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"real" - 1188 õppematerjali

real - estate developers in the US. However, the rapid adoption of virtual design and construction tools in the United States has necessitated the creation of additional guidelines and legal frameworks to accommodate the use of Building Information


Realism -

Kasutaja: real

Faile: 48

Real conditions

Real conditions (Type I) These sentences describe what the speaker thinks will possibly happen as a result of a real situation.  If you train hard, you will succeed in sport. If you don’t train hard, you won’t succeed in sport. We can also use modal verbs (can, may, must, should) instead of verbs in the main clause.  If i have enough time, i can visit you. Unreal conditions (Type II) These sentences describe what the speaker thinks would possibly happen in an imaginary situation.  If I saw a ghost, I would be scared.  If I had wings, I could fly. We can give advice with If I were you.  If I were you wouldn’t do that NOTE We normally use were instead of was in conditional sentences.  I’d go to the cinema, if i weren’t so tired. E...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Real estate broker

Real estate broker Typical day: Brokers run generally estate companies while the agents take care of real estate sells. Both are important part of real estate industry. Real estate agents assist people through the process of buying, selling and renting land, homes and other properties. In addition to staying current with real estate laws and trends, real estate agents are tasked with a multitude of daily duties and responsibilities. One of the appealing aspects of working as a real estate agent is that each day is different. Qualifications for the job: It isn’t required that you have a collage degree.There are different courses, that you can take to become a real estate broker. It takes time, like you must take prelicence course, that takes about 2 weeks to complete and then following that course there is an exam. After exam,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Sisukord ..............................................................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................................................................3 Valisin sellise teema, sest mind huvitab väga jalgpall. Umbes 4 aastat tagasi hakkasin tänu oma onule põhjalikumalt vaatama jalgpallimatše. Eriti olen jälginud just Real Madridi mänge ning Cristiano Ronaldo suurepärast mängutehnikat. Teema sissejuhatamiseks räägin ka natukene jalgpalli algusest ja Hispaania jalgpalli ajaloost. Laiemalt räägin Real Madridist ja Cristiano Ronaldost. Selle referaadi koostamisel tuginesin oma 8. klassi lõputööle......................................................................3 Jalgpalli algus................................................................................................................................

Sport → Jalgpall
18 allalaadimist

The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook

The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook Estonian University of Life Sciences Tartu 2012 The Subject The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook By Tanya Davis in 2007 Florida, USA Chapter 2: Predevelopment Chapter 3: Refining Your Idea Target group The target group of "The Real Estate Developer´s Click to edit Master text styles Handbook" consists of Second level anyone who is starting or Third level Fourth level has an interest in starting

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Rahvusvahelise majanduse alused kodutöö 4

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Rahvusvaheliste suhete instituut Lühikokkuvõte artiklist „Why real Exchange rates?“ Kodutöö aines Rahvusvahelise majanduse alused Juhendaja: Tallinn 2015 Miks reaalsed vahetuskursid? Kuidas keegi otsustab kas valuuta on üle- või alahinnatud? See küsimus on keskmeks rahvusvaheliste majanduste, paljude kauplemistel tekkinud erimeelsuste ja IMF-i seire jõupingutuse puhul.

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline majandus
18 allalaadimist


Mõned ajaloolased, sealhulgas isa Otaño, rõhutavad selle marsi ühisjooni mõningate Carlos I või Felipe II aegsete sõjaväekäiguviisidega, lähtudes hüpoteesist, et Alfonso X Targa laulus nr 42 on üks fraas praegusest Hispaania hümnist. 1770 kuulutas kuningas Carlos III Marcha Granadera ametlikuks "aumarsiks", mida mängiti avalikel ja tseremoniaalsetel üritustel. Varsti hakkasud hispaanlased pidama La Marcha Granadera 't oma riigihümniks ning nimetama seda La Marcha Real ('kuninglik marss'), sest seda mängiti alati avalikel üritustel kuningliku perekonna juuresolekul. Teise Hispaania Vabariigi ajal (1931­1939), vahetas Marcha Real 'i riigihümnina välja Himno de Riego. Ent Francisco Franco taastas kohe pärast kodusõja lõppu "La Marcha Real"'i vana nime "La Marcha Granadera" all. Oktoobris 1997 anti välja kuninglik dekreet, mis reguleerib "Marcha Real"'i ametlikku kasutamist. ¡Viva España! Long live Spain!

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
1 allalaadimist

Nivelleerimisvõrgu tasandamine programmiga ADJUST

tasandatud kõrguste ja kõrguskasvude täpsusele ning usaldusväärsusele. Vajadusel eemaldage jämedad vead või skaleerige kaalud ümber ja teostage tasandus uuesti. Võrrelge, mis on muutunud enne ja pärast tehtud tasandamise aruannetes. Joonis 1. Nivelleerimisvõrgu mõõtmisandmed (kõrguskasvud (m), jaamade arvud n, (m) ja sektsioonide pikkused L (km) koos lähtepunktide (A, B, C, D) kõrgustega. Esmalt valmistame ette sisendfaili. Esimesel real ülesande kirjeldus, teisel real lähtepunktide-, mõõtmiste- ja kogu punktide arv. Kolmandast reast alates on lähtepunktide kõrgused ja peale neid mõõdetud kõrguskasvud ning sektsioonide pikkused L (km). Sisendfail on toodud järgnevalt. Example Level Adjustment 4 10 8 BMA 138.744 BMB 158.732 BMC 140.648 BMD 162.168 BMA N1 13.019 13.6 N1 BMB 6.929 9.7 N1 N3 2.180 11.1 N3 BMD 8.238 11.5 N3 BMB 4.791 15.5 N2 N1 3.092 5.9 N2 N3 5.255 8.8 BMC N4 0.730 4.1 N4 N2 7.273 10.7 N4 BMD 20.802 14.9

Geograafia → Geodeesia
14 allalaadimist

Füüsikaline keemia labor 15

TTÜ Materjaliteaduse Instituut Füüsikalise keemia õppetool Töö nr. 15 ELEKTRIJUHTIVUSE MÄÄRAMINE Üliõpliane: Kood: Töö teostatud: Töö ülesanne. Töös määratakse elektrolüüdi vesilahuste eri- ja ekvivalentjuhtivus real kontsentratsioonidel, milleks mõõdetakse juhtivusnõus elektroodide vahel paikneva lahusekihi takistust. Mõõtmisel kasutatavate elektroodide konstant määratakse kindla kontsentratsiooniga teadaoleva eritakistusega KCl lahuse abil. Katsetulemuste töötlus toimub kahes variandis. Nõrga elektrolüüdi korral arvutatakse dissotsiatsiooniastmed ja -konstant. Tugeva elektrolüüdi lahuse puhul leitakse katseandmete alusel ekvivalentjuhtivus lõpmatul

Keemia → Füüsikaline keemia
120 allalaadimist

All studied biomes

GrasslandsGrassland biomes can be found in the middle latitudes. They can have either moist continental climates or dry subtropical climates. There are two different types of grasslands; tall-grass, which are humid and very wet, and short-grass, which are dry, with hotter summers and colder winters than the tall-grass prairie. In the winter, grassland temperatures can be as low as -40° F, and in the summer it can be as high 70° F. There are two real seasons: a growing season and a dormant season. Deciduos forest The average annual temperature in a deciduous forest is 50° F. The average rainfall is 30 to 60 inches a year. In deciduous forests there are five different zones. The deciduous forest has four distinct seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In the autumn the leaves change color. During the winter months the trees lose their leaves. The animals adapt to the climate by hibernating in the winter and living off the land in the

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Arco Vara esitlus ( PRESENTATION )

ARCO VARA About Arco Vara Arco Vara AS is the leading real estate group of the Baltic States Operating today in 17 places in Estonia, Latvia and Bulgaria. The company employs approx. 170 professionals The activities of Arco Vara group can broadly be divided into two pillars: 1. Services Division (brokerage, appraisal, maintenance) 2. Development History 1992 - AS Arco Vara was founded by Arti Arakas. Soon Richard Tomingas and Hillar-Peeter Luitsalu joined. 1997 - Arco Vara began expansion to other Baltic States

Majandus → Majandus
2 allalaadimist

Hispaania Jalgpall

1.Sissejuhatus Selles referaadis on juttu sellest, milline on Hispaania jalgpalli ajalugu, milliseid jalgpalliklubisid ja staadioneid Hispaanias leidub ning millised kuulsaimad jalgpallurid koondistes mängivad. Kõigepealt toon välja tähtsamad daatumid ja sündmused, mis puudutavad Hispaania jalgpalli. Seejärel räägin kuulsamatest klubidest ning tutvustan suuremaid jalgpallistaadione. Viimases osas annan ülevaate FC Barcelona ja Real Madrid CF jalgpalliklubi tuntumatest mängijatest. Selle teema valisin seetõttu, et kuna ma ise aasta aega tagasi hakkasin aktiivselt Fc Elva koondises jalgpalli mängima, tekkis mul huvi selle vastu, milline on jalgpall Hispaanias. Jalgpall on olnud mulle väga südamelähedane juba pikka aega. Hispaania kuninglik jalgpalliliit loodi aastal 1909. Aastast 1988 on liidu president Angel Maria Villar. Hispaania jalgpalliliit asutati aga aastal 1913. 2008. aastast alates on

Sport → Jalgpall
10 allalaadimist

Football (soccer)

· UEFA affiliation 1954 · IFAB affiliation 1886 Football · Known · Between · One football used in game Gameplay · Time 45 + 45 min · Played using a football · Into the other team´s goal · Goals Some laws · Goalkeeper · Game stopping · Players · Offside · Throw-in Corner kick Football pitch Footballer equipment About 24.05.2014 game · Atletico in end of the game 1:0 · In extra time Real Madrid did a score 1:1 · Atletico player Godin made goal · Real Madrid players: Ramos, Bale, Marcelo, Ronaldo did goals · Final Score 4:1, Real Madrid won Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid · -champions-final-league-2014-real- madrid-vs-atletico-highlights-of-all-goals Thank You

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Toe Tag

oktoobril 1996 aastal. Esialgu oli tegemist grupi liidri G-Enka sooloprojektiga, mille taustad olid pärit DJ Paul Ojalt. Üsna pea liitus Revo Jõgisalu, kes aitas praeguseks kadunud Top Raadio stuudios sisse räppida sellised lood nagu "Depend Upon" ja "O.D. Of Sobriety". Esimene kontsert anti 1996. aasta oktoobris klubis Bel Air. Edasi soojendati juba No Big Silence'it ja esineti kõikvõimalikel Hip-Hop üritustel. 1997. aasta detsembris anti välja kauaoodatud kassett "The Real Kuhnja Homophobes". Kassett sisaldas lisaks oma lugudele ka kahte Dj Critikali remixi. 1998. aastal liitusid G-Enka ja Revo teise Eesti hip-hop bändiga A-Rühm ning Toe Tag läks mõneks ajaks puhkusele. Kuid sama aasta sügisel loodi sootuks uus projekt KNOP, ehk siis ansamblite Me, Myself & I ja Toe Tagi koostöö. Esitati töötlusi Toe Tagi vanadest lugudest, lisaks sai bändi ainukesel kontserdil kuulda Slayeri ja Stone Temple Pilotsi loomingut.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
8 allalaadimist

B.I.G profile

B.I.G B.I.G debuted on July 2014 under GH entertainment with ‘Hello’. B.I.G stands for Boys In Groove. Official twitter: @BIG_Ghofficial B.I.G - Boys In Groove ( 비 아이지 ) Members ● H-Joon ● Benji ● Gunmin ● Gookminpyo ● Heedo J-Hoon ● Real name: Im Jung Hoon ● Stage name: J-Hoon ● Birthday: 15 July 1990 ● Position: leader, dancer, vocalist ● Height: 174cm ● Weight: 62kg ● Blood type: O Benji ● Real name: Bae Jae Wook ● Stage name: Benji ● Birthday: 3 May 1992 ● Position: rapper ● Height: 183cm ● Weight: 72kg ● Blood type: B Gunmin ● Real name: Lee Gun Min ● Stage name: Gunmin ● Birthday: 3 October 1994

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Muusikaajalugu : Barokk

Küsimused (Barokk) 1. Seleta mõistet ,,Renessanss" ­ Tähistatakse kultuuriloos antiikkultuuri ideaalide taassündi ning seda mõistet hakati esmalt kasutama seoses Itaalia 14.-16. saj. kultuuriga. 2. Mida tähendab ars nova? - Muusikastiil Prantsusmaal 1320-1380. (oli töös 1. Real) 3. Kirjelda ars nova koolkonda, nimeta silmapaistvaim helilooja. ­ 3- ja 4-häälsed motetid, need mitme ühel ajal kõlava tekstiga teosed esindasid oma aja kõige keerukamat kompositsioonitehnikat, mida iseloomustab matemaatiliselt korrastatud rütm. Guillaume de Machaut (1300-1377). ( oli töös 1. Real) 4. Kirjelda Madalmaade koolkonda ­ Häälte sarnasus ja pehme kooskõla, ühised meloodiakujundid. (oli töös 2. Real) 5. Nimeta 15.-16. Sajandi olulisemad muusikazanrid ja iseloomusta neid lühidalt. ­ Sansoon-pr keelne ilmalik polüfooniline laul, Frottola-lihtsas vormis salmilaul, millel on tihti ka refrään, Villanella-laul, mis m...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
110 allalaadimist

Virtual friendship

Virtual friendship Virtual world undoubtedly makes our lives easier and makes it easier for us to get more friends, but are those real friends? Although virtual world gives us a chance to make more friends, there is considerable disagreement over whether these new friends are real or not. The main argument for the virtual world being superficial is that nowadays people rather tend to stay in front of their screens and just talk than go out and have a good time eye to eye. Therefore people might not have any idea who they are talking to or what these people really think of them. What is more, people often spend more time with their virtual friends chatting rather than dedicating time to the people that truly care about them. A final key argument

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Unistan saada tippjalgpalluriks

sportlased, kelle aastapalk võib ulatuda üle saja miljoni krooni. Jalgpalli olen mänginud juba 3 aastat. Nende aastatega olen õppinud väga palju. Ma olen muutunud rohkem iseseisvamaks ning teen rohkem ise otsuseid. Kõikide jalgpallurite unistuseks on mängida mingis tippklubis. Oma tippjalgpalluri karjääri tahaks alustada Hispaanias. Seal mängiksin alguses kuskil noortekoondises. Edasi tahaksin mängida Hispaania liiga gigantklubis Real Madridis. See jalgpalliklubi on minu lemmik, kuna seal on kõik maailma parimad mängijad. Ma oleksin väga õnnelik, kui mul avaneks võimalus minna Hispaaniasse karjääri tegema. Kõige meelsamini mängiksin ründaja positsioonil, kuid saaksin hakkama ka poolkaitses. Selle karjääriga seoses pole kõik ainult positiivne, on ka negatiivseid külgi. Kuna ma oleksin kuulus, siis on paratamatult paparatsod sind igal sammul jälgimas. Kõige parem näide on David Beckham

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
6 allalaadimist

Chat rooms

The first and most important thing you need to realize about the Internet is that you can find anything and anyone on the Internet that you can find in the real world. The only difference is that in the Internet you have a greater deal of anonymity that you get in the real world. Can chat rooms be dangerous? Most definitely. Particularly channels that clearly are catering to younger children. Pedophiles go where the kids are, and that is just as true on the Internet as in the "real world". Does that mean you should avoid all chat channels? Not at all. Just be aware of what you are doing and saying, and if you have small children, be sure to monitor their activity on the Internet. There are several programs, as I recall, that allow parents to track what their

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Lammaste kodutöö

kõrvamärgi ehk nn asenduskõrvamärgi - enne 10. juulit sündinud looma puhul ühe kõrvamärgi, alates 10. juulist sündinud looma puhul vastavalt vajadusele kas ühe või kaks asenduskõrvamärki Märgistamisel kinnitatakse lambale kõrvamärk, millel on põllumajanduslooma kordumatu ja eluaegne registrinumber. Lamba kõrvamärk on plastikust ja kollast värvi ning koosneb kahest identsest poolest. Märgi esimesel real on JKK logo ja Eesti ISO-kood "EE", teisel real on kümnekohalise registrinumbri viis esimest ning kolmandal real viis viimast numbrit. Märgistamisel kinnitatakse kitsele kõrvamärk, millel on põllumajanduslooma kordumatu ja eluaegne registrinumber. Kitse kõrvamärk on plastikust ja punast värvi ning koosneb kahest identsest poolest. Märgi esimesel real on JKK logo ja Eesti ISO-kood "EE", teisel real on kümnekohalise registrinumbri viis esimest ning kolmandal real viis viimast numbrit.

Põllumajandus → Loomakasvatus
39 allalaadimist

An e-mail to my Estonian deskmate

Dear Kaisa, 09.10.2011 Hello! How is it going in Estonia? If you remember I'm in Canada and that is why I'm writing you. I miss you and all classmates. Tell hey them from me. The School where I am studying is Académie Ste. Cécile International School. I can take music, drama and languages courses. That is really interesting and I like here. All the classmates are really friendly and understanding. The family where I am living with is big. There is a mother and father, two sons and one daughter. They are really nice. I get along with their daughter whose name is Carlis. My English is better than before and I am more confident. This is a positive experience. I hope you are okay and I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Õiguse entsüklopeedia eksami vastused

Confidential SORAINEN ­ 11/13 ­ lahendatakse kinnisvara asukohamaa seaduste järgi. Kuid määravaks on siiski leping, mis vaidlejate vahel sõlmiti (Tsiviilseadustiku üldosa seadus eelistab Eesti seadust). Normatiivaktide kehtivus isikute ringi suhtes Reeglina kehtivad riigi seadused ja muud normatiivsed aktid kõigi selle riigi territooriumil asuvate isikute suhtes (kodanikud, apatriidid, välismaalased). Real juhtudel võib üks või teine õigusakt reguleerida ainult teatud isikute kategooria käitumist (sõjaväekohustus). Kuid asukohamaa riigikohtule ei allu mõningate selles riigis asuvate välismaalaste kuriteod. Need on need, kes omavad eksterritoriaalsuse õigust e. diplomaatilist immuniteeti. 1. Visiidil viibiv välisriigi pea. 2. Välisriikide diplomaatilised esindajad, nende abikaasad ja alaealised perekonnaliikmed. Tehniline ja abipersonal seda õigust ei kasuta.

Õigus → Õigusõpetus
497 allalaadimist

You are what you read

You are what you read. Dear audience, Form my topic I chose You are what you read. I chose this topic, because I kind of disargree with the it. Yes, it's true, that you recive knowlage from reading, and that designs your view of the world. For example if you read a book about UFOs, with different facts and examples, then you will probably start to believe in it too. However, if you read a book that says UFOs aren't real and explains what people have thougth to be UFOs, you have no choice but to argree with the statements. So yes, i think that, you are what you read, but you read what you choose to, whitch means that you are what you choose to be. On the other hand I think that the topic should be You read what you are, beacause you choose what you want to read. Let's take the same UFO example. If you are a realist, then you'd choose a book

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


It is a well-known fact that most people will say they want to be successful in numerous, but success is many things to many people. Why is it difficult to define? What means real success to you? When we talk about success very often we think about money. Perhaps it happens because money pays a big role in our life. In other words, we can say if someone has money this person is successful. For some people the word success means being famous, for others it means being great at some specifc career. Yet for other people the word success means all together: having money, being good at one's professional life, personal life, romantic life, health life and so on.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

The themes dealt with in a book are simply not relevant.

but ­ those books don't talk about everything. They have their confines and mainly concentrate on descriptions and less on the story. But young people want their own picture from the book, they don't need every detail described. When we think more about the themes disussed in obligatory books, then they are also hold in check. Here is the second problem, youngsters can't relate to those topics. For example, they are only describing a feeling, like love, but don't give a real situation, so that the reader can feel as a part of the story. A princess story isn't a real one. So I don't think that the themes discussed in obligatiry books are irrelevant. But what about books of this centuary? They describe also every detail but from a real aspect. They don't have fairytails, because that doesen't sell. And maybe it is right. You can relate more to things that are in every day life. Even drugs and violence. Books are important because they teach. Like theater

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Internet (inglise keeles)

they are in isolation. It is just sometimes quicker and easier way to find needed information and for some people who simply doesn't have time to meet and have a chat in a cafe or somewhere it might be the only way to chat. It is through that fore some people Internet through its entertainment and information capabilities draws people away from family and friends, but I would say that most still prefer meeting face-to-face and having chat in real life. For example, for me the internet is just the place where I can chat with friends when its just not possible to meet with them. There is now way that I would prefer sitting home next to the table and having laugh with the computer if it would be possible to go out and meet with them in real life and maybe have a warm hug or something. The Internet is used in similar ways around the world. Through its low costs it is good way to

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

Conditional mood

Grammar point Made by Nikolai Hodosevich Conditional mood The conditional mood is the form of the verb used in conditional sentences to refer to a hypothetical state of affairs. Conditional verb forms can also have temporal uses, often for expressing "future in the past" tense. Condition sentences are often entered with conjunction IF Real events Structure: Additional clause ­ Present Indefinite Main clause ­ Future Indefinite If I have a lot of money, I will buy a car , Almost unreal events *In additional and main clauses usually use Subjunctive I and II *When you translate into Russian these sentences, you should use conjunction * This type of unreal conditional sentence use, when speaker wants to underline small probability of condition realization

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Digital Nation

what teacher is telling in front of the class. The results in education has fallen and that’s because students aren’t well prepared. Technology is updating very quickly and all we can do is learn how to use it. I think that if it came in our lives, then it’s important too. We can argue about different things that it has taken from us, for example we aren’t sending letters anymore, maybe we don’t show up our feelings as they are, we don’t meet people in real life, we are just texting to them. But actually it is each person choice how deep they let the technology in their lives. There are so many games, where people can meet each other and discuss important work things, they save money from flights, but they aren’t meet in real life. A big conferences and office building is just standing empty, because people can do work from home, on their own computers. There are so many war games, that effects on human psychology

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

A true friend

they do not know you, you become stranger in their eyes. It has been said that only a difficult situation in life can make individuals realize who their true friends are and who their false friends are. It is always advisable to stay away from such individuals in order to maintain your peace of mind. Today there are many different ideas about what a friend is. Many people talk about having hundreds of “friends” on Facebook. But these “friends” are not real, their contact with you is tentative, and they are quite possibly only fair- weather friends. A real friend is a person you can lean on for support, share your darkest secrets with, laugh and cry together with, someone who can hold you and hug you, wipe away your tears, go to the cinema with and talk with. This friend is ready to celebrate your achievements with you and is just as prepared to stick by you when you feel down in the dumps. Your real friend is not some

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Referrat Jalgpall

1. Kaká Brasiilia AC Milan 2. Lionel Messi Argentina FC Barcelona 2007 3. Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal Manchester United 1. Fabio Cannavaro Itaalia Real Madrid 2. Zinedine Zidane Prantsusmaa Real Madrid 2006 3. Ronaldinho Brasiilia FC Barcelona 1. Ronaldinho Brasiilia FC Barcelona 2. Frank Lampard Inglismaa Chelsea 2005 3

Informaatika → Informaatika
97 allalaadimist

Gross domestic product

· GNP is product produced by enterprises owned by a country's citizens. International Standards The international standard for measuring GDP is contained in the book System of National Accounts (1993), which was prepared by representatives of the International Monetary Fund, European Union, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations and World Bank. Nominal GDP and Real GDP The GDP calculation is distorted by inflation. This unadjusted GDP is known as the nominal GDP. In practice, GDP is adjusted by dividing the nominal GDP by a price deflator to arrive at the real GDP. · GDP usually is reported each quarter on a seasonally adjusted annualized basis In an inflationary environment, the nominal GDP is greater than the real GDP. If the price deflator is not known, an implicit price deflator can be calculated by dividing the nominal GDP by the real GDP:

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist


kõige sagedamini kasutatud kinnisvarahinna indeksit. Kinnisvaraturu tsüklite tekkepõhjuste uurimisel on leitud seoseid makromajanduslike teguritega ning finantssektorist tulenevate näitajatega. Kinnisvara hindade ja tsüklite kujunemisel ei ole vähemolulised ka käitumuslikud aspektid, mistõttu on kinnisvara hindade kujunemise 1 KPMG (2012) „CEE Property Lending Barometer 2012“ A survey of banks on the prospects for real estate sector lending in CEE. 4 selgitamiseks kasutatud samuti käitumisökonoomikast tulenevat lähenemist, mis sisaldab psühholoogia elemente. Käitumisökonoomika aitab mõista, kuidas langetavad inimesed majanduslikke otsuseid. Käitumisökonoomika selgitab hästi mullide teket, mille parimaks mõõdikuks on kinnisvara ostu-müügitehingute hüppeline kasv. Kui

Majandus → Maailma majandus
4 allalaadimist

My favorite city, Madrid tekst

My favorite city , Madrid. GEOGRAPHY Madrid is the capital of Spain. As the capital of Spain, Madrid is also the political, economic and cultural center of Spain. SPORT Madrid is the home to a football club giants Real Madrid. Real Madrid is one of the most prestigious football clubs of the world, having won a record 9 european cups. The City is also the host of the Circuito Permanente Del Jarama, a motorsport race circuit. Madrid hosts the largest bullring in Spain. It was established in 1929. Bullfighting season begins in March and ends in October. WHY DO I LIKE IT? I Chose Madrid for my presentation beacuse, it is a very cultural and a beautiful city.Madrid is also the home for

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Oscar Wilde “The Nightingale and the Rose”

But the problem was that there weren't any red roses growing in his garden and he wept, his face buried in his hands. He was very sad because he can't dance with his love. Fortunately a small bird named Nightingale saw him crying, the bird really wanted to help him, she knew that she had found this true lover of whom she had sung night after night. Nightingale wanted to find him the reddest rose in the world, she wanted to help the real true lover. She flew over the Rose-tree that was growing near the Student's window and asked the tree for one red rose. But the tree said that winter had chilled its veins and it has no red roses at all that year. It said that there is still a change to get one, but it didn't dare to talk that to Nightingale. But Nightingale wasn't afraid; she was ready to give everything for helping the Student. Rose-tree said that Nightingale must give her life-blood to the tree and sing for the whole night

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23 allalaadimist

Talent vs experience speech

great singing voice, but she hasn’t trained it and unfortunately she’s not achieved anything in singing. I think if she had practiced singing, she could be very good and maybe even famous singer. Furthermore, Experience is something that everybody can gain and i think that experience is even more important than talent. Some jobs like a driver, police officer or firefighter need experience. Anybody isn’t born for becoming a firefighter. I believe that if you have a real intention, then you can be anything you want, you just have to work for it. I can’t say i am a talented dancer, but i have a real intention to dance, so i work hard to become more and more experienced If i hadn’t trained it i would not be there, where i am now: i have danced on many different stages in Estonia and abroad, for instance i have participated in World Championships and two times i have had chance to perform in television. So if you

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3 allalaadimist

Posiitivne arvamus-jalgpallist ja negatiivne arvamus-rikkur klubid

mängjad aga on üks aga. Nad rikkuvad jalgpalli ,kuna need klubid on väga rikkad. Nad saavad osta peaegu igat mängjat , nad on võimelised maksma ulmelised summasid, et isegi 107 millionit £ ei tekkita probleemi, senine maailma kõige suurem ülemineku summa on olnud 80 millionit £, see oli Christiano Ronaldo inglismaa legendaarsest klubist Manchester United-st hispaania suure klubi juurde Real Madrid. Name: From: To: Sergio Agüero Atlético Madrid Man City Name: From: To: Robinho Real Madrid Man City Name: From: To: Thiago Silva AC Milan PSG

Sport → Jalgpall
6 allalaadimist

"Wealth does not bring happiness"

Wealth does not bring happiness Wealth does not make people happy. People often think that if they were rich, everything would be fine. That is true that life would be easier and also we cannot live without money. But if we think about it seriously, wealth does not make us happy.Friends, family and relationships in your life make you happy.All that wealth can get you is material goods. First of all wealth does not get you real friends,it gets you people who like you for your money.I am also sure that it does not make your realtionships better with your family or old friends. So wealth can make you lose the most important things in life. Being wealthy is not only a bad thing.It can make you happy, but it is mostly temporary. With money you can to a lot of travel, also you can buy what you like despite the price. I think the best thing about being wealthy is to get to do what you like.

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2 allalaadimist

Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?

Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? In this video about socialmedia usage the author states that people are using more and more their mobile or other devices rather than talking to people in real life. According to Sherry Turkle we have a new expression ­ alone together. She shows a picture where three girls are hanging out in the same room but they all are in theirs mobile devices communicating to others or each other. The author claims that when people are on the internet they get to present themselves as they want to be by editing and deleteing while writing a text. I agree with the author´s view about people not wanting to communicate in real life.

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1 allalaadimist


+ VisiLean Bhargav Dave, Stefan Construction management with Lean and BIM Boddy Presentation to Balfour Beatty Salford University 13/01/2010 + Background Broad research areas within the work-package: Collaborative design and construction Visual management Building information modelling Project management Lean construction Promise based management Web services and Service oriented architecture (SOA) Growing interest in identifying synergies between BIM and lean construction principles + Concept A production management system that: Uses BIM as the visual platform and lean construction principles as the process enabler Integrates project related information using web services. To be used by construction team including ...

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6 allalaadimist


Dear listeners, most of us here today are soon going to make the biggest and most important step of our lives so far. We are going to start a completely new and different life after graduation. The emphasis therefore should be on the word "life". The real thing, it's coming, it's going to hit us and it's going to hit us hard. Nothing is going to be the same. Life will never ever be as simple, carefree and easygoing again. To me, the expression "life is hard" has never meant anything. I have always been more of a "life is beautiful"-type. I have never really thought that it actually is hard. Mostly because I have never thought what the real life is like. Ofcourse I have seen it, it's all around me, but

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
16 allalaadimist


Paksu soonikupinna annab patentkude. Patentkoes müts kootakse kahel vardal. Kudumist alustatakse mütsi servast ja lõpetatakse pealael. Silmuseid ei kasvatata ega kahandata. Esimesed 2-4 rida kootakse parempidi, siis ei veni serv välja. Edasi kootakse patentkoes. Kui sama müts kootakse soonikuna parem- ja pahempidistest, kokkutõmbamiseks jääb silmuseid liialt palju. Silmused kootakse maha lõdvalt kas pahempidisel real parempidiste keerdsilmustega või parempidisel real pahempidiste keerdsilmustega. Devia Paap 10a

Majandus → Majandus
6 allalaadimist

The advantages and disadvantages of an internet.

The third point is wide opportunity of communicating with other people. For instance you may use different programs such as skype or MSN Messenger. Nonetheless has the internet many disadvantages too. Namely has the computer network so many different distractions, such as games, chatting, music or movies that many people spend all their spare time sitting in front of computer. Chatting and communicating frequently through the internet may make us unsocial in real life moreover people often say things and act in the computer networks in the way they would never do in real life. In summary I would say that internet has both positive and negative sides, in my opinion it is just wonderful tool to communicate with people who are thousand kilometres away from you or find all the information you need in just 0,14 seconds. Nevertheless I also spend sometimes too much time on TV series or cartoons, which are too easy to find in the internet

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17 allalaadimist

How does virtual communication influence our behaviour and relationships

such take up extended amounts of their time. Also they can get themselves into trouble, because they think they are anonymous and because of that, they are doing things they should not do, for example being racist in the wrong place. Actually, there is no anonymity on the internet. Certain authorities can always find you. But the poor children don't know that and they can ruin their lives just by writing some wrong words in wrong order. We have many examples of this occurring in real life, for example the recent bomb threats in some schools of Tartu. The same children who communicate too much over the Internet also may forget how to communicate in real life, with real people. Overall, they are enjoying themselves, but with what price? I have experienced that on myself. On a summer few years ago I almost didn't leave my home for the whole summer at all. By home I mean my village and the only

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22 allalaadimist

Book report/review "The Snow Child"

The Snow Child English The Snow Child is a book by Eowyn Ivey. The author was inspired by the Russian fairytale Snegurotska while writing her debut novel. story takes place in Alaska 1920's and it talks about a couple, Jack and Mabel, who decide to make a snow girl out of snow. The next day the snow girl has become a real human being. Before Jack and Mable were living in Alaska they were living in Pennsylvania. They moved to Alaska to get away from the family, because they had lost their first child. It was hard for Mabel to recover there, because there were children around all the time. In Alaska they were living a very isolated life - no neighbours, no friends. In addition, at that time there did not exist such things as food shops, so they had to hunt all their food

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Power Destroys Ideals

wanted them to. He and some other pigs moved to the farmhouse although it was agreed from the beginning that no animal should go in there. Pigs also slept in the beds and did other things that they were not actually supposed to. Pigs were smarter than other animals, so they secretly changed the seven commandments and tricked the others so that they did not understand what was going on. Napoleon acted like a cruel dictator and changed the life on the farm into chaos. In the real world it is all the same. At first people who want power promise different things that they would do to make the life better and easier. They tell the others about how much effort they will put in their future work and tasks. Unfortunately many or even the most of those promises are never kept. As soon as a person or a political party gets the power they tend to forget their words. The life of the rulers automatically changes for the better when they get their high position and because of

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5 allalaadimist


GOTH SUBCULTURE Katrin Suviste 12.B TÕVL · Goths - a subculture, originated in the late 70s of the XX century in the UK based on punk movement. ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT (1979-1985) · The origin of the Gothic subculture dates back to the late 1970s. · ,,First wave" of gothic rock ­ Bauhaus, Southern Death Cult etc. · The most important for the gothic subculture can be considered 1982, marked by the opening of the famous club Batcave. SPLITTING AND MAINSTREAM POPULARITY (1985- 1995) · The second half of the 1980s was marked by the emergence of the "second wave" of gothic rock by the gradual departure of the representatives of the "first wave" into the shadows. · With the advent of the 1990s, the Gothic subculture was established as a "stage,,. CURRENT STATE · For modern goths, constant arguments, discussions and reflections on what "really" is "real Gothic" are an integral part ...

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1 allalaadimist

The strange hoby of graving

THE STRANGE HOBBY OF GRAVING Adrian Chen nimi EMÜ 2018 Introduction Research question: Is graving a real hobby and should it be socially acceptable? Tombstone tourism What is graving? Who are gravers? Why people do it? Find a Grave Social acceptance Tombstone tourism Tombstone tourists Photography, art, history of (famous) deaths Plan vacations around the cemeteries Tours to famous cemeteries Enthusiast can visit cemeteries on websites Rich cultural resource. What is graving? hobby of searching out specific graves hobby of photographing quantities of grave stones

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1 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of television

Free time is regulated by television. TV occupies our free time. Instead of going to the theatre or reading books people watch TV. People rush home, gulp food to be in time to watch their favourite programmes. Very often programmes are bad, as TV cannot keep pace with demand. People have stopped reading books and depend on TV pictures. Spoken words become more important that the written ones. TV cuts people from the real world. The virtual world becomes more important. TV is absolutely irrelevant to real living. No surprise that television is often called "chewing gum for men's brains." People become lazy, instead of doing sports they watch TV. Television takes free time of the people. Instead of joining a choir or playing football or reading books people watch various programmes. Dinnertime is often pressed by television if it is not in the kitchen

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66 allalaadimist

Filosoofia küsimused

2. Is philosophy a science? Why? What kind of science it is? Yes it is. It tries to understand the meaning of reality. It’s the science of truth. Science, as it exists today, happens within the framework of philosophy. Philosophy, however, is bigger than science. It is also a form of art and discipline…... 3. Name three characteristics of Classical philosophy? deeply rooted in religious traditions ; believes that inferior was created by superior ; more positive ; seeks the real truth ; about intelligence ; reaalsuse üle mõtisklus ; believes that god is truth 4. Name three characteristics of Modern philosophy. believes that superior was created by inferior (!) ; more negative ; about will ; power ; domain of reality ; believes that knowledge is truth ; man is god 5. What was the problem that the first philosophers tried to solve? The problem of motion. (Intemporality) They tried to explain nature. 6. What was the “arché”?

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4 allalaadimist

Pascali põhitõed

PASCAL 1. loeng. Looja - N. Wirth, nimi B. Pascali (1623-62) järgi. + Üldotstarbeline, hästi õpitav ja õpetatav, head stiili õpetav, kergesti loetavad programmid. Struktuurprogrammeerimise klassikaline keel. - Standardis puuduvad madaltaseme vahendid jms. -> suhteliselt aeglane programm, arvutist "viimast võtta" on raske/võimatu. Enamlevinud IBM PC-tüüpi arvuteil (Turbo Pascal, Object Pascal (Delphi) jm), kuid ka UNIX ja VAX süsteemides. SUN-i Pascal (meie töövahend) - üldiselt standard-Pascal. Märkus edasijõudnutele. moodulitehnika (UNIT) sellisel kujul ei tööta. andmetüübid - standardsed + string ja alpha. (string - 255 sümbolit, alpha - 10 sümbolit ) Üldised juhised: ·programm koosneb lausetest. Iga lause on soovitav kirjutada eraldi reale, rea lõpus vajutada -klahvi. ·Üldiselt iga lause lõpus semikoolon (;), esineb erandeid. ·Suur- ja väiketähed on erinevad märgid: 'A' ja 'a' on kaks ise asja. Programmilaused (võtmesõ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
30 allalaadimist

Interstate 60 film review

open-ended wish – to find the meaning of life. The answer lies with a strange blond girl Lynn Linden who provides the protagonist with clues and signs through billboard messages, the non- existent Interstate 60, and the destination of an unknown package to a mysterious town called Danver. The movie begins with two college students in a bar, talking about a thesis statement for an upcoming paper. One of them makes an argument that America is unique in that it has no real mythological character for granting wishes, such as a genie or leprechaun. The two men are soon joined in conversation by an old man at the bar claiming that America does, named O.W. Grant; the son of aleprechaun and a Cheyenne Indian . Neal checks a number of roadmaps, but there does not appear to be an Interstate 60. Taking a guess, he sets out West, only to encounter O.W. Grant along the roadside. Grant happily greets Neal, and hands him a bag containing a 'birthday present

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Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun