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"-carbon" - 156 õppematerjali


Carbon capture and storage

Humans are changeing the planet with their ordinary life. The principle cause of climate change is the increase in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. The main cause of that is the burning of fossile fuels. This is leading to the global warming. People have discovered a way to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is possible to seperate the CO2 from the other gases by adding liquid which is very good at absorbing CO2. Then it can be pumped to underground. Scientist came up with this idea because methane gas has been down there for thousands of years and it has not come up. So they expect that the CO2 won't be coming up either. To be sure of that, they are coing to make a test and drill two wells to take purified CO2, inject it into the ground and monitor the physical changes that CO2 undergoes. This technology is really new and it is unknown to people. It has not been proven yet, so people are scared and concerned...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Must süsinik- Black Carbon

Black Carbon (must süsinik) Annika Pindis 10A Mis on must süsinik ja kuidas see tekib? Must süsinik on atmosfääri aerosooli koostisosa. Tekib põlemisproduktina, (eriti mittetäielikul põlemisel) fossiilkütustest, bioloogilisest kütusest, biomassist. Esineb nii looduslikest protsessidest kui ka inimtegevusest eralduva tahmana. Musta süsiniku toime Maale Must süsinik soojendab atmosfääri, kuna see on kõige suurema valguse neeldumisvõimega atmosfääris. Tahm vähendab maakera albeedot (päikesekiirguse peegeldumisvõime), muutes lume ja jääga kaetud alad tumedamaks. Mõjutab arktiliste alade jääkatte sulamist. Musta süsiniku allikad globaalselt 42% avatud biomassi põlemine 18% elamute kütmine biokütusega 6% elamute kütmine söega 14% diiselmootorid transpordis 10% diiselmootorid tööstuses 10% tööstus ja energia tootmine Kasutatud materjal content/uploads/2012/08/tahm_ettekanne....

Füüsika → Füüsika
2 allalaadimist


Süsinik Ülevaade · Süsiniku keemiline tähis C. · Mittemetalliline keemiline element. · Asub IVA rühmas. · Süsinik võib loovutada oma elektronid kui ka võtta juurde. Keemilised omadused · Madalal temperatuuril on süsinik inerte, kõige inertsem on teemant. · Süsinik ületab keemiliste omaduste mitmekesisuselt ja ühendite arvult kõiki teisi elemente. · Hapnikuga reageerimisel (süsi 300-500 C, grafiit 600-700C) tekivad CO ja CO · Vesinikuga (grafiit 1200C) moodustavad süsivesinikud metaan CH ja etüün CH. · Halogeeniga reageerimisel (grafiit) tekivad sageli kiilühendid. · Süsi reageerib vaid fluoriga. · Grafiit reageerib vaid klooriga, broomiga ja fluoriga. Leidumine, omadused · Elusa looduse peamine koostisosa, omastatakse taimede poolt fotosünteesiprotsessis. 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 · Looduses leidu ehedalt (gafiit, teemant) kui ka ühenditena ...

Keemia → Bioorgaaniline keemia
2 allalaadimist

Molaarmassi määramine süsinikdioksiidi kolmel erineval viisil

The aim of the experiment To determine the molar mass of carbon dioxide in three different ways; 1) using the Ideal Gas Law equation, 2) using the molar volume of a gas at NTP, 3) using the relative density to air Equipment CO2 tank, a flask with a rubber stopper (300 cm 3), technical balance, measuring cylinder (250 cm3), thermometer, barometer. Method 1. Determine the mass (m1= mflask+stopper+air) of the dry flask with a rubber stopper by weighing on a technical balance. Draw a line on the flask at the bottom edge of the stopper in order to measure the volume of the flask in step 5. 2. Fill the flask with carbon dioxide gas. Direct the gas from the CO 2 tank into the flask for about 7-8 minutes. The tip of the hose has to be in the bottom but not very closely against the bottom. Otherwise it may happen that all of the CO 2 will exit from other branches of the hose bundle. 3. Seal the flask q...

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
6 allalaadimist

Oksüdatsiooni tase

Oxidation Numbers A short list Monatomic ions +1 all the alkali metals show the +1 oxidation state only Cu+1 copper (I) , cuprous H+1 hydrogen Au+1 gold (I) Li+1 lithium +1 Ag silver Na+1 sodium +1 Tl thallium (I) K+1 potassium +2 Hg2 mercury (I), mercurous Rb+1 rubidium Cs+1 cesium +2 all the alkaline earth metals show the +2 oxidation state only Cu+2 copper (II), cupric Be+2 beryllium +2 Fe iron (II), ferrous ...

Keemia → Keemia
2 allalaadimist

Sigareti koostis

Sigareti koostis Internetis levib küllaltki aktiivselt kaunis pilt sigaretis sisalduvate ainete kohta. Mina kui tavainimene sooviks nende sisalduvate ainete kohta rohkem teada. Loodetavasti on järgnev uurimuskonspekt kasuks ka teile :) Butaan (Butane - välgumihkli vedelik) Butaani sissehingamine võib põhjustada eufooriat, unisust, narkoosi, lämbumistunnet, südame arütmiat, ajutist mälukaotust ja külmakahjustusi. Kui pihustaks pudelist butaani otse kurku, võib vedeliku juga jahtuda kiiresti -20 kraadini ja põhjustada larüngospasme. Kaadmium (Cadmium - patareides) Kaadmiumi saadakse tsingitootmisel kõrvalsaadusena. Kaadmiumi organismi sattumise allikad on näiteks metallurgia, saastunud toidu ja veega, suitsetamisel. Kahjulik immuunsüsteemile, neerudele, maksale, loodet kahjustav, vähki soodustav. Kaadmiumi mürgistuse kliiniline pilt suukaudsel sattumisel organismi on tugev iiveldus, oksendamine, ...

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
8 allalaadimist

Green Technologies - kokkuvõte

Green Technologies - innovation and climate change ­ sustainagility Scientists can examine ice, but they cannot tell out anything about our future. Even if scientist has lived thousand years he won't be able to do it. The graph in video shows that the amount on carbon dioxide rises and then rises the temperature, but it is not so, it is exactly the opposite. One way to save energy is to build better buildings, because big headquarters are built to last only for 30-35 years. Building them up and pulling them down needs a lot of energy and about 30% of building energy is spent on it. It is thought that if in Tokyo 50% of all roofs are green it will save 1 million dollars a day of Tokyo businesses in cooling costs. Street light use 5% of energy, but it can be reduced to 2%. Usual TVs should be replaced with Plasma TV, because it saves energy more. By driving electic-car, it is possible to save energy a...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
47 allalaadimist


Tundra Tundra is the world's youngest biome. It was formed 10 000 years ago. Located at latitudes 55° to 70° North. Almost all tundras are located in the Northern Hemisphere, encircling arctic desert and extending south to the coniferous forests of the taiga. The ecotone (ecological boundary region) between the tundra and the forest is known as the tree line or timberline. Tundra comes from the Finnish word tunturi, meaning treeless plain. It is noted for its frost-moulded landscapes, extremely low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons. Dead organic material functions as a nutrient pool. The two major nutrients are nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is created by biological fixation, and phosphorus is created by precipitation. The most distinctive characteristic of tundra soil is its permafrost, a permanently frozen layer of ground. The average winter temperature is -28°C, but the average summe...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Süsinikust veljed

Süsinikplastist autoveljed · Karl Aas, 093404, [email protected] · Valmistamine: Võetakse süsinkiust lehed (paksus on umbes 5-8 mikromeetrit), süsinikiud süsinikiu lehtedes on kootud risti, mis tekitab kergelt läbipaistva plastse riidelaadse materjali Vorm kaetakse vaiguga, mis ei lase süsinikiududel kleepuda vormi külge Vormi asetatakse süsinikiust lehed, iga lehe vahele pannakse vaigukiht (kihtide arv oleneb kui suurt tugevust taga aetakse) Vorm i peale pannakse kile ja tekitatakse kile alla alarõhk, et eemaldada õhk ja süsinikiud lehed pressida tugevalt üksteise vastu Vorm pannakse ahju ja hoitakse seal, kuskil 2000 C juures peale seda võetakse velg vormist välja. (

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
37 allalaadimist

Paleotseeni-Eotseeni termaalne maksimum

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Paleotseeni-Eotseeni termaalne maksimum (PETM) Jekaterina Nezdoli Mai, 2014 Sisukord Sisukord................................................................................................................................1 1. Sissejuhatus.....................................................................................................................2 2. Keskkonnamuutused .......................................................................................................3 3. Põhjused..........................................................................................................................5 4. Hiljutised uuringud..........................................................................................................6 5. PETM ja selle seos tänapäeva kliimaga ...........................................................................7 ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
4 allalaadimist


Bobsledding History From switzerland Name came from bobalink First informal races were run on snow-covered roads Original bobsledding sleds are wooden Switzerland and Germany are the most successful bobsledding nations Equipment Helmets, goggles to protect their eyes Some sledders wear elbow, knee, shoulder and neck pads Skintight suits, usually made of Lycra Shoes have spikes along the edge of the soles All the members usually wear gloves Bobsleds Designed for speed Shaped like a bullet 2-person sled is about 3 meters long and 4- person sled is 4 meters Total weight Frame is made from iron and carbon and the body that fits over the frame is made of fiberglass or cevlar carbon Rules Bobsled run is at least 1500 meters long and has 15 or 20 turns. Ice walls are at least 18 inche...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Environmental stuff

commonplace household ' tripping point a significant change in the process, after which it can be turned back threshold start of something, border; , doorstep carbon footprint the amount of CO2 emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuels audit to inspect, conduct information about infrared scanner device using infrared radiation and converting it into electronic signal seep leek slowly appliance device, household equipment compact dense, packed together go nuts get crazy about sth, wor...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


KONKURENTSIANALÜÜS 1. Võrdlesin Nokia, Samsungi ja LG kõige kallimaid mobiiltelefone, mille leidsin EMT koduleheküljelt. 1.1 Kuna hetkel on palju tööd kooli ja tööga, siis vajan endale tõelist abimeest ja mis saaks olla parem kui mobiiltelefon. Minu telefonil peaks kindlasti olema võimalikult suur mälu maht, e-post, kaamera, internet jne, pluss vahendid, mis peaks igas telefonis olemas olema (kalkulaator, SMS - ja MMS-teenused). 1.2 Andmed Näitaja/ Nokia 8800 Samsung i900 LG KC910 kriteerium CARBON ARTE Värvus must must must Kaal 150g 125g 114g Mõõtmed 107,8x55,9x13,95m 109x45,6x14,6mm 112x57x12,5mm ...

Majandus → Turundus
72 allalaadimist

Plakat mäesuuskadest

Making mountain skis · Although Estonia is geographically not best suited for mountain skiing, · The most common materials for the outer part of the skis are it is still quite popular. The largest market is perhaps in the United States, but also in mountainous parts of Europe. fiberglass, carbon fibers, or a type of epoxy. Polyethylene is the most · Throughout history, alpine skis have been made out of light wood, popular material used in the bottom part of modern skis. One of the usually hickory or ash, steel edges were introduced on the bottom for drawbacks of the polyethylene base is its softness, and with time the ski can smoother glide, but the depletion of inexpensive wood meant a need for become scratched by small stones and ice...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
49 allalaadimist

Biogas – The source of future energy

Tartu Miina Härma gymnasium Biogas ­ The source of future energy Report Tartu 2010 Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................... What is biogas?................................................................................................... Producing process............................................................................................... Nowadays............................................................................................................ Areas where biogas is used in............................................................................. Biogas as replacement of fuel.......................................................................... Other benefits.......................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The most pressing environmental issues in Estonia

The most pressing environmental issues in Estonia The earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe. Unfortunately, our planet is suffering due to many problems which should be solved before it is too late. Of course our country is not an exception. The major problems that are facing our country today are air and water pollution and recycle problem. Also we have, for example, deforestation problem and traffic jams, for instance, in Tallinn in rush-hour. Nevertheless, those problems are not so significant than previous. One of the biggest problems in Estonia is air and water pollution. One example of air pollution is exhaust fumes. Today we have a lot of transport: cars and buses, in the main in our capital. Gases which are produced by cars contain carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide in the air causes global warming, which is the result of the green house effect. Furthermore, it will ...

Keeled → Business english
75 allalaadimist

Spoilerid - plakat

Auto surutiib ("spoiler") Esimene tehasest väljunud spoileriga auto oli Ferrari 275 GTB, oktoobris 1964. Esimene Ameerikas toodetud auto mis väljus tehasest spoileriga oli Shelby GT 350 (1966). Eestis ei tegutse spoilerite tootmisega seotud asutusi. Küll aga valmistatakse neid küllaltki suurel hulgal motohuviliste poolt. Spoilereite kasutamine muudel masinatel: Mille jaoks? Vägagi tähtis on spoilerite Auto surutiibasid ehk spoilereid võib olla nii auto esi- kui ka tagaosas ning neil ...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
57 allalaadimist

Carbonated beverages presentation

Carbonated beverages: healthy or harmful? Anna Beda KATB11 Food Engineering and Product Development Tallinn University of Technology December 6, 2012 Following topics 1. What is carbonated beverage? 2. Main components 3. Influence on our organism 4. Conclusion 5. Interesting facts 6. Sources What is carbonated beverages? Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Composition of carbonated drinks Sweetners Carbonated water Acids Caffeine ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Environmental issues in Estonia

Environmental issues in Estonia The Earth is considered to be the most beatiful planets in the Universe. But our planet is threaten by environmental problems. Even a small country like Estonia can make difference. Our capital city is fighting against air pollution. But people produce much refuse and ways of recycling are getting old. Water pollution is also a problem in Estonia. We have factories that let their waste run into rivers. One of the biggest problems in Estonia is air pollution. Our air is polluted by exhaust fumes, because today we have a lot of cars, buses and other machines. In 2009 we had 407 cars to thousand inhabitants, which is lower than European Union average, but this number is still high. Because cars produce gases that contain carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide in the air causes global warming, which is the result of the greenhouse effect. Tallinn wants to fight against it by offering public transportati...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Acid Rain

Acid Rain Acid rain is any precipitation that is unusually acidic. It possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions(it has low pH level). Acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which react with water molecules. Distilled water(doesn't contain CO 2), has pH level 7. Liquids with pH level less than 7 are acidic, liquids with pH level greater than 7 are alkaline. Unpolluted rain has a pH level over 5.7, so it is slightly acidic. Affected areas Places significantly impacted by acid rain around the globe include most of eastern Europe from Poland northward into Scandinavia, the eastern third of the United States and southeastern Canada. Other affected areas include the southeastern coast of China and Taiwan Causes · It is caused when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. In the atmosphere they re...

Keemia → Keemia
3 allalaadimist

Solar power

Solar power What is solar power? Solar power is the energy, which is derived from solar radiation energy. Mainy used to heat and power production, but as well as natural lighting. Solar power released as a result of fusion reactions taking place in the sun. What is solar power? Päikeseenergia on energia, mis on saadud päikesekiirguse energiast. Põhiliselt kasutatakse seda soojuse ja elektri tootmiseks aga ka loomulikus valgustuses. Päikeseenergia vabaneb päikesel toimuvate termotuumareaktsioonide tulemusel. Using  heat production  production of electricity from solar energy Kasutamine:  Soojuse tootmiseks (sh. tarbevee ja joogivee kütmiseks) kasutatakse päikesekütteseadmeid.  Elektri tootmine päikeseenergiast võib toimuda fotoelement- ehk fotogalvaanilises elektrijaamas päikesepatareidega või päikese-soojuselektrijaamades läbi soojuse. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Climate change

Climate change Astrid Linder G1R1 Gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect include: · Water Vapor · Methane · Nitrous · Carbon dioxide Florida Hawaii THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Soil microflora

Estonian University of Life Sciences Report on Soil Microflora By Katrin Vares Tartu 2013 Introduction The purpose of this report is to define soil microflora and establish the importance of it. Since the microorganisms clearly play an important role in preserving the balance of life, the next objective is to look into factors that influence this balance. Natural conditions and cultural impact could be considered as the variables that correlate the most with the activity and composition of microflora, hence some of the natural and cultural factors will be looked into a little more in detail. Definition, composition and importance of microflora Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary (2007) cited by the online medical dictionary (2013) defines living microorganisms as that small that they can be seen only with a microscope and that maintain a more or less constant presenc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Virtuaalne suhtlemine

Loksa Gümnaasium                        ...

Eesti keel → Eesti keele suuline ja...
7 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia energiamajandus

Riigi energiamajandus ARVUTITUND Riigi energiamajanduse iseloomustamist alusta tutvumisega atlaste kaartidega. Kasuta ka Maailma atlast, Uut maailma atlast, Kooliatlast ja Õppeatlas 3. 1. Suurbritannia traditsioonilised energiavarad Joonis 1. Maagaasi ja nafta paiknemine Põhjameres. Allikas: Joonis 2. Kivisöe kaevandused Suurbritannias. Allikas: The Business at a Glance ­ UK Coal Annual Report and Accounts 2008. Joonis 3. Traditsioonilised maavarad Euroopas. Allikas: Major mineral fuel resources in Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia ­ Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID ­ Arendal. caucasus-and-central-asia1 Suurbritannias leidub traditsioonilistest energiavarades...

Geograafia → Geograafia
46 allalaadimist

Keemik Joseph Black

Talllinna Kuristiku Gümnaasium Referaat Joseph Black Tallinn 2016 Sisukord 1.Sissejuhatus........................................................................................................ 3 2.Joseph Blackist.................................................................................................... 4 2.1.J. Blacki elust.................................................................................................... 4 3.Süsihappegaas.................................................................................................... 6 3.1.Süsihappegaasi ajalugu.................................................................................... 7 3.2.Süsihappegaasi eraldumine ja tootmine...........................................................8 3.3.Süsihappegaasi tööstuslik tootmine.................................................................8 3.4.Süsihappegaasi kasutusalad...........

Keemia → Keemia
1 allalaadimist

Global Warming

Global Warming One of the biggest issues our planet and its inhabitants are facing nowadays is global warming. Global warming, also often referred to as the greenhouse effect, has not always been a problem. However, over the last centuries, since the Industrial Revolution things have changed. Polar regions are melting, species are dying, climate zones are shifting, migration patterns for animals such as polar bears and birds are being disrupted ­ our world as we know it is changing. Some scientists believe that the climate will reach a tipping point, a point at which even a tiny additional increase would throw the system into violent change. We started doing harmful things and only now do we realize what we have done and what we are doing. At this current rate by the middle of next century the Earth's temperature may rise a predicted from 2 to 6 degrees Celsius. This may not seem as much but with the E...

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

Car vs horse.

I talking about that, why horse would be better than car. With horse you can run on everywhere, without damaging the ground. A horse dont need any fuel like cars, only food, water,and some vitamins. Horse does not emit toxic lead or carbon monoxide which can cause diseases on people and animals. But with horse you cant drive so fast and long distances like with car. Horse causes no traffic jam, he does not need to be managed traffic light since it travels with much slower speed and can stop faster than car. But of horse you must take more care than car. Car may stay in garage a long time, nothing happening with that, but horse often needs food and takeing more care.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon mäesuuskadest

Making mountain skis · History · Different types · Most common materials · The Manufacturing Process Different types · Laminated ­ most common · Torsionbox ­ more expensive · Singleshell lightest History · Light wood, usually hickory or ash · Depletion of inexpensive wood · Metal skis became common in the mid1950s · Aluminum bottom tends to freeze · Modern solutions Most common materials · Outer part of the skis fiberglass, carbon fibers, epoxy · Polyethylene in the bottom part · Coat of wax for maintaining polyethylene · Edges ­ steel, usally hard tempered The Manufacturing Process · Milling the core - the material is put through a mill for precise cutting and finishing · Assembling the layers - the core and layers, are placed into a mold and then into a press. Heat and pressure result in a...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
54 allalaadimist


Tallinn 2013 Ott Speek Subject: English Geodesy Study group: GI-21b PETROLEUM PRESENTATION Petroleum (L. petroleum, from Greek: Πέτρα (rock) + Latin: oleum (oil) is a naturally occurring flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other liquid organic compounds, that are found in geologic formations beneath the Earth's surface. The name Petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oils and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude oil. A fossil fuel, it is formed when large quantities of dead organisms, usually zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and undergo intense heat and pressure. Petroleum is recovered mostly through oil drilling. This comes after the studies of structural geology (at the reservoir scale), sedimentary basin analysis, reservoir characterization (mainly in terms of porosity and perme...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Solar energy

SOLAR ENERGY Karol Pakkas What is solar power? Solar power is energy that comes from the sun. The sunlight gives off energy as heat. Solar power is a renewable source of energy. How does solar power work? Solar panels are used to collect sunlight. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that convert the sunlight into energy. Why do we need it? How does it lead to better health? Solar power is source of clean energy. It does not produce pollution or greenhouse gases or carbon compounds. Solar power would be a lot safer for the environment and a lot better for the health of people. What would happen if we don't use solar power? If we don't start using solar power, we would use oil and coal. They produce pollution and will cause millions of people to suffer from respiratory related problems. The oil and coal will run out and peopl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Solar energy

SOLAR ENERGY Karol Pakkas What is solar power? Solar power is energy that comes from the sun. The sunlight gives off energy as heat. Solar power is a renewable source of energy. How does solar power work? Solar panels are used to collect sunlight. Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that convert the sunlight into energy. Why do we need it? How does it lead to better health? Solar power is source of clean energy. It does not produce pollution or greenhouse gases or carbon compounds. Solar power would be a lot safer for the environment and a lot better for the health of people. What would happen if we don't use solar power? If we don't start using solar power, we would use oil and coal. They produce pollution and will cause millions of people to suffer from respiratory related problems. The oil and coal will run out and peopl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Famous Scottish People

Famous Scottish People Sean Connery Sean one of the most famous actors in the world, mostly because of his role as James Bond from 1962 to 1983, he also has won academy awards for producing fils as well as 3 golden globes He was born in Edinghburg Scotland in August 30th 1930 Alexander Grahm Bell Born March 3rd 1847 Very famous engineer, scientist and inventor Became a master pianist with no formal trainig as a child and also learned sing language when his mother started going deaf He is most famous for inventing the telephone in 1847 Joseph Black Born on April 16th 1728 Attended Glasgow University Famous physician and chemist and is credited for very significant discoveries such as latent heat, which is when heat is released and absorbed through the body specific heat, which is the amount of heat required to change the temperture of a substance, and also discovered the gas know...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Nuclear Energy research paper

Running head: NUCLEAR ENERGY Nuclear Energy U.S. Government History of Nuclear Energy- Nuclear Energy History of Nuclear Energy · Uranium was discovered in 1789 by Martin Klaproth. He was a German chemist, and named his discovery after the planet Uranus ("Outline history of," 2010) · 1939-1945 Manhattan Project- atomic energy program to develop the first transportable atomic bomb ("Nuclear technologies timeline," ) · 1942- First self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction ("Nuclear technologies timeline," ) · 1945- Hiroshima and Nagasaki- US. drops atomic bombs to Japan to end World War II ("Nuclear technologies timeline," ) · 1946- First nuclear energy in civilian use ("Nuclear technologies timeline," ) NUCLEAR ENERGY · 1954- Atomic Energy Act ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ways to protect the environment

PROJECT Things You Can Do To Protect the Environment changing.  We need to help it change for the better and we're asking for your help to do that!  There are a lot of things that affect our planet in a bad way but the good news is that everyone can help to reduce them and do their bit for the environment. Here’s a list of LOVE AND CARE THE ENVIRONMENT important topics ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

How can we increase the quality of breathable air? Essee

How can we increase the quality of breathable air? “I’ll go out for a breath of fresh air” is an often-heard phrase. But how many of us realize that this has become irrelevant in today’s world? Air pollution is the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of the environment, human health and the quality of life. Firstly, we should use green methods of powering like wind energy and landfill gas energy. This would reduce the amount of harmful gases. Another useful suggestion would be to plant trees. In this way we can increase the source of breathable oxygen. Unfortunately, many companies are contributing to deforestation. Finally, it would help if we put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline. In this way people and companies will have greater incentives to conserve energy and pollute less. In conclusion, there are many ways to ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Tobacco and related diseases 1)blood cycle 2)cancer 3)chronic lung diseases (breathing organs) Nicotine and nicotine harmful effect Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Carbon monoxide Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Tar Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Smoking kills Klõpsake juhtslaidi t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism? In today's world tourism is vital part of economy. Although tourism has became main source of income to many countries, it was not so couple of decades ago. This young branch of industry started developing in the second half of last century, when people had more money and sources than ever before. Importance of tourism to countries such as Egypt, Greece and Spain can not be questioned, as employment, service industry and opportunity to sell goods, is related to it. Tourism has also helped to build up certain regions, which otherwise would still be struggling in poverty. Futhermore, to make country desirable destination, governments have to keep crime rate under control, which makes life safer for locals as well. On the negative side, relentless waves of tourists increase our carbon footprint. Transportation increases pollution and creates gridlocks. Often big hote...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


DURACELL Janno Reilik 11c elping people RECHARGE, RECONNECT,RECOVE Duracell, one of the most trusted sources of power Disaster strikes Critical devices Power Relief program - it provides dependable power for families during these times of crisis, helping people recharge, reconnect, and recover. Duracell helps AVON, CT ­ SNOWSTORM THE CATSKILLS, NY ­ HURRICANE JOPLIN, MO ­ TORNADOES video TUSCALOOSA, AL ­ TORNADOES NASHVILLE, TN - FLOODING HISTORY Story begins in the early 1920s with an inventive scientist named Samuel Ruben and Philip Rogers Mallory During World War II, for instance, Ruben devised the mercury cell, which packed more capacity in less space and was durable enough for the harsh climates of wartime theaters like North Africa and the South Pacific--places where ordinary zinc carbon batteries used in flashlights, mine detectors, and wal...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Tehnomaterjalid Plakat

Õngeritv Stiina Ulmre 155459 [email protected] Õngeritv on ese, mida kasutatakse Kuidas valmistatakse õngeritv? kalade püüdmiseks. Esimesed märgid õngeridva kasutusele võtust pärinevad Tehases aastast 2000 eKr ning siis valmistati see toodetakse bambusest, pilliroost või muudest süsinikiudu, vastupidavatest puuliikidest, kuid siiski mis rulli- tuli leppida pideva murdumisega. takse toori- Hiljem hakati valmist...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
8 allalaadimist

Is global climate change man-made or not?

Essay. Is global climate change (global warming) man-made or not? Over the last hundred years the Earth has been warming. This warming is believed to lead to many issues such as increasing of nature disasters, weather changes and draught. All of these consequences could become a reason of economic decay in many countries, especially in some undeveloped countries. Therefore it is very important to find out who is guilty of the climate changing. Many people are confident that the reason of global warming is man made carbon dioxide. Over the last hundred years our society has been developing very fast: there has been built a huge amount of different factories, has been made so many inventions in all fields of human activity. Unfortunately only recently we have noticed that by making our life more comfortable and more enjoyable we destroy nature and cause appearance of ozone holes wh...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
75 allalaadimist

Materjalitehnika kodutöö 2 plakat

Mootorratta külgpaneelid · Eesmärk: Külgpaneelid moodustavad kesta, mis on paigutatud ümber mootorratta raami ja mootori. Selle peamiseks eesmärgiks on muuta ratas voolujoonelisemaks ning vähendada õhutakistust suurtel kiirustel. Seetõttu väheneb kütusekulu ja on võimalik sõita suurematel kiirustel madalamate mootori pööretega, mis omakorda pikendab mootori eluiga. Lisaks kaitsevad külgpaneelid ku...

Materjaliteadus → Materjalitehnika
38 allalaadimist

Lehekülg 63 harjutus 5-8

Tb p 63 ex 5-8 5.To grow new parts-the ability to reproduce To produce young-offspring To react to something-respond to To become adjusted to new conditions-able to adapt Plants and animals living in one place-natural community Type of plant or animal-specie Area covered with growing trees-woodland Organisms that feed on dead tissues-decomposers to grow- change to different size or shape Replace-something -living things can to for themselvs Repair parts-living things can to for themselvs Respond to stimuly- ability to grow toward the light Able to adapt-to survive in nature Natural selection-ability to make living things better to survive and live longer Interact- to act upon one another. Surrounding- all round a particular place or thing Dominated-different species that are more existing Species- a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals Food chain- a series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

Margit Tepner k0848752 Sustainability aspects of biofuels 1. Introduction The literature review will discuss the sustainability aspects of biofuels. Food production will be the main concern as it is the most debated issue, but other aspects, such as land use change and water consumption will be also considered as they are essential aspects in the biofuels sustainability criteria. The review will discuss the viability of biofuels based on the current technologies. Second-generation biofuels are not yet commercially viable and therefore will not be discussed; although they could significantly improve the sustainability of biofuels when they break through to the industrial scale. 2. The scale of biofuels production 2.1. Drivers of biofuels production Lal (2010) stated that "three inter-connected challenges face humankind in the 21st century": food security, climate change, and energy security. The world...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEHNIKAKÕRGKOOL TALLINN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING REFERAAT SÜSINIKKIUDUDE VALMISTAMINE PIGIST Õppeaines: TEHNOMATERJALID Transporditeaduskond Õpperühm: AT-52/62 Üliõpilane: Õppejõud: D. Arensburger Tallinn 2009 Sissejuhatus Selles referaadis teen ülevaate sellest,kuidas toimub süsinikkiudude valmistamine erineva iseloomuga pigiliikidest, millised on ühe või teise eelised ja puudused ning milliseid meetodeid kasutatakse, et pigist valmiksid kvaliteetsed ja vastupidavad süsinikkiud. Süsinikkiudude valmistamine pigist Süsinikkiude valmistatakse erineva päritoluga pigiliikidest (toornaftast, kivisöest). Enim kasutatakse selleks toornafta töötlemisel saadud pigi, sest kivisöest saadud pigil on suurem tahkete osakeste sisaldus, mis kiirendab kuumutamisel koksi moodustumist ja võib põhjustada süsinikkiudude katkemist töötlemisel. Pigikiude tehakse pigi sulamist. Sü...

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
25 allalaadimist

Essay-Environmental problems

As time goes on, society will have to face many problems. The biggest issues are with the environment that is around us. It is surprising how our traditional habits can contribute so strongly to environmental problems. They affect the whole world, even our little country Estonia. We, as individuals, are capable of doing anything to save our world. To begin with, everyday life has been disturbed because of COVID-19. Life stopped during this pandemic not only in China where it started, but also across the globe. When we look at the present situation, very many people are confined to their own homes. In Estonia, students can’t go to school normally, they have to stay behind the computer every day and it is very exhausting. Many parents have lost their jobs because of the virus. And still there are people who won’t listen to the government rules and spread the virus further. Secondly, global warming is increasing at an alarming rate wit...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

100 new words

1. Ceased Lakanud 2. Span Kaarelaius 3. Among Hulgas 4. Volume Kogus 5. Traffic Liiklus 6. Bonds Võlakirjad 7. Grants Toetused 8. Contemporary Kaasaegne 9. Landscape Maastik 10. Define Määratlema 11. Acclaimed Pälvinud 12. Magnificent Suurepärane 13. Enduring Püsiv 14. Exhibition Näitus 15. Principles Põhimõtted 16. Suspension Vedrustus 17. Sparked Tekitanud 18. Bascule Estakaad 19. Associate Liitlane 20. renowned Kuulus 21. Unprecedented Enneolematu 22. Bidders Pakkujad 23. Consolidation Ühendamine 24. Industry Tööstus 25. Competitors Võistlejad 26. Estimately Hinnanguliselt 27. Strands Tegevusvaldkond 28. Engineer Insener 29. Incorporated Asutatud 30. Respectively Vastavalt 31. Basis Alus 32. Manufactured Valmistatud 33. U...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Environmental issues in Brazil

Environmental issues in Brazil Madis Pokk Facts about Brazil Capital: Brasilia Largest city: Sao Paulo Official language is Protugese Total area: 8 515 767 km² Population is 193 milion people Deforestation ­ cutting down rainforest The highest rate in world of cutting down rainforest Major problem in Brazil Over 600 000 km² destroyed The problems that comes with deforestation New plants can't grow Global warming Life for animal Greenhouse gases Why they are cutting rainforest? More place for new homes To build new roads Selling the lumber to Japan To generate electricity Trees are used in flooring, furniture and other items Make more space for grazing lands Solution To enforce their anti-logging laws Provide alternatives to poor farmers Use less firewood and paper products Recycle old furniture and wood Educate yourself Ar...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
16 allalaadimist

Virtuaalse suhtlemise kultuur

Virtuaalse suhtlemise kultuur REFERAAT TARTU 11.02.2009 1981 aastal valmistas IBM esimese personaalarvuti (PC) mida võis kasutada nii kodus, koolis kui ka töökohtades. Tänu sellele suurenes arvutite arv maailmas järsult, mis aastal 1981 oli 2 millionit ja järgmisel aastal tänu PC'le juba 5,5 miljonit. Juba 10 aastat hiljem oli maailmas 65 miljonit personaalarvutit. Kui arvutid muutusid võimsamaks leiutati neile võimalus üksteisega suhelda, ehk siis teiste sõnadega leiutati arvutivõrk. Arvutivõrk võis olla kas üksteisele lähedal asuvate arvuti ühendamine kohalikku võrku või siis ka arvuti ühendamine mõne teise arvutiga, kasutades selleks modemit ja telefoniliine. Kasutati ka sellist võimalust, et oli üks keskarvuti, mille küljes olid terminalid, mis polnud ise arvutid, vaid lihtsalt masinad, mis võimaldasid keskarvutiga töötada. Ühe keskarvuti külge sai panna palju terminale. Aastal 1992, kuigi see leiutati juba 1962 aastal...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
59 allalaadimist

Planet venus

Venus Venus has been known since prehistoric times and the planet is named after Venus, the Roman goddess of love. It is the second-closest planet to the Sun and it`s often called Earth's "sister planet," because the two are similar in size, gravity, and bulk composition. Because of these similarities, it was thought that Venus might even have life. Venus is also called the Morning star or the Evening star, because it reaches its brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset. It is the brightest object in the sky except for the Sun and the Moon. During the last few years the scientists have found that Venus and Earth are very different. It has no oceans and is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with virtually no water vapor. There are strong winds at the cloud tops but winds at the surface are very slow, no more than a few kilometers per hour. The surfac...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun