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"-cash" - 214 õppematerjali


Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash (1932-2003) Raidy Mägi Elva Gümnaasium 10B 2010 Kes oli Johnny Cash? Johnny Cash oli USA Click to edit Master text styles üks tuntumaid Second level Third level kantrilauljaid ja Fourth level laulukirjutajaid. Teda Fifth level tuntakse ka kui Mees Mustas (The man in Black), kuna ta kandis oma esinemistel musti riideid. Lapsepõlv Johnny Cash sündis 1932. a. 26. veebruar Kingslandis Arkansase osariigis. Ta sünninimi oli J.R. Cash, kuna vanemad ei saanud nime osas kokkuleppele. Alles kui Johnny oli õhujõududega liitunud võttis ta endale nimeks John R. Cash, millest hiljem kujunes välja Johnny Cash. Ta sündis Ray ja Carrie Cashi neljanda lapsena ning tal oli kuus õde-venda. Ta elas f...

Muusika → Muusika
11 allalaadimist

Johnny Cash

Argo Pihtjõe VLE-3 John R. "Johnny" Cash was born in February 26, 1932 Kingsland, Arkansas, U.S. He was the fourth of seven children to Ray Cash and Carrie Cloveree Rivers. Cash was named John R. Cash in a compromise made by his parents when they wanted to name him different names. He went by the name J. R. throughout his young life as a shortened version of his real name. In 1955, he took Johnny Cash as his stage name. In March 1935, when Cash was three years old, the family settled in Dyess, Arkansas. J.R. was working in cotton fields beginning at age five, singing along with his family simultaneously while working. The family farm was flooded on at least two occasions, which later inspired him to write the song "Five Feet High and Rising". His family's economic and personal struggles during the Great Depression inspired many of his songs, especially those about other p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


JOHNNY CASH Semester Powerpoint By: Nicole Casaday Biography Walking a Line in His Shoes February 26, 1932 in Kingsland, Arkansas; the one and only Johnny Cash was brought into a loving family of nine created by Ray and Carrie Rivers Cash. Johnny and his family lived In Kingsland until he was at the age of three, where they then moved to Dyess, Arkansas; a Colony in Northeast Arkansas. The Cash family farmed nearly 20 acres filled of cotton, there Ray, Kerry and all seven of their children worked side by side in the crops; including little Johnny. Johnny as a Kid... Cash spent his childhood in Guns & Girls Dyess Colony until he graduated high school in 1950, where he then fled off to D e t r o i t in search of work only to find himself in Pontiac, Michigan working in the automotive business. However, Cash soon after enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and was sent off to basic training in Te x a s . While ...

Muusika → Jazzmuusika
2 allalaadimist

Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash An American legend Sündis-suri • Johnny Cash (õieti John R. Cash, sünninimi J. R. Cash;sündis 26. veebruar 1932 .suri 12. september 2003.Ta oli USA kantrilaulja ja laulukirjutaja. Tema hüüdnimi oli The Man in Black ('mees mustas'). Kantrimuusika • Kantrimuusika (ka kantri, country, country and western) on USA lõunaosariikide muusikastiil, mis kujunes välja 20. sajandi alguses traditsioonilisest folkloorist, keldi muusikast, bluusist ja gospelist. Mõjukaimad kantrilauljad on Jimmie Rodgers ja Hank Williams. Päritolu • Nooruspõlves uskus Cash kuuldud juttude põhjal, et temas on indiaaniverd, kuid hilisem uurimine selgitas, et tegelikult olid tema esivanemad šoti päritolu. Sellest hoolimata tundis ta indiaanlastega hingesugulust ja pühendas neile paljud oma laulud (näiteks "The Ballad of Ira Hayes", "Old Apache Squaw"). Tema esivanem William Cash (...

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Johnny Cash

2010/2011 Johnny Cash (J. R. Cash) Üldine Johnny Cash oli sünninimi J. R. Cash. Ta oli kantrilaulja ja laulukirjutaja ja tuntud ka kui Mees Mustas (The Man in Black). Ta sündis 26. Veebruar 1932 Kingslandis Arkansase osariigis, mis asub USA-s. Ta suri 12. Septembril 2003 Nashville-s, mis asub USA-s. Lapsepõlv Johnny Cash oli Ray ja Carrie Cashi neljas laps ning nimeks sai J. R., väidetavalt seetõttu, et tema vanemad ei suutnud nime suhtes kokkuleppele jõuda. Alles õhujõududega liitudes tekkis tal vajadus eesnime järele ja ta võttis endale ametlikuks nimeks John R. Cash. J. R. kasvas üles farmis, töötades juba lapsena koos teistega põllul. Pere elas vaeselt, Suur depressioon mõjus puuvillakasvatajatele hävitavalt. Isa võttis vastu iga töö, mida pakuti. Kõigest hoolimata meenutas Cash oma lapsepõlve alati härdusega, tundes muret selle pärast, et inimeste side maaga kaob ning hävib ka keskkond, kust tema muusika ...

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash Johnny Cash (John R. Cash) sündis 26. veebruaril 1932. aastal Arkansases ning suri 12. septembril 2003. aastal Tennessees. Ta oli USA kantrilaulja ja laulukirjutaja, tuntud ka kui Mees Mustas. Ta tegutses aktiivselt aastatel 1955-2003. Johnny Cash sündis Kingslandis Arkansase osariigis Ray ja Carrie Cashi neljanda lapsena ning sai nimeks J. R., väidetavalt seetõttu, et tema vanemad ei suutnud nime suhtes kokkuleppele jõuda. Alles õhujõududega liitudes tekkis tal vajadus eesnime järele ja ta võttis endale ametlikuks nimeks John R. Cash. 1955 aastal Sun Recordsiga lepingut sõlmides võttis ta endale lavanimeks Johnny Cash. Sõbrad kutsusid teda Johniks, lähisugulased ka J. R.'ks. Tal oli kuus õde-venda. J. R. kasvas üles farmis, töötades juba lapsena koos teistega põllul. Laul oli perekonna igapäevane kaaslane. J. R. armastas muusikat kuulata nii raadiost kui ka ema esituses. Ema õp...

Muusika → Muusika
6 allalaadimist

Presentation slideshow Johnny Cash

JOHNNY CASH General information · 26. 02.1932 ­ 12.09.2003 · American country singer-songwriter · Deep, distinctive voice · Sorrow, moral, moral tribulation, redemption · 90 million albums Early life · Kingsland, Arkansas · 7 children · Death of brother Jack First marriage · Vivien Liberto · August 7, 1954 · 4 daughters · Divorce 1966 Early career · Memphis, Tennessee · "Hey Porter" · "Cry, cry, cry" · Sun -> Colombia Records · "Don't Take Your Guns to Town" Outlaw image · Drinking, amphetamines, barbiturates · 7 ­ number of being in jail · 1968 · June Carter "The Man In Black" · The Johnny Cash Show · Dressed all in black. · Band dressed in black shirts Illness and death · Shy-Drager Syndrome ­ 1997 · Autonomic neuropathy; diabetes · September 12, 2003 Interesting facts · Instruments: Guitar, voice, harmonica ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Nagu noateral

"Nagu noateral" Peategelase arvustus "Nagu noateral" on 2005. aastal ilmunud eluloofilm Johnny Cashist. Filmi peategelast Johnny Cashi mängib andekas Joaquin Phoenix. Peale peategelase on filmis veel palju teisi olulisi kõrvaltegelasi, nagu näiteks tema armuke June Carter (Reese Witherspoon), abikaasa Vivian Cash (Ginnifer Goodwin) ning isa Ray Cash (Robert Patrick). Filmi peategelast kujutatakse kui legendaarset lauljat, kes on pahuksis narkootikumide, peretülide ning armastusega, kuid millised olid tema head küljed? Üks John R. Cashi parimaid külgi oli see, et ta jäi alati kirglikuks. See leek, mis tekkis muusika vastu tal juba väiksena, põles ka tema hilisemate eluaastateni. Isegi kui tema eraelus vajasid lahendamist mitmed probleemid, andis ta endast laval parima ning suhtles oma fännidega. Teiseks Johnny Cashi heaks küljeks oli tema truudus fännidele. Iseg...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
1 allalaadimist

Äriplaani koostamine

Important: Select file then "Save As" to first save this document to your desktop. If you make edits to this document without doing this you may not be able to save your changes. BUSINESS PLAN ENTER YOUR BUSINESS NAME Enter your name November 25, 2012 BUSINESS PLAN SECTION ECTION 2: 1: THE HE V BISION ANDPTHE USINESS PEOPLE ROFILE (Session 2): of Description Describe convincingly that you are passionately committed to your new My Business Prepare aand business cashhave flowthe projection based realism to makeoninevitable lowered expectations hard choice...

Keeled → Inglise keel
91 allalaadimist

Repco production process model

A B C D E F G H I J K L 1 Chandler blending model 2 3 Monetary inputs Gasoline Heating oil 4 Selling price/barrel $25,00 $20,00 As we have formulated fuel blending model, a barrel of any 5 6 input results in a barrel of output. However, in a real blending Quality level per barrel of crudes 7 Crude oil 1 10 problem, there can be losses. Suppose a barrel of input 8 Crude oil 2 5 results in only a fraction of a barrel of output. Specifically, 9 10 Required quality level per barrel of product ...

Majandus → Informaatika II
2 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

Cost Accounting. Chapter 1 Management accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information that helps managers make decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. Financial accounting focuses on reporting to external parties such as investors, government agencies, banks and suppliers. It measures and records business transactions and provides financial statements that are based on GAAP. Cost accounting measures, analyzes, and reports financial and no financial information relating to cost of acquiring or using resources in an organization. Value-chain analysis: sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products and services. 1. Research and development 2. Design of products, services, or processes 3. Production 4. Marketing 5. Distribution 6. Customer service. Supply chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and servic...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Folk-ja Kantrimuusika

Folk-ja kantrimuusika Tallinn 2008 1 Folk- ja kantrimuusikat saab rock'i hulka liigitada vaid tinglikult. Need suunad on välja arenenud iseseisvalt ja tunduvalt varem, kui rock'n'roll esmakordselt läbi lõi. 60.aastatest alates leidus üha rohkem folk- ja kantrimuusikuid, kes hakkasid kasutama rock'i elemente ning tekkisid mõisted folk-rock ja kantri-rock. Kantrimuusika juuredon kaugel minevikus. Kantri ehk country and western on saanud alguse USA lääneosa kauboilauludest ning ka inglise, soti ja iiri uusasukate folkloorist. 20.sajandil kujunes kantrimuusika keskuseks Nashville. Seal paikneb sadade kaupa heliplaadistuudioid, -firmasid ja kirjastusi, mis tegelevad ainult selle muusikastiiliga. Kantrimuusika populaarsuse põhjuseks on tema lihtsus, meloodilisus ja maalähedus, mille tõttu võtab publik laulu kergesti omaks. Samuti ka esinejad üritavad jätta muljet nagu oleksid nad ühed tavalised mehed. Üheks mõjukamaks l...

Muusika → Muusika
53 allalaadimist

Credit cards - a blessing or a curse

Owning a credit card can be a very great thing. Whether buying things online, booking tickets or a hotel room or just needing some emergency cash, having a credit card can be really helpful. However, getting a credit card is also a huge responsibility and if you do not keep an eye on your spendings, you may get into some serious trouble. That raises a question- are credit cards a blessing or a curse? On one hand, credit cards are comfortable and easy to use and they can make buying things much less stressful, because you do not have to carry along huge amounts of cash. Besides, credit cards are really useful in situations where you have an emergency in which you need to buy something, but you just do not have cash with you at the moment. By using a credit card, you can get the thing you need and do not have to worry about money until later. On the other hand, to have a credit card might create a big problem if you do not control your ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse kodutööd EBS

P10-2A päevaraamat Majandustehing Kuup. Kontod Deebet Kreedit 01.01.2007 Vana mootorsõiduki vahetamine samalaadse uue vastu Uue sõiduki turuhind 176 tuh, Mootorsõiduk (uue sõiduki soetusmaksumus) 146 000 vana vahetusväärtus 70 tuh, ülejäänud tasuti rahas. Akumul. depret. (vana mootorsõiduki) -90 000 Vana sõiduki bilansiline jääkmaksumus 40 tuh ja Mootorsõiduk (vana sõiduki soetusmaksumus) 130 000 vahetusväärtus 70 tuh, seega realiseerimata kasum 30 tuh, Raha (uue sõiduki turuhind 176 000 - vana sõiduki turuhind 70 000) ...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
122 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

GLOSSARY Bankruptcy ­ pankrot Erialasõnastik Benefits in kind ­ keskmine hind Break even point ­ tasuvuslävi A Budget ­ eelarve Account ­ aruanne Accounting equation ­ aruande C võrdsustamine Capital ­ kapital Accounting period ­ aruandeperiood Capital allowances ­ rahalised annetused Accounting policies ­ majanduspoliitika Capital budgeting ­ rahalise eelarve Accounting standards ­ raamatupidamise koostamine standardid ...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust

3 Energy Dividends You Can Still Trust This has been a bad year for energy dividends, but there are still a few out there that investors can still trust. With the price of oil recently hitting a sevenyear low and natural gas now at a 14 year low, there has been a deep impact on the cash flows at oil and gas companies. Many don't have enough money coming in to drill the required number of new wells needed to maintain their production rates, let alone any left over to pay shareholders a steady dividend. This has resulted in the reduction or suspension of a countless number of energyrelated dividends. All that said, there are a few energy dividends that investors can still trust. Here are three companies that have been making their dividend a priority. Jason Hall After Kinder Morgan's stunning announcement that it would cut its rocksolid (or so I thought) dividend by 75%, just days after announcing that it would generate plenty...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse kodutöö.

P9-2A 1. Hinnanguline kulu arvestus (Allowance Method) VARAD OMAKAPITAL Ebatõenäoline Ebatõenäolise laekumine (Allowance laekumise kulu Business transactions / Ostjate maksmata arved for Uncollectib...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
83 allalaadimist

Informaatika KT 3

Arve Sõiduk Sihtpunkt Vahemaa Tall 1 Kaubik Mitteinn Tallinn 100 2 Hinnakiri ilma KM EUR/km mitte Sõiduk EUR/km Tallinnas Tallinnas 1 Kaubik 1 0.8 2 Väike veokas 1.4 1.3 3 Suur veokas 1.6 1.4 Kilomeetri Laadimise Kokku hind Laadimine hind ilma KM KM Kokku KM-ga 0.8 1 10 90 18 108 ✘ On vaja No cash money! Laadimine 10 15 ✘ Peida hinnakiri 20 0 Arve ...

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
1 allalaadimist

Inglise keel

C. Excuse me? SA. Yes, can I help you? C. Well, I bought this red jacket here last week. I m afraid there s a problem with it. SA. Really, what s that? C. This is Large and wrong size. It s too large. SA. I m terribly sorry about that. Have you got a receipt, please? C. Yes, here you are. SA. Thanks a lot. Well, would you like a refund or would you like to choose another kind of jacket? C. I d like another jacket, please. On for size M. SA. Here is collarless brown jacket with two pockets in size M. It s slightly more expensive but it s a really fit your. C. Thanks very much. I ll take these. SA. Not at all. How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card? C. In cash. How much does it cost? SA. This costs 39.50. C. Here is 40.00. SA. Thank you. Here is your change 50 c and here is your receipt. C. Thank you. Bye.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Pop Culture in Estonia

1 Which one of these rappers has called himself 'Kanye East'? 1 Genka; 2 Suur Papa; 3 Tommy Cash; 4 Beebilõust 2 Which one of these pop artits did Tommy Cash collab with? 1 Iggy Azalea; 2 Charli XCX; 3 Tove Lo; 4 Rita Ora 3 What is Estonia's most viewed YouTube video? 1 42GO - Bemmi kummid originaal; 2 Arop ­ Kiki Miki; 3 TIGRAN - Pärnumaranda (feat. Kapatu); 4 Naised köögis- Aasta ema 4 How many times has Estonia won Eurovision? 5 What year did Estonia win Eurovision? 1 1998; 2 2007; 3 1995; 4 2001 6 TRUE OR FALSE: Estonia has been mentioned on a comedy show Perks and Recs FALSE 7 TRUE OR FALSE: Estonia has been mentioned in an online based documentary Buzzfeed Unsolved FALSE 8 TRUE OR FALSE: Estonia has been mentioned in a comedy show Brooklyn Nine-Nine TRUE 9 Estonia hosted Eurovision in... 1 2002; 2 2003; 3 2000; 4 1999 10 Which one of these artists has not performed in Estonia? 1 5 Seconds of Summer; 2 Ed Sheeran; 3 Nick...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

For & against about credit cards.

Using credit cards Credit cards have been very popular for two decades already. There are many ways to pay for your shoppings and not to worry about how much money you really have. First of all, credit cards are an amazing invention because it makes our everyday-lives so much easier. We do not have to carry cash with us, we can pay by a credit card. Carrying cash is actually pretty dangerous because you can get robbed. But when your card gets stolen, you just call to the bank and they close it for any further operations. Second of all, it is comfortable and feels like somebody is taking care of your finantial business. But on the other hand, when you recieve your credit card bill at the end of the month, the reality hits you really hard. You have not thought of how much you spend and eventually you find out that you do not actually have the money to pay for what you have bought. Lots of people have e...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Business Plan

“Your Fitness” Business Plan Prepared May 2012 Contact Information name email phone Your Fitness Business Plan Executive Summary “Your Fitness” it is envisaged, will be the third extension of “The Muscle Shop” company’s development strategy.  Extensive research over the last two years has gleaned information to suggest this project would be successful project. The new gym will create a personalized environment for both females and males, for all fitness levels, to pursue  their   sporting, competition and personal fitness goals. A special focus will be paid by creating heavy weight lifting capabilities  and equipment for professional body builders. This new gym facility will serve people in Dublin ……. area which include …………., …………… and …………...  The area has a some sports and fitness clubs, however ,”Your Fitness” has the unique ability to cater to all the fitness level form, amateur to professional body bu...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse kodutööd.

VARAD (assets) Käibevarad (Short-Term Assets) Põhivarad (L Ostjate maksmata arved (Accounts Kontoritarbed Seadmed kuupäev Majandustehingute kirjeldus Raha (Cash) receivable) (Office Supplies) (Equipment) + (D) - (K) + (D) - (K) + (D) - (K) + (D) 01.12.2006 ...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
167 allalaadimist

Roy Kelton Orbison

Roy Kelton Orbison (23. aprill 1936 Vernon, Texase osariik ­ 6. detsember 1988 Nashville, Tennessee osariik) oli USA laulja ja laulukirjutaja. Roy Orbison sündis 23. aprillil 1936 Vernonis Texase osariigis Orbie Lee ja Nadine Lee poja ning Grady vennana. 1942. aastal kinkis isa Orbie Royle kitarri küsitud suupilli asemel. Mängimist õpetas Royle tema isa ja onud. Ta õppis kiiresti. Samal aastal kolis Orbisonide perekond Forth Worthi. Epideemilise lastehalvatuse tõttu kolis Roy ja vend Grady Vernonisse tagasi, vanaema juurde elama. 1945 võitis Roy ühe konkursi ja seeläbi sai oma raadioshow. Samuti jäi ta esimest kohta jagama ka 1946. aasta ühel talendikonkursil. Peagi, 1946. aastal, kolis Orbisonide perekond koos Winki Texases. 1949. aastal pani ta kokku oma esimese bändi The Wink Westerners. Roy mängis seal peamiselt kitarri ja kirjutas laule. 1951. aastal esines ta regulaarselt raadios, 1953. aastal sai bänd oma raadioshow. Samuti t...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Ameerika valgete elanike muusika

AMEERIKA VALGETE ELANIKE MUUSIKA Kui 1492.aastal Kolumbus Ameerika avastas, ei olnud tema kindlasti mitte esimene valge inimene, kes Ameerika pinnale astus. Ajaloolaste väitel olid viikingid kõige esimesed eurooplased Ameerika pinnal. Peale Kolumbuse reisi hakkas Ameerika poole purjetama palju eurooplasi. Esimesed asukad olid õnneotsijad-uudishimulikud, kes leidsid, et uuel maal on tuhat võimalust rikkaks saada. Mõni Euroopa riik saatis Ameerika poole teele kurjategijaid ja muid seadusega pahuksis olevaid inimesi, et neist omal maal lahti saaks...Peale ebavõrdset võitlust põliselanike-indiaanlastega, haarasid valged endale viljakamad maalapid ja hakkasid maad harima ning karja kasvatama. Valge sisserännanu tungib oma loomakarjaga indiaanlaste maadele. Tihti rännati suurte loomakarjadega maal ringi ja otsiti loomadele uusi söödamaid. Taolised rännakud kestsid vahel mitmeid kuid. Suur osa valgetest õnneotsijatest siirdu...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele KT 2 semester

Inglise keele KT 27.02.13 PLACE Vocabulary: 1. shorthand- kiirkiri 2. outlet- müügiturg, kaubandusettevõte, firmakauplus 3. assumption- endastmõistetavaks pidamine, eeldus 4. on the assumption- eeldusel, et.. 5. in stock- laos, tagavaraks 6. brand- tootemark 7. to sort smth.out- välja sorteerima, välja selgitama 8. retailer- jaemüüja, jaemüügiettevõte 9. a sale was lost- müüki ei toimu, müügi kadu 10. to settle- otsustama 11. the consumer settled for a competitior's brand- tarbija otsustab konkurendi kaubamärgi kasuks 12. miscalculation- valearvestus, väärarvestus 13. to take into account- arvesse võtma, arvestama 14. to take into strategic account- strateegilise konto arvesse võtmine 15. channel of distribution= distribution channel- jaotuskanal, turustuskanal 16. sequence- jada, sari 17. negotiation- läbirääkimiste pidami...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Unit 5-6 sõnavara

UNIT 5 National culture ­riigi kultuur, country culture Hierarchy-subordinates have to report to managers, one person is leader Subordinates- alluvad, persons who report to somebody Authority- right to make decisions and give orders Delegate- edasi andma, give authority to subordinates Initiative- omaalgatuslik, makes decisions without asking their manager Abroad- välismaal, in or to foreign country (2) A minefield-varitsevad ohud, a situation with hidden dangers A pitfall-hädaoht, a likely problem(7) A custom- tava, something done in a society because of tradition (1) Etiquette- etikett, formal rules for polite behaviour in society (3) Scheduled- plaaniline, arranged for a certain time To be a sign of- to show or represent (5) Offensive- solvav, rude or insulting (4) A compliment- something that expresses admiration Sensitive- able to understand others feelings (6) Impossible- võimatu ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
103 allalaadimist


Eelarve Sisesta kuu Sisesta nimi Sissetulek Kulud Fikseeritud kulud Palk 1 4 Rent/eluasemelaenu maksed 1 Palk 2 0 Kodu kindlustus 0 Intressitullu 0 Kinnisvara maksud 0 Dividenditulu 0 Autoliising/laen 1 0 Komisjonitasud 0 Autoliising/laen 2 0 Boonused 0 Auto kaskokindlustus 0 Tips 0 Auto liikluskindlustus 0 Kingitused 0 Elukindlustus 0 Maksude tagastused ...

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist


Vanalinna Hariduskolleegium Uurimustöö Krüptoraha Koostas: Kärt Kaasik-Aaslav Klass: 10.M Juhendaja: Mattias Mustonen Tallinn 2017 Sisukord Sissejuhatus………………………………………………………………………... 3 1. Krüptoraha olemus.….…………………………………………………………...4 2. Krüptoraha minevik..……………………………………………………………. 5 3. Krüptoraha olevik...……………………………………………………………... 6 4. Krüptoraha tulevik………………………………………………………………. 7 Kokkuvõte…………………………………………………………………………..8 Kasutatud allikad…………………………………………………………………... 9 2 Sissejuhatus Käesoleva uurimustöö teemaks on krüptoraha. Krüptoraha on varsti eksisteeriund juba kümme aastat, kuid siiski ei tea enamik inimesi, mis see täpselt on. Uurimustöös vastangi küsi...

Majandus → Majandus alused
33 allalaadimist

Bank accounts

Most adults have a bank account. The current account is for general expenses but some people also have a deposit account by which you can earn interest on your money. You can take money out of your bank account by using a cash card. When you use a credit card, you arrange to pay at later time. The main commercial bank offer bank loans for individuals or small businesses. Merchant bank deal with company finance on a larger scale. Banks also offer services such as mortgages, insurance, and buying and selling shares and foreign currency.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

5C’s of Credit

5c’s of Credit When you apply for a loan, the lender will evaluate your request in order to determine whether or not it is a good decision to lend you and your business money. A common evaluation framework is the Five C’s of Credit: capacity, capital, collateral, conditions and character. Capacity refers to your ability to meet the loan payments. The prospective lender will want to know exactly how you intend to repay the loan. The lender will consider the cash flow from the business, the timing of repayment, and the probability of successful repayment of the loan. Lenders will also consider payment history as an indicator of future payment potential. For example, if you have a history of not paying back loans then it becomes more difficult to obtain additional loans. Capital is the money invested in the business and is an indicator of how much is at risk should the business fail. Lender...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

"Rahalaul" inglise keeles

The Money song Try to find a fool, who's not afraid of a monster If the monster's taste of money in his mouth Money plays the leading role in life ( yes it does ) Money ­ it´s happiness and love High thoughts ­ that´s clear rubbish There's no life without money Eat and sleep, scratch your antlers That´s all you want from your life The vis of money is big and eternal Life is short, cash is long Who has a bit or a little They won't have a nice, they won't have a nice They won't have a nice future

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon suurfirmast G4S (inglise keeles)

G4S Overview About Values Services Investor Relations Careers & Employment About G4S specialises in outsourced business processes assesses current and future risks wide range of geographic markets and business sectors risk management and protection to governments and businesses Other facts about G4S operations in over 110 countries was formed in 2004 is listed on the London Stock Exchange Values Customer Focus Expertise Performance Best People Collaboration & Teamwork Services Developing security solutions Local and international cash solutions People management Wide range of technology use Partners to many governments Investor Relations Careers & Employment Employees are the public face of G4S Over 500,000 employees around the globe Looking after you Looking after your communit...

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
50 allalaadimist

Registreerimis kaart

Registreerimiskaart Registration form Perekonnanimi Saabumiskuupäev Surname Date of arrival Eesnimi Lahkumise Fist name kuupäev Date of departure Tänav Tasumis viis / Way of payment Street Sularaha/ Cash Voucher Panga üllekanne/Bank Transfer Krediitkaard/ Credit card Valid thru / Nr Postiindeks Toa number/ Room no Postal(zip) code Linn ...

Turism → Hotellimajandus
43 allalaadimist


PALGALEHT 1200 1000 800 Palk EURO 600 Preemia lisatasu 400 200 0 Liiv Tamm Mets Käsk Kali Meelis Õigi TÖÖTAJAD Palgaleht Nr. Nimi Palk Preemia lisatasu Tulumaks Sünnipäev Tööle astumine 1 Liiv 700 699,99 70 278,46 12.10.1975 14.07.2011 2 Tamm 100 100 10 13,86 10.02.1962 12.03.2000 3 Mets 10 50 1000 0,00 2.03.1985 23.02.2010 4 Käsk 800 50 80 165,06 15.12.1944 23.02.2010 5 Kali...

Informaatika → Informaatika
7 allalaadimist

Shops and Shopping

Shops and Shopping Task 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) That new clothes shop has a lot of very good bargains/sales. b) On Saturday morning the High Street is full of customers/shoppers. c) It costs £9, so give her £10, and she'll give you £1 change/rest. d) I don't go to that supermarket because it's a bit priced/pricey. e) You cannot return goods without the original recipe/receipt. f) Supasoft Soaps are for sale/on sale here. g) A carrier bag is free with each buyer/purchase over £10. h) If you pay cash, we can give you a 10 per cent cutting/discount. i) How much did you pay/spend for your new shoes? j) This is a good shoe shop, but the costs/prices are very high. Task 2. Rewrite each sentence so that it includes the word given in capitals. a) I can't manage to see what the price is. Let's ask MAKE inside. I can't make...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The value of things VS the price of things

The value of things VS the price of things A value can be much more than simple numbers, a value can show what memories, connections and contact people have with a thing. But what exactly is a thing? Well a thing is something lifeless, an item for a certain purpose, it’s something for certain use. When we take a look at the word named „price“, what does it mean? A price usually is seen as a number, as how much something costs. Things can be „overpriced“, but never „overvalued“. An item of high value could have no price, but at the same time an high priced item, could have no value. It’s this way because people see differently, people have different memories and emotions to remember. But as in this world today, price matters. People can’t afford anything, price means something as well, it can show how wealthy you are, how much someone can mean to you. Price is just a number, it shows how much something pays...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Tallinn music week

25-29 märts 2015 Tallinn music week Mis on Tallinn music week?  Tallinn Music Week (TMW) on Baltikumi ja Põhjamaade suurim uue muusika festival ja muusikatööstuse konverents. Siin kohtuvad publik, artistid ja tuule saavad tiibadesse värsked talendid ning Eesti artistidele luuakse eeldused olla osa kirjust rahvusvahelisest muusikamaailmast.  Kontserdid toimusid igalpool Tallinnas: teatrites, kohvikutes, galeriides, ladudes, keskustes, restoranides, klubides ja lõpetades kirikutega Artistid  Lavadel astus see aasta üles 206 esinejat üle maailma, kellest 117 olid Eesti artistid  Curly Strings, Daniel Levi, Super Hot Cosmos Blues Band, Genka/Paul Oja, Metsakutsu ja Tommy Cash  Esindatud oli palju riike, nende seas Ameerika Ühendriigid, Hispaania, Prantsusmaa, Austria, Itaalia, Rootsi ja palju teisi  Esindatud oli 32 erinevat muusikastii...

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
1 allalaadimist


Rakvere Karoliina ja Mariliis Rakvere Population: 15 264 Location: Estonia, LääneViru Country Historic place Sights Rakvere Galerii Rakvere Town Citizen's Home Museum Aqva Hotel & Spa water park and sauna complex Avatud Ateljee St. Paul's Freedom Church in Rakvere Rakvere Castle Rakvere Castle 13 century Today it is visited yearly by more than sixty thousand people from both home and abroad. Rakvere Castle broke new ground in 2012 Accommodation Vinni Hostel Aqva Hotel & Spa From 10 one night From 80 one night Trantsport Bus 1,50 Taxi On foot 0 Car Bicycle 0 On a budget Unlimited resources Travel tips Warm clothes Umbrella Sunglasses Cash A city map Take time Sunscreen Free time Young man on bicycle listening to music' sculpture Ararati barbecue courtyard Fishing Nightclubs Bowling in Essu Manor Essu manor minigolf EstHunt hunting trips Põhjakeskus shopping centre Thank you for your...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

DIALOGUES inglisekeelsed dialoogid erinevatel teemadel

H-Helen, J - Julia 1.Receiving a money order H: - Hello, I would like to cash a money order. J: - Hello! You should present your identity card. H: - But, you know, I'd like to receive money order for my sister. How do I go about it? J: - Your identity card and letter of attorney, please. H: - Here you are. J: - Well...Unfortunately, I can't cash your money order ­ your signature is not witnessed. H: - Ok. Than, please, I'd like to cash my money order. J: - Take this form and fill it in. May I see your passport? H: - Yes. Please. So...Should I write my full name, my passport number and the sum of money that has been sent to me, right? J: - Certainly. How would you like the money? H: - I prefer one hundred rouble notes, if you don't mind. J: - Here is your money. H: - Thank you Getting a post-restante. H: - Hi, Julia! What are you doing here? J: - I'm getting post restante letter from Boris... H: -Ah, yeah, remember him. What is he...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Basic banking

5. Financial Institutions and Services Objectives and Outcomes To give overview of main players. 5.1. Introduction It is common to distinguish between monetary financial institutions (MFIs) and other financial intermediaries. The distinction is based on the functions of institutions ­ institutions in the first group (MFIs) play important role in the process of money creation in modern economies. European Central Bank (ECB) describes Monetary financial institutions as including national central banks (and also ECB in the euro area), credit institutions and non-credit institutions which receive deposits from general public (individuals and non-MFI firms) and grant credit and/or invest in securities. Major non-credit MFIs in Europe are money market funds. Credit institutions are defined in the directive 1 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions as: a) undertakings whose business...

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
3 allalaadimist

Letter of complain

Dear Sir, 12/10/08 I am writing to complain about the behaving of one of your employees. I want to inform you about that I was treated really rudely by a shop assistant at your department store the day before. I was doing my shopping at your department store yesterday after I came from work and I got into a rude conversation with your employee after I did not remember my credit card pin-code and tried to pay in cash after that. But except a pleasant smile, I got insulted and told that I should know if I do have money on my credit card or not. Concerning how pleasant the employees at your shop usually are I was very surprised by this acting. That caused me deep disapproval about your shop. The name of employee who insulted me was Michael. I expect that you will resolve my problem immediately, not just for me, but for all the people who might ge...

Keeled → Inglise keel
56 allalaadimist

Witness Report

Witness Report As I was walking along Western Road about 11.00 on Saturday morning I saw a red car pull up in front of me and two men jumped out and ran into Woolworths. I didn't really pay any attention until I heard screams coming from inside the shop. When I got closer I saw one man holding a gun while the other emptied the cash register. I couldn't see them very well, but one was fairly tall with brown hair and sunglasses and the other was shorter with very short blond hair. They were both wearing jeans and were about 22 years old, so they could have been students. There was another man in the car who had been waiting with the engine running, but I couldn't see what he looked like. I think they must have panicked at that point, beause they came running out without waiting to fill their bag with money and jumped into the red car again. As soon as the two men jumped into the car I drove off very ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


KANTRIMUUSIKA Kantrimuusika, tõlkes ,,maa-ja läänemuusika" on levimuusika liik, mis on arenenud USA lääneosariikide maatööliste lauludest ja Edela-Apalatside rahvamuusikast nimega bluegrass. Kantrimuusika, varem tuntud kui hillbilly muusika, hakkas levima 1920.aastate II poolel ja jõudis järgmisel kümnendil Euroopasse. Algselt rahvalik, meloodialt ja harmoonialt lihtne kantrimuusika on hiljem lähenenud poppmuusikale. 1960. aastate II poolel tekkis kantri-rock. Traditsioonilised saatepillid kantrimuusikas on bandzo, kitarr, mandoliin, viiul, suupill, havai kitarr. Kantrimuusika loominguline keskus on Nashvilles, Tennessee's, mis asub Texases. Seal paikneb sadade kaupa heliplaadistuudioid, -firmasid ja kirjastusi, mis tegelevad ainult selle muusikastiiliga. Kantrimuusika populaarsuse põhjuseks on tema lihtsus, meloodilisus ja maalähedus, mille tõttu võtab publik laulu kergesti omaks. Sam...

Muusika → Muusika
25 allalaadimist

Finantsseisundi aruanne

ANTUD Delta Corporation Finantsseisundi aruanne (väljavõte) 31.12.2004 Omakapital (Stockholders' equity) Aktsiakapital (Paid-in capital) Eelisaktsiad (Preferred stock) (5%, nimiväärtus 10 $ , lubatud emiteerida 50 000 tk, emiteeritud 0 tk) Lihtaktsiad (Common stock) (nimiväärtus 2 $, lubatud emiteerida 100 000 tk, emiteeritud ja käibel 10 000 tk) Aazio - lihtaktsiad (Paid in capital in excess of par - common) Aktsiakapital kokku (Total paid-in capital) Jaotamata kasum / kahjum (Retained earnings / deficit) Omakapital kokku (Total Stockholders' equity) VASTUSED ÕPIKU KÜSIMUSTELE 1. 5...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
28 allalaadimist

Indian Summer Festival

Indian summer festival Indian Summer Festival is the brainchild of Butch Roberts, a Milwaukee Police Officer. In 1985, his dream was to have an American Indian Festival to add to the other ethnic festivals that were being held on the Summerfest grounds, Henry Maier Festival Park. Roberts recruited the Warren and DeNomie families to organize the event. These three families were instrumental in getting Indian Summer off the ground. It took two years of planning and organizational assistance from Irish Fest to kick off Indian Summer's first festival in 1987. The festival received a $5,000.00 grant from The Milwaukee Foundation and a cash loan from the Klumb family to provide funding for the first event. The first festival was a huge success. Over the last 24 years, Indian Summer Festival has maintained a strong position as one of Milwaukee's most popular and memorable ethnic festivals. And as Indian Natio...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne Lil Wayne(Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr) sündis 27 septembril 1982a. on USA räpper. Wayne'i karjäär algas 1997a. sellega,et ta moodustas räp-gruppi Hot Boys. 1999 a. alustas soolo karjääri välja andes oma esimest albumit ,,Tha Block is Hot". 1991a. Weezy koosneb leibelil Cash Money Records,2005a. moodustas oma leiblit Young Money Entertainment,hiljem nad ühinesid ja tuli välja YMCMB. Oma karjääris Wayne kokku oli saanud 4 gremmit. 2008a. oli tunnustatud `'Best Rapper'iks". Kõige tuntud starid keda tegi populaarseks Wayne'i karjäär algas Lil Wayne on Nicki Minaj,Drake. Dwayne Michael on pärit New Orleanist,Louidianast. Dwayne elu oli raske,ta oli 4 laps,perekond oli vaene,see pärast tema sündi mitte väga oodati. Kui oli 14 aastane,ta jätis kooli pooleli. Kui ta oli veel laps tema lemmik grupp oli Nirvana. 2009a. oli tuli välja film tema eslust "Lil Wayne Tha Carter Documenta...

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

How to save water?

11b Dear Davy, Hi! How are you? I know that it been a while from my last letter. Soon is coming springbreake and I have lots of tests that I have to too before it. Thats why I havent had any time to write you for so long. Ando and I have decided to go to a vacation in springbreak. Thats why I´m writing this letter to you, to ask maby you can come with us? Our plan is to go to the Germany and we are planning to hichhike there. So we would need money only for hotels, food and some cash in hand. Plan is to be away 3weeks, from the 9th- 29th March. We really hope that you will come with us! We have looked up some interesting places in Germany that we certainly will visit. I´m listing you some of these places, to secure your interest in going. Auto & Technik Museum Sinsheim, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin and if we are lucky we should be in Berlin time for L...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Eessõnad AT at the bottom of at least at 4, Rose st. at first at the weekend BY by accident by cheque by Rembrandt by chance by mistake by Shakespeare by bus/train/car/ship, etc. by post/airmail by the time FOR for breakfast/lunch/dinner for help for a swim for a drink (go to a place) for a holiday for a walk for fun (=for amusement) for a while FROM from time to time from that day on from now on IN in agony in the countryside in love (with) in an armchair in disbelief in one's opinion ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
85 allalaadimist

Reisimise head küljed

Have you ever wondered what travelling gives to people? Is it just all about getting away from home or something more? The person who has seen the world has more knowledge about the things going on elsewhere. From a personal standpoint, travelling is one of the ways how to accomplish themselves, for example some people go abroad only with a packback just to see if they could live without fancy hotels and only little cash in their pockets. On the other hand, it might get really hard to get food and shelter but young people like adventures. The second reason, why so many young people travel to other countries is that they want to become an exchange student. This also includes very much travelling and seeing the land. Unfortunately, it might be a sad travel because of missing their family. From a religious and historical point of view, it can be said that travelling can be really helpful if it comes to gaining knowledge about the history o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun