organizations in the Global South, particularly in Muslim-majority societies. WLP works to empower women to transform their families, communities, and societies. Primary objective is to increase the number of women taking on leadership and decision-making roles at family, community, and national levels, and to improve the effectiveness of feminist social movements in Muslim-majority societies and globally by strengthening the capacity of our partner organizations. Since its founding WLP has established a partnership model that allows for a geometric increase i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Presentation about Casey Brown´s Ted talk

1. slaid Good morning. My name is XXX and today I am going to tell you about Casey Brown´s Ted talk. Her speech is named ,,Know your worth, and then ask for it." My presentation will take about five minutes. You can ask questions at the end of my presentation. 2. slaid (video) 3. slaid - introduction My presentation is about pricing consultant's Casey Brown's speech about knowing the value of yourself as an employee or as a company and making others see what you are worth. This speech seemed interesting to me, because the gender wage gap what she is aiming to is also actual in Estonia. The gender wage gap is a subject that affects somehow all of us. Gender wage gap figure has publicly launched a couple discussions on fair treatment of women and men, and gender balance issues. Casey Brown has some really good tips that we could use to help us. 4. slaid ­ fear and doubts The main point of Casey's speech is that: No one will ever pa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Soolised erinevused karistamise, selle raskusastme määramisel

SOOLISTE ERINEVUSTE PSÜHHOLOOGIA KODUTÖÖ UURIMISVALDKOND Soolised erinevused karistamise,selle raskusastme määramisel PROBLEEM Karistamine,selle olemusest ja isiku konkreetsest teostusastmest tulenevad võimalikud tagajärjed ja mõjud sotsiaalses kontekstis. Kas erinevused meeste ja naiste hinnangutes karistamisel võiksid viidata sotsiaalselt aksepteerimatutele tagajärgedele. TEOORIA Karistamist kui sellist on uurinud Nobes,1999 Briti näitel, Wolfner & Gelles, 1993 Ühendriikide näitel ja samuti Wissow,2001 ja Holden,1999 ning Harper,2006. Suhtumist laste karistamisse on uuritud väga palju, küll loetakse sooliste erinevuste uurimuste algusajaks 1970ndaid aastaid. Oma uurimuses on Hyde, 1984 aastal leidnud, et erinevused meeste ja naiste vahel ei pruugi mitte just alati ilmneda. Oma uurimustes üritasid psühholoogidfeministid tõestada, et peamisteks erinevuste tekitajateks on nn. Sotsiokultuurilised faktorid. Psühhooloogide se...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
1 allalaadimist

Sootundlik pedagoogika

Tartu Ülikool Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond Sootundlik pedagoogika ja selle rakendamine koolis Referaat Tartu 2010 Sissejuhatus Sugu ei tähenda mitte ainult inimeste bioloogilis-füsioloogilisi erinevusi, vaid ka kultuurilisi tavasid, norme ja väärtusi, mis määravad naiseks ja meheks olemise tingimusi. Nende kahe aspekti eristamiseks on inglise keeles kasutusele võetud erinevad mõisted ­ ,,sex" ja ,,gender". Eesti keeles saame vastavalt rääkida bioloogilisest soost, mis on seotud kehalise arengu ja geenidega, ning sotsiaalsest soost, mis sõltub sotsiaalkultuurilistest teguritest ning naiste ja meeste rollide ja võimujaotusega seotud ootustest ühiskonnas. Sotsiaalse soo mõiste osutab kõigele, mis assotsieerub kellegi soog...

Pedagoogika → Haridusteaduskond
26 allalaadimist

Inglise keele struktuur

1. Be ready to explain the terms (lecture 1): language, linguistics, synchronic approach to language, diachronic approach to language, linguistic competence, linguistic performance, what is grammar?, prescriptive grammar vs. descriptive grammar; phonology, phonetics, phone, allophone, phoneme; morphology, morphemes (types of morphemes), morphs, allomorphs, types of affixes, derivational affixes, inflectional affixes; open vs closed class words; syntax. Language: a systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. - human language at all levels is rule- or principle-governed. Linguistics: the scientific study of human natural language Synchronic approach to language: Diachronic approach to language: Linguistic competence: Linguistic performance: What is grammar?: "The sounds and sound patterns, the basic units of meaning, such as words, and the rules to combine them...

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

American Literature Character Sketch-The Color Purple-Shug Avery

Character Sketch-Shug Avery The Color Purple by Alice Walker Shug Avery was a very passionate African-American blues singer, and I believe quite a lot throughout the novel. Her evolvement was interesting to observe. First impression of her wasn’t positive because she appeared rather inelegant and also quite selfish. In essence, she seemed to be unlikable as well as superficial. Shug (originally Lilly) didn’t really embrace herself and adopted a nickname – “Shug”. However she developed a sexual relationship with Celie and with that broke the boundaries of traditional gender roles. She was outspoken, exteremely honest and not easy to affect. All her three children were born out of wedlock. She is a good example of sexuality and gender not being as univocal and simplistic topics as they may seem since she was a bisexual (sexual relationship with Celie). Throughout the novel Celie’s mother was comp...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

A survey report, Phobias

A survey report Phobias 2012 Questionnaire 1. Gender 2. Age 3. Do you have a phobia? 4. If yes, then what kind of phobia? 5. Is your phobia causing you problems? 6. How long have you had a phobia? Report Introduction The aim of this report is to analyse the results of a survey on people's phobias. In this survey, people were asked different questions to find out how many of them suffers from different phobias and how it is affecting their lives. Types of phobias The most common phobias among questioned people are altophobia and pteromerhanophobia. This is shown by the fact that 19% of questioned people are afraid of heights and 17% are afraid of flying. The least common phobia is agoraphobia. This is demonstrated by the fact that only 4% of questioned people are afraid of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places. Number of phobias W...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

English structure revision for the exam 1. Terms Language → A systematic, conventional (tavakohane) use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self-expression. Human language at all levels is rule- or principle- governed (valitsema) meaning that language corresponds to the grammar. Natural language is usually spoken, while language can also be encoded into symbols (such as letters, morse etc) For example: Estonian, English. Linguistics → The scientific study of human natural language. Broadly, there are three aspects to the study which are  Pragmatics (studies the use of language → interested in the gap between the sentence’s meaning and the speaker’s meaning).  Semantics (concerned with the meaning of the language aspects and the way they change, also how objects and language and thinking and language are related). ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Pronouns By: Anneli Võikar Pronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. We can use a pronoun instead of a noun. Pronouns are words like: he, you, ours, themselves, some, each... If we didn't have pronouns, we would have to repeat a lot of nouns. Types of pronouns Personal pronouns Reflexive pronouns Demonstrative pronouns Interrogative pronouns Indefinite pronouns Relative pronouns Possesive pronouns Reciprocal pronouns Pronoun case Personal pronouns Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. We use them depending on: number person gender Case Singular: subject- I, you, he, she, it ; object-me, you, him, her, it. Plural: subject-we, you, they ; object-us, you, them. Examples: 1) Do you like coffee? (subject) 2) John loves you. (object) Reflexive pronouns We use a reflexive pronoun when we want to refer back to the subject of the sentence or clause. Reflexive pronouns end in "-self" (sin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


NOMINATION ITALY BRACELET Nomination Italy Bracelet This is a ultra-light personal adjustable bracelet with unique well-designed links. Nomination Italy Bracelet features  For women and men;  Stylish;  Personal;  Long-lasting;  Hard-wearing;  Expandable;  Affordable;  Attractive;  Unique. Nomination Italy Bracelet customer profile Age: 0-… Gender: Both Income: min 300€ Job: whatever; Interests: jewerlies, fashion etc. Advertising  Jewerly stores;  Window displays;  Internet websites;  Homepage. Connect the links to make it unique!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Indoneesia nimi Indoneesia Kultuur India ookean. riis. Gamelan. Jaava ja Bail. -Kultuur Muusika instrumendid Road. Varjuteater. Instrumendid Metallophone Gong Kendang Muusika näited 8Fib_qvgOKf3qzqA0SUk59 See on terve playlist. Palun. Viited. 1.Mis asi on gamelan? 1. TUBLI POISS!!! See on pilliorkester. 2.Kus asub indoneesia ? 2. See asub lõuna - ida osas indiaookenais. 3. Mis on põhi pillid mida mängitakse gamelan orkestris? 3. Seal on: Bonang, Gender, Gong ja Kendang. TÄNAN KUULAMA ST!!!

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Feminism and youth cultures in England

1. Feminism­ movement, ideology to defend women’s rights  Suffrage – right to vote  2.  Feminism  isn’t a unitary movement  because  it  represents  different  women and  different experiences for  them in different parts of the world. Different  ideologies  3. Three waves of feminism  • 1st wave – early 19th century – early 20th century (Political rights, suffrage­right to vote)  • 2nd wave – 1960s­1980s (Social inequalities, gender norms, Women's Liberation Movement)  • 3rd wave – 1990s­2000s (ideas are the same, but they wanted to get rid of things the second  wave had failed to do); feminisms, expansion, multiplicity, postcolonialism.    4.  Anne  Bradstreet­  the  first  feminist  17th  century;  the  most  prominent of early English poets  of North America and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published  Mary  Wollstonecraft­  education;  an  eighteenth­century  English   wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Character sketch - Shel, Orlando by Virginia Woolf

Character sketch ­ Shel "Orlando" ­ Virginia Woolf Marmaduke Bonthrop Shelmerdine, Esquire was Orlando's second love interest, whom she married. They met in the nineteenth century. Orlando thought that she was dying when she heard Shel approach on his horse. Shel went to help her and basically "swept her off her feet". Moments later they got engaged. After knowing each other for two minutes, Shel and Orlando knew everything important about one another. Shel had a castle in the Hebrides, but it was ruined. He was not that rich and spent his time mostly at the sea. Before meeting Orlando he had been on his way to join his brig, but the wind blew from the wrong direction and he could not continue his journey. He was passionate about his job because he did a little model on the ground of the Cape Horn when Orlando asked about it and told stories that had happened during his...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Kati Pall Address Järvamaa Roosna- Alliku vald Koordi Küla Telephone(s) 58504218 E-mail(s) [email protected] Nationality Estonian Date of birth 30.09.1992 Gender Female Desired employment / TÜ Paifarm Occupational field AS Paide Selver Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Estonian Social skills and competences Good computer skills, Word, Powerpoint and Exel Organisational skills and competences Technical skills and competences Computer skills and Good competences Artistic skills and c...

Ametid → Ametijuhend
7 allalaadimist

Programmeerimine PHP

Programmeerimine keeles PHP Andrei Porõvkin Tartu Ülikool (2009) 1 1.1 Üldinfo Alguses oli interneti lehed omavahel seotud staatiliste html dokumentide süsteemina, aga selleks, et mingis dokumendis muutusi teha oli vaja lehti failisüsteemis käsitsi muuta. Kahjuks selline staatiline mudel ei jõua kiirelt muutuva kaasaegse maailma progressile järgi. Seega võeti kasutusele dünaamiline mudel. Dünaamilise mudeli korral ei hoita serveris staatilisi html lehte vaid neid genereeritakse selleks spetsiaalselt välja töötatud programmidega, mis serveril töötavad. Antud kursuse jooksul tutvume klient-server arhitektuuriga, installeerime enda arvutisse veebiserveri ja php interpretaatori ning saame baasteadmisi serveripoolsest keelest PHP. Kursuse teemad on pühendatud ainult PHP keelele (väljarvatud seitsmes teema), aga see ei tähenda, et sellest piisab suure ja eduka veebilehe loomiseks. Mahuka infosüsteemi e...

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
54 allalaadimist

Veebiteenused (kordamisküsimused ja vastused kontrolltööks)

VEEBIT EENUSED. KONT ROLLTÖÖ. SOA o A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural pattern in computer software design in which application components provide services to other components via a communications protocol, typically over a network. The principles of service-orientation are independent of any vendor, product or technology. o Kasutab XMLi sõnumivahetuseks o Võimalus integreeride süsteeme Service-oriented architecture (SOA)  Arhitektuur, mis kasutab – teenuseid organisatsiooni integrastiooni ehitusklotsidena – komponentide taaskasutust läbi nõrga seotuse. SOA: On arhitektuur  Mingi hulga teenuste tegemine ei anna meile SOA-d.  Arhitektuur peab andma meile juhised teenuste loomiseks. SOA: Ehitatakse teenustest  Nagu objekt-orienteeritud maailmas on objekt/klass nii on SOA-s teen...

Informaatika → Programmeerimine
55 allalaadimist

Having a job while studying - essee

Having a job while studying I think, that when a student have a job while studying, has positive and negative sides. The positives side of it is that when you have work then you have your own money and you don´t have to ask money your parents. You have experience when you go to work after school. But at the negative side you don´t have enough time to learn your homework, because when you aren´t at school you are at work. It takes much time of your personal life. When you want to go out with your friends, then you can´t because you have to be at work or relationships with opposite gender will suffer. And when you are grown up you will understand that you have lost a piece of your childhood. However, these students are after school more prepared to real life, where you have your own family or even you have kids and it is very important to your future life. Taking everything into account, having a j...

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Ülevaade loetud kirjandusest

Ülevaade loetud kirjandusest. 14.02.2018 1)Aune, Kristin. 2011. Much less religious, a little more spiritual: the religious and spiritual views of third-wave feminists in the UK. Feminist Review No. 97, religion & spirituality, 32-55 Sekulariseerumist käsitlevaks artikliks valisin Kristin Aune uurimuse Suurbritannia ja Põhja-Iiri Ühendkuningriigi feministide religioossetest vaadetest. Konteksti lisamiseks lugesin ka Neitzi (2014) ja McPhilipsi (2016) artikleid, mis muuhulgas annavad ülevaate feminismi rollist ja seostest sekulariseerumisprotsessiga. Kuigi naiste ja religiooni teemal on palju uurimusi kirjutatud, sealhulgas ka läbi feministliku vaatenurga, on üllatavalt vähe uuritud feministide endi vaateid religioonile ja spirituaalsusele. Kristin Aune uurimuse eesmärgiks ongi see lünk täita ja uurida end kolmanda laine feministidena määratlevate (peamiselt noorte) naiste suhtumist religiooni ja spirituaalsusesse. Meetod: uurimuse a...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Pros and cons of digital communication and face-to-face communication

Pros and cons of digital communication and face- to-face communication Richard-Sven Rivik Digital communication: pros • Convenient • Fast • Simple • Record of conversation • Hybrid meetings • Media content Digital communication: cons • Lying • Bad for your eyes • Fake identity • Overuse • Privacy Face-to-face communication: pros • Express of feelings • Instant response • Better knowledge • Collaborate • Suitable for discussions Face-to-face communication: cons • Schedule availability • Distance • Time consuming • Media content • Not effective in large gatherings THANKS FOR WATCHING AND LISTENING! References 1 • / • Virtual+Meetings • https:// ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Gay Families

Gay families Homosexual people all over the world fight for their right and demand them. They want to legalize gay marriages and many countries allow people of the same gender to marry. Gays want to adobt children too, but people are more against it. Gay marriages are more for that people would accept them and get more used with them. Marriage makes them more equal with straight people and more rights. This helps them adopting children too. It shows, that two people have a great bound and they're able to adobt and raise a child. They may be good parents, but it's going to be a hard life for that child because of his gay parents. And maybe parents would even effect child sexual orientation. Surrounding ideology tells us what is beautiful, wrong, good and so on. So when childs parents are gays, maybe it can effect child too and make him gay. In my opinion gays are good average people, but I d...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Having a job while studying

Having a job while studying I think, that having a job while studying has both, positive and negative sides. One point of view in favour is preparation for the further life. On the other hand, having a job while studying shortens your spare time, time to relax and rest your brain, also you do not have time to do your homework properly, grades will suffer. Furthermore, young people should have enough time to spend with their friends and family, while students who work, use their ,,free time" to earn money, they enter to the grown-up world too soon, not to mention the fact that these working students usually do not have enough time for their personal life, relationships with opposite gender will suffer. They lose piece of their childhood. However, these students who are working while their studyies, are more prepared to real life, life where they have to deal with all kind of hard situati...

Keeled → Inglise keel
88 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia referaat

Sotsioloogia referaat Artikli pealkiri on „Gender and Crime“ ning selle autor on Candace Kruttschnitt sotsioloogia osakonnast Toronto ülikoolist Kanadast. Ajakiri, kus artikkel „Gender and Crime“ ilmus, on Annual Review of Sociology. Artikkel ilmus 2013. aastal 39. köites lehekülgedel 291-308. Tegelik pikkus on artiklil lühem, sest lõpus on mitu lehekülge kasutatud allikaid ning sisukord. Seega on sisulist materjali 13 lehekülge ja tegemist on teadusliku artikliga. Artikli märksõnad on naiste kuritegevus, kriminoloogia teooria ja feministide uuringud. Artiklit valisin kaua ning kaalusin päris mitmete variantide vahel. Sirvisin läbi erinevate ajakirjade artikleid. Raske oli leida sobivat, sest kui leidsin huvitava teema, oli artikkel ebasobiva pikkusega või ei tundunud olevat teaduslik. Käesolev artikkel vastab minu arvates igati nõuetele ning arvan, et naiste poolt sooritatud kuritegevus on oluline teema ja pigem jäetud suurema tähe...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
14 allalaadimist

English Report

Report A task was given to write a report which conveys the results of a survey about shopping habits of people of different ages and gender. The results of the survey were mostly the same, although there are some differences in answers. How much does one shop? About 1/3 of the 9 people surveyed said that they go shopping once a week. Others said that they shopped at least two times a week and it takes about 30 minutes for men and a hour for women to buy groceries and at least an hour if it's a shopping spree. How much do you spend on your hobbies? All men (4 out of 9 people surveyed) said that the most enjoyable products to shop for are electronics while all the women agreed that clothing and acessories are the most fun things to buy. Men also spend less than women, about 50 euros and about 80 euros a week respectively. The experience itself Women said that they enjoy shopping with friends ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Are men better directors than women ?

Name: Chlen Zhopov Subject: Essay Are men better directors than women ? It is common that top executives in big companies are mostly men. But does that necessarily mean that women are not suitable for such responsible, effort and leadership demanding jobs? I do not think so. First of all, I would like to say that this tradition is coming not only from history, but from evolution. In nature, masculine representatives of most species are stronger, more agile and aggressive than feminine representatives, because their biological function is to be the main breadwinners and defenders of their families, while females' main functions are to distribute that bread within the family, raise, feed and look after the progeny. Of course there are exceptions like lions (lionesses do hunting which ensures food for their families), seahorses (males bear the eggs) and some others, but in general law of nature is such. So i...

Filosoofia → Ärieetika
17 allalaadimist

The influence of television

The influence of television Television in Estonia started with broadcast experiments in the 1930's. Regular long broadcasted days started when Estonia was in the Soviet Union. That time there weren't very many channels and some were Finnish. Today there are big variety of channels, both cable and public television network, but technically Estonia has gone over to digital television. Television came more popular in Estonia in the 1970's, when there were more coloured TV's published. Almost every home had at least one TV. Television wasn't just for watching different channels, but also for gaming, like Super Mario, which actually was called ,,TV game" amongst little children. Television has the potential to unite communities, provide information to allow positive cultural, social and environmental change, and to create a true global village. It also has the potential to alienat...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Do you consider yourself more functionalist or more conflict theorist?

Do you consider yourself more functionalist or more conflict theorist? Please explain why? Functionalism and conflict theory are very different views of society, but they are not exactly opposites. Both have arguments, that make people think about the society they live in and both have theorists who critize each other. In my opinion, none of the theories are completely wrong but I do tend to agree with people on the conflict theory side. Firstly, functionalism ignores inequality and focuses too much on the positive functions in society. For example racism, functionalists will say that it must be imporant in order to exist as long as it has but in my opinion that sounds quite doubtful. The most problematic part about racism is above all the tension and conflict which comes with it. Seems to me, that functionalists ignore the negative sides which society has on people. Secondly, I agree ...

Sotsioloogia → Sissejuhatus...
1 allalaadimist

History of english review questions and answers 2016

CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF OLD ENGLISH - 15 monophtongs, (7 long, 7 short, 1 central), 4 diphtongs, 17 consonants. Free variaton of R, and it was pronounced everywhere. Very much Germanic in character. Quite some special consonants that no longer exist. About morphology: synthetic with numerous aglutinating tendencies. System of tenses Germanic, but with a reduction of tenses. Paradigmatic leveling; Stress shift; Word order; Loan words (Old Norse, Old French). Dual pronouns. Determiners - no separate definite article. Strong and weak verbs. Word order relatively free with tendencies towards SVO. SVO, SOV, VSO most common. Adposition and podposition were both possible (eesliide ja tagaliide). About syntax: clauses were joined much simpler than nowadays, using and, then etc. Because of case syncretion the word order in a sentence became much more important to be able to tell the difference between words. FIRST CONSONANT SHIFT (GRIMM'S L...

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Respect For Other People

Respect for Other People I would definite the word respect as esteem and as excellence of a person, a personal quality and ability. In human cultures there are varied ways of showing respect by bodily actions. In many European cultures, people shake hands. In others, such as in Japan people bow at the waist when meeting. Frequently, gender is a factor in how respect I displayed in bodily behavior. For example, woman in many Western cultures traditionally curtsy, whereas men bow. As a sign of respect in almost any form of the military is a salute. A salute is used by enlistees to show respect to the position held by officers and by officers to those of higher rank. The 21-gun salute is done within the military for funerals of military members and for high-ranking civilians such as the President. Sometimes the word respect can mean also toleration and tolerance. It means that we accept people who- and lik...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Should a man be a househusband

Should a man be a househusband? Should a man be a househusband? It is a pretty popular subject nowadays. The phenomenon of strong women is more and more urgent, whereas more and more men stay at home as househusbands. This phenomenon causes many people to wonder whether this is a positive change. If this is true, can it be done without having a negative effect on the family? In my opinion, a man should earn money for his family, but taking care of the house and kids should be women's chores, because every child needs mother's care and attention. Otherwise lack of it may be seen in the future and father cannot replace mother. Furthermore, men are not going to stand still and watch it uselessly. Most of them think of themselves as the family heads and they have an obsession about being the successful ones. But behind every successful man there is a woman, and it is a boost for men's ego, because they ha...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Technology and choice

Technology and choice Everyone has a choice and It's up to you to decide whether you take it or not. Technology is developing too fast, mayby someday we even have a choice to choose of what kind a baby we would like to have. It would be nice to choose a baby of your own, wouldn't it ? Firstly, It depens on a persons point of wiew. For some people it's definetly wrong and demonic. Others say it would be awesome and interesting , experience of life. secondly, technology isn't ready for that, we are already changing evolution by abortion. But mayby in the future we have a choice of what kind a baby we would like. You'll never know, perhaps they will make a menu and you can select a baby of your own taste. You could choose a girl with hot body and kind heart. In addition you could make her intelligence high, make her tall and give her hobbies. I think that it may be nice to choose hair color and eye color...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kõne : The Wisdom of Youth

The Wisdom of Youth There is a proverb "Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age" . People usually assosiate wisdom with older people. Young people don't often feel their voice is being heard. They feel they have lot to give but peole just don't want to give them an opportunity. They might and certanly are seeing things in other perspective than older people do. Older generations are not used with upgrades in and new features in society and thats why they are all saying that the youth is in .... But younger generation have more advanced and newer information with them. Nowadays the young know much more than the older did at the same age. They have innovative ideas, they are very active and fully commited into their doings and projects. If they take something up, they are will finish it. The next generation are not here just to receive knowldege and information, they are here to be heard and involved in...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Toodan, produtseerin või sünnitan?

Toodan, produtseerin või sünnitan? Miks ei võiks sõna ,,reha" tähistada labidat. Miks kirjutatakse üks sõna just nii nagu on tema kirjapilt. Miks ei võiks tõlgendada liiklusmärke erinevalt? Mõistagi, tekiks kaos. Aga haiguse sümptomid? Kas vesised silmad tähendavad, et peagi on tulemas nohu, silmad on päevläbi arvuti taga istumisest hakanud streikima või oled hoopistükis kuskilt klamüüdia hankinud? Täna keskendun feministlikule allkeele. Nimelt sellele, kuidas mõista ja tõlkida feministlike keelemärke ja mis saaks siis, kui eirata diskursuse terminoloogiat. Analüüsi käigus seletan lahti feministliku diskursuse keelemärgid, mis tavalugejale võivad jääda lisa kommentaarideta ebaselgeks. Analüüsimiseks olen võtnud artikli ,,Gender and The Metaphorics of Translation" Lawrence Venuti tõlketeooriate kogumikust ,,Translation Studies Reader" (Chamberlain 2004: 306­319). Artikkel ise räägib sellest, kuidas tõlget on sag...

Semiootika → Semiootika
16 allalaadimist


Equality Equality is a very important subject in todays world. Even though people of all races, social statuses and of both sexes have more equal rights in just about everything today, than they have had throughout history, there are still many places in the world and lots of topics, where equality is still a big problem. The point of equality, is for everyone to have the same opportunities. In a society with perfect equality, everyone would be able to do what they want, no matter where they are from, how wealthy their parents are, what color their skin is and so on. A persons gender or skin color wouldn't matter, if he or she would apply for a job or candidate for a political position. The same goes for voting rights and the laws would also be the same for everyone. A good example of how modern countries have more equality among their citizens is the United States of America. Just 56 years ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Saksakeele Reeglid

BACK TO GRAMMAR WORKSHEETS WORKSHEET Antworten zum Arbeitsblatt: Adjektivendungen 1 Be sure to refer to your fourquestion flow chart or memorize it and follow its rules! A. Frage 1: Artikel? These nouns have no articles before them, so the answer to question 1 is `no'. 1. Deutsches Brot (n) schmeckt immer gut. 8. Mein Vater darf fettes Fleisch (n) nicht essen. 2. Wir können hier frischen Käse (m) kaufen. 9. Ich möchte armen Leuten (pl) helfen (=dative verb!). 3. Kleine Kinder (pl) sind immer freundlich. 10. Junger Mann (m), was machst du da? 4. Im Gasthof Luitpold gibt es originelle Musik (f). 11. Einige faule Studenten (pl) haben nichts gelernt. 5. Starker Kaffee (m) schmeckt besser mit 12. Hier finden ...

Keeled → Saksa keel
11 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


TALLINNA PEDAGOOGILINE SEMINAR NOORSOOTÖÖ JA TÄIENDUSÕPPE OSAKOND Maarika Tungal NT 31 ÜHISKONNAS VALITSEVAD STEREOTÜÜBID MÕJUTAMAS NOORTEVAHELISI SEKSUAALSUHTEID Kursusetöö Konsultant: Luule Press TALLINN 2012 SISUKORD SISUKORD....................................................................................................................... 2 Noorte seksuaalsuhtlus ja ühiskonna stereotüüpide omavaheline side .............................6 Soo-ja sugupoolesüsteem.......................................................................................... 6 Ühiskonna väärtused ja normid seksuaalelus.............................................................9 Ühiskonna antiseksuaalsed stereotüübid ...............................................

Pedagoogika → Kursusetöö
60 allalaadimist

Estonian language

Estonian language Seliin-Doris Tsinjakov 11. Klass Kehra Gümnaasium · Estonian is the official language of Estonia. · Spoken natively by about 1.1 million people. · It belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family. Classification · Belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic languages, along with Finnish, Karelian, and other nearby languages. · Estonian has been influenced by Swedish, German and Russian, though it is not related to them genetically. History · The two different historical Estonian languages, the North and South Estonian languages, are based on the ancestors of modern Estonians migration into the territory of Estonia in at least two different waves, both groups speaking considerably different Finnic vernaculars. · Modern standard Estonian has evolved on the basis of the dialects of Northern Estonia. · The domination of Estonia a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ajalooline hoone - Haapsalu linnus

Haapsalu Castle Haapsalu Episcopal Castle, is a castle with cathedral in Haapsalu, western Estonia. It was founded in the thirteenth century to be a center for Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek. When there is a full moon in the month of August, it is said that an image of a maiden, the White Lady, appears on the inner wall of the chapel. On full moon nights in August an image of a maiden, The White Lady, is said to appear on the inner wall of the chapel. In 1228, the Archbishop of Riga formed a new diocese consisting of Läänemaa, Saaremaa and Hiiumaa and designated Gottfried, an abbot of Dünamünde Cistercian monastery, as the bishop. These boundaries of the new diocese were permanently fixed by a legate of Pope, Wilhelm of Modena in 1234. The first residence of the diocese was located in Lihula, where with the help of the Order the Bishop transferred the diocese's residence to Vana-Pärnu, wich was burned and destroyed...

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

The Fear of Choosing The Wrong Major in University

The Fear of Choosing The Wrong Major in University People have to make a lot of choices throughout their lifetime. One of the biggest choices a person has to make is to choose what they are going to study after high school. Many students decide to acquire vocational education and they have to choose which profession to pursue, whether it be, for example, learning to become a technician or a hairdresser. However, a bigger majority of teenagers decide to go to university. But before doing so, teenagers have to be certain what kind of study program they will be taking. This puts young people under a lot of stress, because they have a lot of doubt and fear. For example, over the years, there has been an increase of people, who have decided to study Information Technology in University, including myself. The increase has been due to the immense labor shortage in Estonia and the high salaries students will be...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike Anthropology and Tourism Female Adventure Tourism This essay will explain what significance culture has in adventure tourism. There are five paragraphs in this essay, where definitions of adventure travel and human culture are given. First, paragraph will look and define what culture, anthropology and adventure tourism are. Second paragraph will examine how different cultures impact female adventure travel. Third paragraph will point out the problems in adventure tourism. The forth paragraph will give recommendations for the future and some of the possible future problems in female adventure tourism will be looked at. The last paragraph will be a summary of the key findings and recommendations. Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries (Tisdell, 2000, Swarbrooke et al. 2003, Buckley, 2003). According to UNWTO, i...

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist


WHAT IT TAKE FOR MARGARET THATCHER TO BECOME THE PRIME MINISTER It is a rather big achievement for a woman to become the prime minister. Back these days it was even inadmissible to believe in it. She was the only woman in the Parlament at that time. Her father was a pole model and inspiration for her ever since she was a young girl. When she saw her father giving powerful and confident speeches, it motivated her to become as looked up as her father was as a political figure. What gave her a push into politics was wish to make a change in the world, Not to become someone, but to change something that would matter. She was wise and clever enough to do so. What drove her most was her remarkably strong will to stand for her beliefs, disregarding what others said or believed to be better. She strongly believed in her decisions and never backed downs on a decision what she had made. Her terrible stubbornness is probably why she was such a s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The English Language

English began as a west Germanic language which was brought to England bt the Saxons around 400 AD. The spoken and written laguage berween 400 and 1100 AD is referred to as Old English. Many words used today come from Old English. In the 9th and 10th centuries, when Vikings invaded England, Old Norse words entered the language English from about 1300 to 1500 is known as Middle English. It was influenced by French and Latin. French brouht many words connected with goverment. Modern English eas greatly influenced by the English used in London and changed a great deal until the end of the 18th century. Many words were introduced from Greek and Latin to express new ideas, especially in science, medicine and philosophy. Nowadays 80 percent of the word-stock is foreign-born. So we can say that most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed. Purists of the languages are res...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Emprical social research

Home Assignment nr. 1 Social Empirical Research (1) 1. What is/ are the research question(s) of this paper? 2. Which research design was applied? 3. Which sampling was used? 4. What kind of results are produced? 5. What are the main messages of this paper? 6. Is it a piece of quantitative or qualitative research? 1. Women entering in the Labour Force 1.1. How women actually make the decision to enter the workforce? Why women stay in the workforce? If women actually make the decision to enter the workforces? 1.2. Research design was Case Study. 1.3. Sampling based on differrent international researchers works, projects, statistical data derived from CSO Labour Force Statistics and interviews. 1.4. 1.5. Individual women make decisions whether to enter the labor for different reasons and ways. Importance of women´s individual...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

How far can we go being tolerant?

Tolerance is the ability to be fair and understanding to people whose ways and opinions are different from one's own. It seems like a good and challenging streak to have, but the question is, how far we can go with it. I would say not very far. More and more media and public encourage us to be tolerant to homosexuals and their lifestyle and many countries have actually made their marriages legal and tolerate them. Also, there have been numerous discussions on whether they should have the right to have, adopt and raise children. To me, it is absolutely unacceptable because this is not normal. They could have good facilities for bringing up children and lots of love to give them, but in my eyes it just is not suitable for a child. How could a child live a normal life having to live with two mothers or two fathers? It may sound very intolerant and rude from my part, but I do not think any child could live like that and have a normal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Cover letter ja Europass CV

Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Katherin Mayfair Address Manni tee 8 EE-11213 Tallinn (Estonia) Telephone(s) +3726667882 Mobile +37255573210 E-mail(s) [email protected] Nationality Estonian Date of birth 23 July 1972 Gender Female Desired employment / Computer systems designer Occupational field Work experience Dates 01/06/2005 - 25/04/2009 Occupation or position held Computer systems designer and analyst Main activities and Designing computer systems and engineering. responsibilities Name and address of employer ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
107 allalaadimist


DANCING Since earliest times, people have awlays enjoyed dancing. Dancing generally means moving your body. Usually to music and rhythm. Dance is presented in a spiritual setting or as a performance. Dancing is a good way to spend leisure time. It's good for relaxing and expressioning one's feelings. Dancing helps lift one's mood and gives a good feeling. It is a field of sport that keeps people beautiful. Dancing also develops one's movement. Dance is the world's most famous metaphor. It is the hidden language of the soul. Dancing is dreaming with your feet. All it takes is to convince your mind to move your feet. To touch, to move, to inspire. This is the true gift of dance. The only way to dance, is to believe in yourself and do it. It is not possible to say when dance became part of human culture. Dance has certainly been an important part of ceremony, rituals, celebrations and entertainment...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Political analysis (PEST) Lithuania

Tax policy After regaining independence in 1990, Lithuania is a fully functional parliamentary democracy. The chief of state is the president, and the head of the government is the premier. The president is directly elected by the people and serves a 5-year term. The parliament, known as the Seimas, has 141 members who are elected for 4-year terms. Of these, 71 are directly elected by the people and 70 are elected by proportional vote. The tax burden, at some one-third of the GDP is moderate by international standards and will further be reduced as the liberalization progresses. These are mainly income and value-added taxes . Tax revenues come from a variety of sources. Goods that are imported into Lithuania face import duties that range from 10 to 100 percent (but average 15 percent on most goods). The highest tariffs are on tobacco, automobiles, jewelry, and gasoline. The personal income tax level is 33 percent with rates of betwee...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun