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"-calcium" - 44 õppematerjali


Phosphate Binders: Your Questions Answered

Phosphate Binders: Your Questions Answered What's the deal with phosphate in kidney disease anyway? Phosphate and calcium are both minerals that are essential in maintaining a healthy body. Together, they help build strong, healthy bones and teeth, and also play a role in regular cell and nerve function. Through a delicate process called homeostasis, the body keeps both phosphate and calcium at healthy levels. Both the kidneys and the parathyroid glands play vital roles. First, the kidneys, which activate vitamin D, control the amount of phosphate that is absorbed and excreted from the foods you eat. Second, a hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates phosphate by increasing or decreasing the blood's phosphate concentration. A normal blood phosphate level in adults is 3-4.5 mg/dL and a normal PTH is 10-55 pg/mL. However, in kidney disease and kidney failure, the body is not able to keep the levels of phosphate at healthy level...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Keemilised elemendid

Leht1 Vesinik H Hydrogenium Heelium He Helium Liitium Li Lithium Berüllium Be Beryllium Boor B Boron Süsinik C Carboneum Lämmastik N Nitrogenium Hapnik O Oxygenium Fluor F Fluorum Neoon Ne Neon Naatrium Na Natrium Magneesium Mg Magnesium Alumiinium Al Aluminium Räni Si Silicium Fosfor P Phosphorus Väävel S Sulphur Kloor Cl Chlorum Argoon Ar Argon Kaalium K Kalium Kaltsium Ca Calcium Raud Fe Ferrum Baarium Ba Barium Kroom Cr Chromium Magnaan Mn Manganese Vask Cu Cuprum Hõbe Ag Argentum Plii Pb Plumbum Nikkel Ni Nickel Kuld Au Aurum Lehekülg 1

Keemia → Keemia
11 allalaadimist

Kaltsium, kus seda leidub

Kaltsium(Ca) Elektronskeem: +20 | 2)8)8)2) Kalitsiumit ei leidu looduses vabal kujul. Seda leidub tavaliselt mineraalides kaltsiit, dolomiit, kips või settekivimites. Kaltsiumit kasutatakse ehituses tsemendis, kaablite isolatsioonis, patareides, väetistes, värvides ja juustu valmistamisel. Seda on ka kriidis, kipsis ja paberis. Kaltsium on väga aktiivne. Seda peab hoidma õlis, kuna kokkupuutel vee või õhuga süttib see põlema või plahvatab. Oksiidi tüübilt on see tugeva aluseline. See on hõbevalge, tihedusega 1,55g / cm3. Kaltsium sulab 839 kraadi juures ja keeb 1484 kraadi juures celsiuse skaalal. Toa temperatuuril on kaltsiumi agregaatolek tahke. Kaltsium avastati Londonis 1808 Sir Humphrey Davy poolt. Koostatud: Risto Lindmäe 9B Kasutatud materjal: A. Dingle ­ Perioodilisus tabel. Keemilised elemendid millel on jumet.

Keemia → Keemia
64 allalaadimist


KEEMILISTE ELEMENTIDE NIMETUSED, TÄHISED (SÜMBOLID) MITTEMETALLID Keemiline element Keemilise elemendi Keemiline tähis Hääldatakse eesti keeles ladinakeelne nimetus keemilises valemis Fosfor Phosphorus P pee Hapnik Oxygenium O oo Heelium Helium He heelium Jood Iodum I ii Kloor Chlorum Cl kloor Lämmastik Nitrogenium N enn Räni Silicium Si siliitsium Süsinik Carboneum C tsee Vesinik Hydrogenium H haa Väävel Sulphur ...

Keemia → Keemia
11 allalaadimist

The Theory of Human Motivation

The Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow Abraham Maslow 1908 – 1970 A descendant of Russian Jews in USA Well-known psychologist Brought the ‘human’ back to psychology Best known for his ‘hierarchy of needs’ Forces of psychology Psychoanalysis (sub-consciousness) Behaviorism (behavior can be studied and explained) Humanism (the human dimension of psychology) Transpersonal psychology (hippie psychology) Hierarchy of human needs's_hierarchy_of_needs D-needs and B-needs Basic needs (D = deficit) physiological safety beloning esteem Higher need (B = being) self actualization What a man can be, he must be! Physiological needs Homeostasis oxygen water protein salt, sugar, calcium ... In Maoist China the most basic need was belonging Safety, love and esteem Stability, structure, order Community, affection Status, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS)/ Todd’s syndrome

Wonderland syndrome (AIWS)/ Todd’s Ülle-Mai Kesamaa 10th grade 2015 Content What is it? Causes Signs and symptoms AIWS is named by … History Treatment Sources What is it? disorienting neurological condition that affects human perception. most common perceptions at night. micropsia(feeling yourself smaller) macropsia(feeling yourself bigger) pelopsia(objects appear nearer) teleopsia(objects appear further) Causes typical migraines temporal lobe epilepsys brain tumours psychoactive drugs Epstein-barr-virus infection abnormal amounts of electrical activity Exact causes are not known! Signs and symptoms hallmark sign is a migraine experiences of altered body images “lilliputian hallucinations” feeling of giddiness eye redness losing the sense of time memory loss sound sensations AIWS is named after … Can you guess it? :D Lewis Carroll’s famous novel “Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” Lilliputi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism

The Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism Vegetarianism is getting more and more popular nowadays. The most popular reason why people start being a vegetarian is because of health. They say that humans do not need so much meat as they eat. According to some experts vegetarians live six to ten years longer than meat-eaters. Nature offers us an enormous variety of fruits and vegetables, they have some or all the following: vitamins, minerals, proteins, fat, water. A well planned eating plan can provide all those things you need in a meal. Vegetarianism helps maintain weight, changes that a human is going fat with vegetarian lifestyle are very less. Fruits and vegetables do not contain fat what makes humans overweight. And when a human isn't fat then heart problems does not come so easily. The negative aspects of vegetarianism are the possible defiance's that develop if a balanced eating plan is not consumed. If a human...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Nohu Allium cepa - ninaalune punane, v.o. katki; silmad ja nina vesised nagu sibulat koorides. Ajab aevastama, eritus on läbipaistev.Väljas läheb paremaks, õhtul hullemaks. Ei kannata valgust. Arsenicum ­ Vesine, kinnine nohu. Aevastab ja nuuskab, aga paremaks ei lähe. Heinanohu. Õues hakkab hullem, sees on parem. Rahutus. Janu. Joob korraga vähe. Nõuab palju juua, joob lonkshaaval, tihti. Belladonna - veidi verine nohu. Väga tugev ja akuutne nohu. Nägu punane, silmad kuivad. Vahib ühte punkti, silmad pärani. Kuiv, punane, ärritunud olek. Nahk niiske, nohu lopsakas.Värvitu eritis. Calcium carbonicum ­ tavaline imikute ninakinnisus, mõnikord koos kollaka eritisega. Tihti laps higistab magades peast. Magab kehvalt. Ärkab täiskuuga öödel. Dulcamara - nohu, mis kaasneb igasuguse ilmastiku muutusega. Sageli esineb sügisel, kevadel, talve suladega, pööripäevadel. Euphrasia - Silmad jooksevad ja põskedelt nahk punane silmaeritisest. Nohu ...

Meditsiin → Meditsiiniteadus
27 allalaadimist

Alternatiivne meditsiin

Alternative medicine Alternative medicine is defined as therapeutic practices which are not currently considered a part of conventional medical practice. Alternative therapies include folk medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, massage, color and music therapy and several other therapies. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy that involves inserting needles into the skin at specific points of the body. These points are believed to be energy channels and related to the internal organs. Aromatherapy is the method of healing using very concentrated essential oils that are often highly aromatic and extracted from plants. There are several tehniques used in aromatherapy. Massage is the most familiar method of treatment. Essential oils are able to penetrate through skin and are taken into the body, healing and influencing inner organs. The addition of a number of dr...

Meditsiin → Terviseõpetus
11 allalaadimist

Eating bugs

Eating bugs Annika Annika History Hunters and gatherers ate bugs to survive Christians and Jews ate bugs "At first the males are better to eat, but after copulation the females, which are then full of white eggs." Main info 1,462 species of edible insects crickets, cicadas, grasshoppers, ants, worms and scorpions, tarantulas. Insects used as a source of nutrients and insects as condiments Pesticide use can make insects unsuitable We eat from one to two pounds of insects each year Most of insects are caught wild except for silk moth pupae Ants have a lemon tang Giant water bugs taste of mint Fire ant pupae taste of watermelon Where it`s popular and how they eat them? Africa, Asia, and Latin America Winged termites are collected and fried, roasted, or made into bread. With cornmeal porridge. Beekeepers are considered virile, because they regularly eat larvae from their beehives De-winged dragonflies boiled in coco...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


KEEMILISED ELEMENDID ELEMENT TÄHIS RÜHM PERIOO LADINA AJALUGU D KEELNE NIMETUS Vesinik H IA 1. Hydrogenum Avastajaks loetakse inglast Henry Cavendishi. Raud Fe VIIIB 4. Ferrum Avastaja puudub, tunti juba iidsetel aegadel. Alumiinium Al IIIA 3. Aluminium Avastati 1827.aastal Friedrich Wöhleri poolt Magneesium Mg IIA 3. Magnesium Esimesena uuris magneesiumi sotlane Joseph Black 1755.aastal Kuld Au IB 6. Aurum Avastaja puudub, Vana-Egiptus Hõbe Ag IB 5. Argentum Avastaja puudub, üks esimesi kasutatud metalle. Elavhõbe ...

Keemia → Üldkeemia
17 allalaadimist

Acid Rain

Acid Rain Acid rain is any precipitation that is unusually acidic. It possesses elevated levels of hydrogen ions(it has low pH level). Acid rain is caused by emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which react with water molecules. Distilled water(doesn't contain CO 2), has pH level 7. Liquids with pH level less than 7 are acidic, liquids with pH level greater than 7 are alkaline. Unpolluted rain has a pH level over 5.7, so it is slightly acidic. Affected areas Places significantly impacted by acid rain around the globe include most of eastern Europe from Poland northward into Scandinavia, the eastern third of the United States and southeastern Canada. Other affected areas include the southeastern coast of China and Taiwan Causes · It is caused when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. In the atmosphere they re...

Keemia → Keemia
3 allalaadimist


BASIL Sandra Pähklepa Horticulture 1. course Introduction • I have grown basil • Member of mint family • Belongs to the genus ocimum • The genus includes over sixty species of annuals Chemistry • Essential oils in the plant • Most basils contain methyl chavicol, eugenol and linalool • Methyl chavicol provides a sweet flavor Nutrition • Low in calories • No fat • Source of vitamin A • Also contains Calcium and smaller amounts of other vitamins Cultivation indoors • Growing indoors is challenging • Basil needs alot of water • As a tropical plant, basil requires plenty of heat and light • Good soil is sphagnum, perlite and wood chip mix • Cool white or warm white fluorescent tubes on a timer work best from light • Whatever type of container you choose, be sure it has plenty of drainage holes. Cultivation outdoors • Sowing seeds ...

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Healthy eating and school lunches

Ursula Potivar Healthy eating and school lunches Healthy eating Healthy eating is about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible. Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to keep your body strong, energized, and well nourished. When you eat well, you are taking good care of your body. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as defend against depression. Additionally, learning the habits of healthy eating can improve your health by boosting your energy, sharpening your memory and stabilizing your mood. Fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet. They are low in calories and nutrient dense, which means they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Fruits and vegetables should be part of every meal and your first choice for a snack -...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Histoloogia ja embrüoloogia 10. loeng Lihaskude Lihaskude · Erinevad lihaskoe liigid tekivad mesodermi erinevatest osadest (ainult müoepiteliaalsed rakud mõnedes näärmetes ja silma vikerkesta lihased on ektodermaalset päritolu) · Lihasrakud on väljavenitatud, pikitelg on kokkutõmbumise suunas · Kokkutõmbumise kandjateks on müosiinist ja aktiinist müofilamendid · Lihaskoe rakkude tunnuseks on mitokondrite suur hulk, inklusioonidest esinevad glükogeen ja müoglobiin Lihaskoe klassifikatsioon · Eristatakse kolme struktuurselt ja funktsionaalselt erinevat lihaskoe tüüpi ­ 1) silelihaskude- ristivöötsus puudub ­ 2) skeletilihaskude - ristivöötsusega, tahtele alluv ­ 3) südamelihaskude- ristivöötsusega, tahtele allumatu · Paralleelsed terminid ­ tsütoplasma = sarkoplasma ­ plasmalemm = sarkolemm ­ endoplasmaatiline retiikulum = sarkoplasmaatiline retiikulum...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
19 allalaadimist

Oksüdatsiooni tase

Oxidation Numbers A short list Monatomic ions +1 all the alkali metals show the +1 oxidation state only Cu+1 copper (I) , cuprous H+1 hydrogen Au+1 gold (I) Li+1 lithium +1 Ag silver Na+1 sodium +1 Tl thallium (I) K+1 potassium +2 Hg2 mercury (I), mercurous Rb+1 rubidium Cs+1 cesium +2 all the alkaline earth metals show the +2 oxidation state only Cu+2 copper (II), cupric Be+2 beryllium +2 Fe iron (II), ferrous ...

Keemia → Keemia
2 allalaadimist

Kas banaanide küpsusaste mõjutab vähki tekitavate rakkude vastu võitlemist inimorganismis?

Teaduslik uurimismeetod: Kas banaanide küpsusaste mõjutab vähki tekitavate rakkude vastu võitlemist inimorganismis? Probleemi püstitus: Tihti märkame, et toas ainut mõnda aega seinud banaanile kipuvad tulema algul helepruunikad täpid, aja möödudes aga juba suuremad ja tumdadamad laigud. Banaan muutub järjest pehmemaks ning enamasti meelitab magus lõhn kohale ka äädikakärbseid, kes banaane noolima hakkavad. Kui selline, pruunistunud banaan lahti koorida, tuleb nähtavale tumenenud ning veidi kleepjaks ja limaseks muutunud ollus, mille paljud inimesed ära põlgavad ja hoopis komposti loobivad. Teadlased aga ütlevad, et just pruunide täppidega banaanid on kõige maitsvamad ja kasulikumad. Küpsetes banaanides on rohkem vitamiine, mineraalaineid, need aitavad seedimist ning sisaldavad vähirakkudega võitlevaid aineid. Kas see vastab tõele ja üleküpsenud banaanid on tõesti efektiivsemad ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
4 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEENINDUSKOOL Käroli Linder 021KM Puhastusvahendid Uurimustöö Juhendaja:Heikki Eskuson Tallinn 2011 Käroli Linder puhastusvahendid Sisukord SISSEJUHATUS..................................................................................................................................3 Ecover põrandapesuvahend ............................................................................................................4 Sever Pluss klaasipuhastusvahend...................................................................................................4 Puhas Kodu üldpuhastusvahend .....................................................................................................4 Ecoveri pinnapuhastusvahend kõikidele pindadele .................

Turism → Puhastusteenindus
45 allalaadimist

Estonian National Cuisine

Estonian National Cuisine re a d a c k B Bl The word ,,bread" came to Estonian from Germanic languages. Traditional black bread spread in Estonia in the second century. In a household people usually baked bread on Saturdays. Depending on the size of the family, they usually made 6-10 loaves of bread. One loaf of bread usually weighed about 2-5 kg. Beliefs and habits If a piece of bread was dropped, it had to be picked up and given a kiss so that hunger would not come to the house. A loaf of bread was never put on a table upside crust down. That would predict a family member's death. It was not allowed to lay a loaf of bread with its cut side to the door, because then the house would run out of bread. Eating the crusty end of bread would give a girl nice breasts. Warm bread was supposed to be broken not cut. Christmas bread Christmas bread had t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kaltsiumi referaat

1.Kaltsium 2.Calcium 3.Ca 4.Ladina keeles ­Lubi 5. Aatommass: 40,078 Sulamistemperatuur: 839 °C Keemistemperatuur: 1484 °C Tihedus: 1,55 g/cm3 Värvus: hõbevalge Agregaatolek toatemperatuuril: tahke 6. Kaltsiumit leidub looduses ainult ühenditena: kaltsiumkarbonaadina, (lubjakivi, kriit, marmor), kaltsiumfosfaadina (fosforiit, apatiit), mida sisaldub ka hambapastas, mis takistab hambasööbija teket, kaltsiumsulfaadina (anhüdriit,kips) ja mitmesuguste silikaatide koostises. Looduses leiame kaltsiumit ka paljude mineraalide - lubjakivi, kriidi , marmori, dolomiidi jt. koostises. ,,Ca on looduses väga levinud (5.kohal). CaCO3 on maakoores laialdaselt levinud. See on hallika paekivi, mitmesuguse värvusega marmori, helkiva pärli või koralli peamine koostisosa. CaCO3 esineb mitmes kristallkujus. Levinum on kaltsiit, mida leidub igas paemurrus. Läbipaistvet kaltsiiti nimetatakse islandi paoks, millele on iseloomulik kaksikmu...

Keemia → Keemia
46 allalaadimist


Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. History 2.1. Early Hospitals 2.2 Recent developments 3. The National Health Service 4. Diseases 5. First Aid 6. Medicine and elements of medical care 7. Doctors 8. Ways of keeping health 9. Conclusion 10.Used materials 1. Introduction The human body is just like a machine with many parts. Each part has a special job, and all the parts work together to keep you alive and healthy. Good health is one of the most important things in life. There are certain things we can do to stay healthy. We should eat a balanced diet that includes the right kinds of food and drink plenty of clean, fresh water. We should exercise regularly, strengthening our muscles and keeping us in shape. Exercise helps the blood circulate around our bodies, cleaning out waste and supplying plenty of oxygen. It is also important what we get enough sleep. The number of hours we sleep we need dep...

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte enamus 8klassi teemadest

Keemia arvestuse kokkuvõte Aineosakesed- aatom,molekul,ioon. * keemiline element: kindla tuuma laenguga aatomite liik. * aatom: keemilise elemendi väiksem osake, molekuli koostisosa * molekulaarne aine: aine väiksem osake, koosneb aatomitest * molekul: koosneb omavahel seostunud aatomitest. Molekulideks liitumisel lähevad aatomid üle püsivasse olekusse, kus nende energia on madalam. * molekuli valem: näitab, millistest aatomitest molekul koosneb. * indeks: näitab sama elemendi aatomite arvu molekulis. * ioon: laenguga aatom (aatomite rühm) - positiivne ioon e. katioon tekib kui aatom loovutab väliskihilt elektrone - negatiivne ioon e. anioon tekib kui aatom liidab väliskihile elektrone * tihedus: ühikulise ruumalaga ainekoguse mass, põhi ühik kg/m kuubis. Ioonsed ained on tahked ained. Koosnevad kristallidest. Osad lahustuvad vees, osad mitte. Valemi kirjutamisel eespool on katioon, tagapool anioonid. La...

Keemia → Keemia
45 allalaadimist

Temperate grassland worksheet Temperate Grassland Worksheet 1. Where is temperate grassland situates? Temperate grasslands are located in the mid-latitudes. There are six large areas of temperate grassland: the Pampas in South America, the Veld in Africa, the Canterbury Plains in New Zealand, the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia, the Prairies in North America and the Steppes in Central Asia. 2. Colour the distribution of temperate grassland on the map. 3. How is temperate grassland called in these regions? Eurasia - steppe Hungary - puzda North America - prarie South America - pampa South Africa - veldt 4. What is forest steppe (forest steppe – metsastepp)? A forest steppe is a temperate-climate ecotone and habitat type composed of grassland interspersed with areas of woodland or forest. 5. Describe the cl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Acid rain

Miina Härma Gymnasium Acid Rain Report Compiler: Teisi Timma 8a Teacher: Esther Linask Tartu 2009 Acid Rain Acid rain is rain consisting of water droplets that are unusually acidic because of atmospheric pollution - most notably the excessive amounts of sulfur and nitrogen released by cars and industrial processes. Acid rain is also called acid deposition because this term includes other forms of acidic precipitation such as snow. Acidic deposition occurs in two ways: wet and dry. Wet deposition is any form of precipitation that removes acids from the atmosphere and deposits them on the Earth's surface. Dry deposition polluting particles and gases stick to the ground via dust and smoke in the absence of precipitation. This form of deposition is dangerous however because precipitation can eventually wash pollutants into strea...

Geograafia → Geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola esitlus

COCA-COLA Have you ever come home from school, practice or whatever and felt soooo thirsty? So you walk towards the fridge and hope there's something cold to drink. You open the door of the fridge and start to smile, because you have seen a bottle of COCA-COLA!! Coca- Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines throughout the world. It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company and is often known as Coke. The Coca-Cola Company has introduced other cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The most famous of these are Coca-Cola Zero, Coca- Cola Light and Coca-Cola Cherry. Based on Interbrand's best global brand 2011, Coca-Cola was the world's most valuable brand. It was 1886, and in New York Harbour, workers were constructing the Statue of Liberty. But 800 miles away, in Atlanta, Georgia, another great American symbol was about to be come into being. When Coca-Cola was invented...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Balanced Diet Healthy Lifestyle

Balanced Diet Healthy What is Balanced Diet??? A diet that contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients required for healthy growth and activity. A balanced diet contains sufficient amounts of fiber and the various nutrients to ensure good health. Food should also provide the appropriate amount of energy and adequate amounts of water. A balanced diet should be both Why is a balanced diet important??? It is essential for a healthy body and a healthy mind. You are what you consume! A balanced diet is important to maintain health and a sensible body weight. No single food will provide all nutrients it is essential for a balanced diet that it must contain sufficient amount of nutrients such as carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals etc. Improper diet may result in... · Failure to flourish · Poor growth · Poor development · Poor physical and mental health · Infectio...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Maailma muldade põhjalik ülevaade

Maailma mullad Maailma mullad Tundramullad Gleimullad, turvastunud gleimullad · Karmi kliima tõttu on mullateke väga aeglane. · Huumushorisont on väga õhuke (alla 10 cm). · Toimub orgaanilise aine puudulik lagunemine - turvastumine · Muld on pidevalt liigniiske ja seetõttu hapnikuvaene, toimub gleistumine, mille tulemusena tekivad mulda sinakad ja rohekad gleimineraalid. Gleimullad Polügonaalpinnas on külmalõhedega hulknurkadeks jagunenud pinnas. Külmumis-sulamistsükli tõttu külmuvad ja tihenevad pealmised mullakihid rohkem kui alumised. Jäätudes vesi paisub ja tekivad praod. Suurem osa polügone on 3-7 m diameetriga. 500 m Polügonaalpinnasesse tekkinud lõhed Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Gleimuld A 0-30 O 30-38 C 38+ · Rannikutundra Alaska põhjaosas. Igikelts algab 38 cm sügavuselt. Aastaringse külma tõttu on...

Geograafia → Geograafia
24 allalaadimist


Kaspar Bork PROJEKTITÖÖ Õppeaines: Andme- ja tekstitöötlus Ehitusinstituut Õpperühm: HE 11b Juhendaja: lektor Anne Uukkivi Esitamiskuupäev:................ Üliõpilase allkiri:................ Õppejõu allkiri:.................. Tallinn 2017 SISUKORD Sisukord.....................................................................................................................................................2 SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................................3 1.Ehitusmaterjalide hinnad.........................................................................................................................4 2.Tsement..................................................................................

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
6 allalaadimist

Geograafia KT-8.klass

2. Where is prairie, pampas, steppe, and veldt situated? Eurasia­Steppe, North America-Prairie, South America­Pampa, South Africa­Veldt 3. Using the climate diagram describe the climate of the region. Temperate deciduous forest -Well-defined seasons with a distinct winter characterize this forest biome. Moderate climate and a growing season of 140-200 days during 4-6 frost-free months distinguish temperate forests. Temperature varies from -15° C to 25° C. Precipitation (750-1500 mm) is distributed evenly throughout the year. Temperate grassland- Semiarid, continental climates of the middle latitudes typically have between 25 cm and 50 cm of precipitation a year. Much of this falls as snow, serving as reservoir of moisture for the beginning of the growing season. Warm to hot summers are experienced, depending on latitude. In the winter, grassland temperatures can be as low as -40° C, and in the summer it can be as high 20° C. There are t...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars

The Cataclysmic Death of Stars Republished from the pages of National Geographic magazine Written by Ron Cowen March 2007 Ever since he was a teenager, Stan Woosley has had a love for chemical elements and a fondness for blowing things up. Growing up in the late 1950s in Texas, "I did everything you could do with potassium nitrate, perchlorate, and permanganate, mixed with a lot of other things," he says. "If you mixed potassium nitrate with sulfur and charcoal, you got gunpowder. If you mixed it with sugar, you got a lot of smoke and a nice pink fire." He tested his explosive concoctions on a Fort Worth golf course: "I screwed the jar down tight and ran like hell." "kaboomWoosley", now an astronomer at the University of California at Santa Cruz, has graduated to bigger explosions--much bigger. Woosley studies some of the most powerful explosions since the birth of the universe: supernovae, the violent deaths of stars. The universe twi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Di-vesinikodsiid Loengumaterjal Sügis 2015 K. Port Di-vesinikoksiid ja elu · Müstiline aine (peaks ehituse põhjal keema -93°C juures ja toatemperatuuril olema gaasiline; pealegi külmudes ei kahane vaid paisub) · Lõhnata, värvita, kujuta ja väga salakaval · Põletab või tekitab külmakahjustusi · Aktiveerunult purustab ja tapab · Liitudes mõne molekuliga hävitab inimkultuuri (ehitisi, skulptuure) ja loodust · Tapab igal aastal kümneid tuhandeid inimesi · 97% on inimesele mürgine · Ometi läbivad inimesed tuhandeid kilomeetreid ja maksavad väikese varanduse, et ennast sellesse heita · Pelk nägemine tõstab kinnisvara hinda · Võtame sisse iga päev Mpemba Effect · 1960 märkas Tanzaania õpilane kokandustunnis, et kuum jäätisesegu külmub kiiremini kui külm ­ S.t. kuum vesi jäätub kiiremini kui külm · Miks?! · ,,Why does boi...

Keemia → Keemia
2 allalaadimist

Neurobioloogias sönade seletus, ingl keelne

NEUROBIOLOGY AUXILLARY GLOSSARY ACETYLCHOLINE – A neurotransmitter in both the brain and peripheral nervous system* (PNS). In the brain it helps regulate memory, whilst it controls the actions of skeletal and smooth muscle within the PNS. ACTION POTENTIAL – An electrical phenomenon which occurs when a neurone is activated and temporarily reverses the electrical state of its interior membrane from negative to positive. An electrical charge travels along the axon to the neurone’s ending (terminal) where it triggers the release of a neurotransmitter* and then disappears. ADRENALINE (U.S. - Epinephrine) – A hormone released by the adrenal medulla* and a neurotransmitter acting at the level of the autonomic nervous system and the brain. ADRENAL CORTEX – The outer layer of the adrenal, a small endocrine gland located near the kidney. It produces and secretes several horm...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
31 allalaadimist

Biogas – The source of future energy

Tartu Miina Härma gymnasium Biogas ­ The source of future energy Report Tartu 2010 Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................... What is biogas?................................................................................................... Producing process............................................................................................... Nowadays............................................................................................................ Areas where biogas is used in............................................................................. Biogas as replacement of fuel.......................................................................... Other benefits.......................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS Our environment is constantly changing. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing. Current environmental problems make us vulnerable to disasters and tragedies, now and in the future. Unless we address the various issues seriously we are surely doomed for disaster. Current environmental problems require urgent attention. 1. Pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup. Industry and motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. Heavy metals, nitrates and plastic are toxins responsible for pollution. While water pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain, urban runoff; air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins released ...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

1. (a) (i) gene length of DNA; codes for a (specific), polypeptide / protein / RNA; max 1 allele alternative form of a gene; found at a, locus / particular position on, a chromosome; max 1 (ii) assume allele refers to coat colour allele (coat colour) gene / alleles, only on X chromosome; A no (coat colour), gene / allele, on Y chromosome male cats, XY / only have one X chromosome; males have only one (coat colour) allele / cannot have two (coat colour) alleles; need black and orange alleles for tortoiseshell colour; 2 r r w w (b) parental genotypes C C × C C ; r w ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Handbook of Meat Processing Handbook of Meat Processing Fidel Toldrá EDITOR A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication Edition first published 2010 © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Editorial Office 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book, please see our website at wiley-blackwell. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that the base fee is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Cent...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

Intragenomic Profiling Using Multicopy Genes: The rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences of the Freshwater Sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis Liisi Karlep, To~nu Reintamm, Merike Kelve* Department of Gene Technology, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia Abstract Multicopy genes, like ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA), are widely used to describe and distinguish individuals. Despite concerted evolution that homogenizes a large number of rDNA gene copies, the presence of different gene variants within a genome has been reported. Characterization of an organism by defining every single variant of tens to thousands of rDNA repeat units present in a eukaryotic genome would be quite unreasonable. Here we provide an alternative approach for the characterization of a set of internal transcribed spacer sequences found within every rDNA repeat unit by implementing direct sequencing methodology. The promi...

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

PRAISE FOR The 4-Hour Workweek "This is a whole new ball game. Highly recommended." --Dr. Stewart D. Friedman, adviser to Jack Welch and former director of the Work/Life Integration Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania "It's about time this book was written. It is a long-overdue manifesto for the mobile lifestyle, and Tim Ferriss is the ideal ambassador. This will be huge." --Jack Can eld, cocreator of Chicken Soup for the Soul®, 100+ million copies sold "Stunning and amazing. From mini-retirements to outsourcing your life, it's all here. Whether you're a wage slave or a Fortune 500 CEO, this book will change your life!" --Phil Town, New York Times bestselling author of Rule #1 "The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of in nite...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an annual(iga aastane) plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (inflorescence(õiekobar, õisik, õitseaeg, õidumine)). The stem(tüvi) of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with the flower head reaching 30 cm in diameter. The term "sunflower" is also used to refer(nimetama, viitama, üle andma) to all plants of the genus(perekond, sugu) Helianthus, many of which are perennial(alaline, aastaringne) plants. What is usually called the flower is actually a head (formally(ametlikult) composite(liit-, komposiit- ; korvõieline, komposiit) flower) of numerous flowers (florets) crowded(täistuubitud, tunglev, rahvarohke) together. The outer flowers are the ray florets(pähik (õisiku osa) and can be yellow, maroon, orange, or other colors, and are sterile(steriilne, viljatu). The florets inside the circular head are called disc florets. Sunflower head displaying florets in spirals of 34 a...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

More praise for Influence: Science and Practice! "We've known for years that people buy based on emotions and justify their buying decision based on logic. Dr. Cialdini was able, in a lucid and cogent manner, to tell us why this happens." --MARK BLACKBURN, Sr. Vice President, Director of Insurance Operations, State Auto Insurance Companies "Dr. Cialdini's ability to relate his material directly to the specifics of what we do with our customers and how we do it, enabled us to make significant changes. His work has enabled us to gain significant competitive differentiation and advantage" -LAURENCE HOF, Vice President, Relationship Consulting, Advanta Corporation "This will help executives make better decisions and use their influence wisely ... Robert Cialdini has had a greater impact on my thinking on this topic than any other scientist." -CHARLES T...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
235 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

;P ulJbijlg lsBN 978-1-8432s-569-7 Illllll]ililil]t llll ||||rl 9 x781843x255697x Conlenls UNI T1 househol d & appl i ances; dw el l i ngs ln Searchof the Perfect My Home is my chores;colours& rooms;home H ome(mul ti pl choi e ce) Castle(pp. 5-19) safety TheCharmingPast:Blarney ...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun