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"-baltic" - 466 õppematerjali



RAIL BALTIC ARVAMUS ARTIKKEL Rail Baltic on täna tekitanud väga palju erinevaid arvamusi, raudtee ehitamise kohta. Rail Baltic on Poolat, Leedut, Lätit ja Eestit ja ka Soomet ühendav uus, Euroopa standartdele vastava ca 950 km. pikkuse rahvusvahelise raudtee projekt. Eesti elu muutuks ka positiivsuse poole, näiteks:  väheneks maanteeliikluse koormus, liiklusõnnetuste arv, keskkonna reostamine heitgaasidega, Tallinn ja Pärnu saaksid kiire rongiühenduse, kaubavedu tooks tulu, pääseksime kiirelt ja mugavalt Lätti ja Leetu (kiirest ühendusest Varssavi ja Berliiniga ei saa tegelikult veel rääkida). Kui aga hakata mõtlema negatiivsetele asjadele, on need palju suuremad ning muret tekitavamad, kui positiivsed. Mõtleme nüüd nendele küladele, mis on väga ammu asustatud ning elujõulised- seal pole senini olnud suuri maanteid või raudteid. Ma ei usu, et positiivsed on ülek...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
16 allalaadimist

Baltic Princess

Järvamaa kutsehariduskeskus Kodumajandus toitlustuse suunaga KM2 Kristi Kitsing HANSALIIN OÜ Praktika aruanne Juhendaja: Liina Lepik Messi kokk Särevere 2010 SISUKORD 2 SISSEJUHATUS 2010 aasta kodumajandus õppegruppi praktika toimus 26. aprill kuni 15. juunini. Õpilastel tuli leida endale sobiv firma, kus nad saaksid enda koolis õpetatud teadmisi teostada ja ka juurde õppida midagi huvitavat. Mina Kristi Kitsing valisin selleks kohaks AS Tallink Gruppi laeva Baltic Princess. 3 1.PRAKTIKA ETTEVÕTTE ISELOOMUSTUS 1.1 AS Tallink Grupp AS Tallink Grupp ettevõte pakub reisijate- ja kaubavedu liinidel Tallinn-Helsingi, Tallinn- Stockholm, Paldiski-Kapellskär, Helsingi-Rostock, Helsingi-Stockholm, Turu- Stockholm/Kapellskä...

Toit → Kokandus
81 allalaadimist

Rail baltic

RAIL BALTIC Eliise Sau 9.B RAIL BALTICUST Projekt ehitada Poolat, Leedut, Lätit, Eestit ja Soomet ühendav uus kiirraudtee. Kokkuleppeid pole Poolaga. Raudtee uus trass hakkaks erinema senisest põhiraudteemagistraalist. ETTEVALMISTUS  Eesti, Läti ja Leedu peaministrite 2011. aastal vastu võetud ühisavaldus seadis eesmärgiks Rail Balticu rajamiseks.  Tallinnast läbi Pärnu kulgev trassi valik on määratletud 2011. aasta Vabariigi Valitsuse otsusega.  Urve Palo allkirjastas 2014. aastal raudteeühenduse Rail Baltic Eesti valdusettevõtte asutamisdokumendid.  2014. aastal allkirjastati kolme Balti riigi poolt Rail Balticu ühisettevõte RB Rail AS asutamisdokumendid.  Eesti, Läti, Leedu, Poola ja Soome transpordiministrid allkirjastasid 2015. aastal Rail Balticu koostööprotokolli.  Rail Balticu juhtkomitee langetas 2015. aastal otsuse eelistatud trassikoridori osas.  2...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

Aruanne Baltic Premator

MAJANDUSAASTA ARUANNE aruandeaasta algus: 01.01.2011 aruandeaasta lõpp: 31.12.2011 ärinimi: OÜ Baltic Premator registrikood: 10521993 tänava nimi: Kopli 103 linn: Tallinn maakond: Harju maakond postisihtnumber: 11712 telefon: +372 6102655, +372 6102255 faks: +372 6102073, +372 6102999 e-posti aadress: [email protected] veebilehe aadress: OÜ Baltic Premator 2011. a. majandusaasta aruanne Sisukord Tegevusaruanne 3 Raamatupidamise aastaaruanne 4 Bilanss 4 Kasumiaruanne ...

Majandus → Raamatupidamine
17 allalaadimist

Mida tean Baltic Groupi kohta

Kaspar Kaldaru TBK 1.kursus KUS ASUB PEAKORTER? Asutatud 1928 Asutajad Haim Karshenstein Peakorter Veerenni 24, Tallinn Võtmeisikud Meelis Milder (juhatuse esimees; alates 1991) Maigi Pärnik-Pernik (juhatuse liige; alates 2011) Valdkonnad Rõivaste ja rõivalisandite hulgimüük KUHU ON RAJANUD HARUETTEVÕTTED JA MILLINE ON SELLE MÕJU ASUKOHAMA ALE? · Baltika Group on rajanud oma tütarettevõtted Baltikumi ning Ida- ja Kesk Euroopasse. · Baltika Group on levinud ettevõte, mille tütarettevõteteks on sellised brändid nagu Monton, Mosaic, Baltman, Bastion ja Ivo Nikkolo. Kuulsate kaubamärkide poolest külastatakse neid poode ning asukohamaale avaldab see head mõju. MILLISEID MAJANDUSTULEMUSI LEIDSIN? 1. MILLISEID MAJANDUSTULEMUSI ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne - Baltic Queen

Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus Laomajandus LM21 Oü Hansaliin M/S Baltic Queen Praktika aruanne Anneli Püvi Juhendaja: Marko Peek/ Helen Sengbusch Kaupluse juhataja 2009 2 SISUKORD 1 SISUKORD..............................................................................................................................................................3 LISA1. HINNANGULEHT....................................................................................................................................3 LISA2. PRAKTIKA LEPING................................................................................................................................3 LISA3. RETSENSIOON ........................................................................................................................................3 SISSEJUHATUS................................................................

Logistika → Laomajandus
193 allalaadimist


Tabel 1. Geodeetiliste koordinaatide määramine. # B L X Y 1-2 58°59'50" 25°19'25" 6540,45 576,1 2-3 59°00'42" 25°26'41" 6542,25 582,95 3-1 59°1'29" 25°28'3" 6543,70 584,25 p.1) d1= 59°00' - 10" = 58°59'50" 60" = 3,7 cm x = 0,6 cm x = 10" p.1) d2= 25°20' - 35" = 25°19'25" 60" = 1,9 cm x = 1,1 cm x = 35" p.2) d1= 59°00' + 42" = 59°00'42" 60" = 3,7 cm x = 2,6 cm x = 42" p.2) d2= 25°25'+ 1'41" = 25°26'41" 60" = 1,9 cm x = 3,2 cm x =1'41" p.3) d1= 59°00' + 1'29" = 59°1'29" 60" = 3,7 cm x = 5,5 cm x = 1'29" p.3) d2= 25°25' + 3'03" = 25°28'3" 60" = 1,9 cm x = 5,8 cm x = 3'03" X ja Y TM Baltic 93 1) Y=6540+0,9*500=6540,45 km X=576+2,2*500=576,1 km 2) Y=6540+4,5*500=6542,...

Maateadus → Maateadus
7 allalaadimist

Kava koostamine artikli kohta aines väljendusoskus

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Infotehnoloogia teaduskond KAVA aines „Väljendusoskus“ teemal Rail Baltic – raudteekoridori valupunktid Õppejõud: dots. Boris Gordon Tallinn 2016 Rail Baltic – raudteekoridori valupunktid Eesmärk: Artikli eesmärk on anda inimestele informatsiooni Rail Balticu hetkeseisust ja tulevikust. Sõnum: Arupidamised ja diskussioon Balti riike ja ülejäänud Euroopat ühendava raudteeprojekti üle on kestnud üle kümne aasta. Mida ja millal üldse ehitatakse? Miks peaks lugeja minu kirjatööd lugema? Mida ta siit saab? Artikli tähtsus seisneb lugeja teadvustamisest Rail Balticu projekti kohta, mis kulgeb Tallinnast Riia kaudu Leedu-Poola piirini. Sissejuhatus: 1. Rail Balticu projekti hetkeseis. 2. Rajatiste eelprojekti koostamine – lahendused võivad veel muutuda. 1. Rail Balti...

Eesti keel → Väljendusoskus
4 allalaadimist

Pollution of the Baltic Sea

Pollution of the Baltic Sea I have chosen to write my science report about pollution of the Baltic Sea. Nowadays it is a big problem to people who live in the marine region. In this report, I want to know the reason of this issue and how could we solve it. High population density, intensive agricultural production and other human activities have caused this high level pollution of the Baltic Sea. The shipment of crude oil has grown from 45 million tons to 175 million tons and this only by 10 years. Its condition is a challenge for the nine coastal states and their populations - there are 90 million people living in this catchment area. [1] The sources of marine pollution are municipal and industrial waste inputs directly into the sea or rivers, and atmospheric inputs mainly from traffic and farming. Originating from cellulose producing and from paper mills, large amounts of poisonous chlorinated compounds are ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Praktika Aruanne, Baltic Queen Laondus

Valgamaa Kutseõppekeskus Logistika klienditeenindaja Jürgen Käärmann LKT-12 Tallink Baltic Queen Praktika aruanne Koolipoolne juhendaja: Aili Metsküla Ettevõttepoolne juhendaja: Mart Piks Valga 2014 Sissejuhatus Minu praktika toimus OÜ Hansaliinide M/S Baltic Queen pardal. Otsustasin laeva kasuks kuna olin ka eelmine aasta laeval. Meeldib laeval tööd teha kuna seal saab väga palju iseseisvust. Laevale saamiseks oli vaja täita avaldus ja jääda vastust ootama. Kuna sain eelmine aasta meremehe tõendi kaheks aastaks siis seekord seda enam tegema ei pidanud. Seekord pidin enne laevale minekut läbima turvaalase koolituse ja lõpus sooritama eksami. Praktika kestvus oli kokku 8 õppenädalat ehk 320 tundi. Praktika eesmärgiks oli harjuda töökeskkonnaga, omada ja arendada praktilisi oskusi, õppida tundma ettevõtte töö korraldamist, saada iseseisva töö korraldamise j...

Logistika → Baaslogistika
64 allalaadimist

Rail Baltic raudtee läbi Nabala

Eesti Maaülikool Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut Rail Baltic raudtee läbi Nabala Ülesanne 1 Ruumiline planeerimine Tartu 2014 Sissejuhatus Alates 1976 aastast kui Tuhala nõiakaev sattus meedia huviorbiiti, on ta aegajalt ikka ,,potsatanud'' meie ajalehtede esikaantele. Kord on tegu maardlate rajamisega, kord Nabala maastikukaitse alaks muutmise pärast. Urmas Sisask on loonud isegi loitsu, mis pidavat kaitsma seda kaunist ja omapärast kohta Harjumaal. Viimasel ajal on poleemikat, aga teinud Rail Baltic raudtee rajamine, mida taheti läbi Nabala, 3 kilomeetri kaugusele nõiakaevust hakata ehitama. Keskkonnaministeerium küll on ära öelnud oma sõna, et raudtee ei hakka läbi Nabala käima, aga millegipärast, ei ole planeerijad seda mõtet veel maha laitnud. Järgnevalt toon oma referaadis välja nii poolt kui vastu argumente. Nabala Nabala­Tuhala piirkonnas on just tundli...

Arhitektuur → Ruumiline planeerimine
17 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne - Tallink: Baltic Queeni ladu

TALLINNA TRANSPORDIKOOL Arvi Koovit Praktika aruanne Juhendaja: Ly Svistun Talinn 2011 Sisukord SISSEJUHATUS AS Tallink Grupp, laeval Baltic Queen on hea koht, kus oma klienditeeninduse oskused käiku panna ning samas ka inglise keelt rohkelt harjutada ning paar sõna ka rootsi keelt selgeks saada. Praktika toimus ajavahemikus 01.02.2011-20.05.2011 m/s Baltic Queeni laos, mille viisime läbi graafikus kaks nädalat tööl ja kaks nädalat vaba. Töögraafikut oli võimalus ka ümber muuta, juhul kui riigieksamid jäid tööaega. Sellest tulid ka muudatused minu graafikus, mis muutusid vastavalt 03.05.2011-25.05.2011; 31.05.2011- 20.06.2011 kolmeks nädalaks. Praktika kestis 720 tundi. 2 Valisin selle ettevõtte, kuna minu suur soo...

Logistika → Laomajandus
266 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö Ettevõtte esimene aasta AS Baltic Pack Est näitel

PÄRNU SÜTEVAKA HUMANITAARGÜMNAASIUM Oliver Stimmer ETTEVÕTTE ESIMENE AASTA AS BALTIC PACK EST NÄITEL Uurimustöö Secunda aste Juhendaja Madis Talmar Pärnu 2010 2 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus.................................................................................................................................4 Algteadmised ettevõtlusest......................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Ettevõtluse erinevad vormid............................................................................................. 7 1.2 Riiklik abi ettevõtluses.................................................................................

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
102 allalaadimist

Rail Balticu projekt

RAIL BALTIC Projektist tutvustus: Rail Baltic on rahvusvaheline raudteeühendus, mis ühendab Eesti Kesk- ja Lääne-Euroopa ning naaberriikidega. Rail Baltic on üks lähiaastate suurimaid investeeringuid nii Eesti inimeste reisimisvõimaluste parandamisse kui ettevõtluse, turismi ja kaubavahetuse edendamisse. Trass tagab liikumiskiiruse kuni 240 km/h ning annab võimaluse mugavalt ja kiirelt reisida Läti ja Leetu ning sealt edasi Kesk-Euroopasse. Rongiliikluse arendamine on oluline prioriteet nii Euroopas kui meil. Tänapäevane raudtee on keskkonnasõbralik ning üks stabiilsemaid ja ohutumaid liikumisviise, mis annab ka suure panuse rohelise transpordi ja energiasäästlikku reisimisvõimalusse. Rail Baltic on kolme Balti riiki ühendav rahvusvaheline projekt, lisaks on kaasatud partneritena Soome ja Poola. Projekti teostamiseks on vajalik ühisettevõtte loomine ning rahastuse saamine Euroopa Liidult. Rail Balticu projekti juhivad laiapõhjaline juh...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
13 allalaadimist

Rail Balticu majanduslikust tasuvusest

KOOLI NIMI X-teaduskond X instituut Eesnimi Perekonnanimi RAIL BALTICU MAJANDUSLIKUST TASUVUSEST Referaat Õppekava XXXX Juhendaja: Eesnimi Perekonnanimi X 2018 SISUKORD 2 SISSEJUHATUS Rail Baltic on Baltimaade suurim ühisprojekt, mis ühendaks Balti riigid muu Euroopaga. Töö eesmärgiks on teha kindlaks, kas Rail Baltic on majanduslikult tasuv ning selgitada välja projektiga kaasnevad kasutegurid. Referaat on jaotatud kolmeks osaks. Esimene osa annab üldise ülevaate Rail Balticust. Välja on toodud projekti ajalugu, rongi tehnilised näitajad ning planeeritav marsruut. Teine osa annab ülevaate kahest uuringust, mis aitasid projekti planeerimisel olulisi otsuseid langetada. Kolmas osa keskendub Rail Balticust saadavale kasule, välja on toodud erinevad kasu...

Logistika → Ärilogistika
24 allalaadimist


Estonia Where it is?  Republic of Estonia is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe .It is bordered to the north by the Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by lake Peipus  and Russia (338.6 km). Across the Baltic Sea lies Sweden in the west and  Finland in the north. Towns Tallinn is the capital and the largest city of Estonia. It lies on the northern coast of Estonia, along the Gulf of Finland. There are 33 cities and several town-parish towns in the country. In total, there are 47 linna, with "linn" in English meaning both "cities" and "towns". More than 70% of the population lives in towns. History • Estonia was settled near the end of the last glacial era, beginning from around 8500 BC. Before the German invasions in the 13th century proto-Estonians of the Ancient Estonia worshipped the spirits of n...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Mehaanikateaduskond Praktikaaruanne Tallinn 2012 · -.....................................................................................................3 · .............................................................................................................................5 · ...........................................................................................................................9 · ..............................................................................................................13 2 - E.W.T.C. -- , 10 . E.W.T.C. : · · · · · / 100% E.W.T.C. ­ . . : E.W.T.C., , ; ; ; ; ; -...

Keeled → Vene keel
46 allalaadimist


TALLINA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL MAJANDUSTEADUSKOND RAIL BALTICU ARENGUTEE NING MAJANDUSLIK KASU Referaat Koostaja: Joseph Saliste 142677TABB Tallinn 2018 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1. RAIL BALTICU AJALUGU................................................................................................................................ 4 2. MIDA KUJUTAB ENDAST RAIL BALTICU PROJEKT........................................................................ 5 2.1 KUHU PLAANITAKSE RAIL BALTICU TRASS RAJADA? ..................................................... 6 2.2 KUI PALJU MAKSAB RAIL BALTICU PROJEKT? ........

Logistika → Baaslogistika
25 allalaadimist

English portfolio

Estonian history between 1710-1850 and 1850-1918 Contents Contents.................................................................................................................................. 2 1710­1850.............................................................................................................................. 3 Population and social structure........................................................................................ 4 Serfdom and the intensifying manorial economy ............................................................. 4 Influences of Pietism and the Moravian Brethren............................................................. 5 Enlightenment and enlightened absolutism...................................................................... 6 1850­1918.......................................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Kodutöö Reisiprahingute tähtsamad klauslid

Kodutöö 4. Laevade prahtimine 1.Laevandusbörs Baltic Exchange – kirjeldage selle ajaloolist tausta, sh nimetuse päritolu, liikmed, omanikud, tegevuse põhimõtted, moto jm. Baltic Exchange: Asutatud 18. saj. alguses Londonis, kus siis algselt kaupmehed regulaarselt kohtusid kohvipoodides laevaomanikega (kes tihti olid ise ka kaptenid) ja sõlmisid prahilepinguid. Sellel vanimal ja tuntuimal prahiturubörsil kehtib brokerite/maaklerite käitumisreeglistik Baltic Code 2014. Liikmed: liikmete hulka kuuluvad laevaomanikud, laevamaaklerid ja prahtijad, samuti merenduse juristid, vahekohtunikud ja muud laevaliidud. Moto: iga liige kohustub järgima äritegevuse koodeksit, mis on kokku võetud motoga „Our Word Our bond“ tõlkes „Meest sõnast härga sarvest“. (Sümboliseerib eetika tähtsust kauplemisel). Lepingud sõlmitakse suuliselt ja alles hiljem kinnitatakse kirjalikult. Tegevuse põhimõtted: 1.Kõik turuosalised peavad oma lepingulisi kohustusi täit...

Merendus → Laeva kommertsekspluatatsioon
71 allalaadimist

Estonian Geography

Estonian geography The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2. Estonia is situated in the Baltic Region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea. Its neighbor countries are to the south Latvia, to the east Russia, to the north and over the Gulf of Finland, Finland and to the west and over the Baltic Sea, Sweden. Most of the lowland areas are in the middle of Estonia. Average elevation reaches only 50 meters and the country's highest point is the Suur Munamägi in the southeast at 318 meters. There is 3,794 kilometers of coastline marked by numerous bays, straits, and inlets. The number of islands and islets is estimated at some 1,500. Two of them are large enough to constitute separate counties: Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. A small, recent cluster of meteorite craters, the largest of which is called Kaali is found on Saaremaa, Estonia. Estonia h...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kauplusketi referaat

Ettevõttest Rimi hüper- ja supermarketid kuuluvad Baltimaade juhtiva jaekaubandusettevõtte Rimi Baltic AB kaupluste hulka. Eestis on ettevõtte ärinimeks Rimi Eesti Food AS. Rimi Baltic ainuomanikuks on Rootsi ICA Groupile kuuluv ICA Baltic AB. Kokku on Rimi Baltic AB-l kolmes Balti riigis 243 kauplust (Eestis 82, Lätis 104 ja Leedus 57), sealhulgas Eestis: - 10 hüpermarketit - 12 supermarketit - 60 odavmüügikauplust Eestis kannavad Rimi odavmüügikauplused nime Säästumarket, Lätis ja Leedus on nimeks Supernetto. . Rimi Baltic on tööandjaks rohkem kui 10 000 inimesele. Rimi Eesti Foodis töötab neist 2700. ICA AB ICA AB (Rootsi) on üks Skandinaaviamaade juhtivaid jaekaubandusettevõtteid, omades üle 2250 kaupluse Rootsis, Norras ja Baltimaades. Kontserni kuulub ICA Sverige, ICA Norge ja Rimi Baltic ning Rootsis pangandusteenuseid pakkuv ICA Banken. Ettevõtte omanikeks on 40% osalusega Rootsi firma Hakon Invest AB ning 60% osalusega H...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
31 allalaadimist

Ristna Sea Store

Ristna Sea Store Ristna Sea Store (in Estonian called Mere Kaubamaja) is an exhibition which was founded in 2009. It's located in Ristna. Ristna Sea Store introduces the topic of marine debris in the Baltic Sea. This exhibition includes all items which are found from the coast of Hiiumaa. All these products have came from the polluted Baltic Sea. This is where it's located. We went there with 3 of us. We took pictures and collected some information about marine debris in the Baltic Sea aswell. This is how the museum looks like from the outside. Here are our students in front of the Ristna Sea Store sign. The most common components of marine debris in the Baltic Sea are food waste and packages. 31-43% of marine debris are plastic bottles and even 50-63% of marine debris is plastic. Marine debris is harmful for everyone. It causes garbage ingestion and entanglement for marine animals. For marine life it causes accumulation and sprea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Estonia is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia (338.6 km). Across the Baltic Sea lies Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2 (17,462 sq mi), and is influenced by a humid continental climate. The Estonians are a Finnic people, and the official language, Estonian, is a Finno-Ugric language closely related to Finnish, and distantly to Hungarian and to the Sami languages. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties, with its capital and largest city being Tallinn. Estonia's population of 1.3 million makes it one of the least-populous member states of the European Union, Eurozone and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A developed country with an advanced, high-income economy, Estonia has ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Müüja praktika aruanne

Tartu kutsehariduskeskus Ärinduse ja kaubanduse osakond Geisi Andla PRAKTIKA ARUANNE Aruanne Juhendaja Vaike Vetka Tartu 2015 Sisukord SISSEJUHATUS................................................................................................ 3 KAUPLUSE TÖÖKORRALDUS............................................................................4 Tööohutus ja hügieen..................................................................................4 MINU TÖÖ ISELOOMUSTUS.............................................................................5 ETTEVÕTEST................................................................................................... 6 KOKKUVÕTE.................................................................................................... 7 ...

Ametid → Müüja
10 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne - Rimi

VALGAMAA KUTSEÕPPEKESKUS Müüja eriala Pilleriin Varik PRAKTIKAARUANNE Juhendaja: Ene Kiivit Valga 2013 SISUKORD SISUKORD ..............................................................................................2 SISSEJUHATUS ......................................................................................3 1. PRAKTIKA ETTEVÕTTE LÜHIISELOOMUSTUS..........................4 1.1. Rimi väärtused..................................................................................10 2. PRAKTIKA SISE JA PÕHIOSA..........................................................5 2.1. Praktika ülesanded .............................................................................5 2.2. Praktika põhiosa ................................................................................5 3. ENESEANALÜÜS...............................................................................7 KOKK...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
107 allalaadimist

Meediaplaani näide Coca-Cola pühapäevaliigale.

CocaCola Pühapäevaliiga Meediaplaan Aeg Tegevus Trükimeedia: Trükimeedia Televisioon Raadio Internet Uudiste (võõrkeelne) agentuur BNS 30.05 Pressiteade: Algas Eesti Päevaleht, Postimees, SL Molodjoz Estonii, ETV, Kanal 2, Eesti Raadio, etv24, Delfi, registreerumine Coca Õhtuleht, Äripäev, Äripäev Delovõje TV3, STV Kuku Raadio, Everyday, Cola Pühapäevaliiga Puhkepäev, Eesti Ekspress, Vedomosti, Vesti Telekanal, PBK Raadio 4,, mängudele Maaleht, Harjumaa, Lääne Dnja...

Psühholoogia → Suhtluskorraldus
42 allalaadimist

Saalijalgpall ehk futsal

Saalijalgpall ehk futsal Tanel Säde Sissejuhatus Erinevus jalgpallist Ajalugu Futsal Eestis Varustus Parimad mängijad Tanel Säde 2 Kirjeldus, erinevus tavajalgpallist Väiksem väljak, mängitakse siseruumis Nimetus tuleb Portugali keelest: Futebol de salão Brasiilias väga populaarne 5 mängijat, piiramatu vahetuste arv Kasutatakse väiksemat palli Tanel Säde 3 Tanel Säde 4 Futsali ajalugu 1930 alustati tegevust Mäng levis kiirelt South American Futsal Confederation (1956) Tanel Säde 5 Futsal Eestis Rahvusvaheline koondis 2008 FIFA edetabelis 92. kohal Tanel Säde 6 Eesti futsal Aasta Turniir Toimumiskoht Koht 2008 Baltic Cup Läti III 2010 Baltic Cup Läti ...

Sport → Jalgpall
2 allalaadimist

Estonian National Cuisine

Estonian National Cuisine re a d a c k B Bl The word ,,bread" came to Estonian from Germanic languages. Traditional black bread spread in Estonia in the second century. In a household people usually baked bread on Saturdays. Depending on the size of the family, they usually made 6-10 loaves of bread. One loaf of bread usually weighed about 2-5 kg. Beliefs and habits If a piece of bread was dropped, it had to be picked up and given a kiss so that hunger would not come to the house. A loaf of bread was never put on a table upside crust down. That would predict a family member's death. It was not allowed to lay a loaf of bread with its cut side to the door, because then the house would run out of bread. Eating the crusty end of bread would give a girl nice breasts. Warm bread was supposed to be broken not cut. Christmas bread Christmas bread had t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Olulised infoallikad turismis

Vaadeldav tegur Üldmulje kodulehest, Konkreetne leitud oluline allikas Info leidmise lihtsus link/doc/toode Eesti reisifirma Pealehekülg on hästi Tegemist on ühe vanima kujundatud, kõik vajalik ja tähtis reisibüroodest Eestis, mis loodi info on kergelt leitav. Kasutatud juba 1989.aastal. Baltic Tours Baltic Tours on erinevaid tekstivärve, mis pakub kõiki reisimise ja turismiga aitavad kergelt leida seotud teenuseid nii soodsamaid pakkumisi ja kaasmaalastele kui ka vajalikku infot. välisturistid...

Turism → Eestimaa tundmine
9 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne - raamatupidamine

TALLINNA MAJANDUSKOOL Majandusarvestuse ja maksunduse osakond xxxx xxxx Baltic Chess Group OÜ Raamatupidamise praktika I Juhendaja: xxxxx Tallinn 2009 1 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................ 3 1.ETTEVÕTTE AJALUGU, TEGEVUSALAD, STRUKTUUR..............................................4 2.RAAMATUPIDAMISE KORRALDAMINE, STRUKTUUR, KASUTATAV RAAMATUPIDAMISSÜSTEEM..............................................................................................5 3.RAHALISTE VAHENDITE ARVESTUS..............................................................................8 3.1. Pangakontod ja nende arvestus..............................

Majandus → Raamatupidamine
1177 allalaadimist

Projektide juhtimine Piirangute Teooriat kasutades

Projektide juhtimine Piirangute Teooriat kasutades Koolituse konspekt Selle materjali edastamine kolmandatele pooltele on keelatud vastavalt A.Y.Goldratt Baltic OÜ ja IT Kolledži vahelise lepinguga. A.Y.Goldratt Baltic OÜ Margus Püüa IT Kolledž A.Y.Goldratt Baltic OÜ Sisukord Sisukord ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Sissejuhatus Piirangute teooriasse ...................................................................................................................... 4 Analüüsi tehnikad ...........................................................................................

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide...
21 allalaadimist

Saare ja Muhumaa Väikelaevade ettevõtted

Saare ja Muhumaa Väikelaevade ettevõtted Veikko Laanep Baltic Workboats • Company • Baltic Workboats AS (BWB) is growing shipyard with more than 150 people of personnel. The company manages entire production process from design to launch. BWB shipyard has 5500 m2 closed and modern equipped production area. • After extension works in our yard, production area has been increased so that we are able to build up to LOA 50 m vessels. • In nearly 15 years of its activities BWB has built more than 130 different sized boats and vessels. We have built vessels for pilots, coast guards, police, fishery inspections, research institutes and several harbors in nearly all Baltic Sea countries. We have reached also to other markets and building for Northern-Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Azerbaijan etc. Among other projects we have delivered this year fifth vessel from series of ...

Merendus → Laevandus
3 allalaadimist

The Republic of Estonia

The Republic of Estonia Estonia officially the Republic of Estonia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Finland across the Gulf of Finland, to the west by Sweden across the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by the Russian Federation. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic and is divided into fifteen counties. The capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of only 1.4 million, it is one of the least- populous members of the European Union. Estonia was a member of the League of Nations from 22 September 1921, has been a member of the United Nations since 17 September 1991, of the European Union since 1 May 2004 and of NATO since 29 March 2004. Estonia has also signed the Kyoto protocol. Estonia regained its ind...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Estonia- ingliskeelne Power-Pointi esitlus

Estonia Location Estonia officially the Republic of Estonia is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by the Lake Peipsi and the Russian Federation. Across the Baltic Sea lies Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. Size and population The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2 Estonian population is 1.34 million Largest cities of Estonia 1. Tallinn (Estonian capital city) 2. Tartu 3. Narva 4. Kohtla-Järve Tallinn Tartu Narva Kohtla-Järve Largest islands of Estonia There are 1521 islands. 1. Saaremaa 2. Hiiumaa 3. Muhu 4. Vormsi Hiiumaa Saaremaa Vormsi Muhu Longest river of Estonia 1. Võhandu 2. Pärnu 3. Põltsamaa Võhandu river Põltsamaa river Pärnu river Estonian seasons There are four se...

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Kolme suure ettevõtte võrdlus

Eesti kolme suurima ettevõtte kodulehekülje võrdlus Mari-Liis Mürk Mp10 Tele 2 Eesti AS - Ettevõttest Tele2 on Eestis suuruselt teine mobiilsideoperaator, mis kuulub rahvusvahelisse telekommunikatsiooniettevõtete kontserni Tele2 AB. Tele2 Eesti pakub soodsaid ja kvaliteetseid mobiilsideteenuseid nii era- kui äriklientidele. 2010. aasta lõpu seisuga kasutas Eestis Tele2 teenuseid 468 000 klienti, millega Tele2 omab mobiilsideturul 34-protse Missioon Tele2 soovib kõigile pakkuda kõrge kvaliteediga mobiilside- ja internetiteenust turu parima hinnaga. Visioon Soovime teha parima hinnaga kvaliteetse mobiilside- ja internetiteenuse kättesaadavaks igaühele. Tele2 eesmärk on pakkuda kaasaegset teenust, mis vastaks võimalikult paljude klientide vajadustele. Kvaliteeti hoitakse üleval targalt investe...

Majandus → Majanduse alused
34 allalaadimist


Estonia Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia, is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia, and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia. Across the Baltic Sea lies Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km 2, and is influenced by a humid continental climate. The Estonians are a Finnic people, and the official language, Estonian, is a Finno-Ugric language closely related to Finnish, and distantly to Hungarian and to the Sami languages. The population of Estonia is 1.5 million. Of this number 62 per cent are Estonians. The geography of the land is surprisingly varied. Islands make up 9,2 per cent of Estonian’s total territory, the largest islands are Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Vormsi. The highest point is Suur Munamägi, which is 317m...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Võnnu Keskkool ESTONIA Referaat Autor: Klass : 9 Juhendaja: Võnnu 2013 Estonia officially the Republic of Estonia, is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia.Across the Baltic Sealies Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227km2 The Estonian climate resembles that of other countries on the Baltic littoral. On account of the country's proximity to the sea, the skies are often cloudy, and rain often falls in the spring and autumn, in the winter the rain turns to snow. The highest point in Estonia is Suur Munamäg It is in fact the highest point in the Baltic region Forest cover over one half of Estonia. The most common types of tree are pine, spruce and birch. Estonia, along...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Benefits and drawbacks about Estonia

Estonia is divided into 15 counties which are divided in turn into 207 rural municipalities and 47 towns. The Republic of Estonia, the northernmost and smallest of the three Baltic countries, is located on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea in the north-east of Europe. Lying between East and West, it has served as junction of international trade routes for centuries. Moreover, Estonian neighbours are Russia and Latvia. Estonia is accessible, both from a logistical and social point of view - Tallinn is within 3 hours flight from major European capitals and the power distance is very low. In the west, the coast of Estonia is washed by the Baltic Sea. It is a land of great natural beauty with a long and varied history and rich culture. That's their nature especially concerning national symbols such as their music or their language. Even if Estonia is tiny, it still offers a breathtaking amount of nature. It is safe or safer than most pl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

5 minute talk about Estonia

Estonia officially the Republic of Estonia, is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by Russia. Across the Baltic Sea lies Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2, and is influenced by a humid continental climate. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties, with its capital and largest city beingTallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union. The Estonians are a Finnic people, and the official language, Estonian, is a Finno-Ugric language closely related to Finnish The history of Estonia is a part of the history of Europe. Estonia was settled near the end of the last glacial era, beginning from around 8500 BC. Before the Germans invaded in the 13th century pro...

Turism → Giidindus
1 allalaadimist


The Best Country in the World The Best Country in the World Estonia ● Area: 45,227 km² ● Population: 1,36 million ● Capital city: Tallinn (405 000 inhabitants) Sport ● Kiiking ● Kelly Sildaru ● Wife carrying Fun facts ● Tallinn is the city of the first Christmas tree ● Free public transport ● The first country to introduce online political voting ● Skype was invited in Estonia ● Estonian education system is the best in Europe ● 75.7% are irreligious ● 16% say that they believe in God Estonian nature History ● Human settlement was around 11 000 years ago ● Has been under Danish, Swedish, German and Russian ruling ● Achieved independence 24th of February 1918 ● Re-independence 20. August 1991 ● Regained its independence without a war ● Baltic Way Baltic Way The Estonian Song and Dance Festival

Keeled → American English
8 allalaadimist


LOCATION ● Europe ● on the coast of the Baltic Sea ● North-Estonia ● Harju county FACTS ● capital city of Estonia ● largest city in Estonia ● population 435,000 ● area 156 km² ● previous name - Reval HISTORY ● first marked on the map in 1154 ● Danish rule started in 1219 ● 1285 - member of the Hanseatic League ● 1345 - Danes sold Tallinn to the Teutonic Order ATTRACTIONS ● Toompea Castle ● Old Town ● Town Hall ● Kadriorg - beautiful park ● City Centre - medieval churches, modern towers OLD TOWN ● listed in the UNESCO world heritage list ● built up from the 13th to 16th centuries ● old Hanseatic town ● surrounded by huge walls ● many towers, narrow streets TOWN HALL ● on the Town Hall Square ● built in 1402-1404 ● oldest in the Baltic region and Scandinavia ● tower height is 64 m ATTRACTIONS Old Town Town Hall ATTRACTIONS Park Kadriorg City Centre Thank you for listening! ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Topic "Estonia"

Topic Estonia, Tallinn The Republic of Estonia is the northernmost of the three Baltic States on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. To the east Estonia borders on Russia and Lake Peipsi and on the south on Latvia. The area of Estonia is 45 100km2, its coastline is 774km long. The geography of the land is surprisingly varied. Islands make up 9,2 per cent of Estonian's total territory, the largest islands are Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Vormsi. The highest point is Suur Munamägi, which is 317m high. Estonia has a surprisingly mild climate for an area so far north. Sea winds keep the weather from becoming very cold or hot. The population of Estonia is 1.5 million. Of this number 62 per cent are Estonians. Estonians speak the Estonian language, which is closely related to Finnish. Estonia's flag has three horizontal stripes. The blue stripe at the top of the fla...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
41 allalaadimist

Introduction of Estonia

Introduction of Estonia The Republic of Estonia is beautiful country which is located in northeastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea on the west, the Gulf of Finland on the north, Latvia on the south, and Russia on the east. Estonia is the smallest of the Baltic countries. Administrative division: Estonia has an area of 45,226 square kilometers and Estonia is administratively divided into counties. There are 15 counties in Estonia. The capital is Tallinn which is located in Harjumaa. Counties are divided into 194 rural municipalities. Population: The population of Estonia was estimated at 1.34 million in January 2011, with a density of 30 persons per square kilometer. According to the last census the number of inhabitants has decreased. In 2010 the birth rate was 11,82 per 1,000 population, while the death rate was exactly the same, so population growth rate is 0%. The proportion of urban p...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist


1. Which are the main cornerstones of EU-Russia cooperation? Which have been the main developments and success ­ stories in this partnership in 2000-2012? Which side is more interested? The main cornerstones of the EU and Russia relations are the trade and energy relations. One biggest breakthrough has been gas pipeline Nord Stream. Russia is the third biggest trade partner of the EU and is the main importer of gas and crude oil. The economic benefits are the biggest cornerstones of the relations. Cooperation between Russia and the European Union progressively strengthens in foreign policy and security issues, in combating illegal migration, organised crime and terrorism. The main achievement of recent years, which can be hardly overestimated, is the understanding increasingly gaining ground that partnership between Russia and the EU is one of the cornerstones of maintaining stability and prosperity not only in Europe, but world-wide. ...

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
7 allalaadimist

Infohalduse praktiline töö nr 2

Infohalduse praktiline töö nr 2 1. Püüdke leida oma uurimustöö jaoks Google'ist definitsioone, kasutades funktsiooni define: esitage üks definitsioon, kirjeldage otsingu käiku ning lisage viide allikale. Avan Google'i otsingu , sisestan otsisõnaks define: kommunikatsioon töökohal, sest ühe sõnaga ei pruugi saada minu uurimustööle vastavat informatsiooni. Esimeseks tulemuseks tuleb %C3%A4givaldne-kommunikatsioon-t%C3%B6%C3%B6l . 2. Sooritage otsing andmebaasis Google Scholar ning leidke oma uurimustööks üks teadusartikkel. Mitu artiklit selle autorilt veel andmebaasist leiate ( kui artiklil on mitu autorit, siis valige üks nendest). Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. Avan lehekülje , sisestan otsingusse Intergenerational communication in the workplace. Sorteerin välja artiklid aastast 2...

Informaatika → Informaatika
18 allalaadimist

Inglise keele referaat 'Hiiumaa'

Kiili Gümnaasium Referaat Hiiumaa Kairo parts 8b klass Kiili 2011 Contents 1. Hiiumaa 2. Name 3. History 4. Transport 5. Kõpu lighthouse Hiiumaa Hiiumaa (Finnish, Hiidenmaa, German Dagö, Swedish Dagö, Danish Dagø) is the second largest island (989 km²) belonging to Estonia. It is located in the Baltic Sea .north of the island of Saaremaa ,a part of the West Estonian archipelago. Its largest town is Kärdla. Name Hiiumaa is the main island of Hiiu County, called Hiiumaa or Hiiu maakond in Estonian. The Swedish and German name of the island is Dagö (day isl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

Tallinn English College Topic Estonia Tallinn 2008 1. Introduction Estonia is a small country about the size of Switzerland, or New Hampshire and Massachussetts combined. Estonia is named after the people called "Ests" who lived in the region in the 1 st century AD. The Republic of Estonia is one of the three countries commonly known as the "Baltic States". The other Baltic States are Latvia and Lithuania. 2. Geographical position Estonia is situated in northeastern Europe. Estonia is bounded on the north by the Gulf of Finland, on the east by Russia, on the south by Latvia and on the west by the Baltic Sea. In the north it borders on Finland. The coastline of the Baltic Sea in Estonia is characterized by numerous gulfs and bays, the biggest of them being the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Pärnu. Bays include the Narva Bay, Matsalu Bay, Kolga Bay, Kunda Bay, Tallinn Bay etc....

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

The most interesting historical events in Estonia

The Most Interesting Historical Events in Estonia Liana Põldver · The nationwide Song Festival tradition began with the first Song Festival in Tartu, June 18 20, 1869. · 1860 marks the beginning of the period of the National Awakening. A singing society led by Johann Voldemar Jannsen started and carried through the nationwide idea of Song Festival. · During 1879 1910 six Song Festivals were held that played an important part in the nation's cultural and economical awakening and growth. In the independent Estonian Republic the Song Festivals were held in every five years (1923 1938). After World War II, the Song Festival tradition began again in 1947. Since 1950 General Song Festivals were held in every five years again. 1969 was an exception though when 100th anniversary of the Song Festival was celebrated. · The foreign authorities have tried to use the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

German Occupation of Estonia During WWII

German Occupation of Estonia During World War II By Sten Kangilaski & Kristen Tobias The Beginning · WWII began with the invasion of Poland · Poland was an important regional ally to Estonia · On september 24th, 1939, the Moscow press and radio started attacking Estonia as "hostile" to the Soviet Union. Summer War · After Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, Finland sided with Germany in the Continuation War. · Thousands of people including a large portion of women and children were killed. · Dozens of villages, schools and public buildings were burned to the ground. German Occupation · Most Estonians greeted the Germans with relatively open arms. · In April 1941, Alfred Rosenberg laid out his plans for the East. · Rosenberg felt that Estonians were the most Germanic out of the people living by the Baltic Sea. The Holocaust · The first...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun