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"-Banks" - 179 õppematerjali


Tyra Banksi elulugu

Tyra Banks, sünninimega Tyra Lynne Banks(sündinud 4.detsembril 1973 Californias Inglewoodis), on USA avaliku elu tegelane, endine supermodell ja näitleja. Tema isa Donald Banks oli arvutikonsultant ning tema ema Karolyn NASA fotograaf ja moetöötaja. Tyra vanemad lahutasid aastal 1980, kui Tyra oli 6-aastane. Sellegipoolest jäid vanemate suhted, samuti Tyra suhted oma 5 aastat vanema venna Deviniga sõbralikeks. Hiljem abiellus Karolyn Clifford Johnsoniga. Tyra käis John Burroughsi põhikoolis ja lõpetas 1991. aastal Los Angeleses Patuta Südame keskkooli (Immaculate Heart High School). Ta õppis Lõuna-California Ülikoolis ja California ülikoolis teleprodutsendiks. Modellitööga alustas ta 11. klassis. Hiljem töötas ta Pariisis mannekeenina. Juba tema esimesel töönädalal olid disainerid temast sedavõrd võlutud, et temaga tehti leping 25 moešõu peale, mis oli uustulnuka jaoks enneolematu. Modellina on ta töötanud lugematu hulga ettevõtete ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kaasaegsed moesuunad
1 allalaadimist

Mary Poppins

Rakvere Gümnaasium 5. b MARY POPPINS P. L. Travers Raamatu passi autor: Anete Jalakas Rakvere 2009 Mary Poppins P. L. Travers Lugemise aeg: 26. september ­ 09. oktoober Tegelased: Mary Poppins, Jane Banks, Micahle Banks, missis Banks, mister Banks, John Banks, Barbara Banks, missis Brill, Ellen, Robertson Ay, mister Wigg, miss Lark, lihunik, missis Corry. Ajatelg 1.Bankside majja saabus Mary Poppins 2.Mary Poppins seadis ennast majas sisse 3.Mary Poppins käis koos Tikumehega maali sees 4.Mary Poppins käis koos Jane ja Michaeliga Mary onu mister Wiggi juures 5.Mary Poppins, Jane, Michael sõid Mary onu juures õhus 6.Bankside kõrval majas elava miss Larki koer nõudis teistsugust suhtumist 7.Jane oli kõrvavaluga haige 8.Mary Poppins jutustas Janele loo...

Eesti keel → 7. klassi ajalugu
169 allalaadimist

Basic banking

5. Financial Institutions and Services Objectives and Outcomes To give overview of main players. 5.1. Introduction It is common to distinguish between monetary financial institutions (MFIs) and other financial intermediaries. The distinction is based on the functions of institutions ­ institutions in the first group (MFIs) play important role in the process of money creation in modern economies. European Central Bank (ECB) describes Monetary financial institutions as including national central banks (and also ECB in the euro area), credit institutions and non-credit institutions which receive deposits from general public (individuals and non-MFI firms) and grant credit and/or invest in securities. Major non-credit MFIs in Europe are money market funds. Credit institutions are defined in the directive 1 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions as: a) undertakings whose business...

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
3 allalaadimist

1-9 unit keywords (Autosaved)

1 Aktsionärid - Shareholders Juhtimine - Management Tööjõud - Workforce Organisatsiooniskeem - Organisation chart Nõukogu - Board of directors Esimees - Chairperson Tegevdirektor - Managing director Aktsiaseltsi personal - Company officers 2 Värbama - Recruit Positsioon - Position Soovi avaldama - Apply for CV(curriculum vitae)(resume) Sooviavaldus blankett - Application form Nimekiri - Short list Kandidaadid - Candidates Intervjuu - Interview Palkama -Hire Värbamis agentuur - Recruitment agency(search firm) 3 Jaekaubandus - Retailing Jaemüüjad - Retailers Laod ­ Stores(shops) Firmakauplus - Outlets Kett (kaubanduskett) - Chains Ärikeskus - Shopping centres(malls) Hüpermarket - Hypermarkets Kaubahall/hüpermarket - Superstores Kaubanduskeskuste rajoon? - Retail park Kaubamaja - Department stores 4 Franchising (siuke värk, et ostad litsentsi kasutamisõiguse) Franchisor (litsentsi omanik) Franchisee (litsentsi ostja) Franchise agreement...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Unit 1 -15

Shareholders ­ aktsionärid Management ­ juhtkond workforce ­ tööjõud organisation chart ­ organisatsiooniskeem Board of Directors ­ juhatus/nõukogu Chairperson or President ­ esimees Managing Director ­ majandusjuhataja Chief Executive Officer ­ tegevdirektor Senior managers ­ tippjuht Company officers ­ aktsiaseltsi personal Marketing ­ turundus Public relations ­ avalikud suhted Information technology IT ­ infotehnoloogia Personnel or Human Resources ­ inimressursid Finance ­ rahandus Production ­ tootmine Research and Development ­ uuringu- ja arendustegevus recruit ­ värbama tööjõudud position ­ ametikoht apply for ­ kandideerima letter of application ­ avaldus covering letter ­ avaldus curriculum vitae ­ elulookirjeldus application form ­ avalduse blanket short list/candidates/applicants ­ taotlejad interview ­ intervjuu hire ­ palkama recruitment agency/search firm ­ värbamisfirma retailing ­ jaemüük retailers ­ jaemüüjad shops/...

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Loan offer essay

Xxxxx xxxxx RxxKÕ U. 10 Dear Mr. Wall, I am writing in regards to the loan papers you asked me to review. I recommend that you don`t take this loan offer. Let me explain why. First, the interest rate is very high, although the interest is tax deductible. I belive that other banks could offer lower interest rate. Second, the origination fee is not also so reasonable and there are penalties if you want to pay off earlier your loan. I see also that this is leverage, it meens that you must have a collateral for the loan. And I know that you have only your forest land for that, but I think it is not very good idea to use the land for that, because if you default, the lender will have a...

Keeled → Business english
3 allalaadimist

Mary Poppins - läänetuul

Mary Poppins LÄÄNETUUL. Oli esimene kevadpäev.Jane ja Michael teadsid seda kohe, sest nad kuulsid mister Banksi vannis laulmas, ja aastas oli ainult üks päev, mil ta seda tegi.Neile jäi se hommik alatiseks meelde.Esiteks – see oli esimene kord, kus neid lubati hommikueineks alla tulla, ja teiseks – mister Banks kaotas oma musta mapi.Nii et see päev algas kahe erakordse sündmusega. „Kus on mu MAPP?“ karjus mister Banks, tiirutades hallis ringi nagu koer, kes ajab oma saba taga.Ja ka kõik teised hakkasid ringi jooksma – Ellen ja missis Brill ja lapsed. Isegi Robertson Ay tegi erilisi pingutusi ja pööras ennast kaks korda ringingi.Lõpuks avastas mister Banks ise mapi oma kabinetist ja tormas sellega halli, hoides seda kõrgel pea kohal. „Nõnda,“ ütles ta, nagu hakkaks pidama jutlust, „minu mapp peab seisma alati seisma ühes kohas. Siin.Vihmavarjualusel.kes pani ta kabinetti?“möirgas ta. „Sina ise, mu kall...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Mary Poppins - Läänetuul

Mary Poppins LÄÄNETUUL. Oli esimene kevadpäev.Jane ja Michael teadsid seda kohe, sest nad kuulsid mister Banksi vannis laulmas, ja aastas oli ainult üks päev, mil ta seda tegi.Neile jäi se hommik alatiseks meelde.Esiteks ­ see oli esimene kord, kus neid lubati hommikueineks alla tulla, ja teiseks ­ mister Banks kaotas oma musta mapi.Nii et see päev algas kahe erakordse sündmusega. ,,Kus on mu MAPP?" karjus mister Banks, tiirutades hallis ringi nagu koer, kes ajab oma saba taga.Ja ka kõik teised hakkasid ringi jooksma ­ Ellen ja missis Brill ja lapsed. Isegi Robertson Ay tegi erilisi pingutusi ja pööras ennast kaks korda ringingi.Lõpuks avastas mister Banks ise mapi oma kabinetist ja tormas sellega halli, hoides seda kõrgel pea kohal. ,,Nõnda," ütles ta, nagu hakkaks pidama jutlust, ,,minu mapp peab seisma alati seisma ühes kohas. Siin.Vihmavarjualusel.kes pani ta kabinetti?"möirgas ta. ,,Sina ise, mu...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

TRADERUN MOODUL TRADERUN MODULE BUSINESS PECULIARITIES IN THE EU, RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES ÄRI ERIPÄRAD EUROOPA LIIDUS, VENEMAAL JA IDAPARTNERLUSRIIKIDES Lecturers: Ryhor Nizhnikau (responsible) Giorgi Gaganidze, Sergei Proskura, Andres Assor P2EC.00.202 (UT code), RIE 7044 (TLU code) Reading materials: Business peculiarities in Ukraine and Belarus Lugemismatejal: Äri eripärad Ukrainas ja Valgenenes Created by Andres Assor Tartu 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 4 1. UKRAINE ...................................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Technology in our daily lives

The everincreasing use of technology in our daily lives is not always a good thing Technology plays an increasingly important part in our daily lives. While many technological developments may be beneficial in the field of medicine, for instance there are many others whose effects are less positive. We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the area of information technology and in the home. In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries such as carmanufacturing robots are replacing people. They work faster and more accurately and they do not need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see job opportunities dwindling further and unemployment levels rising. Furthermore, rapid advances in information technology mean that fewer people are needed in fulltime employment....

Keeled → Inglise keel
57 allalaadimist

Riikide võrdlus

Majanduslik Eesti (Estonia) Argentiina Keenia (Kenya) näitaja (Argentia) Liberaalsuse aste 6 koht 69 koht 86 Koht (Economic freedom) Indeks:3,2 Indeks:2,05 Indeks:1,9 SKP suurus (GDP $22.5 billion (2011) $435.2 billion (2011) $36.1 billion (2011) official exchange rate) SKP per capita $20,200 (2011) $17,400 (2011) $1,700 (2011) (GDP per capita) SKP ostuvõime $26.93 billion (2011) $709.7 billion (2011) $71.5 billion (2011) alusel (GDP purchasing power parity) Gini indeks 31,4 (2009) 45,8 (2009) 42,5 (2008) Eksport inimese $6,988 per capita $1,362.63 per capita $ 113.97 per capita kohta (Export per capita) Kokku eksport: Kokku eksport: Kokku eksport: ...

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline turundus
18 allalaadimist

The history of London

The history of London There were some people living on the banks of the Thames when the Romans came to England in 43 AD. The Romans built houses, a port and a bridge over the river and named the place Londinium. The bridge which was built by the Romans was later known as London Bridge and it was built in stone in 1176. It was London's only bridge until 1729. Now there are about twenty bridges crossing the river within London. London soon became the largest city in England and by the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066 it had become the most important city in Britain. It grew in area and population until September 1666, when the Great Fire destroyed four fifths of the wooden buildings in the City including ST Paul's Cathedral. The fire lasted for five days. By now London has swallowed up many of the small towns and villages that surrounded it. It is a city of seven million pepole covering 1,606 square mile...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Referaat Muusikaajalugu Nirvana Nirvana oli bänd, mis lõi uuesti ellu pungi, minnes muusikaajalukku legendina. Laulja Kurt Cobain ja bassimängija Krist Novoselic tegid nii kommertsraadio sõbralikku kui ka rasket rocki. Nirvana muusika on agressiivne ja suunatud inimeste vastu, keda Cobain vihkas või armastas. Kuna Nirvana tegi grunge-muusikat, on nende looming lärmakas ning otsekohene. Algus 1985. aastal kohtusid Krist Novoselic (sünd: 16. mai 1965, Horvaatia, Jugoslaavia) ja Kurt Cobain (sünninimi: Kurt Donald Cobain; sünd: 20. veebruar 1967, Hoquiam, Washington, USA) oma kodulinnas USA-s Washingtoni osariigis Aberdeenis. Esimeseks koostööks sai grupp nimega Stiff Woodies, kus Cobain oli trummar ja Novoselic bassist. Kitarristiks aga kesiganes "lähedusse sattus".1987. aastaks olid nad muutnud end über Nirvanaks ja ka ansamblisisene paigutus oli teine - Cobainist sai esilaulja ja kitarrist, liit...

Muusika → Muusika
21 allalaadimist

Bank accounts

Most adults have a bank account. The current account is for general expenses but some people also have a deposit account by which you can earn interest on your money. You can take money out of your bank account by using a cash card. When you use a credit card, you arrange to pay at later time. The main commercial bank offer bank loans for individuals or small businesses. Merchant bank deal with company finance on a larger scale. Banks also offer services such as mortgages, insurance, and buying and selling shares and foreign currency.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

The Globe: London Landmarks

The Globe Johann Ortin Õun 8B 2014 The History of the Globe Built in 1599 Burned in 1613 Rebuilt in 1614 Banks of Thames Everyone used to go (17th) Poor ­ near (no covering) Wealthier ­ shelter / balconies Daytime ­ no artificial lighting No curtains + Women Their parts/played by boys Inside The New Globe Theatre Closed in 1642 (why?) 1987 ­ Work began 180 m / real materials & methods 1997 ­ opened Still daytime Shakespeare & other playwrights of his time Used materials's_Globe

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The city and the tower of london

The City and The Tower of London Styv Solovjov G1a The City Founded by Romas 43-50 AD, set up trading post It has seen at least 15 major fires 1666 burnt down 4/5 of its houses Then The City was rebuilt Tower Bridge (Tower Hill tube), built in 1894 during the Second World War, its was heavily bombed Now there is one of the biggest financil centres in Europe Banks, stock exchange Many banking and insurance institutions have their headquarters there Stock Exchange, Lloyd's of London,the Bank of England are all based in the City Over 500 banks have offices in the City City is an established leader in trading in Eurobonds, foreign exchange, energy futures and global insurance Of the $3.98 trillion daily global turnover, trading in London accounted for around $1.36 trillion,or 34.1% of the total Canary wharf Click to edit Master text styles Second level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Infootsing arvutiõpetus ärijuhtimine

LÄÄNE-VIRU RAKENDUSKÕRGKOOL Ettevõtlus ja majandusarvestuse õppetool INFOOTSING Ülesanne Õppejõud: Lia Valdek Mõdriku 1. KÜSIMUSED 1. Selgita, milline vahe on otsingul, kui kasutada operaatori AND asemel operaatorit OR? 2. Kas Eestis on viimase 5 aasta jooksul kaitstud magistritöid, mis käsitleksid ärijuhtimise teemasid? Kui on, siis esitleda vähemalt ühe teaviku bibliograafilised andmed. 3. Kust saab laenutada antud teavikut? Campbell, N. A. and Reece, J. B. (2005). Biology (Seventh Edition). Pearson Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, USA. 4. Sisene saidile ja leia üks artikkel, mis oleks seotud sinu erialaga (ärijuhtimise valdkond). Loe läbi artikli kokkuvõte, koosta refereering ja lisa töösse. (tõlkida eesti keelde) 5. Sisenege Leidke V. Veebeli õppevideo Rikkus ja rah...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
14 allalaadimist

Kodutöö akadeemiline inglise keel

Taking up cycling instead of using a car is too dangerous in cities. It could be argued that taking up cycling is very healthy for people. It supports people more to move and it is like doing a sport. Besides it is very good for environment. Thanks to using bicycles cities air will be cleaner and air is not such impure. Thanks to cleaner air people's can breathe better air. This is partly true, but taking up cycling instead of using a car is really more dangerous than use only cars. Thanks to taking up cycling traffic will go busier and messier. There is much different kind of movers in traffic and it makes traffic really dangerous. It is clear that it is not too dangerous. There are many cities where cycling is very popular, for example in Copenhagen. If this method will be chosen, city needs to build special cycling roads. Thanks to these roads traffic should be safer. More energy is used up taking items to re...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
56 allalaadimist

Nirvana powerpoint

Dave Grohl Krist Novoselic Kurt Cobain Grunge Long hair Inspired by Indie rock, Flanell shirt punk and heavy metal. Green River, formed in 1983 Smoke (weed) Worn jeans Sneakers NIRVANA 1987- 1994 Kurt Cobain (guitar, vocals), Krist Novoselic (bass), Dave ChadGrohl Channing (drums) ( drums) Band names: Skid Row, Pen Cap Chew, and Ted Ed Fred Albums: Bleach, Nevermind, Incesticide, In Utero, MTV Unplugged in New York, From the Muddy Banks of the Whiskah, Nirvana, Sliver: The Best of the Box. Famous song...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Lugemistest ,, Mary Poppins."

Mary Poppins Küsimustik 4. klassile 1. Mis tänaval elas perekond Banks? a) õunapuu alleel b) kirsipuu alleel c) pirnipuu alleel 2. Kes olid kaksikud? a) John ja Barbara b) Jane ja Michel c) Jimmi ja Kate 3. Missuguse tuulega saabus Mary Poppins? a) põhja b) lõuna c) ida 4. Mida oskasid kaksikud, kui nad olid imikud? a) laulda b) tantsida c) said aru loomade keelest 5. Missuguse tuulega lahkus Mary Poppins? a) ida b) lõuna c) lääne 6. Millega mängisid lapsed, kui Mary poppins tagasi tuli? a) autodega b) laevadega c) tuulelohega 7. Missugune oli Jane õnnetu päev? 8. Kuhu läks portselankass kamina pealt? a) õue jalutama b) loomaaeda c) kuningalossi 9. Mille peale hakkasid kass ja kuningas võistlema? a) kuningatütre b) kuningriigi c) raha Vastused:1. kirsipuu alleel, 2. John ja Barbara, 3. Ida, 4. Said loomade keelest aru 5. Lääne, 6. Tuulelohega, 7. 8. Kuningalossi, 9. Kun...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
62 allalaadimist


OTTAWA FACTS ABOUT OTTAWA Capital of Canada Fourth largest city in the country 2,778.13 km2 Founded in 1826 as Bytown Incorporated as "Ottawa" in 1855 1857 Queen Victoria chose Ottawa to be the capital of Canada City's population 883,391 INTERESTING FACTS The name Ottawa comes from the Algonquin word adawe – which means to trade Ottawa is located on the banks of the Ottawa, Rideau and Gatineau Rivers Ottawa is the seventh coldest capital in the world About 25% of Ottawa residents were born outside of Canada Languages spoken include English (50%), French (32%) and a host of some other languages CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL Held every May, is one of the most famous festivals in Ottawa THE MAMAN SCULPTURE BY LOUISE BOURGEOIS OTTAWA CITY HALL Built as the headquarters of the former Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton TABARET HALL A hall at the University of Ottawa, founded in 1848 as the College of Bytown CANADIAN PARLIAMENT BUILDI...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hillary Duff

Hilary Duff Hilary Erhard Duff (born September 28, 1987) is an American actress and singer­songwriter. She also has her own business "Stuff by Hilary Duff". She has starred in films like "Agent Cody Banks", ,,A Cinderella Story" and ,,Cheaper by the Dozen". She is 1.57 m tall and slim. She has large dark eyes and blond hair. She has beautiful smile and full lips. She also has stunning features. I think that she likes to wear fashionable but comfortable clothes. I think that Hilary is a friendly and kind person. I also think that she is decisive and responsible. She is elegant. Somebody has said that deep down she has an aggressive attitude. She loves reading and dancing. She also likes listening to music and singing. Often she goes shopping with her older sister Haylie Duff. She loves swimming and watching movies. I like Hilary because she has the main charact...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Stonehenge kohta inglise keelne powerpointi esitlus!

Stonehenge About Stonehenge History "Mystery of Stonehenge" Construction Location Stonehenge Tour Location South-England 90 miles west of London 3.2 kilometres west of Amesbury, 13 kilometers north of Salisbury. History Evolved between 3,050BC and 1,600BC Constructed in three main phases: 3050BC, circular ditch and bank 2600BC, wooden structure constructed at centre 2500-1500BC, monument constructed, arranged and re- arranged "Mystery of Stonehenge" Multiplicity of theories: Stonehenge was domain of the dead, Woodhenge was land of the living. Place of healing. Observatory, temple Used for astronomical views. Construction Three periods: Period I (c. 2950-2900 BC) - circular enclosure (56 Aubrey holes and 4 Station Stones inside it), outlined by two banks, ditch with an...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
18 allalaadimist

Estonian Largest Towns

Largest towns in Estonia Tallinn Tallinn is located at the coast of Gulf of Finland. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. It is one of the best retained medieval European towns. The ,,Old Town" is located at the middle of the city and the Town Hall is the best-preserved Medieval town hall in Northern Europe. Tartu The university town, museum-rich and Hanseatic city of Tartu lies on the banks of the River Emajõgi. The capital of sothern Estonia is the second largest city in the country and the oldest in the Baltic States. Tartu is a modern city with a rich historical heritage and culture. One of Tartu ´s most important historical monuments is the St. John´s Church with it´s thousand terracotta sculptures. Narva As In the past, Narva remains a melting pot for nations, periods and cultures, old and new. This is what makes the town so special. The 13th century castle, a beautiful baroque Town Hall, the best pres...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Neti Kukk London London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom . London Eye The EDF Energy London Eye is a giant 135metre tall Fer r is wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames in the Br itish capital. The Tower of London Tower of London, is a histor ic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London, England. St Paul's Cathedral St Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral dedicated to Paul the Apostle. It sits at the top of Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of London, and is the seat of the Bishop of London. Shakespeare's Globe Shakespeare's Globe is a reconstr uction of the Globe Theatre which was destroyed by f ire in 1613. The theatre was opened to the public in 1997. Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is a large, mainly Gothic church in Westminst...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
9 allalaadimist

Kolm vaatlusväärsust inglismaal

No trip to London would be complete without a visit to the Tower of London. This famous historical site has been the living quarters of monarchs. It has been a site of imprisonment and execution of many traitors, clergymen, nobles and framed members of the royal court and was also an armory, treasury, zoo and mint. Today it houses the crown jewels and has a museum filled with armor, weapons and implements of torture. Another popular tourist sight is the London eye. Constructed by British Airways, it towers 135 meters above the banks of the Thames River. It is located near Big Ben and Westminster Abbey, on the opposite bank, adjacent to London's county hall. Views from the eye are spectacular and on a clear day most of London can be seen. If there's only one museum that can be seen, the British Museum is the one to visit. This museum has some of the largest collections on human culture and history. It is the home of the Rosetta Stone a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Two holidays in the UK

Two holidays in the UK In the UK are many holidays, some are weird, some aren't. I describe two holidays, which I think are quite interesting. Bank holidays are public holidays in the United Kingdom, when banks and many other businesses are closed for the day. One bank holiday is Stiltion Cheese Rolling. Cheese Rolling has become an annual event in Stilton and every May Day hundreds of villagers and visitors make their way to the main street to watch the teams battling for the honour of being called the 'Stilton Cheese Rolling Champions'. The event is also Stilton village festival, and includes Maypole dancing, live music and other entertainment. There are side-shows, fairground rides, stalls, food and drink, and a concert in the evening. The Floral Dance always takes place on the 8th of May, except when that falls on a Sunday or Monday, when the Dance is held ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Nirvana 8. klass Kes on Nirvana? Nirvana alustas tegevust 1987aastal; bändi muusika stiiliks on hard rock ja grunge; nende muusika on agressiivne ja suunatud inimeste vastu Cobain vihkas või armstas; 24. aprillil 1988 andis Nirvana Seattle'is oma esimese kontserti. Bändi liikmed Kurt Cobain (laulja, kitrrist); Krist Novoselic (basskitrraist); Dave Grohl (trummid). Algusaastad 1989aasta juunis ilmus Nirvana esimene album "Bleach"; selle plaadiümbrisele oli mägitud kitrraist Jason Everment, kuid tegelikult laenas ta bändile raha; 1990 aasta aprillis ja mais oli bänd tuuril; 1991 aastal 24. septembril anti välja album "Nevermind"; ka sellel polnud suur edu. Lahkhelid 1993 aastal läksid bändikaaslased tülli; bändi asutaja nõudis endale 75% Nirvana sissetulekust; Krist Novoselic ja David Grohl kaebasid Cobaini kohtusse ja vastupidi; Kurt sai oma tahtmise; Samal aastal olevat bänd k...

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Where would you prefer to live and why?

Where would you prefer to live and why? I would prefer to live in a big city instead of a village or a small town. For example Tallinn, London, New York or Paris. To start with, I would like to live in a big city because of its advantages. Big cities usually have more opportunities to spend your day and night. There are cinemas, coffee shops, theatres, shopping centres, libraries and night clubs. Although you need money to attend different exhibitions and shows big city also offers you free activities. Secondly, there are lots of banks, company offices and factories where people can work. That is the second reason I think big city life is better than a life in a small village. Last but not least, people usually think that they would not like to live in a big city because there are too many people there and they would feel suffocated. But there are areas outside the centre of the town where people live. Big...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


The aim of this report is to describe social and economic situation in Estonia. Estonia is well known because for it's highly developed IT-sector. IT-sector is the fastest growing area. In the words of about two-thirds of households have a broadband Internet connection. Due to more people go online to vote and do their business with the banks. As time goes by, more and more discoveries are made in the IT field. However, the income of estonians is one of the lowest in the European Union, therefore there is a big gap between different social layers. Estonians average monthly wage is 792 EUR, which means that the average monthly wage is bigger only than in Latvia. Other European Union countries have higher average monthly wages. Small salary is accompanie by aging. That is because families with smaller income do not want to have children, because they can not adequately care for them. That is the reason why the gro...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Natalja Rudtsenko 10R2 Prague History of the name  The use of the word «Prah» as "Riverside" in Old Slavonic, which is caught in the early settlers as the name of the place. Location  It is the capital of Czech Republic.  Located on the banks of the Vltava River. Population It’s also a largest city, with 1.3 million inhabitants. The fourteenth largest city in the European Union. Historical facts  After the collapse(распад) of the Austro-Hungarian Union in 1918, the Czech Republic became an independent country. Czech Republic nowadays  1999: March 12, Czech Republic becomes a member of NATO.  2004: May 1, Czech Republic joins the European Union (E.U.). Visegrad  Visegrad Castle in the Czech Republic was built in the 10th century. According to local legend Visegrad is located in the site of the first set...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Banksy Banksy on väga salapärane meister. Vaid väga vähestel inimestel on olnud võimalus näha teda näost näkku, ning teda intervjueerida. Mõni inimene on suutnud välja uurida, et Banksy päris nimi võib olla Robert või Robin Banks. Kuid mitte keegi ei ole selles kindel ja seda pole ka kindlalt tõestatud. Samuti on räägitud, et Banksy on valgenahaline, ning üsna lohaka väljanägemisega mees. Banksy ütles,et isegi tema vanemad ei tea,et ta tegeleb graffitiga. Banksy teosed satuvad ka tihtipeale oksjonile, ning need ostetakse ruttu ja kiire raha eest ära. Muidugi on märgistanud Banksy ka väga palju müüre ja seinu. Enamik arvavad, et Banksy kasutab sabloone, kuna ta teeb nii täpseid jooniseid. Samuti arvatakse, et ta kasutab selleks arvuti abi. Banksy kohta ei leidu kuskil erilist infot, kuna ta hoiab end salajas, seega ei ole tema kohta palju infot avaldatud. Kindlalt teadakse ainult seda, et tema graf...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
4 allalaadimist

London - Inglismaa pealinn

LONDON London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom. London's population is about 7,518,000. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Sightseeing Madame Tussaud Wax Figures museum Westminster Abby Big Ben Buckingham Palace London Zoo Harrod's department store London Tower Bridge London Tower Bridge Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, England, over the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, which gives it its name. It has become an iconic symbol of London. Harrod's department store Harrods is a high-end department store in...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Packaging General characteristics of the packaging q Packaging ­ tool or set of tools that protect goods from damage and loss. q Packaging is really important, as all kinds of damage may be caused to shipments : moisture, corrosion, dropping, evaporation, chemical reactions, and pilferage. Its essential to arrange for safe packing. Packing elements Ø Packing elements are containers, packaging or dressings material. Ø Package means the container for storage of goods or for their transportation. Ø Packaging materials mean any material used especially to protect something. qualification of packing Number of signs: Ø place Ø purpoce Ø the applied materials Ø form Ø frequency rate of use in a place of packing distinguish v Production - technological operation carries a manufacturer. v Trading - holding seller. This trading service can be free or paid. types of packaging ...

Logistika → Laonduse alused
6 allalaadimist

London - tornide linn

London There were some people living on the banks of the Thames, when the Romans came to England in 43 AD. But we don't know much about them. The Romans built houses, a port and a bridge over the river and named the place Londinium. The bridge which was built by the Romans was later known as London Bridge and it was built in stone in 1176. London soon became the largest city in England and by the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066 it had become the most important city in Britain. It grew area and population until September 1666, when the Great fire destroyed four fifths of the wooden buildings in the City. The fire began in the kitchen of the King's baker in Pudding Lane and lasted for five days. By now London is a city of seven million people covering over 1,5 square miles. Nowadays the population of London is made up of the people of very many nationalities. It is a popular...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Introduction tallinnasse

INTRODUCTION Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It occupies a surface of 159.2 km2 in which 404,000 inhabitants live. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the banks of the Gulf of Finland, in north-western Estonia. Tallinn is the location of many institutions of higher education and science. As an important port for trade between Russia and Scandinavia, it became a target for the expansion of the Teutonic Knights and the Kingdom of Denmark. Historically, the city has been attacked, sacked, razed and pillaged on numerous occasions. Although extensively bombed by Soviet airforces during the latter stages of World War II, much of the medieval Old Town still retains its charm. Since independence, improving air and sea transport links with Western Europe and Estonia's accession to the European Union have made Tallinn easily accessible to tourists. SIGHTSEEING The main attractions are in the two old towns, ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Mammals of Australia

Mammals of Australia · Australia has more than 378 mammal species . · It is the only continent in the world to still have all three of the major groups of mammals: monotremes, marsupials and placentals. · Some of the best-known animals are the kangaroo, koala, echidna, dingo, platypus, wallaby and wombat. · Monotremes - egg-laying mammals (nowadays found only in Australia and New Guinea) Marsupials - babies born in embryonic condition and kept firmly attached to a teat in a pouch or nestled behind a protective skin-flap while developing further Placentals - unborn young are nourished by a placenta and born at a more advanced stage, some still naked, blind and unable to walk for a week or two, others able to run on their day of birth Monotremes: Marsupial: Placentals: Echidna Kangaroo Dugong Dingoes The Dingo is Australia's wild dog. It is found in Australia, in all states but Tasmania. The...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
6 allalaadimist

London Eye Power Point esitlus

LONDON EYE The EDF Energy London Eye, also known as London Eye is a giant 135metre tall Ferris wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames in the British capital. Facts about london eye It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe. It is visited by over ~3.5 million people every year. The wheel carries 32 sealed and air conditioned ovoidal passenger capsules Each 10 tonne capsule holds 25 people. History The London Eye was formally opened by the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, on 31 December 1999. It was opend to the public on 9. March 2000 after it's formal opening because of technical problems. On 5 June 2008 it was announced that 30 million people had ridden the London Eye since its opening. Critical reception Sir Richard Rogers, winner of the 2007 Pritzker Architecture Prize, wrote of the London Eye in a book about the project: "The Eye has done for London what the Eiffel Tower did for Paris, which is to give it...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Definite Article (The)

DEFINITE ARTICLE (THE) THE IS USED BEFORE: · nouns which are unique (the moon) · names of: o cinemas (the Opera) o hoteles (the Hilton) o theaters (the Palladium) o museums (the Louvre), o newspapers/magazines (the European but: Newseek) o ships (the Titanic), o galleries (the Tate Gallery) o rivers (the Thames) o seas (the Black Sea) o groups of islands/states (the USA) o mountain ranges (the Alps) o deserts (the Negev Desert) o oceans o canals o names or nouns with ''of'' (the Queen of Spain) · musical intruments (the piano) · dances (the samba) · names of families (the Browns) · nationalities ending in ­sh, -ch or ­ese (the Welsh). Othe plural nationalities are used with or without ''the'' (the Australians or Australians) · titles (the King, the Profess...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Essee teemal "I am buying myself an apartment"

I am buying myself an apartment I would like to buy a apartment – I am 25 years old and I have some saving, actually – a lots of savings. I have saved a lot of money to buy my dream apartment in Tallinn. What kind of apartment would I like to buy? The apartment has to be in the downtown, it would be perfect, if it is located in Tallinn’s old town. The apartment should definitely have excellent view to the old town, it should be large and wide. I would love, when the apartment is in old house and if it is renovated, but still has some vintage style. The most important thing is that the apartment has to have two or more floors. Good dream, huh? In fact, in old town, there is an apartment that fits to my requirements – apartments like that are expensive and I have to get a loan. I decided that I will take the loan from Swedbank, SEB or LHV, because they offer a loan, that has better conditi...

Keeled → Business english
3 allalaadimist

Progressiivne rock

P R O G R ESS IIV N E RO CK Nimi Kool Klass Progressiivne rock • On rokkmuusika alamsuund. • Kujunes välja psühhedeelisest rockist 1960- ndate lõpus ja 1970- ndate algul Inglismaal. • Tähelepanu pööratakse instrumentaalsetele osadele. • Populaarsuse kõrgaeg oli 1970. aastate keskel. M uusika • Loo pikkus kuni 20 minutit. • Puuduvad kindlad rocki elemendid. • Avameelne ning avatud. • Mitmekesine. • Mõjutatav teiste muusikastiilide poolt. • Sõnad on poeetilised ning fantaasiaküllased. Koosseis • Laulja • Kitarrist • Bassi-, löökpilli- ja süntesaatorimängija • Viiul • Flööt • Saksofon Tuntuim ad ansam blid Maailmas: • Pink Floyd • Yes • Genesis • Emerson, Lake & Palmer Eestis: • Ruja • Radar Ansam blid m aailm as Pink Floyd Yes Ansam blid m aailm as Genesis Emerson, Lake & Palmer Ansam blid Eestis Ruja Radar ...

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Modern Tallinn

MODERN TALLINN Danel Toom Kärol Pilberg 9. class In this presentation we are focusing on the modern architecture of Tallinn. The city has alot of different modern buildings. We will intoduce you some of them in the next couple of minutes. KUMU Opend in 2006. Has close to 25 000 rooms. It has 7 floors. Kumu's permanent exhibition introduces Estonian art from 18th century till 1991. ESTONIAN FILM MUSEUM Opend in 2017. The building is minimalistic with façade of stained walls. It has an exhibitions dedicated to the history of cinema in Estonia. Architects were Anto Savi, Margus Soonets and Jürgen Lepper. NOA RESTAURANT Opend in 2014 The building has been specially built for the restaurant. The interior is simple and full of light and all tables have a view to the sea. VIIMSI SECONDARY SCHOOL The ground floor of the school is in the shape of a sun weel. Different wings of the building mee...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


London There were some people living on the banks of the Thames when the Romans came to England in 43 AD. But we don't know much about them. London first called Londinium . In 200 they built a wall around their city, a part of which can still be seen near the Museum of London . London Bridge was built in stone in 1176. It was London's only bridge until 1729. Now there are about twenty bridges . London soon became the largest city in England and by the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066 it had become the most important city in Britain. It grew in are and population until September 1666, when the Great Fire destroyed four fifths of the wooden buildings in the City including St Paul's Cathedral. The fire began in the kitchen of King's baker in Pudding Lane and lasted for five days. London is an exciting city which attracts people from all over the world. It is popular place to live because there is something new to see and do every day. M...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele artiklid

THE NO ARTICLE · Names in the plural = countries: the Nether- * Names of countries / towns (also with an es- lands, the USA; the West Indies ablished modifier): (South) Estonia, Tartu · Names of the countries, and towns with a * Expressions from North to South etc. characteristing / spacifying modifer: the Tartu of th 19th century * Names of streets, bridges, airports, parks, squares, buildings, railway stations, shops, · Names of rivers, channels / canals, seas, addresses: Fleet Street, Tower Bridge, oceans, streams, straits: the Danube; the Suez Kennedy Airport, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Canal; the Baltic Sea; the Pacific Ocean; the Square, Buckingham Palace, Victoria Station, Bering...

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Symbols of Estonia

Symbols of Estonia Estonian coat of arms The Estonian coat-of-arms has ancient roots and resembles both that of Denmark and of England. The three blue leopard-like creatures on a gold background were first used in 1219 as part of the coat-of-arms of the city of Tallinn and, later in history, of the Estonian province. In 1925, what is called the three lion coat-of-arms finally became the national coat-of-arms. National flower The campaign to choose a national flower for Estonia was organized by The Estonian Wildlife Protection Society in 1967-1968 where the ornamental Blue Cornflower was the favourite because of its popularity and decorative appearance, because of this Blue Cornflower was selected as the National Flower of Estonia. National bird The barn swallow, the national bird, is a characteristic guest of Estonian homes. Its call can be heard from practically every eave or barn rafter in t...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Common Kingfisher - Jäälind

Common Kingfisher Common Kingfisher is 16-20cm tall and weighs 38-45 grams. It's wings are short and wide and about 7-8cm long. It has short and straight-cut tail. Beak is long, straight and with suddenly outreaching end. Common Kingfisher's head, back and wing feathers are azurite blue, pate has black and light blue stripes. Common Kingfisher is also known as Eurasian Kingfisher or River Kingfisher. Common Kingfisher lives in Eurasia and North-Africa, except for North-Scandinavia. In Finland it lives at south coast, in Africa it lives in north from Sahara. In Asia it lives in North-Turkey, Caucasia, West-Iran, India, East-China and more. It is resident in much of its range, but migrates from areas where rivers freeze in winter. In winter Common Kingfisher travels from north to Mediterranean countries. It is a rare bird in Estonia, up to 1000 birds in summer, and 100 birds in winter. Commo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Sightseeing *Haanja Nature Park Haanja Nature Park (area about 17,000 ha) is situated on the Upland of Haanja and was established for the protection of the highest region of Estonia and the Baltic States In addition to the beautiful domed hills, deep valleys and picturesque small lakes old villages, customs and cultural traditions have been preserved * Timmas Nature Reserve Timmas Nature Reserve(the Reserve) is taken under the protection of natural forest and meadow colonies of protected species Reserve land and water protection regime is divided into the character and the degree of economic control of two special management zones and limited. *Suur Munamägi The highest point of the Baltic States Suur Munamägi (318 m, from foot to summit 62m) is situated in the Southern part of the Village of Haanja, 18km South from Võru There is...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd,Phil Collins, Peter Brian Gabriel, Briti ansambel Genesis, Emerson, Lake & Palmer(ELP), Yes

Frank Zappa. oli helilooja, kitarrist, produtsent, filmirezissöör. Sündis 21. detsembril 1940. Tema käekirja kujunemist suunasid kaasaegne klassikaline muusika ja rütmibluus.. Frank Zappa oli muusikuna iseõppija ja karjääri alustas hoopis trummarina.. Tema esimese bändi nimi oli The Mothers Of Invention. The Mothers Of Inventioni esimene helikandja ,,Freak Out" ilmus 1966. aastal. Tema viimane plaat, klassikalise muusikaga ,,The Yellow Shark" ilmus 1993. aastal. Rohkem kui 30. aasta pikkuse karjääri jooksul kehtestas ta ennast loominguliselt. Oma eluaja vältel andis ta välja 57 plaati, pärast surma on ilmunud veel 22, kokku seega 79 helikandjat. Lisaks muusikale lõi Frank Zappa animatsioone, lühifilme, muusikavideosid ja albumikujundusi. Ta hääletati 1995. aastal postuumselt Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame'i liikmeks. Frank Zappa. suri 4. detsembril 1993. Tema monument asub Vilniuses, selle autor on Konstantinas Bogdanas. Pink Floyd on inglis...

Muusika → Muusika
16 allalaadimist

Names with and without the

Names with and without the. A/ We do not use 'the' with names of most streets/roads/squares/parks etc.: Union Street (not 'the...') / Fifth Avenue/ Piccadilly Circus/ Hyde Park Blackrock Road/ Broadway/ Times Square/ Waterloo Bridge Many names (especially names of important buildings and institutions) are two words: Kennedy Airport/ Cambridge University The first word is usually the name of a person ('Kennedy') or a place ('Cambridge'). We do not usually use 'the' with names like these. Some more examples: Victoria Station (not 'the...') / Edinburgh Castle/ London Zoo/ Westminster Abbey/ Buckingham Palace/ Canterbury Cathedral But we say 'the White House', 'the Royal Palace', because 'white' and 'royal' are not names like 'Kennedy' and 'Cambridge'. This is only a general rule and there are exceptions. B/ Most other names (of places, buildings etc.) have names with the: These places usually have names w...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

London Eye

London Eye The London Eye is an extremely large passenger-carrying wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames in Central London in the United Kingdom. It is the largest observation wheel in Europe, and has become the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over three million people in one year. At the time it was erected, in 1999, it was the tallest observation wheel in the world, until it was surpassed by the Star of Nanchang (160 meters (524 ft 11 in)) in May 2006, and then the Singapore Flyer (165 meters (541 ft 4 in). The wheel carries 32 sealed and air-conditioned egg-shaped (each 10 tonne) capsule holds 25 people, who are free to walk around inside the capsule, though seating is provided. It rotates at 26 cm (10 in) per second (about 0.9 km/h or 0.6 mph) so that one revolution takes about 30 minutes. T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun