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"-drill" - 34 õppematerjali


The value of things VS the price of things

The value of things VS the price of things A value can be much more than simple numbers, a value can show what memories, connections and contact people have with a thing. But what exactly is a thing? Well a thing is something lifeless, an item for a certain purpose, it’s something for certain use. When we take a look at the word named „price“, what does it mean? A price usually is seen as a number, as how much something costs. Things can be „overpriced“, but never „overvalued“. An item of high value could have no price, but at the same time an high priced item, could have no value. It’s this way because people see differently, people have different memories and emotions to remember. But as in this world today, price matters. People can’t afford anything, price means something as well, it can show how wealthy you are, how much someone can mean to you. Price is just a number, it shows how much something pays...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Lõiketöötluse projekt

Markus Põder TEHNOLOOGIA MÄÄRAMINE PROJEKT Õppeaines: LÕIKETÖÖTLEMINE JA LÕIKERIISTAD Mehaanikateaduskond Õpperühm: MI-31 Juhendaja: Masinaehituse õppetooli hoidja Tavo Kangru Tallinn 2015 SISUKORD 1. Ülesande sisu ................................................................................................................................4 2. Lintsaag Bomar STG275 ..............................................................................................................5 3. Treipink Haas TL-1 ......................................................................................................................6 4. Puurpink Bench Mount Drill Press ..............................................................................................7 5. Materiali ja tooriku andmed ................................

Masinaehitus → Lõiketöötlus
62 allalaadimist

Elektrilised tööriistad

Jaanus Mitt Elektrilised tööriistad Lintsaag (bandsaw)  Lintsaag on saepink, mille lõikeriist on kinnise kontuuriga saelint.  Lintsaage kasutatakse nii palkide ja prusside lahtisaagimiseks kui ka toorikute sirg- või kõverjooneliseks lõikamiseks. Tikksaag (stigsag)  Tikksaag on elektriline käsitööriist puidu, metalli, plasti ja muude materjalide saagimiseks.  Kasutatakse lõigete tegemiseks, samuti saematerjali tükeldamiseks. Nurgasaag (mitre saw)  Kasutataksepuidu täppislõikamiseks. Lööktrell (impact driver)  See seade sobib puidu, plasti ja metalli puurimiseks ning betooni, telliste ja kivi löökpuurimiseks.  Hoidke tööpiirkond puhas ja tagage seal piisav valgustus. Ketasfrees (disc cutter)  Ketasfreesidon ette nähtud soonte ja astmete freesimiseks ja metalli tükeldamiseks. Nurktrell ( angle drill)  Kasutatakse nurktrelli piiratud juurdepääsuga kohtade puurimiseks. Nurklihvi...

Ehitus → Ehitusmasinad
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

accessible ligipääsetav, kättesaadav admittedly omaks võtvalt, möönvalt affordable rahaliselt lubatav agricultural põllumajanduslik alcove seinanišš, (magamisaseme) seinasüvend ample rikkalik, rohkem kui piisav attic pööning bedsit ühetoaline korter brick pillars tellistest tugisambad bungalow ühekorruseline maja caravan haagis-autoelamu carpenter puusepp cellar kelder compatible kokkusobiv, ühendatav concrete betoon confession ülestunnistus conservationist looduskaitsja council house munitsipaalmaja descent laskumine detached eraldiseisev distinguished silmapaistev, kuulus district piirkond, rajoon draped curtains pikad paksud kardinad draught tuuletõmbus drill puurima ecological loodusega seotud energy usage energiakasutus excavation väljakaevamine flannel coat flanelljakk forgery võltsing fowl kodulind fully-equipped täisvarustustatud fully-furnished täielikult möbleeritud genuine ehtne glass front m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Eriõppe projekt

Mehaanikateaduskond Eriõppe projekt MEX0030 Töö autor: Juhendaja: Tallinn 2015 Sisukord Sisukord......................................................................................................................................2 1.Marsruuttehnoloogiad..............................................................................................................3 1.1.Võll....................................................................................................................................3 1.2.Ellips.................................................................................................................................5 1.3.Plaat...................................................................................................................................9 2.Lõikerežiimid.............................................................

Tehnoloogia → Tootmistehnika alused ii
21 allalaadimist

Carbon capture and storage

Humans are changeing the planet with their ordinary life. The principle cause of climate change is the increase in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. The main cause of that is the burning of fossile fuels. This is leading to the global warming. People have discovered a way to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is possible to seperate the CO2 from the other gases by adding liquid which is very good at absorbing CO2. Then it can be pumped to underground. Scientist came up with this idea because methane gas has been down there for thousands of years and it has not come up. So they expect that the CO2 won't be coming up either. To be sure of that, they are coing to make a test and drill two wells to take purified CO2, inject it into the ground and monitor the physical changes that CO2 undergoes. This technology is really new and it is unknown to people. It has not been proven yet, so people are scared and concerned...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Mihhail Lermontov ja "Meie aja kangelane"

Mihhail Lermontov 1814-1841 · vene romantismi esindaja · Puskini eeskuju järgija Lermontovi lapsepõlv · ema surm · isa ja vanaema erimeelsused · inetu välimus ja kehv tervis · prantsuse ja saksa keele valdamine · üsna ladus inglise keel · väga hea haridus Lermintovi iseloom · tundlik ja heitlik · iseseisev mõtleja, vara küps · sümpaatia kuulus vabadustarmastavale mägilasele! Lermontovi haridus · Moskva ülikooli aadlipansion · humanitaarne vaimsus, luuletamine · elu esimene protestiakt-pansionist lahkumine · Moskva ülikooli 16-aastaselt · 18-aastaselt lahkus ülikoolist · teenistusastmete ja paraadide Peterburg · otsus hakata ohvitseriks · säjakool, elu raskeim periood · drill, prassimine, liiderdamine=mõtlemisvõime hävitamine · kahepalgeline elu Lermontovi romantismi · lemmikkangelased-deemo...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


SIDUSED LABORITÖÖ ARUANNE Õppeaines: TEKSTIILITOOTMISE TEHNOLOOGIA Rõiva- ja tekstiiliinstituut Õpperühm: KRR 21 Juhendaja: Diana Tuulik Esitamiskuupäev:................ Üliõpilase allkiri:................. Õppejõu allkiri: .................. Tallinn 2018 1 PÕHISIDUSED. Nimetus Näidis Pilt Skeem [1] Kirjeldus [1] Labane sidus Kõige lihtsama rakendusega sidusus. Riide mõlemal poolel on ühesugune arv ...

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
31 allalaadimist

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust This has been a bad year for energy dividends, but there are still a few out there that investors can still trust. With the price of oil recently hitting a sevenyear low and natural gas now at a 14 year low, there has been a deep impact on the cash flows at oil and gas companies. Many don't have enough money coming in to drill the required number of new wells needed to maintain their production rates, let alone any left over to pay shareholders a steady dividend. This has resulted in the reduction or suspension of a countless number of energyrelated dividends. All that said, there are a few energy dividends that investors can still trust. Here are three companies that have been making their dividend a priority. Jason Hall After Kinder Morgan's stunning announcement that it would cut its rocksolid (or so I thought) dividend by 75%, just days after announcing that it would generate plenty...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Development of Reese Hoffa

The Development of Reese Hoffa & Training Scheme for 2007 Season Reese Hoffa Development Table 1998 19.07m 1999 19.36m 2000 19.79m 2001 20.22m 2002 20.47m 2003 20.95m 2004 21.67m 2005 21.74m 2006 22.11m 2007 22.43m Hoffa Performance Progression Reese Hoffa Performance Progression 23 22 21 Distance (m) 20 19 18 17 16 Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1 Reese Hoffa Physical & Lifting P...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


TOPICS FOR SPEAKING CYLINDER FRAME The cylinder section of the engine consists of a number of cylinder blocks, which are tightened together with the engine frame and the bedplate by means of through- going stay bolts. Two central bores, one at the top and one halfway down inside the cylinder block, enclose the cylinder liner. The upper part of the cylinder block forms part of the cooling water space around the central part of the cylinder liner, whereas the lower part forms the scavenge air space. A central bore in the bottom of the cylinder block encloses the piston rod stuffing box. The bottom is double with a hollow space through which cooling water is circulated. On the exhaust side of the cylinder block there is a circular opening leading into the longitudinal scavenge air receiver of the engine. Furthermore, there is an inlet pipe for cooling and lubricating oil. The cylinder block is provided with cleani...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

„Raamatupidamisprogrammide võrdlus“

Uurimustöö! 10 lk tabelitega + tiitelleht jne 5 suuremat programmi ja 5 väiksemat programmi + võrdlus. Ja oma ettevõtte jaoks programmi valimine, analüüsimine, mis sobiks kõige paremini minu ettevõttele. ,,Raamatupidamisprogrammide võrdlus" 1. Tresoor Start 2. Taavi Majandustarkvara 3. HansaRaama 4. Merit 5. Joosep5 6. Profit 7. Balanss+ 8. Eeva 9. Raamatupidamisprogramm VERP 6.3 10. Majandustarkvarapakett RAPID finants/palk Tresoor Start on raamatupidamisarvestuse pakett väikekontoritele, FIE-dele ning alustavatele ja kiiresti arenevatele väikeettevõtetele. Pakett sisaldab: · Pearaamat · Valuutaarvestus · Kassa-Pank, sh Pangaliides · Müügireskontro · Ostureskontro · Palgaprogramm (kuni 5 töötajat) · Unikaalsed MFDD (multifunktsionaalne drill-down) aruanded · 1 kasutaja litsents (sisaldab interneti kaugkasutuse ...

Majandus → Raamatupidamine
192 allalaadimist

Ehitusel kasutatavad masinad ja väikemehhanismid

Võrumaa Kutsehariduskeskus EV-12 Sigrid Pau EHITUSEL KASUTATAVAD MASINAD JA VÄIKEMEHHANISMID Referaat Juhendaja: Andres Aruväli Väimela 2012 SISUKORD: 1. Sissejuhatus elektrikäsitööriistade valdkonda 3 2. Liimipüstol 4 3. Kuumaõhupuhur 6 4. Trell 8 5. Akutrell 9 6. Tikksaag 10 7. Kasutatud kirjandus 11 1. Elektrikäsitööriistad Käsitööriistad jagunevad mehhaanilisteks, pneumaatilisteks ja elek...

Ehitus → Ehitus
22 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kontrolltöö

Unit 1. The ways of working. Commute-edasi-tagasi liikuma,pendeldama Employee-töötaja Employer-tööandja Flexible-paindlik Freelance-vabakutseline Intention-kavatsus Mill-vabrik Premises-valduse,territoorium Replace-asendama,välja vahetama Restriction-piirang,kitsendus Shift-vahetus Flexible working hours-paindlik töögraafik Flexitime-paindlik aeg Teleworking-kaugtöö Job share-töökoha jagamine (works in a bank job share) Career break-tööpaus,palgata Long hours culture-ületundide tegemine To keep in contact To go freelance Work shifts Working part-time – osaline tööaeg Have my career –käia tool Cut back-kulusid vähendama Short-term – lühiajaline (almost all on short-term contracts) Come in from school-koju tulema By e-mail,fax,phone Renew her contract for another 3 months Kas sulle meeldiks töötada osalise tööajaga? Would you like to work part-time? Teie lepingut uuendatakse veel 6 kuuks. Your contract will be renewed for another 6 mon...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Word formation for advanced level

WORD FORMATION Exercise I 1. Chestnut honey provides quick and ............. relief.(EFFECT) 2. Come rain, wind or shine these snapdragons give a superb display over an ....................... long period. (EXCEPTION) 3. Dreaming of a beautiful home for your ........................... .(RETIRE)? Enjoy lifetime ownership of a luxury home for an ................. price.(AFFORD) 4. The post-war decline in beer ......................... was practically halted last year. (CONSUME) 5. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and ..................therewith.(HATE) 6. In the first quarter of the 18th century people began to realise the ......................... of hygiene to public health.(IMPORTANT) 7. The ....................collapse of the Roman Empire lasted for nearly three hundred years before its final dissolution in AD 476.(GRADE) 8. Jamie's ....................of the night's events is hazy but the tabloids will re...

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Energeetika arengu plaanimine

ELEKTROENERGEETIKA INSTITUUT Referaat Taastvad Energiaallikad Esitamise tähtaeg 14.04.2009 Õppejõud: Hannes Agabus Tudeng: Sergei Belosapko Nikita Naumov Tallinn 2009 Contents: 1. Renewable energy 1.1. Costs................................................................................................................... 2 1.2. Potential future utilization..............................................................................4 1.3. Why Don't We Use More Renewable Energy? ...........................................5 2. Energy Types 2.1. Wind Energy.......................................................................................................6 2.1.1. Annual Generation........................................................................................7 2.1.2. ...

Elektroonika → Energeetika arengu plaanimine
38 allalaadimist

Tehnoloogia määramine

Priit Laos Tehnoloogia määramine Kodune töö nr.1 Õppeaines: Lõiketöötlemine ja lõikeriistad I Mehaanikateaduskond Õpperühm: KMI-41 Juhendaja: Tavo Kangru Tallin 2014 Sisukord 1. Ülesande sisu: Kirjeldan joonisel MME 214_K_V3 (joonis1) näidatud detaili valmistustehnoloogiat............................................................................................................................3 Ümarlattide järkamiseks kasutatav saag : MEBAswing 260 DG..................................

Mehaanika → Lõiketöötluse praktikum
95 allalaadimist

Unit 5 p.102-105

ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY 1. My new cellular phone allows me to send text messages anywhere within the country and abroad. (communications) 2. Don't forget to turn on the modem if you want to go-online. (information technology) 3. The advent of endoscopic surgery has greatly reduced the post-operative recovery time of most patiens. (medical) 4. Supermarkets of the future will make use of scanners to read the contents of your trolley and total up your bill. (electronics) 5. Factories which rely on humans working on assembly lines are becoming a thing of the past. (industrial) 6. You would be quite astounded by the number of satellites orbiting the Earth. (space) 7. Not only would a solar powered vehicle be safe, it would also make use of one of the planet's greatest natural resources. (energy) COMPUTERS 1. I'm terribly sorry I'm late but traffic congestion...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


See juhis näitab, kuidas valmistada vaakumkambrit spooni sügavpeitsimiseks. Mida see teeb... Kambri sees tekkiv vaakum surub vedeliku (peitsi) ühtlaselt puidu kiudude sisse. Hoiatus... Kambrit ei tohi soojendada! See võib põhjustada ohtlikke tagajärgi. Ära kasuta lahuseid enne, kui oled neid testinud PVCga koosmõjul. Lakivedeldajad ja muud lahustid võivad PVCd ohustada. Materjalide nimekiri: Kamber koosneb mitmest osast: välisest PVC torust, sisemisest PVC torust, mis vähendab kasutatava vedeliku kogust, ning vedeliku koguse vaatamise torust. 1. (1 tk) ~ 70 cm pikkust 40/80 4" PVC toru 10. (1 tk) ~90 cm of 1/4" OD läbipaistvat polüetüleentoru (vältida 2. (1 tk) ~ 70 cm pikkust 40/80 3" PVC teisi toruvariante, sest need võivad vaakumsurve all kokku vajuda) 3. (1 tk) 4" to 3" PVC üleminek 11. (1 tk) väike purk PVC puhastit 4. (1 tk) 3" PVC testi kaas 12. (...

Füüsika → Füüsika
1 allalaadimist

Unit 4 words

Accessible- easy for anyone to obtain and use Admittedly- used for saying that you admit something is true, especially when this makes your main idea weaker Affordable- cheap enough for ordinary people to afford Agricultural- relating to farming Alcoves- a small area in a room that is created by building part of one wall further back than the rest of the wall Ample- enough, and often more than you need Attic- the room in a house under the roof Bedsit- a room that you rent that is used for both living and sleeping in Brick pillars- Bungalow- a house that is all on one level Caravan- BRITISH a vehicle that people can live and travel in on holiday. Caravans are usually towed (=pulled) by a car. The American word is trailer Carpenter- someone whose job is to make things from wood, or to repair things that are made of wood Cellar- a room under a building, below the level of the ground, usually used for storing things Compatible-...

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
26 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque Character List Paul Bäumer - A young German soldier fighting in the trenches during World War I. Paul is the protagonist and narrator of the novel. He is, at heart, a kind, compas-sionate, and sensitive young man, but the brutal expe-rience of warfare teaches him to detach himself from his feelings. His account of the war is a bitter invective against sentimental, romantic ideals of warfare. Read an in-depth analysis of Paul Bäumer. Stanislaus Katczinsky - A soldier belonging to Paul's company and Paul's best friend in the army. Kat, as he is known, is forty years old at the beginning of the novel and has a family at home. He is a resourceful, inventive man and always finds food, clothing, and blankets whenever he and his friends need them. Albert Kropp - One of Paul's classmates who serves with Paul in the Second Company. An intelligent, speculative young man, Kropp is one of Paul...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

How to Write a Design Report Summary A design report is the written record of the project and generally is the only record that lives once the design team disbands at the end of the project. The report has three sections. The first section describes the problem that was being solved and provides the background to the design. The second section describes the design and the third section evaluates how well the design worked by comparing its performance to the design requirements. The report starts with a short executive summary that contains a synopsis of the three sections. The body of the report is relatively short. Appendices to the report contain supporting information with the details needed by a reader who wishes to fully understand the design. While this document describes the general content and organization of a design report, some of the specifics (section headings, length, and format) may be determined by your project client. ...

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist


Uusaja algus 1. Uusaja mõiste ja piirid a) Uusaja mõiste andsid humanistid, et eristada keskaega kaasajast: · Keskaega nähti negatiivsetes toonides. · Väärtustati antiikaega. · Uusaeg pidi tähendama uut maailmapilti ja ideoloogiat (Jumal polnud enam nii tähtis). b) Uusaja alguseks on peetud erinevaid sündmusi: · Konstantinoopoli vallutamine türklaste poolt (1453). · Ameerika avastamine (1492). · Reformatsiooni algust Saksamaal (1517). · Inglaste kodanlik reolutsioon (1640-69). · Suur Prantsuse Revolutsioon (1789-99). Ühte sündmust teisele eelistada on raske. Arvestama peab piirkondlikke iseärasusi. c) Uusaja alguseks võib pidada 17. sajandi algust ja lõpuks 20. sajandi algust. · Uusajale järgneb uusimaeg ehk lähiajalugu ehk 20. sajandi ajalugu. 2. Uusajale omased tunnused a) Majanduses: · Kapitalistlike suhete...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
512 allalaadimist


THE CAPITALIST NIGER Chika Onyeani ………………………Every African must internalise this book - period….DAA INTRODUCTION In October 1960, Nigeria received its independence from Britain. By then, Ghana the former Gold Coast had been independent for three years under the great Osagyefo Kwame Nkumah. It was a time for celebrating Africa’s coming of age, as more and more African countries received their independence either from Britain or France. It was especially a poignant time for Africa, as then British Prime Minister Harold McMillan articulated his now famous “winds of change” sweeping Africa. We had high hopes for Africa, for the Black race, that the insidious imposition of foreign rule on us, the looting of Africa’s natural resources by our colonial masters accorded us would be things of history. That is more than forty years ago. Unfortunately, the promise of independence has not been fulfilled. Today, Africa has become more desolate; th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Eesti keele allkeeled

Eesti keele allkeeled 1. Allkeeled, üldpilt Allkeelte süsteem sotsiolingvistikas (+ netikeel) · Põhimõiste on variant (variety), väga üldine termin igasuguste erijoontega allkeelte kohta Jagatakse kolmelt aluselt: · standardkeel ja mittestandardkeeled (Standard ja Nonstandard Variety) · kasutajakesksed variandid ehk dialektid (dialect) · kasutusekesksed ehk situatiivsed variandid (register või style). Esimene: SV norminguline keel; NSV standardid puuduvad, seega piirid on hägustunud. SV puhul kehtib õige ja vale, NSV puhul seda kehtestada ei saa. · Mõlemad omavad sõnavara ja grammatikat, mis võib osalt kattuda · SV erineb muudest variantidest selle poolest, et ta on normitud, st välja on valitud teatud keelendid, mis on kuulutatud normingulisteks. Teised variandid/dialektid norminguid ei oma. Teine: Dialektid ehk murded ­ kohamurded ja sotsiolektid (nt sl...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
177 allalaadimist


Kaitseväe Ühendatud Õppeasutused Võru Lahingukool JAOÜLEMA KÄSIRAAMAT 2012 EESSÕNA Jaoülema käsiraamat on oma olemuselt õpik, mille kaante vahele on koon- datud meie Kaitseväe arusaam jalaväejao lahingutegevusest. Jaoülema käsiraamat on suunatud sõjaaegsetele maaväe ja Kaitseliidu jao-ülematele ning seda peab kasutama põhilise õppevahendina jaoülemate väljaõppes. Kuigi käsiraamatu kirjutamisel on silmas peetud eelkõige jalaväejao üle- maid, sobib see kasutamiseks ka kõikide teiste relvaliikide jagude ja mees- kondade ülemate väljaõppes. Jaoülema käsiraamat annab võimaluse ühtlustada jaoülemate väljaõpet Kaitseväe väljaõppekeskustes ja Kaitseliidus ning tagab ühtse arusaama jaoülema rollist lahingus. Selleks, et see ühtne käsitlus vastaks kõige pa- remini meie vajadustele ja lahinguvälja nõudmistele, ei tohi käsiraamatu kasutajad mitte mingil juhul õpikut ainult passiivs...

Sõjandus → Sõjandus
35 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

1·1 Chapter 1 Routine maintenance and servicing 1 Contents Air cleaner element renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Fuel filter renewal - fuel injection engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Alternator drivebelt check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Hinge and lock check and lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Automatic transmission fluid level check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 ...

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Füüsika 5-nda kt variandid

c ' ,t-r,(r l t,{ -' i == 9,tt KONTROL LTO{) nr. b N;,";, ...T."..S-cg.ff x,,,"ur, .....F.t].-n... VONKUMISFi ja LAINED 05. detsernber2005 / . .. l.1. Harmoonj ,eit ionk va punkti v6nke[lnplitrru...

Füüsika → Füüsika
209 allalaadimist

Füüsika kontrolltöö nr. 5 - VONKUMISED ja LAINED

c ' ,t-r,(r l t,{ -' i == 9,tt KONTROL LTO{) nr. b N;,";, ...T."..S-cg.ff x,,,"ur, .....F.t].-n... VONKUMISFi ja LAINED 05. detsernber2005 / . .. l.1. Harmoonj ,eit ionk va punkti v6nke[lnplitrru...

Füüsika → Füüsika
74 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

EHITUSTEADUSKOND Ehitustootluse instituut KUIDAS MUUDAB MUDELPROJEKTEERIMINE TERASKONSTRUKTSIOONIDE PROJEKTEERIMIST, VALMISTAMIST JA EHITAMIST? HOW ARE 3D AND BIM CHANGING THE DESIGN, FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF COMPLEX STEEL STRUCTURES? EPJ 60 LT Üliõpilane: Tanel Friedenthal Juhendaja: Prof. Roode Liias Kaasjuhendaja: Prof. Carrie S. Dossick Tallinn, 2010.a. Olen koostanud lõputöö iseseisvalt. Kõik töö koostamisel kasutatud teiste autorite tööd, olulised seisukohad, kirjandusallikatest ja mujalt pärinevad andmed on viidatud. …………………………………………….. (töö autori allkiri ja kuupäev) Üliõpilase kood: 041399 Töö vastab magistritööle esitatud nõuetele ……………………………………………… ...

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

THE W R I T E R ' S JOURNEY M Y T H I C STRUCTURE FOR W R I T E R S THIRD EDITION CHRISTOPHER VOGLER S C R E E N W R I T I N G / W R I T I N G Christopher Vogler explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in his clear, concise style that's made i this book required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, fiction and non-fiction writers, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world. Discover a set of useful myth-inspired storytelling paradigms like "The Hero's Journey," and step-by-step guidelines to plot and • character development. Based on the work of Joseph Campbell, The Writers Jour...

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

SISUKORD ENERGY STORY................................................................................................................4 USES OF ENERGY............................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Uses of energy in homes...............................................................................................5 2.2 Types of energy used in homes.................................................................................... 6 2.3 Energy use in different types of homes........................................................................ 6 2.4 Commercial Energy Use...............................................................................................9 2.5 Industrial and Manufacturing Energy Use..................................................................11 2.6 Transportation Energy Use.................................................

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Sylvia Day Bared to You Sylvia Day Bared to You The first book in the Crossfire series, 2012 This one is for Dr. David Allen Goodwin. My love and gratitude are boundless. Thank you, Dave. You saved my life. Acknowledgments My deepest gratitude to my editor, Hilary Sares, who really dug into this story and made me work for it. Basically, she kicked my ass. By not pulling her punches or letting me shortchange the details, she made me work harder and because of that, this story is a much, much better book. BARED TO YOU wouldn't be what it is without you, Hilary. Thank you so much! To Martha Trachtenberg, copy editor extraordinaire. This book is an important one for me and she treated it that way. Thank you, Martha! T...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun