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"-coal" - 184 õppematerjali


Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

SISUKORD ENERGY STORY................................................................................................................4 USES OF ENERGY............................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Uses of energy in homes...............................................................................................5 2.2 Types of energy used in homes.................................................................................... 6 2.3 Energy use in different types of homes........................................................................ 6 2.4 Commercial Energy Use...............................................................................................9 2.5 Industrial and Manufacturing Energy Use..................................................................11 2.6 Transportation Energy Use.................................................

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist


Tõnis Luik Ravuslik metallitöö Forge What is forge A forge is a heart used for forging. The term "forge" can also refer to the workplace of a smith, although the term smithy is then more commonly used. Types of forges Coal/charcoal forge Gas forge Gas forge A gas forge typically uses propane or natural gas as the fuel. Gas forges vary in size and construction, from large forges using a big burner with a blower or several atmospheric burners The primary advantage of a gas forge is ease of use, particularly for a novice. A gas forge is simple to operate compared to coal forges, and the fire produced is clean and consistent Coal/charcoal forge A forge typically uses bituminous coal or charcoal as the fuel to heat metal. A forge of this type is essentially a hearth or fireplace designed to allow a fire to be controlled such that metal introduced to the fire may be brought to a malleable state or to bring about other metallurgic...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Natural resources

Australian Natural resources Marlene Neiland 8B The most iportant natural resources of Australia Australia is one of the world's leading mineral resources nations.  Gold  Iron ore  Coal  Opal Gold mines in Australia Welcome Nugget: weight 68 Kg  history  the world’s aecond largest producer of gold  Biggest gold nuggets  production & value Iron ore in Australia  major producer of iron ore  production & value  Output 519 mt Coal in Australia  production & value  Australia is the largest net exporter of coal  Problems!! Opal mining in Australia  history  production & value ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Moon Is Down

The moon is down Author: John Steinbeck.(February 27, 1902--December 20, 1968) John Steinbeck III was one of the best-known and most widely read American writers of the 20th century. He wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939 and the novella Of Mice and Men, published in 1937. In all, he wrote twenty-five books, including sixteen novels, six non-fiction books and several collections of short stories. In 1962 Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for Literature. In his subsequent novels, Steinbeck found a more authentic voice by drawing upon direct memories of his life in California. Later he used real historical conditions and events in the first half of 20th century America, which he had experienced first-hand as a reporter. Steinbeck often populated his stories with struggling characters; his works examined the lives of the working class and migrant worker...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Inglisekeelne lühiessee tuumaelektrijaamade vajalikkusest

Nuclear Power: A Burden or a Blessing? Today, when the pollution of Earth is an important matter, people are trying to find economic solutions to produce power. This is where the necessity of nuclear power plants comes in question. Nuclear power plants are a cheap way to generate electricity but it also brings a lot of pollution that is much more radioactive and toxic than, for example, coal waste. But if we are looking at the facts, burning coal pollutes the Earth much more than nuclear power plants because more waste is generated. CO2, which is released from burning coal, is the main cause of global warming. Nuclear waste is collected and hidden in rocks or under ground, where it won't face the environment. However we shouldn't depend on nuclear energy as Uranium reserves are ending, especially when the world population is increasing and so is the demand for energy. There is Uranium in seawater, but gettin...

Loodus → Keskkonnaökoloogia
11 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

Tartus secondary school of business Nuclear Power Helena Nulk form 11b Tartu 2009 Table of contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3 What is nuclear power?....................................................................................................................3 Nuclear life cycle.............................................................................................................................3 What is nuclear energy?...................................................................................................................3 What is nuclear fusion?....................................................................................................................4 What is ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

Eesti ökoloogiline jalajälg

EESTI ökoloogiline jalajälg Eesti elaniku ökoloogilise jalajälge suurus on 7,9 hektarit. Millega tegeleb riik? 1. Toituainete tootmine 2. Puidu- ja metallitööstus 3. Elektri-ja soojatootmine 4. Põlevkivitööstus  Süsiniku osakaal 2,79 gha / inimese kohta  Põllupinna osakaal 0,84 gha / inimese kohta  Karjamaa osakaal 0,14 gha / inimese kohta  Metsa osakaal 2,37 gha / inimese kohta  Kalapüügi territooriumi osakaal 0,08 gha / inimese kohta  Täisehitatud maa osakaal 0,18 gha / inimese kohta  Kaevandused tegeleb põlevkivivarude jätkusuutliku kaevandamisega, selleks et varustada elektri- ja õlitootjaid kütuse ja toorainega.  Meie suure jalajälje põhipõhjus peitub põlevkivienergeetikas, mis tekitab suure hulga süsihappegaasi.  Kuid peale selle on suure jalajäljenäidu taga ka nn. autostumine ning meie läänelikud tarbimisharjumused. Kas rii...

Geograafia → Geograafia
27 allalaadimist

Solar energy

SOLAR ENERGY Karol Pakkas What is solar power? Solar power is energy that comes from the sun. The sunlight gives off energy as heat. Solar power is a renewable source of energy. How does solar power work? Solar panels are used to collect sunlight. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that convert the sunlight into energy. Why do we need it? How does it lead to better health? Solar power is source of clean energy. It does not produce pollution or greenhouse gases or carbon compounds. Solar power would be a lot safer for the environment and a lot better for the health of people. What would happen if we don't use solar power? If we don't start using solar power, we would use oil and coal. They produce pollution and will cause millions of people to suffer from respiratory related problems. The oil and coal will run out and peopl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Solar energy

SOLAR ENERGY Karol Pakkas What is solar power? Solar power is energy that comes from the sun. The sunlight gives off energy as heat. Solar power is a renewable source of energy. How does solar power work? Solar panels are used to collect sunlight. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that convert the sunlight into energy. Why do we need it? How does it lead to better health? Solar power is source of clean energy. It does not produce pollution or greenhouse gases or carbon compounds. Solar power would be a lot safer for the environment and a lot better for the health of people. What would happen if we don't use solar power? If we don't start using solar power, we would use oil and coal. They produce pollution and will cause millions of people to suffer from respiratory related problems. The oil and coal will run out and peopl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ja USA geograafia

1.Which five areas does Highland Britain include? 1)Scotland 2)Wales 3)The Cornwall Peninsula 4)The Lake District 5)The Pennines 2.What is the highest top in Wales ­ Snowdon 1,085m Scotland ­ Ben Nevis 1,343m England ­ Scafell Pike 978m How high is the highest mountain in the UK? Ben Nevis, 1,343m 3.Describe the relief of Scotland. Scotland is quite mountainous and there is also situated the highest peak in the UK, Ben Nevis. The Scottish Highlands cover the northern part of the country. Here The Northwest Highlands have rocky lunar landscape. South of Scotland is mostly covered with the Grampian Mountains which forms with some other mountains a huge mountain mass. The Central Lowland lie south of the Scottish Highlands. This region is a gently rolling plain. It has best farmland, and richest coal deposits. The Southern Uplands rise gently south of the Central Lowlands. This is a region of rounded, rolling hills. 4.What are the possibil...

Ajalugu → Suurbritannia ja usa maalugu
6 allalaadimist

Energiamajandus: Taastumatud energialiigid

Energiamajandus. Taastumatud energiavarad. Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi ,,Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)" alusel, vt Energiamajanduse mõiste Energiamajanduses tegeletakse: energiavarade hankimisega (primaarenergia) nafta ja gaasi ammutamine, söe, põlevkivi, turba, uraani jm kaevandamine) nende töötlemisega elektriks (elektrijaamad) mootorikütuseks (nafta töötlemistehased) ahjukütuseks (kütteõlide tootmine) energia kättetoimetamisega tarbijale (kõrgepingeliinid, jaotusvõrgud, torujuhtmed, tanklad). Inimeste igapäevane energiatarve kasvab päevane tarbimine tuh kcal Mis valdkondades on energia tarbimine kõige enam kasvanud? Maailma rahvaarv kasvab kiiresti ­ energia vajadus suureneb miljardit BTU ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
27 allalaadimist

Summary Britta Kase

Britta Kase 143123HAKB Summary The booklet offers a brief, simple explanation how the European Union is relevant to us in our everyday life, how it affects our lives in many areas and how can we benefit from it. The booklet gives also a very readable overview of EU’s history and how its member states have come together. It’s a great starting point to know the roots, history and functioning of the European Union. I found this booklet interesting because it provides an insight into relevance of the EU. I have never thought that making phone calls and flying has become cheaper as a result of EU. EU has abolished national monopolies and has permitted competition. For me the most important thing is air, water and food quality. The EU has introduced c...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kivisüsi , pruunsüsi antratsiit

Referaat Kivisüsi, pruunsüsi ja antratsiit Koostajad : Mathias Erik Tempel Liis Viljak ( Andres) Erich Jagomägis Klass:11b Õpetaja : Helgi Muoni Tartu Kivilinna Gümnaasium 2008 Sissejuhatus Tehakse vahet taastuvate ja mittetaastuvate kütuste vahel. Mittetaastuvad ehk fossiilsed kütused on geoloogilises minevikus elanud organismide jäänused: nafta, kivisüsi, põlevkivi jms. Need moodustusid miljoneid aastaid tagasi pikaajaliste ning eriliste geoloogiliste protsesside tulemusena. Nende varud on lõpliku suurusega, mittetaastuvad. Isegi turvas, mis kasvab n-ö meie silmade all, moodustub sedavõrd aeglaselt, et me ei saa seda nimetada taastuvaks maa...

Keemia → Keemia
108 allalaadimist

Vehicles used in different modes of transport

Vehicles used in different modes of transport Contents ● 1.What is transport? ● 2.Airways ● 3.Roadways ● 4.Waterways ● 5.Railways ● 6.Pipelines ● 7.Conclusion 1.What is transport? Means by which a shipment is moved from point “A” to point “B”, such as by air, rail, road or sea. 2.Airways Air freighting is commonly used by businesses for the delivery of goods from distant suppliers. This type of transport is useful to deliver products within short time limits, fragile goods and products that are not bulky. Products in high demand and in short supply may also be air freighted in order to meet customer demands. The value ratio will be a determing factor. 3.Road Road a very popular mоde of transport used by suppliers and business to deliver orders. Many transport companies provide scheduled delivery days and next day delivery services, depending upon your...

Logistika → Inglise keel - torutransport
2 allalaadimist

Water creates energy

Water creates energy Eduard Kamenski 11a form The world uses energy from many different sources, such as: hydroelectric power, nuclear power plants, solar energy, and wind generated power. There are positive and negative aspects of each source, but which source of energy is best? My opinion is that the best source of energy is water and I'll bring up some facts why do I think so. Hydroelectric power is currently the world's largest renewable source of electricity. It accounts for six percent of the worldwide energy supply or about fifteen percent of the world's electricity. Water has been found to be a major source of energy. Water power is utilized at present mainly as hydro-electricity. It is produced from moving water and from falls with the help of turbines and dynamos. Hydro-electricity has acquired great significance as a source of energy in the country in the present times and is being put to different uses. The following are the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia riigimajandus

Tööleht nr 4 . Valitud riigi – Suurbritannia majandus. Õpilase nimi: Andmeallikaid kasutades ära unusta viitamist. Arvandmete kasutamisel tuleb lisada ühikud ja aastad. NB! Kui kasutad lisalehti – kinnita/klammerda need töölehe külge . Märkus! Andmed, mis olen kirjutanud kajastuvad enamikes ülesannetes 2008-st aastast. Mõnel üksikul kohal on värskem ja uuendatud materjal 2009 aastast. 1. Millised on Sinu riigi majanduse arengut soodustavad tegurid? Millised takistavad tegurid? Leia/nimeta 2 olulisemat mõlemal juhul. Soodustavad: a. Põllumajandus on intensiivne, palju masintööd, mis on euroopa standartile vastavalt efektiivne, tootes 60% vajaminevast toidust vaid kahe protsendilise tööhõivega kogu riigist. b. Väga suurtes kogustes loodusliku gaasi, sütt ja õli, millega sai temast üks tähtis energia importijaid aastal 2005. Takistavad: ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

George Orwell - Road to Wigan Pier

,,The Road to Wigan Pier" George Orwell AUTHOR George Orwell was the pen name of the English author, Eric Arthur Blair. He was born on June 25 in 1903 in Motihari, Bengal, in the then British colony of India, where his father, Richard, worked for the Opium Department of the Civil Service. His mother, Ida, brought him to England at the age of one. Orwell was educated in England at Eton College. After service with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922 to 1928, he returned to Europe to become a writer. He lived in Paris for the next two years, and then came to England as a school-teacher. He lived for several years in poverty. By 1936, Orwell had joined the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War. He was wounded in the fighting. Late in the war, Orwell fought the Communists and eventually had to flee Spain for his life. During the Second World War, Orwell wrote a weekl...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

The European Union

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union where are 27 member states drom European continent. The EU operates through a system of independent institutions and decisions are made by the member countries. EUs population is of over 500 million inhabitants which is 7.3% of the world population, there are 23 different languages and for now 17 countries are using EUs common currency Euro. EU was founded after World War II, when Europe was struggeling in social and political devastations. In 1948 a congress in Hague was held to discuss ideas about the development of European political co-operation. There were many important political figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Winston Churchill. On 9th May in 1950 French Minister of Foreign Affairs proposed that France and the Federal Republic of Germany should combine their coal and steel resources and let other European countries join also. From that on, the 9th of May has been cons...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Australia/ Austraalia

Australia Australia is surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans, it is separated from Asia by the Arafura and Timor seas. Australia presents an enormous range of climatic conditions, since it covers thirty degrees of latitude. It is mostly temperate, but one third of the continent is tropical, and there are large desert areas. The two largest cities are Sydney and Melbourne. The capital of Australia is Canberra. It is a small city and was built in the early 1900s. History. Two hundred years ago there were no white people in Australia. The only inhabitants were dark-skinned people who were still living in a Stone Age. Their only weapons were stone knives and boomerangs. But their tribes had very well-worked- out customs. A few aborigines still live in the emptier part of the continent. In 1770, the British explorer Captain Cook raised the British flag. Cook found there a pleasan...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Austraalia peamised tööstusharud inglise keeles

Main industries Industry • Mining • Manufacturing • Agriculture • Services • Finance • Tourism • Media • Education Mining • Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria •  world's leading coal exporter •  the second largest diamond mine in the World Agriculture • major agricultural producer and exporter • There are three main zones • Wide variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts • The beef industry Manufacturing •  peaked in the 1960s • In 2004–05, the manufacturing industry exported • Motor vehicles • Chemical industries Conclusion Australia has alot of large industries that bring in money for the people, especially mining and agriculture. Sources • • • THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! 

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Alaska Aron Leemets 8.c Alaska Size -1,7 mil km2 Population -690,000 Capital -Juneau Biggest city-Anchorage Anchorage Size- 5080 km2 Population- 300,950 Fauna Polar Bear Brown Bear Endangered Animal Species Fin whale Humpback whale Flora Tundra Mineral resources Gold, coal, oil, copper, zinc, platinum, Main sights Hubbard glacier Sledge dogs Interesting Facts spread worldwide, dog breed Used literature q=alaska+fauna&hl=et&biw=1366&bih=667 &source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=8Y4NVdL gJYjOaKTsgqAF&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ Thank you for listening

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Australia esitlus

Australia Geography Location: between the Pacific and Indian Ocean Total area: 7,7 million sq km Coastline: 25,760 km Climate: varies widely Nature: extremely diverse Political system Capital: Canberra Government type: federal parliamentary democracy Independence: 1 January 1901 National holiday: Australia Day Monarch Queen Elizabeth II Prime Minister Julia Gillard Governor-General Quentin Bryce Economy Currency: Australian Dollar The main industry: agriculture Low rate of poverty Natural resources Coal Tin Gold Silver Nickel Zinc Diamonds People Population: 21,5 million National language: English National symbols National animal: Red Kangaroo National bird National bird: Emu ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Salt Lake city Olümpia Mängud 2002

Salt Lake City Olympic Games 2002 Kristin Prangel ja Kertu Roose 10.c General Information XIX Olympic Games February 8th through February 24 George Washington Bush Olympic fire Host city and location Changes New facilities High mountains Salty lake Rocky Mountain Region Olympic Village Symbols Motto: Citius, Altius Fortius Powder Copper Coal Snowflake Light the Fire Within Events 78 events Olympic medals Venues Worldclass venues 14 different places 10 to 60 minute drive Community facilities Highlights Ole Einar Bjørndalen Samppa Lajunen China Janica Kosteli Other information 1st Winter Olympic games. The most recent games 78 athletes Estonian athletes 18 competitors Biathlon Cross country skiing Figrue skater Nordic combined Ski jumper References

Sport → Sport
3 allalaadimist


Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Autode ja masinate remondi osakond Rainer Kaine AT-109 Iseseisev töö Electric cars Instructor: Tauris Vijar Tartu 2010 Introduction In this essay i´m write electric cars and this how these cars are built, how easy is built electric car, how much costs electric cars. The problems for electric cars, there are many problems why peoples still can´t use quiet and more green cars. But even the electric car is not all green because the electricity produced for nuclear, coal, oil shale and natural gas. These ways to get electricity pollutes nature, the only difference between lies in the fact that pollution is in the one place. Coal Electric power station Oil shale power station in Narva What is a electric car An electric car is a plug-in battery powered automobile which is propelled by electric motor. Electric cars...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

International Economic organisations, leader firms

International Economic organisations were established to increase globalisation and international co-operation. 1. Economic unions- organisations dealing with international trade and also finance. For example European Union,World Trade Organisation. 2. Cartels-a formal agreement of some kind of raw materials. ASEAN-Association of Southeast-Asia Nations. It was established in 1967-Its aim is to make favorable conditions for membership countries. The members are Brunei,Philippines,Indonesia,Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaisia and Singapore. NAFTA-North American Free Trade Agreement.It was established in 1989 by Canada, USA, and Mexico. They have remained totally independent.All countries may join with this organisation.It is one of the world's biggest economic organisations. MERCOSUR-The South common market.Regional Trade Agreement among Uruguay,Paraguay,Brazil and Argentina.It was founded in 1991. Boliv...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
7 allalaadimist

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution. Agarian-põllumajandus. . The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from 1760 to some time between 1820-1840. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines The transition also included the change from wood and other bio- fuels to coal. The Industrial revolution began in Britain and within a few decades spread to Western Europe and the United States. changed-steam power, which was used to power factories and transport and allowed for deeper mining.2) Improvement of iron making techniques allowing for vastly higher production levels. . The textile industry was transformed by new machines ­ such as the Spinning Jenny - and factories, again allowing for much higher production at a lower cost. Creation of new and quicker transport networks thanks to first canals and then railways

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Australia Katrin Aibast General · Australia is the sixth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, China, USA and Brazil. · The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest and driest continent on Earth. · The Australian federation consists of six States and two Territories. · The largest State, Western Australia, is about the same size as Western Europe. · Australia was the second country to give women the vote. Great victoria desert Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Highest peak Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
27 allalaadimist

Atomic energy

Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needs, and produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel, without the pollution that you would get from burning fossil fuels. Nuclear power costs about the same as coal, so it's not expensive to make. Although not much waste is produced, it is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many thousands of years. For all that time it must be kept safe from earthquakes, flooding, terrorists and everything else. This is difficult. Nuclear power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety - if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster. One of the most feared disadvantages of nuclear energy is the potential for weapons. Each year, every nuclear reactor is capable of making enough plutonium to build over thirty nuclear bombs. Nuclear plants must be secured well enough to prevent this material from falling into the wrong hands. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Solar power

Solar power Rasmus Definition Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity The most abundant energy source on Earth Explosive growth in recent years History Charles Fritts ­ first solar cell, 1% efficiency (1883) Bell Labs ­ first modern silicon cell, 6% eff. (1954) First solar powered calculators (1978) 40percentefficient solar cell in 2006 Solar panels were installed on the White house (2013) Rapid growth Solar industry is the fastestgrowing in the US Solar industry is expected to double every year until 2020 Employs over 100 000 people in US alone Solar cooker Produces heat by concentrating sun rays into one spot Takes long to cook, difficult to burn Works roughly like an oven Bread and cakes usually brown on their tops Solar power ­ good investment? The cost of solar power is constantly falling Will be cheaper than nuclear power in 201415, than coal in 2016 17 Strong demand Enterpr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Australia - presentatsioon

Australia Helen Allik KÜG XB 2010 Commonwealth of Australia Capital ­ Canberra Political federation. Head of the state ­ Queen Elizabeth II. Head of the government ­ Julia Gillard. Offical language ­ none. National language - english. Physical geography A continent, an island and a country. Southern Hemisphere. Total area ­ 2,941,299 sq mi. Lowest point ­ Lake Eyre Highest point ­ Mount Kosciuszko Neighbours : Indonesia East Timor Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Solomon Islands Ned Caledonia New Zealand Mount Kosciuszko (2228 m) Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Canada esitlus

Canada By: Pille Meipalu Canada´s capital city is Ottawa , in Ontario. Government type : Federal Commonwealth Head of State : Queen Elizabeth II Head of Covernment: Prime Minister Stephen Harper Leisure and Sports The population of Canada , 15 years and older rank fishing, golf and reading as their top three leisure activities. The top three sports in Canada are Golf, Ice Hockey and Baseball. Landscape/ Land Forms Canada`s Landscape includes several mountain ranges, including the Torngats, Appalacians and Laurentials in the east : the Rocky, Coastal and Mackenzie ranges in the west and Mount St. Elias and the Pelly Mountains in the north. At 19,550 ft. Mt. Logan in the Yukon is Canada`s tallest peak There are an estimated two million lakes in Canada .The largest the Great Lakes,witch are shared between the Usa and Canada ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Austraalia ülevaade elanikest, kultuurist

Austraalia Kelly Sule ja Kätlin Siirak 7b Location · Australian continent · 7 neighbouring countries · 0°-40°S and 100°-160°E Climate · Affect the currents · Annual temperature is 20-30 degrees · The average annual rainfall is about 100-2000 millimeters · Southern australia is very dry People · Most of people are from Europe ­ 6% are from Asia ­ 2,2% are natives · Most discussed english · More languages are ­ Italian ­ Greek ­ Cantonese Believe · Most of people faith is christianity · Others ­ 1% muslim ­ 1% buddhists ­ 0,5% jewish Education · Australia has compulsory education ­ 11 years ­ In addition, children can learn two years · 38 universities Health · The average life expectancy is ­ 83,5 womens ­ 78,7 mens · Many people have skin cancer · Medicare came into exist...

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

Inglise keel 9.klass Unit 9 words

fame-kuulsus employ-tööle võtma, tööd andma,( tööd alustama) qualification-kvalifikatsioon, erial. ettevalmistus part-time work/job-osalise tööajaga töö full-time work/job-täispika tööajajga, põhikohaga töö payment-tasu specific-eriline, spetsiifiline self-employed-füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja, FIE CV-elulookirjeldus, curriculum vitae Rescue-päästmine; päästma career lesson-kutsenõustamise tund vocational-kutsehariduse- course-kursus vocational course-kutseõpe college-kolledz factory-vabrik praise-kiitus; kiitma peace of mind-meelerahu disappointment-pettumus rapidly-kiiresti demand-nõudlus; nõudmine; nõudma massive-hiigelsuur version-variant, versioon underage-alaealine founder-asutaja, rajaja personally-isiklikult select-valima establish-kehtestama alcohol-alkohol guideline-juhtnöör, suunis gap-auk, tühimik innovative-uuenduslik innovator-uuendaja entrepreneur-ettevõtja salary-töötasu, palk reference-(tööotsija) soovitaja; soovituski...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM The term acid rain refers to what scientists call acid deposition. It is caused by airborne acidic pollutants and has highly destructive results. Scientists first discovered acid rain in 1852, when the English chemist Robert Agnus invented the term. From then until now, acid rain has been an issue of intense debate among scientists and policy makers. Acid rain, one of the most important environmental problems of all, cannot be seen. The invisible gases that cause acid rain usually come from automobiles or coal-burning power plants. Acid rain moves easily, affecting locations far beyond those that let out the pollution. As a result, this global pollution issue causes great debates between countries that fight over polluting each other's environments. For years, science studied the true causes of acid rain. Some scientists concluded that human production was primarily responsible, while others cited natu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

The Steam Engine

The Steam Engine By What are they? Steam engines are the first kind of engines to see a widespread use. They were used in the early locomotives, steam boats and factories. In fact they are still used to help run nuclear powerplants. When and by who were they invented and improved? The very first steam engine was built by Thomas Savery in 1698. However, it didn't turn any wheels, instead it pumped water out of coal mines. In 1712 Thomas Newcomen introduced an improved version of Savery's engine. James Watt improved it even further and later came up with an idea on how to use a steam engine to power something with wheels. Alright, but why are they important? Steam engines are veryveryvery important because it was the dominant source of power well into the 20th century. They actually were the moving force behind the Industrial Revolution. So no steam engines = no Industrial Revolution = Middle Ages that last approxima...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Tuumaenergia müüdid

Mari-Liis Eha Birgit Aasmäe Tuumaenergeetika on ohtlik TEGELIKKUS Tuumajaamad on väga vastupidavad Kasutusele on võetud suur hulk täiendavaid meetmeid kõige ohutum tööstusharu Tuumajaam on terroristidele kerge saak sügavuti mineva kaitse põhimõtete rakendamine füüsilise kaitse tagamiseks rakendatavate meetmete tase väga kõrge Kiirgusfoon tuumajaamade ümber on kõrge ja põhjustab vähki haigestumist vähki suremus on tuumajaama töötajate hulgas ligi 1/3 võrra väiksem kui tuumajaamas mittetöötavatel inimestel Söel baseeruvate elektrijaamade läheduses kiirgustase märgatavalt kõrgem Tuumaenergeetika on vananenud tehnoloogia, mida enam ei arendata Praegu ehitatakse u 40 uut tuumaelektrijaama Vähemalt 35 ehitamine on planeerimisel Välja arendamisel on uus reaktoripõlvkond Olemasolevatest märgatavalt ohutum ja säästlikum Tuumaenergia on kallis ja konkurentsivõimetu, mis ilma riiklike toetusteta hakkama ei saa Tuumaenergia on üks kõige ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
7 allalaadimist

The U.K. / Suurbritannia

The UK & London The United Kingdom (or the UK) is a short way of saying the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Norther Ireland. The UK is situated north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The UK consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Its highest point is Ben Nevis in Scotland followed by Snowdon in Wales. The Severn is the longest river in the United Kingdom. Other important rivers are the Trent, the Mersey, the Tyne, etc. Lough Neagh which lies in the centre of Northern Ireland is thr UK's largest freshwater lake. The climate in the UK is variable. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forecast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong. Fortunately there is no extreme weather conditions, it is never very cold or very hot. The first inhabitants were Iberians and Celts who sett...

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


Nessie, its mythical monster Scotland is also famous for: whisky, kilts and sheep · One of the four constituent nations which form the UK · They have their own money, system of law, history, stamps, deep- rooted customs, traditions and ancient language- Gaelic · Most people speak the Scottish dialect ­ becoming endangered language · Weather ­ unpredictable · Breathtaking scenery Scottish Industries · Traditional -coal mining, steel production, shipbuilding · Today ­ offshore oli and gas, finacial services, high technology, fishing, forestry, whisky, tourism, computer production, HISTORY · Completely different from other countries · Resistance to foreign domination · The Celtic influence began in the 6th c., - Gaelic language · In 1296 William Wallace, started a war of independence · Sacred Scottish Stone of Destiny was taken from Scone

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


Cities Muckanaghederdauhaulia - This is probably the longest place name in Ireland. it consists of 22 letters There is also a village in Ireland called '' Inch village'' outside the village there is a sign '' Inch 1 mile'' i couldn't find a picture of it from the internet so i created a sign myself to make it more clear, so that can be quite confusing for a foreigner The capital city , Dublin was founded by the Vikings in 841 Worth to mention The Titanic was built in Harland and Wolff yards in Belfast , which is nowadays part of the Northern Ireland , but back then in 1909 - 1912 (which is the time when Titanic was built ) it was still part of the Ireland. So the worlds most famous ship was built in Ireland. Also Guinness beer originated in Arthur Guinness' brewery at St. James's Gate in Dublin. Nowadays it is one of the most successful beer brands in the world, being exported worldwide. sports : First I'm going...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

James Watt kokkuvõte

Topic No. 3 L.5 James Watt James Watt was born in Scotland in 1736. His father was a mathematical ­ instrument maker. James was a delicate boy and often suffered from severe headaches. That is why he didn't go to school when the other children did, so his parents had to teach him. He liked mathematics and was fond of making things, so his father gave him some tools. James liked to take his toys to pieces and build new things to his own design. At the age of eighteen he decided to become a professional instrument ­ maker. It was very hard to find a teacher. But finally he found an instrument ­ maker in London who took him on as an apprentice. After a year he returned to Scotland and became a mathematical ­ instrument maker. He also made musical instruments. He was asked to repair a small steam engine which was very primitive and used too much coal and a lot of steam was wasted. He ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Ristsõna - Great Britain

GREAT BRITAIN Across 6. What is the language that is spoken in Scotland by more than 70,000 people 7. Which part of the UK has the population of 2,965,900 10. What was first used in Britain to smelt ores such as iron 13. It is the official religion in Britain 15. A Cumbria's lake that is knows as ''Queen of Lakes'' 16. The second highest top in Britain 18. One of Britains great ports which is connected to the sea by rivers 19. South of the Pennines, also knows as the industrial heart of the United Kingdom 20. Agriculture contributes 2 per cent of... Down 1. Type ...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist


Class 10 2008 Few facts about cities Muckanaghederdauhaulia Inch village Inch village The Vikings founded sign Dublin in 841 Worth to mention The Titanic Guiness beer Traditional field sports Gaelic football- The game Hurling ­ Similiar to hockey is like a mix of a soccer and but played on a field. rugby. Flag and religion o Irish flag is a vertical tricolour of green, white, and orange. o About 90 % of the people are Roman Catholics St. Patrick's Cathedral The Irish flag Natural resources The primary natural resources of Ireland, include natural gas, petroleum, peat, copper, lead, dolomite, barite, limestone, gypsum, silver and some zinc Ireland has no coal. Gypsum mine Limestone pavem...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Australia slideshow

Tauri Heinmets, Rauno Kiik, Hendrik Lessuk, Ronald Proosa AUSTRALIA Geographical position Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent as well as the island of Tasmania and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. world's sixth-largest country by total area. The lowest point in the country is lake of Eyre (15m below sea level) and the highest point is Mount Kosciuszko (2229m) Economy Mixed economic system Division of labor Agriculture 3,6%; Industry 21,1%; Tendance 75% Units of labor 11,45 mlj. 2009. Unemployment 5,6% Most important export articles: coal, iron,gold Most important import articles: machinery and transport equipment Australia is one of the most important mining industry countries Politics Capital: Canberra Largest city: Sydney National language: English (de facto) Demonym:Australian, Aussie Government: Federal parliamentary c...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
12 allalaadimist


The republic of Ireland Class 10 Road signs New signs are in kilometric scale , but some old signs are still in mile scale There are multilangual signs Forests Ireland has only about 8 % of his whole land covered with forests. Centuries ago people destroyed the forests Now there is mostly peat. Economy 25 % of europe computers come from ireland Ireland had a big economic boom in late 20'th century but now its back on top Ireland has the second highest per capita income of any country in the EU next to Luxembourg Construction plays big part in Irish economy The weather Irish think there is 4 kinds of weather Typical Irish weather is few minutes rain , few minutes sun then again rain and so on Energy About 98% of Ireland's final energy is produced by burning coal, petroleum, peat, or natural gas Ireland has lately ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Saudi Araabia, riigi energia majanduse iseloomustus

SAUDI ARAABIA -RIIGI ENERGIAMAJANDUSE ISELOOMUSTUS 1.Kas Sinu riik on hästi kindlustatud energiavaradega? Saudi Araabiale kuulub enam 1/5 osa maailma naftavaru. Suurim tootja ja eksportöör naftasaasude. Milliseid energiavarasid leidub selles riigis? Nafta, looduslik gaas, Võimalusel lisa energiavarade kaart.Millised muutused on toimunud energiavarade tootmises viimase 20 aasta jooksul?Lisa graafikuid! Viimase 20 aastat nafta tootmise kasvab Viimase 20 aastat loodislik gaasi tootmise püsivalt kasvab ilma langema 2.Milliseid energiavarasid riik ekspordib?Impordib? Ekspordib: naafta (6.88 million bbl/day (2011 est.)), autobensiin, diesel, masuut Impordib: autobensiin, diisel, masuut 3.Milline on riigi energiatootmise struktuur?(millistest energiavaradest toodetakse elektrit).Lisa diagramm. Fossil kütest(naftast, gaasist) Production from oil gas Kui suur on taastuvate en...

Geograafia → Geograafia
7 allalaadimist

What is acid rains?

Acid rains This morning you contributed to atmosphere desolation H ow it is formed? Acid rain is formed by burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil. Gases of acid rain Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are the gases that form the acid rain. Our health and acid rain Acid rain effects even our health. Breathing and lung problems in people (especially those with asthma) and have been linked to acid air pollution. Some things that you can do to make acid rain less of a problem are: Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with a full load. Turn off the lights in empty rooms or when you will be away from home. Turn off the hot water tank when you will be gone for a long period of time. Don't use your air conditioner or heater as much. Install fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs. Try to reduce, reuse, and recycle as often as ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
5 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom and London

The United Kingdom and London United Kingdom is a political name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. These political names include the countries of England, Scotland and Wales. Every country has its own capital and language. The capital of England is London, the people there are english and the language spoken is English. In scotland live the scots, capital is Edingburg and the languages spoken are English and Scottish. The capital of Wales is Cardiff, the people tehre are welsh and the languages spoken are welsh and English. N. Ireland is the home for the Irish, the capital is Belfast and the language is Irish. The first inhabitants were Iberians and Celts who settled on the land and were often at war with each other. In AD 43 Britain was made a Roman province. The romans stayed there for three hundred years. After the romans left came the Angles, Saxons and Jutes...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

Module 1. Introduction 1)When did the industrial revolution start? 19th century 2)How did the Americans improve the Western European economy? Marshal aid 3)When did world trade start booming before or after 1950? After 3 top exporting continents in the world: Asia 56%, Europe 19%, North America 10%. Area is considered to be the biggest emerging market: The Indian Sub-continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). Products are exported from … Europe: motor cars, mashinery, chemicals.;Asia: video/audio equipment, clothes, shoes.; Australia: iron ore(рудаmaak), dairy products, meat.;Middle East: oil, gas, chemicals.;Africa: fruits, cacao, coffee.; North America: peanuts, grain, coal.;South America: meat, poultry(linnuliha), iron ore. WTO- the World Trade Organisation is the driver to ensure trade between countries has no barriers world wide. 340 mln container are circling the globe! 500.000 ships ensure that cargo is shipped aroun...

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Renewable energy

Name at least 3 renewable energy sources. What consequence might there be if we use non-renewable energy too much? Which energy technology is the world's fastest growing? With what name is renewable energy also known as? Light Heat Electricity Generated from natural resources. Doesn't harm the environment. Can't be replenished Most of our energy. May cause global warming. Wind energy is the fastest growing. Most renewable energy comes from the sun. Hydroelectric energy is the oldest and largest source. Renewable energy a.k.a "green" energy. Thank you for listening! We use energy every day. It surrounds us in different forms, such as light, heat, and electricity. Our bodies use the energy stored in molecules of substances like carbohydrates and protein to move, breathe, grow, and think. We also use energy to do work and to play. Humans have invented thousa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

The united kingdom

The united kingdom · Britain includes all the islands the republic of ireland, northern ireland, scotland, wales and england, which lie off the north-west coast of mainland europe. · Great britain comprises england, wales and scotland. The full name is the united kingdom · Covering 242,500 sq km, britain nearly 500 kmwide and almost 1,000 km long. The climate is tempererate but subject to frequent changes. Wettest areas- north and west, the warmest- south-east. Longest river, the severn, flows for 354 km and the largest lake is lough neagh 388 sq km. Scotland is the most mountainous part and the highest peak ben nevis 1,343 m high · Britain is relatively densely populated contry with some 57 million people(ranks 16in the world in terms of population )in london thers around 8 million people. England has the highest population density of four lands and scotland teh lowest. · T...

Keeled → British culture (briti...
6 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun