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"smart" - 344 õppematerjali

smart – eesmärkide omadused Spetsiifilised (specific) – suunatud mingile konkreetsele valdkonnale ja üheselt mõistetavad Mõõdetavad (measerable) – numbriliselt mõõdetavad Kokkulepitud (agreed) – võtmeisikuga kooskõlastatud ja kogu organisatsioonis teatavaks tehtud Realistlikud (realistic) – piisavalt kõrged, et innustada inimesi pingutama, kuid samas saavutatavad Ajastatud (timed) – seotud konkreetse ajakavaga, et nende saavutamist oleks võimalik mõõta.

Kasutaja: smart

Faile: 0

Smart devices

SMART DEVICES DIANA MÄRTSON GRETE LY JÕGISOO SMART DEVICES A smart device is an electronic device, generally connected to other devices or networks Several notable types of smart devices are smartphones, phablets and tablets, smartwatches, smart bands and smart key chains. SMARTPHONES • The first smartphone was invented 2007 • In early 2007, Apple Inc. introduced the iPhone, one of the first smartphones to use a multi-touch interface.  • The iPhone was notable for its use of a large touchscreen for direct finger input as its main means of interaction, instead of a stylus, keyboard, or keypad typical for smartphones at the time.

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoseadmed
2 allalaadimist

Smart cities

Smart cities Nowadays more than half of all people in the world live in urban areas. By mid century this will increase about 20 per cent. For successful operations people need smart cities. The smart city functions like the human body. Smart cities make cities more liveable, efficient, sustainable and safe. Smart cities are built around users. It leverage technology to serve people. Smart cities start with an information network designed to optimize resources and thereby promote sound, sustainable development. It has been expected that in 2025 there are at least 88 smart cities. Connected streets are the core of smart cities. Smart connected streetlights open up many possibilities. They can gather and send information. Standby lighting can switch on when somebody walks by. There can be specific lighting to cross the street safely

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Smart dust ehk arupuru

Arupuru Smart dust Ilmar Telga DARPA Smart dust kontseptsioon 1998. aastast USA sõjaliste uuringute agentuuri DARPA poolt Idee oli puistata lennukilt sõjategevuse alale tuhandeid väikesi andureid raadiosaatjaga Jälgivad märkamatult vaenlase tegevust Iseorganiseeruvad andurid moodustavad intelligentse võrgu, mis filtreerib ja töötleb esmased andmed, et saata oluline teave väejuhatusele Algne motivatsioon Sõjalised eesmärgid ­ luure DARPA ,,line in the sand" o Suhteliselt odav & täpne luureinfo vaenlase tagalast 2002 Afganistan 2003 Iraak Line in the sand Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Arupuru kübemed...

Informaatika → Intelligentsed süsteemid
3 allalaadimist

Smart Client / Rich Client ja nende vahe. Väikesed ja keskmised rakendused. Suured rakendused

Tarmo Dulinets TA2 Smart Client / Rich Client ja nende vahe. Väikesed ja keskmised rakendused. Suured rakendused Essee keskendub tänapäevaste Smart Client ja Rich Client rakenduste erinevustele ja sarnasustele ning väikeste, keskmiste ja suurte rakenduste võrdlusele. Essee eesmärk on tuua välja rakendustüüpide erinevused, kasutades selleks erinevaid materjale internetist. Smart Client tüüpi rakendus kasutab internetiühendust, mis loob võimaluse kasutaja lokaalsetel rakendustel arvutis suhelda serveripõhiste rakendustega üle veebi. See on kui sild veebirakenduste ja töölauarakenduste vahel. Smart Client rakenduste

Informaatika → Rakenduse tüübid
2 allalaadimist

Should smart devices be banned in the classroom?

Should smart devices be banned in the classroom? Now days smart phones are inseparable part our lives, we can see them everywhere. Students have them all over the world. The disadvantages of banning smart devices are several. Cellphones can be very useful if used for the right purposes. When smart devices are banned then students can’t use their smart phones for looking up information, or knowing what homework is and can’t use them for dictionaries or calculators. The advantages of banning smart devices are more than advantages. When tabs, smart phones or computers are banned then also students could not cheat on a test by looking for information on the Internet and they could not get distracted on their devices by being socially active by texting on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or playing games.

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Harmful effects on the eye caused by smart devices

Tallinn Healthcare College optometry OP1 Name HARMFUL EFFECTS ON THE EYE CAUSED BY SMART DEVICES Report in english Tutor: Name Tallinn 2016 SUMMARY Smart devices are nowadays widely used by most of the peole. Smartphones and computers are used in schools, at work and at free time for social interaction and communication. Using these devices can affect the condition of an eye.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Projektijuhtimise kodune eksam vastustega 2006a

,,Igiliikuri leiutamine ja kasutuselevõtt" kui vaadata seda projekti kui TTÜ popualiseerimine õpilaste sees, siis vajadus ei seisneks riiklikul tasandil, vaid TTÜ tutvustamises ja ürituse tulemusena tekitada noortes huvi tootearenudse ja tehnoloogia vastu ning et osalejad tulevikus TTÜs õppimise kasuks otsustataks. 3. Kas projekti eesmärk(-gid) on sõnastatud õigesti? Ei ole, seal puudub SMART analüüs. Näiteks ei lugenud välja: mida saab eesmärgi juures mõõta, millal eesmärk saavutatakse, kas see on reaalne, kas eesmärk on selge ja ühemõtteline. Antud eesmärgid käisid ,,Innovatsiooniteadlikkuse programmi" kohta, aga eesmärgid puuduvad ,,Igiliikuri leiutamise ka kasutuselevõtt" projekti kohta. 4. Kas projektis kavandatud tegevused on piisavalt põhjalikult lahti seletatud? Ei ja jah

Haldus → Projektijutimine
211 allalaadimist

Disadvantages and advantages of using smart-phones in a lesson

Disadvantages and advantages of using smart-phones in a lesson Nowadays a lot of schools give a permission to use smart-phones in lessons for searching information, looking up new words or doing excercises. Therefore, it could raise many difficulties for students using smart-phones in a lesson. One of the advantages of using smart-phones in studies is that they are more effective. For instance, students do not have to waste time anymore for looking up new words from books like in the old times. Now, they can simply enter a word and get it, or when they have to read a excercise or a story, then they can access to it very fast. Also, nowadays society is accustomed to use smart-phones and it is easier to them remember new words or important information. Therefore, smart-phones have advantage to make one a better learner and do things faster. A big disadvantage of using smart-phones is that they can affect ones health and capab...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


SMART(TELE2 ­ sinised reklaamid), SIMPEL(EMT ­ enamus punaste kirjadega reklaamid) Neid kõnekaarte kasutavad need kliendid, kes ei soovi end lepinguga siduda. Simpeli ja Smarti peamine sihtgrupp on noored(RÄÄGI PALJU JAKSAD!, NOORED ON HUKAS!, TOPELT SIMPEL!, SUVEL ON EMT INTERNET SULLE POOLE SOODAM!, SURFA PALJU JAKSAD!, VÕTA INTERNET KÕIKJALE KAASA! Jne). Sellel sihtgrupil on oluline kulude hoidmine kindla kontrolli all ­ kui lapsevanem annab lapsele kuuks ajaks 100kroonise kõneajakaardi, ei saa laps "kogemata" rääkida 300 krooni eest. Argument on ka kuumaksu puudumine ­ maksad ainult kõnede eest. Kliendile on tähtis kuumaksu puudumine ja võimalus tasuda vaid tehtud kõnede eest. TELE2 (ülejäänud loosungid) Ülejäänud loosungid on mõeldud peredele(PERE SEES SAAB TASUTA!), kus on mitu mobiilikasutajat või suunatud kõikidele inimestele(RÄÄGI SUVE LÕPUNI TASUTA!, MEIE MAKSAME SINU ARVED!, MILLEKS MAKSTA ROHKEM!, SUPER SALE!, JÕULUHINNAD!, ...

Meedia → Reklaam
32 allalaadimist

Harmful effects on the eye caused by smart devices English presentation

OP-1 Tallinn Healthcare College HARMFUL EFFECTS ON THE EYE CAUSED BY SMART DEVICES 2016 Eye  Eye is an organ in both humans and other animals which allows to see. Blue light causes damage  Smart devices radiate blue light  Blue light has damaging effect on the eye because it refracts in front of the retina  This forces the eye to focus constantly so the eye gets tired quickly. „Dry eye syndrome“  Dry eye syndrome is a collection of symptoms which are caused by a lack of or low quality of the tear fluid  Lack of eye blinking Macular Degeneration Disease  Macula can not be damaged at all to have a correct visual acuity

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Valmistumine eksamiks

Volituste delegeerimine Delegeerimine ­ juhi õiguste, vastutuse ja kohustuste osaline üleandmine teisele isikule, kes harilikult asub sama ettevõtte madalamal juhtimisastmel. Volitus ­ õigus käsutada ja kasutada ettevõtte eesmärkide saavutamise nimel teatud ressursse. Vastutus ­ kohustus vastutada teatud ülesannete korraliku täitmise eest. Delegeerimise puudus näitab juhi nõrkust juhtimises. Delegeerida saab siis, kui ettevõttes valitseb tööjaotus. Delegeerimine ei vabasta vastutusest. Neli võtmesõna: 1.Vastutus 2. Volitused (tegevusõiguste andmine) 3. Vastutuskohustus (neile keda delegeeritakse) 4. Usaldus Delegeerimine ja kontroll: · Ei saa edukalt delegeerida, kui ei ole kontrolli · Kontrollmehhanismide loomine välistab juhtumised, sest ohumärgid avastatakse juba eos · Delegeeritavad oskavad kontrollmehhanisme hinnata Volituste delegeerimise printsiibid: 1. Juhtimistöö üldmahu, selle liikide kindlaks...

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
278 allalaadimist

18 kuu kuni 5 aasta vanuste laste erivajaduste ja puuete analüüs

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledž Sotsiaaltöö korralduse osakond xxxxxxxxx AÜSRx 18- KUU KUNI 5- AASTA VANUSTE LASTE ERIVAJADUSTE JA PUUETE ANALÜÜS Referaat Juhendaja: Dagmar Narusson Pärnu 2016 SISSEJUHATUS Suurem osa erivajadusi ilmnevad varajases lapsepõlves. Paljude puuete puhul arenevad lapsed mingi ajani normaalselt ja just kindlas vanuses hakkavad tekkima tagasilöögid ja spetsiifilised tunnused, mis annavad märku puude olemasolust. Antud töö eesmärk on uurida ja kirjeldada varajases lapsepõlves kõige sagedasemaid haigusi ning puudeid ja erivajadusi. Väikelapse ning eelkooliiga on aeg, mil inimene hakkab oma keha üle kontrolli omama ning seda keskkonnas kasutama. See on aeg, mil lapsed saavad aru soo erinevustest, õpivad suhtlema ning muutuvad veidi iseseisvamaks oma vanematest. Väikelapse eas toim...

Meditsiin → Rehabilitatsiooni teooriad,...
16 allalaadimist

Kõne "Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character"

Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character When I was choosing a topic what I'm going to talk about, I read: Learning in itself is not as important as personality and character, and I momentarily knew that this is a topic what I really like. First of all: What I think, which one is more important ? To be smart or individual ? And I have to say that I am absolutely sure that there is nothing better to be clever and intelligent. Like our headmaster said on September 1st, that when you are smart, you will be rich and powerful also. Education and knowledge are foundations of our life. Some people think, that it doesn't matter how educated you are. Important is how unique you are, how good impression you left, how beautiful or original you are. I don't want

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
8 allalaadimist

My dream home

• A man cave • A garage • A gym STYLE • Futuristic • White • Glass walls • Big • Lit • Roomie APPLIANCES • A ton of screens • Kitchen appliances • Flying and driving simulator • Holographic projectors • A huge TV • Consoles of any kind and type • Home security system. • A stereo system • Smart windows and tables • A secure VPN server. • A home cinema • Multiple gaming PCs SERVICES • Internet (1Gbps). • Wifi. • Personal helicopter. • Satellite TV. • Security. • Cleaner. • Gardener. • Personal assistent. • Mail delivery.

Arhitektuur → Sisekujundus
3 allalaadimist


Omadussõna Omadussõna kasutatakse kahel moel: · nimisõna täiend a smart girl a pretty boy · verbi be öeldistäide The girl is smart. The boy is pretty. Omadussõnal ei ole inglise keeles mitmust. smart girls pretty boys Omadussõnal on kolm võrdlusastet: Algvõrre Keskvõrre Ülivõrre The positive degree The comparative degree The superlative degree small smaller the smallest funny funnier the funniest

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Praising Children

In 1969 Nathaniel Branden said that high self-esteem is the main foundation for parenting and has dominated since. It is incredibly important for us all to have a feeling of self-worth and acceptance, but as- children are been praised too much. Are we given the skills to work at a goal instead of expecting to complete it easily because we are told we are "smart"? Are we set up for failure by being told how smart we are, when in all actuality maybe we are right where we should be: in the middle? I have a feeling that the way we praise and are been praised is going to change; not that teachers and parents are going to be overly critical of their children and students, but that the way they encourage their kids will be more equal to others. We should be inspired to work harder for knowledge not for grades. B.K 11c

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

How to choose glasses for a child

glasses for adults,  a frame should rest on both ears and nose equally. Flexible glasses for younger children are a great opportunity to get used to them. Plastic frames or metal frames?  Plastic frames are lighter and more comfortable.  Plastic frames are cheaper.  Metal frames have special nose pads.  It is important for glasses to be durable. Every child wants to look like smart and cool.  If a child wears glasses which are modern and look smart, he/she will enjoy wearing them. In conclusion  Children´s glasses must be:  comfortable,  durable,  closer to the face,  anatomically correct,  enjoyable. Thank you for your attention!

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Second, no boys in our school, and it's a relief not having to deal with the distractions during class time. There are two all-boys school in neighborhood and they hold open dances that are great for checking out prospective prom dates. Third, girls sports are extremely popular in our school. When our school plays another at basketball, our tiny gym is packed with crazy fans cheering on their classmates. Fourthly, here you're not a dork just because you're smart. It's cool be smart and hard-working. And there's plenty of help available for students who need it. Our school's mission statement is `The pursuit of excellence within the Catholic Tradition'. That phrase struck a chord with me in my freshman year and I hope it still rings true when I graduate.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

What is addiction

hard to be normal without doing drugs. And thats fysical addiction. Secondly human can be addicted to another person. When a person have been tigheter with someone then this person starts to get used to that and finaly he she thinks she gant live without. That calld a relezionchip. Its a good addiction when two persons cant live without eachother and are being there for eachother. And finaly i think the worse is being addicted to smart gadgets. Its nowadays trend to use all the time smartphones, tablets and computers. And children dont know how to talk properly anymore because in smart gadgets we use short words and little soulless pictures. And thats the worse addiction.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Elektri alused

Aku "mäletab" taset mida kasutatakse enne taaslaadimist, näiteks kui regulaarselt laadida akut peale 75% kasutamise hakkab aku käituma nagu see 75% olekski aku täismahutavus, raisates seega 25% aku tegelikust mahutavusest NiMH Akude teine generatsioon Akumälu tekkib väga vähe Akukemikaalid pole nii ohtlikud kui NiCd akudel, siiski tuleb akud ohutult utiliseerida Smart Battery ­ tehnoloogia välistab aku ülelaadimise Parema akuvastupidavusega kui NiCd Smart Battery Tehnoloogia kus aku külge on ehitatud elektroonikaskeem mis kontrollib aku olekut, välistab ülelaadimise Seadmed on disainitud kasutamaks kindlaid akutüüpe, Li-Ion akut kasutavas seadmes ei tohi kasutada vanemaid akutüüpe, smart battery tehnoloogiat mittetoetavasse seadmesse ei või smart battery akusid paigaldada ja ka vastupidi Li-Ion Kõige enamkasutatavam uus akutüüp Väga suure vastupidavusega Patareimälu ei tekki Li-Ion akud võivad ülelaadimisel

Elektroonika → Elektroonika alused
79 allalaadimist

Do beauty contests serve a purpose in present society

Different people are good at different things. Some people are excellent swimmers, some play baseball, some can draw, sing, dance or are extremely smart. But then there are also people whose talent is to be unbelieveably beautiful. Everybody wants to be the best at what they like to do. For developing people attend competitions. Some of the competitions can be useful for bigger amount of people than only for them who compeed COMPETITORS ON SEE SÕNA. For example smart people try to create a new cure for some scary illness. The winner manages to do that and everybody is happy and there are more healthy people in the world. But then there are also sports competitions which are good for entertainment but thereARE no actual benefits coming from them. At the same time people like it very much and are happy to attend and KAASA ELADA. ATHLETES can do what they are the best at. I think that beauty contests are for pretty people

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele arvustus sarjale Jeeves and Wooster

,,Jeeves and Wooster" have 23 episodes. The first season are directed by Robert Young, the second by Simon Langton and the two last series are directed by Ferdinand Fairfax. The theme song is an original piece of music in the jazz/swing style written by composer Anne Dudley. Like I was saying the action discribe 1920's and 1930's and that's the reason why the jokes are more controlled than today. You can see and feel the 30's environment and how peoples are polite and wear smart clothes. Bertie Wooster is young jovial but empty-headed gentleman. He always fall into troble, but his improbably well-informed and talented valet Jeeves help him out. More closely I am going to talk about series 4, episode 1, because this is the only episode what I had seen, but I think it's enough to have my view about that comedy cycle. The first episode of the 4th season is "Return to New York". The episode is adapted from three stories by P.G

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

School Uniforms

not? There are many good sides of wearing uniforms. First, everyone is equal. There would be no fights or teasing about people's clothes because everyone is wearing the same ones. Secondly, school uniforms help to create a strong sense of belonging somewhere. With different clothes no one would notice, that for instance you and your friend go the same school. It would be easier to recognize people with their uniforms. Uniforms also prepare you for your future life, when you often have to dress smart when you go to work. It is a lot easier to dress every morning because you do not have to choose between different sets of clothes. You will have only one to choose ­ the uniform. However, I think, that students should not wear uniforms. Wearing uniforms will make individuality dissapear and as a result we would have a group of students in grey or blue uniforms. We could not express ourselves by what we wear. The uniforms are also quite boring and not very inviting

Keeled → Inglise keel
50 allalaadimist

Technology and choice

already changing evolution by abortion. But mayby in the future we have a choice of what kind a baby we would like. You'll never know, perhaps they will make a menu and you can select a baby of your own taste. You could choose a girl with hot body and kind heart. In addition you could make her intelligence high, make her tall and give her hobbies. I think that it may be nice to choose hair color and eye color, and even gender. But choosing whether he/she will be smart, stupid or tall is just a bit wierd for me. We'ev been living this way for a very long time and now they think they're going to change the world and everything will be as it has been forever. I don't think so. One the one hand it would be great for some people, because I think that if you can choose if he or she is smart then you probably could change some kind of disease that has been in the family for decades. On the other hand, if you

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


commands to a relay-based power controller, issuing door open and door closed commands to the door operator microprocessor, issuing run signals to the selector microprocessor, and controlling elevator slowdown. A serial communications link is provided among the various microprocessors in the system. Riided Tänu tehnoloogia arengule on leitud võimalusi, kuidas kasutada mikroprotsessoreid riietuses. Selliseid riideid kutsutakse ,,Targad riided" või siis Smart Clothes. Peamiselt on seda katsetatud sõjaväes, näiteks ,,tark särk" mõõdab sõduri südame tööd, hingamist ja vererõhku. Selliseid särke kasutatakse ka laste äkksurmade põhjuste uurimiseks. Tulevikus loodetakse selline riietus arendada nii kaugele, et kui selle särgi või muu riideeseme kandja viga saab, saadetakse läbi riideesemes oleva mikroprotsessori kannatanu telefoni signaal, mis idee järgi peaks panema telefoni hädaabisse helistama

Informaatika → Informaatika
12 allalaadimist

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower 1. Explain a) the wallflower b) an epistolary novel  Is shy and unpopular person who dont have friends.  Book what consist of the letters. In this book Charlie wrote to somebody. 2. Give a short profile of Charlie. He is shy, very smart. He likes reading. He had lost two important people in his life – His aunt Helen and his best friend Michael. He didnt had other friends until he met Sam and Patrick. 3. What kind of girlfriend does Charlie think his brother should have? What ideas does he have about super models? A smart girl who wears a lot of sweathers and drinks cocola. They would talk about books a nd issues and kiss in the rain. Charlie personally finds super models strange. 4

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Misusing and Abusing the IoT ( Ingliskeelne referaat andmeturve ITX0040 jaoks)

[3]. Due to the variety of tasks the devices connected to the IoT monitor and administer, the amount of information to extract from those devices is fairly large. A british IT-consultant discovered that the LG made smart-TV has been sending back information to the company, about what shows the viewer has been watching and even what files are stored in the USB disk connected to the TV, without the user’s proper consent [4]. By collecting the data from just a smart TV, you could by long-term surveillance, form a pattern which tells you at what days and times a person watches television. From those times, you could deduce when a person is at work, when he is at home, on which days he doesn’t work, at which time does he go to sleep, which shows and topics interest him the most and so forth. The raw data could be then sold to the highest bidder or it could be organized. By collecting data from multiple sources, you could probably

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
6 allalaadimist

Vaimufilosoofia essee

Ta tahab öelda, et fraas "leiavad aset mentaalsed protsessid" ei tähenda sama sorti asja kui "leiavad aset füüsikalised protsessid" ja seetõttu ei ole ka mingit mõtet neid kaht omavahel konjungeerida või disjungeerida (Gilbert Ryle, lk 1678 ). Seega ei saa vaadelda keha ja vaimu kahe iseseisva nähtusena, sest nad eksisteerivad üksteise koosmõjul. Filosoofilisi argumente, mis pooldaksid dualismi ei leia ka filosoof Jack Smart. Vastandudes Descartesile, väidab ta, et nimene on füüsikaliste osakeste suur kogum, kuid ei leidu aistinguid või teadvusseisundeid, mis oleksid sellest midagi enamat või eraldiseisvat ( Jack Smart, lk 2 ). Smarti arvates toob dualism enesega kaasa suurel hulgal veidrat laadi taandumatuid psühhofüüsilisi seadusi millesse tuleb lihtsalt uskuda ning mida on raske omaks võtta ( Jack Smart, lk 9 ).

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
19 allalaadimist


Okasionalism Nicolas Malebranche (kehaliste ja mentaalsete protsesside vahel ei ole mingeid põhjuslikke seoseid) Ettemääratud harmoonia Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz teooria (keha ja vaim ei mõjuta teineteist) Epifenomenalism Thomas Henry Huxley (kehalised protsessid mõjutavad mentaalseid) Keha ja vaimu monistlikud 1 teooriad Nimetus, lühiiseloomutus Kes pooldas seda teooriat? Materialism J. J. C. Smart Biheiviorism John Watson Identsusteooria (teaduslik Herbert Feigl, David Armstrong, J. J. C. Smart materialism) Idealism (immaterialism) George Berkeley 4.Nimetage vähemalt kaks probleemi, mis tekivad, kui lähtuda keha ja vaimu biheivioristlikust käsitlusest. Kui inimene räägib, et tema südametunnistus piinab teda, aga mina ei näe väliselt mingeid muutusi, mis seda tõestaks, siis võin arvata, et ta valetab.

Filosoofia → Filosoofia põhiprobleemid
21 allalaadimist


Engineer Fred-Georg Pääro 2015 What does engineer do?  Does projects  Comes up with new technical ideas  Finds solutions for technical problems Career prospects  Bigger companies  Specialize in a specific topic  Well-paid Personal qualities  Resourceful  Smart  competent Where can you learn it?  Tallinn University of technology  Tallinn University of applied sciences  Estonian University of life sciences Preconditions  Mathematics  physics Thanks!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Denotative and connotative meanings in motion graphics text

0:12 Denotative look : - We see a house, camera, smartphone and a plane. - All elements have thin lines drawn between them - Elemnts have a rather simple but detailed look - White outlines, without color Connotative look : These elements are picket the way they are because those things are probalby the most used items by the people in contemporary society. We live at our home, we use smart gadgets (smart watch, training gadgets e.t.), we use apps on our smartphones and we use smart transportation vehicles. And the important thing is that they can be all connected with each other. Thin lines are use because to tell that all the connections between the devices are subtle in real world and also thich lines would be too disrupting for the eye. For example, we can take photos with our camera and directly send them to our

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Erlised materjalid ja nende omadused

Erilised materjalid, nende omadused ja kasutamine Sissejuhatus · Materjalid ümbritsevad meid kõikjal. Nad kaitsevad inimest ja võimaldavad tal ulatuda sinna, kuhu ta muidu ei küüniks. On hästi põhjendatav väide, et materjalid on tehnoloogia kõige edasiviivam lüli ­ miks muidu nimetused kiviaeg, pronksiaeg, rauaaeg... · Klassikaliste metallide, keraamika, puidu ja tekstiili kõrvale on tulnud ja tulemas uued materjalid: vedelkristallid, tavatu funktsionaalsusega nn. nutikad materjalid, nanostruktuursed materjalid, ülijuhid, keerukatest struktuurielementidest koosnevad ,,metamaterjalid" jpt. Targad materjalid · 21.sajandi kõige olulisemaks arenguks uudsete materjalide valdkonnas on nn. tarkade või ka mõtlevate materjalide (smart materials, intelligent materials, advanced materials) arendamine. · Targad materjalid reageerivad väliskeskkonna (pinge, temperatuur, niiskus, ph, elektri või magnetv...

Füüsika → Füüsika
32 allalaadimist

Stephen Chbosky - ´The Perks of Being a Wallflower´

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky 1 Explain a)`the wallflower' b) an epistolary novel a)Shy, has no friends, an unpopular person. b)This book consisted of the letters that Charlie wrote to somebody. 2 Give a short profile of Charlie. Shy, very smart. He likes reading books twice. He had lost two important people in his life ­ his aunt Helen and his best friend Michael. He didn´t had other friends until he met Sam and Patrick. 3 Explain the mouse experiment (p.42 ­ 43). What's the significance of this experiment? 4 What kind of girlfriend does Charlie think his brother should have? What ideas does he have about super models? (p.43) A smart girl who wears a lot of sweathers and drinks cocoa. They would talk about

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10 allalaadimist

Leighton Meester powerpoint

Leighton Meester Information Birth name: Leighton Marissa Claire Meester Born: April 9, 1986 (age 24) Birthplace: Marco Island, Florida, USA Family: mother, 1 younger brother, 1 older brother Actress, singersongwriter, model GOSSIP GIRL Character Different dresses Fashion clothes Friendly Cheerful Versatile Kind Smart Look Height/Build: slim, tall, athletic Hair: straight(sometimes wavy), brown, long, not natural Face: oval Eyes: brown, big, classes,wide Eyebrows: arched Mouth: wide, lush Nose: snub, little Forehead: wide Cheeks: dimples, rosy Complexion: healthy, no drugs Ears: scattered little bit

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Ettevõtte tutvustus

· Millised on väljundid ettevõttesse (tooted ja teenused)? Kui ettevõte on endale selgeks teinud kõik need küsimused, siis tuleks kindlasti keskenduda ka sellele ,,mida teha siis, kui klient ei ole rahul meie toodete või teenindusega?". Juba ettevõtet alustades tuleks koostada põhikirja kõrval kindlasti ka protsessiskeem ,,Reageerimine kliendikaebustele". (Lisa 2) 1.5 Ettevõtte eesmärk Ettevõtte eesmärkide hindamiseks on vaja toetuda kas siis smart, pure või clear mudelile. Smart mudel: S ­ Specific ­ konkreetsed eesmärgid; M ­ Measurable ­ mõõdetavad eesmärgid; A ­ Agreed ­ kokkulepitud eesmärgid; R ­ Realistic ­ realistlikud eesmärgid; T ­ Time phased ­ ajaliselt määratud eesmärgid. Pure mudel: P ­ Positively stated ­ positiivselt sõnastatud eesmärgid; U ­ Understood ­ mõistetavad eesmärgid; R ­ Relevant ­ asjakohased eesmärgid; E ­ Ethical ­ eetilised eesmärgid. Clear mudel:

Majandus → Majandus
46 allalaadimist

Stipendiumi taotlus

working and I have always enjoyed new challenges. They are teaching to be better competitive. I do not have any children yet. I think more important is to get good education and then when I am well-off I can offer to my children and for myself a better life. I am very thankful for my parents, who are teach me and always helped if they could. Thanks for them I am who are I am. They know that they can be very proud of me. When I was young, even then I was very smart and listen what smart people told me. When I was five years old I could read newspapers and similarly was with me a mathematics book, where I solved simple tasks. In Tallinn I do not have free time for my hobbies and it is very sad. Because the sport is very near to my heart. In Rapla I liked to visit a fitness studio. And when the weather was good I liked to run. I hope after the first term at university I will have more time and I can do sport in Tallinn, too. But always I listening the music

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49 allalaadimist

My school

My school Hello, my name is Taavi and i tell you of the school where i learn. I have learned 11 years of higher education in tõlla. I have many friends at school and my relationships with teachers are very good, perhaps even too good. I am learning to become a car locksmith and our classes favourite song is kukerpillide's - auto ohver. This is a smart and educated people school.Our school garden is very large and beautiful. The school surroundings decorated with cannabis plants. The school pays a scholarship for students, whose average score is less than 4. I like this school and I recommend it to all people

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist


HINDADE KUJUNEMINE FÖÖN · Toote valisin kuna hetkel otsin ise endale ka sobivat fööni! · Fööne on erinevaid: -keraamilised -kokkupandavaid -vaikseid ja suurt müra tekitavaid -suure võimsusega mis kiirendavad juuste kuivamist -kergemaid ja raskemaid -puutetundlikud tehnoloogiaga -värvivalikuga HINNA JA KVALITEEDI SUHE Kõige odavama fööni saab kätte juba 8 euroga. -kõige tavalisem föön -2 kuumusastet -väike võimsus Kallimatel föönidel on juba rohkem funksioone - IONIC süsteem-antistaatiline efekt, mis muudab juuksed siledaks ja läikiva ks -Smart Airflow tehnoloogia-optimeerib sisemist õhuvoolu ja tagab max. jõu dluse min. müratasemega -külmaõhu nupp -eraldatav filter SUPERSONIC · Kõige kallim föön maailmas maksab u 350 eurot · -4 soojusseadet · -3 õhuvoolu reguleerimis võmalust -stabiliseerib kuivatustemperatuuri -mootor asub käepidemes -puudub filter kuhu ummistuks mustus -kuivatab kiirelt MINU VALIK · Babyliss · 3 te...

Majandus → Turundus
2 allalaadimist

Stereotypes of the usa

flippant(means kerglane in Estonia) Also that: All Muslims in the USA are terrorists All black people are unintelligent, rowdy, and prone to criminal behavior. Rowdy means kalkeja or lärmitsev in estonia and prone to criminal behavior is kalduvus krimi. Teele. Moreover that: All whites are racist All Asians are smart and from China All Mexicans are illegal immigrants Finally I want to remind you, that mostly of these named stereotypes about USA are not true

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kõige kummalisemad paigad kust võib leida protsessori

On olemas ahjud ja pliidid, millel on vajutatavad nupud, erinevad taimerid ning puutepaneelid. Mikrolaineahjudes on sisseprogrammeeritud sulatamisfunktsioonid, mis arvutavad kaalu järgi seda, kui kaua ja millise temperatuuriga ahjus olevat toitu soojendama peaks.[2] (Foto 3. ,,Tark" pesumasin)Riided Tänu tehnoloogia arengule on leitud võimalusi, kuidas kasutada mikroprotsessoreid riietuses. Sellised riided kannavad nime ,,Targad riided" või siis Smart Clothes. Peamiselt on seda katsetatud sõjaväes, näiteks ,,tark särk" mõõdab sõduri südame tööd, hingamist ja vererõhku. Selliseid särke kasutatakse ka laste äkksurmade põhjuste uurimiseks. Tulevikus loodetakse selline riietus arendada nii kaugele, et kui selle särgi või muu riideeseme kandja viga saab, saadetakse läbi riideesemes oleva mikroprotsessori kannatanu telefoni signaal, mis idee järgi peaks panema telefoni hädaabisse helistama

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus informaatikasse
15 allalaadimist

Apple telefonid

Apple telefonid Koostas: Heli Kopter Mis on nutitelefon? Nutitelefon ehk nutifon ehk taibutelefon (inglise keeles smartphone, smart phone) on taskutelefon, millel on pihuarvutivõimekus. Teisisõnu on nutitelefon miniatuurne arvuti, millel on lisaks ka telefonifunktsioon. Apple firma Apple Inc. (varem Apple Computer, Inc.) on rahvusvaheline ettevõte, mis arendab ja toodab riistvara, tarkvara ning muud tarbeelektroonikat. Ettevõtte tuntuimad riistvaralised tooted on Macintoshi arvutid, iPod, iPhone ja iPad. Apple firma asutaja on Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak ja Ronald Wayne. Hetkel töötajaid üle 116 000. Kõik seadmed töötavad iOSi süsteemi peal. iPhone Tänapäeval töötavad iOSi peal järgmised Apple'i seadmed: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad ja Apple TV. Apple tutvustas iOSi koos esimese põlvkonna iPhone'iga, 9. jaanuaril 2007. Tänapäevaks on iOS jõudnud 11. põlvkonnani ja viimane kasutajatele kättesaadav versioon on iOS 1...

Informaatika → Informaatika
1 allalaadimist

Paul Graham, “Hackers

what motivates computer programmers to do what they do, as well as attempt to answer many of the questions that have arisen with computers. He explains the word “hacker” has more than the one definition most of us are familiar with. The hackers who Paul Graham refers to throughout the book are the good computer programmers who have made all that we have real. Graham's first chapter, "Why Nerds Are Unpopular," tries to explain why smart kids are at the bottom of the food chain in high school and what their priorities are. While writing about nerds, Graham talks about his own progress to become computer scientist and painter. He explains the similarities between painters and computer hackers, including the desire to make existing things better.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Eesmärgid Sven Regat Mis on eesmärk? Eesmärk on kindel lõpptulemus, mida tahetakse saavutada. Nõuded eesmärkidele. SMART reegel. Specific ­ konkreetne Measurable ­ mõõdetav Agreed ­ kokkuleppeline Realistic ­ realistlik Timed - ajastatud Eesmärkide liigitamine Organisatsioonide eesmärke jagatakse kolmeks sõltumata sellest, kas tegu on avalike või eraorganisatsioonidega. Organisatsiooni eesmärgid Sisulised Süsteemilised Individuaalsed Ametlikud Operatiivsed Organisatsiooni eesmärgid: 1

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
52 allalaadimist

Emadepäeva minikontsert

Eelnevalt vajalikud tegevused õpetajale: Arvutiklassi reserveerimine, muusikaõpetajaga kooskõlastatud laulud, mida emadepäeval võiks esitada. Eelnevalt vajalikud tegevused õpilasele: Õpilastel on kaasas eesti keele tunniks ette nähtud vahendid: õpik, tv, vihik, kirjatarbed. Tunniks vajalikud materjalid, näitvahendid, tarkvara ja veebiaadressid: ,,Avita ,,õpik ,, Eesti keele õpik III kl. " ; arvutid, Smart tahvel. Tunni käik: Tegevuste kestus Tunni osad, struktuuri Õpetaja poolt kavandatud ja organiseeritud Õpilaste tegevus Põhjendused, mida elemendid õppetegevuste kirjeldus (meetodid, juhendid, mingi tegevusega (minutites)

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
19 allalaadimist

Most needed profession in Estonia in 21th century

I can only suppose what kind of hard work it really is. Maybe healty people dont value this job, but people who have been sick or take part in some accident, they know how needed occupation it is. Secondly it would be policeman profession. There is very much criminals, in Estonia, and in all world. But policemans trying take care of people safety. I think, if there is no policemans, in world, then it would be disaster. Third would be teacher occupation. We need smart peoples, for saving lifes in world. It is important to teach childs and give them education. Then we are growing up people, who could appreciate everything important (nature, education jmc.). Actually all professions are important. I can't prefer one job for other. Teele Ploompuu

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern: I would like to take an opportunity to offer a formal recommendation for (ENTER A NAME HERE). As the Student of (ENTER A NAME HERE) Secondary School I have known (ENTER A NAME HERE) for 10 years and feel that he is a deserving canditate for your taxi driver spot. (ENTER A NAME HERE) joined our school as a smart boy. He likes to do job and studies well. (ENTER A NAME HERE) drives cars very good and fast, but he never goes faster than it's allowed. He also has a clean driving licence. In traffic he always drives responsibly and looks ahead. I believe that (ENTER A NAME HERE) exhibits many of the qualities that are essential to a taxi driver. He also communicates good with people, I think that's important for taxi drivers. They need to commune with their clients. I highly

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7 allalaadimist

Choices after secondary school

better jobs I future, but if they choose to go to work they can start independent life. Firstly, in university people will gain higher education. Educated people will get better jobs with bigger income. Also they can improve on their work and make career. People who have big income can afford their family better life, because they can bay all that is necessary. Secondly, people get smarter in university. People who have graduated university are often very smart and do not get in trouble. They are very good talking partners, because they have an opinion about every problem (almost). Thirdly, people who are going to work after school can start their own independent life. Then students are going to university their parents are supporting them with money, but working people can earn money themselves. Also they can create a family, because they have enough money to keep them up.

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105 allalaadimist

Hobbies contribute to one's personal development

Everything we do, gives us more experience at something, therefore hobbies contribute to our personal development a lot. The one hobby I will discuss and which is one of my own personal hobbies, is playing Texas Hold'em which is a form of poker. Although some people might just label it as gambling, poker is largely a skill game which has very little to do with luck rather than mathematics, reading people's body language and keeping track of people's previous behaviour. In able to play poker smart, you must be quick at calculating your odds and the value of your next move, just like in chess. Another very important skill is reading other people's reactions in the table, understand their body language, which often tells you exactly, which two cards they are holding. This can also used elsewhere, for example, some professional poker players can tell a lie from someone's behaviour almost instantly.

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70 allalaadimist

Kirjand " Eksamid on kohustuslikud " (" Exams are a must ")

Exams are a must. Are they necessary? Recently, exams are made quite often and also to early, even in primary schools. People think they are the best way to test intelligence. But is it so? I think no, they aren't best way to test intelligent. Because the majority of students are very nervous during exams and they can't focus and making mistakes. There also will not be enough time. Does anyone in real life situation prohibit you to check your spelling grammar from dictionary or look online help for the problems. Some people are smarter, while others do not. Also I hate thinking like all people need to be good at any skill. It's impossible, there are smart people and creative people, never both, who have both skills have poor skills. And we are not able to change this. As one wise man said: ,,Nobody really learns anything by force". Of course the important thing is being able t...

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6 allalaadimist

Rights and liberties

fundamental law of the Republic of Estonia. In Estonia laws are declared by the President of Estonia in Riigi Teataja. When we speak about rights then for exapmle in Estonia we all have rights to love, nobody can take it from us. We all have rights to free self-realisation and self-expression. We can choose our area of activity, profession and position of employment. When we talk about education then I can say, we all have right to learn in school and to become smart and educated people. When we speak about liberties then example civil liberties are voted in European Parliament election when you are eightteen and over, you can belong to unions, then you can apply for legislative council. Also, when you are fourty and over you can run for government president. In Estonia there are a balanced code of laws. They all rely on European Union. I like to live in Estonia because my country is fighting for our rights and liberties. I am proud that we can say

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun