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"injury" - 99 õppematerjali

injury – bodily harm, damage Public opinion – sth that most of the ppl in a society think of sth Simple majority - sth is voted for or against by not more than half of the votes altogether Absolute majority - when more than half of the ppl (voting) is for or against sth To be guilty of a crime – to have done sth illegal

Mission 1 Unit 1 lk 6-7 sõnadega jutt

Mission 1 jutt pp6-7 18 words John needed to PREPARE for the COMPATITION on Friday. He had a lot of STRENGHT and he wanted to PROVE that he is the best. He was quite CONFIDENT he will have a VICTORY. Friday came and everybody was IN PUBLIC EYE. There was a lot of SUSPENSE. Then something bad happened, John fell and couldn't get up. Doctor said it is a serious INJURY because he hurt his TENDON. John was very sad, now he was IN THE SIDELINES and he didn't STEP UP IN HIS CAREER. When the competition CAME TO AN END, John saw that his basic COMPETITOR won it. It was DESTINY. John had to TAKE A BREAK now and maybe next SEASON he can COMPETE.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


ja kuulihaava põhjustatud vigastused (3%), muud juhtumid 7%. (Eelmäe jt 2010) Ellujääjate arv pärast traumaatilist seljaaju kahjustust on põhjustanud seljaaju kahjustuse sageduse suurenemist tänu meditsiini arengule viimase 20 aasta jooksul. Hinnanguliselt on see 280-st miljonist kasvanud 900 miljoni inimeseni. (Biering- Sorensen jt 2006; 541) 3. UURIMISTÖÖ TEOREETILISED LÄHTEKOHAD Vastavalt American National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center andmetele kõige sagedasem kahjustuse piirkond C5(14,8%), järgnevad C6(11%) ja C7(5,4%). Nendel 31% kõigist seljaaju kahjustustega isikutest on osaline või täielik sõrmede ja/või randme funktsiooni kadu. (King jt 2009: 19) Seljaaju kahjustused jagatakse täielikuks ja osaliseks (Field-Fote 2009:7). Seljaaju kahjustuse järel tekkinud tetrapleegia mõjutab oluliselt inimese igapäevastes tegevustes osalemist

Kategooriata → Õendus
179 allalaadimist

Peaajutrauma järgne haige afaasia ja hemipareesiga keha juhtival poolel

Kannatlikkus Lahenduste otsimine Kasutatud kirjandus Birkenfeldt, R. (2005). Tervise käsiraamat. Tallinn:Medicina. Luria. A.R. (1970). Traumatic Aphasia ­ it`s syndromes, psychology and treatment. The Hague: Mouton & Co. N.V Publishers. Kauba.T. (2009). Neuroloogia termineid optometristidele. Tallinn. Nursi.A. (2011) Magistritöö Afaasia sõeluuring insuldi ägedas faasis. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool. Barca.L. (2009). Modalityspecific naming impairment after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Brain Injury, October 2009; 23(11): 920­929. Brody.J.E. (1992) When Brain Damage Distrupts Speech. New York Times, June 10,Personal Health C13. Windsor.R.L. Common vision problems from stroke or traumatic brain injury. (19.01.2013) Kauba.T. (2011). Seletav sõnastik: Halvatused: hemiparees ja hemipleegia. (19.01.2013) Asser. A. Peatraumad

Meditsiin → Anatoomia
12 allalaadimist

Stretches and exercises in office

TMT0040 Ergonoomika Stretches and exercises in office Ruslan Karpovits 050829 IATM Breaks Why? We're not designed to stay in one position all day long. Taking regular breaks to stretch major muscle groups can help reduce injury, muscular tension and stiffness. When? At least once per hour, but more frequently if possible. If you are doing data entry, you should take a 5minute break for every 30 continuous data entry minutes spent on the computer. Benefits of stretching Stretching increases flexibility. Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie your shoes or hurrying to catch a bus

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
32 allalaadimist

Autoagressiivne käitumine noorukieas

enesevigastamisega, vaid ka suitsiidiga ja mentaalsete haigustega. Põhimõte on näidata inimestele, et kõik enda kehale semikooloni joonistanud inimesed oleksid mingi hetk võinud lõpetada enda loo, kuid valisid teise tee - elu. Semikooloni projekt on väga inspireeriv ning emotsionaalne, andes kannatajatele lootust paremateks aegadeks. (Project ... , 2016). Üle kümne aasta on olemas ka tahtliku enesevigastamise teadlikkuse tõstatamisele pühendatud päev nimega SIAD (Self Injury Awarness Day), mis toimub iga aasta esimesel märtsil. "Raising awareness about self-injury is incredibly important. Awareness leads to understanding and empathy, banishing judgment and fear, and reducing the number of people who feel alone and suffer in silence. Raising awareness is about educating people who do not self-injure, and reaching out to people who do." (Life ... , 2016). Tegemist on rahvusvahelise

Pedagoogika → Alternatiivpedagoogika
6 allalaadimist

Calvin Johnson Powerpoint Eng

Calvin Johnson Who is he ? Megatron September 29 1985 American Footballer Detroit Lions College Georgia Institute of Technology Chan Gailey Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets ACC Player of the Year, 2006 Detroit Lions Signed a contract in 2007 $64 Million First debut was a success 2012 8year extension worth $132 million 3rd best player of 2012 Suffers an injury References Thanks For listening NOPE

Sport → Jalgpall
2 allalaadimist

"Jõutõstmine" ettekanne

belong to the WPC. Bench press The bench press is a exercise in which, while lying on his back, the person performing the bench press lowers a weight to the level of the chest, then pushes it back up until the arm is straight and the elbows are locked. The exercise focuses on the development of the upper body muscles. Form There is a specific form to the bench press which reduces the chance of injury and maximally challenges the muscles of the chest. A barbell bench press starting position is to be lying on a bench, with the shoulder blades pinched together to avoid recruiting the anterior deltoid during the lift. Feet are kept flat on the ground or end of the bench, with the buttocks always in contact with the bench. The weight is gripped with hands equidistant from the center of the bar, with the elbows bent to 90° and the elbows beneath the wrists. Movement starts by lifting

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Sise- ja närvihaigused referaat

suur osa eelnevatest oskustest. 7. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Birkenfeldt, R. (2005). Tervise käsiraamat. Tallinn:Medicina. Luria. A.R. (1970). Traumatic Aphasia ­ it`s syndromes, psychology and treatment. The Hague: Mouton & Co. N.V Publishers. Kauba.T. (2009). Neuroloogia termineid optometristidele. Tallinn. Nursi.A. (2011) Magistritöö - Afaasia sõeluuring insuldi ägedas faasis. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool. Barca.L. (2009). Modality-specific naming impairment after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Brain Injury, October 2009; 23(11): 920­929. Brody.J.E. (1992) When Brain Damage Distrupts Speech. New York Times, June 10,Personal Health C13. Windsor.R.L. Common vision problems from stroke or traumatic brain injury. (19.01.2013) Kauba.T. (2011). Seletav sõnastik: Halvatused: hemiparees ja hemipleegia. (19.01.2013) Asser. A. Peatraumad

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
27 allalaadimist

Hamstringlihaste vigastuste järgne ravi

Kogenud füsioterapeut peaks tõenäolise probleemi ära tundma juba enne kui atleeti hakkab probleem funktsionaalselt piirama. Samuti tuleb vältida kõiki eelnimetatud riskifaktoreid. Vaatamata kõigele näitavad uuringud, et pärast sportlase naasmist sporti, jäävad tema tulemused kasisemaks, kui enne vigastust. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. G.M. Verrall, Y. Kalairajah, J.P. Slavotinek and A.J. Spriggins. Assessment of player performance following return to sport after hamstring muscle strain injury. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Volume 9, Issues 1-2, May 2006, Pages 87-90 2. Wayne Hoskins and Henry Pollard. The management of hamstring injury--Part 1: Issues in diagnosis.Manual Therapy. Volume 10, Issue 2, May 2005, Pages 96-107 3. Wayne Hoskins and Henry Pollard. Hamstring injury management--Part 2: Treatment. Manual Therapy. Volume 10, Issue 3, August 2005, Pages 180-190 4. 5. http://www.sportsinjurybulletin

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus ja sport
16 allalaadimist

Stretches and exercises in office

Even the busiest person can do it. Just five minutes of movement every hour or two can boost energy and improve your attitude. You'll find that getting your blood pumping and oxygen circulating will help you concentrate better and be more productive, calm, and efficient. Breaks can minimize strain, but they can not relieve stress or improve flexibility, for example. Most people should stretch prior to any strenuous activity. Routine activities like typing or using the phone can lead to injury over a period of time. So, stretching can: - increase your flexibility. Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie your shoes or hurrying to catch a bus become easier and less tiring. - improve range of motion of your joints. Good range of motion keeps you in better balance, which will help keep you mobile and less prone to injury from falls -- especially as you age. - improve circulation

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
20 allalaadimist

Basketball presentation

Co-operative Accurate Determined Basketball player needs to have good stamina Playing regulations Four quarters of 15 minutes. Half-time break is 15 minutes Teams exchange baskets for the second half. Points are scored by passing the ball through the basket from above. Advantages Not very expensive sport Can be played indoors and also outdoors For boys and girls Improves physical fitness and coordination Disadvantages Injures like knee injury, ankle sprain, finger fracture, wrist sprain Michael Jeffrey Jordan Was born on February 17, 1963 Is a retired American professional basketball player He is one of the greatest basketball players of all time Jordan joined the NBA's Chicago Bulls in 1984 References

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Pinched nerve

Pinched Nerve Introduction •31 pairs of spinal nerves •nerve consists of:  dorsal root – selgmine närvijuur dorsal root = afferent (toob signaali)  ventral root – kõhtmine närvijuur ventral root = efferent (viib signaali) Causes •Injury •Rheumatoid or wrist arthritis •Stress from repetitive work •Hobbies or sports activities •Obesity Symptoms •Numbness or decreased sensation •Sharp, aching or burning pain •Tingling, pins and needles sensations •Muscle weakness in the affected area •Frequent feeling that a foot or hand has "fallen asleep...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Cotardi sündroom

Cotardi sündroom on haigus, mille põdejad usuvad, et on kaotanud organeid, kehaosasid, verd, või ka äärmisel juhul, et nad on surnud. Statistilises uuringus saja erineva patsiendiga teavitasid 69% patsientidest, et neid ei ole olemas. Paradoksaalselt kinnitas 55% subjektidest, et nad on surematud. Sündroom tekib tavaliselt patsientidel, kellel eelnevalt on juba diagnoositud mingi teine häire, näiteks skisofreenia või bipolaarsus. Nagu ka Capgrasi sündroomi puhul kahtlustatakse, et haiguse põhjus peitub kahjustatud ühenduses aju nägusid tuvastava piirkonna ja emotsioone töötleva osa vahel. Haigust diagnoosides lähtutakse psühholoogilisest ülevaatusest. Arstid võivad ka teiste haiguste välistamiseks teha vereproove lisaks ka erinevaid uuringuid näiteks EEG, MRT või KT.

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
1 allalaadimist

Prefixes with definitions

1. co-pilot - a pilot who helps the main pilot on an aircraft 2. disable - to cause someone to have an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for them to do the things that other people do 3. repopluate - to provide a new population for an area in which the population has declined 4. recalculate - to calculate again, especially in order to eliminate errors or to incorporate additional factors or data 5. impossible - describes a situation that is extremely difficult to deal with or solve 6. international - describes a situation that is extremely difficult to deal with or solve 7

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele töö

Illnesses/health: (Suffer from) an earache ­Kõrvavalu take temperature-Temperatuuri võtma listen to chest-Kuulata rinnus weigh-kaal give injection-süsti andma scale--skaala syringe-süstal thermometer-termomeeter stethoscope-stetoskoop injury-vigastus pain (in my chest)-valu rinnus bruise-sinikas head ache-peavalu suffer from-kannatavad indigestion-seedehäired accident prone-õnnetusse sattuma feel depressed-masendus on account of-tõttu fond of-kiindunud muscle pain/muscular pain/cramp-lihasvalu,-kramp nose bleed-ninaverejooks travel sickness-merehaigus heart disease-südamehaigus splitting headache-äge peavalu sore throat-kurguvalu high temperature-kõrge temperatuur food poisoning-toidumürgitus physical vs psychological-füüsiline või psühholoogiline hormones-hormoonid anxious-murelik fatigue-väsimus ulcers-haavandid viral infections-viiruseinfektsioon circulate-ringlema digestive system-seedetrakt glucose-glükoos bloodstream-vereringe de...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Animal rights

abuse in any other way." ESPA  Estonian Society for the Protection of Animals  Started in 2010  Improve animals’ life in need of assistance  Protect animals who are being mistreated ANIMAL WELFARE  Well-being of animals  Standars vary between different contexts  Revised by animal welfare groups  Animals should not be regarded as property THE FIVE FREEDOMS  From thirst and hunger  From discomfort  From pain, injury and disease  To express most normal behaviour  From fear and distress PERSONAL OPINION  Emotional  Should not be mistreated  Not go vegan  Treated in a proper way VIDEO USED RESOURCES   rights_1.shtml  itse_Selts 

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Topic - Health

Some of them may fall into more than one category. Some diseases are contagious or infectious. Infectious diseases can be transmitted by any of a variety of mechanisms, including aerosols produced by coughs and sneezes, bybites of insects or other carriers of the disease, and from contaminated water or food. 5. First aid There are three main aims of first aid and they are: · preserve life · prevent further injury · promote recovery In addition, some may add a 4 th 'P' ­ protect yourself, although this is not an aim of providing first aid and some would consider that it is covered by 'Prevent further injury'. Much of first aid is common sense and people are almost certain to learn some elements as they go through their life. Such as knowing to put on a plaster to a cut on a finger). However, effective life saving first aid needs training by experts, especially where it relates

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Unit 2 words - While there's life, there's hope engagement – kihlus move house – majja kolima, kolimine 3.retirement – pensionile jäämine 4.graduation – lõpetamine 5.a wedding – pulm 6.scared – hirmunud 7.thrilled – põnevil 8.excited – erutunud 9.worried – murelik 10.disappointed – pettunud 11.irritated – ärritunud 12.a divorce – lahutus 13.personal – isiklik injury – vigastus 15.narrow – lähedal be absorbed in – süvenenud olema the field(s) of - mingil alal 18.anatomy – anatoomia 19.speech – kõne invent – leiutama invention – leiutis be involved in – kaasatud olema 23.several – mitu create – looma 25.a sign language – viipekeel 26.visible – nähtav 27

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Erilised püügiviisid

8.1 Introduction · Electrofishing - use of electricity to: ­ capture fish ­ guide fish ­ block the movement of fish Elektripüük öösel %20unit.jpg Fish in an Electrical Field · Behavior change or reactive movement · Trauma from ­ ­ Stress due to physiology Injury due to mechanical tissue damage Fish in an Electric Field (cont.) · Low AC - fish lines up perpendicular to flux line · · - + · · · High AC - muscle contraction and tetany Injuries to Fish · Hemorrhages or bruising of soft tissue · Fractures of vertebrae · · · NOTE: AC is more likely to injure fish than pulsed DC Pulsed DC is more likely to injure fish than continuous DC 8.3 Electrofishing system

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
8 allalaadimist

Carolina Kluft Biography

attempts but ended up recording the best jump of the competition with 6.68m. She was later awarded Waterford Crystal European Athlete of the Year Trophy 2003. That same year, Klüft also received the Svenska Dagbladet Gold Medal. She went on to win the heptathlon gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens with a score of 6,952 points. She took the lead after the high jump and extended her lead after every event from then on. With Eunice Barber absent through injury, Klüft won by an Olympic record margin of 517 points, ahead of Austra Skujyte. She also entered the long jump, qualifying for the final but finishing 11th. The day before the 2005 World Championships in Athletics in Helsinki, Klüft injured her foot. The injury affected her performance, particularly in the high jump which was a clearance of only 1.82m. Klüft fell well behind Eunice Barber but made a comeback with a personal best shot put of 15.02 m and then took the lead after the 200 m

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Seljaaju traumad

........................................................................................................................................7 Kasutatud kirjandus:.............................................................................................................10 2 Ülevaade Seljaaju kahjustuse (Laceratio medullae spinalis (ld.k), Spinal cord injury (ingl.k)) tagajärjel häirub liigutuste sooritamine ning tundlikkus kahjustusest allpool. Seljaaju kahjustust põhjustab kas otsene trauma (kuulivigastus, autoõnnetus) või teatud haigus (lastehalvatus, seljaaju song). Sageli on seljaaju traumade põhjuseks tundmatutes veekogudes sooritatud vettehüpped. Haiguse sagedus on ligikaudu 1-3:100 000 ning esineb sagedamini noortel meestel vanuses 16-30 a. Seljaaju ehitus Seljaaju paikneb selgroo kanalis, mille moodustavad selgroo lülid

Meditsiin → Sise- ja närvihaigused
5 allalaadimist

Martin Müürsepp

With AEK he won the 2000 Saporta Cup and the 2000 and 2001 Greek Basketball Cups. Müürsepp became the silver medalist of the season 2001­02 and the season 2003­04 in Russia with UNICS Kazan and the season 2002­03 with Ural Great Perm. He competed in the season 2003­04 in Uleb Cup with UNICS Kazan. He played with CSKA Moscow in 2004­05 before returning to UNICS Kazan. After playing for one season in Estonia, Müürsepp signed for the Melbourne Tigers on August 2007. Because of an injury, he left the team middle-season, returning to Estonia. In February 2008 he signed with BC Kalev/Cramo. He was a member of the team for almost a year, but played no official games. In March 2010 Müürsepp made his comeback with BC Rakvere Tarvas in Estonian Basketball League. He also used to be a key member of the Estonian national team. In 2005, he announced his retirement from active international competition. However, he agreed to return for the 2007 EuroBasket qualifying tournament.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Thiopental - naatriumitiopentaal

9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL With no other drugs, anesthetic state persists for 5-10 mins Redistribution away from central circulation towards muscle and fat tissue Concentration is low enough in the brain that consciousness returns Most commonly used in the induction phase of general anesthesia 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL Degree of injury is related to the concentration Hypotension Respiratory depression Tissue necrosis Laryngeal spasm Bronchospasm Allergic reaction Rarely, intra-arterial injection can occur Side effects may last up to 36 hours 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL Widely used for over 40 years Many different uses Works as sedative 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Munchaussen syndrome by proxy

Should the law address MSBP as just a partivcularly vicious form of child abuse or as a psychiatric disease that prevents the mother from exercising proper judgement... (thus forming) a mitigating factor in the defendant's cuplability. Mother's reason to do it: ...many having to do with the perpetrator's own early experiences of traumatic events and disturbed attachment systems. The child's body is, for the MSBP mother, an extension of her own, yet the links to her own psychic injury are not consciously accessible to her. <- see on ühe arsti arvamus. Levinud on ikkagi see tähelepanuvajadus. Ema võib eitada ka endale seda, et ta ise oma last vigastab, et siis see võimaldab tal paremini sellesse draamasse sisse elada. Early neglect, loss, osychological abandonment, loneliness, feelings of isolation and being ignored seem to be common elemnts in the backgrounds of MSBP parents.

Õigus → Õigusteaduskond
8 allalaadimist

Safety on the road

Unfortunately it includes school children as well. Is it really that hard to ensure safety in school areas? Why youngsters have to suffer because of lausy drivers? School children have been in great danger since there have been cars but it has grown throught time because of the big number of drivers. The more there are people, the more there are drivers, the more are cars and the biggers is the possibility of accidents. Road traffic crashes are one of the world's largest public health and injury prevention problems. The problem is all the more acute because the victims are overwhelmingly healthy prior to their crashes. According to the World Health Organization more than a million people are killed on the world's roads each year. There have been courses for drivers but it appears that only decent persons took apart. The thing that the goverment can do is to make sure that every school area gets as much

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


If the score is level at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time or a penalty shootout depending on the format of the competition. A number of players may be replaced by substitutes during the course of the game. The maximum number of substitutions permitted in most competitive international and domestic league games is three, though the permitted number may vary in other competitions or in friendly matches. Common reasons for a substitution include injury, tiredness, ineffectiveness, a tactical switch, or timewasting at the end of a finely poised game. A game is officiated by a referee, who has "full authority to enforce the Laws of the Game in connection with the match to which he has been appointed", and whose decisions are final. The referee is assisted by two assistant referees. In many high-level games there is also a fourth official who assists the referee and may replace another official.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


INSURANCE Insurance- is protection against possible ginance losses Insurance premiums- regular payments, that individuals, comp and org can make. Insurance policy- a contract with insurance company. The contract promises that the company will pay if you suffer loss on damage to property , or sickness or personal injury. Insurer- is a insurance company. You make a contract with. Insure against- to protect you from.. . *theft- someone stealing their goods or possessions(omamine, haldus) * damage from fire or other natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, earthquakes) Make a claim- if the property is stolen or damaged, the perso who is isured makes a claim- reguests compensation - from the insurer. Indemnify or compensate- hüvitus- to pay an amount of money equivalent to the loss. Equivalent- võrdväärne

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Essee In war, there are no unwounded soldiers

In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. ­ Jose Narosky If we see a soldier who has returned from the war with no visible injuries we think he got lucky. But in war there is always injuries, even if we can`t see them. This essay will touch upon soldiers who go through death of friends, companions and even enemies which will leave a big hole in their souls, also soldiers who have died in war and have left behind families and in some cases kids who have to grow up with one parent. Not to mention the wounded ones, who will suffer from the actions of the war for the rest of their lives. Firstly, soldiers who go through death of friends, companions and enemies have a big hole in their souls. Seeing death isn`t something you can just forget, it becomes a memory that he doesn`t want to remember. Some soldiers do not have strong nervous system and they can go crazy, s...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Autodes kasutatavad pneuma-ja hüdrosüsteemid

An airbag must inflate quickly in order to be fully inflated by the time the forward-traveling occupant reaches its outer surface. Typically, the decision to deploy an airbag in a frontal crash is made within 15 to 30 milliseconds after the onset of the crash, and both the driver and passenger airbags are fully inflated within approximately 60-80 milliseconds after the first moment of vehicle contact. If an airbag deploys too late or too slowly, the risk of occupant injury from contact with the inflating airbag may increase. Since more distance typically exists between the passenger and the instrument panel, the passenger airbag is larger and requires more gas to fill it. Front airbags normally do not protect the occupants during side, rear, or rollover accidents. [16] Since airbags deploy only once and deflate quickly after the initial impact, they will not be beneficial during a subsequent collision. Safety belts help reduce the risk of injury in many types of

Auto → Auto õpetus
139 allalaadimist

R. Kipling

* about ta painter who goes blind * Made into a film in 1916 and in 1940 * Richard (Dick) Heldar- main character, painter, loves Maisie, goes blind, paints Melancholia * Maisie- Dick's childhood playmate, has artistic ambitous, the idea of Melancholia * Gilbert Torpenhow- correspondent, Dick's friend, wants to spread Dick's reputation * Bessie Brook - a prostitute, model for Melancholia, hates Dick * Story takes place in London, in 19th century * Dick- war in Sudan , meets Torpenhow * War injury, returns to London , gaining popularity * Meets Maisie, falls in love with her * Maisie wants to become a painter, rejects Dick's love, has an idea for Melancholia * Maisie leaves London * Dicks starts to go blind * Torpenhow finds Bessie, a model for Melancholia * Dick treats her bad for better results * Finishes Melancholia before he turns completely blind * Bessie destroys the masterpiece * Dick becomes alone and miserable * Bessie returns and tells about destroyed work

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

School Bullying worksheet

through the elementary years, peaking in the middle school/junior high school years, and declining in the high school years. 9. Distinguishing factors determining the occurrence of bullying so NOT include school size, racial composition, school setting(rural, suburban, urban). 10. Characteristic traits of a bully : (12 features) they have a need to feel powerful and in control; they appear to derive satisfaction from inflicting injury and suffering on others; they seem to have little empathy for their victims; they often defend their actions by saying that their victims provoked them in some way; they often come from homes where physical punishment is used, where the children are taught to strike back physically as a way to handle problems, and where parental involvement and warmth are frequently lacking; they are generally defiant or

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

"Õigus" teemalised Inglise keelsed õigusterminid

a. – settle a little dispute 18. Leave (luba) - time allowed away from work for a holiday or illness a. To grant a leave – give sb the permission 19. Litigate (kohut käima, süüdistust nõudma) - to ask for a disagreement to be discussed in a court of law so that a judgment can be made that must be accepted by both sides in the argument 20. To award damages - to order one party in a dispute to compensate another party for a loss or injury. 21. Personal injury - physical injury inflicted to a person's body, as opposed to damage to property or reputation Classification of the court There are two different kind of courts:  The court of first instance – the court, where a case is first heard  The appellate court – the higher court, where to it is possible to appeal a case for reconsideration of the decision of the original court o Appeal to the higher court to reconsideration 1

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Unit 2 vocabulary cope with ­ toime tulema, hakkama saama abruptly ­ järsult, äkiliselt crash (into) ­ kokku põrkama, vastu absorbed in ­ hõivatud, süvenenud sõitma (avariis) achieve ­ saavutama, läbi raskuste criticise ­ kritiseerima teostama crooked (teeth) ­ puseriti hambad allow ­ lubama, võimaldama crowd ­ rahvamass, summ anatomy ­ anatoomia, kehaehitus curl ­ lokk, kihar announce ­ teadustama, kuulutama, damsel ­ preili välja kuulutama deaf ­ kurt announcement ­ teadaanne, kuulutus deafening ­ kõrvulukustav arched ­ kaarjas (... eyebrows ­ declare ­ kuulutama, deklareerima kaarjad kulmud) dedicate to ­ pühenduma avid ­ innukas, himuline depend on ­ sõltuma balance ­ tasakaalustama determin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Understanding Psychology

although the maximum length of retention is relatively short. The specific amount of information that can be held in short-term memory has been identified 7 ±2 items. Long-Term Memory: The Final Storehouse. Material that makes its way from short-term memory to long-term memory enters a storehouse of almost unlimited capacity. Evidence of the existence of long-term memory, as distinct from short-term memory, comes from a number of sources. Because short-term memory following the injury appears to be operative – new 2 material can be recalled, we can infer that there are two distinct types of memory – one for short-team and one for long-term storage. The Modules of Memory. Declarative memory is memory for factual information: names, faces, dates, and the like. Procedural memory (sometimes referred to as “nondeclative memory”) refers to memory for skills and habits such as riding a bike.

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
4 allalaadimist

„The Chocolate War“

Nauseated and weak, he manages to return to school. Obie hates Archie and hates what he does to people, but he is not strong enough to speak out against Archie. Perhaps he is afraid, and simply wants to avoid the fallout that would result if he defied Archie or voiced his opinions against him. Obie work after school is grocery stock clerk. Archie makes assignments that other students have to complete. These assignments vary, depending on the person, and intend to inflict as much psychological injury as possible. Jerry's friend known as The Goober gets an assignment from The Vigils. He sneaks into one of the classrooms at night and unscrews desks, chairs and hinges, leaving the screws in by just a thread. The next day when students come to class, everything collapses and falls apart. The Vigils is the secret organization at Trinity high school. Everybody actually knows about it, but they pretend not to. Obie is secretary of The Vigils. Obie is perhaps the only one

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Love Medicine vocabulary

to be on the wagon (194) - someone who is on the wagon has decided not to drink any alcohol for a period of time. Albertine talks about Gerry, who had been thirteen years on the wagon. He was drinking tonic water with crescent of soiled lemon and Maraschino cherries. mayhem (196) ­ Infliction of violent injury on a person or thing. Albertine says she had a false view of pregnant women. She had thought that pregnant women are wearing invisible halos, not committing mayhem. a suit of mail (199) - a kind of armor, made from interlocking metal rings. It's effective against some cutting weapons. Albertine describes Dot's knitted garments which stood up like miniature suits of mail. sallow (203) ­ Of an unhealthy yellowish color. Albertine describes Dot after pregnancy

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 18

Seeing how small and sickly he was, the caregivers started feeding him special baby food. Soon Tweety began to grow strong, and his motehr accepted him as her own. When winter arrived, however, Tweety became ill again - this time with pneumonia. Incredibly strong-willed, Tweety recovered quickly from pneumonia but just a few days later he was injured in a fight with another rabbit and had to go to the vet. With time the injury healed and Tweety enjoyed many happy days playing and relacing with friends. One day the caregivers found Tweety looking very sick again. They rushed him to the hospital where the vets said Tweety would need blood from another rabbit to survive. One of the brave bunnies, bernie, gave the blood that saved Tweety. Although Tweety could not have survived without Bernie´s blood, the vets still did not have much hope as he had too many internal problems

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Carl Lewis

stopping chronometers on 10"00, the best time at sea level of ever, and then wins 200 m (20"73) and long jump (8,25)! Then he becomes the national champion at Sacramento in 100 m (beating Sanford and Floyd) and long jump, where with the measure of 8,62 m sets the new the universitary record. Towards the end of the season at Zurich he still has the energies to jump 8,52 m against an opposite wind of 2,2 m/s. Then at Rome, after winning long jump he loses the 100 m thanks to an injury. This was a particular defeat for Carl as trainers told him he couldn't practice sprint and jumping at the same time. So he should have renounced to follow the footprints of Jesse Owens. Carl is stubborn and in 1982 improves in the long jump (8,76 m) and becomes more constant in 100 m. So in 1983 he was ready to do the general attempts for the Olympic games of the following year. In fact the first edition of the world championship was expected and he qualified for 100 m, 200 m and long jump

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


PULL ON = A. put on clothes; dress B. pull something sticking out A. He pulled on his boots and went to work. B. When he pulled on the loose thread his whole shirt sleeve came off. PULL OUT = A. bus or train leaving station B. move into traffic C. withdraw A. When the boat pulled out to sea, he realized he would never return. B. The car pulled out into the fast lane and nearly got hit. C. The contestant pulled out of the competition due to injury. PULL OVER = stop a vehicle by the side of the road We pulled over to check our tires as something was making a funny sound on the car. PULL THROUGH = recover from and illness We didn't know if he was going to pull through but in the end he did. PULL TOGETHER = work or compete as a team Let's pull together and get this job done. PULL UP = draw up and stop a car The car pulled up to the curb and stopped in front of the door. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER = gain control of your emotions

Keeled → Inglise keel - 9.klass
5 allalaadimist

Milking machine

American in 1875, used a slide valve at the bottom of each catheter to close off the opening. • Several U.S. patents were granted for milking tubes joined by flexible rubber tubing to direct the milk to pail. • The extensive tubing increased the problem of contamination already present with the use of catheters. • . • Catheter milking was blamed for various problems, such as spread of disease, weakened sphincter muscles causing continuous dribbling, and injury to the teats. • At this point, The American Agriculturist began to accept advertisements for milkers, although, very few were printed. Their expressed opinion was that the milkers were of little value, but, did no apparent harm to the cows. Variety • The great variety and number of early milking machines can be categorized into two groups, those that tried to emulate hand milking (mechanical pressure devices), and those that

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lapsepõlve mõjud isiksuse arengule

töökohtadel kaua vastu. Emotsionaalselt väärkoheldud lapsed kasvavad üles, arvates, et nad on mingis mõttes puudulikud. Jätkuv emotsionaalse väärkohtlemise tragöödia seisneb selles, et need lapsed saavad kunagi ise lapsevanemateks ning võivad jätkata seda mustrit oma laste peal. Kasutatud kirjandus 5 Middlebrooks, J. S., Audage, N. C. (2008). The Effects of Childhood Stress on Health Across the Lifespan. Atlanta: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Quevedo, G. M., ja K. (2007). The Neurobiology of Stress and Development.Advance 145-65. Annual Reviews Emotional abuse. American Humane Association abuse.html (17.10.2014) 6

Psühholoogia → Arengupsühholoogia
16 allalaadimist

How to Change a Tire

How to Change a Tire Sander Kitsing AL16 Find a flat, stable and safe place to change your tire. You should have a solid, level surface that will  restrict the car from rolling. If you are near a road, park as far from traffic as possible and turn on your  emergency flashers (hazard lights). Avoid soft ground and hills. Apply the parking brake and put car into "Park" position. If you have a standard transmission, put your  vehicle in first or reverse. Place a heavy object (e.g., rock, concrete, spare wheel, etc.) in front of the front and back tires. Take out the spare tire and the jack. Place the jack under the frame near the tire that you are going to  change. Ensure that the jack is in contact with the metal portion of your car's frame  Many cars have molded plastic ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Vigastused sulgpallis

pöörama. Jättes enne võistlust tegemata korraliku soojenduse, suurendatakse vigastada saamise võimalust mitu korda. (Cockram, A., Tolley, J. 2006) Kasutatud kirjandus · Yung PS, Chan RH, Wong FC, Cheuk PW, Fong DT. Epidemiology of injuries in Hong Kong elite badminton athletes. Res Sports Med, 2007; 15(2): 133-46. · Barbara Jones, Harry Jarvis, Badminton. Royal Navy, 2006. · Cockram, A., Tolley, J. (2006) Injury prevention for tennis and other racket sports. Brian Mackenzie's Successful Coaching, (ISSN 1745-7513/ 38/ December), p. 5-7 · Binkley, H.M. (2006) Scapula Stabilisation Rehab Exercise Prescription. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 28, p. 62-65. · Muttalib, A., Zaidi, M., Khoo, C. 2009. A Survey on Common Injuries in Recreational Badminton Players. Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal. 2009 Vol 3 No 2 · Lasn, S., Tõnnus, A., Tarto, J. (2011)

Sport → Sport
3 allalaadimist

How the right of privacy was viewed in the 1890s and 2010s.

resource of the idle but jornalism can make gossip an industry. Its in peoples nature to satisfy ther curiosity with gossip about other people sexual relations in the news columns of the daily papers. Journalists are hired to present stories that news consumers want, and if they don't, their business may collapse. This has caused the necessity to protect men and women from the invasion to his or her privacy that can harm subject mentally and give distress, far greater than bodily injury. The solitude and privacy is more and more essential to the individual. They look into several case law about breach of trust, confidence and an implied contract. For example in the famous case of Prince Albert v. Strange, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert made sketches as a hobby and showed them to friends and gave them as presents. Strange had accsess to some of the sketches and used them for own porposes. The court held that this action is prohibited and invasion to privacy. Case of Yovatt v

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist


Harvey is intelligent and well read, yet he cannot escape his demons of excessive drinking and gambling. Like many of Jake's friends, he is prone to petty cruelty toward Cohn. Jake Barnes The key events in the formation of Jake's character occur long before the novel's action begins. As a soldier in World War I, Jake is wounded. Although he does not say so directly, there are numerous moments in the novel when he implies that, as a result of his injury, he has lost the ability to have sex. Jake's narration is characterized by subtlety and implication. He prefers to hint at things rather than state them outright, especially when they concern the war or his injury. Early in the novel, for example one must read the text very closely to grasp the true nature of Jake's wound; it is only later, when Jake goes fishing with Bill, that he speaks more openly about his impotence. Jake's physical malady has profound psychological consequences

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist

Drugs and addiction

Addictions summary 2011 Table of contents 1. Addictions 3 Drug addiction 3 Behavioural addiction 3 2. Drug addictions 3 Smoking 3 Drinking alcohol 4 Doing drugs 4 3. Behavioral addictions 4 Playing video games 4 Use of the internet 5 Cutting 5 4. Interesting facts ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Lewis Carroll

Yorkshire, and the whole family moved to the spacious Rectory. This remained their home for the next twentyfive years. Health & Appearance The young adult Charles Dodgson was about six feet tall, slender, and had curling brown hair and blue or grey eyes (depending on the account). He was described in later life as somewhat asymmetrical, and as carrying himself rather stiffly and awkwardly, though this may be on account of a knee injury sustained in middle age. As a very young child, he suffered a fever that left him deaf in one ear. At the age of seventeen, he suffered a severe attack of whooping cough, which was probably responsible for his chronically weak chest in later life. Another defect he carried into adulthood was what he referred to as his "hesitation", a stammer he acquired in early childhood and which plagued him throughout his life.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Raputatud lapse sündroom

Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Lapsehoidja õppekava Kärt Laine RAPUTATUD LAPSE SÜNDROOM Referaat Tartu 2014 SISSEJUHATUS........................................................................................................................ 3 1.NUTT NING SELLE PÕHJUSED..........................................................................................4 2.RAPUTATUD LAPSE SÜNDROOM.................................................................................... 5 3.RAPUTAMISE TAGAJÄRJED..............................................................................................6 4.DIAGNOOSIMINE................................................................................................................. 7 KOKKUVÕTE..............................................................................................................

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
8 allalaadimist

Topic - Libraries

The original shooting was staged, leaving a bullet stuck in the leg of a table. As soon as Simon was left alone, he picked up the pistol, ran to Linnet's cabin and shot her adding the letter ,J' on the wall. He returned, shot himself in the leg using the handkerchief to muffle the second shot and incapable of moving, threw the pistol out the window in order to get rid of it and just in time to be discovered by Dr. Bessner with a real injury. Jacqueline was forced to commit the second and third murders in an attempt to cover up their tracks. When Simon informed Jacqueline that Louise is blackmailing him, she killed her with one of Dr. Bessner's surgical knives, thus, framing the doctor. Then it is revealed that Simon had married Linnet in order to inherit her money. Jacqueline planned the murder, as she knew if Simon did it

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Inglise Keelsed Aforismid / mõtteterad

* Every girl deserves to feel good about herself, and see how beautiful she really is.. * Every morning he tells me I'm gorgeous. I am actually starting to believe him... * Everyone's going to hurt you sooner or later, you just have to decide who's worth going through the pain. * A best friend is the one who can look at you with the biggest smile on your face and still know some things wrong.. * Girls have unique magic tricks, they get wet without water, bleed without injury, and make boneless things hard. * Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak;sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go ! * I know I'm not easy to love, but could you try anyway ? * If you can't get someone out of your head, then maybe they are supposed to be there. * You wanted perfect , you got your perfect . Now I'm too perfect for someone like you.. * You shouldn't have to sacrifice who you are just because somebody else has a problem with it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun