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"-chain" - 271 õppematerjali


Introduction of SCM

INTRODUCTION OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chains exist in both service and manufacturing organizations, although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm. Supply chain management is typically viewed to lie between fully vertically integrated firms, where the entire material flow is owned by a single firm and those where each channel member operates independently. Therefore coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team. Such a team...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist


Ankruoperatsioonid. Ankruseade Näiteks laeval "Star" on kasutusel 2 ankrut kaaluga 5850 kg . Ankrute valmistaja on Kettenfabrik Master GMBH. Keti seeklite arv on 10 seeklit vasakus pardas ja 11 seeklit paremas pardas. Keti läbimõõt on 68 mm. Ankruseadme ülesanne on võimaldada laeva peatamine ja paigal seismine merel või reidil merepõhja kinnituva ankru ja seda laevaga siduva ankruketi abil. See toimub ühe või mitme ankru abil. Ankruseade koosneb ankrutest, ankrukettidest, ankruketi piduritest, klüüsidest ja ankrumasinast. Ankruseadme juurde kuulub ka spetsiaalse konstruktsiooniga ruum - ketikast. Laevadel on tavaliselt kaks peaankrut ja üks sama suur ankur varuks. Ankrut ühendab laevakerega ankrukett, mis kinnitub kere külge erilise seadme - ketihalsi abil. Ankrukett koosneb lülidest, mis moodustavad umbes 25 meetri pikkused ketilõigud. Need lõigud ühendatakse omavahel lahtivõetavate ühenduslülideg...

Merendus → Laevandus
23 allalaadimist

Logistiline ahel kui tarne ja väärtusahel

Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus LOGISTILINE AHEL KUI TARNE JA VÄÄRTUSAHEL Referaat Õpilane: Kadri Lippa Klass: MK1 Juhendaja: Aili Kendaru Tallinn 2010 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus 2 Tarneahelate juhtimine 3 Tarneahela juhtimise funktsioonid ja võtmetegevused 4 Väärtusahel 5 Väärtusahel 6 Mõisted 7 Kokkuvõte 8 Kasutatud materjal 9 ...

Logistika → Logistika
111 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Ärikorralduse instituut Logistika ja kinnisvara õppetool JALGRATASTE TARNEAHELA ANALÜÜS VELOPLUS OÜ ETTEVÕTTE NÄITEL Globaalse tarneahela juhtimine, kodutöö I Juhendaja: Tarvo Niine Tallinn 2010 SISSEJUHATUS Käesolev globaalse tarneahela juhtimise kodutöö on kirjutatud teemal jalgrataste tarneahela analüüs Veloplus OÜ näitel. Jalgrataste tarneahela kirjeldamiseks on valitud jalgratta MATTS TFS XC 300-V tootmine ja tarnimine, mille valmistamist ja tarneahelat töös kirjeldatakse. Tarneahel (Supply Chain) näitab millistest tarne etappidest koosneb lõpptoote kujunemine. Tarneahelat kujutatakse üldjuhul sirgjoonelise kanalina, mida mööda kulgevad toorained, mis muudetakse läbi ...

Majandus → Globaalse tarneahela juhtimine
133 allalaadimist


Mangroovimetsad TTG 10c Laura Tumala 16.11.2011 mangroovimetsade asukohad ABIOOTILISED TEGURID Õhuniiskus *Sisemaal on õhuniiskus üsna suur- üle 65% *Suur õhuniiskus vähendab taimedest ja pinnasest vee aurustumist *Liiga suur õhuniiskus ja kõrge temperatuur võivad muuta elukoha elamiskõlbmatuks Temperatuur *Infrapunase kiirguse intensiivsus on üsna suur , mistõttu seal on ka kõrge temperatuur Valgus *Valgust on seal palju, mis on hea taimede fotosünteesile Hapniku hulk vees *Vees lahustunud hapniku hulk on väiksem , kui avatud meres pH *Mangroovi pinnas on üldjuhul neutraalne või kergelt happeline, mis on normaalne ning see ei vaja erilisi kohastumisi Mangroovitaimed *taluvad soola *harunev õhujuurestik (mutta kinnitumiseks) Mangroovi loomastik Erinevad linnud *haigrud veeloomad *mudahüpik(taustal) *krabid *kalad Kasutatud materjal http://mak...

Loodus → Keskkond
7 allalaadimist


BARRIERS TO DISTRICT HEATING DEVELOPMENT IN SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Abstract District heating (DH) offers low primary energy demand, high security of supply and small CO 2 emissions. Barriers to DH in the UK, Ireland, France, Romania and the Czech Republic have been compiled through publications and interviews. DH systems require large investments, have negative initial cash flow and long payback time, which obstructs financing. One actor should control DH from source to consumption. If the value chain is fragmented, contracts are required between the links. It increases risks and financing costs, like in the UK and Ireland, where DH is not established. There are few multi- family houses with central heating and it is expensive to build DH networks in built areas. Most French DH systems are operated according to long-term concessions by companies that sell electricity and gas. No strong actor provid...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tarneahela olemus/referaat

Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus MÜÜGIKORRALDUS 1 Anu Salujärv TARNEAHELA OLEMUS Referaat Juhendaja: Aili Kendaru Paide 2012 SISUKORD 3 1.Kuidas jaguneb 4 1.1.Logistika ja 4 1.2.Tarneahela logistilised 5 2.Mis on 6 2.1.Tarneahelate 7 2.2.Tarneahelate juhtimise funktsioonid ja võtmetegevuse...

Logistika → Logistika
231 allalaadimist

Inglise keel- Lesson 3 Anchoring

Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrupaik- anchorage/berth Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrus olema- to ride/stand at anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Ankrut ära andma- to drop anchor Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- Andma laevale tagasikäik masinaga- to give a ship the sternway with the engine to give a ship the sternway with the engine to give a ship the sternway with the engine ...

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Pakendite ringlus logistilises ahelas

Tartu kutsehariduskeskus Ärinduse ja kaubandus osakond Lii Pedajas Pakendite ringlus logistilises ahelas Iseseisevtöö Juhendaja: Tiina Kraav Tartu 2013 Pakkimistööl ja pakenditel on suur mõju logistiliste süsteemide produktiivsusele ja logistikakuludele. Pakkimisoperatsioonid koos pakendite maksumusega ja pakkematerjalide likvideerimisega on olulised logistikakulude allikad. Pakkimise ja pakenditega seotud kulud lülitatakse üldjuhul toote omahinda ning seetõttu on need logistika kogukulude hindamisel enamasti vähemärgatavad ja seetõttu ka alatähtsustatud. Pakkimine mõjutab üldjuhul kõiki logistikatoimingute sooritamisega seotud kulusid. Veo- ja laokulud s...

Logistika → Transport ja kaubakäsitlemine
54 allalaadimist


homework In this picture I can see girls, and her style looks like hip hop. I can see that this girls is Korean. Her clothes have red, black and white colors. One the first picture I see girl, who have red cap. leggings, and black shoes, t-shirt. For the second and third picture I see one more this girl, but she was in a black t-shirt, leggings, shoes, and red cap. I´d like this style, they are so cool, but I think that in our time, not everyone will be wearing it. Her accessorise was so beautiful, she has a bracelets and two chain. Her makeup so beautiful, she has a eyeliner, lipstick, and mascara. As well as her hair color, suitable for her style. I think that this style is suitable for music singers such as Jason Derulo, Pitbull, and Flo Rida - preferably remix. If to judge by that as this girl it is dressed, it is possible to assume that it is engaged to hip hop. I think if it is engaged to hip hop it spends the free time in danc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Referaat meditsiini ajalugu - Ensüüm lüsosüümi avastamine 1923 ning antibiootikum penitsilliini avastamine hallitusseenest pintselhallikust 1928

Ensüüm lüsosüümi avastamine 1923 ning antibiootikum penitsilliini avastamine hallitusseenest pintselhallikust 1928 Alexander Fleming (6. august 1881 Lochfield, Sotimaa ­ 11. märts 1955 London) oli soti bioloog ja farmakoloog. Tema tuntumad saavutused olid ensüüm lüsosüümi avastamine 1923 ning antibiootikum penitsilliini avastamine hallitusseenest pintselhallikust 1928, mille eest ta pälvis 1945 Howard Walter Florey ja Ernst Boris Chainiga Nobeli füsioloogia- või meditsiiniauhinna. Pärast Esimest maailmasõda uuris Fleming innukalt antibakteriaalseid vahendeid, sest ta oli näinud paljusid sõdureid suremas haavanakkusest põhjustatud sepsisesse. Kahjuks halvasid antiseptikumid patsientide immunoloogilise kaitse veel tõhusamalt kui bakterid. 1922 tegi Fleming olulise avastuse, avastas lüsosüümi. Töötades mõningate bakteritega, Flemingul nina tilkus, kukutades mõned lim...

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
3 allalaadimist

"food" Homereading

Burger King Burger King (NYSE: BKC), often abbreviated to BK, is a global chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. The first restaurant was opened in Miami, Florida in 1954 by James McLamore and David Edgerton, and has since used several variations of franchising to expand its operations. Burger King Holdings Corporation is the parent company of Burger King; in the United States it operates under the Burger King Brands title while internationally it operates under the Burger King Corporation banner. It is a publicly traded company with investment firms of TPG Capital, L.P., Bain Capital, and Goldman Sachs each owning about 25% of the company. At the end of its fiscal year 2007, Burger King reported that there are more than 11,300 outlets in 69 countries; 66% are in the United States and 90% are privately owned and operated. The company has more than 37,000 employees serving approximately 11.4 million ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands Geography The Solomon Islands lie northeast of Australia in the South Pacific Ocean. They are part of a long chain of archipelagos called Melanesia, which stretches from Papua New Guinea in the north to New Caledonia and Fiji in the south. Second largest in the Melanesian chain, the Solomon Islands archipelago covers approximately 310,000 square miles (803,000 square kilometers) of ocean and consists of 10,639 square miles (27,556 square kilometers) of land. There are a total of 992 islands in the Solomon Islands History When Spanish explorer Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira visited the Solomon Islands in 1568, he found some gold at the mouth, he erroneously thought that this could be one of the locations in which King Solomon (the Israelite monarch) obtained gold for his temple in Jerusalem. Mendaña then named the islands after King Solomon--Solomon Islands. Papuan-speaking hunter-gatherer...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuridevaheline...
4 allalaadimist

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin More than a century after his death, and four generations after the publication of his chief work, "The Origin of Species", Charles Darwin may still be considered the most controversial scientist in the world. His name is synonymous with the debate that continues to swirl around the theory of evolution, a theory that deeply shook the Western view of humanity and its place in the world. We tend to speak simply of the theory of evolution, leaving off the explanatory phrase, "through natural selection." At most, perhaps, the general public has heard of "survival of the fittest" a poor phrase as far as I'm concerned, since fitness in everyday usage is associated with physical conditioning and athletic ability. "Survival of the most suited to its environment" would be a more accurate, and convincing expression for this pedicular concept. But to most of us, "evolution" simply means that human beings are descended from ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Referaat Bullwhip Effect

1. BULLWHIP EFFECT EHK PIITSAEFEKT Bullwhip effect ehk piitsaefekt kirjeldab olukorda, kus tarneahelas ülesvoolu (alates lõppkliendist kuni algtoorme tarnijani) liikudes leiab aset esialgsete tellimisandmete silmnähtav moonutumine. Kõik algab sellest, kui lõppkliendist kohe järgmine lüli (näiteks jaemüüja) ei prognoosi piisavalt täpselt kliendi nõudlust ning sellest ekslikust prognoosist tulenevalt esitab endast järgnevale lülile (näiteks maaletoojale) tellimuse, mis erineb sellest, mida oleks tegelikult vaja. Sellest tulenevalt on ka tellitavate koguste variatsioon suurem ostetavatest kogustest. Antud olukorda illustreerib hästi alljärgnev joonis: Joonis 1. Tellitud ja müüdud koguste variatsioon Allikas: Lee et al 2004 Nagu ilmselt juba arvata võib, on tarneahela viimane lüli (algtoorme tarnija) sellest 2 tulenevalt kõige halvemas olukorras, kuna temani jõuab see kõige mo...

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
32 allalaadimist


Antibiootikumid ...on mikroobide elu pärssivad või neid surmavaid ained. Antibiootikumid tekitavad bakterite, aktinomütseetide, hallitus- jt. seente, vetikate, kõrgemate taimede ja loomade ainevahetuses. Nüüdisajal valmistatakse ka poolsünteetilisi ja sünteetilisi antibiootikume. Osa neist toimivad ka pärssivalt kasvajarakkudesse. Esimese antibiootikumi- penitsilliini avastas Sir Alexander Fleming 1929 aastal. Flemingi murrangulist avastust arendasid edasi teadlased Ernst Chain ja Howard Florey ning penitsilliinist kujunes esimene tõhus bakterite hävitaja, millega raviti ühtmoodi tulemuslikult nii senini surmahaiguseks olnud tuberkuloosi kui ka mitmesuguseid põletikke. Ilmavalgust nägigi maailma esimene antibiootikum.

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
45 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon OÜ Maxima

Was established in 1992 In Estonia worked since 2001 to 2004 as a TMarket From 2004 is working as a Maxima Eesti OÜ Over 420 shops Is a retail chain operating in 4 countries is the largest Lithuanian capital company and the largest employer in the Baltic States To become a retail leader To expand on other markets To relieve people's life in other countries Follow the principles of work Help costumer to find a product Change old prices to new ones

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Pitbike mootori joonised ja kokkupanemine

PREFACE Combined with all the specialty and advantages of the same models from both domestic and abroad, 1P52FMI is one of the newly engines developed by our Co. It is characterized by strong power, low fuel-consumption and low noise as well as popular and fashionable shape. An engine of 1P52FMI will be your best choice. To benefit customers, we carefully compile the PARTS CATALOGUE FOR 1P52FMI ENGINE. Users can easily grasp characteristics of 1P52FMI engine through the illustrations, names, quantities, etc. in the catalogue. Please refer to this book when you order the parts. If any difference in the book from actual engine status, please do as per the real. The copyright of this catalogue belongs to Lifan Industry Group Co., Ltd., any group or individual is forbidden to reprint or copy any item from it. The catalogue is subject to change without noti...

Mehhatroonika → Konstruktsiooni elemendid
14 allalaadimist

125cc mootori (atm) tööpõhimõte

PREFACE Combined with all the specialty and advantages of the same models from both domestic and abroad, 1P52FMI is one of the newly engines developed by our Co. It is characterized by strong power, low fuel-consumption and low noise as well as popular and fashionable shape. An engine of 1P52FMI will be your best choice. To benefit customers, we carefully compile the PARTS CATALOGUE FOR 1P52FMI ENGINE. Users can easily grasp characteristics of 1P52FMI engine through the illustrations, names, quantities, etc. in the catalogue. Please refer to this book when you order the parts. If any difference in the book from actual engine status, please do as per the real. The copyright of this catalogue belongs to Lifan Industry Group Co., Ltd., any group or individual is forbidden to reprint or copy any item from it. The catalogue is subject to change without noti...

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
44 allalaadimist

Shopping in London

Shopping in London Kaspar Rätsep G1a General overview London is without doubt the centre for shopping in the United Kingdom and the numerous districts provide a shopper's paradise. Whether you are looking for London fashion, antiques, furniture or home accessories, rest assured that London will provide you with a huge choice. London has a lot to offer the shopper from large department stores to exclusive boutiques. There are many areas to go on shopping trips, such as Oxford Street, Covent Garden, and Knightsbridge. And, of course, London has many street markets to browse around. Oxford street two miles of wall to wall shops. the UK's busiest and most famous shopping area. There are over 300 shops to choose from. Apart perhaps from Selfridges the street consists of tourist orientated small shops interspersed with the UK flagship stores of all the main chain stores in...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Netiquette Rasmus Leinasaar Audru School 7a Respect Other People Remember the world is a big place full of very different people. When you communicate with someone on the Internet,remember that other people's opinios may be different form yours. Try not to hurt their feelings. Respect other people's time When you send an email to someone, they need time to read it. So be sure that they don't have to spend too much time reading it. Keep your emails and online messages shot.Dont write in capital letters. It looks as if you're shouting and it is also difficul to read . Never send chain. Netiquette, a colloquial portmanteau of network etiquette or Internet etiquette, is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks, ranging from Usenet and mailing lists to blogs and forums.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Butterflies How butterflies find food? Instead of eating, butterflies get their nurishment from drinking. They have a long narrow tube in their mouth. They usually set on top of a flower and drink the nectar. Why are they important for the environment? Butterflies are important for pollination and natural pest control. Butterflies are an important element of the food chain and are prey for birds, bats and other animals. Butterflies&bees Butterflies and bees suffering from enviromental pressures like drought and habitat loss How can we protect butterflies? Buy organic produce and avoid genetically engineered foods Create butterfly habitat Species in Estonia There is 2388 registered butterfly species in Estonia. oject/5-easy-ways-you-can-protect-butterflies

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Valgu sünteesi geneetiline kontroll

Valgu sünteesi geneetiline kontroll 1942: George Beadle ja Edward Tatum Uurisid hallitusseenel, mis on haploidne kas geenid määravad valku. Üks geen ­ üks ensüümOne GeneOne Enzyme Hypothesis Iga geen kontrollib ühe ensüümi aktiivsust Hiljuti: üks geen ­ üks polüpeptiid Praegu: "üks geen ­ palju geeni produkte 1958: George Beadle (Cal. Tech); Edward Tatum (Rockefeller Instituut) Neurospora crassa elutsükkel: 1. Neurospora paljuneb mittesugulisel teel koniidiumite abil (spoorid) 2. Neurospora on haploidne, seega iga mutatsioon avaldub (vastandina diploidne) 3. Lühike elutsükkel, kasvab lihtsal söötmel (N, C, biotin). · Sünteesib praktiliselt kõik eluks vajaliku nendest lihtsatest ühenditest 4. Levib vegetatiivselt mütseeli teel ja spooridega 5. Kuid on ka seksuaalne tsükkel paaritumistüüpide vahel (A ja a) vahel, kus toimub gameedi moodustumin...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
7 allalaadimist


Dear ... I am writing to express my concern regarding the school meals served at The School House.That school food is healthy and tasty, could only be used in all schools canteens Estonia stockpiled, here are strictly controlled and processed foods. Start with the fact that Estonia grown food is stored, processed and routed school canteen supply chain for its intended purpose. This approach solves three important problems. The menu could be selective in how many different drinks. Since I myself can not drink milk, and in particular it could be a range of more buttermilk. Students could have a greater choice of food than what they want and what is not. Because some students can not eat everything and they should then suffer from hunger throughout the school day. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully .....

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Analysis of the Journal

Analysis of the Journal Link to the online journal: The EFSA Journal is an scientific journal that is published by the European Food Safety Authority. The journal gives an information about the risks that are associated with the food chain. This journal is peer-reviewed and has an open access. The articles are in PDF form, written in English. On top of that it is free of charge. The advantage of the webpage is that it is easy to navigate. Also, there is no advertisement included. Furthermore, the information is reliable because the EFSA is an agency of the European Union. The authors of the articles are researchers and experts from all over Europe. In my opinion, it is a good online journal to get a quick view on the most important topics of food sciences.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Paul Graham, “Hackers

Paul Graham, “Hackers & Painters” A Summary In “Hackers & Painters, Paul Graham, computer science expert and painter, explains examines what motivates computer programmers to do what they do, as well as attempt to answer many of the questions that have arisen with computers. He explains the word “hacker” has more than the one definition most of us are familiar with. The hackers who Paul Graham refers to throughout the book are the good computer programmers who have made all that we have real. Graham's first chapter, "Why Nerds Are Unpopular," tries to explain why smart kids are at the bottom of the food chain in high school and what their priorities are. While writing about nerds, Graham talks about his own progress to become computer scientist and painter. He explains the similarities between painters and computer hackers, including the desire to make existing things better.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ohustatud loomad

How global warming affects penguins? Range of Penguins Population · Experts estimate that the three colonies of Adelie penguins may have declined by up to 70%. · The population of emperor penguins has been cut in half over the past 50 years. Food chain (Adelie penguins) sea algae krill Adelie penguins Lack of food · Scientists suspect that the rising temperatures affect the small fish and other marine animals on which penguins feed. · The sea ice necessary to the survival of krill larvae is disappearing earlier and taking with it 80 percent of the krill population. Climate changes · The emperor penguins are starving to death because the warming air and water is drastically changing the environment to which they have adapted. · Two giant icebergs have broken off the Antarctic ice sheet and are blocking the way from their bree...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Queensland flood

Queensland floods Markus Põder 10 A Contents · Introduction · Backround · Extend · Deaths · Response · Recovery · Economic impact · Animals · Video Introduction · December 2010 ­ January 2011 · 35 confirmed dead · 9 missing · 30 billion dollars · Much of central and southern Queensland including Brisbane, Rockhampton, Emerald, Bundaberg, Dalby, Toowoomba, and Ipswich Backround · Last was in 1974 · Heavy rainfall · 24 December · Coral Sea · Gulf of Carpentaria · Gold Coast Extend · Half of Queensland was flooded · Fitzroy River basin · Burnett River basin · Balonne River basin · Mary River basin · Toowoomba · Brisbane River catchment Deaths · 35 confirmed dead · 20 November 2010 · Jordan Rice Response · 55000 volunteers · Give money · Prime Minister Recovery · Army · Giving A$1 million each · Cricet teams Economic impact · ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Nuclear bomb

Nuclear weapon Heleanor Kala Henri Möll What is nuclear weapon? • tools of mass destruction • suddenly releases the energy • explosive devices • nuclear fallout • damage your blood, cells and organs • special isotopes of uranium or plutonium how it works? • atom • breaking that nucleus • combining two nuclei • large amounts of energy history • Scientist discovered how to create a chain reaction • in the 1930s • Robert Oppenheimer • Manhattan Project • development of the nuclear bomb Nuclear bomb effect • release four kinds of energy 1. Radiation (Cause Disease and will effect the next Generation) 2. Electromagnetic 3. Heat 4. Pressure Hiroshima • Hiroshima was the primary target of the first nuclear bombing mission on August 6, 1945 • “Little boy” • thirteen kilotons • 70 000-80 000 killed • 70 000 injured the destruction of Hiroshima Who has nuclear weapo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

David Beckham

David Beckham General · Birth name : David Robert Joseph Beckham · Born : 2 May , 1975 ( age 35 ) · Birthplace : Leytonstone , London , England · Nationality : English · Playing position : Midfierlder · Current club : Los Angeles Galaxy · Number : 23 Family · Wife : Victoria Beckham · Sons : Brooklyn Joseph , Romeo James and Cruz David Career · 1991 - Signs as a trainee for Manchester United · 1993 - Signs as a professional for Manchester United · 2000 - Appointed the English national team captain · 2003 - Signs with Real Madrid for £25m Achievements · 1999 - UEFA Most Valuable Player · 2000 - World Footballer of The Year (2nd Place) · 2001 - World Footballer of The Year (2nd Place) · 2001 - European Footballer of The Year (4th Place) Fun Facts · There is a gold-covered bronze statue of David Beckham in a Thai Bu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The Story of Selver

SELVER Kristen Ploom Hugo Treffneri Gümanaasium 2011 History Founded in 1995. Founded by AS Tallinna Kaubamaja. First Selver was opened in Tallinn and it was called Punane Selver. 1998-2001 designed into chain of supermarkets. 2002 ­ Opened first Selver outside of Tallinn. Since 2008 Selver also operated in Latvia, but in the end of 2009 due to the financial crisis Selver was forced to close all its 6 supermarkets in Latvia. Facts 35 Stores around the country. 11 of them are in Tallinn. Two kinds of stores ­ Supermarkets and Hypermarkets. 5 Hypermarkets in Tallinn. Selver is the exclusive retailer of the products of Selveri Köök - over 250 different salads, desserts, ready-made meals, etc. Selvers in Estonia Selvers of Tartu Selver's main aim is to create and maintain trust in clients by creating a friendly e...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Sir Alexander Fleming ja antibiootikum

Antibiootikumide avastaja ­ Sir Alexander Fleming Nimi Klass Mis on antibiootikum? · Antibiootikumid on elusorganismide (bakterite, seente) produtseeritud või tööstuslikult sünteesitud ained, mis surmavad mikroorganisme ning terapeutilistes annustes ei kahjusta makroorganismi, see toimib mikroobe hävitavalt. Alexander Fleming · Kaheksakümmend aastat tagasi tegi soti arst Alexander Fleming Londoni haigla laboris bakteritega katseid, et leida tõhus vahend nakkuste vastu. Ühtäkki märkas ta, et kasvama pandud söötmele oli kinnitunud hallitus, mille juures oli ebatavaline see, et söötmele kinnitunud hallituse (penitsilliiniseene) ümbert olid bakterid kadunud. Esimene antibiootikum · Flemingi tööd arendasid edasi teadlased Ernst Chain ja Howard Florey, kelle koostööl nägi ilmavalgust maailma esimene antibiootikum. · Flemingi avas...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
22 allalaadimist

Young entrepreneur - Fraser Doherty

Fraser Doherty Basic information Edinburgh ● 24 years old ● ● Business idea - making jams from his grandmother's recipes ● At the age of 14, he began making jams from his grandmother's recipes ● As the word got out, he began receiving more orders than he had time to fill. ● He dropped out of school and rented a 200-person factory a few days each month. ● In 2007, a high-end U.K. supermarket approached Doherty about selling his jams leading to his products gaining shelf space in 184 stores. Success story set up SuperJam at 14 ● ● developed a method of producing jam 100% from fruit ● became the youngest ever supplier to a major supermarket chain in 2007 Accomplishments ● SuperJam now supplies over 2,000 supermarkets around the world ● 2010 - published his first book - The SuperJam Cookbook, which contains jam recipes ● 2011 - published his second book - SuperBusiness, a gu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

English for engineering unit 7 controlwork

Task 1: 1. Lubrication system 2. Moving parts 3. Heat and wear 4. Cooling 5. Lubricates 6. Collects 7. Particles 8. Oil filter 9. Leak out 10. Amount 11. Checking 12. Dipstick 13. Friction 14. Increase 15. Become damaged 16. Changing 17. Thin 18. Impurities 19. Efficiently 20. Assembled Task 2: 1. Oil pressure switch, oil pump, relief valve, oil strainer, relief valve for oil cooler, oil filter, oil cooler, main gallery, oil pan, oil level gauge 2. Static seals and dynamic seals 3. Paper filter, or it may contain oil 4. Wire gauze, nylon mesh, cotton, felt, pads, paper or cellulose sheets Task 3: 1. The friction causes heat and wear 2. Oil needs changing every 10000 km 3. Joint and junction 4. Oilways must be leakproof 5. Rigid and semi-flexible 6. Crankcase 7. Timing gears 8. Chain rocker 9. Wate evaporates 10. Rotary m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
71 allalaadimist

McDonald's presentation


Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne report supermarketitest

To: Mare Kallas From: Paula Hõbe Subject: Selver Date: 2th October Introduction The purpose of this report is to describe and give an assesment of a supermarket named Selver which is part of a large national chain. Convenience and Comfort To begin with there are a lot of different sections for example a meat counter, a bakery and a cosmetics counter. So you can save a lot of time because you can do all your shopping in one place. Furthermore the way the shelves are arranged makes it easy to find what you want. However Selver supermarkets are quite far from the town centre, and sometimes it may be hard to find a parking space. Prices You can save a lot of money by buying their own brand of goods. In addition they have many extremely cheap special offers. Although their normal prices are not cheaper than the prices at other supermarkets. Recommendation All in all I think that Selver is a good place to do your shopping because you do not h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Presentation - teflon - powerpoint

Polytetrafluoroethylene Teflon Technology of Materials Polytetrefluoroethylene Words: Chain ­ ahel Serendipitously- pooljuhuslikult Resistance- vastupanu insulator-isolaator Semiconductor-pooljuht Deteriorate ­ halvenema Surface-pind Vulnerable- haavatav,nõrk Shield ­kilp, varjama Spin-off ­ kõrval saadus Polytetrefluoroethylene Polyteterfluoroethylene(PTFE) · Background · History · Structure · Properities · Applications · Safety Polytetrefluoroethylene PTFE-Teflon Synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene Plastic with the good properities Is most well known by the DuPont brand name Teflon. ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
50 allalaadimist

Miks The Coca-Cola Company on kõrgemal kui PepsiCo

Miks The CocaCola Company on kõrgemal kui PepsiCo (vastavalt 2013. aasta Gartner Supply Chain Top 25le)? The CocaCola Company on PepsiCost kõrgemal kohal, kuna: 1.) The CocaCola Company on sõlminud lepingu mitmete suurte kiirtoidu restoranide kettidega (nt. McDonalds), millel on ettevõtteid suurel hulgal üle terve maailma. PepsiCol on sõlmitud leping nt. Starbucksiga, mille restoranid ei ole ülemaailmselt nii levinud. 2.) The CocaCola Company reklaamib rohkem oma tooteid televisioonis (eriti just pühade ajal) ja korraldab erinevaid kampaaniaid (Coke for you; iga viies pudel võidab, maastiku ratta kampaania). PepsiCo reklaamid on vähem silmapaistvamad. Need on Eesti põhjal. 3.) The CocaCola Company suund on toota ainult karastusjooke, kui PepsiCol on karastusjookide osa tootmises ainult 47%, seal on enamuses tooted, mis otseselt ei rõhu nimele Pepsi (nt. Gatorade). 4.) The Coc...

Majandus → Maailma majandus
7 allalaadimist


TOPICS FOR SPEAKING CYLINDER FRAME The cylinder section of the engine consists of a number of cylinder blocks, which are tightened together with the engine frame and the bedplate by means of through- going stay bolts. Two central bores, one at the top and one halfway down inside the cylinder block, enclose the cylinder liner. The upper part of the cylinder block forms part of the cooling water space around the central part of the cylinder liner, whereas the lower part forms the scavenge air space. A central bore in the bottom of the cylinder block encloses the piston rod stuffing box. The bottom is double with a hollow space through which cooling water is circulated. On the exhaust side of the cylinder block there is a circular opening leading into the longitudinal scavenge air receiver of the engine. Furthermore, there is an inlet pipe for cooling and lubricating oil. The cylinder block is provided with cleani...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

The most interesting historical events in Estonia

The Most Interesting Historical Events in Estonia Liana Põldver · The nationwide Song Festival tradition began with the first Song Festival in Tartu, June 18 20, 1869. · 1860 marks the beginning of the period of the National Awakening. A singing society led by Johann Voldemar Jannsen started and carried through the nationwide idea of Song Festival. · During 1879 1910 six Song Festivals were held that played an important part in the nation's cultural and economical awakening and growth. In the independent Estonian Republic the Song Festivals were held in every five years (1923 1938). After World War II, the Song Festival tradition began again in 1947. Since 1950 General Song Festivals were held in every five years again. 1969 was an exception though when 100th anniversary of the Song Festival was celebrated. · The foreign authorities have tried to use the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

If you have created something, then try to be open minded

If you have created something, then try to be open minded Teacher: O'Mahony V.PG 11A 09.03.2009 This written essay here is talking about my thoughts and facts of life, what is around us. First I thought that why is always easier to create something but to destroy is much harder. Exactly there have been so many wars in history. Everybody wanted to own a lot of countries and others had to fight for their created country. Also they started to teach young people to kill and protect their country with killing enemies. Also government tried to keep a low profile, if there were some wars in state. These are my thoughts of creating and keeping something. In the old times were many wars. Some states predominated over other weaker countries or states. Weaker countries had created their own and loved country and they wanted to live like that for a long time. But also stronger countries wanted to broaden their boards and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

"Babel" My favourite film

"Babel" I have got a number of favorite films, but the last one that I have recently seen and really enjoyed is called the "Babel". In the scenes are playing Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett and others. "Babel" is a Golden Globe-winning and Academy Award-winning 2006 film, directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu and written by Guillermo Arriaga. The action of the film takes place in 3 different countries and all the events that happen during the film are interrelated. At the beginning of the film two Moroccan boys shot from rifle and this influenced a chain of events that link on American tourist couple struggle to survive, two Moroccan boys involved in an accidental crime, nanny illegally crossing into Mexico with two American children and a Japanese teen girl rebel, whose father is caught by the police in Tokyo. Every branch of the story has it s very own distinct style that complements the plot of ea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Indie rock

Indie rock Indie rock on rokkmuusika alaliik, mis eksisteerib põhiliselt iseseisvas põrandaaluses muusikastseenis."Indie rock" on lühend sõnapaarile ,,independent rock". Indie-bändidel on vabadus katsetada ja arendada oma saundi, emotsioone ja sõnu, mis ei pea meeldima põhilisele kuulajaskonnale-tähtsamad on isiklik maitse ja arvamus kui kasum. Indie rocki juured ulatuvad tugevalt Ameerika ja Briti 80-ndate põrandaalusesse ja alternatiiv rocki, kui välja arvata mõned loomulikud muutused, mis on toimunud selles zanris viimastel aastakümnetel. Indie rok sai iseseisvaks muusikastiiliks umbes sellel ajal, kui Nirvana tavakuulajateni jõudis ja kuulsaks sai. Indie rock on kitarripõhine muusika, mida viljelevad väikeste muusikafirmade alla kuuluvad bändid. Suurbritannias on alternatiivsele muusikale vihjatud kui ,,indie" mitte ,,alternatiiv". Levinud arvamus on üleüldse, et on võimatu indie muusika ...

Muusika → Muusika
8 allalaadimist

Lehekülg 63 harjutus 5-8

Tb p 63 ex 5-8 5.To grow new parts-the ability to reproduce To produce young-offspring To react to something-respond to To become adjusted to new conditions-able to adapt Plants and animals living in one place-natural community Type of plant or animal-specie Area covered with growing trees-woodland Organisms that feed on dead tissues-decomposers to grow- change to different size or shape Replace-something -living things can to for themselvs Repair parts-living things can to for themselvs Respond to stimuly- ability to grow toward the light Able to adapt-to survive in nature Natural selection-ability to make living things better to survive and live longer Interact- to act upon one another. Surrounding- all round a particular place or thing Dominated-different species that are more existing Species- a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals Food chain- a series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


INDIA India is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country and the most populous democracy in the world. Flag The National Flag of India is a tricolour of deep saffron, white and India green with the Ashoka Chakra. Saffron, white and green symbolise peace and truth. Clothing Popular styles of dress include draped garments such as the sari for women and the dhoti or lungi for men. Sports In India, several traditional indigenous sports remain fairly popular. kabaddi gilli-danda kho kho Chess is popular too. India has also played a major role in popularising cricket. Thus, cricket is the most popular sport in India. India has hosted sporting events: the Asian Games; the Cricket World Cup tournaments; the Afro-Asian Games; the Champions Trophy and many more. Religion India is home to many religions, but t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Animals shrinking in the heat

Animals shrinking in the heat This article was published in Daily mail, on 17 October 2011. The author of the article is Tamara Cohen. The article discusses about animals who are shrinking due to global warming. Scientist have warned, that animals such as sheep, deer, birds and reptiles are shrinking due to climate change. Researchers say warmer temperatures over the past few years have made some animals adapt to need less body fat to survive while others are struggling for food. In the next few decades, some types of mammals, fish, birds and plants are getting smaller and evolve into miniature versions of what they are today. This could force some creatures, that people eat, to become extinct, Dr David Bickford from the National University of Singapore reviewed research showing creatures from deer to tortoises, gulls, goshawks and even polar bears have already shrunk over the past 50 years. 'Because recent climate change may be fast...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Torutransport - esitlus inglise keeles

Pipeline transport Contents Who suggested to use pipe first for transporting petroleum? Pipeline construction Products that can be carried by pipeline Pipelines by purpose Pigging Advatages of pipelines Challenges of pipelines Accidents Three longest pipelines in the world Nord Stream pipeline First man who suggested to use pipe for transporting petroleum: Dmitri Mendeleev In 1863 Petroleum Pipeline construction Route (right of way) Selection Surveying the route Clearing the route Trenching - Main Route and Crossings (roads, rail, other pipes, etc.) Installing the pipe Installing valves, intersections, etc. Covering the pipe and trench What can transport through the pipeline? Liquids Gases Solid capsules The most popular and valuable: Oil Natural gas A pipeline carries Biofuels crude oil through the ...

Logistika → Inglise keel - torutransport
3 allalaadimist

Castles and museums

Castles and museums Cardiff castle Robert Fitzhamon built Cardiff castle. Cardiff Castle is one of Wales' leading heritage attractions and a site of international significance. During 2000 years of history, the Castle has been a Roman Garrison, a Norman stronghold and in Victorian times was transformed into a gothic fairytale fantasy. St Fagans St Fagans is an area in the west of the city of Cardiff, capital of Wales. To the south lies the village of Michaelston-super-Ely, and to the east the suburb of Fairwater. St Fagans lies on the River Ely, and previously had a railway station on the South Wales Main Line, and currently there is a level crossing. St. Fagans is home to St. Fagans Cricket Club. It is home to St Fagans National History Museum (formerly called the Museum of Welsh Life), St Fagan Castle, St Fagans Old Rectory and St Mary's Church. In 1648, the Battle of St Fagans took place close by. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Jääkarud (ing k)

Polar bear Ursus maritimus or the "sea bear." Polar bears live near the circumpolar at north in areas where they can hunt seals at open leads. Scientists estimate that there are between 22000 to 27000 polar bears. Its closest relative is the brown bear. Adult male polar bears are 2,5 to 3 meters tall. They weigh 250 to 770 kilograms. Adult female bears are smaller. They are about 1,8 to 2,5 meters tall and weigh 90 to 320 kilograms. Polar bears usually eat seals ­ usually the ringed seasl, but sometimes the bearded seals. When hunting is good, polar bears will typically eat only the fat and leave the rest of the carcass for scavengers including arctic foxes, ravens, and younger bears. Polar bears also sometimes kill and eat both walrus and beluga whales. They have even hunted short-legged reindeer and sometimes even birds and bird eggs. Polar bears are top of the food cha...

Bioloogia → Inglis keelne bioloogia
4 allalaadimist


1. Antibiootikumid avastas 1881. aastal Šotimaal sündinud inglise arst Alexander Fleming, kes oli juba mitu aastat otsinud bakterite elu takistavaid aineid. 1929. aastal haiglalaboris katseid tehes märkas ta, et stafülokokisöötmele oli kinnitunud hallitus. Seda lähemalt uurides nägi Fleming, et hallituse läheduses ei suutnud bakterid kasvada ja järeldas sellest, et hallitusseened valmistavad sellist ainet, mis takistab bakterite elutegevust. Kuna selle hallitusseene nimi oli penicillium (pintselhallik) nimetas ta aine penitsilliiniks. Esialgu üritas ta penitsiiliumiga ravida hiirt ja oma kolleegi silma, kuid ravimiks edasi arendada ta seda ei julgenud. Kümme aastat ei huvitanud Flemingi avastus eriti kedagi. Kuni 1939. aastal Oxfordi teadlased Ernst Chain, Howard Florey ja Edward Penley Abraham selle uurimuse taasavastasid ning hakkasid sellega rohkem tegelema. USAs tehtud katsed tehti peamiselt turult ostetud melonilt eraldatud ha...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun