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"-MATCH" - 251 õppematerjali


Match Record - FLOORBALL

201 Hit 202 Blocking stick 203 Lifting stick 204 Incorrect kick 205 High kick 206 High stick 207 Incorrect push 208 Tackle/Trip 209 Holding 210 Obstruction 211 Incorrect distance 212 Lying play 213 Hands 214 Header 215 Incorrect substitution 216 Too many players on the field 217 Repeated offences 218 Delaying the game 219 Protesting 220 Inc.entering the rink 221 222 Measuring stick 223 Inc.numbering 224 Play without stick 225 Non-removal of broken stick 226 Penalty at penalty shot 501 Violent Hit 502 Dangerous play 503 Hooking 504 Roughing 505 Repeated offences 101 Unsports.behaviour 301 M1, 302 M2, 303 M3, 401 Time Out, 402 Penalty shot. PP Power play, SH Short handed, ESH Equally short handed, DP Delayed penalty, PS Penalty shot, MPS Missed penalty shot, WG Without goalkeeper, EN Empty net, OG Own goal, ET Extra time Competition ...

Sport → Sportmängud (pallimängud)
3 allalaadimist

Excel 2. Kontrolltöö

Variant 5 Hulgihinna leidmine Ühiku hind 36 Tellija Kogus Allahindlus Hind Tammik 425 8% 15,300 € Kuusik 70 3% 2,520 € Pappel 250 5% 9,000 € Lepik 670 10% 24,120 € Männik 150 5% 5,400 € 0 100 300 500 3% 5% 8% 10% Maksumus Tellijad 15,299 € Haavik 2,519 € Kaasik 8,999 € Kuusik 24,119 € Lepik 5,399 € Mirt Männik Pappel Saaremets Sirel Tammik Allahindlusprotsent sõltub partii kogusest järgmiselt: kuni 100 - 3% 100 - 300 - 5% 300 - 500 - 8% alates ...

Informaatika → Informaatika keemia erialadele
20 allalaadimist

Informaatika I - Tabelid , 3. kodutöö, excel

Rakendus "Arvutite müük" Ülesanne 3 Tabelid vutite müük" Sisukord Rakendus "Puidu müük". Ülesande püstitus Puidu müük. Variandid Töötajad. Üldine nimekiri Rakendus "Puidu müük". Puidu hinnad Rakendus "Funktsiooni uurimine".Ülesande püstitus Funktsioonide variandid Karakteristikute variandid Variandid Hinnad Tööötajad Rakendus "Puidu müük". Ülesande püstitus Koostada rakendus, mis võimaldab teha puidu müümise arvestust. Rakenduse andmemudel on toodud skeemil. Rakenduses kasutada nimesid!!! Müüjate andmed eraldada eraldi töölehele tabelisse M_töötajad vastavalt variandile (kolm valda) tabelist Töötajad, kasutades arendatud filtrit. Eraldada skeemil näidatud väljad toodud järjekorras. Sorteerida tabel kahe tunnuse: vald ja nimi, järgi. Tabel P_müügid luua Table-objektina (List-objekt 2003-s) Müüjate nimede ning puidu liikide ja sortide valimiseks kasutada valideerimist. Vald leida mü...

Informaatika → Informaatika
233 allalaadimist

Informaatika I tunnitöö "Tabelid 3. Otsimine"

Otsimis- ja viitamisfunktsiooni funktsioonid Funktsioon INDEX - üldpõhimõtted Funktsioon INDEX - näited 1 Funktsioon INDEX - näited 2 Andmed korterite kohta Otsimise üldpõhimõtted Funktsioon LOOKUP Funktsioon VLOOKUP Funktsioon MATCH Funktsiooni MATCH tööpõhimõte. Demo Funktsioonide INDEX ja MATCH kooskasutamine. Paralleelsed vektorid Funktsioonide ekstreemumite ja nende asukohtade leidmine Funktsioonide INDEX ja MATCH kooskasutamine. Tabel Vahemiku otsimine Harjutus "Komisjonitasu" Otsimine kahes suunas. INDEX & MATCH ja VLOOKUP. sed vektorid veeb klipp index Funktsioon INDEX Võimaldab viidata vektorite (rivid, tulbad) ja tabelite elementidele (lahtritele) indeksite abil. Kaks V(k); V[k] põhivarianti: INDEX (vektor; indeks) Vk = INDEX(V; k) INDEX (tabel; riviindeks; tulbaindeks) Ti, j = INDEX(T; i...

Informaatika → Informaatika I (tehnika)
2 allalaadimist

Andmebaaside neljas kodutöö

Kodused ülesanded 4 ­ Erilised tabelid Tähtaeg: 5.12.2018 Ajutised andmed (ajutised tabelid, tabeli-väärtuselised muutujad ja -parameetrid): DECLARE @FirstTable TABLE (RandomInteger INT) DECLARE @i INT = 1 DECLARE @n INT = 100000 WHILE @i < @n+1 BEGIN INSERT INTO @FirstTable VALUES (@i) SET @i =@i+1 END SELECT * FROM @FirstTable Tabeli-avaldised (CTE): DECLARE @fibLen AS INT = 10; WITH fibTable (rowNum, prevNum, fibNum) AS ( SELECT 1, 1, 1 UNION ALL SELECT rowNum+1, fibNum, prevNum + fibNum FROM fibTable WHERE rowNum < @fibLen ) SELECT fibNum FROM FibTable; GO Graaf-tabelid: SELECT DISTINCT Person.Name, Post.Content FROM Person, Posted, Post, Likes ...

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
23 allalaadimist


Andmete otsimine teistest tabelitest Andmete õigsuse kontroll (valideerimine) Töölehe kaitsmine est erimine) Andmetabel mark liik paksus (mm) m2 hind PVC_09 PVC 1,5 9,6 PVC_32 PVC 1,5 10 PVC_13 PVC 2 11,5 PVC_01 PVC 2,5 12 PVC_05 PVC 2 12 PVC_11 PVC 2,5 12,5 PVC_25 PVC 2 12,5 LAM_33 Laminaat 6,5 18 PVC_02 PVC 3 18,5 LAM_03 Laminaat 7 20 PVC_21 PVC 3 20 LAM_08 Laminaat 6 21 LIN_26 Linoleum 2 21 PVC_06 PVC 3 21 LIN_13 Linoleum 2 23 LIN_09 Linoleum 2 26,5 PVC_30 PVC 3 28 LIN_07 Linoleum 3 29 LIN_17 Linoleum 3 31 LAM_05 Laminaat ...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
7 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur test 1

1. Match the term to heir definition A parish priest in the Church of England = vicar, rector A member of the highest order of ministry in the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches who supervises a diocese = bishop A person authorized to conduct religious worship in the Church of Scotland= minister, deacons, “elders”, readers 2. Which of the following is considered ascribed status? Job Gender - yes Age - yes Position Race – yes 3. A member state of the Commonwealth of Nations which recognizes Queen Elizabeth II as their head of state is called A Crown dependency A constituent country A Commonwealth realm - see 4. The principle that an individual human’s beliefs and activities should be understood bu other in terms of that individual’s own culture is known as Chauvinism Ethnocentrism Racism Cultural relativism- see 5. Math the examinations to their explanations An examination...

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
3 allalaadimist

Funktsioonid 2 tööleht

Viide Nädalapäev Kuu Esmaspäev Jaanuar 5 Teisipäev Veebruar Mai Kolmapäev Märts Neljapäev Aprill Reede Mai 7/27/2013 Laupäev Juuni Pühapäev Juuli August September Oktoober November Detsember Kopeeri valem ka allpool asuvatesse lahtritesse. NB! Funktsiooni MATCH reziim ...

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
16 allalaadimist

Otsing trenn

Otsimis- ja viitamisfunktsioonid. Materjal töövihikus: Exc_Otsimine_Viitamine.xls nktsioonid. tsimine_Viitamine.xlsm Funktsioon INDEX(piirkond; riviindeks; tulbaindeks) Index() funktsiooni abil leida kuu nimetus Kuu number Kuu nimetus Kuu nr Nimetus 1 Jaanuar 8 August 2 Veebruar 3 Märts 4 Aprill 5 Mai 6 Juuni 7 Juuli 8 August 9 September 10 Oktoober 11 November 12 Detsember Funktsioon MATCH(otsitav; vektor; otsimisviis) Match() funktsiooni abil leida inimese järjekorranumber tabelis Nr Ees- ja peremini Inimene Number 1 Alan Pent Mart Metsjõe 8 2 Anton Smirnov 3 Rasmus Pruul 4 Ivo Värk 5 Aivar Jakobson 6 Aivar Te...

Informaatika → Informaatika
7 allalaadimist

Funktsioonid 2

Viide Nädalapäev Kuu Esmaspäev Esmaspäev Jaanuar 1 3 Teisipäev Teisipäev Veebruar 2 Mai Kolmapäev Kolmapäev Märts 3 Neljapäev Neljapäev Aprill 4 Reede Reede Mai 5 41482 Laupäev Laupäev Juuni 6 Pühapäev Pühapäev Juuli 7 August 8 September 9 Oktoober 10 November 11 Detsember 12 Leia kõrvalol...

Muu → Andme- ja tekstitöötlus
15 allalaadimist

Sepak takraw

Sepak takraw Introduction Sepak takraw  or kick volleyball, is  a sport native to Southeast Asia.  Sepak takraw differs from the similar sport  of volleyball in its use of a rattan ball and  only allowing players to use their feet,  knee, chest and head to touch the ball. History  The game was first played in the 15th century‘s Malacca Sultanate.  Sepak takraw spread to Indonesia from nearby Malacca as early as  16th century.  From there the Malay people spread across archipelago and introduced the game in Sulawesi. There the game developed further and became Buginese traditional game which is called "Raga”. Some men playing "Raga" encircling within a group, the ball is passed from one to another and the man who kicked the ball highest is the winner. The modern version of sepak takraw began taking shape in Thailand during the early 1740s. In 1829 the Siam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


INGLISE KEEL 6. KLASSILE KONTROLLTÖÖ Õppetükid 5-10 TEST 1. Match the words. Translate. candle helmet disc stick puppet card travel jockey crash show 2. Complete the sentences with words from exercice 1. There is a the middle of the table. Marten is the our school. .............................................................are very popular in seaside towns in Britain. I did not get hurt because I wore a............................................................................. How much is a..........................................................................................................? 3. Write THE where necessary. Do you like playing............................

Keeled → Inglise keel
103 allalaadimist

EXCEL - Funktsioonid

EXCEL – Funktsioonid 1 - 11 Sisukord 1 Matemaatilised ja trigonomeetrilised funktsioonid.....................................................................................................2 2 Kuupäeva ja kellaaja funktsioonid...............................................................................................................................2 3 Statistilised funktsioonid..............................................................................................................................................3 4 Tekstifunktsioonid.........................................................................................................................................................3 5 Loogilised funktsioonid....................

Informaatika → Funktsionaalsed materjalid
49 allalaadimist


Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Informaatikainstituut Tõõ Detail Üliõpilane Õppemärkmik Õppejõud Vilipõld Õpperühm Palun täitke tühjad lahtrid MASB-11 Detail Ülesande püstitus Analüüs, skeem, valemid Materjalid Värvid Detail. Exceli valemid Funktsioon INDEX Tabel Korterid Funktsioon MATCH VBA funktsioon Otsi_Nr Funktsioonide INDEX ja MATCH kooskasutus Funktsioon VLOOKUP Detail. Kasutaja funktsioonid Detail. VBA funktsioonid ruumala ja täispindala leidmiseks VBA funktsioonid otsimiseks paralleelsetest vektoritest Detail. Makro Detail. VBA makro. Struktuur ja protseduurid Detailide tootmine Koondandmed materjalide koguste ja maksumuste kohta Koondandmedvärvide koguste ja maksumuste kohta Funktsioon SUMIF Rakendus "Detail" Ülesande püstitus Ettevõte valmistab erinevatest materjalidest, erineva kujuga ja mõõtmetega detaile...

Informaatika → Informaatika
119 allalaadimist

Tiimivarustus jalgpallis

2 CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT 3 CONTENT GOALKEEPER TECHNOLOGIES ONORE 77 MATCHWEAR PRECIO 81 CAMPEON 15 9 CONDIVO 14 14 REFEREE 87 TIRO 15 17 TOQUE 13 21 STRIPED 15 27 TRAININGWEAR SQUADRA 13 33 TABELA 14 39 TIRO 15 93 ESTRO 15 45 CONDIVO 14 121 VOLZO 15 51 SERENO 14 147 ENTRADA 14 55 CORE FIFTEEN 161 TECHFIT 175 SHORTS 61 SOCKS 73 ACCESSORIES 183 HARDWARE 191 4 TECHNOLOGIES Light, breathable fabrics worn close to the skin, conduct heat climacool® is a combination of performance fabrics. Open mesh and and sweat away from the body to keep you cool and dry in warm ventilat...

Sport → Sport
2 allalaadimist

Active tenses

ACTIVE TENSES Active form You use an active verb when you want to say that the subject of a sentence does something. · [Thing doing action] + [verb] + · +[thing receiving action] · Examples The professor (subject doing action) teaches (verb) · the students (object receiving action). · Mary (subject doing action) · washes (verb) · the dishes ( object receiving action). The tenses of the verb 1.Present (olevik) 2.Past (minevik) 3.Future (tulevik) 4.Future in the past (kaudne tulevik) Iga aeg võib esineda neljas eri rühmas 1.IndefiniteTenses (üldajad) 2.Continious Tenses (kestvad ajad) 3.Perfect Tenses (perfekti ajad) 4.Perfect Continious Tenses (perfekti kestvad ajad) Indefinite Tenses (üldajad) used to describe actions but do not state whether the action is completed or on- going märgivad tegevuse sooritamise fakti Peter visits us every day. Peter visited ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Mohammad Ali (inglise keeles)

Author: Stefani Kask Instructor: Ursula Paavel 10.A class Pirita MG. Muhammad Ali Who was he? Muhammed Ali was an American boxer near the middel of the 20th century. He is rated at Heavyweight. He is 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) tall. Birth date: January 17, 1942 (1942-01-17) (age 68) Birth place: Louisville, Kentucky, United States Picture of him When he was young when he already retired Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.; January 17, 1942) is a former American boxer and three-time World Heavyweight Champion, who is widely considered one of the greatest heavyweight championship boxers of all time. As an amateur, he won a gold medal in the light heavyweight division at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. After turning professional, he went on to become the first boxer to win the lineal heavyweight championship three times. Why such a name? Originally known as Cassius Clay, Ali changed his name after joining the Nation of Islam...

Biograafia → Kuulsused
4 allalaadimist


FOOTBALL also known as soccer/association football… ... is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries, making it the world's most popular sport. The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal. The goalkeepers are the only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play and only in their penalty area. Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, but may also use their head or torso. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is level at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time or a penalty shootout depending on the format of the competition. A number of players may...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Konspekt 1.Kui me teame tulevikust, me tavaliselt kasutame oleviku. Me kasutame lihtoleviku selle jaoks mis on planeeritud või korraldatud. ● I have concert next week. ● The bus arrives at 7.30 in the morning. ● I have test tomorrow. ● We’ll have party next friday. Me saame kasutada kestva oleviku plaanide või korralduste jaoks. ● I’m playing basketball today. ● They are coming to see us tomorrow. ● I’am celebrating my birthday next week. 2.Me kasutame will et rääkida tulevikust. Kui me teeme ennustusi. ● It will be hard day tomorrow. ● I think my brother will buy me a car. ● I’m sure my ex will be jealous about my new girlfriend. Mõeldes want to(olla) või be willing to (olla valmis ehk abivalmis) ● I hope you will help me at my project. ● Marika says he will help me Teha Offers(pakkumisi) ja promises(lubadusi). ● We’ll talk abou...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

A formal letter

Estonia 25th May 2008 Recruitment Assistant Exeter Software Company 72 Southernhay Weast, Exeter EX1 2JG Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apply for the post of Managing Director. I would welcome the opportunity to join the Exeter Software Company, because I have always been interested in software and computers, and I am looking for new challenges in my life. I match all the requirements given in the advertisement and I have previous experience working at this position. I believe that my strong IT skills and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. Please send me a description of the job and an application form. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance. Yours faithfully, ( allkiri )

Keeled → Inglise keel
752 allalaadimist

Giving opinion

4. If you ask me, _______ 4.0 GIVING YOUR OPINION ABOUT A TOPIC 4.1 Expressing a strong opinion In my opinion, fashion is a complete waste of time, money and resources. In my opinion, there's only one choice - English! In my view, government money shouldn't be used to support the Arts. In my reckoning, if we could lock up juvenile criminals, they'd learn that they couldn't get away with it. I strongly believe in preventing problems before they happen. In much the same way as the Japanese prepare for earthquakes, countries with dry climates could have water catchment systems and reservoirs to defend against water shortage. I definitely think that countries should be self-sufficient in food and basic necessities. Don't you think it's better to stay single? Well, if you ask me, it all depends on your circumstances. Well, I th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Office manager needed

Diana Parker, International Recruitment Office, Box 202, 10001 Tallinn Estonia Dear Ms. Parker The office manager position, advertised in The Baltic Times, is a perfect match for my career goals. I am interested in working in the UNICEF because of its mission. The job offer fits well with my education and experience. My language skills, spoken and written, are very good in Estonian (native language) and in English. I have basic knowledge in Russian. As your position requires experience in computer system, I have attended several computer courses and my practical experience has given me valuable skills. I am hardworking, loyal, honest and I am willing to learn and gain new experiences. With my friendly and open character I find it easy to communicate. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you. Sincerely, Evelin Rubin Abja vald, Umbsoo küla 69309 Viljandimaa Estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Andmeotsing internetis

Värvid kodukujunduses Kodukujundus: millised värvid toob aasta 2018? Ühinenud Ajakirjad OÜ Tahad õnnelik olla? Kasuta kodukujunduses neid värve! Õ, 10. veebruar 2017, 17:20 neid-varve Värvid. 2018. Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat Värvid sinu kodus. Dormeo Värvide kasutamine kodukujunduses.ärvide-kasutamine-kodu-kujunduses Sisustamine ja toonide valimine. Looge mahedate värvidega elegantne kodu. Kodukujundus Värvi Ideed, Mis Sobivad Vaipade Värviga. Et.Interior- D...

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
1 allalaadimist

Taivo application

90502 Suur-mere 12-4 Estonia, Haapsalu December 17, 2013 James and Mills Co 13, Apple Street England, Manchester Dear Sir/Madam I write this letter to apply for the job I saw advertised in newspaper. I would like to be an employee for Accounts Department. My advisor, teacher Martmets, of the Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasium, highly promoted your company to me as a number one. Please accept this letter and resume as my application for the position. I will graduate from the Läänemaa Ühisgümnaasium in Juny 2014, in Economics department. I considered that my free time, honesty, reliabelity and maturity match with your requirements as employee that's why I am applying for that position. To sum up, I hope my qualifications merit to your consideration. If you would like to schedule and interview or otherwise discuss my interest in position, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Taivo Leesment Phone 53308...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Näide inglise keele eksami kirjast

Letter Dear Sally, I have also been very busy with my exams recently, so I completely understand what you are going through. I would really like to see you again and it would be very great if you came to see me in August, but unfortunately I have a really important soccer match during that week and I can not miss that so maybe you could come the week before or after. Please let me know as soon as possible because my mum wants to know so she and my father will probably plan a trip to somewhere in order for us to be all alone in the house. My bike actually broke so unfortunately we can’t go cycling but my dad suggested that perhaps we go canoeing. It sounds very fun to me so maybe if you’re intrested we could go try that, but it’s totally OK if you don’t want to, just let me know. So let me know when you could come and if you’re up for canoeing. I’ll be waiting for your reply. Best wishes, Alex ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Inglise keele test

Inglise keele test Unit 13 8.klass KUULAMIS ÜLESANNE: 1. teaches you to be understanding. 2. goes jogging on the forest, nere his home 3. he's not too good enough. 4. twice a week. 5. a jazz dance club. 6. time 7. had an operation. 8. played football. 9. lift weights. 10. swimming 2. aerobics karate ice skating the high jump cross-country skiing yoga the long jump volleyball 3. translate 1) How do you keep fit? 2) I have PE lesson twice a week. 3) Mirjam came first in the 100-metre race. 4) Who coaches your school football team? 5) I think you should change your eating habits. 6) If you eat too much fat and sugar, it has bad influence on your health. 4. do / doing 1)jogging 2)cycling 3)working/digging 4)reading 5)to play 6)to leave 7)laughing 8)walking 5. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Why students dropp out of college

There are advantages as well as disadvantages of getting international aid. International aid could help in improving the country's position in the world. International aid can contribute to fighting global poverty, hunger and help get access to medical care. It can also provide to solve problems like terrorism, rehabilitation and many other problems. However, receiving countries could misuse international aid. Money could use to fund illegal activities and the strengthening of armed forces. International aid should be used very wisely and judiciously, only then can we eliminate poverty and hunger and other problems in the world. Students tend to drop out because their expectations of college--academically, socially, or both--don't match up with the reality once they get there. They also suffer from lack of motivation, inadequate preparation, and poor study skills. Students who are well prepared for college coursework are more likely ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Wine tourism

WINE TOURISM What is wine tourism? A wide range of experiences built around tourist visitation to wineries and wine regions, including: · Wine tasting · Wine and food · The enjoyment of regional environs · Day trip or longer term recreation · The experience of a range of companion/complementary cultural, nature based and lifestyle activities available in wine regions. Who are wine tourists? · Accidental · Interested · Dedicated Motivations of Wine Tourists 1. To taste wine 2. To gain wine knowledge 3. To experience the wine setting 4. To match food and wine--culinary tourism 5. To have fun 6. To enjoy wine culture 7. To enjoy the health aspects of wine How to Have an Enjoyable Tasting · Wine School - Chicago Wine School - Wine Center in New York Wine tourism in the world · United States · France ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Every school child have allowence

Every school child have allowence. Some children get allowence from parents, some children have to earn ourselves. Lots of children, whose parents do not give Money, have to go to work. If someone going to universty then he get a free place or he have to pay for it. But tuiton is very high, what its hard to pay at a time. In order to pay tiution, students should go to work while studying. Secondly the good thing is, if you work while studing, you always have a allowence. When class is going to travel, then you have the Money to pay for it. And you don't have to ask Money for your parents. Bad thing is that the work disturb studying. Beacuse you have two big obligation, where you can not miss. You don't have time to commit studying and your marks will be Worse. Work while studying is a big burden. Sometimes the work plan dont match with school plan. Therefore you have to miss some lessons. But then you miss the things what the other...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Bob Marley PowerPoint

Robert Nesta "Bob" Marley  February 6, 1945 – May 11, 1981  Jamaican singer- songwriter and musician.  reggae music  Rastafari movement Best known hits  "I Shot the Sheriff"  "No Woman, No Cry"  "Could You Be Loved"  "Stir It Up"  "Jamming"  "Redemption Song"  "One Love"  "Three Little Birds"  "Buffalo Soldier"  left school at the age of 14  make music with Joe Higgs  Rastafari  "The Wailers"("The Teenagers","The Wailing Rudeboys","The Wailing Wailers")  Marley left Jamaica at the end of 1976 for England  London he was arrested  In 1978 returned to Jamaica  four live albums  seven studio albums il...

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

My day

My day I wake up at half past six. First i go to kitchen and have a cup of cofee and toast for breakfast. After that i go to the bathroom and clean my teeth. Then i get dressed and go school by bus. Our classes always starts at 8.15, but students are usually much earlier in the bulding doing their homework if they didn't have time day before, and chating with friends. First subject is English. First lesson finish at 9.45 and we have short, ten-minutes break. Then we start another lesson - Art - which is one of my favourites subjects. The third lesson which starts at 12.20. Is Physicist. After that we have a maths. After this classes we have 60-minutes lunch for first and second class students. Not everyone is eating dinner at the school. The third lesson which starts at 12.20. Is Physicist. I hate it a little bit because i dont understood it. After that we have a PE. Then we play a short match. Someti...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Unit 16 tõlkimine

Form 7 Unit 16 Translation 1. Mida me võiksime teha sel nädalavahetusel? Lähme kunstinäitusele! What shall we do this weekend? Let's go to an art exhibition! 2. Millist vaba aja tegevust sa eelistad ­ uisutamist või pikniku pidamist? Which leisure activity do you prefer ­ ice-skating or having a picnic? 3. Ma pigem läheksin vaatamisväärsustega tutvuma kui teatrisse. I would rather go sightseeing than to the theatre. 4. Mina sooviksin minna rokk-kontserdile Guns N' Roses esituses. I would like to go to a rock concert performed by Guns N' Roses. 5. Ma nõuan, et me läheksime kardiga sõitma! I demand (that) we go go-karting! 6. Me kõik eelistame minna muusikalile. Olgu, aga ärge olge pettunud, kui ma ei saa pileteid. All of us (We) prefer to go to the music...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

If you could visit three places..

If you could visit three places anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there? If I could visit three places in the world, I think I'd choose civilized places in Europe, America and Australia rather than exotic locations. I've been to abroad and I like travelling. Firstly I would like to go to America. If I had to choose, I'd probably go to San Francisco. There are a lot of sights: Golden Gate Bridge, the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park, Alcatraz, City Hall, Chinatown, Museum of Modern Art and AT&T Park, where I could watch the baseball match of San Francisco Giants. Secondly I'd like to visit Australian city Sydney. I'd certainly go to the Sydney Opera House, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Town Hall, Taronga Zoo and sunbathe on the beautiful beaches. My third and final choice is European city in Italy Venice. It's popular with its waterways. I'd like to travel along the Grand Canal b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


Freemasonry Ann Tuulikki Jürgenstein 11e HTG History HONESTY, JUSTICE, FELLOWSHIP · Established in the late 16th to early 17th century 24.June 1717 The first Grand Lodge Grand Lodge of England · Stonemasons Today · 5-6 million members United states, Scotland, Ireland United Grand Lodge of England Symbols · Masons lead their meetings using a ritualised format · Teach moral and lessons of the principles · Use signs handshakes, special words, clothes Becoming a member · 21 years old man. Have the support of three members. Interview Voting procedure · Membership is generally lifelong · Degrees: 1.Entered Apprentice 2. Fellow Craft 3. Master Mason Stages of personal development Famous freemasons · George Washington · Franklin Delano Roosevelt · Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart · Aleksandr Sergeyvich ...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
6 allalaadimist

4b Harjutus otsingufunktsioonidega

Eesti Inglise Otsige sõnastikust auto car elamu house Eesti Inglise hobune horse Antud sõna hobune house <-kasutage andmete valideerimist kaabel cable Jrk 3 2 <-MATCH kare rough Vaste horse elamu <-INDEX kass cat kodu home koer dog Jätke järjekorranumber vahele kohvik cafe kook cake Eesti Inglise köök kitchen Antud sõna lind rough lind bird Vaste bird kare puu tree põõsas bush rand coast talu farm tass cup uks door ümmargune round e andmete valideerimist Tervisekeskuse külastus Otsige puuduvaid andmeid lehelt Töötajad Funktsioonid Funktsioon ...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
8 allalaadimist

Filters report 5 Electronics and Semiconductor Engineering

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering Filters Report on Exercise 5 in AAR3320 Electronics and Semiconductor Engineering Student: Student Code: Study Group: Instructor: Prof. Valery Vodovozov Tallinn 1. RC filter R Vnoise 1000Ω 15 Vrms 11kHz 0Deg RL V C1 11kΩ 7.23µF 11.23 Vrms IC=0V 11 Hz 0Deg Figure 1. Circuit diagram of the low-pass RC filter Calcul...

Energeetika → Elektrimaterjald
5 allalaadimist

Test u 17 inglise keeles

1.ÜLESANNE 1) My goalis to finish school with good marks. 2) Everybody was surprised because Ann performed so confidently. 3) Expeditions are a good oppurtunity to meet people with similar interests. 4) My sister has done a lot of voluntary work at our youth club. 5) Do you fancy going to a football match? 6) Parents should pass on their experience to the next generation. 7) Mary decided to challange herself and take part in the swimming competition. 2. ÜLESANNE ( sample answers ) 1) Would you like to go swimming tonight? ­ Yes, i'd love to. What time shall we go? 2) Do you fancy going to the theatre on Saturday? ­ Sorry, I'm afraid i can't. I'm looking after my little sister. 3) Do you want to play basketball this afternoon? ­ Thanks for asking me, but I'm studying for my history test. 3. ÜLESANNE 1) Tina and Ann do aerobics, but James doesn't. 2) None of them has/ have won an award. 3) All of them can speak a foreign language. 4) Ann ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Upstream advanced C1 sõnade sünonüümid

Dismay- shocked displeasure Enlightening-informative Gratifying- pleasing Enduring- lasting Ravenous- very hungry Repels- causes dislike in Savage- wild Fragments- small pieces Disolate- diserted Innovations- new development Windswept- affected by strong wind Baffing- completely confusing Startling- very surprising Chilly- cold Slippery- smooth and difficult to walk on Concepts- ideas Blistering- very strong Bare- without plants Intentional- done and purpose Constant- continuous Engaging- absorbing Fundamental- basic Irritatining- annoying Have/ Take Time to relax Take It easy Do An on-line crossword Book/ Have Tickets for a match Have An esctravagant dinner Have A party Have A close friends over Book A tabel for two Book/ Take A weekend break Ex 4 Kuuldav- audible Räme- raucous Vaikne- silent Kõrvulukustav- deafening Ahistav- harrowing Meeldiv- agreeable Hämmeldus-disconcerting Murettekitav- distressing Keeruline- challenging Kurn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Comparison of Estonian and British State system

Comparison of Estonian and British State system Iam here to talk about Estonian and British state system, which have some similarities and differences. First of all the regime: Estonia is a democratic republic when the United Kingdom is constitutional monarchy. The head of state in Estonia is president who currently is Toomas-Hendrik Ilves and the head of state in United Kingdom is queen Elizabeth the second. Estonian president has a serving time of 5 years then in United Kingdom monarch rules the country till he or she dies, of course there are special occasions for that too. Second of all I want to talk about parliaments: Estonian parliament is unicameral and has 101 members and is elected for four years, when the British parliament is bicameral and has 1455 members currently and is elected for five years. Bicameral parliament means that there are two separate assemblies. There are quite a few minor difference...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo on kuulus portugalasest jalgpallur, kes sündis 5. veebruaril 1985 a. Funchal Madeirases..Tema päris nimi on Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Tema jalgpalli karjäär hakkas noorest east pihta. 8 aastaselt mängis ta piirkondlikus juunioride klubis, kust ta sai edasi Nacional klubisse ja hiljem veel omakorda Sporting CP klubisse. Tema edu Sporting CP-s märkas Manchester Unitede omanik Alex Ferguson ning ostis 18.aastase Ronaldo 12,4 millioni Inglise naela eest. Manschester Unitedes on ta alates 2003. aastast ja pole veel klubi vahetanud. Hetkel on Ronaldo 24 aastane ja on mänginud Manchester Unitede eest juba 196 mängu ja kokku 84 värava, mis pole paha parema ääreründaja jaoks. 2002. aastal võeti Ronaldo Portugali U-21 koondisesse ja mängis seal ühe aasta ning sai mängida ainult 2 mängu ja lüüa ühe värava. Peale seda võeti Ronaldo Portugali põhimeeskonda. Ronaldo on ka Eesti ...

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
49 allalaadimist


JOB INTERVIEW How did you prepare for this interview? When I found this position posted on the internet I was immediately interested. I checked out the company website and mission statement, looked at the bios of company founders and executives, and was impressed. Once I had the interview appointment, I talked with friends and acquaintances in the industry. Why do you want this job? I've been very careful about the companies where I have applied. When I saw the ad for this position, I knew I found what I was looking for. Along with my flexibility and organizational skills, makes me a perfect match for this position. I see some challenges ahead of me here, and that's what I thrive on. I have what you need, and you have what I want. What is your greatest weakness? In a sense of urgency to get projects completed i tend to want to triple-check every detail in a spreadsheet What are you looking for in your next job? Tell me, Mr. Oj...

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist


Kaido Höövelson aka BARUTO Introduction Väike-Maarja Raised up in Rohu village Rahkla primary school Laekvere Audentes Basketball Judo Sumo Character Country boy Friendly Kind Warm hearted Sporting career First tournament won kantõsho Yokozuna 19 attempts Kadoban Results/achievement in sport championships Makuuchi Jry Makushita Jonidan Jonokuchi Special Prizes: Fighting Spirit Outstanding Performance Technique Interesting facts Straightforward yotsu-sumou style Order of the White Star Estonian Judo junior championships Meat and fish Eats two times a day Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase References

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Gibraltari esitlus inglise keeles

Gibraltar Ats Andreas Prangli, Paul Robert Pütsepp, Kristian Tikerpäe, Martin Tikerpäe Sports Gibraltar national football team had their first match in 2013 Rugby union is one of the fastest growing team sports Darts is very popular sport in Gibraltar Criket enjoys popularity in Gibraltar In 2007, there were 18 Gibraltar sports associations Foods, drinks and celebrations Mix of iItalian, british and spanish food Pasta and bread Confectionery Biggest celebration is National day Nature There are five species of lizard in the nature reserve. 33 species of butterfly have been observed, including the Cleopatra, two- tailed pasha, swallowtail, Spanish festoon and striped grayling. The Caves of Nerja (Spanish: Cueva de Nerja) are a series of caverns close to the town of Nerja in the Province of Málaga, Spain. Stretching for almost 5 kilometres. Gibraltar rock´s height is 426 meters. Gibraltar rock´s na...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Feelings and Opinions

Feelings and Opinions 1. Underline the most suitable word or phrase. a) When Dick saw his neighbour kick his dog he became angry/nervous. b) Sue wasn't really interested/interesting in the film. c) We were both afraid/anxious that we would miss the plane. d) I wish you wouldn't snap your fingers. It's very annoying/worrying. e) You're not scared/thrilled of spiders, are you? f) If we forget to do our homework, our teacher gets cross/terrifying. g) Tim completely lost his temper! He was absolutely furious/upset. h) Your written work is full of careless/naughty mistakes. 2. Replace the word(s) in italics with a suitable word from the box. Use each word once. confused fascinating scared depressed dull glad naughty upset a) I'm afraid the children have been very badly-behaved today. b) I felt a bit frightened when I went into the dark room. c) Jean was ve...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Westminster School

Westminster School The Royal College of St. Peter in Westminster, almost always known as Westminster School, is one of Britain's leading independent schools,with the highest Oxbridge acceptance rate of any secondary school or college. Located in the precincts of Westminster Abbey in central London, and with a history stretching back beyond the 12th century, the school's notable alumni include Ben Jonson, Robert Hooke, Christopher Wren, John Locke, Jeremy Bentham, and A. A. Milne. The school traditionally encourages independent and individual thinking. Boys are admitted to the Under School at age seven, and to the main school at age thirteen; girls are admitted only at sixteen. The school has around 750 pupils; around a third are boarders, of whom most go home for the weekends, after Saturday morning school. It is one of the original nine English public schools as defined by the . The Good Schools Guide says of the school: "For the right...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Slideesitlus: Robbie Williams

Robbie Williams Robert Peter Williams Born 13 February 1974, Staffordshire, England An English singer songwriter, vocal coach and occasional actor. Member of the pop group Take That Parents: Peter and Janet Williams Early life He were raised by his mother. Mill Hill Primary School St Margaret Ward Roman Catholic School Dance school UKDDF Several school plays, biggest role was the Artful Dodger in a production of Oliver!. Briefly played for Port Vale Football Club. Achievements Williams has sold more albums in the UK than any other British solo artist. More BRIT Awards than any other artist to date. Williams was entered in The Guinness Book of World Records, 1.6 million tickets were sold in one single day. Being voted as the Greatest artist of the 1990s. Video game Williams features in his own karaoke video game, "We ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private lives of famous people

Many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private lives of famous people. We know what they eat, where they buy their clothes and who they love. We also often see pictures of them in private situations. Is it appropriate for a magazine or newspaper to give this kind of private information about people? Nowadays a lot of newspapers and magazines contain stories, different facts and pictures with famous people. Some people think that only magazines should feature private life of famous people, but others think on the contary. This essay will show both sides. On the one hand, it is appropriate for a newspapers to write some information about famous people. People , who are intrested in famous people’s lifes want to know about their achievements, goals or other important things, than read about how they spend their holidays in the resort or with whom they go to the football match. Newspapers should offer more serious infor...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and her time

QUEEN VICTORIA & HER TIME Project Mari Murakas Class 11A 2011 Early life of Queen Victoria Victoria was born in London on 24 May 1819, the only child of Edward, Duke of Kent, and Victoria Maria Louisa of Saxe-Coburg. [1] The Duke of Kent was the fourth son of George III and Victoria Maria Louisa was the sister of King Leopold of Belgium. The Duke and Duchess of Kent selected the name Victoria but her uncle, George IV, insisted that she be named Alexandrina after her godfather, Tsar Alexander II of Russia. [2] Victoria's father died when she was eight months old. The Duchess of Kent developed a close relationship with Sir John Conroy, an ambitious I...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Three Celebrieties of Australia

Celebrities of Australia Empire of the sun: Empire of the Sun is an Australian electronic music duo which formed in 2007. The duo is currently composed of Luke Steele of the Sleepy Jackson and Nick Littlemore of Pnau. The pair's name comes from the 1984 novel of the same name by J. G. Ballard. The duo achieved chart success with their first single "Walking on a Dream" which peaked at number ten on the Australian ARIA Singles Chart and reached number sixty four on the UK Singles Chart. Their debut album also titled Walking on a Dream, released in October 2008, to date has been certified platinum in Australia and has spawned the top 25 hit "We Are the People". Recently Empire of the Sun has gained mainstream media attention for gaining fourth position on the BBC's annual Sound of Music poll 2009. They are currently signed to EMI Australia and Virgin UK Hector Lombard: Hector Lombard (born February 2, 197...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Snakes & Earrings

Snakes & Earrings By: Hitomi Kanehara Silvian Karu About the book Published in Japan ("Hebi ni piasu") in 2004 David James Karashima translated it to English and in 2005 the book was realased in GB Was an instant bestseller and sold over a million copies when it first came out In 2007 Yukio Ninagawa directed the film-version Characters Lui Nakazawa ­ 19-year old Barbie-girl Amada Kazunori (18) ­ Ama for short. Heavily pierced and tattooed punk Kizuki Shiabata a.k.a Shiba-San ­ 24 years old tattoo-artist, who owns a punk/alternative store called Desire. Has sadistic and bisexual bents Plot Lui is beautiful, bored and listless. Wandering around the streets of Tokyo at night, she gets invited by a foreigner to step into a club where she meets Ama, who shows her his forked tongue. Finding herself weirdly fascinated with the idea of having a serpentine tongue, Lui spends the nigh...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun